I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
A beautiful experience towards the
[intended ]
Closure of Healing-K.i.s.s. in July 2003
2003_07_03 , one hour before I closed Healing-K.i.s.s., or so I thought...- Last Update: 2008_08_04
This morning Itamar
(5 y) came and showed an amazing art-work:
a "peace-flag".
Here is the background to this image:
Yesterday, as usual on Wednesday, the
quartet were having their cherished 4 o'clock meal on
my veranda.
Itamar played with the shapes of little "Beigels",
intended as snack.
"Look, a Star-of-David!"
I expressed my admiration, and when he eat it, someone joked: "Now you've eaten the State of
Israel!" Yael
, his sister (7y), demanded exactness: "No, not the State of Israel, only
the symbol of the State of Israel."
Someone added: "But Grandma doesn't like flags
She likes only the "flag of love" , Arnon
made for her birthday."
I was kneeling at my computer, as now,
doing my last HeArt-Work on Healing-K.i.s.s.,
when Itamar, who had stayed over night with Yael, asked: "Do you have a little stick and
I wondered, for so far he couldn't handle things like celotape.
I taught him how to use it, not inquiring about his purpose.
After a long while came the surprise: "See the 'Flag of Peace'!
Can you show me, how to write 'degel ha-shalom'?"
Yael volunteered to write the Hebrew words on a piece of paper.
He copied them, strangely dispersing the letters.
I searched for a place to exhibit the creation.
He protested: "I don't want it to be hung on
a wall,
I want it to be waved!"
30 years ago, his late grandfather, my
ex-husband, Rafael Rosenzweig, had come up with a profound understanding: "Fighting the enemy is a step towards
finding the way to peace.
For in order to fight the enemy, one has to study and know the enemy.
And getting to know the enemy is the way to dissolve the fear and
prejudices which are behind the enmity."
I thought of this,
when yesterday I saw a
photo of the two Prime Ministers smiling at each other.
and when - tonight - I caught a moment of an interview:
a Palestinian minister talked to Israel's official TV channel.
This was unthinkable in all those 40 years of my work.
The Palestinian minister spoke Arabic and the Israeli interviewer
spoke Hebrew.
There was no translation between them -
each one understood the other's language,
and yet each one talked in his own.
And this while the killing has not yet stopped!
Tears well up in my eyes~~~
While walking to the pool
, as I do twice daily,
I lately kept listening to the recording of one of the one hundred
organized for us by our partner Jonathan Jacobi during our Partnership
Tour in the USA in 1980.
Rushdi Fadilah always started in Arabic with his poem about "the two nations are destined for
leadership among humankind, but they are blind",
Since I'm dependent on other people and other nations,
responsibility for myself, "parentalness",
taking responsibility, being "parental",
also for my dependencies .
Which now - after all this intense process of 2 years and especially
of the last 3 weeks means for me:
Since I am totally committed
to heal myself into wholeness,
I am healing into wholeness
all of Creation.
dir alles geschehn, Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.
Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu
jedem ehe er in macht" Learn
the song
everything happen to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.
Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks to
each one before he makes him" Learn
the song
This definition of "God"
implies, that everyone is called to Greatness
& Grandeur, without anyone being greater than another.
am seventy years old,
a woman who – beyond this life - may have written
a script for her life's drama,
which may be relevant for many people on Earth today,
not only for Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs, in short: Israel
& Ismael.
Their ongoing pathetic, tragic fighting each other "till death
will us join",
exemplifies the pathetic, tragic overall human attitude of self-victimization,
which infects all battling on Earth, be it personal or national, up
to this day. "I want peace, but since you fight me, I have no
choice, poor me, but fight you back".
Or on the level of "fighters for peace": "I want to do serious work, but you with your bla-bla-bla
don't let me, so I go home."
I sculpted this, I was unaware of "Time
of Fruition",
sculpted in 2003...]
It took me 15 years
-since 1959- of so-called "Peace-Work",
till I understood, why it is counterproductive. Then
- from 1974 onward - I have applied my
that being the master of my destiny ['ribbonit',
in Hebrew] includes the recognition of
my dependencies:
If I cannot get out of a damaging dependency,
(in Hebrew : "ribbonut"
) demands,
that I transform this damaging dependency into a beneficial dependency,
Since any beneficial dependency - like in a business partnership -
is based on 3 conditions,
must, if
I believe in "Self-Determination",
continuously work on creating these 3 conditions.
In 1980 - during a "Partnership-Journey"
with Rushdi Fadila through the USA
- I grasped,
that the flags of all the planets' nations declare the belief in self-determination
but not a single politician,
leave alone a simple citizen, has - so far- been capable of acting
"What is it that prevents humans
from acting as
Masters of their Destiny?"
The next question then was: How can I become whole,
so as to be able to act as Master of My Destiny?
Though a crucial condition was "CEASING
to MANIFEST" , i.e. "no
longer planning a future
or believing what your imprints and conditioning have been telling
you about what you m u s t d o!"
and though I have been training on becoming whole - with "Christa-Rachel's
discipline & consistency",
it was too difficult for me to let go of my obsession of doing superhuman
work on the EXTERIOR level.
The "vocation", that I must "save humankind",
made me neglect what was not "saved"
in myself.
I saw myself launching another "project" -in goal and path
much more radical than "Partnership".
Previously I had still lived "at home" and dedicated much
energy to my marriage and motherhood.
Now since 1985, I lived in a
mobile bus or in a self-developed
pyramidal tent in the desert, all alone.
MY VISION about a Hosting-Economy based on the desert resources of
SPS =Space, Purity,Silence,
had as its scope not only "Peace
between Israel & Ismael", but "Peace between Adam &
On the exterior level there was one 'success': Succah
in the Desert, the first of two
scientific models.
Since 1995 all steps & stages, projects & processes, Sinai,
Sea, Dead
Sea, Zealots
Valley, 'failed'.
But it was only in January 2006, that an irreversible physical handicap
made me "cease
to manifest".
It was time for "Nebo-Let-Go",
following Moses who died on Mount Nebo and never entered the land.
And then?
Did I stop creating? Did I stop being pressured
by too many ideas and by the obsession to complete?
During all the intense 700 days of creating "Integration
2007" and "K.i.s.s.-Log
2008" I was aware,
that I was still "manifesting" on an EXTERIOR, though
virtual level , in "cyberspace" as it's called.
I came close to creating
one Condition-of-Heaven-on-Earth - for myself as a hologram of humankind,
which is: feeling g r a t e - f u l l , z
e s t - f u l l , f u l l - f i l l e d
in every breath & moment.
But for accomplishing this I was/am still dependent on technical means,
provided by an unwhole world.
And worse: I am not really free from the FEAR of emptiness, boredom,
dissatisfaction and depression.
I do not deny
this fear,
on the contrary - I accept it whole-heartedly and vibrate
it with all my Body.
This has been the way of "evolving
the feeling", and one culmination point has
been reached NOW.
On December 26, 2008 – at the hour when
Victim Israel "saw no choice" but launching another war
I came to detect, that both my websites – the work of seven
years x 365 days - were utterly ruined.
On Christmas Eve a hacker in Russia had invaded Healing-K.is.s. and
and wrecked havoc.
He/she had also inserted a device, which would automatically re-destroy
whatever would be re-built. Since
I create my own reality and
am never a victim,
I had to understand, for what purpose I attracted such evil
into my drama.
The insight followed soon: "Y o u a
r e t o m a k e a n o t h e r
e k h - L e k h â ",
a metaphor from the biblical story about Abraham: "Go-to-yourself from
your country, your father's house, your family"… for only then "will
be blessed in you all the families of the earth"
[Gen. 12:1-3]
To know, when some cosy convenient security has to be left behind,
is one of the Bible's great teachings. [See
for example my
song about my dream!]
I have done my "Going-out" and "Going-to-yourself"
time and again in my life.
But this time it has to be applied not on any physical level or with
concern to an exterior vision,
but with concern to my greatest accomplishment in my 72 years of living,
learning, suffering, loving:
the capacity to feel zest-full
& full-filled, passionate & satisfied, enthusiastic &
----- by creating ever new pages and sculptures in cyberspace.
From a communication with Deity
"Your healing-learning-creating work via Computer and Internet
is finished in general.
On the last day of the year 2008 you shall create your last
new page on Healing-kiss.
From the beginning of 2009 you are no longer to sculpt verbally
[except for captions to pictures],
nor invest so much energy in complex compositions of sculptures
with images & sounds,
nor waste time in upgrading your multi-media skills for creating
on "Healing-K.i.s.s." .
In short:
you are no longer to put yourself in situations, which tend
to make you feel pressured
by your obsession to be systematical and consistent,
or by your addiction to bring a creation "to completion".
If – in any free time – you want to insert pictures
[like in "Integration
2007" and in "K.is.s.-Log
which intensify your ongoing experiences ["fine-tuning"!],
or quotes from other people or sources, which enrich you ["nourishment"],
or documents, which help you "drive backward into the future"
you may find an existing page as an associated or accidental
context for such inserts!"
In fact, the signs
that it was time for this new Lekh-Lekhâ
had appeared already before:
In November 2008, my camera not only fell , but literally flew to
the floor and seemed to be smashed. "Please, when
you fly to Hongkong",I
said to my pilot-son, "buy
me the same kind of camera!"
"Why so fast? aren't you a bit too addicted!"
"I am addicted to photographing, as a painter is addicted
to brush, colors and paper.
photographing helps me to live an experience 4 times more than just
going through it!"
A strange thing happened: After my son had been to the shop in Hongkong
and bought a new camera,
he came to his room in the hotel and felt like trying the smashed
one once more: And lo ~~ it worked!
Have I now 'wasted'
what little money is left from my "National
Insurance" after paying my rent? This "scene in my drama"
gives me another grand opportunity to practice,
how to limit myself and N O T to take advantage of
whatever is available.
just like I've learnt with concern to books, then TV and so many other
sources for knowledge and skills,
as well as with concern to - people to interact with,
countries to visit, music to play, theater to act,
and even with concern to "HELP" that is "demanded"
and which, in giving it, would give me satisfaction.
No !!! I won't learn to edit videos, as intended!
I won't learn all the possibilities on my two cameras!
I won't learn how to make song-canons -for
lack of singing peers - with the help
of my sound-software! [despite the relevance of the only canon
- to a verse in Isaiah - which I edited in this way:
"Another kind of Heroism"]
I shall - as an example (!!!!) of limiting myself
- be content with knowing what I've learnt in these 7 years:
how to record my own singing or edit downloads from CDs and turn both
into soundbuttons for Healing-k.is.s. [Febr.17, 2009: a 3SAT doc about Dubai
ended with the sentence:"the
Babylonian intoxication
is f i n i s h e d !" which
recalls Isaiah 30: 25
I have to strengthen those people, who have come to understand, that
"more, better, higher" is against Nature!]
A quote by Lao
Tse, which was given to me on Nov. 11, 1982,
by my best friend Yanina. "The great of
How softly do they live
The lesser ones it is are praised,
Still lesser, feared;
But these,
One hardly knows that they are there,
So gently do they go about their task,
So q u i e t l y achieve!
When they have passed,
Their life's work is done,
The people look and say:
It happened of itself ...!" The
Bible expresses the same truth twice:
Not by fire, storms or earth-quakes
will you save the World,
but by listening to the "Voice of fine
Silence" within you
and by heart-connecting to your 7000 Peers around you! See
in "Integration"
servant will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." Seemy
21, 2011
My waking-up-wandering became focused
on what I later read in "Abraham's"
e-mail today "Your
happiness is the most significant contribution that you could make.
In your reaching for happiness,
you are opening a vortex
which makes you an avenue
for the Well-being to flow through you.
And anything that is your object of attention [even by just thinking of others, e.g.
of one of my 16 actors], benefits
by the infusion of your Well-being. "
why am I called to a newLekh-Lekhâ
January 9, 2009; It seems, that Immanuel,
my son,
who taught me all the skills of creating and maintaining a website,
has found a solution
for the re-appearance of my seven years' library in cyberspace.
On a metaphysical level this might be proof for my fast process:
that I am indeed making my lekh-lekhâ,
my going-out from a convenient-cosy secure life-style,
going-to-myself, further, deeper-higher,
and now not only in healing myself into wholeness,
for I've come a long, long, long way in this,
but in using my ardent desire and brilliant consciousness,
urged & supported by my en-thu-siastic partner, my Body,
to accomplish another Copernican revolution,
another Darwin discovery about "evolution",
and live and exemplify and demonstrate,
what "all flesh is yearning for"
[somewhere in the New Testament]:
the conditions for personal, individual "Heaven-on-Earth":
feeling grate-full
feeling zest-full
feeling full-filled.
It is no longer vital for me,
if Healing-k.is.s.
and Ararat-HeART
exist in cyberspace
or only on my local computer/mobile drive
or even only in my memory. "To have as if I had not, not to have
as if I had", was a helpful slogan in my youth.
And I can now focus on my real task,
which I began at the age of sixteen
by encouraging, empowering people to leave an un-full-filling job [like Rosemarie Schuerholz, also 16 , who
felt frustrated in her job as a dental assistant:
"What do you want to be?" [Many
people were triggered later by this question of mine..]
"a midwife in developing countries!"
she dared to admit and - went to England to learn..] and which in a night of "enlightenment"
at the age of 27
was pointed out as my life's assignment:
to help people to choose the work which would full-fill them,
& to thus give the world people who can do what is needed.
Quoted for example in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_01_16 "If human beings learn
to do the work which makes them feel full-filled,
the tasks of the world will find the people which will accomplish
I decided, that after the completion of my Ph.D.
I would make this assignment my life's vocation.
I began with it one day after I had delivered my thesis, in 1972.
But in 1974 shocking political events pushed me to postpone it: "First I must dedicate my life to helping Israel to finally
I am the representative of the German perpetrators, am I not?"
Now I have come full circle!
And that assignment of "satisfaction in work" has vastly
How can we feel g r a t e- f u l l ~~ z e s t- f u l l ~~ fu
l l- f i l l ed As AN ONGOING
How can we all feel
good about ourselves & our accomplishments ?
I am so tired, I don't know how to talk to you on paper by hand
"Be grate-full, that you still have
paper and pen...
It is important that you take time to constantly listen inside
what your new game or strategy should be
in order to reach your goal,
which is feeling grate-full, zest-full and full-filled all the time,
feelings which are the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth in You,
after (?) you will have embraced all of yourself!"
Couldn't it be,
that I find it so difficult and strenuous to feel zest-full and full-filled
because I am not yet whole?
"In order to find the answer, you have to widen your scope.
You are so focused on your present path - to heal, to learn, to create
that you have not even asked the question,
if there might be additional ways to cause you feeling zest-full &
This means that there are parts in you, which are - not denied,
but never awakened!
"It has been clear to you for a long time,
that if you cannot imagine the feeling of zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment
in a situation-without-stimulation,
then you are not really "ribbonit"),
not really the master of your life.
You are still dependent on exterior conditions.
Simply feeling, simply breathing, simply thinking-imagining-remembering,
are not causing you to feel zest-full and full-filled."
This is exactly the feeling-thought
which haunts me
in January 2010:
"that there are parts in me, which are - not denied,
but never awakened!"
Now I have matured into drawing zest and full-fill-ment
from the very desire to feel!
now the very ability to feel fills me! 2013
It's the a w a r e n e s s of
what I feel, which full-fills!
"Sama'a" at Bet-Nehemya,
which means "the house of God who is comforting"
"Suddenly, this morning,
the term "ZEST" came to my mind,
it is better than "excitement"
with its ambiguous meanings.
And since the word can be expanded into "zestfulness",
I have both in one word:
- excitement and full-fill-ment -
"Zest-full-ness" then is
an ongoing movement of the heart,
of course, a movement!
in waves ! in vibrations!
Excitement and full-fill-ment
are flowing as one.
Another exact term would be:
since it means "Being in God",
and "zest-full-ness" can be
the vibration of my heart,
only if "I AM (in) GOD"
with every breathing in and out.
..... [In Hebrew]'khesheq' or 'cheshek'
is indeed the utter opposite
of dullness and boredom, of "akedia",
but how is it achieved as
"an ongoing vibration
of the heart-in-God"?
just like breathing in and breathing out is ongoing?
There is so much to be investigated. For instance Sefer
a book that deals with Prophetic Kabbalah
written by Rabbi Abulafia in 1279.
The first step to feeling zest-full & full-filled
is to feel grate-full - all the time,
which is Masaru
Emoto's water-message,
and Stacey Robyn's
GoGratitude campaign and of the blessing of Jews over everything,
from waking up & peeing till falling asleep.
On 2009_01_11 there was a small event, which may perhaps
help me to define my assignment - by contrast!
"Peace is Boring! So why should we strive for Peace?"
On February 3, 2009, I transferred this "sculpture" to
the page "liberation',
a 'discussion with God'
since - if featuring on this page - it would
be loaded with an importance which would not be balanced with my "2009
focus : exploring & exemplifying
how each-one can discover and live
the Condition for 'Heaven-on-Earth' which I define
'Feeling Grate-full, Feeling Zest-full, Feeling Full-filled'
as ongoing vibration of "HEART" breathing in "BODY"!
PEACE for GAZA , for
- a naive, sentimental, but touching song...
"Ein bisschen Frieden", "A
Little Peace", the German song which won the Eurovision Song Test
in 1982. See
Song-Game 2007 This is my recording of my singing
and my son Immanuel's playing during a Shabbat togetherness in 1982.
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then
get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
I desire to full-fill the song of the
"Camel's Tears" - the ultimate message for Bat-Adam.
I am deeply grate-full for how this movie reached me in an unusual way
already 2 years ago,
and how I now was led to watch it on TV and to record the tune,
& how the lyrics to this tune became sculpted carefully, word by
word. during the last 3 days.
of October 17, 2008 and of every day
the recording of the original song at the end of the page of
English lyrics
adapted to the Mongol song, recorded by my cellphone
at the end of "The
Camel's Tears"
Since even after perhaps 100 rehearsals I'm unable to directly
the jump between "le-rappê"
and "ha-bri'aah kulah",
I now accept this difficulty as symbolic for the realization
of this task:
"to heal ~~~ the Creation all-of-it"!
the second time "le-rappê~~~ha-bri'aah
kulah" becomes clearer,
but the third time -only "ha-bri'ah
kulah" - 'kulah' is
a bit out of tune!
elohim at !
alaikh le-rappê
ha-bri'aah kulah !
Love! [Heal!]
all the right
that you have denied!
Love yourself!
then you'll love
everybody else.
Greed to create
Cain's need la-tet
turned into a "GATE":
blessings will be great!
God are you!
It's up to you to heal
the Creation all-of-it!
all the right
that you have denied!
Love yourself!
then you'll love
everybody else.
Greed to create ~
Cain's need to give ~
turned into a "GATE":
blessings will be great!
On the background of this broken & glued
earthy saucer, made in Lima/Chile, found
by Tomer in Israel's desert -near my
only successful creation,
- at a crucial point of my life - 7 weeks before the year 2000,
I'll engrave the teachings which coalesced into the Camel's Tears'
The one realistic, not mythical, story about humans in the Bible
- between Creation, Paradise, Choosing Choice, and the Great Flood
tells about Cain
= the created-one - and Hevel -"a waft of air, a nothing":
Cain didn't kill his brother because he wanted to get money, land,
Cain wanted to give from what he had created -butno one received it.
Also: If Hevel would have loved himself and been the master of his
life, he
would not have become the victim of his brother, but a true brother!
In the
latest interview with Deity, the channeling of 10 years is epitomized
in~ "Youcanbe
responsibleonlywhen you decidetotakeresponsibility.
And you can
heal only what you take responsibility to
Otherwise, the healing of these ancient imprints is left to someone
"....Your wholeness and your healing are yours
for the having,
and you can have them when you take full and loving responsibility
for all of the evil and perpetration in Creation~~~
as well as for all of the goodness and beauty. ...
"You have all of the parts
of Deity within you,
and if you choose,
you may identify as any of these parts,
or as all of Deity combined~~~
the whole Universe and its Creators.
Of course you must first leave behind
the erroneous old beliefs from your conditioning
and the disempowering self-hatred they have engendered. "
Recently, while searching for a quote on Gratitude,
I came across a site titled '43 Things'
- a collection of all the wishes, dreams and all other things
people want to do in this life
You might be surprised to find which wish tops the list.
It is simply this:
To make a difference.
Indeed, to touch a life so deeply, so purely,
that you feel a change, a shift, a difference.
What is the secret to making this dream a reality
- to truly make a difference?
I believe it is this: Begin Within.
That's right. Within is where it all begins.
Imagine -
by being grateful for YOU
a quick shift takes place,
a change is noted and voila!
You've made a difference!
An entire world is now immersed in Love and Gratitude
- your world, of course.
A much larger shift is happening right now
- a shift in human consciousness,
accelerating our ability to make change in the world
- to make a difference.
Now ...
Imagine co-creating from a (k)new
one that's clear, heart-centered,
and in harmony with our world family.
Imagine being connected with others
disciplined in using Gratitude
Thank you to all for joining with us as we create a world
wide wave of Gratitude.
Thank you for playing your part in changing our world ...
first by believing it possible,
then intentionally experimenting
with the Master Key of Gratitude,
and NOW gathering to co-create World Gratitude. ..."
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then
get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may 7:05 I desire that my mind's & spirit's wisdom
and my Will's & Body's strength will be guided by YOU
to help me "complete" and then close K.is.s.-Log
I desire to become ready & whole enough - to
cease manifesting-creating-sculpting new pages
on Healing-K.i.s.s. or ARARAT-HeART
(except for captions of images which I'll insert in old
I desire my 26 actors & All Israel & the Whole World ~ to be
blessed by my additional formidable "Lekh-Lekhâ
- Go-to-Yourself" 23:59
The flag andits shadow
in the light
on the wall
reflected bythe waterof my
23 hours after the beginning of the present war
Song of the last Day of K.i.s.s.-Log
for Nation and World
Citrus, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
- these are Israel'
Knowing and doing exist or don't
- these are Israel!
They shall make one union,
They will atone for each other,
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World! Without leaves-
there won't be grapes!
Myrtle, Date, Willow and Citrus-
these are Israel!
Knowing and Doing aren't there or are-
these are Israel!
Date, Willow, Citrus and Myrtle
Willow, Citrus, Myrtle and Date
New lyrics
to a Chassidic tune
of the horrid Chanuka song 'Maoz
based on
the biblical metaphor
of "The
Four Species",
each is unique ,
but none is preferable.
Only by coalescing
into one union
can they exist and live.
The metaphor
which is an aspect
of the Succot Festival
and therefore familiar to all,
came to light recently
in a
Big Brother assignment
and helped me to interpret,
what was really happening
in that chosen 107 day prison.
a dialog with "God" 1997/98
Hello Father. It is your son.
You know my condition, and my state of mind,
you know all about me.
I need clear and precise instructions
as to what it is you want me to do in my life's condition.
... I need to know what is your plan for me.
... Give me confirmation as you have done in the past.
Reveal my path.
Close all the doors that are not of you.
Open the door that you would have me walk through.
... I await your response. Your son
plea for relief is an example of the problems and pain
that come with a free will Creation.
There is heartache here for both of us.
I know you are tired, and I know the cruelty of uncertainty
And if I give you clear and concise instructions, will you follow
And if you do follow them, who will you credit when they work?
Wouldn't you rather be the one who finds what's right for you,
even though the journey may be a little longer?
Are you asking me, from here on the outside,
to help you be the pleasing son
who wants only to follow his parent's directions?
have more in mind for you than that. My
plan for you is that you become whole,
that you be Who
You Truly Are,
and that you do it your way...
you're greater than you've allowed yourself to believe.
Your journey is your own evolution.
... it takes imagination, courage and trust in yourself.
not that I can decide,
'Here's my son,
I'll sprinkle the dust of my divine wisdom on him,
and set him on the path home.
He will never again need to make a mistake,
think for himself or know what he himself desires.
Because I've given him the way,
he'll be with me soon, my own divine son,
bouncing on my knee for all eternity.'
If you were to accept my direction in outer communication
through a channeler, teacher or other intermediary,
you would have no will of your own, no individuality. And that is not my plan for you.
"The path you seek, the right path for you, is no path
at all.
You will make a new path that is uniquely your own,
as you wander through the desert of uncertainty.
But I'm not worried, you're really quite near.
And you'll get here soon enough,
and it will be because you found the way yourself.
are now beginning the next leg of your journey,
and I will help you find the relief you want.
You will know the right direction for your life
as you more clearly experience my
voice and presence inside of you.
And soon we'll walk together through the door
you are now opening with your intention.
We are much closer than you've thought."
What helps me on my path, is this song which created itself in 3 languages,
adapted to the tune of a Mexican love-song.
The third stanza is a passage from a poem by
my beloved Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu jedem ehe er in macht"
talks to each one before he makes him" Listen
to the tune in Song-Game 2007 or better: learn it by "HEART"....
I breathe and enbrace every movement in
my feelings,
each sensation in my belly , on my skin,
in every-day moments, as in storms of emotions,
and even when my soul is grey,
when Body feels discomfort, or Heart aches with pain,
or depression shoves me down black holes,
Spirit, Body, Heart and Feelings are manifesting God,
this with each and every breath we know.
Lass dir alles geschehn,
Schoenheit und Schrecken,
Man muss nur gehn, nur gehn.
Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste. Lass dich von mir nicht,
lass dich von mir nicht trennen.
Let everything happen to you, joy and fright
And go, one must go, just go.
No feeling is the farest, don't let yourself
be separated from me,
don't be separated from me.
In August 2009 a fourth stanza created itself: "I
inhale God and I exhale love to whatever I'm feeling just now...."
Structure of HEALING-K.I.S.S.
, including a second website: ARARAT
as I saw it in 2010.
In July 2013, 10 years after I first installed this page, I am capable
of admitting,
that whatever "structure" there has been - it has all been
"interfered" with new "material",
which associated to what was already there.
This is how the unpressured brain and how the world "works"
- not in a linear, not in a systematical way,
but "spherically", "holographically".....
From now on any creating will be accidental not systematic, without the pressure
to complete anything.
My outer and inner ears as my mind and heart, will be free to discern,
if, when and where I am needed.
See a story about the Messias of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi, who lived in the 3rd
on p. 94 (bundle
11) in the Hebrew version of "All
Israel are guarantors for Each Other"
2010_03_24 - I know now, that it's not a matter
of being "needed" in the exterior world and time...
"I'm making the Sea"
(by scattering pebbles on the kitchen floor)
8 , 2009 After inserts of new experiences in old
pages, which - in their content - were somehow associated, I,
today, started a new continuous series ,
this time not like "The Walk about Love" - along the
chronology of Godchannel files~~~~~~~~~ but along the
365 dates of my 2007 Song-Game I
shall re-employ song-page after song-page for
evolution of my youngest grandchild,
a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be: to
demonstrate by her own living & doing,
how to playfully create from moment to moment, thus feeling
zest-full & full-filled>Heaven-on-Earth.
I've also made a compilation of most additions to old pages
since January 1. ~ As to new songs added in 2009, see
Song-Game-Songs' History
Reading the following last part of this page,
sculpted a year ago,
today, on January 14, 2010,
I am deeply and highly touched by the inspiration contained in it
Having listened to Meirav's exterior and
interior problems,
I asked:"What is it that's really
bothering you?????
Is it lack of full-fill-ment?" That was the clue! As it is the clue always.
All the problems which we stage are there for the learning and healing,
or for ...... filling, 'passing' the time... "What then is it, that brings full-fill-ment?" she asked in despair.
"It's not the big things, the satisfying work,
as I thought at the age of 16 and 27 and 40.
It's not the realization of a vocation in the exterior world.
It's seeing, sensing, feeling life in its tiniest expressions.
It's what Judaism has taught you:
to say thanks for each and every detail,
even for being able to pee in the morning.
It's a pity, that everything was titled a "mitzvah"
- this conceals the so vital message.
But when you look underneath,
there is real "torah", which means"that which is
showing the way":
finetunings to your present, closeups to your past,
thanking, thanking, thanking."
"But how will this cause tikkun-olam
-repairing the world?"
"Only this will cause tikkun-olam! All the big manifestations for bettering the
- since they were mingled with so much denial -
had their setbacks, their regressions, the evil that came out of
the good."
To my surprise she understood all this perfectly
"So, now - until Nov. 13, 2009, - when
you'll reach the age of 37,
which - according to the Kabbalah - is the age of being grownup
(following the midrash,
that Isaac was 37, when
he tied himself up),
go and discover the tiniest things for which you can be grate-full
and you'll find excitement and full-fill-ment
and when you find it, you'll radiate this onto the world."
Watching the bored postures and faces in the
Big Brother community,
I again want to walk in and awaken them all
to the million-fold beauty in their posh prison. "Why is this condition for Heaven-on-Earth
not even an issue,
not even a question and a quest
among all those philosophers, psychologists, artists, spiritual
leaders ?
This is what makes me angry and frustrated",
I said to her.
Another thought:
In the
swimming-pool , I've been rehearsing "If
I could save time in a bottle" :
".... but there never seems to be enough time
to do the things you want to do
ONCE YOU FIND THEM", this is my experience. The question is, if this greed to
is a cover-up for lack of full-fill-ment
or a real desire? ???
[See the answer in the following
days. from Oct. 16,2008
onward] (from
Communication with Deity on 2008_03_28:
[2:24] who thought about the Conditions for
some 2300 years ago...: "for who will eat and who
will taste if not ME?" )
right after having re-studied that page, I
"If there is a prophecy with any adherents at
who have put their faith in that prophecy,
it will be fulfilled for them in their venues."
As I move,
desire is formed.
I breathe in the whispers of light
which gives my movement consciousness.
I find a spark of Love.
My desire grows,
finds a loneliness within Myself, and a need to be filled,
loved into existence.
This is how I pull God's light into Form.
Then we move together,
we sway,
we grow,
we trust,
we sing,
we play,
and a pattern begins to form.
A pattern of our heart.
If the light is soft, and eases into the most delicate details of our creations,
gently filling each nuance,
each lovely petal,
each fine melody,
each sharply pointed edge,
I expand.
I open,
I receive,
I love,
I am made complete.
I am made Mother to our creation.
Then I live through this
as I move inside of it--outside of it,
and the rhythm of heart gives it life,
and we exist together--
our creation,
our Form,
and Mother, Father,
and Love.
Then our expansion reaches the utmost space of our creation.
Desire pulls light into, then through the very boundaries of our Form,
and We become
And the bliss of being fully
joined is reached,
as the peak of an orgasm
which was given its fullest, richest experience
to be reached.
And Desire expands so far as to disappear,
and become the mist again,
the soft floating
from which Desire may coalesce
and reform.
I am safe,
I am loved, and I can rest in my fulfillment
until I move to create again.
is the only form change which feels good to me, and I AM able to be satisfied.
I don't need MORE light,
as I am so often accused,
I need light which
has as its goal to
find all of the delicate detail
outlined by my movement, then
to expand and evolve that detail
in the harmony of our heart,
then to reach the most rich, blissful moment of all, the fulfillment of our
creation together.
I love You
Dear Loving Light.
I have waited through all of time
to be filled by You.
Please--fill the shredded forms
I have been left with,
let these twisted places be filled
until they, too, ring with the bliss of being known by your light,
then they will be able to be expanded into our primordial flow once
Each form which was created by my receiving hateful light must be
as it is already formed.
Each "ugly" image must be brought into loving light.
But, please know,
as you look at my torn and twisted selves,
I long to be whole and beautiful once again.
This page, created on July 3, 2003, was meant to be the last page,
when I believed, that I had a
new assignment in the exterior world,
and that, therefore, I should close "Healing-K.i.s.s" altogether.
It so happened, that today, on Febr.17, 2012,
I felt that I should complete
copying, sculpting and inserting on 4 "old" pages of "Healing-K.i.s.s",
what I had noted towards the new Hebrew site www.shemshem.org.
Something strange happened, unknown even to Daniel whom I called:
the previous - 3rd - page would not only not open on the "Local
but when I tried to open it - again and again -
all other open pages of the software Dreamweaver would shut down.
"Luckily" I had synchronized the images and the page itself
last night,
but I hadn't yet put a link that would lead to this, the 4th and last
Since I won't meet Daniel, who may fix the bug, for 4 days,
I have "time" to figure out,
what this "bug" means, and why it concerns exactly the page: "An example
of how I heal myself into wholeness".
February 8, 2012 - Tu
Bishvat, the Feast of the Trees
On February 16, 2012, I put the bits and pieces,
noted on Febr. 8, into one sculpture,
letting my associations decide as to how the puzzle-pieces are creating one
"The essential purpose of the Golden Path
of Light is
to enable as many souls as possible to experience themselves for who they really are,
while living this physical existence,
and to help them make this experience
so f u l f i l l i n g and so wonderful
that they will gradually shed their transient human personage
and learn to permanently sense themselves as, feel like and be
this eternal and pure spirit energy
[Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam: NO!
that they have always been and will eternally remain.
As more and more souls will become fully awakened
to the infinitely vast creative powers
now still dormant in them ....
the entire realm of existence known as planet Earth
will become thoroughly transformed into a new Eden
where the living radiance of Who We Truly Are
will rise and shine once again,
and accomplish their ancient dream of living in Peace, Love and Harmony."
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam repeats:
Also: Peace, Love and Harmony are not enough!
There is the threat of LANGEWEILE, of BOREDOM! the experience needs to include
zest-full-ness and full-fillment,
Last stanza of a
recent song: Ich bin ja in eurem Raum
Alexander v. Humboldt
"Ich musste am preussischen Hof die
L a n g e w e i l e vertreiben,
indem ich immer wieder von meinen Exkursionen in Suedamerika erzaehlen
ich sass auf Kohlen, die Zeit lief mir davon
ich wollte doch meinen "Kosmos" schreiben. "
When you are feeling the discomfort
from seeing other people in a ... needy situation,
and you decide to help them from your place of discomfort,
no lasting value ever occurs, for two important reasons:
first, you are not in alignment with the Energy of your Source,
and so you have no real value to give;
and second, your attention to their need only amplifies their need.
Of course, it is a wonderful thing to help others,
but you must do it from your position of strength and alignment, which
you must be in alignment with their success as you offer assistance,
and not in alignment with their problem.
When your awareness of their situation makes you uncomfortable and
you offer help to make them feel better
and to make yourself feel better,
you are not in the Vortex and you are not helping.
When you feel an inspired eagerness to offer something
because you want to participate in their happy, successful process,
your attention to their success
harmonizes with the point of view of your Source;
and the infinite resources of the Universe are at your disposal.
And that does help.
Jones Dewitt's weekly post;
Celebrate what's right in the World This grand show is eternal.
It is always sunrise somewhere;
the dew is never all dried at once;
a shower is forever falling; vapor ever rising.
Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset,
eternal dawn and gloaming,
on seas and continents and islands,
each in its turn,
as the round earth rolls. - John Muir
Years ago I had a website in "Favorites",
on which I could see - live - the sunrise
about every 5 minutes
around the planet,
just like the Little Prince used to move his chair,
when he was sad,
in order to see the sun rise around the clock...
Inner Whispers: The Creator of Your Life Plan "In each life there is a plan that all wish to complete.
It may be a carry over from another lifetime or a new endeavor.
Each soul has a direction it feels is important to its evolution.
Upon entering physical reality, the element of free will enters into the mix.
It would be easier we
suppose to just follow the plan and be finished with it.
The truth though, is that there is free will
and each energy makes decisions that sometimes derail the soul from your life
This does not mean that all is lost if one should
abdicate or alter their plans.
Choice is a gift that if used with clarity can be
By making choices the individual can participate in all avenues of their
experience. By changing course, one simply chooses to go about their evolution
in a different manner.
The importance of being clear in this regard is
taking responsibility for what your input is in any situation.
Decide to be the creator of your life plan
regardless of where your choices lead you.
In the big picture, having free will is an advanced
Life was not meant to be a map of following all the predetermined directions.
It was intended for you to think clearly
for yourself and make choices based upon your intellect and emotions.
While in motion.
Do that. Give yourself
and others permission to go about the evolution of soulful energy."
How does one person open the door
to really knowing themselves?
Do you start with inner questions
- or silent meditation?
Could you steer us in a starting direction?
Thank you.
One should begin by separating
from the linear whenever possible.
A consistant time-frame where one sits only with the self.
In those moments an examination of one's participation in the world
is easier. It is important to realize
we said "examination", not "judgement".
Still on February 14, 2012
The following sculpture was begun
on Febr. 13 and continued on Febr. 17, 2012.
It contains examples of what I want my potential peers to think and understand,
so that we can make a real contribution to the evolution towards what we envision!
I image all the John Lennon people
to become my peers in imagining the world,
in which humans realize what they need for appreciating and loving themselves
because only then can they appreciate and love others, and manifest PEACE
Imagine The Future Now by
Jean Hudon,
February 2012
Imagine for a moment
that you are several years ahead in the future and the Earth
and all her inhabitants have profoundly changed.
What seemed impossible and totally utopian in the eyes of many
has come to pass.
Imagine that a new existence,
devoid of any of the perils and torments of the past,
is now possible for all souls dwelling on this New Earth.
Imagine, if you will, that every human being is now recognized
as a full-fledged member of the wonderful human family,
and that no one goes lacking in the essential material elements
that make a f u l f i l l i n g , happy
life possible.
Every child is cared for
and not a single one goes hungry or in dire poverty.
The level of Love and Harmony between all humans and with all of Nature
is simply astounding~ No one has to do any activity
that is detrimental to the vital commons on which all Life depends.
The kindness and compassion
that is shown and experienced by every single soul
is simply awe-inspiring.
No one tries to dominate or take advantage of anyone.
Everyone is passionate about helping others, experiencing all the wonders of Life and being the best possible expression
of the profound wisdom and Light emanating from their soul.
Now, holding this vision in your soul's eye,
try to imagine how you feel,
living in such a pristine, vibrant environment,
knowing that Love, Peace and Harmony prevail,
sensing your Oneness with all your brothers and sisters,
viewing in their eyes the sparkling expression of the living, radiant soul
each human is...
Allow this feeling of sheer happiness
to grow in your heart and embrace your entire being~~
Let ecstasy tingles in everyone of your cells~
Let Love shine through you~
And KNOW that what you are feeling now
is ABSOLUTELY real...
Now, enable the sense of Oneness pervading your soul
to expand and encompass every other form of Life, every other soul,
every other atom of this Great, Magnificent Being of Love that You
as One~
with All That is~
And from that place of sublime, blissful Omniversal Awareness,
further expand your sense of Self
to integrate the very perception of your Universal Beingness,
as One Within the Creator...
Do not press ahead for more thoughts.
Just Be! You have arrived~ Let it BE~
And as you ARE blissfully aware of this magnificent future
that, by virtue of your contemplation of its existence,
is now immanently manifested,
you cocreate,
and will continue to cocreate,
by the very essence of your radiant Presence,
what is soon to fully manifest, for the Highest Good of All.
* * * * * * *
Let us envision
a world free from all forms of violence against other humans
and against all of Nature,
a planet on which only peaceful behavior and benevolence towards others
are possible because of the heightened atmosphere of compassion,
love and blissful unity that permeates all living souls embodied for experiencing true Heaven on Earth.
Being aware that through the combined power of our unifying radiance
we are co-creating the reality corresponding to our true divine nature,
we will ceaselessly strive to accomplish what we came here to be,
for the Highest Good of All.
We are One people...
We share One planet...
We have One common dream...
We want to live in peace...
We choose to protect and heal the Earth...
We decide to create a better world for all...
We will do our best to make that dream come true...
We will change what needs to be changed...
We will learn to love, share and forgive...
We are One people, we want to live and we will.
Imagine World Peaceby Pamela
Gordon, Octover 2001 [This link no longer works in
July 2013 - for good reasons...] She imagines 23 changes in the
only the 11th touches - barely - the conditions for such a world:
I imagine a world
where no individual needs to work more than 20 hours per week
to live a good life.
Where people have time to raise their own children
instead of paying someone else.
Where there’s enough time in the day
to create, participate in community activities, or to continue learning.
Why does she measure work in "a good
life" in hours
instead of the one important criterion,
that a person may choose his/her work
according to what gives him/her zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment?
And what faulty belief is it, that it is because of lacking "time",
that parents don't raise their own children?
By contrast:
I have experienced through all my doing
for this humankind,
through all my intending, endeavoring, suffering and loving,
that the vision of Jean Hudon and Pamela and so many others
cannot manifest,
unless the c o n d i t i o n s for Heaven-on-Earth
will be manifested by a critical mass of humans.
(14) I imagine a world where the television
contain more information than entertainment.
For this to happen, you, Pamela,
should ask:
why do people submit to such "entertainment"?
And what do they need to change in themselves,
so they will seek entertainment that fulfills them?
See above what I wrote in 2008
and again in 2009 and restudied in 2010 and 2011:
I create my heaven on my earth,
I create my conditions for my feeling full-filled.
I AM down-to-earth,
I AM down to daily life,
I AM down to each and every breath,
I unite Spirit's consciousness
with Will's feelings
in Body's sensations,
whenever I think or remember or plan something,
whenever I feel something, be it golden, grey or black,
whenever I sense something, be it discomfort, ache or wellness
[this part is well sculpted in
my 3 languages song as quoted above]
in every circumstance or situation,
in each action or interaction,
when I give and create or when I receive and learn,
when I cause myself to suffer
because of unhealed patterns or unreleased judgments,
when I identify with the suffering
in my family, my nation, my World,
and when I love with all my heart.
All this together means for me "Heaven on Earth"
I feel that this strange image
"Ya'acov's wrestling" is fitting here.
Don't miss the white thread which hints at the "origin"
of the "Angel".
February 15, 2012
listening through 5 min. of Jacqueline
Joy in "Sheila"...[2013:boring]
till she comes to a point which is relevant for me:
she differentiates between "a state of absolute contentment in the body"
and "bliss", which - obviously
- is momentary and temporary. I would like to go more into this,
but since I had to pause the audio to go to the loo,
and couldn't go back to where I paused, I put in "search": "Jacqueline Joy contentment in body",
[one website that came up does just the
opposite of what I want: it judges the body..]
and that's where I found another
Jackie , who hit her toe
and coped with it in joy and contentment [2013-07-12,
see now: her "meltdown story", May 2013]
"Completely aware of each sensuous
inhale and each soothing exhale,
I continued to breathe absorbing all the sounds around me.
Kneeling on my living room floor, I was in a state of bliss.
"how to find joy and contentment in every single moment.
To be kind and gentle to ourselves. To
bring our attention to our breath..."
I also looked into her"non-blog" and on top was this: "and that sometimes things will need to go
So what absolute nonsense
is it to claim,
that "Giving is more blissful than Taking",
or that "God only gives",
or that the "main thing" is "Loving kindness".
I must stop being antagonized by my potential peers.
I must radiate on them what I have learnt to be whole! [2013-07-12-In
Wikipedia>blog I
could not find what I was referring to above, but we did, indeed,
structure "www.shemshem.co.il" like a blog
Arad, 2 hours before the Eve of Shabbat, February 17, 2012
When I inserted the "isoc" link above
on Febr. 8,
I discovered also their interest in "enriching
the life of old people" i.e. knowing how to harvest from the Internet
is also a way of making people feel zest and full-fillment,
This connected to my thought at night about the Latin word inter-esse!
being in between!
A pity, that this word doesn't exist in Hebrew, and that it is spoiled in
English ("interest"="Zins")
My time is over!
The website www.shemshem.org still does not appear on the Internet,
though we paid for it and Daniel has done everything to make it happen.
But we decided not to push!
When and if the time will appear,
shemshem will appear.
And as to my -
Practising towards the new website
I feel, I'm ready.
Ready to let go of past "themes"
through which I healed myself, learnt and created.
I'm clear what my task is - at least for 'the time b e i n g '.
And until the time is ready - either for shemshem or for something else,
I'll play with my overflooding treasure box - and deepen "Healing-K.i.s.s."
I'll close these 4 pages with 3 painting,
which I discovered on "facebook" today,
paintings by my stepdaughter Dita Liron.
Dita's daughter Orit,
who lives in Moskva, with her children
and her husband (a guard of the Israeli embassy)
asks her mother:
The grandchildren on the painting-
are they returning to Grandma?...
Much as I would like this to be
the meaning,
- in comparison with the other two paintings
I see the sad withering shades in the shade
slowly fading behind the colors in the light!
"At peace with all the universe
Yet filled with zestful fire,
Serene with past achievements,
Alive with new desire,
Aware of distant galaxies
A pebble I admire."
I wish to be – whole and shalem
and co-create a life full of love
free of stress and pettiness
full-filled in zest and grate-full-ness
with all mistakes and imperfectness. (Listen to the song in SongGame 2007_03_21)
I admire not only Dita's visionary paintings,
but also this forlorn cat,
which despite her/his fright of me invades the tiny storage-corner
between the door to my one-room-flat and the exterior entry-door,
which is always open when I am at home, at Arad.
When the nights are cold, the cat enjoys the cosiness
between my sleeping-bag and the basket with the small things,
which are vital, should I sleep outside my home, or even in the desert.
Christa-Rachel, 1993 In the Desert: Looking into
the Future
Back to "SOUND"
2003, on which the first of the 4 pages of "Practising towards the
new website" is inserted
or continue to K.i.s.s.-log 2008-02-20,
where I found an "outlet for my creative sculpting",
since "www.shemshem.org" still (even
on April 2, 2012)
does not want to manifest on the Internet