of and Links to the Pages of My
Community: Desert
Vision - Succah
from its realization in the exterior World
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam,
married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth
2002_07_24; last update: 2009_07_09, including
the addition of a "completing experience" at Ezuz on July 4, 2009;
First Fragment
In all the overall pressure of fulfilling my vision
and the daily stress of running a hosting business
there was a year, when I managed to retreat into silence,
every New Moon for 3 days.
During one such retreat
- in my mobile home hidden from the Succayah beyond a hill -
I started what I called
November 5th, 1992
It would be better named:
Glimpses into the beginnings
of the conception, birth and raising of my Desert Economy Vision
For a reason, I don't remember, I wrote it in English and made 2 copies.
When the 20 folders of the archive
which I had gathered and edited before I left that desert region in 1996
were burnt to ashes , together with the Abraham Succah, Pesach 1998
I was happy to have part of the copy of at least one document.
On July 9, 2009 I want to add some images
about visits of my family to my bus
which preceded the conception of "Succah in the Desert" in November
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November 1987 was the time that I got "caught" by the desert, "hooked" or "addicted". When wanting to be alone for 40 days, before entering a new relationship, (see more in diary fragment 2) I came to park my bus in the Zin Oasis. (I couldn't find anything about the oasis, which is also a nature reserve. Even the Wikipedia article about the Zin Wadi is scant and only in Hebrew) On November 13 Immanuel and Ruth and my first grandchild, Elah, born on August 7, 1987, visited me in my bus and are seen her lounging on my collapsible bed above one of my two water-tanks |
![]() Almost a year later - a month before the "landing of my Desert-Vision" - the three visit me in my bus, when it was parked above the Sea south of Herzliya. |
![]() August 15, 1988 - with Ronnit, my daughter who had rescued me from abyssmal depression (see diary) |
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![]() Micha shows Shaul, how he operates the ship Without Shaul's help the solar electricity in my bus wouldn't work |
![]() October 1988: Yaacov in his wheelchair communicates with Elah. Yaacov was meant to be my bus-partner, but we had to give up.... |
First Fragment (Conception of a Vision)
August 1988, exactly 4 years ago, at the age of 50,
All my life in search for the One thing I was "supposed" to create on this earth, it finally dawned on me, that the direction might be something very physical, technical, material - solar electricity. The experience that opened the series of events which triggered this understanding, was my first encounter with the computer:
Look at Ezuz
and its surroundings- far away in Israel's south-west - and read the
story - later... Nine weeks, before the "landing" of my Desert-Vision, somewhere
a child was born (1988_09_15)
Some hours later we went for a walk, Tomer and I.
We walked back south and discerned some dispersed structures , corrals with camels and donkeys, heaps of straw... that was all
The rich grove of trees around the - invisible -
ancient wells (named "Moses' Well" and "Aaron's Well")
We see Lior's "house" above the junction
of the dust-road which leads to the "Khan
When Lior had called me a week earlier, I come closer and discern the tamarisk at the entrance And this is the interior of the Turkish water-reservoir
or Lior's "cave".
from a letter to Bob Gidel, Florida, Co-author of "The System" P. 7 And then there are the pains of my back and of my breathing. Nothing is wrong with my spine or with my breathing-system. Even the uterus which seemed to severely press on my spine, is gone. The pains have been there for 16 years. There is almost nothing I have not done to ease them and totally nothing that I have not serached for in myself in order to understand why I keep creating this torture for myself. Today - while I am writing to you - it is especially terrible and I do force myself to sit here. A year and a half ago I felt I could not live another year within this body. I was in hospital for the operation of my veins and a navel-hernia, which I had postpone for 20 years. This operation still seemed ridiculous, because it would not help my back and breath. While waiting for the operation I drew a tarot-card, it was the 'Hanged Man' upside down, i.e. the cross. In German the word "cross" is used for the lower back. Soon after I came to Berlin for 5 months (1986-87) to teach teachers (C. was among them) and students of theology, taking care of my body was my main concern. I found out - by "chance" - about "re-birthing". After my first two private sessions I was free of pain for three days, the only time during the last 16 years. And the visions I had during rebirthing-breathing mostly had to do with 'the cross' of Jesus and his entire biography...... P.
8 2013:
At that time I was not ready to live this. I explained this to C's mother who was so worried because neither of us is"working", i.e. making money. I said: in order to accomplish what we have accomplished with regard to the mastery of our relationship and our lives , other people would spend 5000 dollars for a workshop on some Pacific island. It was the work of this Age. but the last sentence of the citation presents my problem: All mystical and channeled wisdom talks about "understanding and accepting my g i v e n situation", nobody - as far as I see - talks about c r e a t i n g situations, circumstances, conditions etc. Then what about m e ? What should, shall I do about this excruciating urge to create situations for myself and for others? And how, if at all, should, shall I create this, though my hands and feet and brain are tied by the weariness of my body and the fears of my tension concerning people's well-feeling? This is my question to Kathy. It is really just o n e question. I could ask about my back, if the pains have something to do with my former lives and what I should learn through them and if I can do something to ease them. I could also ask, where this over-concern for people's well-feeling comes from and how I could find relaxation and ease with whoever and how many will be around me. But I suppose that the only answer to those questions is, that I have to "accept and experience the given situation, until I understand it and balance myself'. Last night, when I again woke up with a strong head-ache and those waves of heat which are linkd to the absence of hormones after the operation, I had the strong intuition, that I should not yet rush towards creating any new situation, any new experiment, but that I should experience to the utmost, to the extreme the "given situation", which is - the pain and frustration of n o t creating. I entered my head-ache and the heat through all my body, trying to not interpret it as pain but as an intense experience, and whenever I woke up later, I succeeded a little more in doing this. But deciding n o t to create, I am so afraid, that I am only rationalizing my fears. The conditions here seem to be so favourable for conducting workshops in a tent outside - even the plague of jelly-fishes which prevents everybody from entering the sea seems to hint at other activities to be done. And I hear myself yelling some months ago: In July 1988 I'll be ready to enter a new and "serious project of creativity" (the content of which I stated above, for it is always the same content, only the means and the frames and the amount of people change). but now I am just watching the changing ocean and waiting for an answer. Can you help? Of course, I would like to ask all kinds of questions out of curiosity, about the strangeness of my life, about former lives, about the link between me and myloved ones, about my guides, but I feel, that I should let go of curiosity and focus on what is relevant for understanding and balancing this period of my present life. So please, Bob, if you understand what I need, ask the right questions for me!!!! When I read your letter again this afternoon , I felt justified in burdening you with so much (confused) information about myself, because you yourself dared to share with me things, that usually are shared only among old friends. I had no problem at all with your hand-writing and would have loved to get even much more information and to more enjoy the humor in your reporting. I'm afraid there is no trace of humor in m y effort of sharing. It's the 'German' heavy blood again. So just believe me that I am not devoid of humor. In 1960, when I first came to Israel on a German scholarship for a year (it was the time of the Eichmann trial~~~), I was privileged to meet Martin Buber. I asked him, why "only weak people seem to need God". After some dwelling on 'there are no strong people at all', he bent forward, looking straight into my eyes with his blue eyes and said; "But Christa, one thing each human being has to add himself: a sense of humor!" Please tell me more about yourself, Kathy, your land, the work with people, your dreams, your problems and - if possible - the points and directions of your own growth. And thanks - finaly - for your letters! Also the one to Mona. She is - according to a reading which did Sandra Price - one of the "some 20 soul-tones" which I have on this planet, or less metaphysically: We had been sharing much of our lives for 7 years, always knowing that one day we'll have to part from each other, physically, for Mona, who fled from Iraque at the age of 16 and never felt at home in Israel. The time for creating distance and space between us occurred two and a half years ago. Since then Mona lives in Germany. This June she came to visit here for the first time. She said, she feels that "The System" has to wait for some time. The understanding she needs now, must come through her "experience with my aggressiveness" (she does conceptual art and her theme is the holocaust). You wished her " to never stay far from the center of the flow of peace and harmony". She will not stray from there, indeed! I read another very good channeled book; Sanaya Roman, "Living with Joy", 1986. It came to me in German and I would very much like to have it in English. Do you know it.? . |
In the Aravah-Desert: "YOU ARE JUST WONDERING WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED" Wir, die wir jetzt Channah und Rachel heissen, schleppen mit uns einen Schutzmechanismus (Muster), der uns zwar Leid zu ersparen scheint, uns aber nicht richtig leben laesst: Beide haben wir Angst, eine Situation nicht meistern zu koennen, die wirklich oder moeglicherweise auf uns zukommt. Was Du machst, ist, dass Du Dich totstellst, soz. nicht existierst, nicht da bist, nach hinten fliehst, gelaehmt bist. Ich dagegen renne nach vorn, greife an, mache alles gleich und sofort, was nur getan werden kann, um ein Problem zu loesen, um "boese Folgen" zu vermeiden. Selbst von mir gesaete Samen lass ich nicht in Ruehe mit meinem Ge--tue vor Angst, sie koennten ohne meine Hilfe nicht aufgegehn oder gleich wieder unf fuer immer eingehen. Im letzten Zwischenleben beschloss jede von uns, dieses ihr Muster ad absurdum zu fuehren, d.h. es so auszuleben, dass die Befreiung daraus sich selber erzwingt. Das geschah bei mir mit dem unerstraeglichen Stress zur Zeit meiner Arbeit fuer "Partnerschaft" und bei Dir mit dem Trinken bis zum Selbstmord. Dann - im August 1978 - wird die erste Wende sichtbar:
Du begannst zu erfahren, dass es keine andre Moeglichkeit gibt als
zu leben, und ich begann zu erkennen, Dann mussten aber noch viele Jahre vergehen, bis wir - unbewusst und doch waehlend, wie wir wissen, und durch unsre guides gelenkt - beschlossen, eine Situation zu schaffen, die so intensives Leiden bringt, dass die begonnene Befreiung endlich und bald vollbracht wird: durch das Zusammenfuegen unsrer Leben und damit unsrer extremen Muster. Was es uns moglich macht, von dieser extremen Spannung
nicht zerstoert zu werden, sind die tiefen Gemeinsamkeiten; Also lass uns jeden Tag von ganzem Herzen und von ganzer Seele annehmen, was wir laengst gewaehlt haben.
of clip]
346 Now, back to the current time period, it is necessary for man to turn inward, and to realize the Oneness of all as well as the apparent separateness. Mankind's awareness has expanded and evolved, and the energies on earth and in the astral must keep pace with the law of change, as reflected in this demonstrated growth and evolution. Change in Pace since 1982 It is the approaching to a new time period,
You now ask, of what significance is the great pyramid
of Giza? There were civilizations that existed before the time
of Atlantis, As to whether there is any special info in the Giza
pyramid 348 As pyramids can be built differently in parallel
lines of time, "Second Coming" Time periods are empty. Coping with the most creative time period in
history. |
things are dependent upon everything else. There are many animals that have changed their ways over time, to fit and adapt to the changes taking place in their environment, Or who have changed in order to move to a more suitable environment. Some creatures have not changed very much [scorpion?]. It is built within the species, an adaptability to change with the balance of the entire earth. When the entire earth no longer has a need for a particular species, it often dies out. From your point of view, extinction of a species is sad, because you have lost something that once existed. But, from another point of view, it still exists in another time period, so nothing is ever really lost. If it dies out in 1988, it still exists in the time periods before 1988. The creative concept, or plan for the creation and
evolvement of the physical universe System, was initiated at once. 49 That it [the spirit entity] has freedom of movement
to another place in time,
All of the time periods for all of your lives and lessons
are out there to be acted out, Awareness generally evolves through the lifetimes in
sequential order, Within a given group of learning experiences A teacher in the astral plane will help you choose
At some point in future time Although all time periods for our physical lives exist
at once, [the System understands "fragmentation" differently from Godchannel] once it elects to come in to this system, It is much as though a person changes clothing from
one era into the next. Since you are on earth where time is a structure
79 Title of Chapter:Incarnations into alternative time Octaves adjusts for variations in Growth There can be a rearrangement of the time frames, All time periods have parallel octaves in which
entities exist, |
Your steps of growth will find you, Guides would not say to you it is time to go to Bob
and Kathy's place. Guides do not arrange for your lessons; Guides do attempt to set things up in group situations
for us all to learn from,
Knowledge is not understanding. 86 |