The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World



D E S E R T    V I S I O N

1993-4 Guide to the Rukhaara, the Spirit [ruakh]-Shit [khara]-House or SuccahToilet

Chagall - Lovers above the Town


Taosim Shit happens
Confucianism Confucius says: "Shit happens"
Buddhism If shit happens, it really isn't shit
Zen What is the sound of shit happening?
Hinduism This shit happened before
Islam If shit happens, it is the will of Allah
Radical Islam Shi'ite happens
Protetantism Let shit happen to someone else
Catholicism If shit happens, you deserved it
Judaism Why does shit always happens to US?
Christian Science There's no such thing as shit
Course in Miracles Shit is an illusion we need to forgive
Jehovah's Witnesses Knock Knock Knock - shit happens

2012-02-28- I discovered contrasting youtube videos:

the first one was a great parody about Jesus
[a day later it turned out, that I had inserted a wrong link - a punishment????]
then a movie about [the not so fast moving...) Succah in the Desert]
then one -partly movie, partly stills - several families,
one in Succat Ya'acov, another in the Tent of Appointment,
2009, during the War with Gaza

Still another movie with stills and a message,
it's also Succat Ya'acov which is in the center

Also: - Women are photographing in Succah in the Desert - with pretty music

The first- and best youtube movie, - with a rich series of stills and beautiful music
I discovered
[so later I couldn't find it there anymore] on the website of "Succah in the Desert",

which I opened when I wanted to reach Avi Dror, yesterday,
after the Ministry of Finances had hailed on me 8 postal envelopes,
each with the same document, but each directed to one of 8 banks,
demanding from them to confiscate whatever valuables I had stored with them.

It turned out, that the Israel Land Administration after 20 years "found out",
that I hadn't payed the tax of 2% per year - on top of the taxes of leasing the land ,
on which I established and structured the first (and only and last) model for my vision about peace through Desert Hosting Economy.


in meiner obsessiven vergeblichen Suche nach der Jesus Parodie,
hab ich alle youtubes ueber Succah in the Desert gesammelt.
So kannst Du sie auch Deinem Vater zeigen,
und wie gesagt, da es die Saison ist - auch vor Pesach schon,
solltest du rechtzeitig bestellen, und dann kannst Du Dir auch die
Succah auswaehlen, die Du willst,
Die Succah, die Ayelet Menachemi (Vipassana-Film, die Freundin,
die nach jenem Trigger sich ganz von mir abgewandt hat), "bewohnte",
und die meiner Ansicht nach "ganz besonders" ist,
siehst Du auf mehreren der Filme,
auf dem mit den meisten Einzelheiten,
ist sogar der Name Ya'acov zu sehen.
Man muss allerdings ein bisschen sportlich sein.
Du findest die - ueberprueften - links unter dem shit-shit-shit-image
[linked to this page]

Hill of the Angels' Flight
Yitzkhaq-Isaac Succah
in the background: Mount Lekh-Lekha




view from the old Sarah Succah


Rukhara and Avi's new Rivqah-Rebecca Succah
In the background the edge of the Ramon Crater
One of many problems was the distance from the succahs to the Rukhaara.
I made a path to Sarah, which here looks a bit ugly, but got blurred in time,
pathes to Rivqah and Yitzkhaq, which are the closest,
and from Yitzkhaq to the trail that leads to Lea and Rachel [farthest left].
For the guests in Ya'acov it was more convenient to go behind the ridge.
Those of Rachel preferred to use the mini wadi that leads up to Yishmael,
and waste paper had often to be retrieved from there.

August 9, 2009-Lutz Goerner "Lyrik für alle“, Sendung 183-
gewidmet einem der produktivsten Dichter, Literaten, Herausgeber, Lyriker, Intellektuellen
der Zeit nach dem 2. Weltkrieg,
der, obwohl er Deutscher ist, ein äußerst heiteres Gemüt hat.
Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Das Einfache,
das schwer zu erfinden ist

Nichts gegen den Mikroprozessor,
Aber wie stünden wir da
Ohne Wasser?
Was ist schon eine Jupitersonde,
Verglichen mit dem Gehirn einer Fliege?
Wie sie sich abmühen,
Diese Labormäuse, mit dem Klonen!
Doch vorzüglicher ist es, zu vögeln.
Und der Löwenzahn erst,
Wie der es macht: heitere,
Unübertroffene Eleganz!
Nie im Leben,
Liebe Nobelpreisträger,
Gebt es nur zu,
Hättet ihr so was erfunden.
Die Scheiße
Immerzu höre ich von ihr reden
Als wär sie an allem schuld.
Seht nur, wie sanft und bescheiden
Sie unter uns Platz nimmt!
Warum besudeln wir denn
Ihren guten Namen
Und leihen ihn
Dem Präsidenten der USA,
Den Bullen, dem Krieg
Und dem Kapitalismus?
Wie vergänglich sie ist,
Und das was wir nach ihr nennen
Wie dauerhaft!
Sie, die Nachgiebige,
Führen wir auf der Zunge
Und meinen die Ausbeuter.
Sie, die wir ausgedrückt haben,
Soll nun auch noch ausdrücken
Unsere Wut?
Hat sie uns nicht erleichtert?
Von weicher Beschaffenheit
Und eigentümlich gewaltlos
Ist sie von allen Werken des Menschen
Vermutlich das friedlichste.
Was hat sie uns nur getan?

Exactly at the time, when we prepared for building the Rukhaara,
a poster could be seen all over Jerusalem, painted in Russia in 1917,
which advertised a Chagall exhibition in the Israel Museum.
There are several versions of this painting to be found on several websites,
like the one below, which Chagall painted 7 years later,
after he had left Soviet Russia for good.
Nowhere except in my Chagall book did I find the shitting man,
whom I scanned as well as photographed.




Negatives of old photos - about the snow in January 1992 - , which I let scan in a shop in 2010

Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage-
Flight to Egypt a
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in seventh Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in eight Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Hosts
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Spirit-Shit house

Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the 1994 Memorandum:
Succah Vision or
SPS Desert Economy


A kind of diary, written exactly 20 years ago to the document:
mo'ed ba-midbar~~~~maerkhav-le-yotzrim
[difficult to translate: "timing-for-meeting in the desert~~~ space for creators"
My Succah-friends Dr. Orenia and Dr. Dov Yanai [see much about both on the Net]
hosted me  in their house and garden  during the week of Succot  in 1993.
I slept outside, like in the desert, but used their computer inside the house.
I received support from them for the aspect of realizing my Desert-Vision
in which I was engaged then: it's called "marketing"...

Over the next 13 years I had to find out - through immense suffering,
[which I hinted at in "The Pathetic Petitioner" and "The Pathetic Partneror",]
that this was not meant to be my way,
yes, the very vision and the different spaces of the realization of the vision
were "nothing but" training-grounds" for growing towards my true vocation:
becoming a pioneer of Evolution in knowing how to feel.



