next 2002_06_02
There have been communications like this since January
but up to now I've inserted them in relevant "puzzle pieces".
2002_05_19 [linked to pp37]
Dear Mother
all we talked about my constant pressure of not completing so many things
on my site,
today I do ask you to help me complete at least the first layer of pp37 and
its appendices.
I know - judgment - I need enormous discipline for this,
since working "in your compartment" with images , colors, sounds,
is not work but play and I'm constantly sidetracked to that.
And forgive me
better ask for my forgiveness!"
that I call this "sidetracked".
if I don't work in "Spirit's compartment" too,
i.e. if I don't sculpt my feelings and my thinking and understanding
concerning this overall theme of Israel-the Planet-Creation
I'll have neither advanced in healing these gaps
nor shall I be able to enjoy the creation of my site.
Is this a judgment?
"No, the judgment is elsewhere.
You judge your pressure.
You judge yourself for not being disciplined.
And for even needing discipline.
Why isn't Spirit's activity in your life flowing naturally?
And it is, of course, but , as you judge,
only in your mind, your imagination.
You can write a certain sculpture in your mind,
but when you want to translate thinking into writing,
you feel, you cannot do it without harshly disciplining yourself.
Yes, that's it.
Maybe I should stop writing altogether.
And not manifest anything from discipline,
which always means, trapping YOU.
like with teaching in Ronnit's Learning Community.
Whenever the thought of next Monday hits me,
I flinch.
"Yes and you actually asked me
if it wouldn't be better to stop this activity,
and the next day that participant told you
in the most awkward way,
that the group wants to stop,
and you were quite triggered."
I've no problem being
parental to this trigger,
The talk with my daughter already helped.
I only need to find out,
if I should make the meeting tomorrow the last,
or give them and myself another chance.
"Chance for
Don't think about the money.
You got your new computer,
and if you should need money for your other wishes,
it will come.
And concerning "a chance for them",
you know that's bullshit,
because those who haven't taken the chance so far,
will not do it with You, at least not Now.
And those who want more,
but are not strong enough to win over the rest of the group,
will not get this strength in another meeting.
Let them go on and learn in other situations.
"Think of you
and yourself only:
Let yourself take off this pressure.
You have enough pressure with your new task:
replacing Immanuel on Daddy's Tuesdays
and - together with Efrat - on Daddy's weekends.
"It's not right
for you to be with people at this time
other than your family.
"And as to your pressure of completing:
"So far I let
you go in both directions:
- learn to be whole with not completing -
- learn to be whole with feeling pressure -
but there is a third way - "
Is there?
O Mother, my back is hurting badly,
and I even took a pill against headache last night,
what a shame.
"To regress into your "lifetime
is this shameful?"
Yes, very shameful.
"Well, my dear, I have news for you.
"You didn't come into this lifetime to finish healing.
"You came to
this planet many lifetimes ago,
if we use the concept of time,
in order to experience what humans experience,
because without having felt what they feel,
without having erred as they err,
without having suffered what they suffer,
how could you help them to become whole?
"This lifetime
is special in that you have an overview
of all that's denied and unbalanced in creation
and therefore - because that's what you want - in yourself.
"There is no
linear healing for you,
because getting really healed and whole
would propel you out of this planet, even physically,
and then, what about your mission?
"But the times of 'regression' are not overwhelming any longer, right?"
No, they aren't.
I tremble to say that,
but they are like healthy dissonances in a piece of harmonic music.
Still, I want to come to grips with this website pressure, once and for all.
"Yes, yes, Once-and-for-all~~~
"I suggest, that you do give yourself this day,
which is free except for 2 hours at noon,
to work with discipline,
including the discipline to dance once every hour for at least a minute!
and by the end of this day
you just stop the work on puzzle-piece 37 and its appendices
and say so in the beginning of each:
"this is incomplete,
and I don't know if and when I'll complete it."
[I found the symbol of the unicorn
to express this!]
And you stop intending to complete it,
And then let go of sculpting ,
unless there is a little tiny piece,
which you really feel like doing in an hour or so,
nothing that drags you to the next day or week."
And how'll people learn?
"There we go again, dear co-worker.
"It's just like
with this group.
One more meeting doesn't give them one more chance.
"You are not
responsible for people's learning.
You are responsible only for your own healing.
"And your mission gets accomplished by your very presence in creation.
"And your healing advances by playing in "MY compartment".
"You have yearned
for this all your life,
now you've created such a heavenly chance to indulge in playing
with sounds and photos and other games this technology allows you.
Go for it. Be a child.
"And let the
process of healing denials and judgments take care of itself.
You are on the way, and you shouldn't hurry,
exactly for the sake of your mission."
I get that, but please
help me, not to slip,
at least not today and tomorrow.
"I'll hold you if you do."
"You know, that we'll catch your milk
and save it, Yes, thank you, this is very
exact! "This means not only to follow the exchange
of letters "orderly". "Wow! This is totally new to me!
While being "interrupted"
to do Mika's braids etc.,
On one leg I stand to amuse
Mika, who every day wants me to present a 'dakhlil',
"so you see, it's not about telling Efrat,
that you accept your shadow, |