I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
E-volving, Un-folding the "SPS" resources
of the Desert
[as opposed to the cities' crowdedness, pollution
& noise],
will be the great CHALLENGE , which will help
Jews and Arabs
to bring about E Q U A
L I T Y in S E L F - E
S T E E M .
Since 1974, my peace-work[started in 1958] has been based on:
Transforming a negative dependency into a positive dependency.
Positive dependency or" Partnership" is based on 3 conditions:
After 40 years of having PRACTICALLY tested this theory ,
I know, that EQUALITY in SELF-ESTEEM can only be realized,
if the adversaries, forced into mutual dependency by destiny,
will engage in COPING TOGETHER
which is SO BIG , that it DWARFS the GAP in SELF-ESTEEM.
and Review of the first Jewish-Palestinian Initiative in November 1974 Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig,
born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth 2002_05_30 ; last update: 2003_06_25
The following project,
my last "activity" in
was proposed to and worked out with personalities on the second-highest political
It was quite different from the work I had done since November 1974
in what became an NGO (non-governmental organization) in March 1977,
including the far-reaching work on the "Model of
After 22 years I still believe,
that the concept behind this proposal is more relevant than ever.
And not only, because nothing has changed in these years
except for two things:
The parties are having direct talks.
The parties murder each other daily.
In copying this
paper here I am amazed,
that not a word needs to be changed.
Only the graphical presentation here couldn't be done by my type-writer in
Initiative 1980 A
group of Jews and Palestinians,
(second draft; English translation) who
apply the principle:
1980_07_15 "Self-determined
people have choices!"
All those Jews, Palestinians,
Egyptions, Americans, Europeans, - on all levels, from simple
citizens to decision-makers -
who know, that it is in their own interest,
-not to support one party against the other,'
- but to help both peoples reconcile their interests.
Some people, who belong to the
Israeli Arab-Jewish organisation
"Partnership", but who now cooperate with whoever wants to take an
active part in mediating.
Their political concept, based on "Self-determination",
i.e. "Taking-responsibility-for-my-destiny" ,
comprises a goal and a way,
which have been tested for five years, while the organisation worked
on the level of "infra-stsructure", creating models of solving
objective and psychological problems of the conflict.
While effective politcal work has
to integrate three levels -
infra-structure, public opinion, decision-makers -
this initiative - inspired by the break-through caused by Sadat - aims
at the decision-makers only, i.e. a stratum of about 50-150 people on
either side.
Purpose of Approaching You:
So far any
political solution has been rejected by either side.
We talk
about the 3 million Jews of Israel
and about 3 million Palestinians living today in the Middle-East,
inside and outside the '67-borders of Israel.
The aim of this political initiative is, therefore, not to suggest
another solution,
but to bring about an act, which would cause
At this stage of The Initiative,
July 1980, we ask your feed-back and advice
with concern to the following question:
Though the effect of Sadat's
initiative faded away,
since it did not concern the crux of the conflict,
- might it be possible,
that one spectacular exemplary act
would also shortcut the process between Palestinians and Jews? - particularly
if this time the motivation of
"trying out additional choices"
would not be casual, but conceptualized
by the initiating as well as by the respondent party?
Before you try to answer, please check,
if our analysis of the problem
and our criteria for a solution in general -
are helpful to you.
If the general idea appeals to you,
wel'll ask questions concerning the operational part.
In analysing Four Basic Factors in Politics -
- we find the following data with concern to the two
A. INTERESTS of either
a) to realize or preserve national self-determination
on the territory of Israel/Palestine;
b) to invest resources in developing society not army.
Yet: Instead of consistently striving for their
over-all interest,
both keep clashing about "rights' and "positions".
B. DEPENDENCY between both
Seventy years of harming each other have
proven, that -
a) neither can achieve or preserve this interest without the other's consent.
This makes them dependent on each other;
b) neither has the power to get rid of this dependency,
by trying to annihilate or to weaken or to dominate the other.
Though evaluations of our persons of reference
vastly differ from each other - some of them, Jews and Palestinians,
believe, that the Palestinians are already stronger than Israel
and time works for them anyway,
while others, Palestinians and Jews, believe, that Israel has all the
power.- We clearly see a Balance of Power.
This does NOT exist between Jews and Arabs INSIDE '67-Israel,
which diminuishes the chances of solving their probelm seperately.
Yet: Instead of facing this fact of mutual dependency,
both still try to ignore or get rid of it.
C. POWER of self-determined
people: Neither has the power to get rid
of this dependency,
but if they believe in self-determination,
there is another CHOICE:
If they would believe in self-determination,
i.e. in their power to turn a harmful dependency into a partnership,
they would device and check
every statement, every action, every proposal of a polical solution
According to these three criteria:
a)Does, what I say and do, prove
to the other,
that my interest is his interest too?
b) Does, what I say and do,
help him trust me,
and cause him to help me trust him?
c) Does, what I say and do,
create equal conditions as well as equality of self-respect?
Yet Instead of actualizing their power of self-determination,
both still cling to what we call their "victim-role":
A victim sees no choices.
It has but one alternative - to succumb or to hit back.
Is not the highest value of
both peoples' "self-determination?"
Does not "self-determination" mean
- to be responsible for achieving my interests?
How can I achieve my interests,
if I don't take responsibility for my dependencies?
(even if the balance of power should be in favor of the other part!)
Yet Instead of living up to their value of self-determination,
both still perceive themselves as victims:
'Unless you, my enemy, take the first step
(recognize me, give up terror, give up territories, etc.)'
I, poor powerless, unfree Me, have no choice but to fight."
Direction of Action for the Mediator
Unless people understand "self-determination"
as taking unconditional responsibility for achieving theirINTERESTS, any polical solution suggested by anybody,
will for ever be rejected by either side as "contradicting our positions". Manipulations of the Camp-David kind
[see my meeting with Roger Fisher] might momentarily force the parties into an agreement,
but it will fall apart once the parties face a new obstacle and again claim:
'Unless you, my enemy, do this or that, I can't do anything.'
Therefore, what each of us
potential mediators has to work on today,
is not, how to suggest a better political SOLUTION,
But HOW can "victims'
change into "self-determined people"?
Since there is no time for education of therapy
(though we'll have to follow up with these later)
we should bring about
what in a person's life and in peoples' history
has always been the fastest way to change:
The idea is,
that "mediators" would identify and approach
the crucial decision-makers among one or both parties,
and cause them, by whatever means would be effective,
to practically adopt this interpretation of self-determination,
by initiating one spectacular, examplary act,
which would cause the two peoples
What would happen?
Like after Sadat's
visit to Jerusalem
people - from kindergardens to governments - would say:
This break-through
in their OWN power
and of
in the OTHER's acting According to laws of human nature -
could be the psychological condition for both peoples
to embark on the systematical PROCESS of solving together
the objective and psychologcal problems of their conflict.
As to the "Political
There are many options on the table today,
with concern to borders, territories and forms of government.
whatever option seems to serve the interest of either side - even "greater Israel", even "A secular
Democratic State",
can serve as a starting point, IF - the decision-makers stick to
the MOTIVATION OF SELF-DETERMINATION "I have the power to achieve my
by turning an unavoidable harmful dependency into a partnership"; and IF the decision-makers devise or check their proposals
and procedures
According to the THREE CRITERIA OF A PARTNERHSIP-RELATIONSHIP "Does what I say and do, further
common interest,
mutual trust
and equality of self-respect?"
make sense to you, would you help us with the operational questions?
a) What party is likely to be the first to get out
of the victim-role?
b) Who would be efficient mediators to cause her to initiate such an act?
c) What means, besides "trying to convince rationally", might be
d) What criteria and ideas do you have with concern to the content of the
- Script of what might happen
-Summarized feed-back from "potential mediators" interviewed so
If you want a script of what will change,
once the emotional break-through will get people started
to actualize self-determination,
here are examples of four stages:
a) Data-Gathering-and-Interpretation:
For so many years people believed: "the other
doesn't want to".
Beliefs tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Whatever was said or done by the other party,
was selected and interpreted as a confirmation of this belief.
Only people who are determlned to turn a harmful dependency
into a partnership,
will see their INTEREST -
in watching out for all those statements, behavoirs and actions of the enemy,
which could be considered as "rational breaches in the wall of irrationality". WhenSadat said;
"I want to come",
one Israeli statesman [Shim'on Peres! addition
in 2002] interpreted: "OH, that's
just another trick!"
while Begin - obviously prepared for this by mediators, said: "Welcome",
giving the rational breach a chance.
b) Direct Talks:
For so many years well-meaning people have demanded direct talks.
Only people who are determined to turn a harmful dependency into a partnership,
will see their INTEREST -
in making direct contact with the party
which they want to turn into a partner,
as fast as possible.
c) Stopping Injustices and Provocations:
For so many years the injustices and provocations done by either side,
have been condemned, retaliated.
Only people who are determined to turn a harmful dependency into a partnership,
will see their INTEREST -
in avoiding any word or action,
that might undermine the trust of the other party,
like hostile propaganda,
confiscating land,
"settlements", etc.
d) National Self-determination
for Palestinian - Security for Israel:
For so many years people ping-pong with the rights of either side.
Only people who are determined to turn a harmful dependency into a partnership,
will see their INTEREST -
in creating trust
(which is the best base for SECURITY),
and in devising political mechanisms, that would guarantee
EQUAL distribution of RESOURCES to both partners.
The "Political Solutions' they'll come up with
in the end,
might be much better than any of the options discussed today.
If you need specific CRITERIA to activate your intuition
and imagination
with concern to the operational questions of "Initiative 1980",
here is a summary of what has crystallized so far,
following meetings with about thirty personalities (Except for 5 meetings with groups
-"Partnership" and the Jerusalem "Bet-Hillel" Arab-Jewish
Student group-
the talks were organized with one or two,
never more than with three personalities.
Some of them we saw twice,
like the Egyptian ambassador)
1) Possible criteria for devising
the "exemplary Act":
a) If the act would be initiated by the
the content should be,
to cause a breach in the emotional barrier of traumatic distrust on the Jewish
(something that would be equivalent to cancelling the "Palestinian Covenant",
Or even to replacing terror by non-violent action for a limited period);
b) If the act would be initiated
by the Israeli Jews,
the content should be to prove to the Palestinians
that the Jews want them to be EQUAL
(something that would be equivalent to at least talking
to whoever is considered today as a representative of the Palestinian people
- as to the potential equal partner).
c) The act will have its future
rewards -
be creating the psychological climate
for starting a process towards solution.
But it should also endow its initiators with immediate rewards,
like increased morale and self-respect at home, and the cheering of the world.
2) Possible criteria for assuming
that the Palestinians will want to be the party to start;
a) They are considered the "objective"victim,
which gives them a lower status than the Jews.
Since a partnership-relationship must be based on equality,
they would - by taking the first step - not only actualize self-determination,
but also prove to themselves, to Israel and to the world: We a r e equal!
we are even able to take the initiative! (The Jews among us say this with pain,
seeing that little is left of the original essence of Zionism,
i.e. "We are masters of our destiny"...)
b) They seem to be more realistic
in facing their dependency on the Jews than vice versa.
They seem to realize already,
that they can reach their national interest only if the Jews let them:
"We are stuck with the Jews",
said Abu Ayyad.
Many of the Jews still ignore the fact,
that they cannot preserve their national interest
unless the Palestinians let them.
c) Psychologically it seems,
as if the Palestinians are going to win something,
while the Jews s e e m to loose something.
So it's easier for the former to start.
Yet, as mediators, we take advice from both:
Which one of you, do you think, has the power to initiate such an act?
3)Possible criteria for efficient
a) They should have a reputation of not supporting one side against the other,
but of wanting both peoples to reconcile their interests.
b) They should be capable of imagination and flexibility
in using every possible means,
combination of means,
coordination between different steps, taken by different mediators,
in order to identify and win over the most crucial decision-makers
on the side of the chosen party
as well as on the side of the party that will have to respond properly.
4) Additional Activities;
some people doubt the effectiveness of a one-time act.
They suggest - initiating events that would help people e
n v i s i o n ,
what it means to devise a policy According to the THREE CRITERIA,
for instance
2003_06_26 REVIEW
As the last endeavor was
a political initiative, so was the first one.
I'll only guard the first of 8 pages, both in Hebrew and
in Ibrahim Simaan's translation into Arabic.
There are two main differences between the program of 1975 and the program
of 1980
1. This first plan assumes that Israel would be the active part,
but since during those 6 years the Palestinians reached
the balance of power
(neither can kill or dominate the other, nor get
on the other)
they can be active just as well, or even be the initiators.
This equality as
a starting point will accelerate and favour the process.
2. The Palestinian State, propagated in the first program,
is not
the only possible geopolitical mechanism to guarantee a relationship
of partnership,
especially since it does not take into Account the 600 000 (?) Palestinians
who today are citizens of Israel,
- leave alone the "emotional
barriers" on the Jewish side.
But it looks, as if this stage of an independent statehood can not
be skipped.
Another difference between the first and
the last document is,
that the first program served as entry document to all kinds of Jews and Arabs
inside Israel only,
while the second program was delivered and discussed and modified and again
delivered to a number of politicians of the second rank,
both in the State of Israel and in occupied Palestine.
The outstanding experience was our visit to the Mayor of Nablous,
whose leg had just been smashed by an act of hostility.
But then, towards the end of August, all my work in "Partnership" came
to an end,
because the situation in my home has suddenly matured towards ~~~ leaving it~~~
In January 1981 I asked the Committee of Partnership to let me go.
I follow my
understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
that - after 7 years -
I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing
In this case: my experience with Neve-Shalom (April 19-21, 2009) during
"Walk About Love 2009" continuation
of April 20, 2009 , our 40 hours at Neve-Shalom;
latest update of this page:
July 29, 2009
a wonderful space for silence and sounding (listen
to a recording of my own sounding on
the next page)
February 22, 2011:
I came across these images 2 days after I had rejoiced in the idea
of Alon Gal
(reality-show: Mishpakhah Khoreget - see my remark
on February
7 about the present season),
to bring the woman of a faltering business-couple into this space
at Neve-Shalom,
in order to let her experience - physically -
how the noise in her interactions with her husband were behind the
failure of her life.
Whenever she would utter a blame, Alon would kick heavy stones around
this space.
The resonance was horrifying and the woman "got it"....
The reflection of me and the landscapte in the glass
shows the dirty stains on the sanctuary's windows...
Looking through the glass from the inside - everything
is pure...
While trying to erect my tent in the little graveyard,
five people discern me through the gate and come to me:
Maya and Rotem, the photographers,
and Yoav, Anna and Ur, the newcomers
Graves as seen from my tent
and through the trees: Neve-Shalom.
In the morning, while still enjoying the al-one-ness
in my open tent, I watch children coming down the dustroad. "Are these , indeed, Jewish and Arab children?"
Later, Eitan , now the gardener of the graveyard, tells me: "these kids are from our school and they
are now doing something good and something bad:
the bad thing is, that over there an entire new neighborhood is going
to be built,
mainly for the second generation of Neve Shalom.
the good thing is:
they are about to discover and dig out special plants and flowers
and transpose them elsewhere."
While we listen to Dorit Shippin from Neve-Shalom,
who answers our questions,
I watch a newcomer - Yoav - with an interesting print on his shirt
- who asks deep questions.
The house of the Bolus-Family,
in which Ranin,
my favorite "actress' in
The Big Brother
was born and still lives in it,
when she is home.
Ranin is with her grandparents
"in the North"
, probably at Kfar Yassif,
but her mother, Rita,
the secretary of Neve-Shalom,
is accessible.
I must tell her,
how deeply impressed I was
by her daughter's performance
in the Big Brother Reality Show,
how much I appreciated her
being able to feel
and to show her feelings,
and how well she served her nation.
I told her,
that I had made many photos of Ranin
through theTV screen,
and that this "fruit" of Neve-Shalom
appeases me with the place,
which brings up so many pains in me.
- on the background of newspaper clips with Ranin
in situations before the Big Brother show,
was made by Avigal, one of the walkers,
with whom I now had a deep talk for the first time.
another picture of Rita,
when she did not pose.
"Why do you cry so much, Ranin?" This was meant to be a blaming question by the
See this situation on September
17, 2009
Continuation of photos
about my "Intermezzo" in "The Walk about Love":
Walking from Neve-Shalom to the Ecological Farm at Modi'in
on Holocaust Day,