Scroll down to: 2012 Practising towards the new Hebrew website shemshem
2004_03_01-13; Last Update: 2011_02_23 B) I now mostly experience gentle waves on
my sea, no big storms :
Wholeness of being will be yours, In the face of these two heavenly views of
"my" Salt Sea
- I attempt to sculpt a fresh answer to the question: How can I heal
myself into wholeness
While trying to practice the
five "Sound Appointments" , Which of my colors What judgment do I want to release? What among my wishes and dreams, plans or intentions do I want to manifest today or in this time?
Differentiate between feelings brought
up by exterior situations, events, interactions,
If I am in the flames of a painful, shameful,
frightful experience, [2009_09_09- See a reinforcement of this process in
And if it's still too painful, shameful,
frightful, until I feel, that all resistence has melted away.
Can I invoke pictures,
feelings and sensations I am grateful, that after almost 3 years of learning to communicate via computer and Internet, I am granted to create and re-create pages on Healing-K.i.s.s. not on a desk in town, but right here on the spot of my dream, ![]() on the shore of this small
DeadSea peninsula [see
album], 'ani modah! I thank. ![]() I've seated myself on the Arab cushion I've been carrying with me from "Succah in the Desert", the laptop on a water container, swept to this shore, the mouse on my cave kitchen cutting board.. In the left corner on the top I discern the rock which hosts my cave and its solar electricity system [see album]. I listen to the delicate sounds of the calm waves on the fine pebbles, and to wafts of chat between the lovers over there at "my" hot sulphor spring [see album].
accept what I feel:
I keep remembering , that "This Creation
is based on vibration" Direct expression without words is
what the feeling needs.
Then, and only then, am I guiding
my consciousness
i.e. if - while
breathing, sounding, moving - I intend to feel whole and free
I want to close this "Demonstration of how I heal myself into Wholeness" with a dedication:
I feel immense gratitude towards my
eldest son, Immanuel Rosenzweig,
It was also Immanuel who
- together with Efrat, my daughter-in-love -
From my 2007 perspective as well as
from my 2011 perspective
Practising towards the new website shemshem
continuation from "Sound-Shofar"
And that assignment
of "satisfaction in work" has vastly expanded:
How can we feel g r a t e- f u l l ~~ z e s t- f u l l ~~ fu l l- f i
l l ed
How can we all feel good about ourselves & our accomplishments?
La belle Verte
with English subtitles
Between January 26 and
January 28 , 2012
the URL of the new Hebrew site was created:
[but even on February 16, 2012 the site still doesn't "work",
that's why I go on inserting my "drafts" in Healing-K.i.s.s.]
Musings without trying to sculpt
Kelly: Succeeding against all odds
What is the ultimate
purpose of life?
in "Blooming Humans are We"
Yraceburu Family is dedicated Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary is |
![]() Erich Neumann, Tiefenpsychologie und neue Ethik p. 94 ... In dieser Begegnung wird ... das Grundphaenomen
bewusstgemacht, |
While watching the video: |
[When I now (Febr. 15, 2012) put "bored" in the "Search" of I discovered a wealthy well of entries about my coping in the past with the theme of my "future". On the first one, K.i.s.s.-log 2008_09_08, my late ex-husband's birthday, I related specifically to the "boredom" of the Big Brother family, a reality-show, which I was cherishing for 3 seasons, but which now - during the present season - seems to me to be "outmoded" - with their ridiculous dramas and lack of consciousness and knowing and I have to ask myself every time anew, if there is still something to learn for me.] |
I search for my research about "AKEDIA"
"The so-called "fathers of the
... can identify this illness of spiritual boredom from its very first symptoms,
and fight back to prevent it from growing into their souls.
It may happen to those
who are wrapped up in lots of activities, in an agitated life,
who are always on the run
...not accustomed to being alone with themselves,
in order to understand themselves,
to get to know their very own
desires , likes and dislikes,
to accept their failures and successes
and to be fully aware of their own limitations.
Akedia's victims lack the ability to enjoy things
as they were given by the Creator of the universe,
to have a thanksgiving attitude towards God for all his earthly and spiritual
gifts. "
zest-full-ness can be the vibration of my heart,
only if I AM in GOD with every breathing-in and out
I asked a friend to order and send me the
book by the poet Kathleen Norris
and me"
![]() |
told Boris about the prophecy and my
song: "be-shuva ve-nakhat will they be set free...." and showed him my sentence : Is this not one of the reasons for all the wars in the world: the yearning of frustrated , unfulfilled men to become heroes and he asked, if "shuva" is connected to "shovav" and "shovavut" in modern Hebrew. That's why I began this research but I didn't come around to complete it. In any case - since my research of translations of "shuva" showed, that nobody can be sure about what it means, I can just as well decide, that "shuva" means "shovavut"-having fun |
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![]() the clip says, that in the singing of this song [by Nomi Shemer] about being one and being different participated children of foreign workers from Bialik School in Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL and not in Petach-Tikva as I noted, perhaps unconsciously trying to make up for the racism against Ethopian children, for which a school there has become infamous |
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Nourishment, |
lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise
um Gott, um den uralten Turm, |
See some cropcircles inserted in a page,
which is called "New
Patterns of Manifestation"
More from K.i.s.s.-log
2008_10_31 - [which includes a good image of mine and the insert of my Paula-body-work with Aya Goldhammer in March 2006]
'heshek' is indeed the utter opposite of dullness
and boredom, of "akedia", I must postpone this exploration But I know how I want to sculpt my altar today, Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what
you want, 9:27 [after having sculpted the "akedia-zest"
frame below] |
"Body knows how to heal
and soon you will find that power within you"
see Godchannel:
Who is the Healer
Of course, it's not my lover, who can fill me in
every moment and forever.
But the experience of my senses being filled up by loving and being loved,
helps me to know what it is I desire and then to strive to fulfill this desire.
See John Denver's Love-Song in SongGame
2007_12_02 from this perspective!
After all these quotes and sculptures created between January
26 and 28
I repeat:
Between January 26 and
January 28 , 2012
the URL of the new Hebrew site was created:
[but even on February 16, 2012 the site still doesn't "work",
that's why I go on inserting my "drafts" in Healing-K.i.s.s.]
January 29, 2012
Daniel, Boris, me watched the DVD of the movie Waking
Life [see the
Interesting though not mentioned under this name "the morphic field":
people are given a crossword puzzle.....
Here is the continuation of my
excerpts, quoted on January 21, 2012
from the
Now, what you’ve seen here
is the evolution of populations, But that's only the beginning of
the evolutionary cycle... These will be the manifestations of the new evolution................... I heard that Tim Leary said as
he was dying~
| matter how degraded
and used up the world appeared to us, They say that dreams are real only as
long as they last Really, it's just about the two
opposing states of consciousness...which
don't really oppose at all. The trick is to combine And film can let us see that. Exercise your human mind as thoroughly
as possible, We're communicating on so many levels
simultaneously. .... An assumption develops that you cannot
understand life and live life simultaneously. And as one realizes...that one is a dream
figure... ... Just--Just... wake up. See also The
Green Beautiful, the forbidden movie:
January 31, 2012
the eternal soul seeks evolution and experience, it encounters and inhabits the linear physical body. As in all partnerships there is a give and take
between the energy. The physical form with ideas of its own, Younger souls often completely embrace
the current life
eine Zukunft ohne Krieg,
Liebe ohne Angst
Angst ist die Grundlage der Gewalt
Blooming Beings are We, January 31,
Like a flower,
whose open heart quietly awaits the day
when pollen meets stamen,
fertilizing the growth of fruit into being ~
So, too, do our blossoming dreams
make many changes in form
before they reach fruition.
Once fertilized, a flower drops its petals,
releasing attachment to external appearances
in order to become seed-bearing fruit.
Feel the Great Coming Together
of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
electrifying and magnetizing
emergent form, expression and embodiment
into being.
Nature does not hurry,
nor does it stagnate or linger for long in any given stage of creation.
Always changing and re-arranging form,
the wisdom of Nature teaches us
non-attachment to physical form.
February 1, 2012
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on Febr. 16, 2012, after the song, which contains all I am, know and want, seems to be completed, though the - already recorded and edited tune - will appear only on the shemshem = shamayim bli shi'amum website. A - frustrating - response to this letter came only from Shuli Natan's producer.... ![]() |
Your choices of action may be limited |
Following the Hebrew passage to the right,
Also: that last song of 2011
"wenn ich frueh erwachen tu" |
February 4, 2012
I registered and in the response I read this quote
by Margaret Meade:
"Never doubt that a small group of committed people
can change the world
– indeed it is the only thing that ever has".
This fits what I've written to my daughter about
"the morphic field".
land of Israel, beautiful and also blooming"
+ a very pretty performance
of the ancient song
Right Use of Will, which
I'm copying right now: BlueBook p.44 All of manifested experience so far has been in search of self-acceptance. … Returning to essence is not the goal of self-acceptance. Self-acceptance must include acceptance that individual consciousness has emerged to evolve essence. While many have believed emergence was a denial of and a separation from Spirit, the opposite is actually true. Denial of emergence is denial of the Spirit's opportunity to increase its own Light through evolvement. |
Abraham (2003) - email
quote today Everything you do is for the purpose of the joy that it is giving you. … If you're lined up with it, then it's joy when you're thinking about it even before you start, and it's joyful as you start, and it's intoxicating as you're going, and it's fulfilling as you do it, and it's satisfying as you finish it and you're in alignment the whole way on that. |
February 5, 2012
"Wenn ich frueh erwachen tu"
aus einem wirren Traum
ist mein erstes Er-innern
ich bin ja in deinem Raum
Wenn dann die lineare Zeit
mich ziehn will in ihren Bann
ist mein groesstes Verlangen
dass ich Dir Partner sein kann.
![]() "Healing Desire" in Godchannel: Interview with the Folks 2 ![]() Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning... What are you planning? |
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Talila Hendel quotes in facebook:
~ To attain knowledge adds things every
.to attain wisdom removes things every day ~
She added an image: the owl reversing her head
I saw a program, which dealt with what I've coined
the "Cain-complex":
3SAT Sternstunden der PHilosophie, Axel
Honneth - Anerkennungstheorie
"non- and mis-recognition as a basis of social
and interpersonal conflict"
remembering "Cain" and "God's" saying: "We all want to be received" it's fitting, that I came also across Ismael: A little book with poems by Ilana Horesh, with whom I was befriended in 1998, while my mobile home parked at the northern shore of Eilat, The poem, which I now glued to the painting of "Mimi", [see the story] says: "Hagar a forsaken woman, spirit of the desert grooved in it grooeves, the sand entered into her eyes (wide open) she saw her son in the shade of the tree, she distanced herself (in her mind's eye) in order to bear the sight " |
February 6, 2012
Humans are We Each fruit has its optimum harvest time,.. The fruits of our Tree of Love represent our visions, callings and intentions coming into BE-ing..... We see fruits of our efforts taking shape and come into material form. Now aligned with, and witnessing, the patterns of creation, we are continuously receiving subtle signals guiding us to take responsible action -- to know when it is time to act or be still... Be present to the subtle messages, guidance and signals arriving as you go about the day. These come in myriad forms -- a flash of insight; a sudden impulse to call someone; a feeling to take a particular path or a nudge to wait; to witness and perceive wondrous opportunities at hand. Gift yourself the experience of listening within, and following the inner genius guiding you. As you do, you experience full alignment with the fruits of your intentions and efforts, being made manifest NOW. .... Our reality is a continuously shifting orchestration of opportunities to manifest our visions and follow our Bliss. Thankfully, we are provided a constant stream of current information. If one opportunity was missed, a new one will appear ... one that is energetically aligned to the elements of creation at play. By tuning in .. we access our inner genius and are guided towards people, places and resources to bring our visions, callings and waking dreams into fruition. |
Book p.44 Returning to essence is not the goal of self-acceptance. Self-acceptance must include acceptance that individual consciousness has emerged to evolve essence. While many have believed emergence was a denial of and a separation from Spirit, the opposite is actually true. Denial of emergence is denial of the Spirit's opportunity to increase its own Light through evolvement. [phrased positively:
Let yourself feel and
be full-filled
by feeling and healing what you feel*)
wombing first, evolving then;
breathing, sounding,
let go of judgments and beliefs
vibrating all in your Body's Heart:
I'll be whole, be
who I am,
learn and create as I please!
That's how the One grows and evolves
till equal peers shall each other love.
Let ourselves feel and be full-filled
[*) modified in Dec. 2012:
A goldmine is offered in what you feel,
embrace your feeling and feel full-filled]
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
-- William Blake