re-edited between July 13 and September
16, 2013 -
with an addition about my present thinking/feeling/living ,
sculpted during the weeks before my 75th birthday on August 15, 2013
"I am a
pioneer of Evolution in learning - to - feel
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My PH.D.-Thesis, 1966-1982, delivered
in Hebrew to the Jerusalem University 1972
Original Theme,1966 : The Concept of VICARIOUS SUFFERING as an ANSWER to INNOCENT SUFFERING (i.e. my coping with the holocaust). Final Hebrew Title 1972: "The PERCEPTION of SUFFERING and SOLIDARITY with the SUFFERERS in the Thought of the Jewish Sages from the time of the second Commonwealth till the End of the Talmudic Era" (i.e. in Bible, Apocryphes, Qumran, New Testament, Talmud, Midrash)
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the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's
Scanned Pages of the German Book and the Hebrew Book
On this website each
"bundle" [of pages in the paper-books]
begins with the overview of all parts of the books.
Titles in blue refer
to the content on the page you open. Titles in grey
refer to the rest of the books' titles.
Bundle 1 / g10-15
/ h28-34 Bundle 2 / g15-19 / h34-38 Bundle 3 / g20-27 / h39-47 Bundle 4 / g27-30 / h47-49 Bundle 5 / g30-35 / h50-55 Bundle 6 / g35-47 / h55-66 Bundle 7 / g47-53 / h67-72 |
8 / g 53- 56 / h 72- 75 Bundle 9 / g 59 - 65 / h 78- 84 Bundle 10 / g 65- 68 / h 84- 87 Bundle 11 / g 69- 77 / h 87- 95 Bundle 12 / g 77- 83 / h 95-101 Bundle 13 / g85- 96 / h105-116 Bundle 14/g100-110 /h117-127 |
/g111-120 / h128-138 Bundle 16/g121-130 / h139-147 Bundle 17/g130-138 / h147-154 Bundle 18/g138-148 / h154-163 Bundle 19/g148-153 / h163-168 Bundle 20/g155-166 / h171-182 Bundle 21/g166-176 / h182-191 |
22 /g176-187 / h191-201 Bundle 23 /g189-200 / h203-215 Bundle 24 /g201-210 / h215-225 Bundle 25 /g210-222 / h225-237 Bundle 26 /g226-233 / h240-247 Bundle 27 /g233-245 / h247-259 Bundle 28 /g248-262 / h261-274 |
2002_09_17, a day after Yom-Kippur,
3 days before Succot ; last updates: 2009_07_11;
After the exit
of Yom-Kippur I saw a German documentary: "Hunting Scenes from South Spain"!
about a "Crystal-Night", a raid by the masses against "Moros",
guestworkers from Marokko and Algeria,
in the Spanish province Almeria around the town Aljido, in February 2000, with
the police standing idly by.
"One man has killed a woman out of jealousy,
and many thousands of his kind are persecuted on his behalf."
This phenomenon among human beings
expressed in that ancient Jewish proverb is the title of my book:
"All Israel are guarantors for each other",
i.e. - are held responsible for each other.
My research shows,
how victimhood (I'm held responsible) is transformed
into mastership (I am responsible, I take responsibility).
When I walked down my path, back from
my collapsed figtree, the next morning,
I had another breakthrough or "break-back".
"Start scanning both editions of your
main book, the Hebrew and the German one,
without worrying about an English translation!"
It's time to integrate my full identity, which is German and Jewish/Israeli,
and my own languages, which are German and Hebrew
indicated in the names "Eva Maria Christa Guth" and "Rachel Rosenzweig"
with a seemingly additional identity, which I adopted for
"God is Evolving",
the identity of Maryam, who writes in English.
"Seemingly" - for my twofold nationality and my universality are already
in the surname I chose in 1981: "Bat-Adam",
"Daughter of Hu/Man".
May I, the foreigner to the English language,
be forgiven for inventing some new words
in order to convey the message expressed in the main Hebrew terms:
like "mastership"
[ribbonut], the contrary
of "victimhood" [qorbanut],
The main problem is with the translation of the noun
in the ancient proverb, which is the title of the Hebrew book.
When my husband translated the summary of
my thesis in 1972,
he finally came up with a certain term, which - as I see today - is no equivalent
at all.
With "Roget's Thesaurus" and "Babylon"
- English-Hebrew, German-English - at hand today,
I now - 2002_09_19
- decided
to translate 'arev
as "being a guarantor"
and 'arevut
as "guarantorship",
and not to use verbs like: "to vouch for",
or "to pledge", or nouns like: "warranty" or "surety"
because I cannot derive from them "vouchers" or "pledgers".
The verb "to guarantee" on the other hand has too many additional
meanings to be an equivalent.
For the word in Hebrew can have an intransitive, even passive meaning:
"I am a guarantor,
i.e. I am held responsible for something that was done by someone else."
or an active meaning:
"I am a guarantor,
i.e. I take responsibility for preventing something from being done by someone
I still need to derive a new word: "guarantorship".
For the word "suretyship" is too confined
as a legal term.
2002_09_18 ; last update: 2003_06_03
The Source of the Concept of "guarantor"
and "guarantorship":
Juda, Josef and Benjamin
The noun 'arevim
is derived from the verb,
which Juda, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, uses twice in the story of "Joseph
and his brothers".
This story, on which I wrote a paper in
Jerusalem in 1961, always moves me to tears.
Yehuda is to become the one
who will give the Hebrews, the Israelites their later name:
"Juden" in German.
I believe, there is deep meaning in how this story lets Juda,
who is the fourth son, not the firstborn, evolve into a leader:
Josef, formerly sold into slavery by the brothers , recognizes them,
when they come to buy grain in Egypt
at a time of famine in their own country, Canaan.
He demands from them to bring their youngest brother with them,
if they ever want to buy food again.
Jacob, who still mourns for his favorite son, assumed to be dead,
refuses to let Benjamin go.
It's then, that Yehuda steps forward and says:
"Send the lad with me,
and we will arise and go,
that we may live and not die,
so we, so you, so our little-ones!
I will act as his pledge
[the whole sentence is one word, ae'aervaennu,
from the root "arav"]
at my hand you may seek him!
If I do not bring him back to you
and set him in your presence,
I will be culpable-for-sin against you all the days (to
43,9, translation of
Everett Fox, s. "wholeness of the Bible"]
On their way back from Egypt,
Josef sends his servants to catch up with them
and to blame them for having stolen Josef's silver goblet.
The goblet is found in Benjamin's pack
(where Josef had ordered to put it secretly).
This is their test!
Will they betray, abandon, extradite, sell a brother again?
Since I now
possess the
translation of Fox, I'll scan Yehuda's second speech in full,
a speech to the powerful Deputy of Pharao, his
disguised brother Josef [Gn
It shows clearly, how Yehuda becomes an 'arev,
a guarantor, in the active sense:
2002_10_05; last update; 2003_06_03
Emphasizing so many individual names
and quoting so many other people
demonstrates the main message of my study:
The Biblical and Talmudic literature is overflooding with personal names
of individuals,
contrasts sharply with the ghastly hierarchical community of Qumran, which they called the "Yakhad", Togetherness, and which left us not a single personal name of a "yakhid", "an individual". |
The "yekhidim",
the individuals, who composed that community, may forgive me for judging their hypocrite "Yakhad" so harshly. Know that I am grateful for the contrast which your false "Yakhad" provides., So far we all learn best by contrasting and polarizing. |
Israel's Sages even had an expressive principle for quoting,
expressed both in negative and in positive form:
I set out to understand the suffering of innocent
I soon was led to understand the dependency of the individual on his/her
And I ended up in understanding, how from this dependency follows the individual's
A Biblical and a Talmudic episode about Moses may
exemplify this:
Moses had liberated the Hebrews from external slavery in Egypt
and led them to the desert to make them grow towards internal freedom.
Instead, time and again, (the
Torah mentions 7 times), the slaves wanted
to return to the meat pots in Egypt.
Moses feels unfit and depressed to death,
until God shows him 70 elders to help him carry the burden.
He gathers them around the Tent
of Appointment, so God would take from his spirit and give it unto them.
Two of them, Eldad and Medad, did not come to the Tent, but started to prophesy
outside, in the camp.
Josua, later a leader himself, but then a sheepish assistant, projects on
Moses his own fear for his honor:
"My lord Moses, imprison them!"
It's then that Moses rises to his full stature
and says:
"Is it for my sake, that you are
Who'd give, that all HIS people were prophets!"
[Numeri 11]
see this song about "My three Peers" in Song-Game
On April 20, 2012, Meirav
Meidan told me the interpretation of Rashi to
"imprison them" - "kal'em"
"hatêl alehem tzorkhê ha-tzibbur ve-hem kalim me-atzmam"
"put on them the needs of the public and by themselves they perish"
A Talmudic story depicts another incident of slavish
In this case God told depressed Moses,
that he would destroy the people once and for all.
Moses jumps to his feet and defies God himself:
talui bi" this depends on ME!" |
2002_10_19; last update: 2003_06_03
The immense endeavor to facilitate convenient navigation
concerning the spreading of my books on the Internet
drags me deeper and deeper into that old research.
And often I emerge and glare with new wonder.
Isn't this root 'arav
of the noun 'arev
The words 'ivrim', Hebrews
and 'aravim, Arabs,
have the same 3 consonants "ayin,
beth/veth, resh",
in both Semitic languages, Arabic and Hebrew,
except that in 'arav the
latter two are inverted.
'ivrim comes from the word
"to pass", "to move beyond",
and 'aravim from a root,
that has produced many meanings;
among them "evening/west" and "steppe", desert like
For the word to mean guarantor,
it has to be pronounced 'arev
in the singular,
and until now I never doubted that in the plural it must be pronounced
But since books are usually not equipped with the kind of dots that
indicate vocals,
the title of my Hebrew book can be easily read as :
"All Israel are Arabs - 'aravim
- to each other".
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In fact, some time after the publication
of the Hebrew book, Now I came across a note in my books
saying, |
What does this mean?
2002_10_21; 8 o'clock in the morning
- Just
look at today's 'deja vu'!
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I also discovered a letter from
Prof. Ernst
Akiba Simon,
As I read Simon's sentence, written in 1973,
in the year 2009, [See the blessing + my tune - of Uniting The-Holy-One-Blessed-Be-He with his Shechina at the bottom of each of the AUschwitz-BirkenAU pages]
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From this day, July 11, 2013 onward
- - - - till August 27
July 16-August 15, 2013 [my 75th birthday]:
My endeavor to once again re-phrase my vocation
inspired by experiences and by re-studying my book
"kol Yisrael arevim zae la-zae"
My progression from
the term "vicariousness" to the term "pioneership":
I am a pioneer of Evolution in learning how to feel
The thinking-feeling here has to be complemented
by the parallel thinking-feeling in "Waking
the Tiger"
[I've re-written these passages
so often, that I forgot when I first phrased them,]
The decision to add the numbers
of the pages in the two paper-books,
scanned and inserted in 2002, forces me to read them.
This is a "Driving Backward"
of the first order.
Until the inserting of the books (which took half a year, every day half
an hour)
I could never bring myself to seriously read,
what I had written, neither in German nor in Hebrew.
Shame and pain were keeping me away.
Shame, because I might not like my creation.
[2013: I like it so much, that I can't
believe I, my persona, created this!]
Pain, because my creation was not received.
[2013: This no longer pains me even
as a persona, since I know who I am!]
Except for 3 feedbacks to the German book (2 positive, 1 negative)
no reaction ever reached me.
The Hebrew book was not even read , leave alone received,
by the man I loved:
"Too many quotations! As if you had nothing to
say on your own accord."
And this despite my immense effort to read and grasp
own thesis/book.
He believes, that no one but him has really understood Immanuel Kant so
I even invested many hours in trying to translate it from Hebrew into German,
hoping, that in this way I might grasp sentence after sentence and the message.
I had to give up.
But my book is intelligible for an average educated person,
isn't it?
I had believed, my books would "make a difference" in the world.
Even now, I fear being judged for having indulged in such illusions.
And the desillusion right now causes me to sob and sob and sob.
Before sleep I zapped into an Hebrew interview with
an Israeli woman.
Tsippi Fleischer
has composed several operas.
Her "Cain&Hevel"
is about to be performed in front of a small audience.
"It takes one hundred years, until
new music becomes digestible for the audience,"
Rosenzweig, my father-in-law, wrote some time before he died in 1929:
"I'll open my mouth only posthumously",
i.e. after my death.
But I, Rachel, don't believe, that humankind will last for another 100 years,
if the message of Judaism, as distilled in my book, is not applied NOW.
16-August 1, 2013 Who was this human being, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, who sobbed, because she was "not received"? During our last encounter in her home - on July 5, 2013 - Mika, my tenth and youngest grandchild, now 7 1/2, said: "Do you know, that nobody enters your website ever?" Though I was not hurt - having heard this "inquiry" so many times - Mika suddenly had the impression that, indeed, I was hurt, and this was not what she wanted, she who feels with other people like I do. Even after I had made it clear to her, that I understand people's difficulty, and that what I need to teach - and exemplify in my own living - , will reach them in another way, she carried some guilt with her, as I realized in other contexts. In the poem to my 70th birthday, which Efrat, her mother, created in 2008, adapted to the song for the 60th birthday of the State of Israel, it is said: "she knows how to loose" . On a personal level, this is true. But this is not the point. Already as a pupil I used to say: "It is not relevant, WHAT someone says and be it the wisest thing on earth, what is relevant, is WHO says something and be it the dumbest thing on earth." Later I've asked myself innumerable times concerning "successful" people: what did s/he do that I didn't do to become "someone who is received"? I wanted to be received not so much as a person, but as a "messenger". That's why I invested such superhuman endeavor in what I came to call: "my tragic Petioning" and "my tragic Partneroring" Slowly, slowly I understood, that I was NOT MEANT to be "someone", because I was NOT MEANT to succeed in my doing in the exterior world. Had I succeeded with my superhuman investment in my marriage, my superhuman investment in learning Arabic , and not only Hebrew (in addition to learning English, Latin, Greek, French, Swedish, Russian, Spanish), my superhuman investment in the 3 stages of publishing my book, my superhuman investment in my "Partnership" work in the seventies, or in the realization of my Desert-Economy Vision in the Negev of Israel, in the Sinai of Egypt, at the Red Sea of Israel and Jordan, at the Dead Sea of Israel and Palestine, and with the Bedouins of the Zealots' Valley, I would have forfeited my calling, I would have failed to focus on becoming a pioneer of Evolution in learning to feel. All my "doing-creating-teaching" for "saving Israel and the World", were "only" circumstances, were only training-grounds in which to learn and understand, train and train and train more to become capable of putting to beneficial, effective, not damaging , use what has been my talent and skill to begin with: understanding humans and identifying with all they are and do and suffer. [Once I quoted the French: "tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner"' "to comprehend everything means to pardon everything", my husband went out of his mind in reproaching me for "such a dangerous idea".] What people and peoples do or miss to do = "sins" in the ancient belief, and what people/peoples suffer = "punishment" in the ancient belief, is the dire result of their incapability to feel! There must stand up one wo/man and say: this is my task, my only, though overwhelming, vocation: to feel~vibrate~womb~understand what people cannot feel, don't even know they don't feel, don't want to feel, judge or find ridiculous what they feel in many situations, should they even become aware of it for a moment. In the spiral of growing and understanding I've reached another level - exactly a year ago...: I've just one task: to redeem Lost Will and dissolve Guilt (see the song at the entry of the Intro-page to Healing-K.i.s.s.) or - in a metaphor, that was deeply relevant concerning Ya'acov- to open the holes in the harmonica, which are blocked by cement - i.e. denied feelings, denied needs, denied qualities, denied greatness, - so that they can play the full musical scala of their being. See what I wrote on April 26,2013 * And yet , I am responsible for all the perpetration as well as all the empowerment. It is not enough to know that "others create their reality", for the "others" are me! And as long as someone else creates victimhood for him/herself , I know, that Lost Will is still not redeemed. It is the task of me - and hopefully of millions of others - to redeem Lost Will, so that not 1-3 of the 10 holes of the harmonica will sound, but all ten, which are so far blocked , cemented by Lost Will , i.e. denied feelings, despised qualities, overridden needs, dwarfed greatness. See 2013 songs April Nr.3 "I love my life", which I completed creating and learning today . |
If "God" says:
"I'm dwelling with them within their impurities", |
July 18, 2013 What about adopting the term "bigger or smaller RESOLUTION" of a picture- for "bigger or smaller RESOLUTION of a FEELING"? What about "using" - not only every incident of judging or feeling "disturbed" be it by noise or be it by the kind of people in my surroundings, but also by identifying with someone's pain or shame or by judging someone as having "a blocked harmonica", in order to become aware - b e y o n d t h e j u d g i n g - of my own feeling at that moment? For instance : what about the idea & feeling of translating my BOOK into English, not systematically, but whenever I come across one of the many fantastic passages, that w e r e w r i t t e n 4 5 y e a r s a g o - s e e m i n g l y , w o n d r o u s l y b y m e , R a c h e l? For instance: What about my decision & feeling to step back from the idea of traveling to the SaltSea once a week, since it's too strenuous, at least during the hot season?.. For instance: What about the former idea & feeling, that I, just once a week, that's free of traveling to my children- s h o u l d force myself into a situation that brings up more feelings than my daily holy routine?.. For instance: What about my need & feeling to cope with my children's feeling of obligation and guilt? |
still living in my bus at the Red Sea, Ilana gave me her poems as
a gift. She also suggested a solution for 50 copies of my book, which I was forced to take over from the widow of Abraham Lisod. "Store them in my cellar and take them, when you have room for them". The other 50 I somehow squeezed into my mobile home, until I had to bequeathe this to Tamir on Oct. 31, 1999. How I dragged the 50 copies from there, and there, and there - till my temporary abode in a rented flat at Modi'in since July 2001, I don't recall. But when I was asked to give a seminar on Shavuot 2002 at "Yakhad" in Modi'in, a school, which tries to integrate pupils from religious and "free" communities, I distributed all these copies to the parents of the pupils, and kept for myself only one copy in addition to the one I had used since 1983. I don't remember, if it was before or after that, that I called Ilana, seeing a chance to transport my copies from Eilat and bring them "home". And what did she say? "Oh , Rachel, I'm so sorry, that you have to hear this now: This cellar was flooded by water because of a bug in the water-system. Everything drowned, including your books!" I wasn't even shocked! It seemed to be only right, that my book does have no place in the exterior world at this time. ![]() |
But now, this
poem of Ilana, and parallel to it the other poem, khushai ....me-khadash
July 21 As to my research on the term "khalutzim" - pioneers in the Bible, see further down. By the way: I now read about
Zionest pioneers
in industry, See a movie of 1924 (!!) about Zionist pioneers |
21, 2013 what is new now is, a) not 'vicariously" , but "as a pioneer of evolution" b) neither "plights" or "dramas" or even"problems", "bugs","chores" are the first step to feel and vibrate but this, this "little feeling"- either gladness and grate-full-ness or dullness, "stamiut" or discomfort! |
Dec.15, 2008 "Since I KNOW that I am a ray of the sun, a wave of the one ocean, a color of the one rainbow, I desire to always be aware, that the PURPOSE of attracting --- a nano-problem in Body or Soul, or a technical "bug", or "chores" like phone-calls, or an interaction not chosen consciously, is: --- to vicariously feel and sense this , to vicariously vibrate, move & sound this, to vicariously accept & evolve this - to vicariously being parental to this and not victim" |
21, 2013 Having to get up slowly from my chair in front of the computer and walk slowly to the stove for getting a second cup of porridge, slowly because of the pain in the joint of my hip, forces me to become aware of what I feel. I really should replace the "feel what you feel now" with "become aware of what you feel now and then vibrate it". Ever more often now people in interviews are asked: 'what do you feel with this?' But, of course, this question always refers to something "big' , be it joy or sorrow. |
22, 2013: I need to add to every single file connected to the book, what has changed . Up to now I only said, that "vicarious suffering" was NOT Sacrifice of Life. Even in Learn&Live, Edith Stein, I repeated this. Even the expression "to feel vicariously" , which I adopted in recent years, is misleading. And yet without these 60 years of learning from the concept of vicariousness, I may not have come to this new understanding: I am meant to become a pioneer of evolution in feeling~vibrating~wombing~understanding, or in integrating consciousness and sentience, thinking and feeling , in Body In my book (German
p. 237, Hebrew p.250) I read about Jesus and Zachaeus |
23, 2013 This is not enough, that someone becomes aware of his "failing". Look at Rabbi, R. Yehuda the President, who was sick for 13 years, because he didn't show that calf enough compassion. So far there has been no bigger "resolution of a picture" than that of feeling guilt. "To feel more", in general, might
mean: |
July 24, 2013
quoted also in
English digests4 and German&Hebrew
this research - first completed 41 years ago -
I can only hint at how
the central concept of "SIN" has
to be radically transmuted.
Sin is "Suende" in German, which derives from "sondern"=
to separate.
The actual "Suende" is "Denial", i.e. the separation
between Thinking and Feeling,
i.e. the lack of awareness - by ignoring, overriding, repressing -
of what I do not want in my life - a) feelings, b) needs, c) qualities,
d) greatness.
These denied parts of myself do not simply disappear ,
but survive in body and soul and all around me,
they even attract more of the same denials, become monstrous,
produce evil doing, perpetration,
or evil suffering, victimhood.
The redemption from "Sin", i.e. from "Denial" and "Lost
and from there the redemption from suffering and death,
begins with learning to feel, i.e. to accept, "to womb" what I
to move it physically and then to understand...
In other words: I can allow myself to feel unpleasant feelings, needs, qualities,
only if I KNOW and PRACTISE - that every feeling, from the tiniest to the
biggest -
must be V I B R A T E D , i.e. physically breathed, sounded,
in order to heal and evolve, and then fulfill its task: to guide me and
to full-fill me.
Once there was a quantum-leap in evolution,
when humans understood that there was a connection between suffering and
Since they knew from the beginning (unlike humankind today), that the many
and the one were tied together,
their "solution" then was, to uproot the one evil-doer from the
community, so as to spare it the consequences.
The next quantum-leap in evolution, was,
when it was understood that this "solution" caused even more suffering,
and they evolved the idea of "reproach and protest".
This, also, caused more damage than benefit.
The "solution" people then came up with, was not an evolution,
but a re-volution, a re-gression:
it was to deny the connection between doing and suffering altogether
and to ignore the mutual guarantorship between the one and the many.
As the present time-period shows, this was/is a horrendous denial,
yes, the culmination of an absurd, monstrous illusion.
Now the time has come, to go down to the deepest roots of both:
the connection between doing/notdoing (=denial) and suffering,
and the connection between me, the individual, and everybody else .
addition on July 31, 2013
The root is the disconnection between the aspects of "God" or
Spirit-Will-Body --or thinking-feeling-sensing...
When Spirit/Mind denies feelings or needs or qualities and greatness,
then these feelings, needs, qualities and greatness become "Lost
Lost Will either undermines myself and - as its worst - causes "cancer",
or attaches itself to other people who are weak in their self-acceptance,
who then - in order "to do" something - produce havoc all around
one of his shocking sermons of reproof and rebuke, Jeremiah [6:19] expressed it ever so clearly, that the plights and catestrophes which befell "this people" are "the fruit of their thoughts"! |
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July 25, 2013
[after p. 44 of the
Hebrew version]
I'll give one - terrible - example of the fact,
that behind the horrid "slaughter of their
sons and daughters" [verse 37],
which Psalm 106
mentions as the culmination of an endless history of Israel's wrongdoing,
The judgment or belief was at
that time (and is in armies till today!!!! )
that people could live only, if the firstborns would be sacrificed.
This belief caused them to deny the most instinctive feelings of parents,
which is to do everything to keep their children alive!
While again re-studying what I wrote in kisslog2008-07-11
- in order to reach clarity about
"feeling>vibrating>wombing" vicariously,
I wondered if I should delete the text, which I quoted here in small letters::
But how would you be able to genuinely
take upon yourself the suffering of both
"those who are acting out and hate themselves
and who feel victims all their lives"
as your prayer-song says,
Songs May Nr.1 ]
if you would not train yourself first
and second and third
in feeling>vibrating>wombing
millions of "nano"-feelings/experiences of both,
the perpetration of ..., which you did not "see",
since you were often out of the house, busy with your peace-work,
and the victimhood of ...,
which you did not grasp into its abysmal depth, even after ... let you know
and despite your being "contaminated" for ever by your own horrid
of having succumbed to sexual manipulation, though not inside the family.
Pioneer of FEELING - don't FAIL to FEEL - verFehle nicht zu Fuehlen
......."The Servant's" task
is not to "suffer vicariously",
but to vicariously take on his people's and all peoples'
denied feelings of guilt and unworthiness
and thus to "intoxicate" them!
27, 2013: |
Since I intuit, I should leave
behind the term "vicariousness", which served me for
55 years,
August 14, 2013: I did not have "time" to analyze these findings mentally. What is important for me, is, how this composition inspires my intuition concerning the understanding, that "I am a pioneer in learning to feel"! What a pretty coincidence, an interview today with Roi Halevi of "Har-El" I won't name or describe it! Just open the video uploaded on August 10! Dov Yannai introduced me to another "Har-El" pioneer: Orna Horovitz! "This is the woman who set up "Succah in the Desert", and she knew: "You lived there in your bus! How on earth did you tackle bureaucracy!" August 29,2013: See what I wrote about the Pioneers of Zionism - the Kibbutzim! |
August 2, 2013
Ezechiel 39, 23
Israel have been and still are pioneering awareness,
the awareness, that no one is a victim of "destiny",
but what happens to him/her/us,
is attracted to him/her/us
by our denial ,
the denial of so many things in any moment of an erronous decision,
or the denial of feelings in hours, days, years, lives of non-decision,
like when we let it happen, that enmity grows and grows around us,
until we are attacked and "have no choice" but sacrificing our sons.
[maybe the following should be inserted in
"Waking the Tiger"]
My progression from the term "feeling"
to "being aware of what I feel", or "la-da'at"
in the Hebrew double sense
of la-da'at:
to distinguish (between good and bad - the tree
of Eden)
and to unite in body (Adam and Eve)
Walking back from the pool I - among other songs - rehearsed
the song
"betakh ael ha-SHEM be-khol
libaekha ve-al binatkha al tisha'en"
When I heard myself singing "ha-shen" (the
tooth) instead of "ha-Shem", I laughed,
and when reaching "binatkha" (your wisdom)
I thought of "shen-binah"-wisdom-tooth
But then came "the point": be-khol
drakhaekha da'ehu
In all your ways learn-to-know Him,
and He will straighten-out your paths.
Be aware of what you feel in each and every moment.
Diamond's famous song:
"All I have is what I feel and what I feel
is what I am"
I want to explore this deep da'at
once again
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![]() and the chorus of a new song, 2013 songs, August sung in the original: drakhaekha-your ways and in its"update": rigshotaekha-your feelings On my birthday I woke up with "my" psalm 139 {see in right frame: ve-nafshi yoda'at me'od} put into tune in 1986, one time and another time |
![]() all these are verses, which I put into tune the first two, which are almost the same wording in 2 different biblical books in "ve-gar ze'ev im keves" the third, Jeremiah, in the 3rd stanza of "Yesurun", the fourth , in the 3rd stanza of Psalm 46, 2012 songs Nr. 6 The fifth, Hosea, is the beginning of a 2013 song (March Nr. 2) |
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August 4, 2013 From
Moses who exemplifies |
This is NOT genuine emotion.
It is just more preoccupation with control
that has leapt into the sensory realm.
[I don't understand]
You are sad, because something happened that you did not like.
You are happy, because something came to you that you wanted.
You are worried, because something might "get out of control,"
or you became angry, and it was you, yourself that got "out of control!"
[I wonder, if
"control" is related to Godchannel's term "judgment"?]
Genuine e-motion flows gently, freely---
unhindered by the need or the desire for control.
It simply is what it is.
It also allows others to be what they are.
Being unattached to outcomes,
e-motion actually seems to move right through any obstacles,
like a fog moving through a sleeping city.
Each and everyone of you
has thousands upon thousands of e-motions
going on within you at any one moment.
However, most of you miss them
Do you wish to unblock those daily stalemates
that are playing themselves out in your bodies and minds?
All you have to do is shift your attention away from them for a moment
and begin to focus upon the more subtle energies
that have been flowing in and around you since the very beginning.
One must learn to focus upon what is moving, not what is BLOCKED.
Goldberg: Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie?]
You must learn to read between the lines!
What you focus upon is what gets perpetuated and energized.
Blocked "feelings" were created to slow you down.
They are self-imposed tethers that have been installed
to keep you from advancing in your consciousness too quickly.
You will never be able to solve them.
And seeking to understand them, beyond what we just told you, is even more of
a waste of time.
[I don't understand!~~~~ Nov. 24, 2010: I understand
a little more now!]
Whatever "understanding"
you may require, concerning a genuine e-motion,
will be given to you as you move along with it.
It is as though you are a swimmer, hanging onto the fin of a dolphin, being
pulled along in its wake.
You feel what it feels, even as its thoughts become your thoughts.
The ride is over when you begin trying to control this creature---
Dealing properly with e-motion becomes an art unto itself.
It begins with a decision to look away from what screams at you--
-from what demands that you react---
opting instead
to focus upon what sings to you and inspires you.
Then, once your energy has cleared itself and become calm,
you can deal with your world with new eyes and an open heart.
[They say nothing about healing, healing God, healing human,
and nothing about Body's role in it.
So who is the one, who'll "focus attention " elsewhere?
Isn't it Body?
But what they say about "control" is very helpful].
9, 2013
Purposes of my present
predicament with my hip-joint and my teeth
(1) There is much to cope with for me, now, My daughter-in-love thinks that I did not behave as a partner to my body, and that therefore "the sceleton" (not the health) is damaged. She asks me to inquire about megagluflex + G10 and agree to take these "food-additions". I cannot possibly convey to her, that I attracted these "problems", teeth and hip-joint, so as to learn to feel more, so as to be a pioneer of evolution in feeling, what others still can't feel. Even when I still had my own teeth, I always ate slowly, so as to enjoy taste and food longer and more. But I definitely never walked slowly, and the pain in the hip now forces me to do so, so as to be aware of what I feel from step to step and from pain to non-pain to pain. If am wrong, I ask YOU to send me messages or experiences! |
(2) Solidarity with the "old, fat and ugly" There is actually a very simple purpose of this predicament, one that has been discussed by the Sages concerning sickness and pain: it teaches you humbleness, compassion and solidarity ! Why do I, out of all persons, need this? "Laughter is the final stage of healing", says Godchannel, and, indeed, I've always been aware during the 7 years of sitting in the Jacuzzi almost every day and judging, judging, awarely judging the "old, fat, ugly people" sitting there with me. I even felt disgust sometimes and could only laugh at myself. I also laughed and still laugh, when I see myself competing! This is the one and only realm, I want "to be better", i.e. "younger than other people my age", "healthier than other people my age", "good-looking more than other people my age" and most ridiculous, since I've never been keen on living, "living longer than other people my age". Perhaps, since I also judged myself for this competing, I attracted the "blai" (wear and tear) in the joint of my hip and my lower back and in my teeth, so as to feel solidarity with the people who are old, ugly and sick. |
(3) But I can already guess, that there is a third purpose for my painful handicap: which I, indeed, have to cope with on an individual, personal level: accepting that my children and landlords d e s i r e to help me, and if this gives me the feeling of being dependent on them more than is necessary or if it means to give in to their advices more than I would do naturally, then this is something I have to understand and see if I can accept it. Please help me with this and prevent me from making it more difficult for my children, as it is anyway to have this mother in their drama. My problem has always been, that I wanted to give too much. [Last shameful lesson with Gabriela, the Hungarian new immigrant in my neighborhood, in January 2013]. Maybe, the entire "guarantorship -responsibility" is not about "doing" for others but about "receiving" from others? I choke on this possibility. |
13, 2013
I read again and again what I sculpted so painstakingly, so often
in the right frame of the top of my
introduction ot Healing-K.i.s.s.
I t i s t h e S K I L L - t o - F E E L w h i c h i s h e r a l d i n g " H U M A N I T Y ' S A W A K E N I N G
It now has become simplified [below], but - in this context of my diary - I want to also guard the 2012 version [above]:
I t i s t h e S K I L L - t o - F E E L w h i c h i s h e r a l d i n g " H U M A N I T Y ' S A W A K E N I N G
could be a fitting term, but since it has been affixed to the "big",
the "dramatic" feelings,
I want to distinguish between these "emotions" , of which people are
aware more or less
and the feelings - the flow of energy
- in every moment of my living, even when I dream while sleeping.)
August 14, 2013
Two coincidences
I traveled to Beer-sheva, in order - after 10 years - to meet Dov Yannai, who was to give a lecture at the ceremony of handing over the certificates to Ethopian students who had studied with the NGO "Startup". Though Dov had looked for the address before meeting me at the bus-station, he had difficulty to find the Khalutz-Street 33 in the old city of Beer-sheva. I laughed! "Khalutz" ! Pioneer! In the make-shift place between two old buildings, where the students sat, I saw a big poster in front of me: ![]() I didn't have a camera with me, but I now found it rightaway on the website of this NGO of modern, impressive pioneers |
Another coincidence happened when I got up from bed and - as usual - grabbed the book the turn of which it was today to be looked into in order to be nourished. It was a German translation of the Qur'an, but I didn't even look into it, since a clipping attracted me, which I must have written 30-40 years ago, about suffering and vicariousness in Islam! I copied it to the page with the chapter about "The Servant", Isaiah 53 |
15, 2013
- my 75th birthday -
not "lekhi-lakh!" but "khugi-lakh"
![]() I woke up with these beloved lines in Psalm 139, which I sing [probably because of the research about "la-da'at", s. above.] The book, the turn of which it was to be grabbed from my shelf, was my edition of excerpts from Franz Rosenzweig's intense work before his death -on the translation of the Bible with Martin Buber. [see more in bundle 13 of "kol Yisrael arevim zae la-zae"] I wanted "a sign" and opened p. 300, "List of Biblical Words", to which the passages, excerpted by me, payed attention My eyes fell on ![]() |
17, 1-2; 6; 20 [Nr. 44] Following the command of "walking to-and-fro and being whole", which is so meaningful to me, I find the - doubled - me'od three times, for both - Abraham and Yishmael!!! ![]() |
6:5 [Nr. 141] The second time, me'od appears in my Rosenzweig edition, is "of course" in the "Shma' Yisrael" ![]() "...So liebe denn... mit all deinem Herzen, mit all deiner Seele, mit all deiner Macht " |
My purpose is - |
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[one of my oldest songs, June 1983] "And again I start from the beginning as one of the smallest in your kingdom," longing to comprehend! yearning to apply! craving to be consistent! |
The next
morning: August 16, 2013
meaningful SMS -blessing from starchild Tzippi: ![]() And from Hagar, my stepdaughter's daughter ![]() |
had wanted this last composition to be the bombastic summary of my birthday
feeling-thinking but then I couldn't fall asleep, because I needed to digest all the interactions, so rare now, because I myself am limiting them: 3 little sweet gifts from my landlords, including a teddy-bear, the only one, I think, I got in my life, short e-mail and SMS exchanges with Ra'ayah, my daughter-in-love, Ayelet, my granddaughter, Dita, my stepdaughter, Dov Yannai, whom I met again, Na'ama Ya'ari, Ya'acov after 13 months... a long letter in English from Barbara, my classmate, old as I, more handicapped than me, who was such an "Angel on the Abyss" during "Noah's Shore", and 4 hour-long phone-calls, with loyal Felicia, who knows that our relationship is not mutual, with Gadi Lybrock who updated me about all the good news about Mitzpe-Ramon and his family, with Lior Oren from some wild place "in the Territories" near Jerusalem. who knows how to listen, and with Rotem, my granddaughter from Modi'in, now 5 months in the army as an army journalist. Late at night... I discovered. ...a sentence.... with a smiley.... from my daughter.... on Facebook.... and a poetic letter that says everything about "my former grandmotherhood", from Itamar, her son, now like Ayelet 15, two grandchildren of what was once the "Quartet". [ Yael "forgot" my birthday, but compensated greatly a few weeks later, with her blessing and - yes- with her 2 days visit!] |
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![]() When I woke up long before dawn and had enough of turning, twisting, moaning, I opened my recorder on one of the channels where I record "things to think about", and this is what I found! underlining my "craving to be consistent", for lo! - the word "pioneer" appeared already in a Communication with Deity in Dec. 2008 "....Second: Your main talent is put to use intensely, constantly, continuously and awarely: the talent to feel all there is to feel and to evolve feelings in a way, that you have become a pioneer of humankind in understanding the conditions of heavon on earth: to feel zest-full and full-filled all the time and when a cloud comes or even some hail, you just enjoy the feeling and- very important - you let Body do work via any of its thousands possibilities." Yes this is what I understood again this morning: The very experiencing of my feelings is my creative act, and so is the movement in Body, [s.2013 Songs July Nr.3)
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I found another entry: "Heritage 2012" perhaps directed at me indirectly? She mentions "Grandfather Siegfried and Grandmother Maria from Germany ( from the wrong side of the war)" . It was in 1976, when my mother was finally trans-ferred to a home, that I chose this "Meissner Porzellan" in her flat and brought it to my home in Israel |
From this day, July 11, 2013 onward -
- - - till August 27