K.I.S.S. -
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to k.i.s.s.-l o g+all dates
~ library of seven years
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Monday, - at Arad
back to past ~~~~~ forward to future
On this date - 4 years later:
Lior came in with a nylon-bag of clothes, which her mother wants to
bequeathe to me.
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Addition on August 14, 2009- Continuation of previous page
Addition on September 3, 2009
See another sweet experience with Amit and Lior before Succot 2010 |
Even in your rightness about
a subject, This I've learnt
in 1974 - my enlightenment |
For Shabbat Eve and Night I invented a game: to not choose consciously what to watch on TV, but-with the finger on the list of recorded programs- to close my eyes and click, click, click and stop blindly, and let me be guided to what would be "right in time". After some programs, from which I retrieved quickly what and how much of the info - was relevant for me, I reached "Dornroeschen" ["Sleeping Beauty"], from the recent "Theme-Day of Fairytales" in 3SAT. [I cannot find this version on the Internet. The version I did find- I saw years ago. What caused me turmoil was the issue of "right time", the princess was to be awakened only after 100 years, and who ever tried to awaken her before that, was caught in the thorns and died a cruel death. |
you see someone living something awful, |
but I don't understand how the many "thoughts" ever so often through my day and my night, concerning other people and my wish they may "feel full-filled" can make myself "feel better right away". The only thing that helps me a bit, is this understanding - an understanding not since today - that "I have to be very allowing", allowing for "Time", allowing for "Process", allowing for the synchronization and coalescense of ever so many "parameters" in the life of a person like my daughters-in-love, my son-in-love, my own daughter, my own two sons, each of my grandkids, not to talk about the few people I really let in into my drama, like Lior, or Daniel or the other starchildren or like Yanina on the phone just now! |
I just "put my heart" to the fact that my main concept for decades was : "ribbonut versus qorbanut", self-determination versus self-victimization (Tomer at the age of 8-9, when he and the four of the quartet checked, what was " the main sentence" used of each of us, like in his case: "ma zae qashur, how is this connected, or what's that to do with this", said that grandma's favorite word was :le-hitmoded, a much better word than the English "to cope") while now my main term is "full-fill-ment", or what - since the age of 16 - I called "satisfaction". But isn't it obvious, that my "desiring for people to become self-determined" has - together with other "desirers" - accelerated evolution towards this goal? Since I heard this sentence "to be masters of our lives" for the first time - from Uri Avnery in a speech in the Knesset - perhaps in 1966 - [mentioned also in Nourishment 2007/2011 How to hold Aloneness in balance with Fullness] it has become widespread - at least as a concept . Even in "Big Brother" some participants are conscious that what bugs them concerning "Kuti", is "that he constantly sees himself as a victim". |
also on 2012-03-24
of the renewed exploration of "Bringers of the Dawn"
![]() |
minutes later (9:08 AM) I begin with today's "program" - to
explore if and what "Bringers of the Dawn" have to say about "Full-fill-ment". Seeing the first word, brought up by Google-Search: "Fulfillment (FBA)" -I erupt in hilarious laughter [and screen-print two Google entries as an image:] ![]() So now I'll open the FBA, the "Fulfillment by Amazon" website the 4th time ["they" claim, that I visited their page on March 20, and that's indeed the day on which Ya'acov inspired me to re-explore the message from the Pleiades] |
before I finally begin, I see a new e-mail: Achinoam Nini invites to read her new blog of "an impossible love and an incurable urge for change" and begins it thus: Saturday, March 24, 2012 Israel-Iran love story, taking our fate in our hands ![]() |
"Ultimately [the Pleiadians] wish for us
to reclaim our power
and reinstate our souvereign position
as (co-)creator through the Self in manifestation."
What a summary in the review
by David Hoogstad on the
Yet my quest and question - as I'm exploring the
Pleiadian message - is
how "souvereignty" and "co-creation in manifestation"
is leading up to -
each person's personal feeling full-filled and therefore loving themselves,
so that all the evils which I see being acted out on this planet, will vanish.
[While sculpting this I remember my work on one
of the pages about "Cain"!!! 9 years ago!]
also on 2012-03-24
What a banale, but magnificent insight did I have now,
when -time and again, to move Body - I went out to veranda and garden,
to pick off withered leaves or plants that exceeded their appointed (?) space.
I do not have to "manage" or "get done" with any work
(le-haspeeq, fertigwerden).
it's the other way round:
the tasks are "coming my way" in order to give me reasons for full-filling
This sounds similar to the insight on my 40th birthday
during a RC -workshop in England:
"I don't exist to solve problems!
Rather problems exist
to give me reason for action,
and pretext for interaction."
puzzle piece 17 and put "exist" in CTRL/F>find]
But then I assumed, that "action" and "interaction" were
goals in themselves.
They are NOT!
"Actions and Interactions" give me reason to create, with "things"
and "people".
And "creating" is the way - as said often -
that WE, the ONE, get to know ourselves.
Already 40 years ago, when going out to the veranda of our house at Ramat-Hadar,
I felt the frustration and pressure and stress, when looking at our lawn and
"Why is it that I always see, what is ugly and
instead of discerning what is beautiful?"
This photo of me in my garden at Ramat-Hadar
was taken for the "Manchester Guardian" in 1977,
There were prettier pictures, but I gave them to another journalist who never
returned them.
also on 2012-03-24
This is still so at Arad in 2012. More exact: it was so and will no longer
be so!
I'll approach every dry leaf, every overgrowing plant, every "ugly"
spot thus:
"Oh thank you for calling me to take care of you,
so I may feel full-fill-ment!"
I now associate to this, is a similar insight concerning my songs: When rehearsing old songs on the way to and inside the swimming pool, I always feel the sting of: "I'll never get it done!" I hardly refresh the memory of a song I knew so well in the past, when other recently rehearsed songs fade away - at least partly. So I'm chasing after "getting it done" in this case too, instead of rejoicing in the fact, that there is something to be rehearsed, something to be savored again, yes to be re-created! "You'll never get it done, and you can never get it wrong." [I turned this saying of "Abraham" into a singsong on SongGame 2007-09-30] Or: "The time you take to just "be" with your creations, is the time you spend in the eternal love of Source." [See the last song in SongGame 2007-09-14] Meaning also: not completed "tasks" are simply material for another creating, for another and new way to feel full-fill-ment! May be not now, may be not by me, maybe not in this reality. |
The same , of course, will be true for all my frustration with all that's
"not completed" on my website,
once I'll manifest my desire to release my life-ruining judgment : "I
have to complete what I begin".
I don't!
Read again the experience of Ulrich Reinthaller's
pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on
the previous page!
Even now - with the accumulation of recorded TV programs - I see again,
"how I make a chore out of everything"
, as that English participant in that RC workshop 1978 wrote to me later.
[While putting "chore" in "search"
I came across a very relevant entry in "How
I've been learning to live", on March 11-12, 2010].
But instead of judging myself for this pattern , I'll apply on it, what I
just learnt about my garden and my songs:
"Oh thank you for calling me to take care of you,
so I may feel full-fill-ment!"
and live "free of stress
and pettiness
full-filled in zest and grate-full-ness
with all mistakes and imperfectness."
the song "At peace with all the Universe"]
also on 2012-03-24
Instead of transcribing the videos, I'll excerpt what is relevant for my quest
in the reviews and excerpts-on-line.
Many things, the Pleiadians - or the reviewers - say, are either not relevant
for me at all, or not relevant for my quest.
Or they are so much a part of my understanding and my living, that I do not
need to mention them here.
The first 2 passages in the right frame resonate
with me only partly, but having just talked about "not needing to complete"
it's "funny" to hear about a "completed universe" and
about Us humans having to work on a planet coming to completion.
I prefer Abraham's "You'll never get it done
and you can never get it wrong",
or Godchannel's: "Once it reaches completion,
there is no way for it to continue evolving"
Put "completion" in CTRL/F>Find of the third INterview with God
and read around this statement
about Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
on the Amazon
website The awakening will be in waves, as people are able to handle it, and in order to avoid chaos. Putting too much light into an element would blow a fuse, so to speak, and the body could be destroyed if it is not ready. Some people won't be able to handle the energy. They will become frightened of it and they will think that something is wrong with their nervous system or that they are going crazy. ...Our bodies bring us untold wealth. They are really invaluable. We are millionaires with our physical bodies, yet, a lot of people don't seem to appreciate them. We are not even aware that our feelings and emotions are like a crop, such as wheat that can be harvested. .... The best way you can operate at this time is to be a keeper of your own frequency and not go around "saving" everyone else. Always state clearly that any assistance you receive come from the light. Act as if you are divinely guided in every choice you make. Once you understand the proper use of emotion and begin to get control over your own frequency, you will be able to broadcast these rays. This new frequency is called knowledge, light, and information.... Get rid of everything in your life that doesn't have meaning for you. This is essential. Information is stored and written in the bone, your skeletal structure, and stone. ...There are also several easy to do exercises
given, such as intention, using the pillar of light, spinning, communing
with the elements, such as water, sun, wind, earth, etc.
A Customer 55 of 57 people found the following review helpful Marciniak is a self-proclaimed channeler, allowing higher frequency, fifth dimensional "entities" known as the Pleiadians to speak through her from the future (They reside in the Pleiadian star system). The Pleiadians comprise one of the many extra-terrestrial intelligent life-forms out there, not all of whom harbor good intentions for the human race. They tell us that we are on the eve of major Earth event, where the battle for the dominion of our planet is soon to begin (year 2012) between various celestial races. Of course, we will be oblivious to these battles because they will occur in the 4th and 5th dimensions, the levels of reality we cannot yet process (save a few of us who have been enlightened). Why? Because 300,000 years ago, in another struggle for Earth's "frequency" domain, the human DNA was disassembled (from 12 strands to a double helix structure) ... Suffice it to say, the Pleiadians are here to remind us of our divine origins, to trigger our DNA reconstruction so that we can begin to re-assimilate light into our bodies, become "keepers of the frequency" and travel in higher dimensions in order to reclaim our sovereignty and survive the coming upheaval.
The Pleiadians "We are here. We are the Pleiadians, a collective of energy from the Pleiades. We have a long history. Our ancestors came from another universe that had achieved completion, a universe. You are simply working on a planet coming to completion, and we are here to help you with that task. This completion, or transformation, has been heralded by many for eons. It is an important time. What happens on Earth now will affect the entire universe. "Completion consists of you understanding
who you are so that you can go further with the experiment. Our ancestors
came from a universe that had completed itself and then understood universally
that it was Prime Creator, the First Cause, or the journey of Prime
Creator in time. They came from a
universe that had discovered its essence-creativity. By discovering
that essence, we found out that we are creators. From Chapter 3, "Who Your Gods Are," Page 23 "There are many misconceptions about the
idea of godhood. The universes are full of intelligent beings who have,
over time, evolved and developed all sorts of capabilities and functions
to serve their needs to express themselves creatively. The
importance behind existence and consciousness is creativity,
and creativity takes many forms. "Eons ago, Earth was but a thought in the minds of great beings who had set before themselves the task of creating new forms of existence. Many of these beings affected the creation of this universe, and you have termed them God. In actuality, they were extraterrestrial light-bearing energies far removed from Prime Creator. We rarely use the term God with a big G. If we were to use that term, we would be referring to the entity we know as Prime Creator. Prime Creator, in its own personal implosion through love, endowed all things with consciousness. All things are Prime Creator on Prime Creator's journey. "We see ourselves as an extension of Prime
Creator — always gathering information,
going off on adventures , and doing
whatever we need to do to make our lives more interesting
and challenging so that we can feed Prime Creator. As we feed
Prime Creator through our schemes and our endeavors, we endow Prime
Creator with greater energy to give to new creations.
From Chapter 11, "The Name of the Game ," Pages 117-118 Thought comes first. Experience is always secondary. It is never the other way around ... Always your experience is a direct reflection of what you are thinking. Clarity and recognition of your own power are
the bottom line....You must, as a species, make it your intention to
stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into
the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always
live in your now. Say to yourself, "What do
I want? I want to accelerate my personal evolution
[towards what?]. I want Spirit to assist me in a greater capacity
[to think or feel or do what?] . I want my
body to regenerate itself. I want to emanate health. I am willing to
give up difficulty so that I can be a living example of what humanity
can be." It is this line of thinking —
this commanding from your being and calling out what you want with clarity
— that brings you everything in acceleration. From Chapter 20, "Sexuality — A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness," Page 211 When the library of yourselves was torn from the shelves and scattered, and the DNA was split so that there were only two strands [from among 12] left with very little data and very little memory, sexuality was left intact in the physical body. It was left as a form of reproduction, of course — as a form for the species to stay in touch with its own essence and bring itself into life. Very deep inside the mechanism of sexuality is a frequency that can be attained that has been sought after and misunderstood by many people. It is called orgasm. The orgasm has been distorted from its original purpose. Your body has forgotten the cosmic orgasm of which it is capable because society has taught you for thousands and thousands of years that sexuality is bad. .... Sexuality connects you with a frequency of ecstasy, which connects you back to your divine source and to information.
also on 2012-03-24
9 begins with the sentence which I had noted above my bed for years: |
video with the 18th and last part is very relevant, ON PRIME CREATORS JOURNEY Humanity is an experiment. This English word "gratification"
was never understood by me,
See more about "Bringer of the
Dawn" on March 27, 2012
also on 2012-03-24
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_03_24- 2013_03_13 ![]() |
In April 2009
Ya'acov wrote 9 articles for an intended website "To Be More" 2009- 2013_03_13 ![]() |