The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




Back to Calendar Order of 2007 Song-Game

InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

"Love taught us to sing together
  and  to find the  sound  of  song
 ever deeper within  each of us.

Index of Themes in ALL SONGS
appearing in the years 2007-2012

links to songs in Hebrew letters: click text-image
* Calendar Order of the 365 songs of 2007
* Bat-Adam's Songs-Alphabetic Index
* History of Bat-Adam's Songs
+ index of themes of all songs
* The Sources of Bat-Adam's own songs
* Other Authors' Songs: Alphabetic Order
* Authors of Lyrics or Tunes, incl. Biblical texts-
                  in Latin alphabetic order

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l [daughter of Siegfried Guth & Maria Berge] ~ R a f a el  R o s e n z w e i g (son of Franz Rosenzweig & Edith Hahn)  
[See "Grandma of Ten"]

Immanuel (1963) & Ruth Rosenzweig
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat
Mika -2005

Ronnit (1965) &Uri Shai

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

Micha (1966) & Ra'ayah Rosenzweig

Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998

About a year ago,
Efrat, my daughter-in-love,
strongly requested,
that I prepare a book with the songs,
- created for our children since 1963 -
by my late husband, Rafael, (lyrics)
and by me (tunes),
and later for the grandkids by me alone,
or based on someone else's tune or song.
Since I imagined, how much work would be needed in handwriting the songs
in musical notes and in texts,
I fixed a date for myself -
- to motivate myself to prepare the book:
Efrat's 44th birthday on July 5, 2010.
I also wanted some of the grandchildren to contribute their talents to the book,
Almost nothing was done,
also because of logistical reasons,
and it is only now,
towards Immanuel's 48th birthday
on Jan. 23, 2011,
that my zest-full-ness returned
and helped me to complete the book,
which lately has grown to 29 songs.
The following table contains
the links to each song-page ,
with the sound-button of my singing
and with interesting details
about the circumstances of creation.

Arnon, Micha's son, managed to copy one song into the book - the first song of February 1963: "Red Flower"

On page 11 of the book: a song for baby Yael, updated in 2010, and a song for Arnon, for his 9th birthday, handwritten by grandma



All songs in Hebrew letters
in which CR participated

[click the text-images]

listen also to Mika's funny version of the song
ke-faerakh shae-kamel [s. above:be-khol qri'at khayim]

All songs in German and Arabic,
in which CR participated

Abel steh auf, es muss neu gespielt werden
Alles ist Tat
Alles ist von Wichtigkeit
Am I mature and whole?
=Bin ich denn reif und ganz?
Brich aus in lauten Klagen
Da neigt sich die Stunde
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander
Dein Land ist dies (Partnership Hymn)
Du bist Meer, ich nichts denn Welle
Du meine heilige Einsamkeit
Ein kleines Lied
Es waechst viel Brot
Freude, Freude, Freude, Freude
Heile mich Du, der du geschiehst
Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen
Ich lieb und lach mit dir, mit euch
Ich sing dir mein Lied
In diesem Dorfe steht das letzte Haus
Jede Faser meines Wesens
O du, mein Gott, ich sehne mich
O koennt' ich fliegen wie Tauben dahin
Oh wie wohl ist mir
in Hebrew, Arabic, English, German
Schliesse mir die Augen beide
Vor lauter Lauschen und Schweigen
Wenn ich frueh aufwachen tu
Wie denn kann ich du All-Einer
Wie kannst du nur am Morgen
Wie sehr ich mich muehte
In Arabic



As to Bat-Adam's new songs 2012
including old songs that were modified
All of them are inserted
at the end of the Into-page
to Healing-K.i.s.s.


All songs in English and French
in which CR participated

A little song
Am I mature and whole?
At peace with all the Universe
Balanced I am, flexible and strong
Celebrate, celebrate
bat-adam ! elohim at !
Dive like a sea-gull
Don't you be afraid to loose control
Feel full-filled by whatever you feel
I inhale God and I exhale Love
I, I would like to be a bird
I love and laugh with you
I wanna see the World united
Keep it simple, Sweetheart
Keep it simple, whatever you say
Know exactly what you want
         + You'll never get it done
Let my Peer come and he'll be received
Let my teeth grow and let my eyes see
May the road rise
Oh Heaven on Earth
Oh how lovely is the evening
in Hebrew, Arabic, English, German
Pressure, fear, my feeling
Ride with the wave-descend with the wave
Then those who see Ha-Shem
The Time you take
When expectations from others cause tension
Who will bring to us Shalom
You can never get it done
In French
Ça me donne du bonheur
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent

Bat-Adam's new songs 2013
including old songs that were modified
All of them are inserted
at the end of "SongGame "






to Introduction of Song-Game to fourfold path of GRATeFULLness
