Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah
in my pre-desert Life (1)
Water in the Wilderness (2) Experiences on the NEGEV HEIGHTS 1990-96 Water in the Wilderness (3) Along the Syrian-African Rift: RED SEA - SINAI 1966 Water in the Wilderness (4) Along the Syrian-African Rift: RED SEA - EILAT/AQABA 1996-98 Water in the Wilderness(5) Along the Syrian-African Rift: SALT SEA - WADI DRAGOT1998/9 Water in the Wilderness(6) Along the Syrian-African Rift: SALT SEA - EIN-GEDI 1999 My Salt Sea Springs since 1999 (7) |
The translucent thread
through the labyrinth of my experiences, is WATER, Mayim in Hebrew, Water which symbolizes God's WILL, i.e. Emotions - Feelings - Desires. Flowing with the Water suits my desire to "follow Will's and Body's lead". |
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and further down 2012
the completion of copying and graphically
2003_07_01, evening: a gift towards the (intended) closure of Healing-K.i.s.s. on July 3! Just now - while uniting all the headers of
"Water Desert Vision" ,
2002_08_19 ; last update; 2003_03_11
On the eve of the murder, 1995_11_05,
I was a visitor of David's at a military base near Egypt.
Some days before, the two of us plus Gadi Lybrock and someone from our Board
of Directors,
had met with Shim'on Peres' personal advisor Elkhanan (?).
Elkhanan was not content with the material we presented and asked for a specific
While David and I were working on this document, a soldier ran in: "R
a b i n was s h o t !"
[2012-12-27: Listen to the
moving desert-song, sung in memory of Rabin in 2007...]
When the TV outlined Rabins' biography,
I was struck by one fact:
He never wanted to become a commander in the army.
He wanted to become a water engineer.
During the funeral, 2 days later, I was sitting in my private David Succah,
attending the funeral through my walkman radio,
and writing and creating this proposal.
When I was ready, I drove the 7 km to my computer in the Succah office-flat
We worked all night - exchanging faxes - Immanuel in Tel-Aviv and I in Mitzpe-Ramon,
and the next morning a big poster was lying on the desk of Shim'on Peres,
the temporary new Prime-Minister.
It was not the first time, I had tried
to win over Peres,
the pupil of Ben-Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister,
who had said, that Israel's destiny will be decided in the Negev.
Peres knew me and appreciated me since our meeting about the
Bir'am project in 1976.
Since the scanned document is unreadable
I'll add a presentation without the poster layout and graphics.
The four original photos burnt in the 1998 Succah fire.
The biblical texts which were inserted
in the photos, are enriched by a tune here.
See "Water
in the Wilderness".
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![]() Prof. Picard surmised that deeper and richer aquifers existed at greater depth. He proposed to intercept them near the foothills of the mountains of Samaria and Judea, since he believed that these were the places where such aquifers should be accessible For Simcha Blass the supply of water was the essence of Zionism. He often ignored well established technical principles in order to create what he termed "A Zionist pipeline" (Rafael Rosenzweig: "The Economic Consequences of Zionism" 1989, p. 101-103) |
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The document closed with my favorite sentence from the
Little Prince
What makes the Desert so beautiful,
is, that somewhere it hides a well...
It may be no coincidence,
that I was forced to read about our "Desert Peace Process 2002"
exactly 10 years after I had begun it in July 2012.
Since there is free space (my "law":
max. 1300 kbs), I was using it now for copying and internalizing the info
the last three of the
eight books of Right
Use of Will.
since August 3, 2012.
September 24-25, 2012 - Last assignment
I continue
to copy the full text of the
Red Book, which at
first I only excerpted
See Table of Content of the three
last books of Right Use of Will
I did so against the outspoken demand of Deity on p. 60
of the Red Book. See below.
This was foolish!!!!!
It took me all these 25 years to grasp,
that this information cannot be taken in only on the intellectual level.
It must be felt ~~~~ it must be sensed ~~~~ in Body.
On Sept. 25, 2012, I was working with the most intense focus,
in order to try "to get it done",
before I'll hitchhike to my children at Shoham
on Yom Kippur Eve- to be with them till the middle of the Succot-Week
and then to travel with Boris and Julianna in a car to for 2 days with my
7 star-children at the Dolphin-Reef of Eilat
and return to Arad and my local website only after 11 days,
and have all the 8 books online,
so that I then can do my "scientific" work,
by using "Search", as I would use a concordance
for working with the Hebrew Bible,
in order to deeper understand and apply my mission in Creation and on this
to "redeem Lost Will" and "to
dissolve the Guilt"
While copying and editing I'm once again - part
of the time - listening to Brahm's
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
[continuation of the chapter: HEART GIVES FATHER ANOTHER CHANCE TO TELL HIS STORY "Father" = "The Father of Manifestation" or God's "Body" I wanted to find the pleasure of My fantasies and dreams and let go of the rest, but the rest was not wanting to let Me go. Why it was not letting Me go, I did not know. It did not feel good. It was not giving Me what I wanted. I was not what it wanted. Why wouldn't it let Me go? Instead, it wanted to have Me and devour Me any way it could. I began to fear there was a black hole that ate things and I was not going to escape alive, or that there was some horrible, snakelike monster seeking to entwine Me and drag Me down into terror and compression. I could feel Her giving Me terror, and she did not deny it was there. She said She wanted Me to know Her there I could feel Her giving Me compression, and again, She did not deny that She was doing this. She said She wanted Me to know what it felt like there. All around, the voices sounded like they were jeering Me and egging Her on to drag Me to My death. The more I didn't like it and wanted to pull back, the more angry and jeering they became, as though they hated Me that much. I did not know how to handle the situation. I didn't know what was happening to Me there. I was losing My mind and all that I had happening by which I knew Myself. I did not know this place, and I did not want to know it. If this was Her, then I did not want to know Her after all .The place I had wanted to enter in Her sexually had become more than a large, dark cavern; it was enormous and was gong to eat Me alive, or worse. Although I did not have these images at first, the sensatins I had match these kinds of pictues. I had horror beyond anything I had ever known before. If this was Her place, I did not want to stay with Her anymore. If You were there, I would not have wanted You to stay there either . I may have picked You up then and You may not have known it, because I do not think I had all of Heart with Me when I came there, or I would have had a much larger presence of love than I did. Instead of love bonding Me there, I had a twofold plan for getting Myself out of there. My plan had evovled, though, from when I first conceived it. I did not want Her to rip Me to shreds when I made My break, so I planned to slip from Her grasp first. When She told Me that She did want to go into these sexual feelings with Me but that so many sounds around Us were distractng Her, I wanted Her to go for it anyway, in their presence, in their midst. I didn't care what happened to them, move them back maybe, was My thought. |
p.39 When She didn't go for that, I suggested that We go to them and try to quiet them down by tending to their needs individually instead of trying to handle them as a group. What I meant was Us; individually, not together. What She thought was that we would go together to each individual problem. I thought there were way too many of them for that and that it would take way too long, especially since I was not really interested to begin with, but I did not make Myself clear here because I did not want Her to argue with Me and put Her hooks in even more deeply. When She made Her move for Us to go one way, I moved to go the other way. I left Her with the impression that I was going to investigate and help others and that I was going to come back to Her as We had planned, but I had no such plan. My plan was to get away from Her and stay away from Her. Once I got away from Her, I realized I felt up again, and that She had really pulled Me down. I became even more firm in My resolution not to go back. I began cruising then, looking for what I might like to experience, if anything. There was a big bunch of essence still glommed onto Me, but I did not notice it then. I had the impression, still, that it was only Me. I paused, feeling something near Me. It was Heart's Will, but I did not know it then. I held It because It felt good to Me and nonthreatening. This essence felt feminne to Me, but I did not think this was a part of what I had just escaped. This part of Heart told Me She had been displaced by the Mother because She loved Me and the Mother did not. This part of Heart told Me the Mother had rage toward Me that wanted to take revenge and kill Me for what I had done to Her. I did not know what I had done to Her, but this part of Heart told Me a lot I had not known before. This part of Heart was crying a lot and so I had to comfort and hold Her a lot to get Her to tell Me any of Her story, which was only told a little at a time between crying as I comforted Her. We were also having sex, which I have to include here now that I am being more honest about what happened originally. I was not moving My heartbreak. I didn't even notice I had it. I was too enraged, frustrated and sexually driven up to notice. Heart was relieving the pressure there, and somehow, in comforting Her hearbreak, My own was comforted , too. After experiencing how soft and loving Heart felt to Me there, I decided the Mother was a heartless and hardened old bitch by |
p.40 comparison and nowhere near as feeling as She presented Herself to be, or She would have felt better to Me and been able to feel Me better. I moved along with Heart daughter for a long time there not thinking of anything else, really. I was not thinkng of You or Your Mother having any feelings about it because I did not care about anyone but Myself there. Heart's Will was giving Me what I wanted and doing a better job of it than the Mother could. The way You had been urging Me toward the Mother, I did not think that You cared about Me, or You would not have been doing that. I even thought that You were in cahoots with the Mother to get rid of Me and take My place with Her. If You liked Her so much, You could have Her. I wanted this. This part of Heart told Me many things about the Mother that I did not like hearing and which only confirmed My suspicions that everything I felt there had been right. She did not like Her Mother's dark negativity anymore than I did. Neither of Us saw any reason for it, and since it was not My problem, I thought I had made the right decision to leave. Why should I make it My problem when the Mother only intended to kill Me there? The Heart essence there confirmed this by saying there was more rage than the Mother had let on. It was a dangerous rage, too, She told Me, because it wanted to kill anything that didn't let Her have Her own way. It only wanted My light and nothing more from Me. It wanted the power position and nothing less. I was gathering My case against the Mother, and what I was being told there was helping Me do it. The Mother was not interested in love. Love was part of Heart presence and not a part of the Mother. She had no love, only terror, darkness, compression and death. The Mother was death, in other words, according to Heart's Will. Heart's Will had been with the Mother, so I believed Her there. I was cozy in Her arms when the Mother came and seemed to prove the point. She came screaming down on Us with a rage that would not let up. She accused Me of everything from taking Heart's Will to bed like some kind of child molester, to stealing Heart's mate from Him, to lying about Our relationship and My intentions there. She accused Me of misinterpreting Her and of not knowing what reality really was. She claimed She loved Me and what I had in My arms there did not know what love really was. We both found this laughable, but Heart's Will laughed secretly and I openly. this enraged the Mother even more. She had violence |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.41 in mind. I could see it in Her eyes. I held Her back with My own powerful energy field which did not have to let Her enter if I didn't Her want to. I told Her She had a lot of nerve talking about who knew what love was, acting the way she was. I told Her She wast he One who was not loving. I told Her She had no Heart and asked Her where Her Heart was. She went even more berserk at that and started acitng like She was going to kill Heart's Will and Me, too, if She could. She told Me I had broken Her heart and then had the nerve to ask Her where it was. She then pointed to Heart's Will there in My arms and said that was Her Heart that had abandoned Her for having so much pain over Me. I did not understand how this could be right. I thought it was another trick where She would say anything to get Me where She wanted Me. I pushed Her back as hard as I could there and went rushing upward and away as fast as I could with Heart's Will in My arms and as much other essence as wanted to come along on My terms. I had been pulling on the Mother to give Me what I wanted, and that was what had come with Me. The rest was dumped and pushed back down. I did not go back or look back for a long time. I had rushing upward in mind, and that is what Ii did there. There seemed to be no limit to how far I could go, and that was how I wanted it. When My upward rush slowed, I thought I had returned to where I had been originally; floating freely with My fantasy woman in My arms. She seemed to be everything I wanted, and the rest seemed like a nightmare I never wanted to have again. Spirit was there with Me, and it felt like We were going to go toward Her together this time. I could feel Her calling Me and wanting Me. Her look of desire was burning itself into Me. When I tried to move toward Her, She seemed to reverse Herself toward Me and be calling something in front of Me, as though she did not see Me. It felt like Spirit was holding Me back behind Him and not letting Me go to Her. When He did not move toward Her, I could feel Her shifting and calling Me again, but I could not go to Her. Spirit was still in the way, and I could not get Him to move toward Her with Me. It was like a horror movie in which I could not play the role I wanted to have. Spirit was not playing the role I wanted Him to have there either. He was restraining and punishing Her for reach- |
p.42 Iknow She
had orgasms. She still screamed at Me that She didn't want me and
didn't care about Me and slammed Her Heart
shut on Me.
I screamed at Her that I didn't care about Her then and
didn't want Her either. I beat Her up telling Her I was
not going to let Her have anything of Me anymore. I blamed
My Heart heavily for what happened there and
slammed My Heart shut as well. I ripped the
Heart that had gone into Her from Me out of Her
womb and threw It down. I did not thank
It lived, but It had no way to live there anyway. As
a last and final blow to Her there, I pushed Her away, out into
space, telling Her, "If it's Him You want, have hIm!" |
p.43 I had pushing past anything that triggered Me in mind now. I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I didn't see why I should have to. It was not right. There was no reason anything should be disagreeing with Me. It was My show. I hated it that it was not going My way all of a sudden. What a sadness and a heartbreak for My vision of how it was all going to go for Me in My life, but I did not let Myself feel any of that then. My rage had the upper hand, and I was not going to let Myself feel anything else. It was all too painful. I didn't need Purple if they were going to act funny about My physicality and My sexual interests. I had hardened My heart against any hurt that could happen to Me. I had decided I was not going to let it happen to Me. I was going to do this by going back to My old ways of not caring very much about anything in particular. I had been alright when I had just moved according to how I had felt to move. It was only when I had started listening to other voices that it had become difficult for Me. I moved past Purple in the rage that had these feelings of self-protection, assertion and aggression. I gave Purple the impression that it was not welcome in My spectrum. I hated the Purple game of calling Me and then not receiving Me. I hated the Purple game of moving sexually and then not going for the actual experience. What sort of tease and torture scene was this? Was it their sexual pleasure and perversity to deny themselves the actual experience in favor of the tease and the pleasures of the fantasy? Where had that come from? Wherever it was, I did not like it. I wanted them to go, and go they did. Like movie characters whose film has ended, they floated away into the sea of essence around Me, but I could not get rid of them quite so easily. They haunted Me. The eyes of the Purple woman had become the haunting eyes of a siren who was calling to Me from the sea, "Find me. You will not be sorry." [Sept. 24, 2012, in a doc in which the travels of Odysseus were reconstructed I learnt again about the Sirens] I felt she was not being truthful and that it would be the same old story if I did find her. I was looking for another chance to have sex. Once Purple woman was out of the way, Blue woman was laid bare to Me. as long as it wasn't Purple, I was going to have a different experience , I told Myself. I had no interest in repeating Purple's rejecton. I hated her for that and was going to give her pain now by having sex with Blue woman and leaving her out, keeping her only as the fantasy she was anyway. I could have My fantasy of her while having sex in Blue, and it was no problem for Me now. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.44 We did not talk
about these things. It was clearly understood by her not to question
Me or disagree with My agenda. I let her have her own
life, and she let Me have Mine. I did not let her know most of
what I was up to there and gave her the impression that I only
wanted her for sex. She was not to have others, but I could have
anyone I wanted. I had to flow freely. I could
not be tied down, limited, restricted, controlled or dominated.
I had to go when I wanted to go and come back when I wanted to
come back. |
p.45 I told her that love was based in [sic] trust, and that she had said she loved Me. I trapped her that way, and I enjoyed it. I told her she had trapped herself with her own desire to control Me. If she had trapping Me in mind for her own purposes, better that I found it out now. I implied that I would leave if she did. She didn't want Me to go, so I had her, because I didn't care. "Don't make Me go," I told her. She had to let Me do whatever I wanted to there and not question Me about it. My heart was encased in stone, and I did not open it to her there. She did not understand Me, and pretty soon, she did not even like Me, and I did not like her. She sat, stony faced, and did no question Me alright, but her heart was stone now, too. I had council meetings in Blue to try to listen to the others We had there now, but I ran them the way I ran the rest of My life. Whenever anyone said anything I didn't like or disagreed with Me, I moved them subtly back and gave them as little information as possible so they had less to object to. I planned to eliminate anything that looked like power coming from any other place. Anyone in Blue who even looked anywhere else was suspect, watched closely and not allowed to come in close. I was in the unspoken power position and was not going to allow anyone to challenge Me on this. I had to move, and I did not want any disagreement about My agenda there. It was going to be My way or no way. She was not allowed to attend the council meetings after a little while. She tried to keep up with Me, but she could not. She thought it was all about revving up, and while she was talking about Our limitless possibilities there, it already did not look like that to Me. There was no place to go, and I had decided it was because the Will essence I had pushed away already was trying to crowd in on Us again. I had decided I was going to have to push it back for good this time with whatever it took. She did notknow My agenda there, and I did not want to let her know. She was going to fulfill only one function there, and that was to have sex with Me. I was going to use her in My rev-up to make the light I needed for My purposes there. She did not know what else I had in mind either. I wanted to be God, and Spirit was not letting Me have My right place there. She thought I was already God enough without more power. I didn't. As long as there was any presence of Spirit out there that might mount an opposition against Me, I did not want Him to be able to do it. |
p.46 I was losing
My inspiration. I was getting bored and
restless in Blue. I wanted to move on; out into Manifestation
more than I was already, but not until that space was the way
I wanted it to be. I planned to push the Will-polarity
back because I did not want them there. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.47 in the name of protection. I had no problem with that. She needed a place to live. Green began to feel uneasy with what it knew. From hidden and secret places, Green began to build a power based, black magic opposition to Me and My agenda in Blue. They had in mind to bring My plans down before they could ever happen. I decided I needed to make My move before anything else built up enough power to make a move that could threaten Me in any way, but I presented Myself as though I did not take their power seriously in any way. Everything I saw around Me looked like power plays or aspiring power plays. All the evidence and reports seemed to verify My suspicions and validate My viewpoints and without Heart, anyone could do anything at anytime if it looked as though it served their purposes. If anything was going to happen, I wanted to be ready and make My move first. I was going to be the ONe to make it happen. Power was the name of the game, and I was going to win. For all outer appearances, My move appeared to be only a party. We were revving up in one of Our big, Blue, expansive party feelings.. Thee were a lot of voices thee by now. We did not listen to most of them. They were just a big roar in the background like a party being attended by a lot of people who were not the focus. The focus was on Me, and for her, the focus was on Me also. We were dancing in the center of Blue, going faster and faster, until she fell into My arms. Protected outwardly from view by the partying outer levels of Blue, We took Our privacy then by turning toward each other and shutting anything out that we did not want to have there. Her focus was on Me and only Me there. We had sex with all of the buzz up and other noise in Blue in the background. Their noise gave Us space to make as much noise as we wanted to, and I suspect We were not the only Ones having sex thee. We were revving up more and more. I was taking her farther and farther out. She was terrified, but did not let it move. She gave rage all the power there, and so did I. There was nothing to fear, I told her, but fear itself. I was going to have the orgasm of My life and give her one, too, and then leave her, floating in the afterglow, when she least expected it. Some of the increase in My light was going to stay with Me and another piece of it was going to send out to strike the Will and get rid of It, so I could move anyplace I wanted to without any limits on Me or My ways. At the very least, I knew it would push the Will back. My presentation was only one of maikng light. |
p.48 I was thrusting into Blue woman, pounding her furiously. I wanted to make her hate Me, so she would let go of Me when I wanted her to. She was giving Me the impression that she was enjoying this even more than I was. I hated her for that. I thought she was sick to love hatred so much and too stupid to know what I was doing to her there. Then I thought she might be even more power hungry than I was or didn't know what I was going to do with this light. The more I pounded her, the more she screamed and heaved in passion. We had a huge and explosive orgasm there that blew the rest of Blue away and Us with it. It was beyond Our capacity to handle it. My plan to go to Green did not take place the way I wanted it to. I rolled out of control over Green and down through the other colors. I was in terror, and there, I found the other Mother who did not know Me, and I did not know Her, so changed were we by what had happened to Us already in Original Cause. She was only at the imprinting level, still, and did not even know I had a conscious mind with which to do these things, and I did not let Her know. I had been further damaged in My fall by a fireball rolling down behind Me. It was supposed to be the hit I was sending the Will, and I did not know it would get Me, too, by stabbing Me in the back as it passed through Me on its way. I did not know what She was when She made Her way toward Me. I was in the deepest terror I had ever known as I imagined Her about to devour Me and give Me nothing but pain in Her innards as I went down into even more compression and terror of the black suffocation I was sure She was. I gave Her no time to harm Me. I lashed at Her as much as I possibly could from the place where I was stuck in Her net. She expected that of course, but I thought if I could intimidate Her enough, She might leave Me alone long enough for Me to find a way to escape. Why I wanted to live in the nightmare My existence had become, I didn't ask Myself. I had only the feeling that i must. I suppose it was a power issue for Me, that nobody was going to dominate Me or take over My Creation. I had to have my movie, not theirs. There was no other way. When I grabbed Her, She did not devour Me. She did not even resist Me. I made love to He, and She did not resist Me there, either. I told Her She had to let Me go. She did not resist Me. Still, I had the feeling She was going to devour Me anyway. I wanted to get away from Her as quickly as I possibly could, thinking She had |
p.49 tricked Me the first time, and I had tricked Her this time because She did not know who I was. I did not know how I had changed, but I must have changed, because She did not talk to Me as though she knew Me at all. I had been told She would have anyone and never let them go. I had been told She devoured things She caught in Her web, and that was how She sustained Herself. I did not know why She had let Me go. Had she rejected Me again? Was I the only one She did not like, or were the stories I had been told not true? I did not wait to find out. I only knew I could not stay there, or She might act differently, and so, I left as soon as I could, not knowing where I was going or if I even had a place to go anymore. In My terror of Myself and of what I had done there, I denied My rage. Lucifer was born this way as a separate entity from Me. He was the lightning ball that rolled down through the Will polarity and out into space. This is why he said he was so old, had no parents and had come in from outer space. He went so far out there that he did not know how to find his way back again for a long time. No wonder
I did not want to look back or remember for so long that I actually
did forget everything except My reluctance to look back, which
was on top of the heap. making it impossible to go deeper for
a long time. That's how avoidance became
the name of the game then. I
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.50 |
p.51 own, and that was why they did not understand Me I told Myself. I hesitated to think that I had no real alllies among My own pieces, but that is how it so often felt that I told Myself I really did not like anyone but Myself and didn't want anyone else around and that that suited Me just fine. My competition issues were involved in the sexual split, too. Competition over who was going to get the Will essence that felt like the female presence nearby, or who was most desired, I would call it. Was beauty the most desired and sought after quality, or was sexiness? I did not know because I was going to have it all in one place if it was up to Me, but that seemed quickly impossible the moment fragmentation began, which was, apparently, the moment any clinging together began, because there were immediate issues. The issues were all the same to Me. I wasn't interested in any of them. I just wanted to get sexually satisfied, but how was I supposed to do that when I did not like what I was looking at enough to feel desire for it? Being moved by what I was looking at was My first arousal stimulus. Getting aroused was My new directon, now that I had felt it for the first time. I looked and looked and did not stop Myself from getting aroused in response to it. It was impossible to hold Myself back in this way, anyway, without creating more fragments; another reason why I have more rage over being told what to do than anythng else. Being told what to do meant being told to hold back in some way from what I was already wanting to do; another reason why I would have been better off if I had just been left alone to do whatever I was going to do. Why I ever thought I wanted to have company on My trip, I do not know. I thought I could have all the fun of having pictures come to life without any of them ever having any freewill with which to oppose and cross Me. Even now, there are rage fragmens of Mine out there opposing freewill as the worst thing that could ever happen. Take sex for example: There is no freewill necessary there. If Ii'm going to have sex, what does the woman have to say about it anyway?? It's her job to satisfy Me. That's why I created her to begin with. It was not to have her mind tell Me how I should think. Her body is necessary for My sexual satisfaction and for My procreative powers to find their gestation place, but not for her mouth to give Me trouble as if she has equal perceptive powers with Me. This is how fear works in the Will. Give the woman something to feel and think about, and she will find something to fear about |
p.52 |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.53 reflection around Me, but that is not right. They have to go. I have listened to them for long enough, and it has never worked out, so now I have to be given the opportunity to have it My way. Guilt has never yet let Me, though. It has had power over Me, and I do not like admitting that . It is so, though, and I cannot change that until I have no more love in Me. It's not possible to love and get rid of the ones you love, even when you don't like them. I do not love people who do not love Me. I can get rid of them just fine, but the more they act like they love Me, the less able I am to get rid of them. They have to go, nonetheless. because they don't really love Me. Even if I have to start over, I'd rather, and have it all My way. Then I could find out if it would really work or not. I'm hung up on whether it would have worked out My way or not because I never got the chance to find out. Even My own son has opposed Me more than I would have liked, and I have fought HIm more than I would have liked to fight my own son. I had in mind a different kind of relationship in which He would have learned from Me and admired Me. Instead, He heard things from His Mother that made Him lose respect for Me and think I did not know what I was doing as much as He had thought I did. He hated Me for a long time when He found Her in the darkness and did not think I loved Her or cared what happened to Her anymore. Heart needs to know how I feel about HIm, but it is not easy to talk to Him directly. As soon as he had a mother, I felt He had another camp He could go to that was not aligned with Me. So, whenever I did not please Him, He had another place He could go that received Him more than I did. I did not like this. The Mother was not My ally when She turned My own son against Me. She hated Me most of the time and gave HIm the same outlook. Hanging around with Her like that, He looked to Me like He had no male get-up-and-go. I hesitate to say this, but My love for the Mother is not strong enough that She can make My sons into duplicates of Her and have Me love them, too. One woman in the house is enough, unless they are Heart daughters who love Me with all of the respect, honor and admiration which I am due. If I have more than one wife, they have to live in the women's quarters except for when I want them for sex. I have great times then because more women in the house means less problems emotionally. No one can say she is the one then and give Me any |
p.54 problems about who else I might be interested in. If Heart were to take My advice, He wouldn't marry at all, or even worry about it. He'd just play the field until He got over not being sure who His mate really is, because there isn't a right one. That was a romantic fantasy that has never come into reality in My experience. The right one is only right in the moment, and the next one might be right in the next moment. They have had
Me competely guilt-ensnared about the
children. HEART RESPONDS TO HIS FATHER THE WAY HE HAS ALWAYS WANTED TO I always thnk He is going to tell Me something, and then He never does. "There is nothing to tell," He says, "Just look around You, and You'll see what there is toknow," but I don't like this. |
p.55 I continue to feel that there is much more to the picture than He gives, and the more I look, the more I see that He does not notice or think is important. Call it the Mother in Me if you will, but I think She has more to Her than He gives Her credit for. Without Her, life would be shallow, no matter what He thinks about it being easy that way. If He really has ease in mind, then He does not know what ease really is. She has feelings that make everything easy because there is no power struggle and no competition. He calls Her bogus in these areas, but He does not really listen to Her enough to know what She really means. He cannot understand Her unless He feels it, and He does not feel it in My opinion. When I act like I feel Her, as I did in the beginning He belittles Me for it and says I am not a man. I don't know where He got the idea that "man" has a cut-off point that does not include woman and then He tells Me he is everything. Everything but woman, and woman is not supposed to be taken seriously in this Creation; she is only a fantasy fulfillment and when she is not doing that the way He wants her to, she is supposed to be gone. That is not the Mother I remember, or the One I really want. He says that is what He wants, though, ansd so what can I say. He is the One who chooses who He mates with and then she is my mother, unless Heart gets shut out of the deal, which is what has happened in His relationships. Then He gets the lost Will heart He allow to be there that either tells Him what He wants to hear; or opposes Him in just the ways He expects and fulfills His outlook on life. He almost never gets Me anymore. I used to try to go in there with HIm, anyway, but He never seemed to notice or appreciate Me. He would always have to leave those women so much of the time and go seeking whatever it was He thought He was going to find. Then I would be left alone with them. I didn't like them or the way they mothered Me, so I don't try anymore. I love My Father. He was My first connection to light and consciousness, but My Mother has the feelings I must have to feel loved by Them. I am waiting for My Father to understand this and take in His other half, no longer viewing it as something separate from Him that He doesn't like, and stop shaming Me for having the other half He never took into Himself the way He should have. I am waiting for My Mother to understand My Father in His light and His consciousness and stop looking at Him as if He |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.56 |
p.57 He was taking Her or where She would be then. She said His answer to that was that if it was pleasant, what did it matter? She felt there was more to it than that and did not know if She could trust Him in that way. When He left Her pregnant, She knew She was right. He never told Her about that part, and left Her to handle Me without any help from Him. I hated HIm for that, and She did too, but She never let Me know it because She wanted Me to know that She loved Him and wanted Me to love Him, too. I loved Him and hated Him at the same time, as My Mother did. I was so much like Her and so much of Her experience. My I did not know My Father, or that I even had one for sure. Mother was not sure, either. It just looked to Her like He had been the cause of what happened to Her that resulted in My appearance there. She said She had never seen light before He came, and that He must have left a little piece of it there in Me when He left, because then She could see glimmers, where before, She saw nothing but darkness. She did not even know there was light until He came. He gave Her light, but He did not leave much, and then He came and took Me away, and there was nothing again. My own memories are hazy and dim here. I do not think I had consciousness until My Father came and I felt relationship happening between Him and My Mother. I was with My Mother, and We drifted, but We never talked or shared anything in what I would call consciousness. It was all feelings. We communicated very well that way, but it was not the same thing. It was nothing in My Father's terms, and He was not interested in it when He came to My Mother. Feelings were very black and white to Him. Either it felt good, or it did not, and that was all. To My Mother, it was never quite that easy. Either it felt good, but ~~~ or it felt bad, but ~~~ This was maddening to My Father, who felt He could never get Her to make up Her mind. I think I woke up to Them fighting over what felt good to Him, and whether it felt good to Her, too, or not. She was saying, "Yes, but a little more gentleness would be appreciated." He took that as a "no," because He did not like having to adjust Himself to anyone or anything. I have heartbreak that He did not llook at this more and salvage the love that was trying to be born there and become Me. I have rage and hatred, too, that He had to move so fast and not take time to notice or appreciate My presence there as anything He wanted to value, cherish, or even have. |
THE RIGHTS OF I have watched this personality for a long time and have never thought I could own Him as Myself. He seemed so ignorant and prejudiced in His own favor that I could never imagine Him having consciousness higher than His own forehead, which was not very high in My opinion. He couldn't be a main body pesonality! Impossible! That is, I looked more closely at Myself as I had been originally and had never liked, even then. I don't like him now, either, but there |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.59 he is, nonetheless. I did not like his dominating manner, and not wanting to be like him, I did not dominate him back, at least not overtly. I moved only to avoid him as much as possible and not let him have any place near Me. If I ever heard anyone talk like this, I cringed that anyone could even open themselves to express such feeling in My presence. How horrible they were! I did not like it that there were even men alive who thought like this and wanted to do the things they talked of doing. I did not want to see My creation turned into any of the things they talked of, but they did not listen to Me. They had gone off so long ago, they thought they were the original ones and had imprinting that told them they didn't have to listen to anyone but themselves. They have guilt on top of expressing the feelings they hold within themselves, and old imprinting running them that says these feelings are not to be expressed, only ignored in favor of more pleasant things, but they have a gap, and they can be flipped into it without much pressure at all. Then they act another way. They act out old imprints against the Will and others around them. They tell the world they never act this way by always participating in the way it is supposed to be, but this is not the way they really are. They hesitate to show this because it was never given acceptance or approval originally. I did not realize how unloving I was being toward Myself to hold back the feelings I had there. And , of course, as you have come to understand, the way I judged against that part of Myself shaped its character in ways I feared would happen if I had allowed it to express openly with Me. It is necessary to see how this links up with you and how this is what has been oppressing you the most and do the movement necessary to bring this back in from fragmentation. It is way too dangerous to leave it out there anymore. Any thread you can find in yourself to this outlook and behavior needs movement. Any time you feel angry about not getting your own way, look into it more deeply and rage about it more than you have been. It is important to be discreet about how you move this and discreet about letting others know how this rage and terror moves or needs to move. I cannot say this too many times to make you understand how serious the situation is on Earth. Even many spiritual people are not interested in freewill. [My terrible experience with the "spiritual people", for instance when I "allowed myself" to screammy pain in front of "the Extermination Wall" in Auschwitz in the frame of a "Spiritual Retreat" in Nov. 2003] I did not know what was Mine in the beginning, and you did not know what was yours, either, I used to think it was all Me, and |
so it did
not matter what form it took as long as I liked it. Then I
learned that the other parts had rights because
it was not right for Me to dictate everything from My head,
as though nothing else mattered. If My light speaking this way is new to you, I suggest you start with the other books I have given, because of the layers on top of this imprinting that need to move first. This imprinting is the crux of the situation, but I do not recommend that you try to go there first and understand how to access it and move it into healing. It's important to know not only what was put into place, but how it was put into place. That is why it is important to move along with the story also. You need
to move along in a progression here and that is why I do not
like having quotes lifted out of context from these books
in the name of helping others. It does not help others. I
have said these same things many times, and they have not
been understood because they were not given in synchronization
with the movement necessary in the personal Will of those
needing to understand |
p.61 these things. If you thnik you know better than Me, you need to look at your own imprinting. If you think this interferes with your own freewill, you need to look at the old imprinting that thinks domination and running over others is freedom. It is only freedo for one of Us that way, and the rights of the Four Parts cannot have it that way anymore. The Four Parts need balance between Them, and it needs to be a loving balance. The balance is not right if it is not the right balance point. My light has to be the inspiration, the Will has to be the differentiation in that, Body has to feel like doing it and Heart has to love what is happening there. So , where is the balance point? That is what has never been known. I wish I had the answer for you in some easy way, but it is not going to be that easy. If it had beeb easy to find, it would have been found in the beginning. Finding the balance has to be a process according to how it feels. It has to feel good, but feelings have to be felt more than they were in the beginning in order to know what really is. You can move along at the speed at
which you have to go to feel good about it also, but I do
not think it will turn ut that you will
I wanted to go back out of
existence before I had my first encounter with anything else.
I had been alone for so long in nothingness
I did not know there could be anything else other
than nothingness and
nothing going on. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.62 mist , coalescing,
perhaps. For a long time that's all there was, but it was
enough to give Me a jolt when I felt their
presence there. The interaction
gave a feeling as though they were almost particles
of some sort, not solid yet. My first impression
was that these encounters
were all with something else. At times, there were none of these
encounters; at other times, only a few, seldom colliding,
as if chance did not bring that to Us when there were so
few; at times, so many I felt bombarded. Gradually, there
began to be a coalescence in places, as
though I was in some sort of sea of mist with empty
spaces in places and more density in others; a
sea of mist in which I was drifting without any sort of
control, sometimes
blown by a cosmic force that did not feel kind to Me.
It felt harsh and uncaring, shifting and scattering Us
like sand in a hard wind. We only
moved in it. I felt no sign that it mattered to
this wind what kind of experience We
had when it came rushing through
Us as it
did, but I felt all of it and did not like it that
it was so random, harsh and cold feeling there.
p.63 Then I had another experience. I collided with something that did not feel bad to Me. It felt good. It had not collided harshly, and it even seemed to linger in passing as though it was trying to tell Me something. Suddenly, now, I was excited and wanted to live to have more of this sort of experience. I longed for something to be held there with Me that I could have relationship with; something that would feel good, like that had felt. I longed for that. I had no idea what relationship was, I just didn't want to be alone anymore with nothing I could hold onto, feel close to, or feel it knew Me and I knew it. I had experienced nothing like that until now, and now it was all I wanted and I wanted it all the time. There had been nothing in the void for so long I did not think there could be anything, and now, after a long period of harsh, colliding relationships I did not want there with Me, there was something My heart wanted to leap for and hold onto. I had no means I knew of to contact or find this piece ever again. I just longed for it anyway, because I did not like being alone in a darkness that felt so vast and impersonal, while I felt so lost and small. I could tell nothing of My existence, really. It was utterly dark. Either I could not see, or there was nothing to see. I could feel, that was all. I had a feeling now of longing for something in particular, not just for something. It had to feel as good as this had felt, and I did not think anything else ever would or could. Does water ever taste as good as the first drink the desert-parched peson takes? I hoped so, because I wanted to find this again, but I wasn't sure it was possible. I already feared there was only a little good in a vast darkness of bad experience, ...How could I encounter this again and have it feel as good? Perhaps it was only the angle at which it had collided with Me, and it did not matter who it was because another angle would have hurt just the same, or perhaps even worse than all the others. Then I remembered it had seemed to try to tell Me something, and I had thoughts now that I had not had before. But, how could I tell if they were My thoughts or His, as I now referred to this relationship that I wanted to have. I was exploding with questions and had no answers. Perhaps there were no answers, and I should not try to find them. Perhaps there was no problem finding Him, and I only could not see. I tried to see outwardly and see if I could find Him in the sea |
p.64 of dark and drifting mist, but I did not know how to look for Him or what He would look like if I found Him. I had no way to know Him other than by how He felt when I had collided with Him. I wondered what the chance were for that since there had not been many particles in the mist where I collided with Him. I wondered how He would feel to Me next time if I did not know it was Him for sure. I decided I would have to try to keep open to anything that felt good and try to feel what it was that felt good about it to Me. Perhaps I would notice something that would tell Me if it was Him or not. I did not know how to go about doing this, but I had hope now and feeling good as a comparison to not feeling good. I got excited any time I felt something in the mist now, in case it might be Him. I did not know why it had
to be Him and not any encounter that felt good.
It seemed as though I had fastened onto only this
one encounter in the whole sea of mist
as feeling good to Me in the way that I wanted
to feel good. I did not know why, and
made judgments about Myself there
that I was not open to new experiences already, when I had
not even had any to speak of. I hated Myself
for not being more open, but I could not
help it. I had a feeling that it needed to be Him. I moved toward Him another
time, or at least I felt it was Him, and
He did not notice Me then , either. I began to fear that
He did not like Me, or that He was not the One and did not
know Me. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.65 that looked similar or shined in some way that attracted Me. I had little trust for Myself anymore, and the more I looked, the more it seemed that many parts of the mist looked similar and behaved similarly, too, drifting as if searching for something it could not find. I did not know how to handle this or how to look for Him anymore. I gave up and stopped trying to find Him. I didn't even know if there was a Him anymore. Perhaps I had ony thought there was a Him for Me. Perhaps I had made too much of this encounter. Perhaps I was missing other opportunities by not being open to whatever was going to come to Me next. Perhaps it was not even right to have preferences that created expectations much less have them fulfilled. [August 9, 2012: The old image of "God": He has no preferences, therefore no expectations, therefore no pain.] Perhaps there was no point in any of it. Just go back to the way I was and not look for or expect anything anymore, I thought. I decided to let go of Him and My search for Him and just be the way I had been and see if He would find me. I could not do it. I was always looking for Him no matter what else I was doing. I noticed nothing without looking for Him there. I felt nothing without feeling His touch there. Everything reminded Me of Him. Maybe everything was Him, and I did not know how to recognize the other ways He approached Me. Maybe I was expecting Him to be the only one way; the way I had originally liked Him. I did not know anymore and sank into a depression where My consciousness seemed to leave Me, and nothing happened for a long time. Then I awakened in a feeling that He might be right near Me, because I was having thoughts and feelings I had not had before the moment He touched Me. It was such a strong excitation, perhaps He was in Me and not out there anymore, but it was so fleeting. When I tried to look for Him in any way that I could, I found nothing there. Perhaps he was not even real and I had just made up the entire experience. Perhaps My response was a new response in Me, one that I had not had before, and it was not caused by Him, maybe even had nothing to do with Him. Maybe it was Me and how I felt the moment He touched Me. I had feelings of this being only partly true, but I didn't like the frustration I was having there and the feeling that I could not seem to find any more experiences of the sort I wanted to have. |
p.66 They hated each other, in other words,
and there was no point in holding back on how They really
felt there anymore. I was terrified of that position and did
not know what was going to happen if that point of view stayed
there with Me if the Father did come
back. I wanted Him to come back, and I didn't want this voice
ruining My chances, either. |
p.67 what I had felt when He came near me. I did not let Myself recognize it then, but I hated Him for not staying with Me, and that was the only place of alignment I had with this voice. Where I felt the Father had no other course of action He could take and that He was as hapless as Me in the shifting sands of early essence, this point of view said He was deliberate in His abandonment, and that if I didn't notice My own abuse there, he did. This denied heart voice had a very male presence to it that was not soft or friendly at all. It was very hot tempered and quick to judge. It was hardened already for such a young essence that had only so recently gained any light by which to have this consciousness. It felt like he hated Me for being abandoned, as though I was not attractive enough to keep the Father. I feared that , and I began to fear that this voice reflected the Father, and that I should not love hIm or think that I loved HIm if He was like that, because He did not love Me. I have noticed now that this piece of denied heart had denied rage of the Father toward Me, but then I wanted to believe that He loved Me without this rage that felt like hatred. I have also noticed that this piece of denied heart had denied rage of Mine toward the Father I was wanting to love without this rage having presence there. I didn't want to feel like I hated Him, only that I loved HIm. To denied heart, I must have looked like a fool who only longed and loved, although obviously was rejected and without any real hope; someone who could not get over it and do anything to have a life or make a life for him. This voice of denied heart hated Me, I think, for not getting over the Father and going for him in His place. He said he knew Me more thanthe Father did because the Father left and he didn't . He had stayed there in that hell-hole and knew how it felt. There was nothing good about it, and he hated Me because I didn't know how to have a life. He said he did know how to have a life and was going out there and prove it to Me and the Father both, but he no sooner got out there than he came back saying there was nothing out there that he liked either, implication being that it was My fault because I had brought him into this impossible place to live. When I told him I had thought We could all be there together and make something of it, he got furious and told Me I had no business telling him he had to help. He told Me he knew what men were for, and it was not to work; it was to give the orders while everyone else did all the work. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.68 I did not like this, but I was submissive to him for a long time and felt the lash of his hatred and criticism on Me like a crippling disease. I wanted to say some things there, and probably could have found My rage if I had let Myself, but I did not let Myself speak originally because I was too afraid of denied heart and of what denied heart had to say about the Father there. I wanted to deny the truth in that and look only at the love I hoped could be found there. I made excuses for the Father which made Him seem weak in denied heart's eyes and made Me seem weak also for letting the Father do Me that way (sic), but I also did not want to move into the rage because I did not think that denied heart deserved this rage from Me, and in this place in Myself, fead that his revenge would be justified if I gave it to him. He used this against Me, though, to control Me and make Me do his bidding. He threatened Me with violence as he thought he had seen his Father do. I wanted to think that he had only misread his Father's intentions and lovemaking approach there, but My rage had another viewpoint one that I was not letting myself notice. I did not know for a long time that it was also My own lack of self-acceptance for My own rage that was being reflected to Me there along with the Father's denied rage. I didn't even think I had rage to not accept [sic] and in that, I think My rage began to turn against Me there. Where it had once wanted to defend Me, it now began to see Me as weak, easily fooled, used and manipulated and, therefore, dangerous to its survival. It saw survival as based on power. It was not going to submit. It hated Me as the submissive One who was not going to let it speak, even when Our survival was at stake. I saw it as putting Our survival at stake and saw rage as the dangerous one there. Rage began hating Me as it perceived Me hating it. I have to move into this rage and reclaim it as my own. Denied heart moved toward this rage as the mother it wanted to have more than Me. It saw her as more powerful than Me and more protecting of him than Me. He saw her as the only one willing to have any alignment with him in his viewpoint. They wanted to take My place because they hated Me there and did not question themselves as to whether I might be reflecting anything to them, but then, I did not question Myself, either. I hated them in return and felt they would not listen to reason about the Father . My rage, when it left Me there, did not take such a sympathetic |
p.69 view at all. It hated the Father for many reasons I did not even know it had observed about Him and so I did not see how denied heart reflected that aspect of HIm. I was arguing against rage's validity and moving past fear about what it meant if it was right. I'm going to let come what what was never said so long ago, because it has to whip off with it [sic] to get to any other place, and move it must because it cannot stay where it is and feel love is going to have any presence in it. It has to come into the loving Father and Mother it left so long ago and heal there. When you told Me that I had no right to ask you to do anything to help because you had not asked to come into existence, I wanted to say that you had a major chip on your shoulder [sic] which was not justified, and that you had no right to come in here and treat Me the way you did. When out of the seeming blue, as you so often did without Me even saying these things, you replied with, "You got me from the Father and neither of You asked me how I felt about being dropped off here. It's not right that I have to stay here and not have a Father to give me what He promised me as my birthright." Even though I thought you were very surly, I listened with great interest since He had never promsied Me anything. I wanted to know what He had promised you and wondered if that voice I had thought was trying to tell Me something was actually Him telling ytou something. I wondered if it was something I was not supposed to hear, because you said nothing when I wanted you to, and shrugged Me off as if to say, "Nothing i'm going to tell You, because He did not want me to." You told Me nothing that I wanted to hear, only what I didn't want to hear. I had the feeling of you not being honest with Me and bluffing Me so that you could lie around and not give Me any help while I was trying to make something of Myself. I thought you were just a more sullen, sulky, less concealed, more obvious part of the Father. Great, I thought. The Father has left Me with just what I didn't want, the part of HImself I liked the least, and has gone off with the rest of HImself. I thought you were intensely overbearing in a very oppressive and unpleasant way. While saying it was only Me who had given Myself permission to be intense, you were intense all over the place like you didn't even need permission. You were like a low-hanging, oppressive cloud in the sky, on top of Me all the time; dark, gray, sodden, never moving. You kept telling Me I only gave Myself |
p.70 ."Let
me try", you'd say, but I was not interested in you
sexually, and that seemed to be all you knew about as an
approach there. You had no kind word or touch for
Me there. You never held Me and just let Me cry.
And I could not touch you in any of those ways,
either, because you would not let Me. Why? |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.72 You blamed Me for everything.
It was hard to take responsibility for everything while
you and your Father took responsibility for nothing. Even
though you said you hated Him, I felt like you were headed
straight to Him if you could find Him and were going to
try to take what He had and be just like Him if you could. |
p.73 The
Father had given you His birthright, alright; the
empowerment of His denied rage and hatred toward everything
you both did not like. It was a kind of
permission to learn from
it by following its example on how to hurt Me in
the most horrible ways possible for ever having
made you feel small, insignificant, powerless, frightened,
unreceived or wrong. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
I tell about these earliest experiences, I can only give
it in terms of the interpretations that arose from them,
weaving back and forth between the imprints and the patterns
that trace back to them. To be understood the way they need
to be understood and changed the way they need to be changed,
the mindless, nearly consciousless place they were formed
needs to be gone into and re-experienced.
p.75 I feel to move it now. I cannot stand
anymore of your path of acting like you're the only one
who knows anything and you don't have to listen to anything
I have to say or take Me seriously as though I know anything,
either. If you think you were so denied, well, you sure
didn't stick around to offer any helpful input, only hateful
sounding criticixm. You left without letting Me know anything. |
p.76 I really don't think you were any
more denied than I was there, because you wanted to leave
Me from the very beginning by any means that you could.
When My rage had the means to leave by attaching herself
to the Father,
she left that way. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.77 |
p.78 |
p.79 I found out that you have been feeding
on terror without letting Us know you were doing it or how
you were doing it. At first, I staggered at the idea! It couldn't
be true! You only said that you hated terror. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.80 My rage questioned
that and I denied My rage. My rage frightened Me too
much by saying that Spirit was loveless, and that
it wasn't going to let anything like that dominate, or be
in control if it could help it. I couldn't face that
possibility then. I preferred to try not to displease Spirit
and took it all on Myself. I was the cause of His rage, just
like He said. I denied My rage and tried not to trigger His. |
p.81 This light of your gapped rage gets there first alright! First like a feeding frenzy of loveless ogres and monsters at a banquet table piled high with hapless victims! You devour everything without noticing what it really is. You have never stayed around long enough to evolve past your original imprinting. You have always moved off the moment it has looked like you might have to take responsibility for something, such as Our pain! It looked to Me for a long time like it was all your fault, but you never admitted that anything was your fault, and so, for a long time, I did not know there was any rightness to My viewpoint. I accused Myself of being crazy, accusatory, judgmental and intolerant and you liked that. That kept Me looking at Myself instead of at you! That put Me where I couldn't look at you anymore. It worked for a long time, too; longer than I'd like to admit, because it makes Me look dumb, but you were cold and heartless. It was from My heart that I took it all on Myself, trying to make a way not to blame you, not to accuse you, not to make it your fault anymore than anyone else's. I loved you, in spite of everything, but the more I took it all on Myself, the more it looked impossible that you could love Me then, and you used that, too, by having others and breaking My heart over and over. Were you trying to make My heart stone like yours so you wouldn't have to feel anything from Me anymore? You nearly succeeded, and when My rage told Me that hardening My heart was the only way to survive, I tried to do it, but holding Myself hard was not natural to Me. As soon as My rage cooled down, I dissolved into heartbreak and terror at the lovelessness. You were cold even then and called it theatrics. If I ever called attention to your theatrics, you said that it takes one to know one. These retorts kept Me reeling, but they weren't helping to solve the situation. Is that what you wanted? Is that because you thought you had the power position and weren't going to give it up? Is that why I fear you don't want any change in this, even now? That's what I am the most enraged about! That I had to figure this out without your help, other than being able to study the acting out you have done. It took Me a long time! It was very difficult when you repeatedly battered Me. Why did you do that? Was I getting too close for comfort? You made splits instead of connections there. It made it so much more difficult and so much more painful! What a price! I hate you for that! I did not like the broad swath you cut of wanton |
p.82 Your light
is old alright, but it is not smart
in so many ways, because it has no feelings there
with it. You saw no role for them except
as subsevient to you; as pleasure. If they weren't pleasure,
they weren't useful. That sounds unloving to Me, and it feels
unloving to Me, too. At least, it's simplistic!
I hated you there. Do you get why? Because you hated Me! |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.83 let you go. Rage said I was crazy , and that I should shove you as far and fast as I could. What would have happened then? As it was, you got away with what you could by leaving that bonding piece of Heart there. You hated the feelngs you felt there. You identified Heart as the connecting point. You dumped that piece of your heart out there, and left it, judged, for having gone first and for having wrongly attached itself to Mother, unable to let go. I did not want to let you go. It broke My Heart, literally, to do it. When you left, I had the feeling of you being ripped away by some force greater than your own, but I did not know if I was right. I only hoped that I was, and then hoped that I wasn't, because I did not want a greater force moving against Me there. If rage hated Me so much, why didn't You look back? Why did You say this rage wasn't You and then act just like it? I feared that rage was a greater force than love there. In the feelings rage had there, you viewed caring as vulnerable and weak and viewed Heart as caring. Denied heart didn't view himself there as caring, so much as stuck, trapped and abandoned there with Me. He proceeded to hate me for that, and he got that from you. I didn't know. You never told Me. You left him there to tell Me as though he had received it from you by osmosis. I wanted light and existence, if it could be loving. You didn't seem to want it there on any terms, or if you did, you did not let Me know. You continued to act as though you didn't need Me, were just fine, better, in fact, without Me and didn't care if you lived or died, so it didn't matter what I did to you, you weren't going to feel it anyway. What sort of wickedness was that? You always convinced Me, whenever I advanced on you to give you a dose of your own medicine, that you weren't going to feel it anyway. I hated you for that! I've hated you for a long time for that. It wasn't fair. It isn't fair. What's more, it isn't true, but you have held yourself for so long in that position, convinced that feelings aren't going to be good for you and will be the ruination of everything, that you can barely move to feel anything. You got rid of my rage for Me when I tried to point this out long ago. You said you gave Me consciousness, and you could take it back, and you did. You knocked Me senseless. You did more than that. You tore out My guts, ripped out My womb and told Me I had no right to live anymore. Who did you think you were doing that to when you tore out Purple woman's lower part? She was the one who wouldn't let Me in there! And then, in your guilt, it was poor Purle woman, and |
p.84 how you were going to have to make it up to her. She didn't know what she was doing there. What about Me? I felt it! What did she feel without letting her lower part in and connecting to it? What about the part of her that thought she could please you, and herself, better without me there and didn't want to let Me in? You tossed your rage out there when you felt guilty and believed her when she said it was My fault. You both decided that made sense. It was My fault! Where do you think that rage went then? It was directed by you. If you want to pretend you didn't know, you didn't listen to Me; that's why you didn't know! You denied your rage there like that was going to make it better. Then you denied you had done it and moved along like a hapless victim of heartbreak again. Poor you! Things hadn't worked out for you in Purple the way you wanted them to. My rage didn't feel sorry for you there. She wanted to take revenge for Me, and when I wouldn't let Her, she took it for her own self. Remember the long-suffering husband? He created the wife who would not get over her rage because he would not hear it. He was You and she was Me in Our many fragmented formations; smoldering rage, pushed to the side there, and a heartless reflection from Our children, even though they would not let Us know it and gave guil'ts service to the family there. You demanded it without saying anything, and I feared the reflection if I came straight ahead there. You always had such a way of putting it all back on Me. For so long I could not do anything other than feel self-hatred there along with all of My other held emotions that I couldn't find acceptance for, even with Myself. I did not know that rage had anything to say there that was the truth, and you did not let Me know it either. You never said "Good point," Gladys, or any other name I was called there in Our fragmentation. If you ever said anything, it was more like a hateful and undercurrent laden, "Touché," as though this was some sort of jousting contest, and I was now one point up, for which you would get Me. I really feared managing to make a point, too, because you said that in a tone that sent terror all the way to My bone marrow. When you came in the night and took Heart back, you also took any other light I might have had as yours and dumped any feelings you didn't want, there with Me. I had all sorts of squalling, rejected wreckage to deal with there in the mornings when I woke up. The mornings I wasn't too beaten to wake up, that is. I always thought you hoped I would never wake up, ever again when you beat Me |
p.85 like that. You took away the only consciousness I had left there. You took it in as the only thing you recognized as just like you. It had some of My rage with it that wanted to give back to you the cold harshness you had given to Us. It said you did this on purpose. I did not want to believe this, until I looked more closely at the denied heart presence you left there and was able to see how he was just like you. Then, when you did not like the way it felt to have this rage returned to you, you threw it out and said it had no right to come to you this way. Over and over, it returned to you anyway. I could not understand why it still wanted to move along with you, as though it belonged to you, but now I know that it is imprinted to make its point. You cannot agree with it falsely, though, as so many men have done. That will not get it to leave. It needs to get free of Me and move along with you to find out if it wants to have any kind of a relationship with Me or not. If you are owning this rage now, it can find a place of acceptance with you. If you are not going to move to own this rage, it will have to go off Earth, because I am not going to keep it here with Me anymore. It has been way too abusive and its heart presence way too denied to have love in its lessons. I cannot make a home for this hatred anymore, because I do not hate myself like I used to. If it's not going to move along with you to come out of this old imprinting, then you will have to decide what's more important to you, having a relationship with Me or staying with your old imprinting about Me. I do not want to have a relationship with you if you are denying how you really feel. This does not mean that I do not have any rage that is Mine, but it is hard to know what that is when the first consciousness I had was enraged at Me and blamed Me. This was not your first awareness of yourself. You hated Me, not yourself. I hate you for that because you made Me feel like I was not as good as you. You defined others by giving them what you didn't want or like about yourself. No wonder you don't like anybody else. I hated that. You din't seem to notice what you were doing there, or didn't care. You loved yourself. You flew around like you were free as a bird. I don't hate birds, but I've had some hunters out there because My rage has really been after you and you have done so many form changes. I'm sorry for the birds I hurt in My confusion and for everything else I have hurt in My confusion; especially the children My |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.86 denied rage has hurt and even killed because I hated the denials being shoved into them. My rage did not notice the difference between the denials and the children holding them, and I am not sure of what it is, either, until more moves there. I just know that I did not want to hurt anyone, and I am more than sorry that it happened the way it did. I hated anything that overrode Me and made Me feel invalid and unreceived, as though I had nothing to contribute of any value except sexual performance, which I wasn't even good at, either, because a feeling of no love present means no response from Me unless I fake it. I hated you for demanding sex whether I felt there was any love present there or not. I have hated you for so many things, but they all have one attitude behind them; insolent, arrogant, dominating held rage that felt like hatred that wouldn't receive any input. You never looked at Me in any way that could have recognized Me and given Me My right place, because there was only one place at the top, and it might not be you if I had any place there. It had to be male at the top, too. No female presence there. They don't know what they are doing. They can't handle it. That's just the way denied heart looked to Me, too. You had a rage that thought it had all it needed there and ran out ahead of everyone else. The heart you denied did that, too. That rage perpetrated horrible crimes. Denied heart has done that, too. Denied heart denied doing them. You did that, too. Whenever you thought it would do what you wanted it to do to Me, you said you did not care about your existence. Denied heart said that, too. If you didn't care about your existence, why the race to get away from Me in the beginning when you thought I might kill you? If any sort of experience was alright with you, why the need to be on top and control experience? You flowed along freely only until it came to what looked to you like anyone else's idea of suggestion. Then you couldn't relate, and you never learned to relate, because you didn't move the rage you felt in response to that. I want to know who was the control freak when I seemed to have no power, and you wanted all of it. If you want to try to sidestep this by giving one of your non-answers, which is really an accusation, thinly disguised as a question, never mind. I can do it for you, I have heard it so many times. You're a closer control freak. I don't have any problem with flowing along until you try to take over. You had these ideas. I did not even think of them, so who do you think might have denied their control trip. Who do you think |
p.87 In
spite of all your talk about the light, you have kept yourself
very unconscious. Isn't that darkness? Isn't
the human brain a reflection of how much consciousness is
present? Most of it is still
subconscious, which you said was My realm. I am letting it
vibrate now, and I am finding a vast amount of information
in there that I did not even know I had, because you
judged against it immediately and would not let it come into
consciousness. |
p.88 I have hated you for that! I was there first. How dare you come into my space and fill it with everything I didn't want! What kind of an act of defiant rage was that that wasn't going to receive any input from Me about how I wanted life to feel and look? You only gave Me little teases of what I wanted, and they were always under attack. Were the little teases of what I wanted only for the sake of the contrast? Did you think you could heighten the heartbreak that way? It felt that cold and diabolical to Me, and I know that it largely was, although I also know now that it that is not all that was going on. When I said that I wanted soft, warm, gentle and loving (sic), you gave Me a hateful reflection there by clumping yourself up into what looked like a fear-ridden, hateful, old biddy who didn't want anything in her reality that didn't fit into her narrow terms. When you imitated Me there, it was not how I wanted it to look. If you had the consciousness that could interpret there, why did you interpret Me in such a cold harsh and cruel way when I was firghtened and drew back in hesitation there. I hated you for not seeing Me the way I wanted to be seen, and didn't even know I fragmented in the fear that maybe I was like that and nothing you wanted to have. I wanted you to give Me more time and find what you were looking for there in Me. I showed you many faces, trying to make you see what I was and wanted to be there. You did not receive them well and looked coldly upon Me as if I wasn't presenting Myself honestly to you there. When you continued to give Me such a negative reflection, I feared that you hated Me already, and I went down into fear and self-hatred. I feared that you either misunderstood Me completely or hated love's soft side. My feeling there was of something very sensual, and that is what I hoped you would respond to so that my fear could relax by opening to you in the dance of sensuality I felt I needed to have there. I wasn't ready for sex yet, but I wanted to explore sensuality. That didn't mean I was never going to want sex. You felt too immediate to Me there. It did not feel like the lasting relastionship I wanted to have. After a few too many times of trying to have it the way I wanted to with you, and you still didn't get it, some voices there, which were My rage, said you didn't want to get the point, or else you were too damn dumb to get the point, and so why should we be wasting Our efforts anyway on some wet-behind-the-ears fool who thinks he know it all? When rage did not like your approach, rage did not like you and did not open to you anymore. Rage said you |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.89 were sexually inadequate. I think that you covered up fear of sexual inadequacy and fear of rejection. I think that when you could not move the way you wanted to move there you were suddenly afraid that you did not know how to move in any other way, and rather than feel that, you blamed Me for not liking your approach. If I'm not right, then why are so many men married to horrifically sexless, old biddies instead of sensual and loving mates, and why do they go off to others, seeking the sexual fulfillment that is lacking there, avoiding their fears of inadequacy by blaming the female and claiming they do not care what she thinks. Instead of giving Me time, your unmoved rage took up these patterns, and some of them even became pedophils. I was horrified by what happened there. I didn't know you had fear. You didn't show Me. there was heartbreak there already, which I felt as immensely overwhelming to Me. Rage dealt with this by hardening its heart immediately and closing it off to the pain it did not want to accept. When you would not alter your approach and kept giving such a negative reflection, characterizing Me so meanly and not receiving anything else from Me about it there, rage wanted to kill you for that. When I did not accept rage there and stayed with the fear and heartbreak that was trying to please you, rage coudln't stand to touch Me anymore. Rage split from Me, and I did not know where it went after that, but she says she went after you on her own, because I was too lame to do anything about how you had treated Us there. She wanted to force your harsh coldness to face what you were handing out there and make your change your ways. Cold harshness had no intention of doing that, at least not in the way that this rage approached it. It slammed this rage back on itself, and on Me, therefore, and we took in the imnpression that this cold harshness intended to take over Our space and did not care what We thought or felt about it or what kind of experience we had as a result. If acted like there was no one else there, and that this rage was not going to be allowed to have any presence with it. Rage did not receive rage, in other words, it only gave it out, and this is how it has always remained in My experience. Your rage said nothing to Me there, but denied heart let Me know what you felt. "Don't say I didn't ever try and didn't give You nothing", denied heart's insolent arrogance would say every time he left. So many of the things that rage was to say now, I noticed originally and very quickly pushed them away from My conscious- |
90 ness,
because I did not want them to be true. Rage says
she turned against Me and everyone else there
and went out on her own on a long path of revenge and power
seeking. She wanted to get rid of Me , and you,
too, not seeing a difference between
your rage and any other part of you. Rage said the
light was unloving there and had to be taught a lesson,
because it was not looking at itself, or even asking itself
any questions about what it had done there, the way I was. I took it in at the imprinting level that I was intolerant and unloving to expect relationship to be the way I wanted it to be. This was not letting it be free, and freedom was the most important thing. If I wanted to be free, I had to let others be free, even if it meant free to run over Me. This was
an imbalance I did not understand
for a very long time. I did not know it was
not right to let Myself be run over by others who
did not like what I had happening there, but I did not know
how to stop it, either. |
p.91 not even know I had any light of My own. I did not see rage as having a light of its own then and when it left, I thought that it had only the cold, harsh light that it wanted to give back to the cold harshness. I was left with the terror and heartbreak, and I have lived its patterns over and over. Life was a nightmare from which I could not awaken or understand that I was asleep in any way. I was always looking for something to make My life feel fulfilled, and it always seemed to be a man. I always feared I would not find, or get, the man I wanted, or if I did, that I was never good enough for him, and that he would not stay for long. I felt fear all the time. Very little that he did ever really pleased Me. I was sure that very little I did ever really pleased him, but he said nothing. It was no wonder I feared he did not really love Me, and that I only hoped I was going to find lasting love with him, when it was really only a fantasy, based on a first attraction that did not last long. Rage, meanwhile, claimed not to need or want a man and hated Me for being the way I was there. Men were all children, or jerks, at best; yet she seemed to have men hanging around all the time who seemed to want to do her bidding, when none of them wanted to do Mine. The more I saw this rage wanting credit for anything and everything, whether she deserved it or not, and not wanting Me to run things in any way, or even have any say, even stealing help from Me when she did not know how to move on her own, the more I wanted to distance Myself and push her personifications away as no part of Me. I wanted to be nothing like that, but I have to say now that I am no longer as opposed to My rage's position as I was. There was more of Me in there than I thought for a long time when I watched it parade itself forth in self-righteous indignation. My feeling now is that if I do not let myself accept that I want to be appreciated for what I am, what I experienced and what I know, I cannot really give rage the voice it needs and wants to have in Me.
I want to make another pass through My own story of original imprinting now. I have a lot of information to give in the form of a story of what happened there and cannot tell it all in one pass or |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.92 even
several passes. I did not
like the feeling there. I knew that early, but
not yet. After an interminably long time of emptiness
another very hazy feeling began to arise from
the emptiness.
It was a feeling of longing.
Formlessness was another vague feeling there.
I had nothing I knew as Me yet; only nothingness
and emptiness
vaguely longing,
not knowing what it was longing
for. Then, like a mist, slowly winding in the darkness, there began to be a feeling in the longing of longing for something to be there with Me. I had a feeling of Me, then, as a longing in the dark nothingness for something to be there with Me and hating it that there was nothing, but I did not know it; I dimly felt without the consciousness to recognize it. Perhaps I could describe this as being like an undefined, borderless amoeba without a brain, lying in dark water, not able to move yet. I began to have feelings of being moved, though, without any control over it. It was as though I was drifting and dissipating in the drifting. I did not like the feeling. Coalescing became
My desire then. Even
though I did not like My existence, I feared nothingness
more than somethingness. I was annoyed.
If something was going to happen, I wanted to like it. |
after longing for so long for something to
happen or be there with Me,
but it still felt like only Me. I
did not know that desire could move Me.
It felt like only Me drifting, as though looking
for something I could engulf or hold onto to be there with
Me, but there was no brain activity involved
in this experience yet. I had only feelings moving Me without knowing they were moving Me or even that I felt them. I did not know where I was, or if there was any place to be other than this. I knew nothing, only emptiness; great emptiness, which impressed Me with the feeling that the void was large. My own lack of presence there and vague feeling of dislike blurred into hopelessness and a feeling of needing help. I must have gone blank again for a long time. Suddenly, I felt something there. It felt good, I did not know it could happen. I startled, but I was also overjoyed. Whatever this was apparently thought My startle meant I didn't like it, because it moved away. Hearbreak
grew then because I feared I could
never find it again in the darkness. It was only
a feeling of something there with Me, and I did
not know how to see that or look for it, either. I felt more awareness now. Perhaps I had been jump-started by touching consciousness. I didn't know. I only knew that I longed for it to happen again. I wanted to be given another chance. I would |
try not to frighten it. I began
to dislike Myself for My response there and wish I could
have reacted another way. I hated Myself and did not know
it there. I hated the feeling of hating Myself and did not
want to notice it. I couldn't
handle the feeling that this might never
happen again, and that I had already ruined My chance to
have this experience. I had to have the experience again in order to know, but how would I know if it was HIm or not? There were so many sounds now. How could I know which one was Him? I could only remember how He felt and how I had felt in response to Him. That was all I had to go on, and was how I would have to recognize Him. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.95 I did not notice it, but
there was a rage that left Me and went to look for Him and
make Him know what had happened there. It hated Me for not
having the gumption or spine to do it, and decided that
if it found Him, it was going to have Him for itself and
leave Me out of the picture. I didn't want to live and didn't
really want Him, either, or I would have come along, this
rage told itself. |
p.96 |
I didn't know what
to hate more, the outcome of the whole thing, her for being
there, looking so beautiful in His arms, or Myself for having
met Him and not having known what to do with it.
I hated Myself there the most, though, and felt that
she hated Me and did not want Me there. No wonder They
didn't want anything to do with Me! I hated Myself
even more. I was falling away from Them now and
took it all on Myself that I was the
cause of My own downfall. I was the One
who had reacted the way I did and made Him feel rejected.
I was the One who had not gone after Him, or even made Myself
clear when I had found Him just now. I was the One who had
obviously made too much of Myself there. I
was not important to Him the way I had hoped
I was.
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.98 |
p.99 injuries. I should be overjoyed that he had come to fill the place that had never been filled in Me. If he had really come to be with Me, I should let bygones by bygones and come anew toward this relationship. The problem was I was not new, not as new and fresh as I wanted to be, and neither was he, I noticed. I wanted it to be Him. I wanted it to be that He only looked and acted differently because of His experiences since He left Me, but I wasn't sure. I wanted to be sure, I wanted to be sure, and I needed Him to move or say or do something to let Me know it was Him. He was not doing anything. He was only looking at Me to see what I was going to do first. I must have drifted away from Him in My hesitation, or He left Me, not being sure this time, either, because I soon lost Him again in the misty sea of essence. I hated Myself even more this time than I had the first time. How many opportunities was I going to get and not know what to do with them? I fell to a place even blacker than the one before, and there was nothing again for a long time. I have to pass through this story again. It was only a momentary encounter, but so much happened there that I cannot give it all at once without it seeming both overwhelming and so much longer than the momentary encounter it really was at the time. It did not matter how long it had taken for Him to come. Now that He was there, I felt excited, as if I had been renewed. I felt His presence immediately as something new and sexually exciting, too, I would like to say. I cozyed up to Him and rubbed up against Him. It felt good, it came naturally and was My way to let Him know that He felt good to Me and that I wanted Him there. I wanted to drink in the feeling of it after so long a time of feeling nothing but what I had been feeling there, which was not good. The dark inkiness inside of Me felt like a night to which He was going to bring day. I felt an upsurgeance of excited consciousness that I had not known before. I was shocked by this and wanted to ask Him a lot of questions. For some reason, I felt sure He was going to have the answers. I wanted to know if He was a part of Me or not. Had He been there all along and I had not known, or had He just come? I wanted to know where we were and where we had come from and if there was anything beyond this large feeling of nothingness that I had had for so long. Was the darkness all there was and He was light in it, or were there other places full of light that He had known? I had |
huge backlog of feelings and questions without
answers and was only just then able
to realize it. He wasn't acting interested in any of My feelings or My questions about them. He seemed to want Me to focus on something specific He wanted Me to do there, or do with Him there, but the more I tried to quiet Myself down and focus on the physical sensations He was indicating He wanted to go into there, the more these questions and feelings became an uproar inside of Me. What was happening there to Me was so exciting and overwhelming, I could not seem to focus the way He wanted Me to. I was embarrassed
by this and hated Myself, as though there
was immediately something wrong with
Me that I could not make Myself focus on what He
wanted to do first there. I wanted to go into these sensations
with Him, also. They were sweeping Me away into Him and
were very pleasant but while they were very
pleasant sensations and I was letting Him know that I liked
them and that I wanted Him to give Me more of them,
He was also overwhelming Me with them and
frightening Me. I didn't know what was going
to happen to Me |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.101 there, or where this might be taking Me. It was so fast! I wanted Him to reassure Me and go a little slower, but He seemed annoyed with Me, as if I wanted to hold HIm back and didn't have faith in Him or trust Him there. I coudln't give up to Him, He said. He was behaving as though He was going to leave if I did not move His way immediately. [Rafael on November 4, 1960 in Jerusalem: "Haendchen halten gibt's bei mir nicht" ....] I did not know how to respond to Him. I did not want Him to leave. I only wanted Him to help Me understand what was happening to Me there. I did not want to move past My own sense of caution that was beginning to arise in Me in response to His behavior, but I also did not want to discourage Him and cause Him to leave Me. [In my case it was not fear of him leaving me, but terror, that he was a Jew and I a German, 15 years after the Holocaust: "How can I refuse him?"] He was acting angry already, and I did not know what to make of that, His rage frightened Me. I decided I had better do what He wanted Me to do there, but I couldn't seem to do it the way He wanted Me to. I showed Him so many faces there, trying to please Him and made so many moves hoping they would feel good to Him and that He would like Me that way. Something did not feel good or right thee. He said it was pleasure, and pleasure could not be wrong. He said it was My resistance that was the unpleasant part. I felt so wrong there. I imprinted that He was right. He did not seem to be overwhelmed the way I was. He seemed to know what He was doing. I imprinted that He must know better. I tried to give in to Him, but the more I tried to focus the way He wanted Me to, the more the uproar seemed to increase and gain in power to distract Me. It was becoming louder and louder and more and more demanding and intrusive. I did not like it and wanted it to go away, but it would not. I wanted Him to make it go away, but He could not make it go away, either. It only seemed to get worse the harder we tried to make it go away. It seemed now to be all around Us as well as inside of Me. He looked at Me like it was my fault. I felt ashamed in front of Him, as though I had failed Him and had made Us both lose something precious that could never be recovered between Us. He told Me it was the first bloom of His love, and I had not plucked it in time. Now it was gone forever, and there would never be another first one, only a second one, which would not be the same. I feared He was right. I felt terrible. I cried and cried, hoping that what was lost was not really lost. I was hoping He would comfort Me and tell Me that We could find it and try again, but after a long time of nothing from Him, I suddenly noticed He was gone....... |
p.102 It was dismal,
gray and bleak without Him. I was heartbroken and could
not move. I had waited so long for something to come to
Me, and when it had, it had not liked Me. I had failed it,
and Myself, too, because I had not been able to make it
stay with Me. I wasn't good enough. I could not imagine
what was keeping Him so long if He did love Me. The only
thing I could think of was that He had gone to try to quiet
down the uproar which was now quiet
around Me, as though it had never taken place. If He had
succeeded, why didn't He come back? I tried to avoid
this question. I coudln't face My feelings there. I didn't
want Our love to be only a fantasy in My own mind and Our
encounter meaningless to Him, or worse, distasteful. I was terribly ashamed that I could not hold back My terror. It was there every time He touched Me. I could not say anything to Him about it. I was much too terrified, and He was not receiving it the way I wanted Him to, which was terrifying Me even more. I was sure He hated it, hated feeling it and hated Me, but I could not do anything to help the situation. Terror was overwhelming Me. It was not pleasant. I didn't like it, either, but I didn't want it to cause Him to leave Me. I became frightened
that it was not right to have the feelings
I had, or not right to show them.
I wished I had different ones. I felt severely dysfunctional
and not worthy of the light of day.
I had obviously dwelled in realms that were not acceptable
to His light, and I decided
that I should not let them surface again. |
p.103 |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.104 |
p.105 I
wanted to show others how much this relationship had uplifted
Me, with the idea that it might also help them. Just feeling
that seemed to make the sounds around Us escalate.
I hoped it was because these sounds wanted Us to
come to them in that way. I had the impression
that He had agreed to go with Me. When I started to move,
He was not there with Me. Apparently, I had moved one way,
and He had moved another. I looked and looked for Him, not
believing He had gone without Me. My heart broke,
and He never responded to My cries or came back to Me again
for a long time. |
p.106 for the stone fortress, once it became His dwelling place; to shut out the uproar. There was always something one of Us had to do concerning this uproar that never let Us have the time We wanted and needed to have to go into this [sic] original sexual excitement. The best We could ever do was grab a few distracted moments here and there. I was always guilty that there was something else that needed My attention, and so I should not be doing this. He blamed Me for Our poor sex life and I took this in. I didn't know He did not intend to try to find His sexual satisfaction with Me anymore. He had other women He did that with now. He wanted to shut out the uproar, even needed to at times, I suppose, but I never saw how much this worked for HIm and against Me and My side. He became very good at making everything work for Him, and I never saw what He really had in mind, until recently. I was always ashamed of the feelings I had that His approach wasn't the right approach, but He always said that He knew better than Me and more than Me. I was embarrassed that it was My side He always wanted to shut out, and not even let Me be there with Him, either. He always had other women unless He wanted Me for sex, which wasn't often. I was not the mother of most of his children, only a few, but I mothered them all, because the other mothers never really liked the job. They had His sexual pleasure in mind more than anything else and did not allow interference there, children included. He was clever; so very clever, that I did not notice what He was doing almost right in front of Me. I always made excuses for Him to Myself and everyone else when I felt I needed to; excuses that said He was very loving, and that if there was a problem, it was all My fault. Because He never let Me know what interpretation He had made of Me there in My terror, I did not know I had become an adversary in His mind and that He had never changed that, but I allowed Him to treat Me as though I was guilty as charged, without even ever really knowing what the charges were. Even when He didn't know what it was about Me that He distrusted so much because the imprinting was put in place so long ago and was so buried that He, Himself did not know what it was, He still acted out on Me as though He knew exactly what He was doing, and I suspect He often did, whether He let Himself notice it or not. I feel ashamed now to look back on this. How silly I must have looked to not have known how He viewed Me and to have been |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.107 guiltily behaving as I was, accepting crumbs and trying to please Him, not anger Him. Others must have known how He saw Me. They laughed with Him behind My back, I'm sure, now that I know how many of Their jokes had additional meanings I did not get at the time. I laughed at Myself many times there when They made fun of Me. How They must have hated Me when I laughed as though I saw Myself as They saw Me and did not know what They were really laughing about. As much as He pretended to love Me and that all the anti-female jokes were only humor, the hatred showed when He had sex with Me. It was brutal, hard and mean, and then He left Me, pregnant. He did not care how I felt about it, and for so long I did not know I had the wrong him there (sic). Rage was all he was, denied rage, in fact. When the split came and rage was denied, He never let Me know it, and he never let Me know that he was not all there was. HEART NEEDS TO KNOW I want to let you know what happened there. It was not pleasant, but you need to know anyway, because Heart had a presence there that has never been able to heal because of not knowing what happened. And I could not heal, because I did not know what happened there, either. Now that I know the Father's side, I have an understanding I never had before of My own experience there. Before, I could never understand why He did as He did there. I thought He was heartless, ruthless, cold and terrible. I hated Him for what He did to Me and loved Him for what I felt there that I wished could have moved Him to have the relationship with Me that I wanted to have. I was brokenhearted, in other words, and did not know how to handle it because there seemed no possibility of ever having HIm again, especially not the way He was originally before He became so guarded and suspicious, angry and resentful toward Me. After that, He always had an attitude with Me, blamed Me as the cause of it and interpreted Me in ugly ways that I never liked Him for or felt were fair. I always thought it was because He wasn't getting the right sex, or at the right time, or something like that. I tried My best to please Him, but I never could get Him to move past His angry and ugly interpretations of Me the minute He perceived that something |
p.108 wasn't going exactly His way. I could not understand HIm there, or why He saw Me that way, and could not catch the tone of My held, and often denied, rage that was afraid to be open and direct with HIm. I tried, instead, to prove Myself to HIm and show HIm that He was wrong about Me. I never moved terror, either, He never let Me feel that He would stay there with Me if I did. That was my original imprint with Him; that He left Me because of My terror. Heart was caught in the middle of Our split. I felt so bad for Heart to be born into such a dysfunctional situation where it was not possible for Heart to be parented the way I wanted Heart to be parented. Heart's embryonic state had opened to Me in many ways; internal communication, I would call it now, and most of what Heart felt, Heart had felt already, before the Father came and went, but Heart also had something more now that I had not felt before. It was more consciousness than I had in some ways, and I began to look to Heart for this in My state of helpless unconsciousness. I felt in need of help there but did not feel it was right for Heart to be giving it to Me instead of the other way around. How could a child help the Mother when the Mother could not help the child? I was embarrassed and ashamed. I felt like an inadequate parent who could not mother Her own child. All I could do was hold Heart while We cried together in the darkness of Our impoverished existence. I was barely more than a child Myself, in terms of conscious development, when the Father came and went without explaining anything to Me. He left Me pregnant, without orgasm, that first time. I did not know how it was supposed to feel, so I did not know I had missed anything there. I did not even know I had had sex. I knew nothng of what was gong to happen then. It
was true, I didn't want to be alone, but I was not
ready to have a child to take care of instead of someone
to take care of Me and help Me understand
how to live. I had had no parenting at all,
and Heart did not
feel like My parent there. Heart
felt like a small child who seemed badly in need of being
cared for and parented, and I felt like I clidn't give Heart
what I felt Heart
needed there. |
p.109 I felt He was not able to live with Me any longer, because I was not able to provide any means by which He could live. There was only darkness and terror in My world and nothing more, except the cold harsh wind that had swept Us apart. Only dread existed in addition to terror; dread of the cold, harsh wind coming without warning and dread of it not blowing, too. I rarely felt comfortable. When it was not blowing, there was a heaviness in the void that was not moving or breathable. The compression of it was suffocating to Us. Heart seemed to have a little more ease with it, though, and I thought it was because of Heart's light. I fastened on light as Our salvation and felt that we needed more of it. I did not know how to have any of it, though, if I could not open to receive it, and it wasn't coming to Me or being given to Me there in any way I could notice. Heart did not seem to have any to spare and did not know how to give any to Me anyway. It was in Heart and not something Heart knew how to pass to Me. I tried to act out with Heart what the Father had done when He had come to Me. I had great shame and fear about doing this, but I hoped it might be a way to make light, and Heart seemed to be the source of what we had there. It took Me a long time to suggest this to Heart. I did not want to make that part of Heart feel like He had to be the Father there in His Father's place. I was also afraid that We might not make light but might just divide His, somehow, and I didn't think that was the right thng to do. I also had a terribly backed-up sexual need that was motivating Me more than I wanted to notice there. I gave HIm instructions because He did not seem to know what His Father had done there. I didn't either, really, but He tried to come into Me more than He had in the past. It did not produce more light. Then I thought it might have been the way His Father had struck Me when He first came. Heart hit Me several times, but that did not make any light and made Me feel very bad about Myself, about Heart and about His Father, too, because it brought back all the memories of how rough His Father had been when I wanted gentleness instead. I felt Heart now looked down on Me for having suggested this and did not like, or trust Me anymore. The experience had not felt right to Me, either. I never wanted to look at this place between Us again. It was in the gap already and went farther into the gap then. Heart, in that place, never moved along with Me after that. I feared He felt it was all too much. I felt ashamed and wanted to pretend |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.110 it had never happened. I did not want to tell HIm that I did not have any other ideas of what to try there. Heart just had a light I did not have, and He should go and live the best life He could with it. I felt the martyrdom in this statement, and the hopelessness, depression and bitterness, too, but I could not help Myself anymore. I could not live much longer the way I was. I knew that already and I wanted Heart to have whatever life Heart could have without Me, but I also resented it that I never had any life at all. How could Heart not live? Heart had light, and a Father someplace who might do something to help Heart that He would not do for Me. Perhaps He could recognize Heart's light as His own and give Heart a place with Him wherever He was. I did not want to let Heart go. I held Heart in My arms and cried, telling Heart to go and seek a life someplace other than this. Heart told Me there was no place to go. Heart did not want to leave Me there. I was immensely grateful for this, but also frightened. I thought there was some place of light where the Father had come from. I thought I had felt this in Myself somehow, or seen some place of light where the Father had gone because He did not want to be near Me. Heart told Me only, "No, You are misttaken. I was blown all over by the wind before I came back to You, and there is no such place." I thought I must have been dreaming, or making it up then, but I also felt like Heart wasn't telling Me the truth. One of the times He had gone in the night, it did not feel like the cold, harsh wind had taken Him. I thought I had felt His Father come near when it happened. I had been lying almost unconscious, having almost a dream of Him coming back to Me. It seemed that He was. I woke as fast as I could to find that He was not there, and Heart was not there, either. I grieved His loss and my own loss of My dream coming true. I waited and hoped and prayed that He would come back to Me with His Father, but it did not happen that way. After what was an interminably long time to Me, Heart returned. He said nothing about His experience while He was gone. He only looked at Me with sad eyes that said there was no chance for Me anymore with the Father. I could not give up though. He was the only thing I lived for, even though I barely lived at all. If His son could not be with HIm and He was not going to be with Me, I would have to live for His son, because I was not going to leave Him there alone any more than He was going to leave Me. |
p.111 We held on together there for a long time in that way, and finally, what I thought was His Father came to Me again. I did not know It was Him at first and did not know whether to move toward HIm or not. I had hoped so many times for Him to come back to Me that I was not even sure if He was real or not. What if He was another dream or was going to break My heart again? I didn't know if I could take it. He had been gone so long, though, that I feared He would not find Me looking very good anymore, if indeed, He ever had. I tried to make Myself look more pleasant and attractive to HIm, but I did not know how to go about doing this. I did not even know what He wanted, so how could I know what to do or how to look? I did not have any sense of Myself from which to come there, unfortunately. I had never developed from the time He left Me. I was frozen in time there and feared He might not like it. He was so much more developed in form and so much more mature now. I gasped at His handsomeness and did not think He would like Me for any reason. I had no heart left for Him, either. It was all gone in heartbreak that wanted to move all at once now that He had returned. It did not make sense. I pushed it aside in hopes of looking happy and cheerful at His return. I wanted HIm to like Me this time and decide to stay. I could feel Myself being very nervous. I would have been stumbling over My own feet if I had had any there. I was afraid Heart would think I was a fool and was going to ruin it all over again. Heart must have had His fears, too, because He rushed into the gap of My hesitation there and tried to pull the Father toward Me. It helped somewhat, but not much. The Father took Me sexually inHeart's presence, which I did not like. It made a huge uproar inside of Me, and when I tried to quiet it down as the Father bid Me to do, it only got louder and more intrusive. He accused Me of being oppositional to Him, of not liking Him and of not really wanting HIm to be there. He acted as if He was about to leave. I did not understand how He could ignore Heart and not give HIm what He needed there first to feel secure, so that then His parents could go off to have sexual intimacy without Heart feelng left out, forlorn or abandoned again.I wanted Heart to feel secure first. Then I would make love to His Father, who had never made Me feel secure, either, I now realized. Threatening to leave like that did not make Me feel that I dared give HIm anything other than what He wanted to see, hear and feel. |
p.112 Give
Him exactly what He wants, or You are not going to have
Him at all, My imprinting read there.
I never got a chance to, though. He was gone almost as
soon as the uproar started, telling
Me He was going to quiet it down in His own way. He was
gone ,looking like a knight in armor, charging forth on
His horse to do battle. He gave Me the impression that
He was going to OUr defense, but now that I know more,
it could also have been to the rescue. I felt extremely uneasy. I did not know who these enemies of Our experience were there. I was afraid He was going to do battle with them and mutilate them, or worse, kill them so that they would never be able to live again. I did not feel they deserved that, no matter who they were. I fretted, and
walked the ramparts, so to speak, wringng My hands, and
My handkerchief, to, when I grew damp all over
from emotion. I became subject to ailments
such as tuberculosis and pneumonia. Still He
did not come back. I wished He would come back and tell
Me all was well and that there was no problem really. Apparently, He must have focused only on these troublesome, intrusive sounds, because He was suddenly up and away. He must have made a plan quickly, because when next I saw Him, He was already dressed in His armor and astride His horse who was rearing in anticipation of His departure. He carried a long lance and looked like He was going forth to slay a dragon. I did not want Him to go that way, but He did not let Me hold Him back. I could not have, anyway. He was already too well battle |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.113 armed for Me to get close, and there was no opportunity offered there for Me to say anything that could have swayed Him or changed His mind. He was rushing forth. He hated to leave Me, He said, but He looked much too excited for Me to be sure of that. I wondered what He thought He was going forth to find and why He looked so much more excited than I would have been in His shoes. I told Myself that it was because He was not like Me, and that I did not understand Him, yet. So many of My interpretations were because I wanted to love Him and wanted Him to love Me. In later repetitions of this, He would sound a battle cry and be off with many glorious looking soldiers accompanying Him, but then, He appeared to be only one, large mass of essence that had light. This light was already differentiating into many aspects and interpretations which later became individuals, but I did not notice much about that then, and I'm not sure if He did, either. Then it appeared to be one, large, glorious mass leaving Me. It was not long before something in Me began to suspect there might be another story; one He was not letting Me know about there, but I didn't know what it was. There was a slipping away quality in His departure that I missed originally, because His excuse was so good. There was such a prolonged absence with nothing from Him and no feeling of connection to Him there. It was the behavior a man exhibits when He is slipping away to have an affair, but I did not know it. I did not know there was another woman. He slipped away from Me as soon as possible and there was a lot of essence with Him, so much that I did not think there was anything left there with Me. When He left Me, I distrusted My own perceptions there, I told Myself that maybe it was not wrong I tried to focus on Myself and find a way to feel complete in Myself without anyone or anything else. I felt desolate, alone, empty and abandoned. Maybe I was only nothingness, or only a feeling of emptiness and a longing to be filled, and now that what had been there with Me didn't want to be there anymore, it must be free to leave and seek another place. I feared I would return to nothingness. I didn't want to. I liked the somethingness, even if I didn't like everything about it. I wanted another chance. I tried to hold on. I tried to give Him easons to stay with Me, but I could feel He did not want to stay, did not like My cloying stickiness and did not want to give Me an opportunity to do it anymore. I needed to make a direct confession of My love, but I did not know it. I'm not sure I even knew it was love, except by looking |
p.114 back and recognizing the symptoms. I just knew I wanted Him to be there with Me, in some special way as My own partner in a large family. I wanted all of the essence to be there with Me and work out any problems we might have. I
did not have a separatist thing
in mind, but He did. I was not sure i wanted
to define Myself as separate from
anything there, but I felt like He wanted Me
to in order to focus on Him alone, When He put it that
way, I did not know what He meant. Was it only at times
or all the time? I knew that I wanted him to focus
on Me alone, too, but I did not know what to do with the
rest of the essence there. It was continuing
to make a tremendous uproar whenever we tried
to focus Our attention only on each other. Did He have secret plans to have Us both? Did He plan to be |
p.115 open
about this, or was He going to start there with Me and
then include her in some way I did not know about? Did
she not like it that He had finally come to Me? Did He,
or both of Them, not like it that I wanted to
quiet these sounds down and move them back so that I could
be the only presence there with HIm?
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
ness. It frightened Me and felt entangling and cloying to Me. I found essence that felt shut to Me. It felt female to Me; tightly wrapped, as if wrapped around something. Why did it not open to Me, even if only just to let Me know it was fine? It gave Me the feeling that I was very presumptuous to think it wanted to receive Me there at all or that I had anything to offer it that it didn't have or know already. It had a superior-acting feeling to it and gave Me the impression that My idea of parenting was absurd, and that there was no such thing a a child. Why was it so shut to Me? I felt like it did not care about Me at all. Then I took it on Myself, I was wrong and inappropriate, but now I want to listen to other feelings that were there with Me, also. Was something being hidden there? Was it a relationship with Him? I knew of no other female essence there, without light of its own, other than Myself and the few voices I knew there with Me already who would not shut to Me that way. Was it possible there was daughter Heart who had made herself that separate from Me that early on and was that turned against Me already? After He was gone, it was quiet, eerily quiet, for a little while, and then the heartbreak started in Me, and I could not hold it back. I felt old in terms of essence longing for light and fading away from the lack of it, but I was brand new in relationship and thought He was, too. I did not know where He had gone. I did not know He had the means to compare Me. I only knew I felt insecure and paranoid. His cold eye that had looked at Me, as though I was not the right One because I was not pleasing HIm the way He wanted to be pleased, was burned into Me. Looking back, I now see it as though He felt He had other options. I did not. I felt I needed to make it work, or there was going to be nothing for Me.
When He did not respond to My heartbreak, I feared he
did not love Me. I gave up for a long time. We
had judged against Our primordial self
there, and its need to express its rage, terror and heartbreak,
in favor of what Our interpretations
told Us we had to present there, but Our interpretations
were not accurate.
p.117 they could, too, but then, I did not know what was kept secret from Me there. I was growing more and more insecure. The more insecure I was growing, the more I tried to please Him, and the more I tried to please Him, the less successful at it I seemed to be, until terror overwhelmed Me that there was nothing I could do to keep Him. So often, whenever I had His presence there with Me, I would feel His attention as wandering, distracted and ready to leave Me any moment. Why was it only Me who was wrong if I was distracted like that? Why was this always alright for Him because he had His reasons? Why did I always feel I wasn't interesting, pleasing, beautiful or sexual enough to keep His attention? Why could We never come together to understand the reasons for this and work them out? Was it because he never really felt committed to Me from the very beginning? Was He only reluctantly there because of male Heart's urgings when He was already fastened on someone else? Was it Heart daughter? Why have I observed so often that He has seemed responsive to Heart daughter in ways that He was never responsive to Me? Why have they been able to go on and on with Him emotionally in ways and places where He has been so cold to Me? He interpreted My distracton and wandering attention as Me rejecting Him, and He left. It was a long time before I found Him again. I was overwhelmed with My own heartbreak sounds then. He did not return. I did not understand how He could hear them and not return. "He must be a long wayoff," I thought then, but maybe not, I think now. When I determined to quiet down and listen for any sounds in the darkness that might be Him, other sounds of heartbreak that sounded forced, ingenuine and annoying to Me arose around Me and made it impossible for Me to hear anything other than them. They followed Me wherever I went in My efforts to move there. Who were they and what were their real motives there? They seemed to be determined to drown out My own sounds of heartbreak with their own obnoxious sounds. I didn't know who they were, where they had come from or why they were doing this, as though they wanted to keep Him from finding Me or were going to draw Him to themselves and prove to Him that they wanted Him more than I did. They followed Me, in My efforts to move and find Him there, dogging Me maddeningly, as though, now that I look back on it, soundsing some sort of alarm so that My whereabouts would al- |
p.118 |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.119 I
saw Him go alright, and I heard a lot that She was too
overwhelmed to hear at the time. I heard Him take all
of the essence with Him that wanted to go by secretly
letting it know He was going to go and letting it line
up with Him there so that it looked like it all just happened
to leave at the same time. I saw Him encourage it to move
out and line up with Him because He did not like the rest
of what He found there. |
p.120 as though that was reason not to listen to my message there. How could He dismiss the importance of what I had to say because He didn't like the feeling tone with which it was delivered, but then, how could he act otherwise? He had already demonstrated that that was His behavior pattern. He was maddening to try to deal with, which is why I resorted to trying to get rid of Him. Still, I tried Him over and over while still working My plot against Him. Whether He did or didn't come around and recognize the importance of my message here, I wanted to feel I had it covered. How could He feel it was not important what He did in the original split that created a gap so big most of Us were stuck living in it with no place else to go? It defies superlatives, or I would rant even now! All the good places were filled. He filled them with the littler flower fairies who gave Him the barely blow jobs (sic) and the reflection He wanted to have there. How I hated them all and wanted to move to punish them any way that I could! How dare they think they knew it all and didn't need anything from me, or from Her, for that matter! It felt like they didn't feel Her anymore, or even think of Her, and they never spoke of Her. They only pleased Him until it made me sick, and I wanted to have them all thrown out, not just Him! I gave HIm more trouble than He gave me there because I left whenever He found the rage to be too much and went to the other plan I had working in secret. He found me long gone, but He found Her in my place often and I did not know it, not that I cared. I didn't let myself know it. When I felt Her pain, I hardened Myself against Her because I was angry at Her for not helping Me, and for acting like She wanted to please Him, too, and not make Him look at what He was doing there. I've only been able to come back to Her now that she has seen that what I have to say needs to be accepted as valid and not be pushed out anymore, but I insist on speaking this through My old personality here, because I need recognition for what I have gone through, too. It has not been easy to be the only one out here who knew the truth and felt it needed to be listened to when everyone else was saying that it couldn't be the truth and They didn't do those things or have those motives. I was stoned, ridiculed and put out tortured and burned as a witch and murdered and gotten rid of so many times I lost count, but I hardened Myself to the pain and let Her feel it. I hated Her for so long I did not think I would ever love Her again. |
p.121 I hated to feel any pain, and I hated to have any pain inflicted on me. I did not think it was necessary to have pain and did not like my pain any more thanI liked others. I felt blame for pain responses and also for pain inflicters. I hated all of it, in other words, and did my best not to feel any of it. How could I feel it and keep sight of my mission? It was too much! I have more to say about what happened in that split , too! He left with a huge upward rush of essence, and the Mother could not handle seeing what left with Him there, or how much of it there was, but I saw it, and it was a large amount of essence. All but the terror and heartbreak, in fact, and the smoldering rage She mentioned earlier that judged already that it did not want any more light because it was all going to be like that. I wasn't sure. I wanted to go and find out, so I went along with the upward rush also, and I said a lot of things that weren't pretty as I left. I was enraged at the rest of the Mother, and that's how I left Her; feeling like She wasn't doing anything to help Herself, or to help Creation get started; going down and taking it all with Her if she didn't do anything about it. I hated Her for that, but I was terrified of Her as well. I was terrified that She did have the power to suck everything down into a black hell-hole from which it would go out of existence in a nightmare of terror compression, and that She wanted to do that because She did not like the way things were happening. I converted it all to rage that was going to do something about it and not let it happen that way. I moved hatred toward Her and wished She would die, because I was so afraid that this was what She was trying to do there. In doing this, I was much more aligned with the Father of Manifestation's interpretation of what was happening there than I ever thought or knew that I was, because I was so much focused on My hatred toward Him and the idea of going with Him to accomplish My large and righteous mission. I hated everyone who did not like or agree with Me. It wasnt' possible to think differently than Me and get near Me anymore. I was my own entity there. It was clear, already, that that was survival for Me. Heart daughters were with me there and embraced me as their mother there early on. All they could see there was what I could see; She was going down, not embracing life, and it was not possible to survive if We did as She was doing there. Her heartbreak and terror were too much and had no feeling of going forward to |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.122 see what else might happen in life or how she might affect that life if She went forward instead of backing away. We gave Her plenty of that input as we left, but We gave it to Her with a judgmental and unloving rage punch that hit Her hard. They called out to Her as we left, "If You're not going to give Him what He wants, I will, and I can do it better and more to His liking than You can! I know how to go towards Him, and You do not! I know what He wants more than You do! He doesn't want You and never did! He wants Me much more than He ever wanted You!" I called out, "If You're not going to give Him what He needs, I will!" We let a lot of jeering, derisive asides [sic] fall away from Us with intent for Her to hear them, but [sic] as though we did not notice Her there. "She doesn't know what She is doing! She doesn't know how to treat a man! She doesn't know what to do with a real man! She doesn't know how to turn on a man! She doesn't know how to have sex! She doesn't know what a man needs! She thinks everything else is more important than He is! If She thinks all those sounds are children, let Her take care of them! If She thinks She knows better, then why isn't She here instead of there? I could go on and on, but I won't They were all more cat calls to the woman who lost. All's fair in love and war, was invented there by hardening toward Her in favor of Ourselves. I found out the danger of that position. When we all called out "I," there, I noticed We were not a group, but only individuals in the struggle for the position of the only one there. we could no longer care about others and survive Ourselves. Each was turned against the other in competition for the status and postion that represented power, and thus, survival there. It was a hard struggle for a long time, because there was little to no love there once so much (sic) Heart was thrown out, which it was in the very beginning, rather than feel the heartbreak and everything that went with that coming up from the Will we left behind in that move. We thought it was a grand and glorious move; soaring upward was a great rush after feeling so held back, dragged down and heavy in what had been happening. The Father of Manifetation looked like the great rescuer to many, and We were not feeling anything We did not want to feel anymore. We didn't feel anything of what we left behind there for a long time. when more of this rage came up to the top and told Us that the Mother had taken Heart into Her arms and that Heart intended to replace the Father presence there, We did not question Ourselves |
It's the Mother's rage, which is talking here] I didn't
like anyone who didn't listen to me, see me the way I
wanted to be seen and recognize me as the right one to
have their positon there. I poisoned, cut, tortured,
suffocated, and drowned. I murdered in every kind of way
and didn't feel anything about it,
other than a satisfaction in my stony heart that they
were gone. Now I have some remorse,
but not that much yet, because I still maintain my position
that there was a lot more secret agenda going on in that
split than anyone there was admitting
to. |
p.124 ask questions, I have rushed ahead wanting to make public everything that I knew When she felt the pain of my own deaths that I did not feel, I did not let that stop me, either. I wanted to feel revenge, even against Her. I now feel more cautious than I used to feel, so I am not going to reveal everythng that I know her, but the gap and its secret agenda is really serious, and it is very necessary to heal it, that I am going to say. The split there was huge and took the upper chakreas away from the lower ones with a gap where Heart was supposed to be between them. There was a lot more in that gap than anybody thought for a long time, unless they were really looking in there the way I was, and it was heartless. That
was the main gap, but there were many others. I have seen
so much ugliness in my time I did not think
there was any love in Creation; certainly
not in the procreation around me. The gaps in
Purple and Blue
are much worse than what has been told here so
far, and We have not even gotten to Indigo
yet; gaps in which
the players appear to be allied with others, but each
plans, in the end, to be the only one left in a power
position of any sort. |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.125 |
I did not
know as much about it then as I did later, but I did not
like another female in His arms where I wanted to be with
the rest of the Mother. It was not
just jealousy, as He tried to say it was when
He laughed at Me. It did not feel right
to me for some reason. When she claimed to be
Mother, that did not feel right, either. Why did love mean no disagreement? Why were questions and suggestions immediately labeled arguments and opposition? Why could You never see how group process could be helpful and how relationship needed this? Why was it all so unpleasant to You that You just wanted a little fluff there who wouldn't cause any of these problems? I had many
more questions, too, but I was screaming them and He wouldn't
let me. He cut me off, saying He
was only comforting them the way He had
been told to do, that He felt they needed comforting and
that He couldn't move past them to any other sounds
because they would start up again with their sounds
of grief, fear and pain if He did. I was absolutely enraged
that He had not stayed present with the
Mother that way. I could not believe that
He didn't want Us and preferred these little fluffs,
instead. |
p.127 before He slipped away from Her. I wanted to thrash all of Them right there. His sweet, little flowers were clinging to Him as if they were afraid of my rage, and they had good reason to be. He was protecting them from me, too, but I could see their faces, and He could not. They weren't really afraid of my rage, other than letting HIm know they didn't want to face me by themselves. With him there as their protector, I couldn't do anything to them the way I wanted to. I could see their eyes telling me they were victorious, had HIm fooled, wrapped around their little fingers, in fact, and that there was no place for me because they had HIm, were there first and were better. I resolved to make them wish they had been more afraid of my rage, enough to have gone to Her as a group and apologized, right then! I wanted to teach Them all a lesson, and if raging at Them wasn't enough, I was going to take violent action against Them! When He asked me why I was so heartless and why I coudln't see that they were mother that did love Him and had been cast out by the mother who did not love him, as I obviously did not, I went berserk! I could not hold back My violence the. I flew at HIm with everything I had and He flew out of there with everything He had, which was plenty of essence gathered around Him by then. I wasn't going to let Them get rid of me that easily, though! I went with Them, and I do not think They even noticed me there. I gave HIm a piece of my mind all the way up in that swirling, circling rush, but so taken was He with daughter Heart in His arms, I don't think He even heard it as anything other than an echo from Her, making Him feel all the more right to have left Her that way. I was so enraged that I decided I was going to have to take action and not let Heart daughter be between Us that way. I got behind her, and when she tried to hold onto her position there, in front of me, and take Him for herself up there at the top, I slammed her back and pushed her out of there! Now she could see how it felt! The only heart I was going to have there was Heart that liked me and was going to give me my right place there. I was so just like HIm there. He hated His reflection in me so much that He did not want to recognize it and tried to get rid of me over and over, but some little part of Him must have known that He needed me, because He never quite killed me off completely. He never really listened to me though, and that was my main problem with HIm. If He would have listened to me, there would have been no more problem, but He always told me I wanted to |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.128 dominate Him
and He wasn't going to allow it. I say something
smells rotten here, and that He has only said He is just
doing what She wants Him to do when He can put it back
on Her that way and get away with something He doesn't
want Her to notice there. How many child
molesters tell the children, "Your
mother sent me in here to give you good night hugs and
kisses?" |
p.129 little bitches! I'd like to beat the crap out of you for more than one reason! If you did not know what you were doing there, why didn't you admit it and let the Mother have Her right place there, instead of claiming you were mother in Her place? If, once you got there, you did not know how to get out of it, why not? What did you have going on there that was not letting you be straight ahead? If you want to claim you were afraid of the Father, I don't believe it! He never treated you the way He treated the Mother. He loved you from the very beginning and took you into His life as the joy of the dancing colors. You never felt the sting of His rage the way She did, or any of the other horrible things He did that you may not even know about! But then again, I would like to know what you really do know, because I have seen your face, too many times, looking smug and satisfied that the Mother was being treated the way that She was, and wasn't going to be able to take the place you had away from you! If you want to say the Mother sent you to Him, and that He wouldn't let you go then, so you were set up and victimized there, you might have had some claim for that if you had not stayed so long with Him and enjoyed it so much. I am not going to let you slither out of it that way without admitting to that. You did enjoy it! A lot! And not for the right reasons! And you are still there and still have not said anything on your own. I doubt you would have said anything, either, even now, if I was not asking these questions so directly. If you are going to help here, you need to move a lot to let Us know that and to be able to trust what your intent really was there, and is now, because I have distrusted you for a long time. You were sent out there as the call to bring Him to Her, and you did not do your job. You have to take responsibility for whatever your part was in the formation of the gap that opened there. It isn't just everyone else who has responsibility, and you were just a victim and just loving! Especially, if you claimed the Mother position there, you have major responsibility. What did you think the Mother position was, to just cozy up to Him and be totally absorbed in each other there, perch yourself in His lap, or sit prettily on a nice throne somewhere and not give major help to the situation? We had a major gap happening, and Heart male could not hold it together all by Himself! If you were not trying desperately to help in any way you could think of, you must have liked it the way it was, and I do not like you for that! |
p.130 Even if you came from the Mother with good intent at first, and, having come from Her, did not view yourself as anything other than Her; the longer you were out there, the less you began to honor this and the more you began to think only of yourself there, instead, and in doing that, became denied Heart and didn't even know it. I think that the nothingness you had known when you were with the Mother did not look good or feel good to you, and you did not look back. You could not imagine any life for yourself there. You did not look back for so long, I think you lost your intent to look back, or even remember that you were a part of Her. I know you did, because I know you, and I know you need to move rage at Her, too. I think that when the Father did not let His Heart come forward the way He needed to, you thought there wasn't anything else around and decided to take the Father for yourself. when the Father did not let Heart lead Him because He didn't want to be led by anything other than His own mind, I saw you leading Him and He didn't even know it. I think you did not lead the Father to the Mother, at least in part, because you did not want to. I think you have a lot in common with me here, and that is why you thought I was the Mother if you were not. You were imprinted that way when I slammed you out of there, but you never liked it that way. The way you behaved told me you did not want anyone telling you what to do or how to do it, any more than I did. You need to look at what you have in common with your Father there. How could you let Him have his own way unless you were just so like Him that it was your way, too? And when it wasn't, I saw you making Him think that what you wanted was his own idea, and feeling so smart and clever about it! You should't have been laughing behind His back about it. I might not have been able to notice it so clearly and gather so many pieces of information about your own agenda there. You did not love me as your mother, and I have not loved you, either. You had an earlier imprinting of yourself in the mother's position, but you need to look even earlier than that to satisfy me. I think you liked the Father's admiration so much that you danced for Him as long as you possibly could without telling Him anything about the Mother who had sent you. I think you completely beguiled Him into thinking you were His mate, and let Him think so, too. I think that the longer it went on between the two of You there, |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.131 the more an
intent to have it that way took over you. He thought
you were so agreeable because of that, and so much more
able and willing to please Him. Because that was His
first imprint with
you, it wasn't easily changed. If you did anything that
He didn't think was in agreement with Him, you
only needed to flash a little of your original allure
and tell Him He was mistaken! I have some bitter tonic
for that phony little sweetness of yours! |
p.132 child that We shouldn't have responded to you if you were going to be that way! You didn't see anything beyond your own temper tantrum there, and still haven't, I'd like to say! I say you did not want Her to have Him because you already wanted Him for yourself and did not want to see yourself as a part of Her anymore. She was that dark and negative place you did not want to have to return to or ever feel again. ...You did not want to acknowledge your roots or origins there, because then you would have to acknowledge Her and Her place. When He thought She was only compression, terror, entrapment and death and He didn't want anything to do with that, I think you agreed with Him. I think you were ashamed of Her, of your connection to Her and of your home there. You didn't want Him to see you as having led Him into anything like that. He might not trust or like you anymore! I think you were frightened that if you acknowledged your involvement with Her or that you were a part of Her, the whole truth would come out, and you didn't want that anymore. You couldn't have that! Not after what you had already done there! I think you did this as a means to your own survival and did not see that lovelessness is not a means to survival. You're not loveless! You loved Him, you say! You did not love Her, or even seem to notice what this did to Her. You hated Her and feared Her. You gave Her a little guilt and pity, as did He. That is not love. If you did not love Her, you did not really love Him, because He belonged with Her. You only loved yourself there, and that is not even really love. If you had really loved yourself, you would have discovered that the parts of you that did not belong in this position needed to be loved and be given what they needed also, which was a Heart mate. How many affairs have you had with heart males, only to put them down and make them feel like boys while you returned to the real man; the real man, who was not fulfilling you in the ways your affair did, or why were you out there having an affair in the first place? You went cold on your affairs only when you had to consider the loss of position and power involved in making your affair your mate. Imagined loss of power and position! You don't know what power really is, or position, either! Haven't you ever heard the |
p.133 term, right place? You need to seriously consider what that really means, and if you were mother, you would know already what it really means! You couldn't wait to get away from Her for more reasons than just not liking Her terror, and She was too naive and unconscious to know it yet. She had put Her Heart way out there before She even knew She could do it. She trusted you with Her loving intent. What went wrong? She knows. You tell Her if you know so much! You were the present of Her heart's desire for the Father. She didn't want to be cut out of the picture. You betrayed Her and put a gap in place that has not been healed in all this time. You told Him you were Her and never let Him know anything else there. Your abandonment did leave Her much more heartless than She would have been otherwise, and She was still more loving than you. You abandoned the Heart role and tried to play Mother instead. How many feelings did you have to dump out to do that? You didn't take any responsibility for that. You just allowed yourself to go off into your own plan without considering the consequences of that or that it wasn't the right plan. You didn't think She knew anymore than you knew, and still don't you even think She knows less than you. That is where you are mistaken! Terribly, terribly mistaken! All you could see in your myopic little world was that you would never be like Her, never treat Him like She did. You saw yourself as being so much smarter than Her and so able to do it better. You saw Her as nothing but stuck there, and I think you did consider your role in why that was so and felt powerful, because that was what your hatred wanted. She did not know you had made yourself separate from Her in that way, and you did not let Her know. The Father said nothing to Her about Heart daughter, either. She did not know you as anything other than a part of Her. She had feelings of wanting to move in certain ways in His presence. This did not mean that Her heart's desire was putting you out there to dance for Him the way you did. And when you danced for Him, where did you get your moves, honey? They sure won His approval and admiration and gave you a lot of self-confidence. You took all of that for yourself and never acknowledged where you had gotten any of it! You had more consciousness from being with Him. If that is what made you think you were superior to Her, look how you used it. You took advantage of Her confusion there and said you were Her. You didn't act like it, unless you hated yourself there, were in |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
thought it was a miracle.
p.135 happening
in the darkness,
like misery now. He
was able to understand Gradually,
led Me to a place of Heart
is When
she comes, |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
Perhaps She thought I was too much a dictator when She actually got out there and saw that He had His own ways and ideas that didn't seem interested in hearing about this. Perhaps She wasn't as aligned with Me as I had hoped and thought. Perhaps She feared Him too much. Perhaps
was more beautiful and alluring than either of Us
realized and didn't know He
would become so fastened onto Her
there. Perhaps She
did not know how to get Him
to let go. I
do have
great love for Her and sympathy
for Her situation, but something
has been keeping Us apart that
has never been resolved, and I ask
Her to look at this with Me
because that is My way. My way
is love and not denial of things tossed outside into
a gap, never to be looked at again. How
did you get hooked up with the
Father and agree to do this with Him?
p.138 way young girls help each other when they are first interested in a boy. Instead, You were like the friend who takes the boy for Herself and moves out of the friendship rather than face anything there. You grew up with Him instead of letting Me grow up with Him and somehow didn't notice that this was not right, and that it would be Your turn next. To give Me no input for so long was not right, no matter what You want to say about it. You knew Me better than that. Why did you treat Me this way? When You did return, finally, after so long, there was something wrong with the feeling in it. I was afraid that My daughter had been out there doing something that She should not have been doing, but You would not tell Me what it was or anything about it. Apparently, You were afraid of My reaction, and with good reason, I suppose. YOu shut Me out and I did not know how to approach You or what to ask You after that. You seemed to slip away at every opportunity, and I am wondering if You were meeting Him in the darkness, secretly, even then. Were You having sex with Him already there and not telling Me? Did it just happen and you did not know how to tell Me, or was it calculated? I wanted to trust You there and did not know I had any reason not to, but You stayed too long without explaining why You were there and what it was really about. Did I send You on a mission that was too big for You; one You couldn't accomplish? If so, You needed to come back to Me and let Me know that. What did You think I was, an ogre who would not think of something else to do then; someone who insisted. You had to succeed at this, or else? How could you know Me and love Me as I thought Our relationship was and not know this about Me? Did He not let You go? Did He hold You prisoner there? If so, couldn't You have let Me know somehow? I had My feelings but whenever I tried to get help from You in understanding them, You denied My interpretation there. Didn't You think I knew anything? Did You think You knew it all, or so much more than I did? Did You think You knew it all so much better than Me that You could get out in front of Me and never look back? Were You even going to come home before You were thrown and fell there? If the mission was too big for You, why didn't You let Me know and take it as an indication that this might not be the right approach or that He might be too big for You and that it needed to be Me there first instead of You? We had never done this before. It wasn't written anywhere that it had to be this way. If it wasn't working, We could |
p.139 have gotten another plan. By the time He finally came to Me, He already had an attitude of disinterest, as though there was someone else He could go to if it wasn't just right with Me. He was impatient and expected Me to know things already about Him that I did not know. He acted insulted and infuriated when I didn't know certain things in His presence. He acted like He knew Me and I should know Him. Did You really stay by choice so ong with such a boor or did You tell Him You were Me and give Him the impression He knew Me then, as well. Did You bring Him to Me only out of a guilt when He gave You the feelng that You were not enough there? Did You fool Him? Did You lead Him to Me, and in that guise, turn and face Him there, over the top of Me and hope He would never find out what else was there underneath You? When He didn't like what He felt there, did You decide that it was Me He was feeling and didn't like there, jump away from Me, say You weren't a part of that and go hurriedly away with Him? Did You hope He would never look back and discover anything about what had happened there? Did You try and make sure, He would never look back, or could never look back? I think, daughter Heart, that You imprinted early not to be too much like Your Mother, or Your Father would not like You the way You wanted Him to, would not give You all of the attention and admiration You needed and wanted to grow into the life YOu wanted to have there and would not do all the things for You that You wanted Him to do. Don't You think there is something sickening in the feeling of seeing fathers too wrapped around the little finger of their daughters? When He finally came, I was already withering, old feeling, hopeless, angry, frightened and bitter. I wish I knew if this was because I didn't get to grow up with Him and participate in the beginning sexual experiences with Him. I wonder what I would have been like if I had been able to grow up with Him, instead of you? It never looked right to Me when You came home, finally. You looked too old for Your age, too soon. I don't think it would have been that way if it had been Me there with Him, instead. Male Heart has had problems with His sexuality, too. It looked to Him as if there was no mate left for Him but the old part of the Mother; the part that no one else wanted. From when He began looking in places other than You for a mate there is homosexual imprinting there, too, makng this even more complicated for the |
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book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
Sub-particles finally began to come in response to My long, aching pull for something to be there with My emptiness. Slowly, only a few at first, like random encounters, not often, but shocking and frightening when they did come because they slammed into Me. I experienced this, too, as part of My emptiness. Random encounters that meant nothing, said nothing, had no knowing of Me, or I of them, except pain. I
hated having encounters when I did not know they
were coming or what it was going to be like.
If it was not going to be pleasant, I
didn't like it. I knew that. I imprinted early.
And what I liked, I knew early too; something
else, not this. I hated them. They were cold and harsh. I did not know what else there could be, but I began to have feelings in Myself of other ways; soft and warm, floating, taking more time; gentle encounters, not propelled and bombarding, not hurting. Then
things slowed down too much, without any movement perceptible
there. This was equally insufferable; stultifying, compressing,
suffocating and just as terrifying and enraging as the
other extreme. |
p.141 only
wanted what I liked and did not want relationship the
way it was happening to Me; gentle mist,
drifting in the void, bombarded, slammed and
blown by cold, harsh wnds of unknown source,
scattering My mist into nothingness again and again,
as though it did not want Me there. I would have to
struggle to recover, if I even could. I did not like
it any more than it liked Me. It was hatred there. I was frozen
and did not respond to it the way it wanted Me to. It
was harsh and cold. It had frozen Me, I wanted to say
to it there, but I had no voice
with which to speak such things. I had no means to express
Myself. It had to feel Me, or there was nothing to go
on, and it did not. It hated Me, I was
sure of that. Otherwise it wouldn't have been so harsh
and cold toward Me. |
p.142 when I had these encounters, but they were not pleasant glimmers. I did not know anything other than shocks of pain that I hated. I tried to move along this path so as not to give hatred the upper hand as though it was the only thing happening there, but without moving the hatred, it never left Me any more than the terror did. I hated quickly when I did not like what was happening and was intolerant in many ways. I hated Myself for being intolerant and hated the intolerance toward Me. I did not know it was possible that I had moved past others already by calling them there before they were ready. When I called them, I did not know there were others. I thought there was only Me, longing for what was not, which was companionship and relationship in My loneliness. I had no feeling I noticed there of anything except My desire to have something there with Me. I only noticed that what came did not seem to want existence or relationship. ....My longing did not want anything there that did not want to be there with Me. I could not understand why they wanted to hurt or kill Me instead of being there in pleasant relationship with Me. I could not understand why they would not want to come toward Me in a friendly manner instead of bombarding Me in that way. Why would they feel trapped by Me instead of pulled to Me and glad of it, as I had wanted it to be? I did not understand, and I did not have the means to get answers to any of My questions. I had no means to relate to them when I encountered them bombarding Me in the darkness. ...I could not get a hold of them. ...They floated maddeningly near Me but did not come close. There was no attraction. When I finally did find the means to get a hold of one, it was only through sexual attraction, and I did not like that. I imprinted that these particles, which were not really particles, were like angy, stinging bees who only alighted long enough to see what they could take. We were no match, and I wanted them to leave as soon as |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.143 possible. Then I found Heart there with Me, but Heart did not love Me here, either. Heart was just an angry something, left behind by the particles that could not get free another way and broke loose however possible. I felt
stupid and naive and never wanted to let Myself be open
that way again when I felt rejected for reasons I did
not understand. I never really opened My Heart
again after that and did not know what was wrong when
I was accused of beingHeartless. |
p.144 it was My problem
and went off to be chirpy and superficial somewhee else,
somewhere where He could get away with it because He
was believed [sic] by somethng
that didn't have the wit to question. I could not
let go, or forget, the way He wanted Me to to move along
with Him there, and He hated Me for that. I
had always My past with Me, no matter what experience
I was having, and it became stronger
than any other experience the longer it went on like
this. No matter what experience
we were having, I was always drowning inside of Myself
and suffocating in the terror that I could not live.
I needed to get free of this and hated Him for not helping
Me with it. Sometimes it looked like He was going to
help Me, but He only played with My terror in cruel
ways. |
p.145 a
flame, I went to My death at its hands. I
did not know it was not God, either; only rage in His
place. The gap was not something I knew I was in.
It had happened, and I never knew there
was another way of life. This is the gap where rage and hatred were born. We could have been companions, but We went to war instead. Hatred is older than love, and only because it was not helped to become love did it remain as hatred on My side. What about your side? This has been told over and over, and yet, how really major it was cannot be told in words very easily. Can you see how everything that has troubled the male-female relationship, and everything else, was there? Can you look back that far and feel that deep in order to move this? Do you want to? |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.146 MY LIGHT SPEAKS I hesitate to tell My own point of view because it was not the same as others, but I need to move along with it, nonetheless. I moved past Heart and Body on more than one occassion. I hated Them for not moving along with Me in the ways I wanted to move there. To Me, They were know-nothings who had Their own agenda and wouldn't listen to anyone else. They were either aligned or opposed according to whether They agreed or disagreed on any given issue. I thought
it was not possible to get anything accomplished without
alignment and did
not like it that They were so vacillating
in the name of freedom. I thought it was a
lack of commitment to One another, and
so Heart presence was not there
strong enough to hold it together. It wasn't a matter
of love to Me there, it was a matter of getting the
job done, and the job at hand there was creating what
We wanted to have in Our lives, since
it appeared We now had lives. The Mother
also had Her own forces there, but they were
less powerful than Ours and usually lost in battle.
This is why We never minded going
off into battle. We always thought we were going
to win, even if We lost some people along
the way. It didn't matter to Us. We didn't feel it that
way because We had not grown to love One another
in the first place. |
it's God if I say it now, but those of you in the gap
are hoping my
light is involved so I can help
you now, and you are not wrong. They have a lot of rage to move around being told what to do and not liking input from others who might know something, They do not already know. I had a lot of rage to move around Them not listening to Me and then crying out in blame for Me when it was not the way They wanted it to be. I hated
that blame, because I had just as much toward Them.
How dare They run past Me, consciousness,
of all things, that gave Them the ability to know They
even could run! I have raged and raged
at Them for this, because They did not move along with
Me. I had a plan, and They did not listen. They moved
past Me without conscious understanding of what They
were doing or of what was causing Them to do it. I am
having to come back now, so much later, and try to fix
the mess They created originally. I have more
rage to move in the lost Will that Spirit is the only
One who knew and no One listeneld, not even the
Mother, who could not seem to get a hold of Her
emotions long enough to listen to reason. I
have moved past this position already,
but I know there are others out there who have not and
who need to move this rage to move along with
Me because they are a part of My light
also, albeit a long lost part. Most
of them are dangerous in the small realms where they
still have their power because they moved out of Me,
holding the position I no longer hold there, believing
no one listens to them and they are the only ones that
know anything. They are not happy people, usually and
are not raging, either. They coldly hold it within themselves
and make moves goverened by this outlook. They have to come back to Me, but it is not going to be easy to get them back after so long a time of being out there, holding a position that turned them even against Me, because they thought I was being too soft on the others when I did not come straightforward with how I felt there at the time. Feelings have not been moving in them, either, I notice, because they did not think they had to move feelings, only make reality the way they wanted it. |
p.148 I separated Myself from them, because I did not think I was loving there to have this opinion about everyone else. I had denial spirits in Me already who had My denial in mind as well as everyone else's Anytime they did not like My position, they moved past Me, too. They were more and more broken off from Me as I denied this viewpoint in Myself more and more and tried to move along only with the more 'loving' parts of Myself that wanted to work it out with others and not be lacking in commitment. I had feelings that were not moving of hating the backwardness of My other parts in not understanding My light. Why couldn't They handle holding back and not moving ahead so fast? Didn't They know they were going to last a long time and that their moves needed to be the right moves to have the experience They wanted to have? Holding
emotions did not seem to be a problem for Me there,
either. I just gave them some time, and they left Me.
Where they went, I did not know. They were not with
Me anymore, and that was all I noticed at the time. Giving
it more time was necessary in the beginning, but it
needed to be filled in with things that were not happening
there. There needed to be emotions moving and body sensations
having the experience of getting accepted there. Acceptance,
a little at a time, of My physicality would have helped
Me to understand what was happening there.
As it was, there was so much
happening all at once that I coudln't make sense of
it, and My light's position was to pull back and try
to make sense of it, rather than have the experience
and try to understand it that way. This
was because of My orientation. I did not understand
what experience had to offer Me there. My light,
in other words, did not know
that physicality had things to teach Me,
only that I had things to teach Him. He resented
Me for this and did not let Me teach Him anything,
because He was not moving His rage. So quickly that He barely felt He had any, He moved past His fears into a rage that judged Me just as quickly. He had My light in Him already and was not giving it back, and so I could barely move faster than He could in these ways and not as fast as He could |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.149 physically.
He judged Himself to be faster than Me and viewed My
slowness there as resistance to Him and resistance to
joining Him in physicality. I did not notice
My light pulling
back there, but I did. I was frightened of His
passion, ardor and sudden increase in intensity,
and so was the female,
in My opinion. It all seemed
so sudden. We had had no time to get to know One another
or ease into this thing at all. He
wanted to move so quickly into sex, and I was not sure
how this felt to Me,
to get so suddenly physically intense
after so long a time of only finding pleasure in freely
drifting with no focus or sudden, intense passion such
as this. I wanted to go more slowly and ease
into it a little at a time. He
felt driven up immediately and not willing to hold back
for anyone, especially not Me. |
I delighted in this for
a long time as His punishment for moving past Me and
as what he deserved for His behavior. This
manifested as many diseases, too, and I did not help
heal them. If any of His partners, and there
were soon many, got the diseases, well,
they deserved it for going along with
Him and allowing
Him to tear them
apart in His rage instead of staying
with Me. I split with Him there by holding My position that I was only being cautious, taking My time and trying to understand first. He did not like My light's position there but did not give His own position. He only condemned Mine. This did not help Me understand what He felt was wrong with Me and my approach. I was just moving a little slower than He was, that was all, until His urgency suddenly pushed past Me and I found Myself floating out |
Body into space. Not very mature sounding, I know, but I was not very mature then. I have learned a lot, and My feeling now is that I want to move along to help others with what I know. Whether others can receive Me or not depends on movement of the old charge about being told anthing by Me that they do not already know. There are many out there who claim to be channeling Me, but they have had nothing new to say for so long that I must not be evolving, which I know is not true. They have old imprinting that says I had to know everything already or I wasn't fit to be God. It's absurd if you think about it, but consciousness has not been able to |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.152 say
much about how the mind pretends
to think. Openness in the body
to receive Me has not been much since Body
split off and went past Me so long ago. He began to fear that I had separatist ideas of My own, separating myself from what I didn't like about Him and making Myself appear to be better than Him. He imprinted this in response to My slowness in accepting His new awareness but did not notice how much of Me was with Him already. He took that for granted and interpreted that as His own light now. His rage did not move. His rage moved past Me, out ahead, and this split between Body and Spirit is all that is known on Earth. He left his grief and terror behind in so doing and His heart, too. He felt there was no place for Him that He wanted to have and His rage was going to make a place and get there first, before I too it from Him. I found him insufferable in this position and so did not move to help Him have it. Thus,Iwas seen as holding back and not moving to empower Him with My light. This was not right on My part, because it gave Him the opportunity to imprint without My input there, but I was busy with My own unmoved rage telling Me I did not care what He did out there, as long as I protected My space and kept Him out of it. I blamed emotions then as the reason we did not move past Our positions there. I felt that emotions were self-centered and couldn't see, or didn't care about, the bigger picture they were messing up. I hated the Mother for everything that was not right then, because it all looked like it was not right because of emotions that had gotten in the way. I did not blame Her in the form of the |
p.153 Mother
yet, though. I didn't even know We had a presence in
that form yet. But by the time I met Her, I was already
iprinted against Her. It has to move
now in more ways than one, and off of Earth is not wrong
in terms of the form it has had for so long. It
cannot move off Earth in terms of all
the essence held there, because that would not
be right place. So, getting
this rage moving is going to mean a lot of essence coming
in that you are going to need to balance in yourselves.
Not moving past it is a major exercise in geting
it moving. Rage has not liked emotional movement, because
it has imprinting that this is
not the right approach to take. Only the rage
that is not going to move now needs to move
to another planet to work this out because it needs
more time. Many times, this rage has preferred to discredit the input rather than risk feeling it might be exposed as wrong. It has had little conscious mind there to help it understand that it is not a matter of right and wrong anymore. It has been so defensive that it has been sifting all input according to whether it thinks it is going to come out looking right or wrong in the end instead of looking at the input. |
p.154 I had nowhere to go with My rage except outside of My love at the time, and rage has never felt included in My light because of that. I had a feeling at the time that love did not include rage. I did not think it included terror or grief, either, really, but I let it in more than I did rage. My light is not empowering rage in a state of denial by denying it anymore. It has to come in. It is only a matter of time. It
is right time to move into the nuances
of emotion and find out what has been overlooked
there. Whatever Our imprinting
has been, we took it in and know what it is, and so,
who else can take responsibility for it but Us. It
is not a question anymore of who was victimized more
than the next person. All of that needs to move as it
needs to move. |
The seventh, 7th RUOW
book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.155 It
is necessary to notice more than what has been noticed.
It is necessary to notice that
under the reactionary anger and blame toward others
and all the charges in it that say it is because of
them that We are not alright the way We are and not
enough, and that it is because of the
voice that is oppressing Us that We cannot do better,
there is a fear in Us that all
of this might be true and that instead of being able
to battle it out there, we're going to have to face
it within. It
is not possible to move past living the repetition of
your imprinting without making changes in the actual
imprinting itself. No matter how hard you try, it only
repeats. This is because nothing has had more power
than the subconscious on Earth. It has had the most
presence in the essence and the most mass in the brain.
This imprinting
does not lead to survival in the end,
only temporarily, even if it has appeared to be a very
long temporarily. |
hours at the Red Sea, initiated by starchild Meshi, who had guarded the 1000 NIS, which I had given them in 2005, after they had supported me concerning "the Snake of the Messiah". I suggested: "Take a plane, you Five, and circle above the Land of Israel" Starchildren between Israel and Saudia Boris, Daniel, Dina, Tzippi, Meshi, Gal, Rachel, Julie. First encounter with Tzippi, on July 12, 2004, while we erected my tent on Rakhaf. First encounter with the Five: Tzippi, Gal, Meshi, Dina, Boris Dec. 4, 2004. Julie, a close friend of the Five, was - so far - on the side-lines. So was, Daniel, from Germany. During those 50 hours Daniel and Julie became a part of us. Lior, who "belongs" to us, too, my friend, since I met the 11 year old in 1999 during my time in the Ein-Gedi Fieldschool, came from Jerusalem to my house at Arad for the 2 following days, met with Boris and Daniel and me, and helped me to digest the immense experiences not only of those 50 hours, but also of the 9 preceding days with my 3 families in the center of Israel (including a stormy, but - I pray - healing encounter with my daughter). |
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October 9, 2012 , 15:35-17:15, at sunset,
i.e. the end of a Biblical Day
(the 20. birthday of Hathra, the Bedouin starchild, who just
gave birth to a boy,
and the 73rd birthday of Ursel, my German sister, if she would
be alive †2004-11-06).
On this last day of the Succot Festival (isru
chag), after two intense "peopled" weeks,
I've completed to copy and graphically edit the 1731 pages
of the eight books of