The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



October 31

Cheshvan 2


Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Dancing, Playing
with Mika and Efrat
visit at sheep farm neighbors
Rina & David Cohen, Ahmed, Arab deaf-mute shepherd from Budrus
Skype from Immanuel
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on November 12




Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may

9:27 [after having sculpted the "akedia-zest" frame below]
I desire to no longer try to change the reasons (patterns, beliefs, judgments) for choking feelings
but to feel, move, accept them - vicariously - for all humans who are afraid to feel "the Mother".

I desire to contribute to human evolution: the capacity to LIVE zest-full-ness and heshek
as an ongoing vibration of the heart, ongoing like the vibration of breathing in & breathing out!
I desire to practise this today while alternating between being al-one & being with Efrat & Mika
Practicising "zest and heshek" - the shadow on the earth is long....

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today
My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to your smooth, balanced interior movement of our bowels
as to your exterior movements of our limbs & torso, of our behind & head
please let us always stand and move upright like zest-full little Mika,
orienting ourselves by sensing the vibration of zest & heshek in the heart
as focused in that mysterious "Aya"-point between our shoulder-blades


Akedia and Zest: Nourishment from Others and Finetuning to my Present

Yesterday there was a passage in a 3SAT program
about the life of monks
which extremely intrigued me.

3 SAT Zurück zur Demut - Die Zisterzienser
Te Deum - Himmel auf Erden

Zurück zur Demut vor Gott und zurück zur Armut war die Devise der Zisterzienser. Das streng geregelte Leben, ihre Arbeitsteilung und ihr Fleiß erwiesen sich als äußerst effizient. Ihre Klöster waren wie moderne Betriebe organisiert. Sie waren wirtschaftlich und in der Forschung erfolgreich. Strenge und Einfachheit beeinflusste auch die Maßstäbe für ihr ästhetisches Empfinden. Ihre Vorstellungen von Baukunst haben die gesamte europäische Architektur beeinflusst.

I try to capture the intriguing passage from the 3 SAT video

Like a virus in many a monk's life: Akedia
. it leads to grumbling like "the bread is bad", also to curiosity and "gossip in the corridor", to Abstumpfung (induration, act or process of becoming rigid or hard; callousness, lack of feeling ) and finally to malicia, doing evil for evil's sake.

I try to learn more from the Internet

Akedia (in Latin, accidie) is literally fatigue or exhaustion, but in technical usage refers to the spiritual and physical lethargy which can plague those pursuing the eremetic life. The reference in Psalm 90 (91 MT) to the "demon of noonday" is traditionally identified as akedia. It can take the form of listlessness, dispersion of thoughts, or being inattentively immersed in useless activity.

Akedia Or The Demon of Boredom
The lack of motivation, mental asphyxiation and exhaustion lead to a state that is in fact a spiritual illness. See how you can fight it. Sloth, apathy, boredom. They have been in fashion up to these days. The Greeks used to call it Akedia, or the demon of boredom. It referred to a great decrease of attention, a lack of interest. So it is a feeling close to despair and discouragement, when the sufferer of this "disease" feels like doing nothing at all.

According to the Christian tradition, the first one to speak about akedia or apathy was Origen. He thus spoke of the temptation of Jesus in the desert. He defined akedia as lack of focus, of vigil, drowsiness and dizziness. Then Evagrious referred to the most significant temptations that a monk has to fight against and conquer. He mentioned eight passions, among which he included apathy. It is seen as a demon who invades the believer, blinding the eyes of his heart and weakening his spirit and mind, bringing him close to depressive thoughts. The sufferer of akedia thus loses his joy of living, the joy of salvation, or any feeling that made his life full of hope and happiness.

Inspired by Psalm 91, Evagrious chose to define this demon as the "midday demon", as he usually appears in the middle of the day, when the weather is particularly hot, especially in the desert, and when the person who fasts loses his desire to continue such sacred ritual.

Apathy can be defined as a sort of "obscure evil", which makes the victim unable to keep living in solitary places, in silence, no longer in a state of deep calmness and peace. That person may experience feelings of spiritual emptiness and disgust, having a cynical attitude towards other people and life in general. He longs for liberation from this oppressive inner state of imprisonment.

It is in fact a spiritual illness, when the human soul gets disoriented and in denial of all accomplishments that person has made throughout his earthly existence. According to Evagrious, this demon of boredom actually shines away the light of God from the human eyes, so that he gets lost.


This mind asphyxiation and will paralysis may result in man's getting into hellish zones, into such worlds where there is no human dignity, no desire to enjoy life as it is and as it was given. The good part is that God can still reach people's minds, even in this desperate situation.

The so-called "fathers of the desert", those familiar with the spiritual realities and attacks of demons, are very likely to have gained such discernment, that they can identify this illness of spiritual boredom from its very first symptoms, and fight back to prevent it from growing into their souls. It may happen to those who are wrapped up in lots of activities, in an agitated life, who are always on the run and are not accustomed to quiet life, to the silence of the desert, away from human interaction and superficial relationships, not accustomed to being alone with themselves, in order to understand themselves, to get to know their very own desires, likes and dislikes, to accept their failures and successes and to be fully aware of their own limitations.

Akedia's victims lack the ability to enjoy things as they were given by the Creator of the universe, to have a thanksgiving attitude towards God for all his earthly and spiritual gifts. . ....

By Claudia Miclaus Published: 6/9/2008


Akedia: "The Demon of Noonday"

Akedia: Despondency

Our contemporary psychiatry and psychology are not so well acquainted with the passion of despondency. Most contemporary mental health professionals would diagnose a despondent person as having depression. We even have trouble distinguishing the words “dejection” and “despondency” from each other. But here the ancient fathers showed a depth of perception that is rare among mental health professionals at the present time.

I am following the convention of using the English term “despondency” to render the Greek word akedia ( Akedia is a compound word. The first part is the prefix a- (’a-), which means “not” and is used exactly like the prefix “un-” in English. The second part is the abstract noun kedia which itself is derived from the more concrete noun kedos Kedos means “care for others,” especially the kind of care that you show when someone dies. To have kedos for the dead means that you care so much for the dead person that you wash the body, attend the funeral, and see the remains of the person respectfully buried, even though the person you loved is now dead and gone and will do nothing more for you in this life. Kedia, therefore, is the action of showing kedos. The noun kedia is used twice in the Septuagint, the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament. In both passages the word is used in reference to funerals (II Maccabees 4:49 and 5:10


Acedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Acedia is an old word from the Greek describing a state of listlessness, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. It can lead to a state of being unable to perform one's duties in life. It is distinct from depression. Acedia was originally noted as a problem among monks and other ascetics who maintained a solitary life.

The Oxford Concise Dictionary of the Christian Church defines acedia as "a state of restlessness and inability either to work or to pray". Some see it as the precursor to sloth - one of the seven deadly sins.

Kathleen Norris has written a memoir "Acedia & Me" in which she relates her long battle with not caring and her subsequent healing journey. [On January 28, 2012 , I discovered the book and wished it would come into my hands!]


See also ennui and sloth


Finetuning to my Present

Suddenly, this morning, the term "ZEST" came to my mind,
it is better than "excitement" with its ambiguous meanings.
And since the word can be expanded into "zestfulness",
I have both - excitement and full-fill-ment - in one word.
"Zest-full-ness" then is an ongoing movement of the heart,
of course a movement in waves , in vibrations,
but excitement and full-fill-ment are flowing as one.
Another exact term would be: Enthusiasm,
since it means "Being in God",
and "zest-full-ness" can be the vibration of my heart,
only if "I AM in GOD" with every breathing in and out.

Zest in "Thesaurus"
1.invigorating or keen excitement or enjoyment: he has a zest for life and a quick intellect
2. added interest, flavour, or charm: he said that she would provide a new zest for his government
3. the peel of an orange or lemon, used as flavouring [French zeste]

zestful adj.~~~~ zestful·ly adv.~~~ zestful·ness n.

Synonyms: zest, gusto, relish

These nouns denote keen, hearty pleasure or appreciation: ate with zest; telling a joke with gusto; has no relish for repetitive work

zest - vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment -
the pleasure felt when having a good time

enthusiasm - a feeling of excitement

zest - enjoyment, relish, interest, joy, excitement, zeal, gusto, keenness, zing (informal) delectation

zest - keen enjoyment She joined in the games with zest.

[a poor German equivalent -not mentioned in "Thesaurus" - would be "Lust"]

translation Hebrew: hitlahavut (actually becoming inflamed,
which is something momentary and therefore not fitting my definition of
"an ongoing vibration of a heart -in-God".
But there is an additional term: heshek! or cheshek [correct: khesheq]
And my association is the line in "Oifn Pripetchik",
where the rabbi admonishes the little kids in the Hebrew class
Lernt, kinder, mit groys kheyshek - learn, children, with great zest!
'heshek' is indeed the utter opposite of dullness and boredom, of "akedia",
but how is it achieved as

"an ongoing vibration of the heart-in-God"?

Ongoing just like breathing in and breathing out is ongoing?
There is so much to be investigated.
For instance Sefer HaCheshek a book that deals with Prophetic Kabbalah
and was written by Rabbi Abulafia in 1279.

I must postpone this exploration
and focus on my training "to feel vicariously"..
for this is part of reaching the vibration of zest and heshek!

But I know how I want to sculpt my altar today,
photographing myself dancing, in pretty and less pretty postures,
which then should remind me daily of my INTENTION


Morning routine of a zest-full child
in an optimal material AND human environment.
"Do you want a vitaminchik?" Vitaminchiks are healthy and tasty,
And while chewing them, she leaves for kindergarden
- in her pretty dress of Shabbat-Eve

But then Imma remembers,
"again we haven't cut your fingernails "
[the kindergardener had already complained, and...
while playing together I attracted a scratch on my cheek...]

a pretty TV scene distracts Mika from her fear,
but a pain does occur and some tears do roll down.

Has ever anyone photographed the cutting of nails?
But "God is in the nails of the details"....

And then they leave the house and enter the car,
while I am singing a modification of my little song:
shalom, shalom, shalom, shalom, le-hitra'ot, le-hitra'ot
after Mika had finally become fed up with the old one.
I now use only the tones of an accord,
move them straight up and straight down
and accompany the movement with my arms,
while Mika follows me with hers-
beyond the window of the disappearing car.




"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past
March 2006

I finally want to insert my summary of what I learnt from Aya Goldhammer,
the first pupil-teacher of Paula Garbourg [see my grate-full page about her!]
who after a question on the phone concerning the severe problem in my right groin,
had invited me to a private workshop into her house at Shilat.
In March 2006, I received a lesson twice a day for 7 days,
and everything,
boarding at her house, eating on her table, exercising under her guidance

was given to me for free!

I don't want more than i have, as long as not everybody can manifest this.
What I do want - even if not everybody can manifest it now ,

is feeling wonderful in my Body all the time

My 1987 song

"Jede Faser meines Wesens
jeder Atem ein und aus
Zellen, Muskeln, Kapillaren
alle wissen um dies eine,
dass da wirken jetzt im Leben alle Kraefte meiner Liebe

And the third stanza:

"Meiner Seele stetes Sehnen
jede Regung meines Geists
all mein Spueren, Hoeren, Sehen
wandeln stroemend sich in eines
in das Wirken meines Lebens aus den Kraeften meiner Liebe."

Body knows how to heal Creation, and soon you will find that power within you
[see Godchannel: Who is the Healer?]

(1) (Lying on the belly: Cross your hands behind your back, contract the back sphincter more and more strongly.

(2) (on your back, sitting or standing) : Open and contract your eyes, strongly and slowly,
later faster, so that "the very alternating will be meaningful!"

(3) On your back: Continuous contracting of the front sphincter
"You are investing so much unnecessary effort, so that, what really needs to come out, does not come out."
"don't contract strongly, but close your mouth!"

(4) "Big mouth" [while standing] : the tongue jumps out vehemently
and as a result the arms jumps to the sides
(5)"Narrow tongue in closed mouth" [opens a frozen, closed chest]
"Begin to fold the fringes of your tongue from its root upwards
while intending ever more folding!"
[Inserted on November 11]

(8) In any situation: "being cross-being stunned":
pull your eyebrows down, with eyes closed and contracted
and then arch them upwards, while you open your eyes.

(9) "EEEH-OOOH": Exaggerate the movement of the lips in both directions
while voicing these vowels and differentiate clearly between the 2 vowels!"
[Inserted on November 16]



Stand on your feet- which should be placed a bit apart, but exactly parallel to each other, with closed eyes.
Lift the the front part of one foot, without lifting the ankle, while the other foot is firmly rooted on the ground,
Lift the foot higher and higher, while everything is allowed to move:
The knees can bend, the body can bend with hands almost to the floor, the waist can turn sideward,

"in order to make it easier for the body, but don't do, just listen to what wants to move and how!"
When i pointed to pains on the backside of the calfes [calves?], Aya said:
"Well, this one [of which you' ve never been aware!] we just now brought down from the "Boiden" (Yiddish for storage place under the roof)
I laughed and thought, how many of your parts, my Body, are still on the "Boiden"?
[inserted on Dec. 9] [and on Dec.10]


Standing - feet parallel - without leaning sidewards
I lift one foot,
while the strength comes from the foot and not from the thigh or the back .
The other foot is rooted firmly on the ground.
I lift my foot a bit and then more, but not to the extent of pain in the thigh.
I lower the foot in the same way - i.e. the emphasis is on the foot, not on letting fall the leg.
The alternating between the feet can be done faster or slower,
the point is that Body doesn't lean to the left, when the right foot is lifted .
I can also watch out, if the arms want to do something.

[inserted on Dec.11]

During walking anywhere - focus on four points:
(a) to contract the anus sphincter all the time
("it will know by itself, when to let go for a moment and to go back to contracting.")
It's possible to contract the bladder sphincter at the same time.
(b) to let the tongue touch the opper gum lightly, in the center of its cavity (English?)
[or "to sense that specific, undefinable point between the shoulder-blades"]
(c) to place the fourth finger above the fifth finger on both hands
(d) the toes of the feet open and close

[inserted on December 18]

"Moving tongue between teeth and gums within closed lips"

[Inserted on November 16]
[I once called Aya concerning a stiff neck. this key loosened it quickly!]



I prepared this summary for print in March 2006.
I'll now learn it again and apply it - day by day!

As to our short outing to the sheep - before the afternoon nap of all of us: see more images on Oct. 28

More scenes with Mika's activities yesterday


"you shouldn't intrude into imma's bag, Mika!"
Lately Efrat entered the Supermarket
to buy a box of coffee,
but at the counter she discovered,
that her purse was gone.
She later found it somewhere in her car.
Mika thought it a toy that could be discarded...

Yet another place, where dinner can be taken..

Amazing Singing
while dressing for the night - the two songs, Mika wanted to sing (see below) are not at all for her age

Singing two songs, which are - in lyrics and tune -
far above the minds of little kids

Spiraling an ointment against insects on Imma's arm
songs of the day

"Uf Gozal"-"Fly, nestling"
Lyrics: Arik Einstein
tune: Miki Gavrielov

video with Arik Einstein

Parents talk to their grownup Child
and to each other about growing old together

"I know that it's like that in nature,
and I , too, left a nest,
but now that the moment comes,
I feel some choking in my throat.
Fly, go fly, cut the sky..."

I heard it the first time from David & Eilat
perhaps in 1994..
Now Mika is so enthused by it,
when Efrat sang it to her the first time,
that already during repetitions
she could sing part of the chorus.
As with all other songs -
since we cannot reach her pitch,
nor she can reach our pit,
she sings an octave higher,
naturally, organically.
What was amazing in this song,
was also,
that when the line was reached:
"fly to where you feel like"
"tus le'an shae-ba lekha",
she changed it to:
"tus le'an shae ata rotzae",
since her mother hates it,
when she uses the common idiom:
"ba li" and "lo ba li",
i.e. "it comes to me" or "it doesn't come to me",
meaning: "I feel like" having, or doing
or "I don't feel like" having or doing.

"Imma" - "Mother"
Lyrics and tune
Shaike Paykov:

video with Maya Buskila

A child talks to his Mother

"Imma why are there wars,
why do humans quarrel,
Imma why does God keep silent
and does not stop them"

Hear the recording of my own singing
on November 16




October 31

Cheshvan 2


Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Dancing, Playing
with Mika and Efrat
visit at sheep farm neighbors
Rina & David Cohen, Ahmed, Arab deaf-mute shepherd from Budrus
Skype from Immanuel
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
on November 12

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8