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 The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



I am following my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

Thus my imaginary discussion with the Israeli singer Noa about war & peace
is inserted below "God's" response to someone's e-mail question in 1998

[I also received an answer to a question, see "Mein Gott, my Partner" at the end of pp6
but soon the Channelers were overwhelmed and had to stop "discussions" like these]


1998_05_19- Re-edited on February 2, 2009 -re-edited with the French translation: 2010_05_16

See the French bi-lingual edition of this page, since June 2007


How Can I Achieve Liberation in this Lifetime?
Comment puis-je obtenir la libération dans cette vie ?

Ça semble un peu étrange, et tout à fait excitant, de parler et de prier comme ça, électroniquement, et en plus d’attendre une réponse, mais on y va. D’abord, j’aime bien votre site, ensuite je me sens un peu dépassé et je ne sais pas quoi demander, mais là encore, on y va~ Qu’est-ce que je peux faire pour sentir votre présence et savoir à chaque instant ce qu’il est juste pour moi de faire, de penser, etc.?
Je vois bien que je n’ai pas besoin d’être dans l’incertitude comme ça, mais où est-ce que je peux aller en partant d’ici ? Quels sont mes points forts avec lesquels je peux le mieux vous servir, qu’est-ce que je devrais faire dans ma vie, c’est-à-dire, comment me servir moi et servir les autres au mieux ? En d’autres termes, le but de ma vie, la tâche de ma vie.
It seems a little strange, and quite exciting,
to talk and pray in this electronic manner,
and further, to expect a reply, but here it goes.
First I like your website,
second I feel a little overwhelmed and don't know what to ask,
but, again, here it goes ~
what can I do to feel your presence
and know what is right for me to do, think, etc, in every moment?
My uncertainty is unnecessary I see, but where do I go from there?
What are my strengths that can serve you best,
what should I do in my life,
that is, how can I serve myself and others best?
In other words, my life purpose, my life's work.


Comment est-ce que je peux le plus sûrement atteindre moksha dans cette vie ?
Un conseil général ?

« Oui, je vous conseillerais d’abord de ne pas vous focaliser sur la réalisation de ‘moksha’, ou de la ‘libération’, mais plutôt sur le fait d’atteindre la complétude telle que je la décris dans les Quatre marches vers la réalisation de soi-même. Un des thèmes récurrents de la Création a toujours le désir qu’ont les êtres de s’élever au-dessus de l’existence manifestée.

Pendant très longtemps j’ai cautionné ce chemin vers la clarté spirituelle ; les esprits étaient globalement d’accord sur la justesse de cette approche. Le problème avec cette approche, et avec les différents chemins spirituels de libération, est qu’ils n’ont pas reconnu l’absolue nécessité de récupérer toute l’essence magnétique perdue du fait des dénis de la Polarité de l’Esprit.

« La raison pour laquelle il y a de la souffrance dans le monde n’est pas que l’existence manifestée ait quelque chose d’intrinsèquement mauvais ; elle réside dans l’énorme accumulation de souffrance, de chagrin, de terreur et de rage niée et prise au piège dans l’essence de la Mère de la Création.

"Les chemins de libération n’ont pas considéré cette accumulation émotionnelle comme quelque chose dont il fallait s’occuper pour la guérir, mais plutôt comme quelque chose qui devait être gérée pendant la vie, avant que l’esprit ascensionné ne la laisse derrière soi en s’en ‘libérant’.

« Mon conseil est que vous vous retourniez pour vous concentrer sur les sentiments que vous aimez le moins, et que vous trouviez le moyen de les aimer et de les accepter. Cela va ramener à l’intérieur de vous des parties de votre propre essence dont vous n’aviez même pas conscience qu’elles vous manquaient. La classe de guérison vous aidera à prendre ce chemin. Une fois que vous serez complet, que vous aurez récupéré toute votre essence d’esprit et votre essence magnétique, vous n’aurez alors plus besoin de chercher la libération, ou moksha ; vous serez Qui Vous Êtes Vraiment et il n’y aura plus rien dont vous voudrez vous libérer. Atteindre la complétude est la réponse aux appels les plus pressants de la Création, et constitue un excellent objet de concentration pour la tâche d’une vie.




« Pour conseil général, je vous suggère de suivre les Quatre marches vers la complétude qui vous indiqueront le chemin le plus direct vers la réalisation de soi-même. »


How can I most assuredly achieve moksha in this lifetime?
Any general advice?

"Yes, first I would suggest
that you not focus on achieving 'moksha' or 'liberation',
but rather on achieving wholeness
as I've described in the Four Steps to Full Self-Realization.
One of the recurring themes of Creation has been

the desire of beings to lift out of manifested existence.

"For a very long time I supported this path to spiritual clarity,
and there had been general agreement among spirits
about the rightness of this approach.
The problem with this approach,
and with the various spiritual paths of liberation is

that they have not recognized
the absolute necessity
of reclaiming all of the magnetic essence
that has been lost
as a result of the denials of the Spirit Polarity.

"The reason there is suffering in the world
is not because there is something inherently wrong
with manifested existence,
but because there is a huge backlog
of denied pain, grief, terror and rage
that has been trapped
in the essence of the Mother of Creation.

"The liberation paths
have not addressed this emotional backlog
as something to be confronted and healed,
but rather as something to be managed in life,
and then finally left behind
as spirit ascended in 'liberation' from it.


"What I am suggesting is
that you turn around
and focus on the feelings you've liked the least,
and find ways to love them and accept them.
This will bring back into yourself
parts of your own essence
that you hadn't been aware of missing.

The class on healing will help point the direction for this.
When you are completely whole,
and have all of your spirit and magnetic essence
with you,
then you will no longer seek liberation or moksha,
you will be Who You Truly Are,
and there will be nothing
from which you will want liberation.

Achieving wholeness
is the answer to the highest calling in Creation,
and makes an excellent focus for a life's work.

"As for general advice,
I suggest that you follow my suggested four-steps steps to wholeness
for the most direct direct path to full self-realization."



Channelers' note: The same contributor sent some follow-up questions:
Note des channels : le même correspondant a envoyé les questions suivantes, qui font suite à la précédente :


Question : Je suppose que mon questionnement de base repose sur le fait établi que Dieu est amour.

« Je suis aussi tout le reste. Dans l’état d’union et d’unité complète, tout le reste se fond dans cet amour cosmique ; autrement c’est la dualité, les formes, les fragments. Le but divin de la dualité est de créer les conditions de l’évolution et du changement. Puisque j’évolue, j’ai aussi d’autres attributs. Mais Grand-père, qui est pur Esprit, ne connaît que l’unité, il n’est donc qu’amour. »


Quand on fait l’expérience de l’amour, quand on réalise l’Atman, l’unité, est-ce qu’on n’a pas un sentiment de béatitude, stable (sat-chit-ananda), ou bien est-ce qu’on parle de niveaux de ressenti dans l’amour ? Je dois dire que je fais un peu de spéculation, ici, mais les sources autorisées décrivent ce sentiment de façon précise. Personnellement je ne sais pas à quoi m’attendre après la gloire de tels moments, sauf peut-être à une plus grande union avec Dieu.

« Oui, nous parlons de plusieurs niveaux, tous appelés ‘amour’, et chacun différent en expérience et expression. L’amour dont vous parlez est mon amour de la béatitude, l’expérience intérieure d’Esprit de sa propre nature sublime.

« Une autre expérience de mon amour, très différente, est celle de l’union avec la Mère dans l’acte de Création. Ce genre d’amour divin est plein de puissance et de passion, et même si on ne l’atteint pas facilement, il vaut bien la peine qu’on se donne. Encore un autre amour est celui que j’éprouve pour vous, et pour toute la Création. Vous pouvez en faire l’expérience en aimant un enfant, ou quelque chose de bien que vous-même avez fait. Vous avez accès à bien d’autres ‘niveaux sur lesquels on peut se sentir dans l’amour’ dans votre union avec Dieu, et quand vous serez prêt à en faire l’expérience avec moi, je serai là. »

pp21 and pp46
Question: I guess my basic query here has to do with the established fact that God is love.

"I am everything else as well.
In the state of complete union and oneness,
all else dissolves into this cosmic love,
otherwise there is duality, there are forms and fragments.
The divine purpose in duality
is to create the conditions for evolution and change.
Since I am evolving, I have other attributes as well.
Grandfather, however, who is pure Spirit,
experiences only oneness and therefore is only love."

When love is experienced,
when Atman, unity, is realized,
isn't the feeling one of bliss,
unchanging, (sat-chit-ananda)
or are we talking about levels of feeling in love?
I must say that I am speculating somewhat here,
but authoritative sources describe it thusly.
I do not personally know
what to expect after that glorious moment,
except for a greater union with God.

"Yes, we are talking about many levels,
all of which have been called 'love',
and each of which is quite different in experience and expression.
The love you are speaking about is my love for bliss,
Spirit's inner experience of its own sublime nature.

"Another, very different experience of my love
is the experience of union with the Mother in the act of Creation.
This kind of divine love has great power and passion,
and while not as easily attained, is well worth the trouble.
Yet another love of mine is the love I have for you, and all of Creation.
You may know this kind of love in your love for a child
or for something good you yourself have done.
There are many more 'levels of feeling in love'
that are available to you in union with God,
and I will be here
when you are ready to experience them with me."

Mais… les sentiments ne sont-ils pas largement sujets à discussion ? Et ils sont définitivement le résultat d’un attachement au domaine matériel. Ça j’en suis sûr. Je vois bien qu’ils sont des cadeaux, des messages du Seigneur, mais ils sont basés sur le jeu du mental, et en fin de compte, sur les désirs.

« Les désirs ont plus à nous apprendre qu’on ne le pensait jusqu’à présent. Le désir conduit directement à l’expérience de la Mère, car elle est mon Désir. L’attachement au domaine matériel est une partie vitale de l’expérience de la vie sur Terre. L’attachement à un résultat spécifique est autre chose ; c’est un problème dont nous discuterons une autre fois.

« Le but de la vie sur Terre n’est pas de transcender cette vie mais plutôt de la maîtriser. Esprit s’est manifesté parce que sous certains aspects importants, les expériences du monde spirituel étaient trop limitées.

" Il est amusant qu’une fois ici les esprits n’aient de cesse de sortir de la manifestation, où ils se sentent retenus et pris au piège. C’est compréhensible, évidemment, vu toute la douleur et toute la souffrance qui s’y trouvent, et l’étau où les tient le déni.

« À moins que vous ne désiriez cesser d’exister en tant qu’être physique, il est important d’explorer et d’améliorer les conditions de votre attachement à ce domaine matériel si dense et si difficile, conditions dont font partie vos émotions et vos désirs. Vous trouverez la véritable et totale libération en transformant la relation que vous avez à vos sentiments, pas en les transcendant. »

So... aren't feelings largely moot?
And certainly they are the result of attachment to the material realm.
This much I am certain of.
I can see that they are gifts, messages from the Lord,
but they are based on the play of the mind, and ultimately, desires.

"Desires have more to teach
than has been previously thought.
Desire leads directly to an experience of the Mother,
for she is my Desire.

Attachment to the material realm
is a vital part of the experience
of living on Earth.

Attachment to specific outcomes is another matter,
and a problem that we'll discuss at another time.

and pp46

"The purpose of life on Earth is not to transcend it,
but rather master it.

Spirit came into manifestation
because the experiences of the spiritual worlds
were in some important ways too limited.

It's ironic that once here,
spirits have been trying every way possible
to get out of manifestation,
feeling trapped and held back.
Of course, this is understandable
given all of the present pain and suffering,
and the stranglehold of denial.

"Unless you wish to cease existing as a physical being,
it is important
to explore and improve
the conditions of your attachment
to this very dense and very difficult material realm,
including your emotions and desires.

True and full liberation will be found
in your transformation
of the relationship you have with your feelings,

not in your transcendence of them."




À moins de parler de ces sentiments élevés que l’on ressent quand on est en alignement avec Dieu, comme dans La vraie nature de la Volonté.

Le Bouddha avait raison quand Il a défini Sa voie. Pas de désir – pas de mental ; pas de mental, rien pour bloquer la réalisation de la divinité intérieure. Ça je le comprends. Ça marche. Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu la phrase : « La colère est un choix. »

Je vois là une séparation fondamentale entre les psychologies orientale et occidentale (post freudienne) – la confusion entre la répression et le détachement. Au lieu de s’occuper de l’ombre, se tourner simplement vers le Soleil et ne plus voir l’ombre. Ça pourrait ressembler à du déni mais c’est similaire à la notion de création de la réalité telle qu’elle est décrite dans les livres de la série Conversations avec Dieu. S’attacher à l’image la plus haute de soi-même, mettre de l’énergie dans ce qu’on veut devenir et pas dans ce qu’on ressent comme ses côtés négatifs.

« Oui, mettez votre énergie dans votre véritable identité. Et oui, sentez-en toutes les contradictions et vous réaliserez quel travail de transformation reste encore à faire. Vous faites allusion à ce que j’ai dit dans La vraie nature de la Volonté et dans Conversations avec Dieu. Ces messages, aussi clairs qu’ils puissent paraître, sont ‘entendus’ de la façon la plus différente par les gens, ce qui est tout aussi vrai.

« Le point le plus important de ces trois canaux de communication est de vous aider à trouver ma véritable voix à l’intérieur de vous. Si vous cherchez à l’extérieur, le moyen le plus efficace est de trouver les points de convergence entre tous mes channels et prophètes. »

Vous voyez là où je suis perdu ? De quelle différence parlez-vous ici ? Où les sentiments entrent-ils en jeu ?

« La différence concerne la façon dont Esprit désigne et choisit ce qu’il estime être ‘amour’ ou ‘bons ressentis’ et rejette le reste, par exemple la colère dont vous avez parlé. Cet attachement au non attachement est la seule erreur majeure que j’ai commise dans ma propre évolution. Je n’avais évidemment pas tort de suivre cette direction, puisque les apprentissages étaient indispensables en considération de là d’où j’étais parti, la manifestation de la fragmentation, et ma destination, la complétude. Et vous n’avez pas eu tort non plus.

Aujourd’hui nous en savons plus et à ce stade d’évolution il est temps de changer notre approche de base, ou nous pourrions courir le danger de laisser la Mère en arrière. Ce qui serait complètement insensé, puisque sans elle rien ne peut survivre.

« Les sentiments, tous les sentiments, entrent en jeu maintenant, dans notre voyage vers la complétude. Nous savons aujourd’hui que tous les sentiments, des plus bas jusqu’aux plus élevés, font partie de l’expérience globale de la divinité. En nous suivant, la Mère et moi, dans ce voyage, vous contacterez non seulement mes expériences les plus profondes de béatitude divine mais aussi ce que vit la Mère de douleur sans borne, de terreur abjecte et de désespoir, sans parler de nos sentiments partagés de rage et de haine.

« Nous voulons vivre ces sentiments parce que c’est le seul moyen de libérer l’essence qu’ils ont capturée et qu’ils retiennent prisonnière. Autant il est évident que la répression soit du déni, autant le fait que le détachement le soit aussi n’a jamais été clair de la même façon. Ces sentiments retiennent une partie considérable de notre essence, et nous ne voulons pas nous en détacher avant de les avoir totalement acceptés et de leur avoir rendu honneur.

« Une fois libérés les jugements contre ces sentiments, et une fois qu’ils ont été complètement ressentis et acceptés, l’essence qu’ils retenaient sera libre, libérée. À ce stade d’ouverture dans la liberté, l’essence trouve son chemin vers sa vraie place dans le reste de votre être, et c’est ainsi que vous redevenez complet. La complétude spirituelle sans complétude émotionnelle n’est pas la véritable complétude, même si elle a longtemps semblé l’être.

Unless we're talking about higher feelings
that come about when in alignment with God,
as per the Right Use of Will book.

The Buddha was correct in His demarcation of His path.
No desire-no mind,
no mind, nothing to block the awareness of the inner divinity.
This much I see.
The process is working.
Perhaps you've heard the phrase 'Anger is a choice.'

I see this as a basic split between Eastern and Western (post Freudian) psychology-
the confusion between repression and detachment.
As opposed to dealing with the shadow,
simply face the Sun, and see no shadow.
This may seem like denial,
but it is similar to the notion of creating reality
as described in the Conversations with God books.
Hold onto the highest picture of oneself,
put energy into what you want to become,
not the negatives that you feel you are.

"Yes, put your energy into your true identity
And yes, feel all the contradictions to that,
and you will realize
what work of transformation is still needed.

You mention my communications in the Right Use of Will
and Conversations with God material.
These messages, as clear as they may seem,
are 'heard' very differently by different people,
and this is true here, too.

"The most important point of all three of these avenues of communication
is to help you find my true voice within you.

If you are looking on the outside,
you can do this most effectively
by finding the points of agreement
among all of my channelers and prophets."

Do you see my confusion?
What difference is there that you are dealing with here?
Where do feelings come into play?

"The difference has to do
with Spirit picking and choosing
what it deems to be 'love' or 'good feelings'
and rejecting the rest,
for instance the anger you have mentioned.
This attachment to non-attachment
is the single greatest error
I have made in my own evolution
Of course, I was not wrong to pursue this course
because the learnings have been necessary,
given my starting place of manifesting fragmentation,
and my destination, wholeness.
And it hasn't been wrong for you either.

We know better now,
and at this stage of evolution
it's time to change our basic approach,
or we'd be in danger of leaving the Mother behind.
And this would be very foolish,
for without her nothing can survive.

"Feelings, all of the feelings,
come into play now in our journey toward wholeness.
We know now that all feelings,
from the lowest to the highest,
are part of the whole experience of divinity.

As you follow the Mother and me on this journey,
you will encounter not only my deepest feelings of divine bliss,

but the Mother's deepest feelings
of unbounded grief and abject terror and hopelessness,
not to mention our shared feelings of rage and hate.

"We want to feel these feelings
because this is the only way we can liberate the essence
that has been trapped and held captive by them.
While it is obvious that repression is denial,
it has not been so clear that detatchment is also.
These feelings hold significant parts of our essence,
and we do not want to detach from them
without first completely accepting and honoring them.

"Once the judgments against these feelings are released,
and they are fully accepted and fully felt,
the essence that had been trapped by them will be free, liberated.
In this state of free openness
the essence finds its way to its right place with the rest of you,
and in this way you become whole.
Spiritual wholeness
without emotional wholeness
is not true wholeness,

even though it has seemed to be


« Vous pouvez comparer le rôle que vous jouez ici à celui du bodhisattva qui fait le vœu d’attendre pour sa libération que tous les êtres aient atteint ce stade. Cependant vous n’avez à vous occuper de personne d’autre que de vous-même. Ce sont vos propres fragments qui ont été laissés en arrière, négligés par le détachement ou bannis par la répression. Ils attendent maintenant votre compassion et votre courage pour être rachetés. »

Je vous serais reconnaissant pour n’importe quel commentaire. Je dirais que ceci m’a troublé pendant longtemps. Je sais aussi que le chemin qui est le mien fonctionne. J’adorerais atteindre la libération, c’est le moins que je puisse dire. Je choisis pour ma prochaine vie de travailler dans les royaumes spirituels. De ce point de vue humain, inutile de dire que moksha serait un bon point de départ.

J'ajouterai que j’ai intégré les Quatre marches dans quelques-unes de mes méditations pour dégager ce qui bloquait la prise de conscience du Dieu intérieur. Et ça a marché, miraculeusement, si j’en crois ce que j’ai ressenti. Et les libérations suivantes viennent plus facilement. On peut difficilement en douter. J’ai donc assez confiance dans le message de ce site.

Mais quelles seraient les différences dans ma pratique si je suivais cet enseignement de plus près ? Est-ce qu’il y en aurait ?

« Jusqu’à présent vous avez fait un excellent travail, et vous constaterez deux différences majeures dans votre pratique si vous affinez votre alignement avec moi. La première sera une expérience plus forte en vous de la Mère et de ses émotions, au moins aussi forte que l’expérience que vous avez maintenant de moi et de ma béatitude. La seconde sera une plus grande connexion et une plus grande certitude quand vous pratiquerez avec moi la communication en dialogue, et quand vous permettrez à la présence du ‘Dieu intérieur’ d’être votre guide. »

and pp54

"You may liken your role here to that of the bodhisattva
who vows to wait for liberation
until all beings can achieve this state.
However, you need not worry
about anyone outside of yourself.
It is your own fragments who have been left behind
through the neglect of detachment
or the banishment of repression.
They now await your compassion
and your courage for their redemption."


Any comments would be helpful.
I should say that this has been a source of confusion for a while.
Also, I know that the path I am on is working.
I will be thrilled, to say the least, to achieve release.
I choose to do my work in the next life in the spiritual realms.
Moksha could hardly be called a good start,
from this human's perspective.

I will say that I have been incorporating the Four Steps into some of my meditations,
as a way of clearing what is blocking awareness of the inner God.
And it has worked, miraculously, when I am clear about the feeling.
And, subsequent releases are easier. There is little doubt there.
So I have some good trust in the messages on the site.

But, what would be the actual differences in my path
if I were to move closer to the teachings on the web site? Any?

"Your work so far has been very good,
and there will be two main differences in your path
as you come into closer alignment with me.
The first will be
more emphasis on experiencing the Mother and her emotions within you,
at least as much emphasis as you now have on experiencing me and my bliss.
The second will be a greater connection and certainty
as you practice inner two-way communication with me
and allow the presence of the 'inner God' to be your guide."




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Retour à Visite à Dieu

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On February 3, 2009, I transferred the following "sculpture" from the entry-page to this important "discussion",
since - if appearing on that page - it would be loaded with an importance which is not balanced with my "2009 focus"

My focus : exploring & exemplifying
how each-one can discover and live
the Condition for 'Heaven-on-Earth'
which I define as:
'Feeling Grate-full, Feeling Zest-full, Feeling Full-filled'
as ongoing vibration of "HEART" breathing in "BODY"!





On 2009_01_11 there was an event, which may perhaps help me to define my assignment - by contrast!

"Peace is Boring!"
So why should we strive for Peace?


3 days ago I came across an old page and Achinoam Nini's [Noa's] song:
"Ave Maria",
     "on our quest for peace and freedom help us see this through!"
and though I agree wholeheartedly only to the "
Amen, let's sing Amen",
I desired to now learn it by heart, & rehearsed it on my way to and in the pool
And lo! on 2009_01_11 the Jewish Israeli Noa & the Palestinian Israeli Mira Awad
were nominated for the Eurovision Song Test in Russia this year.
The first page I found about this event started with "For sure boring peace song",
though the author appreciates Noa's singing in the holocaust film "Life is Beautiful".
[See this -relevant!- video also on the most inclusive page about the Eurovision -decision
- together with Mira's appearance in 2005 with her Hebrew-Arabic song "Zman" Time]

Noa's "Life is beautiful" from Roberto Benigni's motion picture of the same name.

A Hebrew article translates Achinoam's call to the Palestinians in www.ipeace.me
Sharing Peace - Making A Difference, to get rid of "that monster, that cancer - Hamas"




"May I take the liberty", Achinoam Nini, and use this synchronicity in order to make clear,
why I myself - am focusing on this one question concerning war-peace and every other predicament:
what makes me and all humans feel zest-full and full-filled, like Mika, my 3 year old tenth grandchild
and why I - for instance - do not respond to a wish,
"to discuss Gaza" on a videoconference
"trying to connect our peacefull reintegration in Eastern Croatia and Gaza"
though it comes from Dr. Ante Lauc, a learned grandma like me, from another war-stricken country, Croatia,
nor to Hamza from Gaza, now with his badly wounded brother in a hospital in Amman, who called me.

I can not let these appeals side-track me from my work on the root of the evil,
or more exact - on the roots of the unwholeness of people, which attracts the evil.
[Please have a glance at one of my attempts to "Cope with Evil" after "a visit" to AUschwitz-BirkenAU,
and at the Hebrew article there - about a confession of an Israeli soldier who became "evil" during his "service" in Gaza - 2003!]
[see also the following appeal in another page about that visit: Be Sounding - be Sound - not Silent!]

You ask yourself over and over again:

"How could humans do this to humans."

And you do not see the answer!

You even repeat, that "the perpetrators are in each of us",

but those are just words with no meaning at all.

Read the Walther report! Learn it by heart!

See how victims cooperated with their victimizers!

For both silenced their feelings!!!!!

And why was there the need to torture?

Simply, because this was the only way,
the deadened feelings could get "a kick" for a moment.

Again, this is not so far away from what people do,
who seek out movies of action and horror.
Their living is lifeless,
for their feelings are dead.
No one taught them, how to vibrate feelings physically,
no one trained them to move emotions,
to breathe and sound and move
pain, shame and fear,
humilation, boredom and powerlessness.
That's why they couldn't bear their feelings,
so they killed their feelings,
so they needed "kicks"!


When you call the Palestinians to "get rid of that monster", by which you probably mean,
what an Arab has exemplified in a video: Real Face of Hamas, Murderers of Palestinians,
you achieve the opposite - you strengthen the Palestinians' solidarity with whom they voted for as their leaders.
It is my ardent desire, Achinoam, that you and all the great peace-people     u n d e r s t a n d ,
how evil , any evil , be it ever so faint in my personal life or ever so drastic on the international plane, is attracted.
[See Deity's info in : pp16 "Reality reflects Denial" and "I create my reality"-]
"The" Hamas exist because there are human beings to whom the Hamas - like the Nazis at their time -
give    a    chance    to    prove    themselves!       to    do    something    which    lets    them    feel ~~~~~
the excitement and zest,         the satisfaction      and      full-fillment        in "doing something valuable"!

Is there really a difference between a young potential suicide-killer and "ordinary" soldiers?
Why does that Israeli reservist (not a new recruit to the army!) - leave family and work behind without protest
and say, as I heard - by chance - when I opened TV on the morning of the reservists' recruiting:
"Are you afraid?" "Yes, of course , a bit!
But the excitement to go out and give something is greater!"

Have you seen the excitement and zest in mens' faces and sounds, when they are called to battle?
And not only at the beginning of World War I, but before that and after that, and EVERYWHERE!
In Friedrich Schiller's famous drama "Wallenstein" (1800) about the 30 Years' War (1618-1648), a soldier sings:
"Nur auf dem Felde ist der Mann noch was wert" -"Only on the battle-field a man is still worth anything".

Because far from the drudgery of everyday life, there he has a chance to prove himself by "DOING"
Or take my grandson Tomer, considered a "troublesome" child, who said to me on his 14th birthday:
"People tell me that I'm so talented, but they don't tell me what to do with these talents.
Sometimes I have the absurd desire to have been born into a poor family, with a blind mother,
for then I would have been forced "to do something", which would make me feel full-filled."

Why are most people addicted to watching war and violence, "action" and "horror" on TV?
Are they not fueling the battle-rattling of politicians or terrorists by sucking excitement from the evil they watch?
Oh, I could go on and on telling you examples of how wars exist because of the "kick" in it,
and why if "peace" continues to have the boring face of singing angels on medieval paintings,
"ipeace.me", for which I've just registered, is nothing but an illusion, if not sheer lip-service.


"And this is, where I plead with you, Achinoam Nini, and with all the good people on
www.ipeace.me - with its goal "Sharing Peace - Making A Difference"
You encourage people to "make a difference" by bringing about peace,
but what if peace should be realized?
Before you ask people to stop fighting, teach them a better option to feel,
that they are "giving" something,
that they are creating something,
that their life - in each moment - is glowing with zest and satisfaction.
Anybody who is not cheating himself imagines "peace" as a situation of boredom, lack of challenges, emptiness.
Look at a family TV series in Europe:
There hasn't been a war there since 1945!
They are not lacking abundance.
They are free.
But do the young people - or the older and elderly people for that matter - feel zest-full and full-filled?
I urge you to ask this , I plead with you : answer me!"




January 14, 2009 -

There is still more to it, Achinoam!
When I am at Arad, I go to the swimming-pool twice a day, and my heart recoils whenever I pass the life-guard.
"I see you bored to death, can't you choose another job?"
Of course he feeds me the usual phrases: 'ma la'asot, ein brirah, tzarikh le-hitparnes' [3 idioms for : I have no choice].
Are we lucky, that relatively few people break out of this drudgery and boredom into "action" and "horror"?
NO! Because it's you and me who grow these"monsters and cancers" in our own body, soul and spirit!
You so often sing: "we are one", but are not aware that this means also,
that the "horror-people" are a reflection of YOU!
The ancient Jewish metaphor : "without leaves no grapes" (see my song on the last day of 2008)
comprises also: without leaves no ''grapes-of-wrath' [inbê-za'am...] !
I and you must become "parental" to all that happens in Creation,
because you are a hologram of Creation and so am I.



Let me close, Achinoam, with what we both cherish: creating, adapting and singing songs

Life is just a game
[Gabriel Yared, born in Lebanon 1949]

Dive like a seagull,
sing like a starling,
rise like an eagle,
fly like a swallow

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

Remember tomorrow
your lover will follow
peers talk, laugh
and God does hear!

Swing with the Ocean,
feel (move) your emotions.
Living forever
We'll be together

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

Hmmmmmm- hmmmmmm - hmmmmm
hmmm - hmmm
Loving forever
We'll be together

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

from the movie: Don't be afraid, s. Oct.5,2008
where a constantly complaining woman
learns from her grandson,
marked with Down Syndrome,
how to live, to laugh and to love.
Since I had to fill in words I didn't grasp,
this has become my own song

There is still another game to play
Achinoam Nini, born in Israel 1969

Smile, without a reason why
Love, as if you were a child,
Smile, no matter what they tell you
Don't listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.

Tears, a tidal wave of tears
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way

Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own
Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone

Keep the laughter in your eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.

Achinoam's lyrics and singing
based on the holocaust movie "Life is Beautiful"

Playing the game of life by "forgetting our sorrows"
is denial, which prevents creating a life without those.
But as long as we do not become parental to our world,
we may en-joy feeling ZEST when singing & playing.

Listen to my own singing on July 8, 2011

Life - a game and a smile
by C-R Bat-Adam, born in Germany 1938

Your palms on your eyes,
that's all that's needed,
your heart to heaven
your pain will ease .

"A human's life is toil",
so taught me my forebears.
Perhaps it is play and smile?
New is the vocation of my life:
Play and Smile,
Smile and Play and Smile

See the story about this song in Song-GAME 2007



January 2009

What would be in line with my focus?
Here is a sweet sequence of
a father and a daughter expressing zest and full-fill-ment:

Mika has finished supper and asks, if she can get up and play piano.
She touches individual keys from right to left and asks:
"Do you want me to tell you a story?"
So she tells a story mixed with psychodramatic elements concerning her own relationships.
Then Abba joins her and they play together - telling stories or songs by stressing the key-points through piano-keys...


"Now , it's time to brush your teeth, to pee and to go to bed".
"And Abba will tell me a story!"


See the thread of Mika's Heaven-on-Earth since August 1, 2009 - till my latest experience with her in February 2011