The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

A little Dwarf was standing in the Garden

Updated: 2007_07_28 and again: 2009_01_26


a children's song
Rafael Rosenzweig
August 1963

modified by Christa-Rachel
on April 14, 2010
Christa Guth
[later: Rachel Rosenzweig]

August 1963
dedicated to Levi Bar-Gil,
my "adopted" son - born 1962
and his partner Ayelet Golan,
who today celebrated the "Britah"
of their first daughter - No'am

The song is cute, but the background is ... destiny!
After we had not seen each other for 14 months,
son, mother and father met for the first time,
secretly - in a little village in Germany,
it was there, where in loving embrace of the three of us,
the song created itself,
and it was there, where we decided,
that Rafael would divorce the mother of his two childen,
and marry me,
and that I would become Jewish and become Rachel
instead of Eva Maria Christa


The last two lines had been missing
all these 44 years.
I used to simply repeat
the first two lines
- with their rather technical content:
"From there the dwarf took a baby
and also the dwarf mother.

In June 2007 suddenly
the "real" ending came to me,
"Together they drove far far
into LOVE".

It has not been like that
with Immanuel's father.
The journey into love ended in a swamp,
because love can only blossom for ever
and bring fruit forever,
if the lovers have healed
into total self-acceptance,
into total wholeness...
If one of them feels "not equal",
and what is worse,
denies that he feels like that,
then love becomes pain , yes torture...



to former song to next song

Tomorrow it will be 46 years,
that Immanuel and I immigrated to Israel.
Today, at Shoham, at breakfast, Mika wanted me to sing this song,
This time my frustration  with the missing rhyme in the 3rd stanza
resulted in a solution, not only for the rhyme
(though still not really following the laws of Hebrew poetry,
where not only the vowel , but the preceding consonant has to rhyme)

but for the transplant of Immanuel's birth to Mika's birth:
she was born on December 20 , i.e. on the 19th of Kislev,
and -counting back 9 months- it was the month of Nisan,
that she made her home & her vocation upon this plane.t



Childrens' Songs by Rafael&Rachel Rosenzweig
+ Hebrew lyrics by Rafael to the most popular song of Brahms:

Following my understanding of January 1, 2009,
that I should no longer open new pages on my websites, nor "do" any intentional verbal sculpting,
I am adding my photos of the two celebrations of Immanuel's 46th birthday
[Mika: "Abba has many birthdays!" Grandma: "You had even one-two-three birthdays"!]

to two of the R.R.R.-Songs, co-created for little Immanuel bei Rafael-Rachel-Rosenzweig in 1964 and 1967.
Since the song about "the little dwarf and the little dwarfess" tells about a cave,
I'm enriching this page with photos about our hike to the cave, the second part of the celebration.
I had discovered this cave a few days earlier
and I won over Efrat for driving a few minutes and then walking for 15 minutes to this special place.
Though she wasn't keen on it, she imagined Mika's delight, but the timing turned out to be horridly bad.
Therefore - though we reached the "Immanuel-Cave" by ascending, - for me it was like descending to "Hell".
If I wouldn't know, that my daughter-in-love is reflecting the suffering "Mother" to me, I would have despaired.

While still walking backwards with the camera in front of the three,
I dared to say:
"Cheer up!" Efrat's reaction caused Mika to beg:
"don't quarrel!"
A few steps further she "let herself" fall to the ground, so she could cry.

A little descent with a puddle
which made Mika delight,
because she could throw stones into the water,
and me too,
when I discerned how the water reflected the Three.

I had visited the Immanuel Cave 3 times before:
once on January 20,
when Lior Oren and I discovered it
and I had the idea to make it "visitable"
for my son's birthday,
and the last time on this morning:
Though the place was relatively clean,
I had to take away big junk
to a place with more junk nearby,
and gather the small junk in a plastic bag,
for taking it home.
I gathered all sizes of dry twigs, branches and pieces of trunks and composed them
for making a fire.
I moved a huge piece of branch
towards the rock-seat in the middle
so as to expand the possibilities for sitting,
and from outside the cave I rolled a flat big stone,
so as to create a little table.
I also walled off the second entrance,
because I couldn't remove a heap of barbed wire,
and of course searched for little pieces of wire,
so that Mika and we would not get injured.
Finally - I removed any stone
and threw it into the back of the cave,
so as not to make Mika stumble over it,

Still, when they entered the cave,
there was not a sound of delight.
Not even from Mika.
This still pains me,
and it's good, that I can cry,
while reporting this.
Only on our way back Immanuel,
who, of course, could not enjoy anything
because of his wife's gloominess,
said: "It was a nice idea - this cave!"
"I hope it will give Mika something to dream about!"
"Yes, and perhaps Efrat saw, how pretty it is here!
So far she didn't even once join our hikes
close to the village, which she hates so much."

It was stupid of me
to add some of the paper-cuttings
left from our "birthday-project"

(see the report about the first part
of the "celebration")

to the already nicely burning fire,
for it caused horrid smoke,
which then
- on its way outside the opening
in the back of the cave,
blew right into Efrat's face.
I wanted her to change places with me,
but she said:

"And what then,
should the smoke come into YOUR face?"



Mika wanted to look
through that opening
from the outside.
So her father took her above the cave,
and I took a photo of them there,
and then from the inside
up to where they looked down.


On our walk back Mika mentioned, when she saw this dry twig:
"This twig had an idee: it wanted to turn into a snake!"
Later also Efrat saw faces in different stones,
the gloominess had lightened up a bit....
(See how this picture lightened up my own gloominess on June 20, 2009)

[see some more photos of the cave after the photos of the first part of the celebration]
