The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Close-ups of my Past


2007_07_18: Closeup of 2006_07_18 ~~~~Update in another war: January 10, 2009

[see also Closeup of August 2006-WAR and there: more links to the wars of Israel&Ismael]


War - My Life - My People


"The Angels of Peace weep bitterly"
[Isaiah 33;7]

Letter from and to Dina Straatievski, a woman soldier,
and one of the five "Star-Children" who grew up in Arad
and who adopted me, the Old-Timer...when I settled here

Two true desert girls,
Maya Lybrock from Mitzpe-Ramon, and Tzippi
Winkler from Arad
They will no longer serve in the army but in the "Sherut Leumi"

As to photos of Dina, to whom my letter is addressed,
see "On The Eve of Annapolis, November 2007"

January 10, 2009: No sooner had I added this note about Dina, when I happened to see her (see below)

Tzippi, also my neighbor in the same street, and my sun-flowers

Tzippi and Maya walk from my house to the bus-station ,
through my "Wadi-of-Compassion",
Tzippi to get her final "liberation" from the army,
Maya to return to her army-situation, which totally depresses her.
She, too, will eventually become free, - some months later.


Little Maya, 1995, - on a group walk in the Desert,
she was angered by something or somebody,
I let everybody else wait
and supported her while she expessed her feelings:

Dina and the Star-Children 2005 -
they plant an apple-tree in my new garden with its infertile desert-soil.
I had taught them the story about Martin Luther:
"What would you do, if you knew, that the world will go to pieces tomorrow?"
Answer: "I would plant an apple-tree today".
But that was in Europe, while in the desert of Israel only my pomegrenade tree grows...

Meshi Taib (see her poem about the War), Gal Mor, Tzippi Winkler, Dina Straat

In spring 2005 , Dina had organized the other star-children
[here with Tzippi, on the above picture also with Gal Mor and Meshi Taib]
to help me make a path of half an hour
down to the Bedouin Family,
whom I believed and still believe to become the pioneers
of the realization of my Desert-Vision.

Dine goes hand in hand with Hathra, my angel, then 12 years old,
another Indigo-Child.

Dina is still in the army,
she watches the border between Jordan and Israel between the Dead and the Red Sea.
Tzippi finishes first year of "National Service", Gal even refused this alternative to the army,
and Meshi , after a year of voluntary Service, has to decide now where she will cope with being a soldier.


July 30, 2006, Diary about the War

A painting of my son Micha at the age of 6,
"Moses in the ark",
in his last kindergarden year and just before the 1973 War:
rediscovered today, July 30, 2006,
a symbol for all the children killed then and again.


In another war: Shabbat, January 10, 2009, Arad

Suddenly I met Dina, and not only her but her mother and father too.
Tzippi brought me there.
The interaction , which began with this sad photo of Dina in her room,
became too intense ...
She wanted to leave and I dragged along with her and
Tzippi, but not for long.
There is absolute honesty between starchildren!
So she parted from us in sadness and peace,
and walked not knowing to where.
Two hours later she wrote me a letter,
at the same time as I was writing a letter to her....

Towards that evening on January 10, 2009
Boris came to visit, what an intense talk!
What a dramatic meeting!
Also: Lior Oren called Boris.
[See our day and night together on the first day of the war!]
Hearing that he was with me,
and that
Tzippi was just coming in, too,
she exclaimed,
"I want to be with you too!"

Tzippi had to leave,
traveling back to Pardes Hanna,
where she has found a job in a kindergarden,
the intense interaction with Boris continued.
It ended with a dramatic "head-rinse".
as we call this in Hebrew
Boris said, when I finally sent him away:
"Keep rinsing my head, please!".

The next morning I received an e-mail from him,
where he relates to what he hopes to have learnt.



to former accidental closeup of my Past to next accidental closeup of my Past



January 2010

Driving Backward to December 1978: Handwritten Diary

December 1978

At peace with all the universe
Yet filled with zestful fire,
Serene with past achievements,
Alive with new desire,
Aware of distant galaxies
A pebble I admire.

Combat-Contemplation et
Communion [slogan of the Taizé Community where I visited for 24 hours in 1976 after my failure with the summer-camp of Bir'am

August 9, 2012 -
Tzippi's wonderful project and her appreciation for "80 year old Rachel"...
I'll insert only the beginning of it, just in order to remember



August 7, 2013: Tzippi on Facebook