See further down 2012
the last three of
Overview of and
Links to the Pages of My
Community: Desert
Vision - Succah
from its realization in the exterior World
A Desert Timeline 1988-2003
2002_08_07-10 ; last update; 2003_04_29; never completed
1983 - 1988 |
Nov. 1988 - Nov.1990 |
Nov. 1989 - Pesach
1990 |
In Abraham's Bus-Steps
Becoming Prepared
Conception and Pregnancy |
Birth of the Succayah a scientific model of an SPS business |
Summer 1983: Inspiration: "Walk in Abraham's footsteps". Dec.1984: purchase of old army bus Summer 1985 - 1988 trying a mobile life, not knowing 'what for' Nov. 1987: 40 desert days |
August 1988: Learning Computer 1988_11_23:
"This is IT". |
finding the place, attracting helpers, structuring space, building succahs, an office in town, inventing facilities facing the authorities registering as business struggling with finances |
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Pesach 1990-February
1994 |
Febr. 1994 - Succot
1994 |
Succot 1994-Pesach
1996: |
Arrival of Paying
Guests Consolidation of Concepts |
Expansion of Responsibility Experiment with optimal target guests |
The Succah's
"Coming-of-Age" |
Personal hospitality. Applying
humanistic business Laws
for preserving SPS Experimenting with activities. |
1984_02_17 Founding of the July-August 1994 |
Teams run the Succah "Parent" Rachel hidden, but available 3 months hard work in Tel-Aviv to create a financial basis. Severe influenza and its message: "Stop Doing!" Fight for Tree and Flight to Egypt Nov. 1995 - following Rabin's murder my last thrust to bring about the breakthrough of the Vision |
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Pesach 1996 - August
1998 |
August 1998- August
2001 |
September 2001-July
2002 |
Fragile Independence |
Forced partnership of Four |
Conflict between
Partners and Parting-in-Peace |
I "bequeathed" the Succah Dedicated, but instable teams |
move to Mitzpe-Ramon and share the work of hosting, maintenance and office. Dorit, a guest among those who escaped the fire at Pesach, had become Avi's partner. Mutual dependency between Avi-Dorit and Efrat-Gadi, renders the business stability. In time only Gadi works, while Efrat involves herself in the uplifting of Mitzpe-Ramon. |
The relationship between
the partners, always strained, had deteriorated. Gadi withdraws to town, a partner only on paper. No contact whatsoever. Avi exploits a change in Company Law and makes himself "inherit" the Company for Desert Resources, by founding the Company "Succah in the Desert", 2001_11_29. Efrat&Gadi are "dispossessed" since June 2002. |
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The completion of our Desert Peace
Process in January 2003
and the celebration of this completion at Purim, March 2003,
symbolizes the completion of my creation in
the Negev-Desert.
Should I ever be called to the Desert again,
it probably will be to the Judaean Desert,
where it borders the Salt Sea.
[These 6 lines were sculpted on April 29, 2003,
Holocaust Remembrance Day]
Towards the closure of Healing-K.i.s.s.
on 2003_07_04
From great distance I watch the three structures on the slope,
which are no longer triangular succahs but house-like cabins.
The beautiful Peace-Process
led not only towards
Parting-in-Peace between the partners Avi and Gadi,
but also to the completion of my own parting
from my Desert Vision as it was embodied in "Succah in the Desert".
I intended to summarize each of these 9 periods.
and then add secondary pages with more details,
like the following fragment:
Not by chance did my "historical" account fray
out into a diary,
when I reached the water issue. Water always seeks the deepest level.
Still I want to give an overview of the years November 1989 to April 1996.
I told, how I tried to "sell" my baby to institutions,
whom I deemed interested and capable to realize my vision, using me as an
The Nature Reserves Authority said "No".
The Institute for Desert Research at Sde-Boqer,
with their compartments for Solar Energy, Water and Building Material, said
The financial sponsor I had in mind - the Japanese "Soni" - never
replied to any of my multimedia advances.
The idea, to register the project as a Nonprofit Organization, failed.
So it was decreed:
I must do it myself, with my limited technical understanding,
and my poor financial reserves.
But miracles also happened.
On January 6th, 1989, "Manpower" found me an almost permanent job,
in the legal department of a very big company, as the secretary of the secretary.
I got extra, non-paid time, to work on the computer,
and I used the phone and the copy-machine to work on my project.
My working place on the 11th floor,
with a magnificent view over Tel-Aviv
and the Mediterrean was splendid and my bosses were kind.
Even a hot lunch was included.
The mobile home was allowed to park on a cliff above the
sea, some 20 km north.
Later persecutions by the Nature REserves Authority should not let me forget,
that in that year I got help from them, even twice.
As usual, I worked very hard, studying all the different
components of my crazy dream.
On July 20th fourteen people met in the Desert West of Mitzpe Ramon, next
to the Ramon Crater.
It was the 20th anniversary of the landing on the moon
and - for me also - the commemoration of the execution of the 5000 of the
German elite,
who for two years had prepared the elimination of Hitler and his system.
Success and failure - a prophesy for the future?
Each of us built his/her own kind of "succah" and
lived in it for 28 hours.
My experience was further enhanced by the sting of a scorpion.
The incredible pain lasted for 26 hours, but I was glad for the experience.
I would be less worried with concern to my guests.
It hurts, but it doesn't kill, if you are a grownup and don't have a heart
In all those years only two people were stung,
and both of them knew, why they had attracted this.
I have often stated with deep gratitude,
that as long as I was in the Succayah,
absolutely no one was injured
- not by a sunstroke, not by falling from a rock, not by getting lost in the
desert -
and nothing was stolen.
We belonged to our Bedouins' "kingdom",
and no Bedouin steals from his own tribe.
The 14 people came together again for a closing circle and
shared their experiences.
I suddenly knew, that the time was ripe.
I declared, that by Rosh-Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, that year on Sept.
26th, I would be ready.
At Koor's they were sad to let me go.
It wasn't easy to get a replacement for such a good secretary.
- All sons came to help me paint the bus, and then we went South.
I say we, because to my regret Channah, my companion, decided to join me,
and I was not strong enough to tell her: "No."
[explanation see Succah-Intro]
September 12, 2012
Exactly 10 years after
I began the Desert-Peace-Process ,
I continue to listen to Haydn's
"Creation", [see the lyrics on the former pages,
since "Succat-Sarah"
while continuing to copy the Orange chapter
(p. 238)
The Mother feels the pressure from DENIALS to be too much and gives up on
trying tohold them back anymore
and the Indigo Chapter (p.241) Merlin and
Morgan Le Fey [also written "Morgaine"]
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.242 at the Father
of Manifestation, including some of the Mother's
rage, and her magical arts were calling this
to her. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.244 ence the cruelty
of her rage, either, but after giving birth to
Merlin's son, she began
to have fits of rage which she took out on
the child when Merlin
would not teach her what she wanted to know quickly enough. Morgan
le Fey was intimidating him with her rage,
which he did not like having to experience there or have his son experience,
either. He did not like her rage there, and he did
not love her, but he did not leave. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.246 the
kinds of nuances that created the splits between what became the essence
that got light and what became the lost Will. This cannot go on anymore.
All of it has to be looked at for what it has been and for what it
really is. Since most people
do not know yet what they are really looking at in terms of what has
been held to be "reality" for so long, I would like to suggest
the possibility of cutting it all loose at
the judgment level and just moving emotions when these old impressions
present themselves. This is the most expedient
way to get healing if you are ready to move freely into different
forms and configurations.[???] |
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GREAT BALL OF FIRE: Italian astrophotographer Lorenzo Lovato photographed this spectacular fireball from the 1998 Leonid meteor shower on Nov. 17, 1998. There are up to 30 percent more fireballs and meteoroids in spring than in autumn, and scientists are not exactly sure why. From "Earth Matters" [April 4, 2011] |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.248 ment that comes
from actually being together in this because the emotions
that have held the old imprinting in place have moved. |
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between completing the last pages of "LAND OF PAN" on September 12, 2012 I watched - in bits and pieces "Wikileaks-Secrets and Lies" a 76 min. doc by Patrick Forbes about the shockwaves, caused in 2010-2011 - by Julian Assange. Though I'm definitely in favor of TRANSPARENCY, this "story" is like a re-enaction of "the Last Days of Pan", and proves, for the millionst times, why exterior action "for saving the world" only produces more horrid reversals, as long as the original Split between Spirit and Will is not healed in each of us. Being confronted - not with the "usual" evil on the planet- but with such a network of competition, plots and betrayals, made me feel dispaired and powerless; how can my own process of healing ever influence people like Julian, politicians and the media? |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.250 feared saying "no"
to this rage for fear of what it will do then. Self-denial
came from this fear, and the terror tactics
used by this rage to get its own way need to move off of Earth now,
too, but to do this is not going to be easy, because this
rage has not liked giving up the power positions anywhere that
it has gone, and it has gone everyplace orgasms can
go, drift or push their way in on this planet. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.252 when rage has approached
Her and has not been able to really listen to that rage enough to
notice something that really needs to be noticed now about that rage. |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
p.254 tween the parents that heart
needs to feel to be able to let it move through heart in the ways
it needs to move to find the balance point there. "We
all like to feel If you are ready and think
you have had enough experience with these imbalances, you can move
along with Me now. My Light would like to have
its opportunity now because human potential needs to be reached.
Light of My love is all Four Parts, no more, no less. to receive
Me in the Heart
And now, I would like to close with Amen, to that! AMEN [Among
the incredible coincidences which I encounter more and more , this
one is truly spectacular: Without having been aware that this text
and a sound button with the "Amen" of "Stabat Mater"
already appeared at the end of the 70 puzzle pieces 10 years ago and
found it only, because the "pastel morning" rang a bell
and I put it in my Search, I reached the "Amen" in "Stabat
Mater" just when I listened to it on youtube,
while copying the last page of Indigo now on Sept. 23, 2012, 20:50
. |
The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
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The orange, 6th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth Dedicated to The Father of Manifestation, that maligned, misunderstood, but essential Part of God |
The indigo, 8th
RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 8 INDIGO - The Search for True Understanding and Balance Dedicated to The Four Parts of God in Loving Balance |
12, 2012 Immanuel, before he went on flight to Hongkong, - his last one to the Far East, on Boing 777 - called me to wish me what I wish for the New Year, and told me about his new post on their twosome blog: "This will interest you, but you have to invest some time in studying it" The post is a response to a well-written, but bitter and cynical article about all that's wrong, distorted, twisted in the State of Israel, written by the rock-musician Haran Yaffae, - see the videos on his blog who volunteered in the 2nd Lebanon War and got almost fatally wounded. His forbears were murdered by the Nazis and now he screams: "I'm ashamed that I let myself be wounded for you."..... Immanuel wombs Haran's pain, but also lifts him gently out of his victimhood. Since there was no place on his
own plane for his "girls",
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I'm glad, that Immanuel internalized the message of my book: "All Israel are guarantors for each other" |
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response on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 16, 2012
September 12, 2012
Two days ago I got hold of the Red Book, thanks to Daniel and Boris.
In the process of copying and editing the 3 last books I understood,
that "excerpting" them was not a good idea all.
If at one point a certain passage or sentence let me say:
"What nonsense! I don't need this in my life or on my website",
there came another point, that made me understand, why I needed it.
The description of what happened in mythical times seems to be linear,
but it's not linear, it's "holographic", showing different perspectives
what went wrong in the beginning of Creation,
when lack of experience, ignorance and misunderstandings
caused horrid imbalances.
What is needed from me, who reads, copies and edits,
is to f e e l into what I may have participated
- even as a creature,
but definitely as an aspect of the fourfold Deity.
Since the Introduction and first 30 paper pages
of the Red Book were missing anyway,
I now want to copy and edit at least those pages faithfully page by page.
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
INTRODUCTION In the beginning, I had reverie without feeling I had to do anything, be responsible for anything or have my existence questioned in any way. I did not know there was anything other than that. I had gone through My own process of coming into existence and my own awareness of it. I did not mind that I had existence, as long as I did not have to do anything about it other than just exist and drift in My thoughts and images. When something began to react to My thoughts and images as though they were not all the same and was forming attachments to some of them, I was not sure I liked this. Without letting Myself dwell on it, I had formed the impression that this was relationship, and that relationship meant opinions, criticism and limitations or requirements in the form of desire for some parts of My thoughts and images and not for others. I did not see that this had anything to offer Me other than interference with My free-form drift. From that simple mistake on My part, I had formed a bond with Body I did not realize I had formed, which was not to look at things We did not like. From there, everything felt it had to please Us, or it would not get any of my light or the form it wanted to have, It had to feel love to feel it had beauty, and We were not loving in the beginning. That is clear to Me now, although then, it was not. Then, there seemed to be nothing wrong in doing as We were doing. We didn't have any concept of creating evil that was building a case against Us or of anything objecting to what We were doing. We did not |
p. II think there was anything else there except Us, moving along in Our flow. If We had stopped to think about it, we would probably have realized We had a place that We were in called space and a darkness Our light was shining into, but then, We did not realize it, illogical as that seems now. We had no concept of relativity, only of existence, which had just happened to Us, and We had not noticed these things yet. The concept of a Mother who was darkness that had pulled light into existence seemed preposterous to Us, we had come, Ourselves, into existence, and that's all there was to it, or so We thought then. We came to certain illogical conclusions in the beginning and never questioned Ourselves about them. In fact, I had the feeling I was the only One, and Body did also. I thought He was part of Me, and He thought I was part of Him, and yet We could not get an alignment because We each wanted to rule. I thought He was a boor who wanted to move past Me on anything He didn't like, and He thought I was a prude who held back for no good reason. Thus, We invented the original Spirit/Body split that has been in place for a very long time, from the beginning, in fact. If We had had any concept of Ouselves as One, we might have had a different experience there, but we let only One voice talk at a time and never felt We had any way to come to peace with the differing viewpoints there. Thus, another struggle was put into place; the struggle for supremacy and domination. It became a terrible power struggle that gapped Us horribly from One another. This gap is most of what this book is about; how it was put into place, what is in it and how to heal it. It affected everyone in Creation, imprinting them in ways that they have never been able to move past, no matter how hard they have tried. Consciousness was never able to overcome imprinting no matter how hard it tried, either. Consciousness had very little room left, once imprinting was put into place. Imprinting is most of what is in the human brain and the brains of all animals, too. Imprinting is even in the plants, because it was in all of the essence and that is all there was then; essence. In differentiating itself, it did not move lovingly at first, and this is how most of the problem was put into place. The rest of it was not knowing how to move to change that, once loving presence was there. Unfortunately, we utilized Our old and original mistake of not |
p. III looking at what We didn't like. We decided not to look back. We thought that if We did not look at it anymore, it would not be there anymore. Quite simple, and an imprintng We had formed when it was happening that way. Before there was Will presence to hold anything present, this was a major problem of Ours, yet when the Will came, we did not recognize it as anything helpful. We noticed only how the Will seemed to hold present that which we did not want to have held present and did not notice the rest, because We thought we were doing that Ourselves, already. This lack of recognition for the Will gave Her a misinterpretation of Our presence. She thought that We were unloving toward Her and loving toward Ourselves, and recognized Her as causing only the things we did not like and Ourselves as causing only the things We did like. Thus, She saw Us as defining Ourselves as positive and Her as negtive; Ourselves as good, Her as bad, in other words. She did not like this, and neither did We, as it turned out, but We did not notice this for a long time. We thought We liked this because it gave Us someone to blame for Our own denials, and blame Her we did, for everything that went even barely, imperceptibly wrong. We made a gap there by not recognizing Her real role. We pushed Her away from the very beginning and did not give her Her right place. She needs to recover from this and cannot take Her right place until She does. Until the Will has recovered, the role of the Will cannot be fully understood. It is only just now beginning to move into healing, yet the gap is more prominent than ever on Earth, and the lovelessness of people on Earth is more apparent than ever. Why is this? The gap is only barely moving in most people, and only mildly gapped essence is coming in as of yet. That is why. Many people who pick up these books and think they are going to read them and follow this path, do not when they feel their own gap. They stop the process as soon as they feel anything they do not like, which is anything that might make them have to take responsibility for anything in Original Cause. Their own original cause is not going to reveal itself if they do not accept My light first, and most do not even accept these stories as real yet. This does not mean you need to pat yourselves on the back for being first and all of the other undercurrent competition issues this might evoke. It means you need to realize what a huge issue |
The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.IV fragmentation has become on Earth and that most people don't even feel they have enough presence to move toward healing themselves yet. This has to heal a little at a time because the gap is more frightening than many people think when they think they can heal in a short time. That is another group of quitters; those who think it is taking too much time and too much feeling bad compared to how much feeling good. This is imprinting that will become quite obvious to you as you read this book; imprinting that checked out long ago and never checked back to see if there was anything else it needed to know. It thinks numb is feeling good and does not mind not feeling anything. This is not ready to move yet out there until it moves inside with the pieces whose rage fragments these are, and they are legion in number, most people on Earth. The rest are moving along without knowing it and do not need to read the books because their feelngs don't have that much depth to them and they do not have much responsibility, either. That leaves a rather small group who are frightened that they might have quite a lot of responsibilitiy and have not wanted to take it in the past. Fear needs to move here. You do have major responsibility, and you are major pieces of My lost essence that went into the gap. Your whole existence has been lived in the gap without My light there to help you much at all. This has been a major problem for all of you, and it has become a major problem for Me, too, because I cannot move any more without your help, and you cannot move any more without Mine. It has to balance now. That is all there is left to do, or We cannot live anymore. We tried everything else first because the gap was the last place We wanted to go. Now it is the place We have to go and the only place We can go. The fear of being crazy has to move out, too, because it is not possible to move past old imprinting without moving the gapped rage and held terror that has kept it in place for so long. Feelings need movement. Moving them out does not mean getting rid of them anymore. It means moving out old fear patterns and letting another emotional response come in its place. It means moving in rage which was left out, feeling it had no place in Creation, not even fear's place, which was Hell. It has a terrible feeling of no place to receive it and of pounding on the Will's held terror to make It receive it. The Will will receive |
p.V this rage, but it needs another approach. It cannot give any more pain and terror to the Will and expect It to open and receive it. That is a way of giving out blame here and not looking at its own responsibility in not approaching the Will in a gentle way to begin with. It thinks it hates gentleness more than anything else in the world as a way to avoid looking at its own responsibility there, but it needs gentleness more than anything else to heal its own feelings of displacement. It cannot both give out what it refuses to accept from others, which is blame, and expect its blame to be received before it is going to let go of blame. It hasn't considered this, because it has been so sure it is right that it thinks it only needs to get the object of blame, to realize its fault, and what? Get another agenda? Not likely, if it really is to blame, knows it and means to be. It is not to blame. It was a major misunderstanding, but this cannot be realized unless the gap is gone all the way down through, because it does not matter what levels of consciousness realize it if it does not penetrate the gap. This We found out long ago. If consciousness could do it alone, it would have been healed long ago. Few have wanted to go into the gap, and even fewer have returned once they have gone into it. It is a majorly dangerous place and one I do not recommend advancing on openly. Privately, in secret if necessary, healing must take place this time. If you do not think this is true, you have not been in your gap enough to know whether it is or not and have no business telling My light you know better than I do. This is an old and original position, and imprinting is the cause of it, as it is the cause of everything else that is wrong because the gap has only imprinting to go on. My light was not loving yet there. Feelings weren't accepted as having anything to offer, and so there was o Heart presence. Does that sound like a place you want to go? I did not think so. Yet feelings are not all good, and the feelings judged against as bad are all in the gap, operating there in a state of denial without love or the light of My consciousness there with them. That is a gap in itself; to have no love present and no light of My consciousness there, only old imprinting from before there was love. There is a major feeling in this gap that it is right and is going to prove it any time now. This is because, in this original imprinting, we had a major feeling that We were right and would have proved it if We had not been interfered with by Our other parts, which We, at that time, did not recognize as Our other parts and had surprised Us by coming out of nowhere and opposing Us. |
p.VI This part of the gap has a major military build-up in place to prevent this from happening again, it thinks. It hated being interfered with when it was putting everything in place and has continued to ignore the signs and notices along the way that it needs to consider input from others. It has gotten very clever in its fragmentation, though, and appears to be receiving input, but it is only talking to itself and does not notice there is anyone else there who has anything of value to offer or that needs to be considered. This is a very dangerous position to be in and one that almost cost My light My life and My existence in any form. I still have a major problem to turn around on Earth, but it is going to heal. It just needs more time; the very thing you all think you do not have any more of on Earth, yet the Earth changes never seem to quite happen. They are happening. They are happening inside first and will happen very quickly in outer reality when it is the right time. I am not going to make any predictions here about when that is, because you all need to move your held stuff, or it is not going to happen for you the way you want it to, and that is all you need to know. The rest can be left up to Me. Although that is not a favorite position of yours, it is not possible to have it another way at this time. It is necessary to move rage and terror if you do not trust Me until you can trust Me, because it is not possible to trust Me if you cannot feel that I am loving now. I have nothing more to say in this introduction, except that I hope you move what you need to move, take responsibility for what you need to and heal the gap you need to heal at your own right speed so that My light can come into the places where it has never been before. I am ready, are you? |
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The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.1 THE FATHER OF MANIFESTATION SPEAKS In the very beginning of my earliest memories, there exists a feeling that I was not loving at first toward others, and that everything I did in reaction to that judgment against myself that said I was not loving already as I was initially [sic] has been guilt, until I do not know how I feel anymore. I am torn between wanting relationship and not wanting relationship if it means that I cannot have what I want to have and be the way I want to be. Only recently have I considered this reaction to be a not even knowing (sic) what I want or how I want to be other than that I want peace. The Will never seemed to be peace to Me, and hence, I have denied it for so long I am not sure how to find it or if I even want to find it. If it is lost from Me, maybe that is best. At least, I do not feel bad, which is how I felt most of the time with the Will around. It gave Me no peace. No matter what I did, it wanted Me to be doing something else, or doing it some other way or at some other time. The feeling was never pleasant either. It was always one of feeling that no matter what I did, it was wrong or at the wrong time or in the wrong way or wrong somehow. [Sept. 13, 2012: All my life, until quite recently, I felt ever so often : "I should be doing smething more important - meanng: more important for my vocation"] I could never feel right anymore, and that's why I say everything I have done since then has felt like guilt. I never wanted to have guilt, but I never wanted to be unloving either. Being loving toward Myself meant doing what I wanted to do and that's all, but I was never able to take the step into relationship without having it feel like I was going to have to change My ways to suit the others involved, or have them change their ways |
p.2 to suit Me. I did not like doing this unless it felt right to Me, which it never did. No matter where I went, someone had an opinion about what happened there or what I did that was not the same as my opinion. I could not help feeling that I did not like what they did or that their opinions did not agree with Mine. I had only My own feelings to go on, and I did not like being crossed. I hated the compromises I was forced into by feelngs of not being right. I fastened onto a fantasy relationship there in the Will, a fantasy woman who never had feelings that crossed Me or opinions other than My own. If she had anything to say, it was always complimentary and made Me feel better than I felt already. I did not like being brought down by the Will and did not notice the Will as having anythng to offer by doing this. I thought only that it had a problem going up and did not like feeling good for some reason that was inexplicable to Me, unless the reason was holding onto fear and not letting it go that held it back this way. I tried to give the Will some reassurance, patience and even presence in that place, but I could not stay there for long because it felt so bad that I could not imagine staying there any longer than I had to. I could not imagine why the Will stayed there at all. In the end, I concluded that the Will liked being in a state of fear, that fear must not feel the same to the Will as it did to Me, or if it did not feel altogether good to the Will, it was, at least, familiar to the Will, and that the Will preferred familiarity to feeling good which was different and unfamiliar to the Will. I felt that the Will was free to join Me anytime it got past enough of its fear to be ready to move the way I wanted to move, but the Will did not want to take the risk of moving to another place. I secretly thought this meant that the Willl would be left behind, but this has not proven to be the case, as the Will has managed to stay present in My reality for a very long time, maddeningly present, in the form of women who do not like Me or My ways. I have given them the brush-off many times, but they never leave. They do not know what is good for them, or they would not brush past Me and trigger My rage. My rage has many faces. They are not all good, pleasant or loving , but they all reflect My need to survive, and survival, to Me, has not meant compromising the way they have wanted Me to. I do not give in easily because I never learned that as a way to survive. Survival has always meant holdng fast to what i wanted to |
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The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
p.4 name of home maintenance or childcare. Life sucks, and the more I look at it, the less interested I am in having it anymore. Unless I can feel good, I don't want life, and the argument that going into the bad will make it better hasn't worked. The more I look at what I don't like, the more of it there is. I have more and more bad feelings in My life and less and less of the good. I think there is something in the Will that doesn't want to let Me feel good and hated Me for having started out that way. I have no place in Me that feels good anymore without a problem, at least next door, and I have no power to do anything about it because everyone else thinks they know more than I do, and they don't listen to Me anymore. I think they [??????] have life without Body in mind because they never appreciated Me from the beginning anyway, so why should I care what happens to them? I felt that I had all I needed inside of Me originally anyway, and when these bothersome voices [???????] decided that they wanted Me to include them, they should have mentioned that they didn't agree with Me and just wanted to run things by taking over My show. They [?????] had nothing going on, no light of their own, and they still don't . They are still stealing Mine as though time has not moved and evolution is not taking place. All they've done is run through all of the forms I had in Me originally and trash every one of them. They have not made Me any nice place to live. They have used Me as a workhorse instead, as though it is their God-given right to abuse Me in the name of service to God, relationship, community, achieving their goals and whatever else they decide to say about it. It's all the same to Me. No service is a good service if it does not take into account My needs, and My needs are to feel good and to have an easy, simple flow to life that I can maintain in peace. Beauty is something the Will is always going about . Nothing is ever beautiful enough for the Will, as evidenced by how many women never think they look good enough but peace is beautiful to Me, and if it's never peaceful, it's never beautiful. How can any woman ever look good if she is always torn up emotionally about what she doesn't have or how she doesn't look? Beauty is something that grows from peace and not the other way around. That's My feeling, and now a feeling of guilt, as though that's what the Will is somehow, is sounding like I have to qualify that as though I might not be right somehow. This guilt has to go. Its right place is not with Me anymore. I have to move along in peace, and that's all there is to it. I never thought relationship could mean such a lack of peace, or I would not |
p.5 have let My fantasy woman come to life and have any Will of her own. She never let Me know what she held inside until it was too late. "You never know the Will until you get involved, and then it's too late because the Will never lets you go", is My song of the blues. I wanted to move along on My own until I saw if what I had in mind worked or not. I was never allowed to find that out, and now, with all that has happened since, it seems too late to go back there and try to find out. Everything that has emerged cannot just be pushed back out of existence until it feels like right time for it, if and when it ever is, but I often wish it could happen that way. I have often felt that I regretted having anyone else around. I have often felt that the others I do not like pushed their way into manifestation too quickly or pulled on Me to include them before I wanted to or was ready to include them. I had to go through My own experience of coming into existence, and they just wanted to give Me all their problems to solve for them instead. I accuse the whole Will polarity of this in My rage. I do not know how to balance this with their terror and their not liking where they were in the very beginning, but I no longer feel that a path of guilt that helps them all of the time at the expense of My own life is the right way, or it would have helped by now. Maybe they have some survival terror of their own to go through on the way to creating something, for themselves that feels good to them. I sound very separatist right now, and I guess that's where My needs are right now. I feel that if I do not go back to the very beginning and have it My own way there, I can never move past that place of not knowing if My way would have worked better than what happened instead. BODY SPEAKS OF HIS EARLIEST RECALL I was drifting in relationship with the light I had found visible when I became aware of seeing it. I was going into it and experiencing it in Me without realizing a difference between Myself and it. I was seeing a vastness of light which I felt I was in and not separate from, yet I experienced it also, as though there was some differentiation there between the light and My seeing of it. In some way, I felt I was both the light and the seeing of it, but I did not have a particular sense of seeing Myself as differentiated |
p.6 from anything else there. It was as though I was the observer of the light, yet I was in the light and the light was in Me. There was something about being there, seeing the light and yet being the light, about how big or small I really was and about My own separateness, or lack of it, that I did not comprehend. I was frightened by it. I could not understand how everything could be Me, but I thought that it was. I felt like the originator of everything, and I did not think there was anyone else there. I did not see how I could be so, as I would put it now, schizophrenic. I pondered this for what seemed like a very long time, and then I moved away from My feelings there. I did not want to try to figure it out anymore. I just wanted to experience Myself in a drifting sea of light and see what was going to happen and what questions might get answered that way. I was experiencing form, or physicality, already as light and the ability to see light and as an openness to forms that were already presenting within it. They were drifting, fleeting forms, but I liked watching them. Colors began to appear in the light too, and I was fascinated by them. It was as though My fascination or focus made them more visible or brilliant, or as though they felt My love for them, and their response was to give Me more of them and to dance to please Me. I even had the idea that if I looked away, these colors and even this light might not exist anymore. I was absorbed in a focus that I thought was even calling this into existence, or at least into coalescence and expression, I was encouraging it, you might say. I was enjoying this so much that I didn't want to look away or do anything else but drift in this sea of essence. I ignored anything I judged might distract Me from this. What I had going on was already exciting enough without imagining anything more. My focus was to keep it going. Moving along in it seemed like the only path to take and the path that would take Me wherever I needed and wanted to go at the time that was right for Me and in the way that was right for Me. When other thoughts began to have presence with Me, I viewed them as having come along later. They did not, at first, have anything negative to say, but nonetheless, I had a need to keep them as aspecting (sic) thoughts. Even though they seemed to be as excited by what was happening as I was, [sic] seemed to be aspects to My own thoughts and even seemed to love what I had happening and to be coming forth in response to it, I regarded myself as the captain of the ship and the |
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The seventh, 7th RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995] 7 IMPRINTING A Healing of the Chakras Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love |
Continuation of the pages 10 -25 of the Red book in "In Abraham's Bus-Steps-Overview"