Scroll down - to read the inserts which exemplify how I study "Abraham/Hick's" teachings about learning "Good-Feeling-Thoughts and how I apply what I learn in sculpting MY DESIRE TODAY during six days of the week from December 8-30,2009 from December 3-7,2009 in "Original Introduction to Right Use of Will, p. VIb-XI from November 29-December 2,2009 in "Original Introduction to Right Use of Will, p. I-VIa" from November 10-27,2009 in "Michael on Right Use of Will" continuation of the inserts from November 1-9, 2009 in "About the Books called Right Use of Will" continuation of the inserts from October 16-31, 2009 in "The Mother's Eruption" which is the continuation of the first inserts from October 1-16, 2009 in "I honor all their experiences" |
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Version of 2010 [discovered in 2013, when my young friend Boris ordered "The Blue Book" for himself']
Images on this page [2002-2003]: |
1984 - page 8 [as
to this chapter in the 2010 version, see after
the chapter "Inner Listening"]
Light and Water and the shadows of
swimmers in the Neve-Shalom
swimming pool |
In time I really did get away from all people in my life, who cannot
accept and understand these ideas, I regret, that the teachings of RUOW and Godchannel never address
the law of dependency. |
question of Free Will in an atmosphere that doesn't accept it is the next issue to be discussed. The question of practicing Right Use of Will among people who do not accept and understand these ideas is a matter of choice. It should be understood, however, that a strong Will is necessary to do this in a restrictive atmosphere and also that overpowering in any direction is not the practice of Free Will. |
on June 6, 2013 A pupil and - on and off since 1986- a friend, reconnected recently. Her life is difficult to say the least. Her husband - 33 years her senior - fell from a ladder and lay in coma for 3 years. Now he is dead, there are 2 young boys, smart and lively, but no lover, no man. I tried to reach out with the passage, which resonates with me so well: "Healing Desire" from Godchannel>2nd Interview with the Folks She seemed to have been so triggered, that she - a woman of 48 with a high I.Q.- did not even see the source of the quote, but spit out disgust about "the Blue Book": "It's nothing but ideology", "a simplistic view of the World", "making it pale and lacking in art..." [more of her German words I don't know how to translate] |
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Next Chapter:
1984- page 9 LIMITS ON THE SELF The judgments or unnecessary limitations
you are holding |
2010- page 9b LIMITS ON THE SELF The next step in evolving your own spiritual presence is to accept all of the reality you were meant to have on Earth. In accepting this reality, unconditional acceptance of the feelings is necessary. Feelings are meant to balance the Spirit's overview with the Will's perception of what is pleasant and possible for any given moment. Finding this balance in the Heart creates a reality in which all needs can be met without overriding in any directin. An attuned Will has the ability to take you anywhere you want to go and to feed you and keep you warm. Holding the condition, or judgment, that these things must be worked for is part of the reason the Will hasn't been able to provide these things in another way. Release of these limitations is an important part of being able to enjoy yourself in the physical plane without having to work at something you do not want to do. Remember also, that if the feeling in the Will is to rest for a while, this is alright, too. Judgments against allowing yourself to do what you want to do need release, as these held beliefs participate in the creation of |
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still page 9 What do you say, feel and believe that keeps you in the prison of lost Will? The release of attitudes and opinions you don't want to hold about what it takes to live on Earth will open the space for things to change for you. Free Will offers the gift of a much richer reality and feelings attuned enough to warn you of any impending harm. Old conditioning does not let you assess a situation for what it is. Old conditioning takes the role of keeping your responses the same. When you no longer want it, you can feel imprisoned by it. Release of old conditioning lets present feelings tell you whether something is actually for you or not. The next step in evolving your own Spiritual presence is to accept all of the reality you were meant to have on Earth. In accepting this reality, the unconditional acceptance of the feelings is necessary. Feelings balance the Spiritual overview with the Will's reality of what is pleasant and possible at any given moment. This balance takes place in the Heart and this balance creates a reality that allows needs to be met without overriding anyone of anything. If your needs are being denied you by someone else 1984- page 10 and it is not your own limits on yourself doing this, then change your approach to fulfilling your needs; find another place and/or another way in which to fulfill them. Instead of making any judgments, give freedom a chance to work by allowing yourself to do whatever the situation calls for. Don't question your feelings here; allow them to show you what to do. Even if you are not balanced yet, remember that if your intent is to seek the balance of Spirit and Will, you are not going to harm yourself or anyone else. Instead, the alternative needed will be created this way. Being open to allowing anything is the process of creating alternatives. This process can create alternatives that did not exist before you needed them. |
2010- page 10 your own reality. The release of attitudes and opinions about what it takes to live on Earth can open the space for things to change for you. Old conditioning does not let you assess a situation for what it s. Old conditioning takes the role of keeping your responses the same. When you no longer want it, you can feel imprisoned by it and not know how to get out. Trying to escape by rearranging your thoughts is only partially successfull. When you understand how to release old conditioning, present feelings can let you know if something is right for you or not. Misunderstandings have placed a great burden of limiting beliefs upon the self. Longstanding conditioning layered onto these limitations has been diminishing human possibilities instead of expanding them. Many have continued to accept limitations on the self because these many layers of conditioning have convinced them of their reality, or of their necessity. Some have been seeing these limitations as if they are what defines them as a person. Many limitations have been disguised as truisms, such as "Jack of all trades, master of none," or even, "I am a mathematician", when this statement excludes other things, even subtly. Limiting beliefs need to be lifted off of the self as you feel ready. Whether you presently have the words for them or not, these limitations take the form of judgments held against the self. Many of the judgments, or limitations, that you may not want to continue living within can be seen in your daily dialogue with yourself and others. What do you do, say and believe that has been keeping you in the prison of limitations on the self? Expressing yourself freely is the way to call for the reality you want, and yet, desire has long been judged to be a sin. In fact,desire is magnetic energy of the Will. Magnetic energy attracts, so it is important that you give acceptance to your desire so that you can know what it is that you are attracting. Desire, including desiring something other than what has been happening to you, needs loving acceptance and understanding just like anything else that has been judged against and, thus, placed in a state of being denied. Love can be present when you open the space for it, and love can manifest in many forms. Loving acceptance for everything is the Divine Plan for all, so there is no need to continue fearing that My Plan calls for anything else. Bondage to others, self-denial, sacrifice, strife, struggle, starvation and scarcity are not the way of Limitless Love. These are the manifestations of misunderstandings closing down the openings through which love can manifest until |
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1984- still page 10 ["Limits
on the Self"] Loving acceptance for everything
Feelings of being undeserving must be released
also. |
page 11 ["Limits
on the Self"] until love can even appear to be punishment. Other than the beliefs, limitatins and judgments you have been holding against yourself, there is nothing to punish you. Is it not logical, then, that Love will provide if it is allowed to, since this is Love's way? Feelings of being undeserving must be released also. Judging yourself to be more, or less, deserving than others is not being open to what is simply appropriate, which is what you are capable of receiving in any given moment. Feelings of superiority, or inferiority, are off balance. Unconditional love accepts all as perfect in the moment, and yet love loves everything as it needs to be loved and as it can accept love, which also means that everything can also shift, change,grow and evolve. The path of bringing the balance of Spirit and Will into your Heart will show you what is right for you, and you will be able to recognize the perfection of it as you move along. Finding your own right place is a reflection of finding your own inner balance. In other words,, as you are finding your inner balance, your outer reality will match it. In freeing your own Will, you cannot help but have your outer reality respond. It will also reflect whatever you have not found in yourself that needs to be brought within your loving acceptance. The longer it takes; the more conditioning you have to work through. Right Use of Will works if you know it is the path for you. The Will is more than ready to receive the Love and Light of the Spirit. It is the individual Spirits who must accept the question of free Will and decide if it is right time or not. The feelng that recovery and healing of the Will is too difficult is part of the illusion that has kept the physical plane of existence seemingly separate from the other planes of existence, or speeds of vibration. This belief had been involved in the immense loss of vbration in the Will, and goes along with the belief that gifts are the reward of much dedication and hard work. The release of these judgments is necessary. Many spiritual teachers have said this because they have believed in separations that are not real or because they are confused and have taken the path of struggle and punishment. Attuning our Spirit and your Will can be accomplished if you have the intention to do it. Spiritual teaching should not be directing you to lift above and drop off the physical and emotional bodies in order to return to God, the light, the Source or whatever it is being called, without Them. These are old misunderstandings that have placed many limitations on the self. The reality is that this approach will not work. What is yours is yours, and you |
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still page 11 ["Limits on the Self"] In freeing your own will, you cannot help but have outer reality respond. Each person needs Right Use of Will; Many people have misunderstandings |
page 12 ["Limits on the Self"] What is yours is yours, and you cannot solve anythng by dropping it off. The way is to evolve and to evolve you must begin to accept all of yourself in whatever state it is in. In the path of each person there is what is called "Original Cause." Right Use of Will is beginning with what you are able to accept at first, so that a foundation can be built for understanding how these spiritual misunderstandings originated. For now, all that can really be said is that it is not possible to return to essence by dropping off parts of the self. Undercurrent here, are judgments against Creation. Manifested Creation is not to be denied or gotten rid of as a mistake. The essence of Creation needs to be allowed to vibrate and evolve so that Form can come into alignment with Loving Essence. Manifestation is the way in which essence experiences itself so that it can evolve. Beginning with yourself, by releasing your llimitations so that you can expand into your full self, you can gradually expand your loving acceptance to include all of Creation. [2010: end of chapter "Limits on the Self" |
Feeling that the healing of recovery of
the Will is too hard
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1984- still
page 11 ["Limits on the Self"] because
what is yours, is yours,
the carmic path of each person there is |
1984- page 12 ["Limits on the Self"] it will become clear how these Spiritual misunderstandings originated. For now, all that can really be said is that it is not possible to return to essence by dropping off parts of yourself. Undercurrent here is a judgment against the Creation. The Creation is not to be denied. Essence is living , expanding and evolving, and manifests as the Creation. Manifestation is the experience through which Loving Essence evolves. |
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In the 1984 version of "Right Use of Will" the chapter "Limits
on the Self " is followed by the chapter:
In the 2010 version
this chapter - changed into "Ego/Self" - appears after "Inner
Listening" on 2010- page 15
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1984 - page 12 Healing your disconnections Ego in fact is the part of you |
the next chapter in the 1984 version of the Blue Book>Discipline, Death
and Reincarnation
I follow my
understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
that - after 7 years -
I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.
My study and application of "Abraham/Hick's" teachings about learning "Good-Feeling-Thoughts from December 8-30,2009 from December 3-7,2009 in "Original Introduction to Right Use of Will, p. VIb-XI from November 29-December 2,2009 in "Original Introduction to Right Use of Will, p. I-VIa" from November 10-27,2009 in "Michael on Right Use of Will" continuation of the inserts from November 1-9, 2009 in "About the Books called Right Use of Will" continuation of the inserts from October 16-31, 2009 in "The Mother's Eruption" which is the continuation of the first inserts from October 1-16, 2009 in "I honor all their experiences" |
DAY I am having plenty of opportunities to practice
7 , evening – December 8, morning,
On this new (though continued)
page I want to finally address,
8, evening – December 9, morning, Wednesday,
Much of my thinking
and many hours of sculpting in my e-mail response
I went to Germany,2004, for my
sister's funeral, she asked me to visit her & sent the train-money.
9, evening – December 10, morning, Thursday,
When out of my bed it hit me: I haven't told the other message of the rainbow yesterday: seeing it above my house it came to me: Irene should be my guest and re-create herself! But Christmas holiday is the busiest time for her...Yet Cornelia! it is Cornelia's holy-day! ![]()
On my veranda-2005: guests who are close to Cornelia: Renata, Michal, her daughter Maya. Maya like Cornelia's son was born, because husband-less mothers desired a child so much.
The Vortex p.222 Oh, but Abraham, that doesn't
seem logical. And there are all kinds of
things in your environment
[In the face of
my story about Franz and Edith Rosenzweig, see left,
But what you are describing
goes more like this: Don't ask the
person, or people, And if the others could speak
it like it really is, they'd say, "No,
I want you to be it. …let's say that you are
interacting with someone who causes you to want this. And you threw in some
words like monogamy. It's like the Tabasco-sauce-in-the-pie
story that we used to tell.
So, if you could just
eternally look toward what you want Often, you can get
exactly what you want [Are
there Proper expectations of Lovers?
page 234=last page]
Arad, January 11,
2010 |
About the Authors
—a group of obviously evolved Non-Physical teachers—
speak their Broader Perspective through Esther.
And as they speak to our level of comprehension
through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant, yet comprehensively simple
essays in print and in sound,
they guide us
to a clear Connection with our loving, guiding Inner Being
and to uplifting self-empowerment from our Total Self.
Featuring the concept of the Universal Law of Attraction,
the Hickses have published more than 800 Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes,
CDs, and DVDs
(now translated into more than 30 different languages).
They may be contacted through their extensive interactive Website at: www.abraham-hicks.com;
or by mail at Abraham- Hicks Publications, P.O. Box 690070, San Antonio,
TX 78269.
PART II: Mating, and the Law of Attraction: |
PART III: Sexuality,
and the Law of Attraction: Creating Positive Parent/Child Relationships in a World of Contrast • What Is the Supervising Adult’s Role in the Child's Behavior?...149 • What Is a Child’s Relationship with Other Children, without Adults?150 • What Are the Natural Father/Mother Roles?..................................151 • A Perspective of a Perfect Parent.................................................... 152 • What Are the Familial Inner Beings of Parents and Children?....155 • Do Families Have Specific Prebirth Mutual Intentions?................ 156 • To Whom Are We Most Responsible?..............................................157 • What Could Parents Learn from Children?....................................157 • Why Do Siblings Respond Differently to Similar Influences........158 • Must Children “Take After” Their Parents?................................... 159 • Must Inherited Traits Determine My Future Experience?............. 160 • Shouldn’t Children Be Taken from “Abusive” Parents?................. 160 • Without Discipline, Would Children Perform Household Chores? ..162 • Must “Family Harmony” Inhibit Personal Freedom?.................... 163 • Which Family Member Should Be in Charge?............................... 165 • Parents and Children, and Harmonizing vs. Traumatizing.......... 165 • Must Children Be Imprinted with Their Parents’ Beliefs?..............167 • Who’s to Blame for This Dysfunctional Family?........................... 168 • But How Could Babies “Attract” Unwanted Experiences?............. 170 • Why Are Some Children Born Autistic?........................................ 172 PART V: Self-Appreciation,
and the Law of Attraction: Flawed Premises.....................................................................................
235 |
We want to help you regain clarity about
your individual power. Everyone has it.
November 24, 2011
November 1, 2011, I felt,
that I should re-read and copy the second and third
RUOW book, as much as linear "TIME" will allow, and juxtapose
them to the first, the BLUE BOOK.
Below I "managed" to insert (max space:
1300 kb!) the pages
38-57 of each of the two books. In time I'll add links to the content
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
CREATION ......1 |
Continuation from Violet and Purple Book, pages 28-37 at the bottom of the page
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.38 I felt guilty now,
that I had been unloving toward
Him, and I felt as though I should share the Mother with Him, even
though I had feelings that were not aligned with this.
I went after Them to make peace. I told Them that Heart
had given Me the understandings I needed, but I was having trouble
accepting them. Will and Body said that they were having trouble
also and that they did not understand why there was only
one feminine manifestation. Heart beamed His presence upon
Us and we reached alignment at that time. |
p.38 Some, who caught the sexual undercurrents, thought they might be sexually seductive in ways that I did not think were right. This reactivated and increased their original sexual shame. Some of these spirits later appeared as the prostitutes around Jesus, but some were too ashamed to come forward with it then. Others thought that my reluctance to join them meant I felt that the kind of relationship I might have with them was somehow not acceptable in the presence of Heart. Because Heart was not originally present in His manifested form, most of the Rainbow Spirits who were receiving Him here still had some fear that the relationship they were now having with Heart was illegitimate in some way. Manifested
Heart presence has been missing in the sexual relationships of most
of the Rainbow Spirits. Heart's absence during the emergence of
the Rainbow Spirits gave many of them the belief that Heart could
not be present for the kind of sexual expres- |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.41 The Ancient Ones
had a reflection to give Us then that We did not recognize at
the time; it was the reflection of how Our judgments
thought it would look to be without guilt.
We were horrified by their lack of concern over
what happened to others. These Spirits were very self-serving,
big, and bright. As much as We enjoyed having company around Us
now, We also could not The Ancient Ones said that they
had emerged to have fun, and they did not like to be interfered
with. They had appetites for more experience and they intended
to have it now. They began to romp around Us in a ring,
teasing Us that we could not move past them unless they allowed
it. They were claiming to have, as a group, more
power than we had. We did not
know if their claim was true or not, and We
had fear that we had created something that We did not like. |
p.40 When
Lost Will has expressed,
it has been controlled by the
judgments it holds. Lost
Will cannot change this unless it receives release
from the judgment patterns while it is moving. The reason
for this is that once the movement subsides, you can no longer
penetrate this essence because guilt
tells it it has done wrong to express. The essence
then closes again and hides. The people holding
this Lost Will
present themselves as different sorts of people from the ones
they become when they lose control of what they
are holding. Be careful here if you think you're not involved in this, because open-mindedness as imaged by most people on Earth today is still very closed in ways that are not yet recognized, or those calling themselves open-minded would recognize this as more a statement of intent than reality. Almost everything you think and feel right now is involved in belief systems that are going to have to become more recognized than they have been so far if true freedom is what you seek. There is a judgment that could be recognized now and released by allowing yourselves to notice more and by allowing yourselves to respond to what you notice. Most people do not allow themselves to notice they hold this judgment or to notice to what extent they hold this judgment. The judgment goes like this: I cannot allow myself to notice everything that is happening because it is too overwhelming and if I allow myself to notice everything, I'll be too overwhelmed by my response to it. There is another judgment
that is really the same judgment
that says: I cannot allow myself
to know everything I am really doing because I can't face the
responsibility this may mean that I have. |
Gottesmann - The Way of Feelings -3-) ![]() |
Nov. 25, 2011, I discovered that Rivka Gottesmann's in "derekh he-regashot" [the Way of Feelings], presents a long list of denial-phrases which we all keep using, in order to NOT feel.. (1) ![]() |
Rivka Gottesmann - The Way of Feelings
- (2)
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p. 42 The Ancient Ones had council to give alright,
but it was not the council they thought it was. The
reflection they have given Me of Myself has been the most important
teaching I have received from them. At the time
the Ancient Ones gave Me these original reflections,
I denied them, and thus did not gain the understandings at the time.
I denied the reflection then because I did not think
it was possible that all I could see were reflections of
Myself. I had doubts now.
Perhaps I had not created
Myself. Perhaps I had just come forward from the
vastness in the same way that other spirits were now going
to come forth. In the same way I had originally feared
that I only thought I existed, I now had The healing I mean
to bring to earth now is of the Lost
Will that received everything I did not understand in Myself at
that time. Then, I did not have intent to notice some things because
I had fear I could not handle them. I did not know I had this intent
to avoid and I did such a good job of avoiding myself here that
I did not even realize that I had fear motivating Me. |
p.42 Heart hoped that whatever
was troubling Me this time would be quickly solved within
Me so that I would be able to join Him for a bath in colored
light. Heart also felt that there were so few Rainbow Spirits
acting receptive to Us that He wanted to give them a positive
experience. The same Spirits that were present
here were among the fol- The guilt these
spirits received here told them it was
not right for them to be luxuriating in the splendor of the
light because the main body of Rainbow Spirits was not participatory.
The inference was that they were indulging
at the expense of others. When it seemed that I wanted Heart
to withdraw from them and seek out the others, they took it to mean
that for some reason, I was more interested
in the others. They all thought I
wanted them to sacrifice their happiness in favor of the others. |
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![]() Macrocosm & Microcosm, while I'm copying from 2 RUOW books on Nov. 24-27, 2011 Beauty on my washing-machine in my bathroom- oranges&figs are gifts, persimmons are bought. Days are growing short around the Arctic Circle,"but we still have Northern Lights to illuminate our village," says Miika Sirkiä from Kittilä in the Finnish Lapland,"Around midnight, the auroras were very bright--enough to turn the river Ounasjoki green," These displays are not caused by major solar activity. Instead, they are prompted by small magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.44 |
p.44 Lost Will has been told to go away but has not known where to go. It has gone into hiding for the most part, allowing Us to notice it only at times. Lost Will has existed like shadows around the ones who have denied it. Judas was a very dark and shadowy figure as were many of the people around Jesus. Jesus sought to gain understanding by letting Lost Will show itself to Him. My hesitation to join Heart with the Rainbow
Spirits gave them more Lost Will than they already had,
but I could not let Myself be free there.
I felt that I had to hold back. It
seemed true to Me at the time that I could even hurt
them with My greater size and intensity. I
held back because I thought it was the loving thing to do, and yet,
I hurt these spirits anyway.
Lost will
needs to move the fear that my actions meant I did not love these
spirits as much as, or in the ways that, they wanted Me to. I allowed a little increase in My light and
watched to see how the Rainbow Spirits responded to it. It felt
good and the rainbow Spirits seemed open to receive Me, but there
was another Lost Will reflection that needs mention now. Because
of the earlier uncleared feelings, the Rainbow Spirits were trying
to prove themselves to Me and I to them. This imbalance caused some
self-consciousness all the way around. Nonetheless, we still enjoyed
Ouselves. |
Nov. 27, 2011 - I was very impressed
by an interview with Prof. Gottfried Schatz in 3 SAT, Sternstunden
der Menschheit, and this is what I found in an article by him, written
10 years ago: What
Mitochondria Have Told Me The origin of mitochondria from free-living bacteria is an impressive tribute to the inventiveness and unity of life on earth. It gives a new dimension to the concept of individuality and answers two age-old questions of humankind: “who am I?” and “where do I come from?” This is what mitochondria answer: you are an assembly of two different organisms that decided to live together 1.5 billion years ago. We know that this assembly is still evolving. Our nuclear genome contains many scattered fragments of mitochondrial genes. These inactive fragments are probably molecular footprints of puzzling evolutionary pressures, which continue to push for even tighter integration of the two partners, perhaps even for a complete loss of mitochondrial DNA. These two organisms, which are us, must still come to terms with each other, they are still trying to sort things out. Each of our cells is an ecological battleground. Mitochondria seem to be quick fighters because the mutational clock of their DNA ticks 10 times faster than that of nuclear DNA. We are not yet the final product. |
These are just a few of the things that mitochondria
have told me. Few human beings I have known have been as profound.
What I have learned from my life in research now enriches me much
more than I had imagined. In fact, this impact still grows as I now
have more time to reflect on what I have found. Is this armchair science?
It is indeed, but I do not see this term as derogatory. Today's
science has become so busy, so competitive, and often so noisy that
all of us should perhaps get an armchair and spend enough time in
it, thinking about what we do. As mitochondria are now trying
to tell their message to the next generation of scientists, they must
do so against a much higher background noise. Those of us who help
shape universities and research policies must do all we can to keep
this background noise down. Noise is the enemy of science: every experiment
is a conversation with nature, and we must be able to hear what nature
tells us." What I heard Gottfried Schatz saying several times in different phrases, is that the purpose of Nature seems to be to create ever greater diversity. This also means, he said, that even an atomary war, designed to wipe out everything known on this planet, would be defeated by Nature, which incessantly invents new ways of life and living. This reminded me of another wonder I learnt about recently: the creatures which live in water deeper that's deeper than 1500 m, where there are neither plants nor oxigen, but they live in symbiosis with bacteria, which turn the hydrogen, freed by volcanos into nourishment. |
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violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p. 46 "Maybe the fear is all in Me,"
She thought. "Maybe I'm the only one that is afraid of it."
She dried Her eyes and tried to smile, but Her face had fear and
uncertainty in it. |
p.46 up My light a little more and watched to see how the Green Spirits felt about it. They had a good response to Me and I felt they were open to receive Me. I asked the Green Spirits to tell Me what problems they were having. Some Lost Will immediately took in the impression that I had invited the Green Spirits because they were having problems. The Green Spirits wanted to focus on something more positive than this fear and so they started out by saying that they were grateful for My presence, and that they loved Heart also. They did not mention the Mother or the Father of Manifestation. I told Myself it was because They were not present, but something in Me was made uneasy by their tone, as though it was all going to be downhill from here. I told Myself that I needed to hear them no matter what they were going to say. The Green Spirits had feelings of rejection that they wanted to talk about but they had a problem coming forward with everything they felt because they were afraid of receiving My rejection. Heart had been a spokesman for them, so I had understandings of how they felt, but Heart wanted Me to get the full picture from them. He could see now, by their hesitation, that they were not going to give it to Me. The Green Spirits were having problems with the Mother and the Father of Manifestation that they needed to mention, but they were too uncertain of how I might take it. Heart tried to speak for them when He saw their hesitation, but His guilt told Him He should not bring it forward if they were not ready to bring it forward themselves. Heart decided to broach the subject by saying that He was feeling better in the company of the Rainbow Spirits than He had been feeling on His own because He had been suffering from what felt like an imbalance between the Mother and I. He said that He did not like the feeling He was having because He was not receiving as much light as He would like to have. He said that He had called Me in because He could not be much help to the Rainbow Spirits when He was suffering from a lack of light Himself. Heart then indicated that He felt guilt for being in the place the Heart of the Rainbow Spirits should have. Heart indicated willingness to give His place to the Green Spirits, but the Green Spirits said they were having a good time receiving the light from where they were. They said they were very much enjoying it that Heart had called this gathering because p.47 it was giving all of them a better opportunity to receive light than when they had been mixed in with the other Rainbow Spirits. The Green Spirits indicated guilt for having said this but they were having the same feelings many of you have had when you have wanted to gather together in the woods without other people around who you feel do not seek the light you want to have. I'm going to give the Green Rainbow Spirits a name now so that I can refer to them more easily. I'm going to refer to them as the Verdeloka, which means that their location in the spectrum of light is green. The Verdeloka then told Me they were still experiencing rejection from the other Rainbow Spirits and that even though they had tried to follow my earlier advice, it had not really seemed to help. "When we tried to love everyone more and wait for them to love us back," the Verdeloka said, "it didn't seem to help. If anything, the other spirits got more angry at us than they aready were." "Maybe it was your expectation of getting love back that made them mad," I suggested. I noticed the Verdeloka grew darker when I said this. I sensed that I had made them mad and that they were trying not to let Me know this because they were afraid anger would be interpreted as not being receptive to Me. I gave the Verdeloka the impression that I did not mind their anger but that it was impossible to pressure others to be more loving than they were. Lost Will received some misunderstandings here that need to be mentioned now. First of all, anger was again seen as not loving and as something that loving spirits had to learn to tolerate in others without allowing it in themselves. This patronizing attitude toward anger has turned it into rage. Heart spoke for the Green spirits again and said that the Verdeloka had fear that they were not getting the flow they needed from the other Rainbow Spirits and that it was very hard for the Verdeloka not to pressure the others to give them what they needed. Heart then said that earlier they had all felt hatred passing through in overwhelming waves and that they were all afraid of what it meant. Heart said that it had felt like annihilation to them and that that was another reason He had called for Me. Heart said that He and the Verdeloka felt like They were being annihi- |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.48 We all felt it was right to go forth, even
if the Ancient Ones were making fun of Us, and so, we did
not allow their reflection to hold Us back. We
had feelings We did not know We had that were giving the Ancient
Ones the power to make Us question Ourselves. We had no
desire to give in to their point of view, but We also were having
a hard time ridding Ourselves of the uncertainty that had arisen
in Us around their emergence. Lost Will has the feelings We did
not move then in the form of people who need the agreement of those
around them to feel that they are right. |
p.48 Heart felt guilty again that He also was
wrongly placing the Verdeloka on the edge of things. He tried again
to change places with them but the Verdeloka wouldn't allow it.
They told Us it was not the same thing to be shoved out as to move
back by choice. Ever since then, most of the Rainbow Spirits
have felt more comfortable in the presence of their own kind than
they have in the presence of other kinds of spirits, but some have
not felt comfortable, even when they have been alone, because they
have a feeling they're being watched by Me. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.50 It seemed perfect to Us that they had emerged
just as we were going forth. We felt like they could help Us. We
had some guilt about it, but we gave them permission to come with
Us if they wanted to, even though we still did not want the Ancient
Ones to come along. We had just settled into Our mode of travel,
which was flying in groups of four, when we were all startled to
see an incredibly bright light coming toward Us from out in space. |
p.50 Just recognizing
the presence of judgments and letting go of the intent to hold them
anymore can allow quite a bit of energy to move, especially
if these recognitions are accompanied by a burst of emotion over
the recognition of something that has been holding yu back. Accompanying
this with increasing freedom of emotional expression will bring
the profound changes that need to take place. Anytime
we have pushed down something that has appeared in Our consciousness,
no matter how minimal its presence was thought to be, that act of
non-acceptance has been Our partici- In facing
My unintentional creations here, I have found that
it is not possible to solve this by trying to get rid of them. Efforts
to be spiritually pure and harmonious have involved so much denial
that these efforts have actually increased the presence of the opposite
on Earth. This has been done by moving more and more of the judged
against essence into the Lost Will without
realizing that the originating points in these patterns must
be allowed to express freely until they naturally come into alignment.
Most spiritual people literally
have a funnel of darkness moving out from behind them that is not
only the ceator of what they most deplore about Earth, but is also
holding them to the Earth they long to rise above because it is
so full of what they want to leave behind. How you really feel
is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. Let
this temporarily, at least, exclude lengthy speeches and emphasize
gutteral sounds. In view of this, understanding is that the
definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that
have been labeled "negative." |
![]() The Sombrero Galaxy-NGC 4594 (M104) Hubblesite.org Exhibited on the Israeli website TheGoodNews on Nov. 27, 2011 |
![]() Coincidence 2 : "The Appearance of Lucifer" Big_Tropicasol_ by_Lucifer4671 In Meshi's e-mail: inviting us to celebrate 7 years of the starchildren's encounter |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.52 They wanted to get out of their bubble, but
they needed some help. We pulled their bubble back as though we
were opening curtains on a stage. The spirits appeared in the middle
and emerged one by one. We gave them names as they introduced
themselves. The Mother was very pleased with these new
spirits and had an immediate love for them. She also feared
that it was not right that they appeared to have no
partners. She did not like it that We had only
male children, and wanted to know why none of the spirits
were taking after Her. She did not want every spirit that manifested
to be Her mate. She felt annoyed, but
did not want to be complaining again, so She ony questioned
Me about Her concerns. |
p.52 All the way along, the Will's response
was thought to be what the Will was. If the Will's response was
judged to be negative the Will was seen as negative, and the essence
giving the response was seen as ngative essence and something to
be gotten rid of All too often, the situation was not examined
for understandings as to why the Will was giving such a response.
Instead, there has been heavy preference in the Spirit Polarity
for suppressing the Will's response whenever it seemed to be negative. as Spirit has a need to see itself and It's creations as perfect, it cannot allow this reflection. There is a lot of denial involved in this narrow view of a perfection that is not evolving and, therefore, not really living. Even though I was able to go on for a long time denying in these ways, I finally had to realize that I was going to die if I did not face Myself here, and it is the same for you. In fact, We have ignored so much for so long that nothing the Will responds to with true feelings is going to feel all positive. The Will has held back so much for so long that has been judged unacceptably negative that its expression, once it really gets moving, is going to make it seem that the judgments against it are true. Your Will is going to make you feel very negative for quite some time. How much negativity your Will gives you is going to be a direct reflection of how much denial you have given it, but negativity needs to be understood now as the Mother of evolution because it points out what needs improvement. The Will has desire to be loving in its response and to do this, it must receive loving acceptance. Where the Will's response does not appear to be loving, it has not been receiving loving acceptance. Negativity from the Will indicates it has been receiving denial and judgment instead of light and love. Negativity from the Will originally intimidated
Me because I thought it meant that the Will rejected Me or something
I had done. Since I viewed Creation as a manifestation of Myself,
I was very touchy on the subject of whether the Will liked it or
not. When there seemed to be so many things the Will did not like,
I preferred to blame the Will for being
negative rather than to look at what it was the Will was trying
to show Me. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.54 The Mother had a feeling of being overwhelmed
by the image of having to make light for all the spirits and give
it to them continuously. "Look at these spirits," I told
Her, "they are not ready to have a relationship such as Ours.
They are like children. They are playing. Imitating Us does not
mean that they understnad what they are trying to do and it does
not mean that they are ready to do it." The Heart Angels had a pattern to their emergence. They had emerged in partnerships which were all interconnected in such a way |
p.54 gap was created by Spirit pushing these feelings away, which meant that the essence then moved out of the spirit Polarity and into the growing mass of Lost Will. The Mother was receiving most of these denials and holding them within Her because She did not know what else to do with them. Spirit Polarity was blaming Her for what was being denied and was not giving this essence any place within Itself. The Mother feared that Spirit was right and that She had originated negativity. The Mother did not like having to receive these denials and hold them, but we were not allowing Her to reflect them back to Us. It was as though we were all giving Her Our garbage and telling Her that it was Hers and that She was responsible for getting rid of it. Since no space that had been opened agreed to be designated as a dump, She had no way to get rid of it. Since We were not allowing Her to reflect any of this to Us, She did not find out that expressing the feelings involved could have transformed this essence into something We all would have liked better. The Mother felt that She had no other option but to hold what She was receiving and try to make the best of it. Since She was being told that She was responsible for it, She felt all the more as though She could not hand any of it back to Us. The more denial the Mother received and held, the worse She felt. The worse She felt, the worse She looked and smelled until I was no longer attracted as I once was, because She was so full of the very things I was trying to avoid. I was avoiding the Mother and pretending I was not. This amplified Her problems by increasing Her guilt and shame and Her feelings of unwothiness and inadequacy to unbearable levels. She was too frightened most of the time to even acknowledge Her rage and blame. Most of the spirits feared the Mother because of what was happening to Her. They shunned Her for the same reasons I did, and misunderstood Her in the same ways that I did.The spirits did not want what was happening to the Mother to happen to them and this was an undercurrent motivation in their efforts to please Me. I wanted the spirits to be receptive to Me and I did not like it when they presented Me with the pretense of receiving Me. In fact, they made Me very angry when I felt that I could not even look around my Creation without having the spirits present Me with phony behavior. I did not move my anger, though. My reasoning was that the spirits were already afraid of Me and that p.55 this was what was affecting their behavior. I believed that expressing My anger would only frighten them more and worsen the problem. Because I did not move my anger here, I was not able to find out that part of the reflection the spirits were giving Me here was the fear that what was happening to the Mother might happen to them if they displeased Me.. the spirits were showing Me that they perceived the Mother's problems to be a result of My rejection of Her but I did not understand it and neither did the spirits. Because We were all so focused on the side of things that saw Her as being rejected because of the way She was, We did not see the possibility that She was the way She was because She was being rejected Instead of bringing everything forward and allowing it movement, the spirits were busy trying not to be like the Mother and I was busy ignoring what was really happening in favor of My images of what was happening. None of Us realized that the cause of the problem could have been solved by allowing the movement We were so busy avoiding and We were not letting Ourselves know that fear was the reason We were avoiding it. Fear, after all, had lacked acceptance in Me from the very beginning and every time I looked at it, it seemed to be getting worse and there seemed to be more of it. Because of this, we all preferred denial. I could not convince Myself to go into this fear until I finally realized what was causing it. Since the Mother received these denials of Will essence, We found it hard to like Her any more than We liked what We were denying. When the Mother could no longer hold what She was receiving, She began to fragment. The essence She couldn't hold anymore began to slip out of Her and manifest in the darkness as an increasing presence of Lost Will. I saw this happening and I at first thought the mother was manifesting spirits without Me. I had blame for Her here but I did not move it; I simply told Her not to have sex without Me. The Mother tried to respond to Me here by holding back Her sexual expression as much as She could. She could feel Me enough to know that I thought She was wrongly manifesting spirits without Me, and She feared that I saw Her as a creator of dark spirits who were not good enough to be accepted by Me. I did not realize that it was my own Lost Will manifesting here, or that it was My own denied blame that was attacking the Mother in the darkness. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.56 These Angels had guardian spirits manifest in their order already, and these spirits felt attuned with parenting roles. The Guardian Angels felt guilty immediately, as though their calling indicated a breech of faith in Our perfection by indicating We needed help parenting the Spirits. The Mother felt they should not have this guilt. She still felt that Heart was not allowing enough room for the evolution She felt was going to be necessary in the Manifested Spirits. The Mother did not believe that help and parenting necessarily indicated shortcomings in the spirits receiving this and She was relieved that some spirits had emerged to help Her do the job. I felt that the Mother's emphasis on parenting
had an undercurrent of lack of
trust for manifesting Creation according to the vision Heart and
I had. I gave Her a nod that let Her know I did not appreciate Her
undercurrent that I was not doing
the job right. The Mother decided to try to wait for a more appropriate
time to express Her feelings. Heart felt the Mother at that moment,
and received understanding that She was
not wrong, but He did not accord Her viewpoint its full validity
then, because He did not like feeling what She felt here.
Heart wanted to hold the vision of the path He saw to be the most
loving, and therefore, the path that looked easiest and most appealing
to Him. I am sorry to have to say to
you now that Heart, Body and I all joined together and blamed the
Mother for everything that did not manifest exactly according to
the way We had envisioned it. The avoidance here
took the form of wanting to go on with the party, without having
to feel the dampening effect of the feelings the Mother was holding.
We asked Her to
put Her feelings aside in favor of Ours. We felt some guilt here.
but We also did not like the feeling that We might have to
put Our desire for joy aside in favor of what
then appeared to be Her continual unhappiness with one thing
or another. She was already appearing to Me, in parts of Herself,
as a continual nag who could not
be made happy no matter what I did. Lost
Will received this and everything else that was not given acceptance
here, including the Mother's fear that She really was at fault. The Ancient Ones had games to show the others,
and the Heart Angels had begun to project their visions in a manner
that could now perhaps be roughly approximated by a multi-media
presentation. |
p.56 The Father of Manifestation had guilt involved in how He felt about the Mother because He had come forth second. He viewed Heart as a child, but He did not view Himself as one. He felt that He was my equal and that I was not recognizing Him in this way. I, however, felt that He was nothing without Me and, therefore, I felt that He was not My equal. I now know it is not possible to manifest without Him, but I did not know it then. The Father of Manifestation was enraged at Me over this, but His guilt and His fear, which He did not want to admit He had, did not allow Him to confront Me directly. Instead, He seemed |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |