InteGRATion into
Close-ups of my Past
2007_07_17: Closeup of the days between June 26 and July 17, 2006
[read again on June 6, 2010, following the re-encounter with the family of Zwi]
"Hidden in Your Face" -
"Hidden in Your Wings" - "Hidden in his Tent"
encoded in the songs: "you
counted my tear" and the second stanza of "I
put my trust in you"
The Shameful
July 11, 2006, My Hidden Orchid I found comfort, then, in this poem by Michael Deshae meanwhile enriched by my tune ![]() Maya Lybrock the little girl on the cover of my novel "Alt-Neu-Land", secretly hoped for help from me. but felt disappointed and turned away. One more reason for me to feel shame... |
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chapter 4:12-13; 20-22; 29 |
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vision: "Gefesselt mit Eisen und
Erz" -"in a band of iron and
brass' ![]() |
second day of a year of not initiating,
if at all possible not even in an interaction,
but being "hidden in the hide of your face"
the hide of your face" - "Under
your wings" - "In
the hide of his tent" - "In
the hide of his hand"
What I do want to do in all the time
which I'll create by not doing, not talking, is:
to feel and move the tiniest shame and put it into my womb.
[See the
attempt to continue the differentiation
between the calling to Hiding
and the calling to know the task of SHAME]
"You are the Ocean's dream
of itself coming into consciousness..... water rising up and walking the land carrying the Light" |
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Sonnabend's Interpretation of Daniel's Vision about Nebukadnezar: "der Tau des Feldes geht über dich hin, du bist reduziert auf deine Wurzeln, darin ausgesetzt dem Himmel, dem Wind, dem Regen - du darfst ruhen in der Nicht-Fruchtbarkeit, sogar gefesselt mit Eisen und Bronze am Boden. Nicht ins Neu-ausschlagen geht deine Bewegung, nicht ins Wachsen; ins Harren und Dasein allein." |
Diary Quotes about the problematics of Hiding:
[I had kept uttering the possibility
that "hiding" might be simply a flight from my fear of shame ,
the fear of feeling ashamed , when sharing or teaching something
and the fear of causing others to feel ashamed because of me, of daring to
So, if I avoid such situations,
I may be foregoing chances to be triggered and heal a hole in my wholeness?
This was the dialog that occurred today, May 31, 2006:]
"You should not judge yourself in either
not when you feel you should hide in our presence,
and not when you feel that you are running away
and not when you feel tempted to show yourself
or to teach others by giving your own example,
and not when you "give in to the temptation"
or if you simply feel that it is right
to create something in the exterior world,
or to engage in an interaction deemed by you as not appropriate at this time".
You leave me floating this way and that way and yet
another way
and do not help me with pointing out the right direction for this time.
"You know very well,
that we are only a sounding board for your doubting and your decisions
Can it not be, dear co-worker,
that your constant doubting,
your torturing ambivalence
is what makes you grow and heal
and heal Creation
at this time?"
No, I can't see that.
"But isn't it so,
that your yearning , your deepest yearning
beyond all doing and creating and initiating and interacting
is and remains
to be hidden in the hide of our face?"
But this can be a flight, a mechanism of defense!
"And if so,
are you not allowed to flee and to creep into your turtle house,
you do not -from there - judge the world
for not receiving your wonderful gifts?"
But I've internalized so much the saying of Jesus:
"Wem viel gegeben wird, von dem wird viel gefordert"
[my translation: "from the one who has
been given a lot, will be demanded a lot"]
"Haven't you given "sehr sehr viel"?
And what demand are you afraid of exactly?
Only from yourself, isn't that so?
"Isn't coping with being in our hide enough to fulfill this demand?
"Isn't your present purpose,
of loving yourself
and feeling wonderful in your Body
enough of fulfilling that demand?
"Go ahead with creating pieces of art,
like you did with the
waste water program,
Wait a while,
until you really feel pushed to send it
and then let go of any expectation.
And be clear, if and what you want to do for your idea - later on - yourself
"And as to the shame and the fear of shame
when exposing your
["see me" - "feel compassion for
me" - "graze me"]
allow yourself to heed the warning of shame and
but if the will prevails to show yourself
and to give others an opportunity to learn and create and feel their power,
then go ahead and move your fear and move your shame.
"There is NO single way of action.
"Now, that you let go of your desert vision
for the time being,
and there is not yet the program with Tomer, if it ever will be,
there are only minute to minute challenges:
doing or not doing,
embrace the challenge, embrace the ambivalence, embrace the doubt.
and trust,
that if you make a mistake
and there will be more pain and shame,
either for you or for others, or for both,
we will be with you
[to transform the frightful into the fruitful]
Diary in Hebrew on June 26,
2006 , and a letter in German on July 2, 2006
about the same experience, the same message...
"Ja, und jetzt? Was
ist jetzt mit deiner Vision?"
July 2, 2006
an English version of this story]
Liebe Irene, Nun ist es genau eine Woche her, dass mir jener Hammer auf den Kopf fiel. Ich schrieb in meinem ersten Brief, dass ich Dir dies noch erzaehlen wuerde. Im Oktober 2005 trampte ich mit einer Frau, die sich als meine Nachbarin vorstellte, und etwa 3 Minuten von hier in Richtung Wueste wohnt: Smadar (=Knospe) Bloch. Nach 2 Minuten fragte sie: "hast du was mit Succah ba-Midbar zu tun?" Sie war dort mit ihrer Geographie-Studiengruppe, vielleicht 1993. Als ich zu Besuch kam (4 Kinder), sagte ihr Mann, Nadav, dass er mich auch kenne. Als ich 1988 im Oktober im Rahmen von "Manpower" als Sekretaerin einer Sekretaerin in "Israel Chemicals" arbeitete, besuchte er seinen Bruder, den Direktor, und redete mit mir. Es war der Monat, in dem ich beschloss, nicht laenger zu warten, bis "der da oben" mir endlich gnaedigst meine Bestimmung mitteilen wuerde, sondern einfach irgendetwas zu machen, was mir wichtig schien fuer die Welt; ---- die Entwicklung von Solarenergie in Israel. Bei jenem Besuch bei Blochs kam auch der Vater von Smadar von unten hoch, Zwi Wiener, so alt wie Rafael jetzt waere (geboren 1922), aus Berlin. Langsam entwickelte sich eine Bekanntschaft, keine Freundschaft, die letztlich - nach seiner schweren Krankheit - dahin fuehrte, dass wir uns wenn moeglich taeglich eine Stunde lang treffen. Bei mir, wenn er Kraft hat zu gehen, bei ihm, wenn nicht. Ich lehre ihn aus dem Opfertum herauszukommen und sich als Meister seines Lebens zu fuehlen und zu verhalten, und fuer mich ist er Resonanz fuer die Dinge, mit denen ich mich auseinandersetze. Und so kam es dazu, dass ich ihm dringend
riet, Dann, nach mehreren Stunden, traf mich
der Nebo Traum, Und als ich dieses mitleidserregende "Absacken"
noch einmal ganz klar durchspuerte, Oder schoener und auch genauer ausgedrueckt, In diesen Tagen habe ich an einer Art Einladung gearbeitet Aber all dies geschah ja nur, um mich verstehen zu
machen, Also mit
dieser letzten Stufe meiner Visionserfuellung - im Zeloten-Tal - |
The continuation of the Hebrew diary on June 26 , a German letter on July 5, and a German-English diary on July 6
July 5, 2006 "Dir, Koenig Nebukadnezar,
wird's zugesprochen; Nochmals Dein Satz: "Was ist das "Herz eines
Tieres"? Heute beim Aufwachen, nach einem entsprechenden
Traum, Ich glaube, dieses Tier-Dasein Nur geht Scham und Angst-vor
Scham, Das ist so zentral-furchtbar
in meinem Leben, |
My translation of the Aramaic text
in Daniel 4:12-13; 20-22; 29 |
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And I suddenly understand the
meaning of three of my desert-songs.
They do not prophesy the realization of an exterior vision, but......
2006_07_19-Wednesday, 8th day of war, 4th day of hiding under YOUR WINGS
"Does what I do or think or feel in this
moment cause me to love myself?"
"Does what I am or do to others help them heal into loving themselves?"
I'll close this imperfect, incomplete page with a
complete composition created in 1985,
in order to support myself in understanding the strange vocation to follow
"Abraham's Bus-Steps",
and re-discovered just now: 2007_07_31
"Der Anfang der Aktivitaet ist die Stille" -"
The beginning of activity is quietness"
"Die ganze Arbeit ist ruhig sein" - "The
whole work is being quiet",
and Frère Roger , the founder of the
"to grasp the quietness, in which one lives in full-ness."
and my
song -How in quietness can I grasp Your full-ness....
for God does my soul wait in stillness"
Nowadays I don't like this unbalanced "stillness"!
And in the Eliyah revelation God is
not "dmamah"-stillness,
but "qol dmamah daqa" - the voice of a fine silence.
"Sound your voice"
[See among the
2013 songs: March Nr. 4 and May Nr. 2]
former accidental closeup of my Pastto
next accidental closeup of my Past