The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all Songs

See below - as on most of the sequential SongGame pages - the inserts of 2009
2009_08_01- Mika's Heaven on Earth

I follow
my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

On August 1, 2009,
I felt free of my compulsive manifesting and completing of ideas
and free to create or not create, complete or not complete.

Except for the 363 (!) pages of K.i.s.s.-Log 2008,
which are mostly "full", i.e. "weigh" between 1200-1300 KBs,
the 365 pages of Song Game 2007 are the most continuous library.

I , therefore, decide to re-employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring
the evolution of my youngest grandchild,
a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be:
to demonstrate by her own living and doing,
how to playfully create from moment to moment to moment.

See, how the coalescence of Mika~her parents~Me~at Shoham ~ began

This thread came to an end - after 17 months - in December 2010 = SongGame July 23, 2007


InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound


Ich wandte mich und sahe
So I return'd and did consider


[also called:
Prediger, Qohelet, Versammler]


Johannes Brahms
Vier ernste Gesaenge
Four serious Songs
Op.121, No.2
While completing the Op. 121 songs
in 1896, Brahms developed cancer .
His condition gradually worsened
and he died on April 3, 1897.

CR's adaptation
of Brahm's tune
to the original
Hebrew text

To give an idea
of the original
I played and sang
the beginning
of the original
song in German

The Martin Luther's Translation, used by Brahms:

Ich wandte mich und sahe an alle
die Unrecht leiden unter der Sonne

und siehe, da waren Traenen
derer die Unrecht litten
und hatten keinen Troester,

und die ihnen Unrecht taeten waren zu maechtig,
dass sie keinen Troester haben konnten.

Da lobte ich die Toten,
die schon gestorben waren
mehr als die Lebendigen,
die noch das Leben hatten;

Und der noch nicht ist,
ist besser als alle beide
und des Boesen nicht inne wird,
das unter der Sonne geschieht.


English Translation, used in English Concerts:

So I return'd and did consider
all the oppressions done beneath the sun,

and there was weeping and wailing
from those that were oppressed
and had no comfort

for with their oppressors there was power
so that no one came to comfort them.

Then I did praise the dead,
which are already dead.
Yea, more than the living
which linger still in life,

Yea, he that is not
is better than dead or living
for he doth not know of the evil
that is wrought forever on earth.

Translation of Martin Buber in "Die Verdeutschung der Schrift", "Versammler" 4,1-4:

Und ich wieder,

ich sah allerhand Bedrueckungen, die getan werden unter der Sonne,

und da, die Traene der Bedruecker die Wucht! und fuer sie ist kein Troester.

So preise ich die Gestorbnen, die vorlaengst starben,

ueber die Lebenden, die annoch leben,

ueber die beiden gut aber hats jener, der noch nicht ward,

der das ueble Tun nicht sah, das getan wird unter der Sonne.

The work of adapting the German text of Brahms opus 121 no.2
to the Hebrew original,
I did on NOv. 30, 2006.
It was then, that I read:

"Song 2 contains a dramatic example of a setting of a "pause."
Just after the words,

"Da lobte ich die Toten, die schon gestorben waren, mehr als die Lebendigen, die noch das Leben hatten; und der noch nicht ist"
("Therefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive, ... and they which have not yet been"),

Brahms places a complete measure of rest for both voice and piano,
and only then,
after this sustained stillness
of the
"not-yet-been" ("Noch-nicht-sein"),
concludes the verse:
"ist besser als alle beide und des Bösen nicht inne wird, das unter die Sonne geschieht"
("better is he than both they, which have not yet been, who have not seen the evil work that is done under the sun")
. "

From my archive 1963- Robert Weltsch about those who have nobody to comfort them.
In 1941 (I think), he - a journalist - had encouraged his fellow victims to turn humiliation into pride:
"Tragt ihn mit Stolz den gelben Fleck" - "Carry it with pride the yellow stain".

Rosh-Hashanah, Sept. 9, 2010
During writing a short letter to Yanina - I felt like looking up the song dedicated to her:
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn" ,
I searched in my list "Bat-Adam's Songs' History" and was struck by the title above the "ve-yibbaqa",
It was the song on this page: "ve-shavti ani".
I recorded it on my Ditigal Recorder and rehearsed it during my walk through the Wadi-of-Compassion to the pool .

Suddenly I was no longer content with the usual meaning of "'ashuqim",
which here means both:
oppressions and the oppressed.
I felt like screaming:
"being oppressed and victimized is one thing,
but being Cain, i.e. being creative but not received, is another."
I was not thinking of myself, for as to myself- I understand the "metaphysics" of it.
I was thinking of ever so many occasions per day, which tend to "break my heart".
"Do you want me to download and send you the movie Simple story"? said Yanina.
[In the original its called "The Straight Story", by David Lynch]
She had used the story and especially the metaphor of the "sticks, which, when tied together, can not break",
as an exercise for her children and grandchildren, when they had all gathered around the Rosh-Hashanah dinner.
"No!" I heard myself saying: "Though I saw the movie twice in the past and still find it fascinating,
I'm constantly overflooded by all the wonderful creations of people - now so easily accessible on the Internet,
that I must - maybe 20 times a day - choose my preference!

This is a little, tiny, inconspicuous demonstration of my "tear of the oppressed":
Since it's a festival,
I did not take my usual backpack to the pool, but my pretty bag-for-festive-events,
which once was created for me by my daughter-in-love, Ra'ayah.
Thinking of her, and especially touching her physical art, I forever feel this pain,
which nobody else in the world seems to feel:
The gifts, that Ra'ayah has to give to the World, - how little of them is received!
Once she - an experienced midwife - wanted to propose private birthing in her home,
being frustrated by what the situation in official delivery-rooms allows for.
But the insurance she had to pay, outweighed the income from her work.
After a year she had to give up.

She also has other talents, which she then began to put to use,
very special kinds of handiwork.
After all her many family members, including me, had received her gifts of art,
there was nobody to whom she could give them any longer.
She started a kind of business.

During a family celebration, someone asked her about a certain wonderful creation.
She wanted to buy it, so Ra'ayah would get a feeling of "business" and self-worth..
My daughter-in-love "sold" it "cheaper" - and even now I feel the tear of this song!





Added on August 3, 2009

"Those who sow with tears...." - see this other song which helped me to stay alive....

Immanuel on Shavuoth 1972, when he was 9 years old and sometimes comforted me, when my depression exceeded my "usual" suffering.
In my archive I saw, that I had used his drawing: "Those who sow in tears, will reap in joy", as the page for copying the following quote:

May 5, 1972: While sitting down for dinner on Shabbat-Eve,
my husband and I took turns every week in reading a quote,
which we deemed relevant - for ourselves as for our guests,
in this case: Nel and Yohanan Wynhoven from the USA

"I had become a part of something that was sliding downhill.
I was living at the bottom of a black pit.
Up above, in the sunlight of civilization
or what passed for civilization,
people ate and drank and made love and laughed and sang.
They knew nothing of and cared less about the carbon-tattooed men
who grubbed in the belly of the earth,
the diggers had crawled and scraped and dies.
What the diggers felt or wanted did not matter;
their anger did not matter;
their deaths didn't matter.
They dug out of the earth what civilization needed,
and civilization went on.

"That was the temper of my thoughts
as I sat on the train with Ben Holt,
and he asked me what was eating me.
"Just thinking, that's all."
"And what will it get you ?"
"Nothing, I suppose.
I listen to Wassilinskin talk about two men beaten to death.
I hear about a senventeen-year-old kit shot through the heart."
"And you're going to weep?
How many tears do you have/
You got one for every man who did in that lousy war
that made you such a hero?
You got a tear for every man who died in a coal mine?
I didn't rate you for a sentimentalist.
I didn't rate you for a weeper? ...
No one lives forever,
but if you want to do anything or make anything,
you got to live for a little while.
Eat yourself up, and you got nothing.
You become like our friend.
He bleeds for every drop of blood that's spilled.
He suffers for every blow that's struck.
How long will he live?
It's destroying him.
He'll make nothing."

(Howard Fast. Power, p. 187.)
My husband Rafael commented after my reading:
"That's quite a change of attitude~~~"



to next song



2009_08_01- Mika's Heaven on Earth

I follow
my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

On August 1, 2009,
I felt free of my compulsive manifesting and completing of ideas
and free to create or not create, complete or not complete.

Except for the 363 (!) pages of K.i.s.s.-Log 2008,
which are mostly "full", i.e. "weigh" between 1200-1300 KBs,
the 365 pages of Song Game 2007 are the most continuous library.

I , therefore, decide to re-employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring
the evolution of my youngest grandchild,
a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be:
to demonstrate by her own living and doing,
how to playfully create from moment to moment to moment.

In the middle of working on this new library and new sculpture I got a phone-call from Lior Oren -
chocking with tears she said:
"Nir Rak is dead!"
And once more I returned to the 99 files of "Walk-about-Love 2009", which accompany the Godchannel files.

August 3, 2009


The wonders of a click on the camera without flash
gave me a gift:
an image of "Spirit" - silvery and grey-white
and an image of "Will" - golden and yellow-white

[see one of the first "sculptures" on Healing-K.i.s.s:
puzzle piece 39: Deity and Manifestation]



My present definition of the conditions for Heaven-on-Earth is:

to feel and sense whatever I feel and sense in every moment:
to vibrate~embrace~evolve what Body senses and Will feels!

to heal & harvest my past, my person's past as creation's past!

to learn and to create whatever I desire to create & co-create!

to love all colors of the ONE rainbow, people~nature~'things'
and to yearn for uniting with a peer, as whole, as unique as I!



While full-filling the first condition moment by moment,
and after having done enormous work on the second one,
(and not only in the specific library: My Life's Harvest...)
I want to dedicate the 365 pages of the 2007 Song Game
to documenting and exploring the 3rd of those conditions,
as demonstrated by my youngest granddaughter - MIKA -
with whom I have the priviledge to spend precious time.



On June 20, 2009,
when Mika reached the age
of 3 years and 6 months,
she began to make drawings,
which "make sense"
also to us grownups.

On July 5, 2009:
"for Imma's birthday"

On July 20, 2009:

"Abba trains with balls"
[intense one hour daily training
following an Internet instructor]

Also in July 2009,
Mika's stories and role-plays
began more and more
to emerge out of the "chaos"
of dream-like sequences
and to take the shape,
which "makes sense"
to grownups.

On the bench in the morning:
talk about "what do you want to be, when you are big", "I want to be a dancer!"
while I explain to her in the words she can understand:
"you shall teach people what to do and how to live,,
to leave behind shi'amum
and reach shama'yim
i.e. zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment!"


August 1, 2009, Shabbat morning between 8 and 9 o'clock.
The great heat of the last weeks is still bearable and we are out on the playground.
Most of the time we talk and tell stories and ...

The Heart
of the
it was completed
and is now one heart
among four hearts
around my neck..

It is a day
of freedom


So why did I loose it
on my way back

from Ireland?]

In the evening, - again:
We are sitting on a bench all alone on a playground.
She discovers the tree, which has these pretty pods.
She stands on the bench and trusting me to hold her,
tries to pluck as many of the pods as possible as once,
one - two, then five, then even seven,
and the moon shines his golden light upon her.




My camera tries to catch her movement without flash



An image from a fairy-tale???

Mystical Mika

"Joi de Vivre"




Reaching for the moon

What is "humor"? and why do small kids have so much of it?
She wanted to see each photo and laugh and laugh and laugh...



Continuation of this composition on the next song-page