The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk
until they change that which is in themselves.

[Qur'an, Sura "The Thunder", 13:13]



continuation from "Noah's Shore"  - 2004_04_19 - continuation to

Updated on January 27, 2009:
though the breakthrough - in which I was rejoicing on this page - happened only in my vision,
but was meant to fail - despite my ardent, superhuman endeavors -,
the prophecy on this page might still come true one day.

56 years of Israel's Independence: April 26, 2004

"The Mount Ararat Evolution"

February 17, 2011:
Like "the Training of Dreamers" on Noah's Shore ,
this breakthrough of my vision has not manifested,
- like most of My Vision about Peace between the Desert Nations and between Wo/Man & the Desert Earth

It is enchanting, that I came across this and the other "sad" page, during the "Egyptian Spring" in the Middle East!

Twenty years ago I began to follow Abraham's footsteps - physically.
Now I understand, why I had to do this in order to realize my dream:
to redeem myself and everyone around me from victimhood
and to grow towards self-acceptance and self-determination ["ribbonut"].

Empowering the self-victimizing, conflicting nations in the Holy Land
will start with the self-empowerment of Ismael, Abraham's firstborn,
i.e. the indigenous, transnational, desert people around the Salt Sea:
the Bedouin will teach us peace between adam and adamah ["earth"]

Back to my first days in Tarabin, Sinai:

On Shabbat, the sixth of July 1996,
my small pocket calender mentions gladly;
"Freidj and I found a place for the pyramidion
[in Hebrew: "ohalah", in Arabic: "rihlah"]
in Wadi M'khaash."

I also mention a sentence Freidj said,
which I made my slogan for Sinai:
"If it's wrong - we go back,
if it's right - we go forward."

Both, Freidj and Auwaad listed many wadis with water.
One of them - Audai-il-badan - I went to explore myself.
How strange, that the "appointed" wadi, Wadi-at-Taulah,
turned out to be waterless...

a Bedouin dress that was given to me
as a gift in Sinai

What I called "Pyramidion" in English, "Rihlah" in Arabic and "Ohalah" in Hebrew,
refers to a mobile hosting enterprise in the desert, based on 1 to 12 pyramidal tents.
[See the nine pages of Desert Vision>The Pyramidion or the Future]

2004_03_16-26; last update: 2004_04_28-30,
following the
"Day of Independence"
as the Israelis call it,
or "Al-Nakba", "The Disaster",
as the Palestinians call it.

Abraham, our common mythical father,
was a Bedouin.
He was not striving for national independence,
but he definitely was independent economicly.
His total self-determination and high self-esteem
enabled him to live in perfect neighborhood with everyone
and to care even for the rotten community of Sodom at the Dead Sea.

Once more : twenty years ago I began to follow Abraham's footsteps literally.
Now I have come full circle to heal the one grave irresponsibility of Abraham,
his lack of parentalness
parentalness, parental responsibility in a literal, not only in a metaphorical sense:
He capitulated to his wife and to his God and evicted his own son: Ismael

The Story of the El-Okbi Tribe in Israel

Noah's DeadSea Vision and the Mount Ararat Evolution

The "SaltSea", as it is called in the Bible,
- located in the Syrian-African Rift , between Jordan, Palestine and Israel -
is not dead, [some dozen microbiotic creatures have been identified in it]
but its salt saturation of 33% represents for me the unwept tears of humankind.

What I envision is, that the SaltSea will heal, as prophesied in Ezekiel 47 ,
not by a heavenly degree, but by the human redemption of our feelings.
[see my research on this chapter]
The pain, fear and shame, ignored, denied, judged and fought-against,
all feelings that are not moved, not breathed, not sounded by Body,
can no longer hold back , but explode in every corner of the planet.
We call it "Terror" and think we can "fight" it.
But the more we fight the pain, fear and shame,
the uglier raises "Terror" its multiple sneaky heads.

Redemption will show, when the feelings will flow,
like the prophesied river from Jerusalem to the Sea,
alive with fish, bordered by trees with fruits for food and leaves for medicine.
[see a verse from Ezekiel 47 in 2012 songs Nr. 10]
See now, after my 75th birthday on August 15, 2013 a symbol for this flowing

and behold, waters trickle

The first result of many individual FEELING REDEMPTION PROCESSES ,
or the quantum-leap, when the critical mass of redemption will be reached,
will be the turn-around from VICTIMHOOD  to  SELF-DETERMINATION.

And the first ones to accomplish and demonstrate this,
will be the indigenous Desert People around the SaltSea,
the BEDOUIN in Israel and in Palestine and in Jordan.

They will become the pioneers of an earth-compatible Desert Hosting Economy
and create cosy oases in many a dry riverbed around the Sea and on its Shores,
for the city people to balance the crowdedness, pollution and noise of their lives
with the Desert's Space, Purity and Silence and the Bedouins' personal hospitality .

Let me talk in biblical metaphors,

Though I was trained in Germany in abstract, linear, "rational", systematic thinking,
studied ancient Latin and Greek and achieved the title of a Ph.D., a Doctor of Philosophy,
it was not the Greek-Western way, which helped me to live my difficult life and vocation,
but the biblical, metaphorical way of presenting situations, and people coping with them.

Therefore - when the end of my mother-task came in sight in 1984 - I suddenly knew,
that from now on I would follow the footsteps of Abraham, and would do so physically.
On the first of the Hebrew/Arabic moon-month Tammuz, 1985, I began my wanderings.

Now, in 2004, and after 150 days in my carved-out cave on "Noah's Shore",
I intuit, that I have come full circle to heal Abraham's lack of parentalness:
He let Sarah, his wife, banish his son Ismael.

Hagar, the mother of Ismael, expelled into the Desert by Sarah, the mother of Israel,
will lead the Desert-People back to economic independence and Abrahamic self-esteem.
They, in turn, will inspire the two nations in Abraham's land to aspire self-determination,
which is the conditon for creating true partnership, true peace, between Abraham's sons.

Hagar and Yishma'el in the Desert, on the wall of my one-room-flat, painted by "Mimi", who took her own life,

Let me say this again in other words.
Following the theft of my solar system by Bedouins on March 18,
and uncountable "accidental" encounters with Bedouins since then,
I came to understand,
that nothing of my DeadSea Vision will materialize,
and "PEACE" will not have the tiniest foothold in these desert countries ,
until the indigenous Desert People, the Bedouins,
will awaken as the pioneers of a Desert Hosting Economy in the land if Ismael-Israel.
Only if "Ismael",
the first son of our common mythical father Abraham,
born of an Egyptian slave woman, Hagar,
expelled into the desert   t w i c e   
by our, Israel's mother, Abraham's legal wife, Sarah,
will base their independence, their self-determination, and their self-respect,
on a new Desert Hosting Economy,
only then will the other peoples in the area, foremost Jews and Palestinians, follow suit:
they will open their eyes and see,
how they have been escaping into the direction of victimhood,
and how they must finally turn around 180 degrees
and head in the direction of self-determination.

"There will be no peace here,

until we, the Jews, will become the guests of the Desert People,

and let them connect us to the earth (adamah).

Once we shall be dependent on them, they will feel equal

and then they might forgive us the expulsion of Ismael."

This was said by the first "Dreamer Trainee", Hagai Lev,
after a series of promising as well as threatening encounters with Bedouins during his training week.

Ahmed Sawarka
It brought back to me the great vision,
which dawned on me during my work in Sinai in 1996:
"Do you want to train
in becoming the owners and hosts
of a mobile desert hosting enterprise?"

I asked several young Bedouins
from the El-Arish Mediterranian area,
who wasted their lives away on the Red Sea,
smoking grass from morning to night.
They wanted very much.
I understood, that this was the time to turn the train around:
people who still live in nature,
and whose sons escape into the cities and get lost there,
will soon understand,
that it's the city that wants to escape to them.
They only have to prepare themselves to host them.


In Sinai I didn't succeed [2014: it was not yet "Right Time"!] in working with the Bedouin who are at home there.
Now, 8 years later in Israel, the "Mount Ararat Evolution" will begin with those Bedouin who still hold on to their land.


From the page "Desert Water Vision - Sinai 1996"

"Rihlah" was coined by Um-Saaleh, whom I met in Tarabin.
Auwaad, her senile husband, was bothering but also helpful.
His wife had a sense of humor, which raised my sad spirits,
and it was with laughter, that she made the connection
between my name Rachel - Hebrew for "mother sheep"
and "Rihlah", the Arabic word for "wandering".

Freidj accepted my general idea and liked my tents,
of which I showed him the design,
but he cast away my sophisticated model
of the central tent for cooking, dining, meeting:
"We'll use a beit-sha'ar, literally a "tent of hair", he ordained.
"A traditional Bedouin tent will help to win over local people
to become owners and hosts of such hosting enterprises!"

A hair-tent is rectangular and made of goat and sheep hair
which can be opened and closed towards the air from all sides.

The upper picture gives an idea of a family "beit-sha'ar".
The one, we later bought in Gaza, was much smaller.
Nothing much can be seen above Ahmed, Aziz and me.
How simple this sounds:
"We bought a beit-sha'ar, a hair tent ."
It was a maddening story like almost everything in Sinai

(See also "Desert Vision">The Invention of the Pyramidal Tent)

The design of the four triangle coat of the tent,
double layered of black and silvery netshade.
It was Uri Shai, my son-in-love, who figured out,
how I could save material and stitching time.



A Story
[as it happened in the Zealots' Valley, on the Day of Independence/Al-Nakba, on April 26, 2004]

I went back to the women's tent to get my sleeping bag.
Fatmeh blessed me for having regained my stolen laptop.
I wanted to leave rightaway, but surrendered to her plea:

"It is a shame for a Bedouin to let a guest go without tea and bread."

While sipping my tea, I looked into her eyes and said;

"Fatmeh! You know, that they don't want me here,
because I let my things be stolen.
They say, they can't take responsibility for me,
and that I should go back to where I came from.
But God is telling me, that I have to be near you, somewhere around you.
So let me tell you now the whole truth, why I came to you two days ago:

"I want your men to not be dependent on the Jews.
I want your women to not be closed-in in their shacks.
I want you both, men and women, to work together on hosting guests,
and doing so for money, in tents that can be moved,
while you yourselves will live in pretty little houses,
in one of all these cosy little wadis around here.
I want you to be independent in making a living
and proud of being the pioneers of a desert hosting economy."

My words poured out as if channeled, and so did her response.
Suddenly there was no problem of language
[just like during the investigation in the Egyptian prison in 1995..]
After every sentence she nodded with excitement
and when I ended, she said enthusiastically:

"Yes, yes, Maryam! This is what we want!
You know we are praying five times a day,
and we always pray for this to come true.
This very morning I prayed for it,
that we may be less dependent
(mit'alqeen) on the Jews,
that we, too, may have independence
that our livelihood and living conditions may improve,
for until now our condition has been very weak."

Fatmeh can neither read nor write,
how would she know words like
"mit'alqeen" and "'istiqlaal"?
I embraced her with all my yearning.
It was the Day of Israel's Independence 2004!
May independent Israel soon enjoy the gifts of independent Bedouins in Israel's desert.

The tiny child can be seen on the bottom behind the quite genuine Bedouin tent.

Why did he have this desert vision in Naharia????

What fell into my hands too, was a quotation from a channeling,
which I was sent in 1988, without having asked for it.
At that time it was one of the 3 events
which pushed me towards the creation of what soon became "Succah in the Desert",
the scientific model of a Desert Hosting Economy which guards what it wants to sell.

Will I now learn to not compose the puzzle myself,
but empower others to put the pieces together?
2014-05-28 - I see, that I've learnt it, though it's excruciating to "wait" till "they" are ready..

continuation to

Lass dir alles geschehn, Schoenheit und Schrecken.
Man muss nur gehn. Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste.
Lass dich von mir nicht trennen.

Rainer Maria Rilke, aus "Gott spricht zu jedem ehe er in macht"

Let everything happen to you, beauty and horror.
One must just go. No feeling is the farest.
Do not let yourself be separated from me.

Rainer Maria Rilke, from "God talks to each one before he makes him"