I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
About 25 years ago
my sister - may her memory be blessed - wrote with a smile: "We understand, that every 5 years
you have to start something new." Indeed, I tried to conquer a formidable
fortification from ever new angles.
This fortification is the
"Cain" in every
human being, who says:
"I am not good enough,
hence I cannot love myself,
hence I suffer and make suffer."
But how can "Cain"
learn to accept himself wholly,
so he wouldn't need to murder Hevel, his brother?
And how can Hevel
learn to accept himself wholly,
so he won't attract perpetrators and victimizers?
At the age of 16 I saw the first facet of Cain as this:
'How frustrated are most people by the job they do!'
In time I succeeded in helping three or four people,
to leave their "jobs" and to find their "vocation".
One night, at the age of 27, I had an overwhelming
It would be my life's vocation to bring together two needs:
the need of wo/man for satisfactory work
and the need of the world for efficient workers.
If the personal need will be met,
society's need will be met as well.
For only a satisfied worker will be an efficient worker.
The abysmal frustration
I had experienced until I had actually discovered my own vocation,
was only matched by the abhorrent frustration of not "being able"
to realize any of its facets.
For many more years~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
First I had to wait until
the completion of my
PH.D. thesis.
When I had finally delivered it to the Hebrew University,
I allowed myself one day of rest among my family.
Then I started with researching "Man and Labor"
towards realizing my dream of a physical situation,
where people could learn, what I would now call:
self-determination concerning their vocation:
A wo/man will find satisfaction
in his/her work,
1) if personal talents and skills are utilized
2) if the work is necessary/beneficial for the world.
I read what little research had been
done on this subject,
I visited every relevant person, institute, authority,
I wrote a deep article for "Ha-aretz",
which wasn't published,
I even registered as a student for "Counseling in Education",
which seemed to be remotely connected to my theme.
But then a human angel appeared on the abyss and said: "Stop studying, get yourself a somehow
related job!"
My husband was not pleased, but I
did not waver.
For the first time I "went out to work",
which was not good for my children,
but it saved their mother from suicide.
The job was, indeed, related:
I was to find jobs for academic new immigrants from East Europe.
The immigrants were placed in "Absorption
Centers" for 5 months.
I worked in Kfar Yona and then in Natanya, altogether for 10 months,
but if an immigrant found a job, it was not because ofmyendeavors!
This was in line with my belief in theirself-determination,
but what about myown satisfaction and feeling worthy?
The reward: I developed
important skills in "handling the world".
And I was pushed into what then appeared to me as a "side-track":
I was asked to teach something I hadn't even learnt at school: "THE HISTORY OF ZIONISM"
Zionism, in its original
sense, means "Jewish Self-Determination".
The physicianLeon Pinsker,
who all his life had advocated "assimilation",
was so shocked by a Russian pogrom in the eighties of the 19th century,
that he left Odessa, escaped to Berlin, hid in an attic, and wrote
" Until when shall
we make ourselves dependent on the Messiah's redemption?
For how long shall we implore the nations to accept us as part of
After 2 months of teaching Pinsker-Zionism
I was finally ready for "action".
I could not teach and preach without applying and walking
my talk.
At that time I didn't know the answer and was frustrated again,
but I knew, I had to do this "first", as part of caring
for my children,
I had to do what was in my power
to give them a chance in their later life to neither kill nor be killed.
It was
not until five years later, at the end of our Partnership
Tour in the USA,
that I matured into the understanding:
No partnership between people without self-determination,
may the people be nations or governments or peace-workers! ["I want peace, but you
don't, so what can I do but keep you in check, by killing or dominating."
"I want to be efficient , but you with your opposition or bla-bla-bla
don't let me, so I go home."]
Self-determination means self-liberation from self-victimization.
It means the path from victimhood to sovereignty,
from playing the victim-role to becoming Master of my Destiny.
I retreated from the world for several
years - to find this path.
peace will only be,
when the negative dependency between Israel&Ismael
will be transformed into a positive dependency,
i.e. a partnership.
Any partnership is based on 3 conditions:
common interest, mutual trust and equality in self-respect.
third condition proved to be the crux of the matter.
My creating in so many deserts
-the Negev, Sinai,
Red Sea, Dead
Sea, -
had this overall goal:
to lure Israel&Ismael into discerning a WORLD CHALLENGE
and into responding to this challenge together,
a challenge so big, that it would dwarf the gap in self-respect: The realization of a nature-compatible Economy
in the Desert.
what IS "Self-Respect"?
Isn't it another word for "Self-Acceptance"?
And if so, how could I fool myself,
that "responding to a big exterior challenge"
could bring about "Self-Acceptance"?
I see
now, through this intense work before the closure of "My Life's
that I lost track of my understanding in 1980 after our Partnership
Tour in the USA:
It is not the lack of equality in self-respect, which prevents peace,
It is the self-victimization of everyone.
And , what I came
to understand truly, profoundly, finally (?) only today:
Underneath the self-victimization of both Cain and Hevel
is the lack of self-acceptance, is the denial of so many parts in
is but one partnership to be brought about:
the partnership between all parts in my own self.
All exterior partnerships with people and nations,
all that "winning over as partners",
all that "converting enemies into partners",
all that "transforming a negative dependency into a partnership",
will follow suit.
are now coalescing into this great song,
which is in tune also
with the creation of my
relationship with my family,
and with the vast areas of my interior struggle and growth:
A passage from the Yellow
Book, "HEARTSONG"[p141,144] which I once learnt by heart, while
walking in the desert:
"I was imprinting CONTROL
as desirable
"Going into imprintings is necessary
now to understand,
how they formed the blueprint of Creation
and how this blueprint can be changed.
Understand that this is not possible
without going through all the necessary steps
If you allow the loving light of God guide your process, it will unfold in an amazing perfection of progression
for you,
and you will find all the understandings you need,
if you give more time to really feeling your emotional movement
and less time to wondering how you are doing.
It is not possible to know in advance of getting there
what it will be like to be healed.
" ...Wishing to already be ....
is a form of self-hatred with a lot of emotion underneath
Four Glimpses into
the Process of my HeArt-Work on
2002; updated: 2003_07_03
When I felt
the need to provide general "background" to sculptures
in the Puzzle Pieces,
I had no idea, that, in fact, I was readying myself to "Drive
Backward" on a large scale.
Most of what I until today called 'Appendices' is about Healing
and Harvesting my life.
is much to harvest from the past,
and standing firmly in the present,
you can reel it all in,
make it your own.
Each event in the past has been an essential step
in bringing us to where we are now.
And where we are now is always the present moment.
"This moment now
is the farthest into the future anyone has ever been,
including me.
Savor it now and use it
to bring yourself to wholeness
by reclaiming all of the essence
you have lost to people and situations in the past."
"Pour produire de bons fruits,
il faut se mettre en espalier
et rester là toute sa vie,
les bras tendus, la bouche ouverte,
et s'assimiler tout ce qui passe,
ce qui est autour de vous,
et en vivre."
Degas: "In order to produce good fruits,
one must stand under an espalier
and stay there all one's life,
arms stretched out, mouth open,
and incorporate all that happens,
all that is around oneself
and live in it."
2003_02_24; last update
When I started this
website, I called
myself "Maryam", which is the Arabic form
of "Maria", i.e. Mirjam, Mary, Marie.
After 9 months I felt, that anonymity was no longer appropriate,
but that I should keep Maryam in the "Puzzle
In my cherished Bible - names
are cues to a person's vocation - which is what "A
Time to Harvest" refers to.
"Maria" was my mother's name and given to me as my
middle name, when I was baptized in September 1938.
For 25 years I was "Eva Maria Christa Guth" People called me Christa,
but when I
became Jewish andRachêl,
I dropped not only "Christa",
but the entire name.
his flight from himself
meets Rakhêl at
a water-well.
Her name means "mother
and her profession is "shepherdess".
7 times in this love story [Genesis
the noun "well"
is mentioned,
and 5 times the verb "to
The sixth time the same consonants Va-YaShQ -"he
watered" -
turn into Va-YiSHaQ
-"he kissed"! "Ya'aqov kissed Rakhêl
and lifted up his v o i c e and
w e p t."
He was not supposed
to marry her,
for she had an elder sister, Leah.
Nor was Rafael supposed to marry me,
for he was already married to a wife.
But in the
book Jeremiah 31,15 it
is Rakhêl,
who represents the Mother of Israel,
and her "vo i c e" of "w
e e p i n g"
has been heard now for 2600 years: "Thus says YHWH :
A voice is heard in Ramah,
lamentation , bitter weeping;
Rakhêl is weeping over her children
and she refuses to be comforted
for her children, because they are NOT."
I discovered this image within the youtube of Hava' Alberstein's
The family name "Guth" (=good) was "naturally"
exchanged for my husband's and his
father's name: "Rosenzweig".
For 17 years I was "Rachêl
Rosenzweig" Since "Rosenzweig" does not
belong to the Hebrew-Arabic world, I yearned to exchange it
for Bat-Adâm already in 1976.
I could do so only on the day of divorce
on April 6, 1981.
Finally the most Jewish nameRachêlhad been integrated with the universal
name "daughter ofadam". Feminists keep asking, why I didn't choose
Bat-khavah [Eva],
without knowing, that in fact I was baptized
also as Eva.
I used to refer to the first of the two biblical accounts of
There [Genesis
1:27] the 'adam'is created 'male and female',
as one. Lately a man, Shmuel Shaul, pointed out
to me, that both terms'adam'
and rachêlare
male in form.
I was stunned, that I had not been aware of this. It was in
Sept. 2003 at the
Dead Sea, the Mother's
specific place.
then people
know me as
"Rachêl Bat-Adâm"
and call me Rachêl.
Up to now they refuse
to follow me further:
is also a dark aspect to the sheep rakhêl,
which I now [2003_05_17]
must bring forward : it is the image and symbol of victimhood. "He
is oppressed, and he is tortured
and he does not open his mouth
he is brought like a lamb to the slaughter
and like a rakhêl
before her shearers is dumb
and he does not open his mouth" This
is said in the so-called "Song of the Lord's Servant",
53th chapter of Isaiah,
which is the basis for the monstrous basic Christian
that "God" demanded the sacrifice to death
of his own "son",
since otherwise "he" could not tolerate and
forgive humans.
I learnt this poem by heart early in my life - in German,
and as soon as I knew enough Hebrew - in Hebrew. I seem to have conditioned myself for this lifetime,
to believe in victimhood
and to apply this ghastly belief,
not in a one-time crucifixion, but day after day of
my life,
so as to FEEL, what it is that has to be LEARNT-HEALED,
so that this planet and its humankind can survive and
In time I could no longer deny the part
in me , that was born and raised Christian and German.
In 1997, while living
at the Red Sea in my
mobile home and having a fictive address in Eilat,
I went to the authorities to add "Christa" to my name,
at least in my identity card and passport.
That's how I sign my name everywhere: "Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam" Adam includes Eva,
but what about Maria? Obviously, the droppedMariaprotested and finally re-emerged asMaryamin the
of "Healing-K.I.S.S.".
Despite the closure of Healing-K.i.s.s. I
want to add today - 2003_10_10 , the Eve of the Succot Festival: "Mar-Yam", as the Hebrew biblical
"Miryam" is spelled
both in the original Greek New Testament and in the Arabic Qur'an,
means in Hebrew: Bitter Sea.
As I said: when I "chose" this name for my initially anonymous
it was simply, because "Maria" was my middle name and also
the name of my mother.
Now - with my ever deeper
connection to the Dead Sea - the name becomes ever more meaningful.
A Hebrew song, popular since Israel's Primeminister
was murdered during a peace rally in 1995, has the line: "when one is sad, one goes to the Sea, that's
why the Sea is salty",
and it makes me cry just to write this here.
It's the metaphor of humankind's sadness, and more specifically:
of Cain's pain of
humiliation and Abel's
panic of annihilation
But the SaltSea, as it's called in the Bible and modern Israel, is
not really dead,
some microscopic creatures survive in its waterwhich
contains 33% of salty minerals (the ocean: 3%!)nonetheless.
Unfolding Oneness and an Open Threesome
and 2 perspectives on my country, 2003_03_21:
the 25km road to Jerusalem towards the east;
viewed from the hill of the Maccabean Modi'in,
inhabited since thousands of years until 1948,
by Jews who over the centuries became Arabs,
their huts and terraced fields still indicated by debris, trees
with figs & (now bitter!) almonds, and the spiky shrubs
of the Sabra-cactus.
2003_03_04; updated
during the War:
2003_03_21; and for the last time:2003_06_27
This website is all about healing, accepting
and evolving feelings,
which is the part of Deity
called "God's Will", or "The Mother".
morning I woke up with unpleasant feelings, as so often.
I focused on my two slogans:
feel, what you feel,
breathe, what you feel,
perceive that you live
as you breathe,
what you feel.
don't exist to fulfill my Will,
rather my Will gives me the chance to feel
and again to will and thus to full-fill.
kind of hugged my body and my feelings
and they hugged ME, saying:
"You see?
The three of us
- your Body, your Feeling, and your Mind which is aware of both
are always with you,
what else do you need to live your life fully and wholly?"
A trickle of happiness started to spread in Body, Will and Mind.
I got up, and as usual ran up my path on my hill
- wet from water - to my figtree,
did a few minutes of strenuous work
- sawing away bad nettles and dry branches,
and ran back, exposing my face to the morning,
and to the brilliant anemones in the fresh green grass
A phone
talk with Tomer's mother
about today's program with my foster grandson,
and then, while opening the
planned page of my local website,
an insight struck me:
I called "Appendices",
presents my attempt to compose the puzzle of my life.
I carved
out this pond in
April 1999,
to catch the sweet water from a new spring.
I wanted to make people float in it and heal. .Instead
my back struck me with such pain,
that I could not even move to pee for 7 days,
The Salt Sea did not like my interference,
nor did the Earth -it caused the spring to die!
And yet another insight
during the intense HeArt-work on Healing-K.i.s.s.
translucent thread through the labyrinth of my experiences is WATER
- Mayimin
Maya in
Arabic -
Water which symbolizes
i.e. Emotions - Feelings - Desires.
Flowing with the Water suits my desire
to "follow
Will's and Body's lead". And since I now
cannot live at my
Salt Sea Springs,
and my self-dug sweet pond is gone,
I run to the pool in my town Modi'in, and now (2007) Arad, to swing and swirl BODY in
the water like a dolphin.
shall draw water
with delight
from the springs
of freedom"
is the first Israeli song and dance
I learnt in 1958,
as a student in Germany (Bible,
Isaiah 12,3) See
Song-Game 2007
"Schoepfen sollt ihr Wasser
mit Wonne
aus den Quellen
der Freiheit"
I am deeply grateful to Immanuel
Rosenzweig, my eldest son,
for having taught me the many skills needed for this website,
and for his animation of Efrat's
idea concerning its entry.
From my present perspective of my past and my future,
the movement of water from above towards water below
the merging of both and their transforming into light
indicates incredible intuition
on the part of both, my son and my daughter-in-love.
[as if the "free space" on this
page , [it's up to 1300 kbs which I allow myself on a page in Healing-K.i.s.s.]
had been waiting just for this STAR 2012
"Do you know, Grandma, what I'll be on Purim this
kokhav-ha-mish'alot - the Star of Wishes!"
Sister Elah and Abba Immanuel and also the neighbor Tzillah,
they all co-create the costume, on Friday February 24, 2012
a day before Mika
will finally visit me in Arad on Shabbat.
These 3 images were sent by Immanuel, later I discovered another one on Elah's
I'm reminded of this drawing, created by Micha,
Mika's uncle, when he was not yet 5 years old.
See in "closeups
to the Past>Micha", there is also the Moses-in-the-ark picture, which
Mika touched, so it fell and I discovered this drawing in the back of it.
March 6, 2012, Shoham
On the Eve of Purim
the last school-day before a short holiday
Efrat sent me these images of
"the Star of Wishes"
July 1, 2013 what does it mean, that I came across this "monologue",
an assignment during the "Mastery" in October 1992,
a workshop with only 8 participants, but 3 facilitators and 10 assistants,
Encouraged by my son Micha and his future wife Ra'ayah
I registered - together with another "big shot" - psychotherapist
Orenia Yannai
(mentioned in "Megilat-Bat-Sheva"
and in Godchannel:expression4)