The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








"AZ NIDBERU" - My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery



October 16

Tishrei 17

59th day of
"having died to

2st day of having died to
"my greed to create
+ Cain's need la-têt"
[but see today's song!!!]
Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Interactions:my neighbor Nizza
was just about to drive to the pool,she let me join her. "O I forgot to close a window, though I turned on the alarm!" [I'm judging her phobia..] I learnt about her 5 daughters: Ilanit, Sharon, Suzi, Keren, Zlil [22, not yet married] .All sleep at Nizza's on festivals
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
the next day

Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may
I don't exist to realize my desires, rather my desires exist to give me reason for creative action and pretext for loving interaction!
I desire to finally die to "my greed to create + Cain's need la-têt to give"
It's joy-full to create, but my compulsive greed to complete destroys my joys
It's joy-full la-têt , but I desire people to love themselves
and not have to defend themselves against my overpowering, overwhelming, overbearing GIVING

[but see the message through today's song: I am NOT to die to greed& need, but to turn it into a GATE!]
What luxury: delighting in the swirling water - alone -
with the sky and the cypresses beyond the open window!

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks again to our metabolism (see clear video teaching!),
the "flow of energy and matter" , which keeps us alive.
The more I learn about you, the less I seem to know:

Socrates: - I know that I don't know
[see a site with Latin phrases]

Time in a Bottle:
"But there never seems to be enough time
to do the things you want to do,
once you find them!"

Though I still feel addicted to my greed to create
I am also immensely grate-full
that I, indeed, did "find the things I want to do",
and that therefore my daily life - from moment to moment -
is "excitement and full-fill-ment".
I go to sleep and I wake up excited with what I want to create on kisslog,
and if I could die to my greed to complete,
I would also go to sleep feeling full-filled and wake up feeling full-filled!


Nourishment from Others

The Wonder of the Byssus

Yesterday I saw a doc in 3 SAT about how the silkworm influenced history.
A part of the doc gave me completely new information about a method of silk production,
which does not kill the animals, though the silk is also produced by animals - by sea-shells!
Today there is only one woman in Italy who still knows the art of working with these shells.
And she, Chiara Vigo, is the one who stands on the beach and sings to the sea,
hoping to prevent from the big fishing-boats to destroy the sea-flora near the shores.

When I woke up and for no reason turned my head to the shelf above it, I exclaimed:
"Oh it is byssus, from what my golden skarf is made",
the golden scarf given-bequeathed to me on my wedding by my mother-in-law, Edith Rosenzweig-Scheinmann, April 1964,
and which - serves as a cover of part of the book-shelf, which I made of junk plates I found outside the house.
[This photo was made a few months after my settling in this castle - when I still hadn't solved the problem of curtains]

It gives me such joy, this scarf, and now even more - since I can associate it with the byssus of the Bible,
which then was intertwined in the building materials of the mobile tabernacle in the desert,
as well as in the clothes of the Levites, the singers, and even King David "cuddled" in it.
And though they say, that the biblical word "butz" , from which the word byssus derives, means fine linen,
and that the sea-silk is called "shesh" ,
the translations are so contradicting,
that I reached the conclusion that it doesn't really matter, and that the point is something else.

The more so, as at the same time, when I was playing with the byssus issue- [as if I had nothing "else to do"...] - ,
the mute scene of the Big Brother House showed the people dressing up in silky dresses , in gold, silver and red,
for some mystical assignment, which I couldn't get.

It seems that the coincidence with the sea-silk phenomenon, about which I learnt in 3SAT yesterday,
- in the context of all the fantastic-artistic materials described in the Bible
( see for instance the description of the place in the Persian palace, to which Ahasveros invited all the elegant world: Esther 1:6)
and finally with the Big Brother Assignment
means nothing but:
"ENJOY to WATCH and SENSE and PLAY with the BEAUTY of NATURE and WO/MAN",

The word byssus is also commonly used specifically in reference to the exceptionally long, fine, silky
threads secreted by the very large Mediterranean pen shell, Pinna nobilis. The byssus threads from this species of Pinna can be up to 6 cm in length and have historically been made into cloth,

IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY:An exceptionally fine and valuable fibre or cloth from ancient times, usually referred to as sea silk, which is made from the byssus of Pinna nobilis. The word byssus (as applied to byssus cloth) appears in the Greek text of the Rosetta Stone , although this may possibly be a reference to fine linen cloth

The word byssus, plural "byssi", derives from the Hebrew bus 'fine linen,' Aramaic bus, Greek byssos– 'a very fine yellowish flax and the linen woven from it', Latin byssus – 'fine cotton or cotton stuff', 'silk' and via New Latin to 'sea silk
[edit] Formation of byssus in mussels
Many species of mussels secrete byssus threads to attach themselves to rocks and other hard surfaces.

When a mussel's foot encounters a crevice, it creates a vacuum chamber by forcing out the air and arching up, similar to a plumber's plunger unclogging a drain. The byssus, made of keratin and other proteins, is spewed into this chamber in liquid form, and bubbles into a sticky foam. By curling its foot into a tube and pumping the foam, the mussel produces sticky threads about the size of a human hair. It varnishes the threads with another protein, resulting in an adhesive.

Byssus is a remarkable adhesive, one that is neither degraded nor deformed by water, as are synthetic adhesives. This property has spurred genetic engineers to insert mussel DNA into yeast cells for translating the genes into the appropriate proteins.

History of sea byssus cloth [written in August 2002]
not only were molluscs used to dye cloth,
they were also used to manufacture cloth.
ancient artisans used the fine strong bysus threads
of the noble pen shell to manufacture the legendary
sea silk.
fine white linen
very little attention to detail and non consideration
of the full context of all of the uses of the word 'byssus'
has led to the fact that 'byssus' cloth has become a
legend, a tale...
we cannot be certain about the material described
with this term in so many historic texts.
the words used in the originals are often greatly
obscured through the inconsistent variations of
the translators.
two qualities of the 'byssus' are specially marked
as characteristic in 'exodus' (old testament) :
clothed in pure and shining linen.'
... 'she should be arrayed in byssus vestments,
shining and pure; for the byssus vestment
is the righteousness of the saints.'
In the bible the term 'byssus' is used for
the fine white egyptian linen - a plant filament
and not obtained from mollusks filaments !
! -
called in the earlier writings 'shesh'; 'pesheth', 'flax',
'cadhin'; 'othonion', 'linon', 'sindon'

the pen shell is dug into the oozy-sandy base
with a third of its valve by its sharp pointed end

the pen shell (pinna nobilis) with
tuft of silky byssus threads

sea byssus manufacture in sardinia (sant'antioco),
1920 ca.
courtesy museo etnografico, sant'antioco

raw sea byssus threads and byssus filaments

chiara vigo in sant'antioco, sardinia
is one of the few women today, who are
still manufacturing byssus cloth.

Esther 8:15
And Mordecai went forth from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a rob of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan shouted and was glad.

"And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen butz
and all the Levites that bore the ark,
and the singers,
and Chenaniah the master of the singers in the song;
and David had upon him
an ephod of linen bad
[i.e. "butz" is "fine linen" and "bud" is "linen"??????]
See another verse in which the singers are dressed in Butz:-byssus Chron.II 5:12
Especially interesting is the joinder "haevle-butz " in Esther 1:6
"bordered with cords of fine linen and purple"

[The next day, Oct. 17, I completed the page of Sept. 27 and inserted "eshet hayil" and read -in Buber's translation: "Byssus ist und Purpur ihr Kleid". In this case the Hebrew word is not "butz" but "shesh"!]



In my unsystematic research concerning the 2Hebrew words which could mean "Byssus, the sea-silk",
I also found the composition "shesh meshuzar", in all the 8 verses translated as "Fine twined linnen" while Buber-Rosenzweig translatde "gezwirnter Byssus"

Accidental photos - partly from the TV screen , partly from the online video - of the Big Brother people dressed up in silver, gold and red
exactly at the time of my play with "Byssus" in the context of exotic beauty in the Bible:

the actors I caught here: Shai, Leon, Shifra, Ranin




I remembered that I took pictures of the scarf some 6 months ago,
when little Lior helped me to remove all the books from the shelf,
so us to be able to thoroughly clean the corner around my mattress
but when I couldn't find the photos on kisslog,
I decided to take off the books and "free" the scarf once again...
- the dust on the "shelf" shows how necessary this was anyway...










And now comes a veritable orgy with my golden byssus scarf
- held with one hand against the sky, photographed by the other



Nourishment via TV

While eating my lunch, I zapped into a movie, a "usual" love-story,
but in an unusual setting - among the Sámi people in North Norway,
on the background of a problem which I know all too well from Israel:
the nomads - be they Sámi or Bedouin - are pushed back by new settlers

3 SAT: Laila - Liebe unter der Mitternachtssonne
Laila, 1958, Sweden, Director Rolf Husberg

Nordnorwegen an einem kalten Wintertag:Das kinderlose Paar Aslak und Elli findet im Wald ein verwaistes kleines Mädchen namens Laila. Ihre Eltern, weiße Siedler, sind tödlich verunglückt. Aslak und Elli, zwei Samen, nehmen das Kind bei sich auf und ziehen es als ihreTochter groß. Laila wird eine schöne junge Frau. Als sie im heiratsfähigen Alter ist, hat sie zahlreiche Verehrer, darunter auch den reichen Mellet. Lailas Vater Aslak möchte unbedingt, dass die Verbindung zwischen Mellet und Laila zustande kommt und seine Tochter richtig heimisch wird in der Welt der Samen. Deren Lebensraum wird immer stärker eingeschränkt durch die Ansprüche der Siedler. Diese kaufen das Land, zäunen es ein und nehmen damit den Samen, die als Nomaden leben, die Freiheit, mit ihren Herden auf alten Wegen ungehindert durch das weite Land zu ziehen. Misstrauisch beäugt Aslak daher das offensichtlich beidseitige Interesse, das Laila und der norwegische Kaufmann Anders Lind für einander hegen. Tatsächlich ist Laila unsterblich in Anders verliebt. Mellet bleibt das nicht verborgen: Er ist rasend vor Eifersucht und zu allem bereit, um Laila für immer zu besitzen.
"Laila - Liebe unter der Mitternachtssonne" entstand 1958 als schwedisch-deutsche Koproduktion und ist eine romantische Liebesgeschichte, angelehnt an den Roman "Laila" von J. A. Friis. Die Kamera führte der Schwede Sven Nykvist, der als Kameramann von Ingmar Bergman Filmgeschichte schrieb. "Laila - Liebe unter der Mitternachtssonne" wurde komplett digital überarbeitet, sodass die Schönheit der Landschaft hervorragend zur Geltung kommt.




Song of the Day
Hebrew- English lyrics
adapted to the Mongol song at the end of
"The Camel's Tears"

elohim at
alaikh le-rappê
ha-bri'aah kula

all the rays
that you have denied

Love yourself!
then you'll love
everybody else.

Greed to create
Cain's need la-tet
turned into a gate:
blessings will be great.
[I'm still working hard on internalizing the Mongol tune, hear it tomorrow!]







October 16

Tishrei 17

59th day of
"having died to

2st day of having died to
"my greed to create
+ Cain's need la-têt"
[but see today's song!!!]
Actions:  To the pool (2) climbing up and down the Wadi of Compassion
Garden: watering
Kisslog: healing-creating
TV & Internet: learning
Preparing food. Cleaning
Interactions:my neighbor Nizza
was just about to drive to the pool,she let me join her. "O I forgot to close a window, though I turned on the alarm!" [I'm judging her phobia..] I learnt about her 5 daughters: Ilanit, Sharon, Suzi, Keren, Zlil [22, not yet married] .All sleep at Nizza's on festivals
Parting from
my obsession
to complete

this page---
the next day

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8