The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"

InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Fine-tuning to my Presence



What are the Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth?




No title, no name

I just rediscovered two sculptures, which could symbolize both:

the despair, that "Heaven-on-Earth" will never manifest for this mother and her child.
and the yearning for "Heaven-on-Earth"
projected on someone who would come from above.

How did I come across these sculptures?

On August 30, 2006,
I hitchhiked to "Grandma-Day with the Quartet" from Arad to Mazkeret Batya,
and one driver, Uzi Halamish from Kibbutz Dvir,
took me to the Bedouin Museum of Lahav, of which he is the manager,
that famous museum, which I had never had a chance to visit,
despite all my creating and learning with Bedouin.

But my camera stopped working ....
after I had marveled at these two (non-Bedouin) sculptures.
Esther Altermann, Metzappim, [=people who are expecting something]



What has been my daily, most sung song

ever since the process of its creation was completed on June 14

- has changed

from "I love you, God " to "I breathe you, God" and "I manifest you, God":


See, how the following came to light again
on June 21, 2009 in puzzle-piece 30,
Unconditional Love:

On August 12 a year ago I wrote in my diary:

I need to listen to this also in English:

"Tzippi :
"I want satisfaction through what I feel,
not through doing!"

This is quite a revolution for someone like me
who has always defined "satisfaction through creation'
as the goal not only for myself,
but for the "Cain" in each of us."


On the side-lines:

This is also in my reality and needs to be turned into HoE:
"SAT 3, Auslandsjournal: Business with Garbage"
Every person in Europe produces 10 kg garbage per day.
Some countries,
esp. Germany are very careful with recycling,
but there is also the naivite of giving old clothes
to the Red Cross etc.,
from where it is sold to Africa, which means:
" wirtschaftliche Entmuendigung",
i.e. robbing them from economic self-determination,
since local textile production has no chance,
when old dresses cost one third of the cost of new ones.

But my way of not wasting clothes or food
and of not buying anything unnecessary
is not helpful either,
because what would all those who produce goods do,
if everybody was like Me?

This whole issue of production-consumption
must become an issue of Heaven-on-Earth!


On March 31, 2007 my usually quite cool neighbor Nizza called me: "See this miracle growing out of the wall!"

Having been taught, that it is myself, who has to create Heaven-on-Earth,
I am focused, concentrated, one-track-minded on my desire to understand
how I want Heaven on Earth to be
(beyond the "banalities" of "no sickness, toil nor hunger", peace, security etc.).
Because if I don't know, what I want, how can I create it?

I know, that there is a basic condition,
which has to do with GRATE-FULL-ness.
I can sense, feel, even think it, but I cannot hold on to it,
not really express and demonstrate it.

Of course, when focusing my intention with such intensity,
I get help.
Enormous help came to me two days ago
in the pretext of a congratulation to my 69th birthday,
which will occur only tomorrow.

The one, who called me prematurely - via "Skype" -
was Yaacov Hayat, my "twin-brother", 19 years my junior.

The song that created itself
out of that - actually very distressing - experience with Yaacov's life -
keeps elating me ever since:



Heaven on Earth means "SOVVA"

feeling satisfied, feeling full-filled.

From a letter to my "star-children", August 11, 2006

The "Calaniot" did not content themselves with growing where they were planted.
They crept under the stones of the wall and blossomed among them in perfect harmony.


Television- 3 SAT


In the doc. about the land of the Cathars the central figure is a man,
whose job it is to take care of ships passing a sluice in the Canal du Midi
["Im Katharerland fließen die Wasser von Mittelmeer und Atlantik zusammen:
Der Canal du Midi verbindet beide.
Wir begleiten einen der letzten Binnenschiffer auf seiner Strecke
zwischen Castelnaudary und Narbonne"]-

This gives him a lot of free time,
which he uses to make fantastic sculptures of old rusted iron,
and other discarded stuff, of which he has a whole depot, including a toilet,
which he intends to convert into a sculpture of Rodin's "The Thinker".
This man said towards the end of the doc., while working the sluice:
"I frage mich mein Leben lang, warum ich ein solcher Glueckspilz bin,
immer bin ich auf Urlaub."
"I'm asking myself all my life, why I am such a lucky guy,
always on holiday!"

Art in Heaven-on-Earth
"Hexenkuesse" --"Witch-Kisses"
Zauberhafte Komödie, Deutschland 2005 ,Johannes Fabrick

a movie which proves,
that it is possible to create a funny and exciting drama
which does not need villains or the usual "big" issues

wenn ich meine Kraft nicht "runterschlucke" (u. dann Schluckauf bekommen und sofort etwas Boeses durch mich passiert,)
sondern annehme,
sie zu meiner verbuendeten mache,
dann kann ich mit ihr Gutes bewirken,
Menschen zu sich selber fuehren.
... Bevor Sophie aber begreift, dass sie die Fähigkeit besitzt,
anderen dazu zu verhelfen, sich selbst zu erkennen,
muss sie zunächst selbst ihr wahres Ich entdecken.
Und das ist, im Eifer des Gefechts, leichter gesagt als getan. ..
.... Sophie suspects that her powers have returned
– and that if they're subconsciously aimed against her husband,
maybe it's her marriage that needs a dose of magic ...

My recurring question is, how can "ART" function in Heaven-on-Earth?
It seems to me, that most art-works feed on the sadness, even the wickedness of Man.
I am, therefore, extremely awake to discern artists, who are the forerunners of Heaven-on-Earth.

I, myself, felt joy, when I - on the song-page for my grandson Alon's birthday - succeeded in converting the sad lyrics of a song into happy lyrics.




I'm not yet closing.
I want to insert the research I did on August 4,
in order to find the right Hebrew term
for Feeling-Full-Fill-ment
(German: "Erfuellung Fuehlen")


Daniel 7:11 [translation:Buber]
Ich schaute, schaue,
dem schall der grossrednerischen Worte zufolge, die das Horn redete,
ich schaute, schaute,
bis das Tier getoetet war, sein Leib vernichtet und der lohenden Glut uebergeben

Daniel 3:27-28
Da nahte Nebukadnezar dem gluehenden Feuerofen, er hob an und sprach:
"Schadrach, Meschach und Abed-Ngo,
Knechte des hoechsten Gottes,
tretet hervor und kommt!"
Nun traten Schadrach, Meschach und Abed-Ngo mitten aus dem Feuer hervor.
Und es versammelten sich die Satrapen, Vorsteher und Viztume und Ratgeber und Minister desKoenigs,
anzusehn diese Maenner,
ueber deren Leiber das Feuer nicht Herrschaft hatte,
und nicht war das Haar ihres Hauptes versengt,
und nicht waren ihre Maentel versehrt,
und Brandgeruch war an sie nicht gekommen.

Nebukadnezar hob an, er sprach:
"Gesegnet der Gott Schadrachs, Meschachs und Abed-Ngos,
der seinen Boten sandte und rettete sein Kneche,
die sich auf ihn verliessen
und das Koenigswort uebertraten
und gaben ihre Leiber hin
dass sie nicht allirgend einem Gott dienstbar sich neigen,
ausser ihrem Gott!



I must become clearer about the relation of this term and the term "sovva" and "full-fill-ment"
Am I allowed - to leave this page in confusion?




Continuation of The Founding of the "Architectia-Band"
and the synchronicity of having learnt about "Human Towers" or another way of "Body-Building"

I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,

  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.
Here I'm inserting a series about Human Towers, or (my term) "Body-Building,
which became so important on Grandma-Day with the Quartet , July 18, 2009,


La Unió

La força


El Castell

El Folre

El Valor



Els Timbals

La Gralla

la pinya

la seny

Is it by chance, that the human tower appears on the background of "The Place of the Constitution"?

[again: see an intro to this kind of "Body-Building" and links to images and videos at the end of "The Four Starchildren, page 2"]


to former sculpture of my present to next sculpture of my present