I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
Sunday (Eastern for Christians),
- at Arad
modified on Febr. 20, 2013, my mother's death-day 1985, after I received
a threatening letter from the lawyer of my former friend RC (the opposite
of CR=Christa-Rachel)
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
may! 7:35 I desire to create my breath-to-breath
through finetuning
to the most minute situations of my present
as well as through closeups
to ever new perspectives of my past,
while constantly and continuously wombing in my womb of compassion
- Immanuel's family
and all humans who still need Shakespearean dramas for their
of the day :March 5 in the jacuzzi, March 21 self-portrait
I give thanks to my mother, who in times of excruciating hardship
(evacuated , alone with 3 small kids, her soldier husband
utilized the pond - at not too far a distance from our shelter-village
to teach me to swim,
while asking me to trail behind her, clasping her loins with
my hands.
And later, back in the city - when there was hardly money
for food,
ordered us to walk 1 hr to the summer pool, to & fro,
no money for tram [unaware, that we had to pass under bridges,
where men exhibited their cocks],
and later, when a covered pool opened, she made us benefit
from that too.
June 1952,
Killesberg amusement park,
Stuttgart, Germany,
my sister Ursel (1939-2004)
and I (born 1938).
We could not afford such a posh pool,
but my soldier-father had a "Bursche",
probably a kind of personal slave,
who stayed alive and visited us
and invited us to the Killesberg,
driving us there with his car,
a feat in itself...
One of the gifts,
that were put into my lap
during my difficult childhood
and youth,
was an invitation
to spend a holiday
at the Lake of Constance.
The idea to add these old water-photos to
the "water-altar" above, came to me during the day,
but the sculpting I carried out only the next morning. What has created itself here?
The composition tells volumes about the war, which left me father-less
and my mother close to mentally sick,
and the atrocious inequities, which were executed in my own town, while
I was too young to be aware of it.
After the Shabbat break I'm yearning
to talk to you!
"So am I!"
I haven't coped very well with my
self-"afflicted" assignment,
have I?
I slipped back into feeling dumb and unable to grasp technical
and the rest of energy I wasted on blaming that tutor of "Audition
for not teaching the skills that an amateur needs, but assuming
I know.
And instead of breathing, moving and sounding those blocking
I became stubborn/obsessive & continued to study those
"bad" lessons.
"All this is exact and I'm
grate-full that you are so aware of it!
'The way is the goal!' and since you set up yesterday's routine
not as a one-time exercise, but as a way to live every Shabbat,
- I quote you - "on which no events or people are expected
" -
you'll have plenty of opportunities to full-fill your intention.
And now, please give me feedback to the input I sent you!"
Yes, this was of amazing help and comfort.
When I came back from the noon-pool and as usual opened TV,
while preparing lunch and eating it,
I walked "el
Camino de Santiago", the "Jakobsweg",
or James Way,
with the Austrian actor Ulrich
and opened ears, mind and heart wide, when he
that when it became difficult (during those 800 km of walk),
and he felt "Kampfeslust", i.e. "the desire
to fight",
he became cautious,
because that wasn't what his pilgrimage was about.
muss das schaffen - wenn dieser Gedanke aufgetaucht ist,
hab ich gedacht: Achtung! Weil ich muss das überhaupt
nicht schaffen. Dann hab ich mir gedacht: Wie wär’s
mit scheitern?
Wie wär’s, wenn ich mich hingäbe, wie wär’s,
wenn ich aufgäbe?
Dann hab ich plötzlich die Kraft gemerkt,
die in dem Gedanken liegt, ich könnte aufgeben.
Mir ist klar geworden, ich will den Jakobsweg nicht erkämpfen.“
"I have to make it - when this thought appeared,
I thought: "Be careful! For I don't have to make it at
Then I thought: what about failing?
What would happen, if I would surrender,
what would happen, if I gave up?
And then I suddenly sensed the strength,
which is in the thought, I could give up.
It became clear to, that I don't want to fight for the James
I wished I had this understanding,
when I was on my own pilgrimage
in the Pyrenees.
I almost perished because I could not surrender in time....
"But now you can.
You could let go of your "big"
quest, you chose "Nebo-let-go",
and yesterday - thinking of Reinthaller all the time while
fighting -
you could give up, let go, without feeling defeated."
I'm not so sure about
that - I did feel defeated.
But I was content, even proud, that I could let this guide
'What about failing? What would happen if I gave up?'
And I could identify with him in feeling the strength that
comes then.
from the pool at 9:50
I had so many things in my mind, which I wanted to do all
at once,
and then - there was an unexpected visitor -a little "flower-queen"-
Lior - li-or
-to me is light, I have light,
my landlords' daughter.
I was delighted to see you using that chance so well,
without judging yourself for the feeling: I would prefer to
"Not, if you are aware and accepting of the ambiguity
of your desires,
and ~ not "but"! ~ choose one of them wholeheartedly
It's like with the "Spanish Pilgrimage Dilemma":
fighting or giving up?
And then, when you are aware and accepting of both choices
- not being blind to one because of a pattern called "Kampfeslust"
you will choose what is right for you and put your heart in
it. "
"I'm glad you see that,
but you may still allow yourself to elate in "following
a quest",
be it a nano quest,
like reaching a certain degree of technical mastery in editing
or be it OUR QUEST ,
which strives to cause a quantum leap in evolution:
How to live Heaven-on-Earth, feeling Full-filled,
not by being a spectator of Shakespearean dramas,
but ----
and it's our quest to conceptualize and communicate this."
Yes, this was also a relevant reminder via TV yesterday:
Shakespeare's Much
Ado about nothing
I'm no longer interested in watching big dramas.
But because of the talkshow which was to ensue it,
about "Shakespeare and Love",
I also saw the movie.
"Sh. has said nothing about what happens to love after
5 years.
Because happiness is boring, you can't
bring it to the stage."
I've been watching art and artists
for a long time - with pain!
Isn't art also prolonging the human predicament,
for so much of art is "parasiting" on it?
Let's asume , WE reach the unreachable star,
what would art be like?
"Do you think,
little Lior's decoration of your veranda table ,
her careful, artistic ordering things everywhere, is not art?
And your documenting, sculpting and composing is not art?"
It's not causing people to read
it as a book,
to go to a museum to enjoy it,
to watch it as a theatre play, an opera, a movie.
Aren't people reading, watching art, calling it "entertainment",
because they are not yet able to create their own lives as
Bis ans Ende der Welt - Till
the End of the World
Auf dem Jakobsweg mit Ulrich Reinthaller
„Jeden Tag hat sich der gleiche Vorgang wiederholt. In
der Früh gehe ich nach Westen, die Sonne ist hinter mir,
vor mir mein Schatten. Im Lauf des Tages wird der Schatten kürzer,
und am Ende des Tages gehe ich ins Licht. Das Bild eines Menschenlebens.
Man überholt seinen Schatten und geht am Ende des Lebens
zu auf eine feinstoffliche Welt.“
Es sind Beobachtungen und Gedanken
wie diese, die für den prominenten Schauspieler Ulrich
Reinthaller das Besondere am Jakobsweg ausmachen. Viele Pilger,
die sich auf den Weg ins spanische Santiago de Compostela begeben,
wo der Legende nach der Apostel Jakob begraben liegt, geben
als Motivation an, die Begegnung mit Gott zu suchen. Nicht so
Ulrich Reinthaller:
„Wenn Gott aus allem ist
und überall, dann kann ich Gott nicht begegnen, weil er
ständig da ist. Gottsuche ist für mich irrelevant.
Ich suche nicht nach Gott.“
Ulrich Reinthaller suchte
etwas anderes, als er sich vor drei Jahren auf den Jakobsweg
machte: „Ich war am Ende
meiner Ehe, habe meine Ehe in Brüche gehen gesehen. Und
ich habe mir gewünscht, im Gehen Klarheit zu gewinnen.“
Heuer hat sich der bekannte Schauspieler
erneut auf den Weg nach Santiago de Compostela gemacht. Und
diesmal hat ihn ein Fernsehteam auf einem Teil des Weges begleitet.
Ulrich Reinthallers zweite
Pilgerreise stand unter dem Vorzeichen der lebensbedrohlichen
Krankheit seines Vaters: „Ich
hatte lange Zeit große Schwierigkeiten mit meinem Vater.
Auf dem Weg ist meine Vater-Sohn-Beziehung heil geworden, weil
ich Liebe strömen gespürt habe, die sich nichts zurück
erwartet hat.“
Ausgehend vom lieblichen
Städtchen Puente la Reina begleiten wir Ulrich Reinthaller
auf dem Weg durch das Weinanbaugebiet um Estrella Lizzara, das
entlegene Bergdorf Villamajor de Monjardin, zum düsteren
mittelalterlichen Kloster Juan de Ortega mit seiner Pilgerherberge.
„Ich mag die Pilgergemeinschaft
nicht“, sagt Ulrich Reinthaller
unmissverständ-lich: „Ich
hab sie vermieden, wo immer ich konnte. Es wird sehr viel geredet,
und ich mag das Schweigen. Es ist ein riesiges Ablenkungsmanöver,
das Gerede.“
Dem entsprechend ist Ulrich
Reinthallers Pilgerreise eine einsame. Bis auf jene in Juan
de Ortega vermeidet er es, in Pilgerherbergen abzusteigen:
„Pilgerherbergen sind für mich keine gute Erfahrung.
Das hängt mit diesem Dogma zusammen, dass Armut eine Tugend
sei. In den Herbergen geht es schlampig zu, laut, schmutzig,
schimmlige Wände, schlechtes Essen. Ich möchte diesen
Weg jedoch in Fülle gehen. Die ganze Erde ist in einer
kolossalen Üppigkeit. Es gibt soviel, über das es
sich zu freuen lohnt.“
Der Film belegt Ulrich Reinthallers
Aussage durch Bilder von ausgesuchter Schönheit, etwa von
der Kathedrale in Burgos:
„Ein Baukunstwerk, das ich
mit keinem anderen vergleichen kann. Seine Schönheit ist
überwältigend - da steckt „Gewalt“ drinnen.
Die Frage scheint nicht mehr gestattet, ob das alles mit rechten
Dingen zuging. Woher kam der Reichtum, wie viele Leute haben
dafür sehr gelitten?“
Ulrich Reinthallers Wahrnehmung
schwankt immer wieder zwischen Bewunderung und Kritik:
„Ich stelle den Geist infrage, aus
dem heraus das alles entstanden ist, ein Geist, der nicht friedfertig
war. In fast allen Kirchen sind Darstellungen des Heiligen
Jakob als Maurentöter zu sehen. Und das wird heute angebetet.
Die Pilger beugen das Knie vor einem Jakob, der angeblich aus
dem Grab heraus mitgeholfen hat, 60.000 arabisch stämmige
Menschen zu töten.“
In Astorga erheitert Reinthaller
ein Bauwerk, das gewissermaßen die Antithese zur prächtigen
Kathedrale von Burgos darstellt
: „Der Palast von Gaudi hat
das, was ich an Kirchen oft vermisse, das Spielerische, Kindliche.
Mit diesem Lachen des Gaudi ist eine andere Leichtigkeit eingetreten.
Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt hab ich gedacht, ich werde
Doch zuvor muss Ulrich Reinthaller
noch den „camino duro“ bewältigen, den „harten
Weg“. Er führt lang und steil bergauf, eine echte
Prüfung für das Durchhaltever-mögen des Pilgers.
Aber Ulrich Reinthaller entzieht sich diesem Anspruch der Härte:
„Ich muss das schaffen -
wenn dieser Gedanke aufgetaucht ist, hab ich gedacht: Achtung!
Weil ich muss das überhaupt nicht schaffen. Dann hab ich
mir gedacht: Wie wär’s mit scheitern? Wie wär’s,
wenn ich mich hingäbe, wie wär’s, wenn ich aufgäbe?
Dann hab ich plötzlich die Kraft gemerkt, die in dem Gedanken
liegt, ich könnte aufgeben. Mir ist klar geworden, ich
will den Jakobsweg nicht erkämpfen.“
Nach insgesamt rund 800
km ist das Ziel erreicht - und auch wieder nicht
: „In Santiago angelangt,
spürte ich eine Emotion, die sehr innen war. Ein Friede,
ein Selbstverständnis. Keine Euphorie. 2004 hab ich das
ganze Spiel mit den Stempeln mitgemacht. Ein bisschen wie Briefmarkenkleben.
Für genügend Stempel bekommt man den Erlass aller
Sünden. Ich kann das nur mit Distanz betrachten.“
Wie viele Pilger, geht Ulrich
Reinthaller diesmal weiter, von Santiago bis ans Meer, bis nach
Finistere, was so viel heißt wie „das Ende der Welt“,
wo er die Jakobsmuschel, die ihn den ganzen Weg begleitet hat,
ins Meer wirft.
„Es hört nicht auf.
Man fliegt wieder nach Hause, und man bleibt in Bewegung. In
dem Sinn hatte die Erfahrung etwas Heilsames. In dem Maß,
in dem man versteht, dass im Gehen kein Stillstand ist, kann
man das Gehen und Kommen im Leben annehmen und kommt in diese
Art von Vollkommenheit. Blühen und Verdorren, ein heiliger
Vorgang, je bewusster, desto heiliger.“
April 5: All this time I kept the
draft of a letter to Reinthaller, in which I asked him if he
remembered the exact wording of "I felt the desire to fight",
Kampfeslust, and how this made him weary of his motivation.
- This evening I can finally let go of the desire to contact
this man.
Purim-holidays for Lior, dressed up as "a
Flower-Queen" , but working like Cinderella
both decided,
that the time had come,
to clean away the Rosmarin needles
with which she had decorated my table
(once bequeathed to me
by her parents),
together with all the other pretty things on March 6
a coincidence on Febr. 25, 2013: Ofir was working
on exchanging a defect part
of the entrance-door,
when I opened this page by chance. When he was finished,
I asked him to take a minute
and enjoy the photos of his daughter.
But seeing this table
with its wonderous reflections,
I couldn't help asking: "by
the way,
what did happen to this table?"
He laughed: "It's at Paul's,
my friend's"
I should have simply swallowed this
and - seeing him embarrassed -
not put him to shame with what I said: "But, you and you wife
should have only asked me,
if it would be alright for me
to return the table,
because you wanted to give it
to your friend.
instead of claiming, you wanted the table just for a few days....
When they never returned the table,
I understood,
that it was just the way of people,
who cannot stand up to their shame
and prefer to delude others.
The nomads are famous for this:
I ask them for a certain direction,
and they'll tell me: "it's
there, there"
Because when I'll find out,
that they hadn't known,
they'll no longer be in my presence....
Together we also lifted
the table, the chairs,
the two carpets
the mattresses.
She brought the broom
and also knew,
that the brush&dustpan
were hidden under my fridge. "With the dustpan you have to help."
"No, you can do this alone, even Amit (3!) did it alone."
Of course,
she managed perfectly well.
She had welcomed me
on the veranda, when I came from the morning-pool. "I feared you would never come." I entered my castle and went straight
to the kitchen-corner.
The Flower-Queen followed me.
"What should I do?"
"That's your problem! I'll prepare my breakfast!"
"What will you eat?"
"A special porridge with 4 spices, sugar, salt, olive-oil
and oats,
do you know what oats are?"
"It belongs to same family as wheat! What do we make
of wheat?
~~~ Come on, you surely learnt this in kindergarden!"
"No!" She saw me stirring the not yet boiling
porridge with a spoon. "May I stir?" I gave her a wooden tool, which wouldn't
become too hot. "What are these bubbles?"
"It's boiling now, let's turn off the knob!" After a while:"It's
still bubbling!" "Yes, that's because it's an electrical
With what do you cook upstairs, with gas or electricity?" I was surprised to see, that she didn't
This little girl, whose curiosity and desire to explore are
and who knows every hidden corner in my flat, which she has
hardly visited,
how come, that I embarrassed her by my question? "Go up to your mother and ask her,
and if the answer is "gas", then ask her to show
you how it works." She went and came back: "Gas".
"So, how does it work?"
"I didn't ask. Imma is cleaning!" "Well, I'm not making this easy
for you now.
Go again and ask her to show you how gas warms up a pot." This time she came with the answer,
and I could show her, why it's convenient to cook with gas,
and why I'm sorry, that in this room "underneath"
gas is forbidden.
In the meanwhile my porridge was ready and I walked out to
the veranda. "I come with you and say the "birkat
ha-mazon" - the
blessing over food. "Thank you for reminding me of
the need to bless!" I was a bit ashamed, that, when I'm
alone, I do not bless aloud.
But, of course, I f e e l grate-full,
especially after I've eaten.
She recited a rhyme so stupid in my eyes, that I said: "Did you imagine, that I would
like this one?"
"I know another one, from my former kindergarden.:" Let's fold our hands and give thanks in
our hearts:
to the earth which makes everything grow with love,
to the sun, which gives the light,
to the rain, which waters [mashkaeh]
and waters [marvaeh],
and to God who creates everything anew every day.
Good appetite and a blessed meal."
"Now this one is excellent, Lior.
It's the way I taught my grandchildren
to bless,
only that each one chooses just one chain of things,
and every time something else."
"I thank for the earth which grew the oats,
I thank the people who harvested the oats,
I thank the people who turned the raw oats into "Quaker",
I thank the truck-driver who brought the Quaker to the shop,
I thank the shopkeeper who guarded the Quaker for me until
I bought it (I'm really buying this in a small, cheap
shop not in Supermarkets which I hate
and it's one of the few things I buy at all, since they rarely
come my way), I could also bless the people
who worked so hard on harvesting the sugar-cane,
and so forth,"
Her mind was racing to take all this
. "But now let's look at this second
I want to learn it by heart and even add a tune to it.
Except that the first and the last line don't suit me.
and I'll say "todah", "thanks", not in
my heart but out loud!"
She went inside and came back with a
piece of paper and a pen
(as I said: she knows every box and drawer in my crowded room).
She is only in pre-school,
but slowly draws the letters as they appear in the Bible.
I had to help her, when there was more than one possibility
for a letter,
but it was delightful to see, how she listened to a word inside,
in order to know what letter was fitting the sound.
We also had a tiny lesson about the root of"marvae", a poetic word for "saturating with
water ",
which - in another form - appears in two of my biblical songs, And their soul will be like a
well-watered gardenJeremia 31: 11 [12] You will be like a
well-watered garden
Jeremia 58:11
And as promised, in the evening I recorded
a tune to Lior's song.
Thank you, little Flower-Queen!
Lior had brought me this gift,
a plate with 2 heart-shaped candle-holders.
which she had once decorated herself,
but now her mother had enough of it.
She decided that its right place was
between keyboard and my new
And indeed, recently I wondered
about the purpose of this empty space...
Let's say thanks
to the earth which makes everything grow with love,
to the sun, which gives the light,
to the rain, which waters [mashkaeh]
and waters [marvaeh],
and to God who creates everything anew every day.
May our meal be blessed.
the song
modified by me, Christa-Rachel
the song
which I learnt from Lior
chain of episodes:
After we had put back the clean
table on the clean carpets,
I asked her,
if she wanted to leave the wooden surface naked,
of if she wanted to spread a cloth on it.
"A cloth!" So I brought her a cloth and she was delighted"I haven't seen this before!". But when she had returned things to the
table, which she had chosen last time,
and had added a pretty candle-lamp, also given away by her mother today, she found something missing. "Where are the oranges, who somebody
placed here?"
"They weren't oranges, but lemons and I've used them." Seeing her a bit sad, I had an idea: "You know, it's been for some time,
that I want to go over to the end of our street.
There is a tiny tree with little "Chinese Oranges".
In the last 3 winters I got permission to pick and eat them.
If they are still there - because I never walk into that direction
you'll be able to complete your table creation."
So she asked Imma for permission and we walked over.
But - the tree was empty, I could discern only about 15 fruits. "What a pity, that there is only
one tree around here. In Shoham every house has such
a tree." I picked the orange colored ripe ones
for myself to eat,
and the yellow-greenish I gave Lior for "our" table.
We also passed by a hedge with unfamiliar flowers,
the same kind in two different violet shades,
and when I picked some for myself (also on the table!),
she wanted to pick some for her mother. "Imma loves flowers!"
My Flower-Queen in sun and shade,
the tiny oranges in a nylon-bag,
a bottle to drink from in her hand.
My Flower-Queen turning around,
when she wondered why I wasn't beside her [since I wanted to take her
picture from behind]
Once she had completed
her decoration,
she was sorry, that it was completed.
So she had a new idea:
to order the little oranges in the pretty vessel, made by my
friend Paz..
Yes, and the giraffe (a gift from Yuval-David,
today Paz' husband)! "The giraffe needs to eat from the
flowers." But when Lior wanted to have the animal
also an orange in its reach,
the orange fell, the lamp fell and a piece of glass broke. "One won't see it",she
comforted herself, "but I'll bring it back to the place
I've found before (on the shelf between work-lamp, microphone
and loudspeakers), there it won't break."
Finally she contented herself with her
and now:"I want to photograph
it!" "But why do you distance yourself
so much,
to take a picture of our table you must stand near!"
She smiled and showed me 3 photos: "I wanted you to be on them
By the way, the photo of my
sister here gives me a chance to mention,
that today I got the long promised CD about her from her husband..
of the day following the strong experience
of "La Traviata",
which was chosen by 3 SAT for the evening of Easter Sunday.
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart K.I.S.S.
- L O G 2
0 0 8
Addition on
August 14, 2009
I have the chance to enjoy my castle at Arad only for 72 hours,
after having come from Mika's family and going back there
and want to be al-one, all-one,
especially since it's the day before my 71th birthday.
But my Higher Self or whatever decided otherwise:
Just before I wanted to go to the morning-pool at 9 AM,
Lior and Amit, my landlords' kids, came into my open door: "Imma asks, if you agree to take us to
the swimming-pool!"
"Alright, come along right now."
They went to dress and to prepare their equipment,
and I - from that moment on - struggled with "Trapped
I love the kids and I am flattered, that they want to be with me,
and I definitely owe spending time with them to their father Ofir,
who keeps watering my garden, while I'm away for so many days.
I do my work of "inhaling God and exhaling love to my feelings" [see pp30,
Unconditional Love, from June 20, 2009 onward, also in SongGame
Still, we set out together, climbing down and up the Wadi of Compassion,
something they cherish very much - since they know traveling only
by car.
They were lovely in the pool, - Amit , 4 1/2, already swims nicely,
also because of my teaching today and at previous opportunities-
and after 20 minutes I was happy with them.
I was reminded of the German saying: "Manchmal muss man einen zu seinem Glueck
zwingen!" "sometimes one has to be forced into one's
From among all the little experiences I'll mention only the dragonfly,
discovered by Lior in the water and rescued by me, or so I thought.
But it soon died and we gave it a pretty burial among the leaves.
Of course, there were also small irritations, but too few to mention
At home, I swiftly returned to my addiction, the creating on my website.
Today's exciting task is - to insert the songs of 2008 and 2009 in
and lo and behold - the song "in line" was the Grace which
I learnt from Lior...
Since I'm no longer meant to open new pages,
I'll use the free space on this and the page of March 24
in order to insert the pictures I just made on my new cellphone (with several stumbling-blocks
both while photographing and while transferring the images to the
Your action
has nothing to do with your abundance! [in my case: the abundance of feeling
Your abundance [of feeling full-filled]
is a response to your vibration.
Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe
that a c t i o n is part
what brings your abundance [of feeling full-filled]
then you've got to unravel that. in my case:
I do not need "action" to feel full-filled~
I already understand and know,
that what makes me feel full-filled
is "feeling-healing
A L L I feel,
releasing judgments and beliefs,
vibrating all in my Body's Heart"
March 23 , 2012, Friday, Arad
me my landlady moves furniture for cleaning, cleaning, cleaning
from the moment her kids get up from bed to prepare for school.
Escaping boredom, faking full-fill-ment.
On the other hand: yesterday an hour without electricity.
It was nobody's "fault", it just happened, when I was alone,
i.e. I couldn't reach anybody to inform me what's the matter,
leave alone "put it right".
A chance to again see, how I panick!
No fear of not having water, food, clothing, shelter - LOVE,
but this great fear of "not being able to DO anything".
"The Bringers of the Dawn" do not refer to this fear,
nor does Godchannel or any other channeling.
If I wouldn't spot people's escape into faked full-fill-ment,
I would say, it's just my personal problem.
But it's the other way round:
Like I staged myself as experiencing 40 years of feeling, being a victim,
thus I staged myself as experiencing fear of un-full-fill-ment,
and of course, the fact of it for most of my life -
un-full-fill-ment to the extent of mental sickness and suicide wishes.
Un-full-fill-ment is also connected to low self-esteem, self-hatred.
Why did I stage myself like this in this life?
For I came here as one of the "Messengers of Dawn"
(this is the Hebrew title of the message from the Pleiades)
i.e. I came here to explore and then manifest and exemplify,
what it means: Heaven-on-Earth, Paradise,
or any other metaphor for what people long for deeply inside. [Or without metaphors - as I read just
now in "OBO-OneBecomingOne": "a world that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy
and prosperous" or as expressed in another mail
- from
GCI-Global Coherence INitiative: to build a heart-coherent energetic field
to lift the heart vibration of the planet
Being with too much adrenalin after my sculpture about "the lame man leaping like the hart",
or - for the time being -
being able to alternate and balance between sitting and standing,
I could not sleep and after midnight chose a recorded TV
movie ,
the fairy-tale of "the Emperor's new clothes" by H.C. Andersen.
The only thing I remembered from having read this as a child,
was the popular saying: "The King is
naked", i.e. without clothes.
Without intention to pay attention to "boredom"
and the many devices of escaping it and faking full-fill-ment
I was led to see "my" theme throughout this production of
the story.
Afterwards and when waking up I felt, I should sculpt what I saw,
and I should do so in Hebrew for our future website www.shemshem SHaMaYim-bli-SHi'aMuM - Heaven without Boredom.
But now I feel, I should wait with sculptures in Hebrew,
which are so cumbersome to be inserted on this site,
(based upon an only-English software "Dreamweaver")
until the time will be right for opening shemshem (the 4 Hebrew letters can also be read as
which in Hebrew means: "there, there",
and in German: SchamScham= in English: shameshame...
Shame is my main feeling - [see "SHAME's
Task & Curse" 2007]
like the shame about being dependent on electricity
in order to learn and create,
which is the main condition for my feeling full-filled...)
Well here is my view of "the naked Emperor" (naked>shame) and "Yacob, the tailor"
(tailor= Khayat, which is Ya'acov's family-name ) how come, that in German we have
a Schneider and a Schneiderin, But in English the latter is called
"seamstress" and "toferet" in Hebrew?
"Once upon a time there
was an Emperor who was bored to death.
He didn't care about the citizens of his country being famined,
on the contrary, his very device of escaping boredom -
changing clothes not only every day, but every hour,
brought this famine about,
for the raw materials needed for sowing and weaving these clothes
ruined the ecological balance of the land which nourished his people.
Of course, the excitement of finding ever new forms and colors of clothes,
was always in danger to fade: "It's
boring, what you make",
he says to his main seamstress , "at least
for my birthday you could make something that's truly new!"
Into this boredom comes the clever "tailor", who
was neither tailor nor weaver.
He promises clothes the kind of which the world had never seen, and what's
more: "only wise
people will be able to see it, the dumb people won't!"
"This means", the
emperor exclaims, "That
I can finally see,
who among my staff are wise and see, what they see,
and who are dumb, because they only see, what they believe to see."
During the sequence of scenes about how the "tailor"
works on the new clothes,
my perspective was: how do the tailor and the woman with her young sister,
orphans whom he picked up on the way,
"spend their time", which is free of worry for food and free of
working for the Emperor.
They are seen eating, and they are seen playing all kinds of kids' games and
Since they all the time had to be cautious , so that their fraud would not
be discovered,
and since on the other hand they could enjoy all abundance, for which they
had longed,
there probably was no danger of feeling bored during this one month till the
The chancellor is sent to check the new clothes and
is made to believe, that he sees them.
Then the great day arrives, the emperor slowly, proudly marches through the
His entourage as the poor citizens gasp, but do not believe their own eyes
- literally~~
until - as everyone knows - a child shouts: "But
you have no clothes at all. You are naked!"
I was afraid, that now the emperor would throw everyone into the horrid prison,
with which he had threatened the smart tailor ever so often since he came
into his life.
But after a moment of SHAME the emperor looked around, seeing all this exhilaration,
and suddenly turned the frightful into the fruitful:
he loved , that all the people enjoyed this funny situation, and he laughed,
This gave him such a push of feeling worthy and full-filled, far from any
that the clever tailor and the woman, who - reluctantly - had become his partner,
could utilize the moment of grace and ask his Excellence to let go of his
so that the land and the forest would again give work and nourishment to his
yes they even asked him to free all the innocent prisoners.
His Excellence could hardly believe, that he followed these quests,
but he did it with such enthusiasm,
that when the couple asked him to wed them,
he said: "But quickly, for I have no
time! there is so much to do for my people!" And I, Rachel, have tears in my eyes, despite
that "even beneficial action" is not granting full full-fill-ment. (see my interpretation of "Abraham's"
quote above.]
also on 2012-03-23
"Full-fill-ment" cannot occur, if feelings
like "I may be not-okay" are sidetracking me.
They must either be healed in the moment of awareness - by being vibrated
in Body,
or I must "do" something on the exterior level to "remove"
the pretext for the trigger.
How tricky the latter is, and how close to"Talk,
talk, talk is your temptation..." I can see through 3 letters to 3 people with whom I
don't feel whole right now.
Concerning two of the letters I wan't to apply "When in doubt, leave
it out"
though I use to explain to myself and others,
that "not relating to a person is more
hurtful than relating in a way that may trigger the person".
Because of my "doubt" I'll at least use this website as a space
for saving unsent documents. This verse -
Psalm 27: 10-11 - I sent to Lior, and as copy to Ya'acov, 5 days after
what happened at Khirbet Tzura/Shoham.
The subject: "does a mother behave like this?" related to Lior's
expression of wrath, "You desert me! That's not
when I made her understand, that I'm no longer good for her, but that I've
been building a bridge between her and Ya'acov:
2012_03_23- 2013_05_01DELICIOUS
2012_03_22- 2013_03_22DELICIOUS
also on 2012-03-23
image of the day
When - on my way to the pool - I rehearsed
Quichotte's song
I was not aware of the dialog sculpted 4 years ago - in 2008 see above, left red
frame: in "walking humbly with your God"
and also below This time, too, I found the song problematic,
but not because of the "fighting" and the "sacrificing"
in itself,
but because fighting and sacrificing
have been the most sanctified means for reaching full-fill-ment!....
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe....
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
And I know if I'll only be
true to this glorious quest That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better
for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage To reach the unreachable star
"I'm glad you see that,
but you may still allow yourself to elate in "following a quest",
be it a nano quest,
like reaching a certain degree of technical mastery in editing sound,
or be it OUR QUEST ,
which strives to cause
a quantum leap in evolution:
How to live Heaven-on-Earth,
Feeling Full-filled,
not by being a spectator of Shakespearean dramas,
but ----
and it's our quest
that you conceptualize and communicate this."
also on 2012-03-23
10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail shemshem.org 2012_03_23- 2013_03_13DELICIOUS