The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Nourishment from Others
interspersed with my questions, observations or experiences

since 2011 enriched by more nourishment
- see below -

2007_04_30; last update 2007_05_30; studied again in May 2011

Masaru Emoto

From "Prologue"

As you begin reading this book,
I'd like to ask you to evaluate your life.
Do you have a sense of peace in your heart,
a feeling of security about your future,
and a feeling of anticipation when you wake up in the morning?
If we can call this happiness,
then would you say that at this moment you are happy?

Can there ever be a single solution
that can apply to all people on the globe,
that everyone can be convinced of,
and that is so simple that everyone can understand it?

In fact, I have found the answer, and it is just this:
The average human body is 70 percent water.
this connection to water applies to all people

So how can people live happy and healthy lives?
The answer is to purify the water
that makes up 70 percent of your body.

Water in a river remains pure
because it is moving.
When water becomes trapped,
it dies.

Rachel: The Story of Creation says this right in the beginning: Genesis 2:10
included in my song

Therefore, water must constantly be circulated.
The water - or blood - in the bodies of the sick
is usually stagnant.
When blood stops flowing, the body starts to decay,
and if the blood in your brain stops,
it can be life threatening.

But why does blood become stagnant?
We can see this condition
as the stagnation of the emotions.

So when your emotions flow throughout your body,
you feel a sense of joy and you move towards physical health.

Moving, changing, flowing -
this is what life is all about.


From Prologue xvii
If we have a clear understanding of water,
we will better understand the human body.
Water serves as the transporter of energy throughout our body.
Homeopathy originated in Germany with the work of
Samuel Hahnemann (1791-1843),
but its roots go back to the father of medicine,
Hippocrates (c.460-c.370 BC),

...these pioneers of medicine taught us to
"treat like with like, fight poison with poison."
Homeopathy proposes that
the greater the dilution, the greater the effectiveness.
...the denser the poison in the body,
the higher should be the dilution ratio.

Another way to express this idea is that,
instead of the   e f f e c t    of the matter being used
to get rid of the symptoms,
the information    c o p i e d   to the water is being used
to cancel out the information of the symptoms from the poison.
So water has the ability to   c o p y   and  m e m o r i z e    information.

From "Chapter One: Of what is the Universe made?"

Existence is vibration.

The entire universe is in a state of vibration.
and each thing generates its own frequency, which is unique.
All that I have to say in this book is based on this one fact.
My years of research into water have taught me
that this is the fundamental principle of the universe.
...things like wood, rocks, and concrete - are all vibration.
...the science of quantum mechanics generally acknowledges
that substance is nothing more than vibration.

... each thing consists of nothing more than atoms,
each atom being a nucleus with electrons rotating around it.
The number and shape of these electrons and their orbits
give each substance a particular set of vibrational frequencies.

Human beings are also vibrating...

The fact that everything is in a state of vibration also means
that everything is creating sound.
...Whether we can hear the sound or not...
the unique frequency of all objects can be interpreted as sound.
... the human ear is capable of hearing frequencies from 15 Hz to 20 000 Hz
(Hz, or Hertz, indicates the number of cycles or the repetitive waveform per second.)

And as sound is created,
there is a master listener to receive the sound:
Water - so sensitive to the unique frequencies being emitted by the world -
essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world.
The written words themselves actually emit a unique vibration
that the water is capable of sensing.
Water faithfully mirrors all the vibrations created in the world,
and changes these vibrations into a form
that can be seen with the human eye.


see the teaching about Vibration in
"Truth and Reality Class IV
The Fundamental Questions of Manifestation
4.2 The What of Manifestation

* Body is everything
* Vibration is what manifests
* The seven levels of manifestation

"vibration is both
the cause of manifestation,
and the stuff of it

The words gratitude and love
form the fundamental principles of the laws of nature and the phenomenon of life.
It's likely that only vibrations of love and gratitude appear in nature...
The trees and plants show respect for each other by the way they live in harmony.
In an article 1989... Hamerman wrote
that the organic matter that forms human beings
generates a frequency
that can be represented by sound at forty-two octaves above middle C
(the note near the center of the piano keyboard.)
the modern standard for middle C is 262 Hz,
so this means that the sound reaches roughly 570 trillion Hz.

Since Hz means vibrations per second, this indicates
that human beings vibrate 570 trillion times a second,
a number that ... indicates incredible and wonderful hidden potential.
...The human being holds a universe within,
filled with overlapping frequencies,
and the result is a symphony of cosmic proportions.

... the frequency of everything in the cosmos can be summarized in seven parts
- do, re,mi,fa,so,la, ti
The universe consists of an uncountable number of things
ranging from the lowest to the highest frequency.
It might help to imagine keys aligned in order on a piano keyboard,
starting from the lowest sound.
If you press down on the white keys, you will hit do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti.
When you move up the keyboard one octave, from one do to the next,
the frequency doubles.
In other words, the doubling of frequencies divided into seven parts is
Therefore, the repeating of these seven sounds
expresses all sound from the lowest to the highest.

But what enlightenment can be obtained
by seeing frequency as sound?
The most important revelation is that of resonance.
Sound of the same frequency resonates
the tuning fork and the voice
create a single frequency sound wave.
This is called resonance.
When one side creates a frequency
and the other responds with the same sound,
they resonate.

... resonance can result
even when frequencies are not identical.
This happens, for instance, when the frequency is doubled.
Playing the la key on the piano at 440 Hz
and the la key an octave lower at 220 Hz
creates quite a pleasant resonating sound
No matter how distant the frequencies,
resonance will result
if one of the two numbers is a multiple of the other.
We can also say that for every sound on each level
there is a resonating sound on every other level.

About Resonance from another source:

The Priests of ancient Egypt knew
how to use vowel sounds to resonate their energy centers or chakras.
There is a direct link between different parts of the body and specific sounds.

At the present time the Hopi American Indian prophecy is being fulfilled
with the "Coming of the Rainbow People",
through the keepers of the crystal bowls.
This ancient wisdom has emerged

to heal and uplift the consciousness of the universe through pure crystal tone.
Prophet Edgar Cayce, predicted
pure tones will be used for healing before the end of this century".

... vibrational medicine validates
that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration
and the frequency at which an object or person most naturally vibrates
is called resonance.

The chakras, bones, and organs in the body
all possess a different resonant frequency.
When an organ or part of the body is vibrating out of tune or non-harmoniously,
it is called "dis-ease" or disease.
A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell,
each organ creates a resonance
that is in harmony with the whole being.

When we lovingly and consciously attune our awareness
to those places in our bodies that are wanting to be noticed,
and use the power of sound to carry our loving intent,
then we open the doorway for the emotional body to heal.
When the emotional body is well   so is the physical body!
As we heal our selves we heal the world around us.

Love has the effect of raising our frequency level and making us shine.
Most of the objects found in nature emit stable frequencies.
Each sparrow sounds basically the same
(though sparrows themselves might recognize slight differences),
... By contrast, the human being is able
to make full use of the do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti scale
to create beautiful melodies.
Humans are the only creatures that have the capacity
to resonate with all other creatures and objects found in nature.
We can speak with all that exists in the universe.

How will you choose to live your life?
If you fill your heart with love and gratitude,
you will find yourself surrounded by so much
that you can love and that you can feel grateful for ...

From Chapter Two: The Portal into a Different World p. 53

One of the most mysterious things about water is that ice floats in it.
If water behaved like other substances, and ice sank to the botton, ...
we would probably not be here.
Every time the temperature dropped,
the bottoms of the lakes and oceans would become solid ice,
and all living creatures would die.

Water also has the unique ability
to dissolve other substances
and carry them away.

The ocean is where the first speck of life emerged,
some 3.8 billion years ago....
Then, some 420 million years ago, life took its first step out of the water...

The birth of our humanoid parents
is believed to have taken place only 20 million years ago in Africa.
If we consider the earth's 4.6 billion year history as constituting one "year",
the human being was born at eight o'clock in the evening on the final day
- all made possible by the formation of oxygen and the ozone layer.

And the force that created life and allowed life to evolve was, of course, water.
Water was able to do this
because it has the unique ability
to dissolve the required nutrients for life
and carry them from the mountains and rivers into the oceans.


[Yesterday I saw a documentary
about the longest river of the planet, the Nile,
which does just that - carries nutrients from the mountains!]





Water that falls from the sky
it takes sometimes hundreds of years
to seep into the ground
and become groundwater.
Joan S. Davis of the Zurich Technical University
has conducted research into river water for some thirty years in Switzerland,
and she refers to it with the expression wise water.
By contrast, she refers to water that has recently fallen as juvenile water.

In the process of falling to the earth, seeping into the ground and then emerging,
water obtains information from various minerals and becomes wise.


The response of water to love and gratitude is nothing less than grandeur.
These words give spirit to water,
which materializes it,
to reval life at its fullest.

I also have the impression
that the act of looking at water crystals is an act of creating life.
This is because when we look at the crystals,
the water changes its appearance moment by moment.
Your gaze has a special energy of its own,
and ...a gaze of good intentions will give courage,

After a month, the rice that was told "Thank you", started to ferment,
with a mellow smell like that of malt,
while the rice that was exposed to "You fool" rotted and turnt black.
The rice that was ignored
actually rotted before the rice that was exposed to "You fool".

It seems that being ridiculed is actually not as damaging as being ignored.

To give your positive or negative attention to something
is a way of giving energy.
The most damaging form of behavior is withholding your attention.



Godchannel says,
that the greatest denial
is the denial of our greatness.

See pp.33 Greatness and Grandeur


Interview with the 'Folks' IV
the denial of greatness
has been the most serious issue in the healing work.

Interview with the 'Folks' III
And yet as a human, like it or not,
this is your right place~~~
you are the healer of Creation.
It cannot be overstated,
the greatness of fully awake humans,
aware of both the depth of their Will essence
and the healing power of love.

"The denial of your greatness as a human being,
the healer of Creation~~~
is now the most serious impediment
to the healing work."

From Chapter Three: Consciousness Creates All, p. 67

We have seen through the crystal photographs
that water is the mirror of our souls
What is our role in protecting this planet?
Such questions can only be considered
when we recognize the greatness of the human being.
Perhaps it is time
that we stop seeing the human being as the evil agent.
...we have enormous power.

Scientists estimate that there are betweeen 108 and 111 elements..
Thus far, 90 elements have been verified in the human body ...

I suspect that there are still elements left to be discovered within us
(or that we will obtain the remaining elements as we evolve,
moving closer to becoming complete human beings).
We can deduce

that fewer elements means a smaller capacity for emotions.

Perhaps the miracle water of Lourdes in France,
which is said to have healing powers,
is filled with the feelings of appreciation of the Mother Mary.
As a result, people who have been made ill by the vibrations of hate
can be miraculously healed by drinking this holy water.
This is the same principle involved in homeopathy.


I know now
that it is not love alone that forms immunity,
but love and gratitude.
I became convinced of this from the following experiment:

I heated water in a microwave oven
and then attempted to see the impact of the magnetic field on crystals.
I used two types of water: distilled water,
and water from the tap shown the words love and gratitude.
The crystals formed from the distilled water were deformed and incomplete,
but the water shown the words    love and gratitude     formed complete crystals.
In other words,
love and gratitude were able to make the water immune to the damaging effects of the magnetic field.

I also discovered that the love and gratitude crystals actually look more like the gratitude crystals than the love crystals.

[The next three pages have been edited in Learn&Live, page 19
scroll down to a table with crystal photos in the left column].

From Chapter Four: The World will Change in but a Moment, p.83

After you've enjoyed participating in a sport or other exercise,
water - even just tap water - tastes delicious and refreshing.
When you drink water with a feeling of gratitude
the water itself is physically different
than when you drink the same water with clouded feelings in your soul.

On the afternoon of the invasion of Iraq at the onset of the first Gulf War,
I measured the vibration of the tap water in Tokyo,
and found an unusually sharp increase in the values of vibrations
produced by mercury, lead, aluminium, and other substances harmful to the human body.
... the weight of the bombs dropped on this first day of war
was equivalent to all the bombs dropped throughout the Vietnam War.

in Japan, thousands of miles from the Middle East,
I was able to measure the vibrations from harmful substances at almost the exact time that war broke out.

... the harmful vibrations of the bombs being dropped on one side of the earth
did reach the corners of the earth immediately.

These vibrations spread out beyond the limits of time and space.

I suspect that ... when something occurs on the earth,
. .. water is the first to detect it
and relay this new information to us.

Let me give you one more example
in which vibrations had an immediate impact on the physical world.
In this case, the power of prayer was used to purify water.

"This is incredible!
The water is gettng clearer right in front of our eyes",
...The crystals made with water from before the incantation were distorted,
and looked like the face of someone in great pain.
But the crystals from water taken after the incantation were complete and grand.

According to the theory of Dr. Sheldrake,
when the same thing repeats itself,
a morphic field is formed,
and resonance with this morphic field increases the likelihood
that the event will happen again.
A morphic field is not energy-based information,
but more like a blueprint for building a house.

We can see this as an example of resonance theory.
Dr. Sheldrake has propsed
that events are also capable of resonating in the same way that sound resonates.

... when someone becomes aware of something,
other people also tend to become aware.

According to Dr. Sheldrake,
DNA isn't the only reason that people in the same family share similar features
- morphic resonance also plays a part.
Dr. Sheldrake's theory also heps us to understand so-called coincidences ("synchronicity"),
The important thing about Dr. Sheldrake's theory is
that once the morphic resonance has spread,
it extends to all space and all time.

...This is because the act of looking at something has an effect on it.
Each one of us has a magical ability to change the world.

Whenever you sit in front of water
and send out messages of love and gratitude,,
somewhere in the world,
someone is being filled with love and gratitude.
You don't need to go anywhere.

The water right in front of you is linked to all the water in the world.
The water you're looking at will resonate with water everywhere,
and your message of love will reach the soul of all the people of the world.

We can cover the world in love and gratitude.
This will become a glorious morphic field that will change the world.






See my slogan:
"Know exactly what you want,
communicate clearly what you want,
and then get out of the way
and let happen what may".

[see my tune to both, the English and the Hebrew version]

Chapter Five: A smile That Fills the World, p. 133

She sent the following message:
I have two children, and I know that there's a completely different effect when you speak to
children with love and when you just order them.
It's the difference between "Let's do it," and "Do it".
I also clearly understand that this is felt in each one of our cells."

No matter what your intentions,
announcing them is an important step.
From the time when I was a child,
I was always telling people what I was thinking and what I wanted to do,
and I was constantly being told that I talked too much.
But the simple act of saying something
is a way to gather energy towards you.


If you express your intentions, the realization of those intentions will follow.
Words have their individual and unique vibrational frequencies,
and we've already seen how words have energy that influences the universe.


... a strange thing happened to Lake Biwa...
I have no doubt that the spirit of words generated from the determined prayers for world peace
had the affect of cleansing the water in the lake in only a matter of moments.
Another important point is the fact that 350 people gathered and chanted together.
The combined will of so many people acted as a force to change the universe.

The general understanding is that E-MC2 means:
"energy equals mass times the speed of light squared."
However, we can also interpret C as consciousness
instead of the speed of light.
Since M represents mass,
we can interpret it as the number of people consciously focused.

Another important issue is test repeatability.
Many times we have seen that crystal formation depends on the observer's consciousness.
When water samples are put into Petri dishes - we usually make fifty samples -
the resulting crystals differ,
depending on how the water is handled
and on the thoughts of the researcher.
and the condition of the fifty samples of water changes moment by moment.

water crystals change depending on the thoughts and even the health of the observers.

from Epilogue 154
...everything that takes place in the universe
also takes place within our own bodies.
Each day, your liver filters two hundred liters of water
and sends this purified water to the other organs in your body.


to former source of nourishment from others to next source of nourishment from others






Urgent e-mail from Go-Gratitude
on March 31, 2011

Beloved family of Gratitude ~

Masaru Emoto has issued a global prayer invitation for
March 31, 2011, Noon your local time. Masaru Emoto's teachings
on the consciousness of water inspired our Go Gratitude movement many years ago, and we are profoundly grateful for his continuing service to Humanity.

Please read his entire note below, and join us at Noon to send Love and Gratitude to the waters of Japan, yes! to the ALL waters of the world.

Below Dr. Emoto's message is a power-filled personal sharing from PaLu,
a member of our global family, including a water ceremony you may wish to add to the days prayers.

Thank you for adding your energy, Love, Gratitude and intention
to this day of Global Prayer.
Remember, each and every person
makes a world of difference,
and that person is YOU!

With Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

URGENT: A letter from Dr Masaru Emoto, author of Messages in Water plus other related books.

To All People Around the World,

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at
the nuclear plants in Fukushima , Japan ! By the massive
earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis,
more than 10,000 people are still missing...even now... It has
been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it's contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the
problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of
radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water
to them. Is there really nothing else to do? I think there is.

During over twenty year research of dado measuring and
water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is. Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people's consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all
join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet
earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan , but
all around the world to please help us to find a way out the
crisis of this planet!!

The prayer procedure is as follows.

Day and Time: March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:

"The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you."

Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times
as you put your hands together in a prayer position.
Please offer your sincere prayer. Thank you very much
from my Heart.

With love and gratitude, Masaru Emoto Messenger of Water

Message and water ceremony, via PaLu:

Just today I was able to feel trust in the rain, I let go of any fears, I return my perception that the rains are life giving healing waters, sent by the Divine to bring calm, rebirth to accepting all water as the primary source of all Life.

In gratitude to this, my spirit dances with Mother Earth and Divine Mother together; this emerges, please feel free to pass it along, print it out and put it even on your fridge, wherever your Spirit and Will guide you to:

We are going to print, cut and tape this message to litre mason jars, sing to it, play music to it, and tomorrow, as part of our extended prayer; then at the world timing
of the prayer: go to the water's edge, bring our water blessed offerings; repeat the prayer as Emoto sent out loud, while connecting to our heart centre, expanding this energetic to infuse our heart's aura while we hold our containers; then with deep gratitude and trust in the Divine, pour this healing blessed, compassion imbued water into the water body we are located at.

We invite all to partake in this expansion, Sending waves of Loving Compassion; even if you pour your water onto the Earth or where it feels appropriate, holding softly, gently, lovingly our pure prayers intent is to deepen our Trust within, as well as to heal the sorrows of Japan and elsewhere.

May these healing prayers, blessings, gratitudes and water reach the four corners of all existence.

Lots of love, in Gratitude


March 31, 2011: [Christa-Rachel's fictive letter] Dear Emoto!
I've always believed in your message about water and emotions,
Yet today I pray not for the water, but for you, Emoto,
that you may understand, that it is our denial of emotions,
which causes the water and the Earth pain,
and that radioactivity is only the transmitter of this pain!

from Go-Gratitude,

continuation of the "urgent letter" on April 7, 2011

Beloved family of Gratitude,

On March 30th, we gathered for a Global prayer for water, with a concentrated focus on current events in Japan.

For us, here in Arizona, we gathered by a lake fed by the
Colorado river. It was a peace-filled, empowering meditation and when we were complete, we poured our chalices of water into the Lakes ~~~ watching ripples flow beyond what our eyes could see. We felt the ripples of our Heart beat pulsing in a great wave, inter-weaving with multitudes across the planet gathered in prayer, too. It was truly a day of Global Unity and prayer,
connecting Hearts and minds everywhere.

The most common response we received was an invitation/ request to continue the prayers - To gather in Spirit, aligning our Hearts in Unified focus and intent, as an on-growing wave of Love and Gratitude.

We agree whole-heartedly.



Our continued dedication to holding a vision of 'healing complete', for the waters of our planet and All Our Relations, is vital during this time of rapid transformation. Right use of our energies will assist in transmuting the dense vibrations
of fear, destruction and uncertainty into life-affirming, sustained connection to Source/Love/God(dess), and creates
space for empowered thought, choice and action.

Beloveds ...

We have been preparing our Heart-Minds for this time of mass-transformation. Each of us have, in our way, been developing our ability to return to Gratitude in the face of fear. Our collective family is endowed with multitudes of healing technologies, modalities and self-mastery practices.

Let us each leverage these to our fullest ability, and with Faith Wisdom, act as ONE HEART and together Birth New Reality!

April 20, 2011 - inserted and edited here on April 29, 2011,
after our return from Brazil

An e-mail from "Aluna", Anchoring Eternity

...The Immortals are helping us send a message to all life on Earth
that says
"It is going to be okay. Hang in there. It is going to be okay."

It is not a message that any of us here needed to hear.
We already knew this.
We have always known that it is going to be okay.
But we have taken this journey with everybody on this planet.
We have felt every bump along with them.
We have felt the losses and the victories.
We have felt the fear and the love.
We have felt the pain and the liberation.
But deep down inside of all of us, in our hearts,
we have never lost sight that it was and is going to be okay.

The immortals are telling me now
that you have been here in this energy before.
You have done this work before.
You have helped bridge ages from one world to another.
All the work that we have done has evolved to this point in time.
They say that we are all great Masters at doing this work.
It is not something that we think about doing with our heads.
It is just something that we simply activate by just being.
Because of this fact, some of us haven't felt quite at home here;
nor would we feel quite at home where The Immortals are.
We are the ones who work in between dimensions.
We are the ones that anchor the core, the heart, at the center.
We are the new ones that know
how to live in a body and embrace eternity at the same time.
We were the brave ones that were willing
to take on physical density and all the challenges that go with it,
and hold the memory of eternity at the same time.
That is not an easy job.

The immortals can see that some of us don't feel
like we are strong enough or wise enough for this immense job,
but with your permission,
they say that they want to strip that lack of confidence away from you.
They want to erase all those insecurities.
They want to hush that nagging little voice in your head that says
"Who do you think you are?"
So, with your permission~~~
and if you are ready to step into the totality of who you really are,
they will strip your insecurities away.
All those little feelings where you don't think you are good enough,
or you think that you have not studied all the right books,
or have not meditated enough,
or ate the right diet . . . all that . . . just throw it out.

This gift does come with a great responsibility,
but I think everyone here (and those reading this)
would not be at this place (or reading this)
if they were not ready for it.
Earlier, when we were toning and singing,
inside the words came into my head
"I could die right here, and it would be beautiful."
And the Immortals said that we are going to die and be re-born.
I realize now that it is the death of the density
that we had to take on to be able to be here.
We had to take on 3-D density.
We had to come in a little bit asleep
just to be able to tolerate the density.
And now that we are finding soul family, and community,
people are starting to wake up all over the world.
We are able to embrace more and more of our true selves.
This global awakening makes the density more bearable.
Yet the lighter we get,
the more we realize how much work there is to be done.
The Immortals are saying. . . (P.S. Worry is not in their language),
the best word I can come up with is
"Don't worry about the immensity of this work."
They say that we are entering into a wave of energy
that we have been building across the planet for a long time.
This work cannot be stopped,
yet it doesn't take any effort.

The immortals say that all it takes is for us to
JUST BE ourselves.

It is no effort to get the job done.
It is a work
that simply comes from the awakened heart.
Nothing needs to be done
except just BE who we are,
and let it out to play.

The Star Elders have shown me how brilliant we all are over the years,
and I have accepted it to a point.
But The Immortals, these goddess-like beings
that are timeless and ageless,
show us a grander vision,
and with it comes the challenge
to really absorb and accept this light of who we truly are.

Raphael and I went to the Grand Canyon one year.
It is so big, so vast and so amazing
that when you are sitting on one side,
you swear that the other side is just a movie set.
It is so fast and beautiful,
that you cannot absorb it in its entirety.
Do you know what I am saying?
The energy that they want us to feel inside of ourselves
is like the Grand Canyon.
They are going to stretch us
so we can contain how immense we actually are.
[I remember the feeling/thought in 1992,
when a partner in Succah in the Desert, Ram Eisenberg, made it possible for me
to spend the Day of Independence away from the guests, alone in a pyramidal tent
in an "Army-Zone" of the Desert, where I would meet nobody for 3 days.
Walking through, climbing up the hills, watching - I heard myself saying:
"If there is anywhere a greater view and landscape than this one,
my heart will not be big enough to contain it!"]

So why did we have to go through all this dense energy to do this job?
We had to be in physical form.
We had to be born physically.
The Immortals, The Keepers, etc.
never have to go through this physical/human cycle.
They were Star Beings / semi human.
We needed to be birthed physically
so we could contain in human form who we are truly are.
We needed to be Star beings in human form
to be able to build a physical bridge to a new world.
Being in human form also kept us humble.
When you are in eternity,
you don't have to think about being humble,
because you just are and there is no ego.
But this time the test/challenge is

to awaken and shift in the human body.
It is the first time that the Earth is going to shift
where the awakened ones will not leave in spaceships,
or go into the mountains,
or into underground golden cities like in Peru,
or go back to the stars.
We are going to evolve in a physical body.

We need to keep our humbleness,
so we could also have the compassion to feel
what everyone is going through during this time.
That is what makes us healers.
So we have to stretch
to hold the immensity of the brilliance of who we are
while being human.
When we do this,
it will affect the collective, and everyone can do the same.
Each person on this planet, if they realize it or not,
is here for a divine purpose.
That is why the planet is so crowded right now.
It is a huge experience for the soul
to be able to make this transition in a physical body.
OK . . . The Immortals had me look back at us again.
It looks like our heart energies have gone everywhere
. . . through the oceans, mountains, trees,
any living thing that has a spirit.
It has washed across the planet now.
I see it merging with other people
doing work in other sites and other uncountable places.

OK . . . Have you noticed
that it is getting a little easier to contain the energy now?
It is not so heavy now.
That it is not quite so overwhelming?
I feel like I can breathe.
So we are stretching quickly.
We are containing the immensity of all this now.
It is lightening up, but also the sky is starting to lighten up for sunrise.
It is like we are not only entering a new day, but a new world.
(A gecko chirped). Even the geckos are waking up.
We entered the Temple under the Stars and exited under a fresh, new sun.
We all felt exceptionally light, and our hearts were full.

ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach,
sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic.
She inspires and encourages others
to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God.
In the Inca world,
Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy.

Thomas Hill (1829–1908) - Great Canyon of the Sierra, Yosemite, 1872



May 2011 TIME
"With each new experience my question to myself is
what do I choose to experience inside the experience I am having?"

[from Maureen Moss, The World Puja Network Newsletter, May 2011]

"Abraham" (1997) e-mail quote on April 25, 2011

What true patience is,
is knowing that you want it
and knowing that it's coming
and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way.
Understand that you never get it done.
So you might as well be patient.
You never get it done,
because every time you want and receive,
you also receive a new perspective
from which to want.

Life is a constant unfolding of new desires
and then a constant alignment to those desires.

Arad, April 29, 2011

From an interview with Bertrand Travernier about the 1999 French movie:
Ca commence aujourd'hui' , in English: It all begins today

[which I watched in 3 SAT after midnight, when I couldn't sleep because of my jetlag from Brasil, April 29, 2011)

L'histoire de Mme Bry (the mother of one of the pre-school children), ça a été un détonnateur: "comment est-ce qu'on film quelqu'un qui n'a que 30 francs pour finir le mois?" Et on a trouvé, je pense, un cadre formidable, où Daniel, (the teacher) n'est absolument pas en position de héros. Il n'est pas en position de l'homme qui a le savoir, il est légèrement effacé sur la gauche, de 3/4 dos, on devine sa réaction plus qu'on ne peut la lire vraiment dans ses yeux. C'est Mme Bry qui est le centre de l'image, un centre décalé et dans une position qui est fragile, comme si elle n'avait pas osé entrer à l'intérieur de la classe, qu'elle s'était arrêtée... ce sont des questions qui sont aussi importantes que ce qui est dit dans la scène, parce que c'est ce qui va donner le sens à la scène. Cette scène est en plan séquence, et si je la coupe par un plan sur Daniel pour montrer sa réaction, j'ai l'impression que je surdramatises, que j'exploite lé'émotion de la scène. C'est toujours l'idée dans un film qui concernait le travail, que certaines séquences, ou certains bouts de séquences, soient données  d a n s    le    t e m p s    r é e l,
sans  qu'il  n' y  ait  de   m a n i p u l a t i o n   d e   m o n t ag e
à   l ' i n t é r i e u r   d e    c e   t e m p s    r é e l.

See also the passage in Rilke's letter to Clara Rilke in 1908.
At first it was somewhat cryptic to me, but somehow I feel it:

"Dies ist in den unbegrenzten Himmeln der Arbeit
die erste Seligkeit:
dass einem ein viel frueheres Ding wiedergegeben wird,
damit man es mit der inzwischen gerechter gewordenen Liebe
erfasse und zu sich stelle.

Da beginnt die Korrektur der Einteilungen,

wo Vergangenes wiederkommt, wie aus der Zukunft;

einst Vollbrachtes als zu Vollendendes.

Und dies ist die erste Erfahrung, die einen,

aus der Reihenfolge heraus,
auf die Stelle des eigenen Herzens stellt,
die im Raum ist
und immer gleich fern von allem
und Aufgang und Untergang hat
durch die unendliche Bewegung um sie~~~


"Abraham" (from "The Vortex") e-mail quote on April 26, 2011

I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me...
Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate,
and you do your best to give it your undivided attention
so that you become a Vibrational Match to it.
And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together
and brings you, because you're a match, together with it -
then there aren't any bugs to work out.
Don't ask the person, or people,
that helped you to define what you want to become
what you want so that you can have what you want.
(Oh, that was so good.)
Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part).
Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want

Arad, April 30, 2011

[from Maureen Moss, The World Puja Network Newsletter, May 2011]

I know many of you are realizing
that the constructs of the third dimensional world
is truly losing its grip on you,
.... the constructs of time and our rigid patterns of behavior vanish.

... changing my perceptions has become an everyday occurrence

...With each new experience my question to myself is
what do I choose to experience
inside the experience I am having?

... To choose to change every experience we are having
into one we would prefer

is the epitome of self realized consciousness.

The way this works is
that each time you have a brand new experience,
first hold that experience as sacred and fresh.
Next, breathe into the experience, just noticing it.
...Compare your experience to nothing of the past,
and rush nowhere into the future with it.
Finally, ask yourself, ... the God of yourself,
"how do I choose to experience this experience?"

That question will begin to break
the trance of former choices, presumptions and reactions.
Patterns you've held for your lifetime will begin to melt,
as you begin to embrace the Masters that you are,
the powers that you have,
and the true stewardship you hold for your life.

You choose. You are the Creator.
You are able to move the energy in whatever direction you desire.
As we conclude THIS CYCLE OF TIME,
remember that you are no longer at the effect of anything.
You are the effect, and you affect all outcomes.

Experience is always going to ask you to make choices.
Use your powers wisely and choose up.
Use your powers, not your reflexes of the past.

...Take your life slowly. Breathe.

The challenge for me is    n o t    a   " n e w "    experience,

but those every day and night experiences,

within which I desire to   c h o o s e  , what I experience!

Like when I couldn't fall asleep for 3 hours last night,

or like when we were imprisoned in a traffic-jam for 3 hours in Sao Paulo,

or like during many of the 15 hours in the airplane to and from Brazil,

or like when tiredness rushes down upon me in the middle of the day.

or also like when the situation of an interaction is not intense enough,

or when I want and don't want to open to a visit or a phone/Skype-call,

In all such situations I keep forgetting my "God-Consciousness", my choice,
and play the pathetic miserable me, mainly a victim to Body instead of its peer!

May this photo of Mika into the mirror of my and Tomer's hotel room remind me,

that it's up to me,

to also    en-lighten    and    en-joying    those dreary experiences!



The First of May 2011

Katy Borger, Immanuel's human connection in Sao Paulo, told me about: Dialogues avec l'ange [Wikipedia, only in French] by Gitta Mallasz

And I learnt-enjoyed what is written by "the Friends of Gitta Mallasz"

A clipping from my school poetry book (1954?)
Wilhelm v. Scholz: Naechtlicher Weg

Schwer schweigt der Wald in schwarzer Pracht.
Mein Mantel flattert durch die Nacht,
streift welkes Laub am Boden mit;
und wo die Aeste wie Gestalten
hoch ueber mir die Haende halten,
folgt Zittern meinem festen Schritt.

Und leis an mir herniederglitt,
als wollt's im feuchten Gras erkalten,
was in mir kaempfte, rang und litt;
was ich in mir fuer schlecht gehalten,
das nahm die Nacht im Atem mit.

Und stiller meine Schritte hallten,
wie eines fremden Freundes Tritt.

I begin to insert the writings of Gitta - with her "angelic" quotes,, which were translated into English,
and add the first one- in French - only at the end, since I have some reservations concerning its content.

The Angel, He who experiments
Gitta MALLASZ, December 1989

Now, looking back over half a century, I am convinced - but I don't expect anyone to give credence to my words - that we were used as an experiment:
are four quite ordinary people capable of radically changing over a period of 17 months, by the sole influence of light?

This was clearly pointed out to us:


   (Talking with Angels, p. 91)

A multitude of pure beings of light closely followed this experience:
our evolution.
The Angel warned me about this:


   (Talking with Angels, p. 63)

Later on, Hanna explained to me that the "image" of my transformation was presented to this objective and none judgemental multitude.


   (Talking with Angels, p. 298)

Since my friends took the path towards death, the road towards a life in which we are united to our Equals of Light, is open to every human being today.
I am convinced that during this period when collective death was at its climax, other attempts were also successful, even if they are unknown, due to lack of documentation. They are probably numerous, and I pay tribute to these anonymous people who preceded me. If only one human being succeeded in becoming united with his Angel, he showed the way to all others for all time to come.

Today, this experiment is attempted with each and every one of us with the same Love and the same solicitude. However, we must overcome a great trial:
no longer the danger of imminent corporal death, as in the olden days, but the danger of the insidious death of the soul bogged down in our attachment to a far too comfortable existence.

This is the worst obstacle!
Another mortal danger!


May 3-4, 2011

I am celebrating what is right with the world, am I not?

Among the scarce reading-material I took with me to Brazil, was a magazine,
which was edited in 1980 (!) by the Findhorn People: ONE EARTH IMAGE.
I had guarded it not so much because of an article about "Partnership" in it,
but because of a delightful spirit in it, which then was hardly budding,
and now seems to blossom all over the world.
The four Hungarians, who listened to "the Angel" in 1943-44, will be happy,
to see two of those "buds" inserted next to my edited info of Gitta's friends!

What I still, after 31 years, find most "celebratable" in this magazine, are
a) the warm report about the community of Taizé (visited by me in 1976)
b) an overview of the development of Findhorn (visited by me in 1997)

Talking with Angels - (A true story of four Hungarians in search of meaning during the Holocaust) (Paperback)

"This is not a how to book. The angels in this book answer many deep and compelling questions. Questions humans have been asking for a long time. It was a hard book to come by and now that amazon has it everyone can find what the soul seeks answers to. Be patient read the whole book then read it again. I have many times and each time I gain a little more understanding of each angels message and why they are so important to us. These angels are not confined to religious dogma they are not catholic jewish baptist they are the angels who share what they know to guide us, and help us understand the reason we are here and what we are to accomplish. I will keep this book with me always in heart and mind. Gitta said she did not write it I believe her the angels did.

Talking with Angels- a review.
I first read Talking with Angels in the 70's. To pick it up and read, even if only a few lines or pages at a time, is like drinking living light~~~a luminous, nourishing feast for the soul. With page after page filled with fresh and immediate revelation, and saturated with numinous wisdom and energy, it instantly became a seminal book on my own soul journey. Every time I buy several copies, I swear I am going to keep one for myself, but sharing it with others is irresistible. I have bought 6-10 copies at a time, and always end up giving them away before I turn around.
Word of Thanks [to the "Angel"]

Today, after five decades, I am convinced that your teaching method is unique~~~ .just the opposite to what we are used to!

You became aware of the seduction which you, the Angels, exercised over us, human beings, and you preserved me from it.

I thank you with all my heart

Usually, and in the best of cases, the disciple, after long years of training, acquires a certain independence vis-à-vis his master ~~~ If he ever acquires any!

With you, my Angel, it is the exact opposite

My apprenticeship has not yet begun when you order me with force, almost brutally:


     Talking with angels, p 22

Nevertheless, during the third dialogue- there will be 88 - I try to reassure myself by asking how I could always hear your voice. So you cut short every attempt I make to build up an umbilical relationship with you:

     Talking with angels, p 28

This phrase has been repeated a hundred times and I will repeat it another hundred times: it is so important!

Today, I thank you warmly

Thus, my progressive apprenticeship begins with the requirement for total independence towards my Master

However, you clearly claim that you are my Master


     Talking with angels, p 281



IMAGE – World Community 1980

quieter places of the world – places like a rural hillside in the Burgundy region of eastern France. This quiet spot among grainfields and vineyards has become the nexus of a global network involving hundreds of thousands of people.

To this village of Taizé in the year 1940 came Roger Schutz, a twenty-five year old Protestant theology student from Switzerland, seeking a suitable spot in which to establish a community. Moved by the poverty and distress of the region at that time, he purchased a house which in the following two years was to become a welcoming refuge for those, mainly Jews, fleeing from Nazi persecution. After an interruption to his work in 1942, when he had to escape over the Swiss border to avoid arrest, the returned in 1944 to continue with his purpose. By 1949 there were seven brothers, who took the step of committing themselves to celibacy and a shared life.

Today the community consists of about eighty brothers, still under Brother Roger's priorship, from twenty or so different countries and of all denominations. Such is the magnetic attracton of the place that for the past decade or more it has been inundated each year by thousands of visitors, mostly young people. At Easter 1974, during the inauguration of a Council of Youth, there were 40000 visitors. Most visitors sleep in tents on the hillside, although there is a small amount of indoor accommodation. (Where I slept that one night in August 1976, with my hosts and drivers from Geneva). One field is set aside as an area of silence for those who wish to pass a more contemplative time.

Life is structured at Taizé by the three daily services in the Church of the Reconciliation, built [[by "Aktion Suehnezeichen"]] when it became obvious that the smaller Romanesque village church was no longer sufficient. The services are of a ritualized nature but are very international and multi-lingual, with times for singing [listen to the Psalm which I learnt then and transcribed back into the Hebrew original] and for meditation and


Talking with Angels- a review
This amazing book is exactly as the title is dialogues between three young people and an Angelic Presence, the Angels speaking through a highly spiritual and attuned fourth friend in the group. Three in the group were Jewish, one was not.

Decisive Opportunities
(Unpublished, February 1992, all rights reserved)

I am present and a friend of mine raises his first question concerning his Angel.

Then I can instantly see the growth of an opportunity unveil itself before my eyes.

A dusty curtain of ignorance is torn...

Insipid lies disappear...

Unctuous idols fall from their pedestal...

The illusion of angelical beings that can be tamed vanishes...

Yes, a thick curtain woven from untruths a million years old is torn.


The Angel is different, totally different:

He is fearsome in his strength...

He is primitive in his joy...

He is an avalanche of burning energies...

He has no limits and that is disconcerting...

His ardour is unbearable to us...

And he knows it.

He is waiting since time immemorial

So that his earthly equal should at last awaken~~~

He waits for his half-in-matter to discover him at last, his half-in-light...

But will this ever happen?

The Angel waits this moment with an impetuous impatience,

With an inconceivable attraction.

He is at this rendezvous of love since time began.

But you, who read these lines, are you there too?

Will you ever be?

When the first contact occurs

The angel, the immoderate, imposes a severe measure on himself :

He filters his strength~~~

He reduces his fire~~~

He dims his radiance~~~

And he only touches our "peak"

With the tip of his toes,

So tenderly.

But beware!

He immediately engages in the first clinch :

He demands that we be totally independent from him.

In front of his celestial dignity

He demands our equivalent human dignity.

And this indispensable demand is his first act of love.

But will this first step towards a healthy life with the Angel ever happen?

All depends on me...

All depends on you...

prayer. Other parts of the day are spent in discussion with other visitors, or with one of
the brothers. [I wanted to beg Brother Roger to "do something" in Israel, but since I didn't know enough French and he knew nothing but French, he referred me to Brother Leo, who spoke German. I told him about my "Bir'am Project", but he said a sentence, which became crucial for me: "We never go anywhere unless we are invited!"] The supportive but non-pressuring energy of Taizé seems to allow a deep sharing between people and to stimulate visions of solutions to humanity's problems.

These problems are often in the forefront of the consciousness of those who come to Taizé. Like the brothers they come to be near [?], the visitors have a keen social awareness. They seem to understand the essence of Christianity rather than adhering to the institutionalized and restrictive aspect which has grown up over the centuries.

The emphasis is on reconciliation – between Catholics and Protestants, rich and poor, old and young, east and west, north and south. The brothers themselves have been forced to discover the true meaning of reconciliation and unity, since they come from all back-grounds, including Catholic and Protestant. In the early 50's [?], Taize was embodying and working with a strong impulse toward ecumenicalism at a time when the Vatican was not at all favourably disposed towards the matter. In the years since, the ecumenical energy has found favour and Taizé won the respect of the Roman church as well as other established churches in various parts of the world.

In the same way that this quiet country place is a centre for so much spiritual activity, so also do the brothers believe that the greatest spiritual potential of the world lies among the poorest of the poor. Groups of brothers leave Taizé for periods to go and live in 'frraternities' in such places as Brazil, Bangladesh and Kenya, and sometimes in the slums of one of the world's largest cities, such as Chicago. They go 'in order to live a presence with no ulterior motives.' They don't attempt to import 'solutions' to the problems of the area. Rather, they share the christian perspective in a quiet way without imposing it and they support the initiative of the local young people.

The "Second Letter to the People of God" was written as a result of such a sojourn by Brother Roger, his co-workers and a team of young people in Calcutta, where they lived among the poor and worked part of the time in Mother Teresa's homes for the sick and dying. The letter talks of building up a 'parable of sharing in the human family. Such a parable will have force enough to propagate itself, shaking even the most immovable systems and creating communion througout the whole human family.'

This and other commuications consist not only of visions but also practical suggestions as to how a change in this life on Earth may be wrought. This letter points out that the urge to consume and accumulate is the beginning of injustice. People are encouraged to remedy this in practical ways, to become aware of the lonely and deprived, to make their homes places of welcome, to share meals with others; for, 'a spirit of festival has more to do with simplicity than with large quantities of food.' Further on is written, 'A redistribution of wealth requires the industrialized nations to do more than just give away their surplus. The structures underlying international injustice must be changed at all costs.'Peope work with these problems in different ways, each of which must be respected, it says, but in the end nothing lasting can be achieved without communion with God; 'in silence let a living word of Christ be born in you, then put it into practice right away'

Although the message of Taizé springs from a particular religion, it is nonetheless a univer-sal message – of the breaking down of barriers and of reconciliation; of not taking sides in the conflicts of humanity, but finding a meeting point for apparently irreconcilable opposites, so there is dignity for all and sharing of all kinds becomes a reality on a planetary scale.
Sandra Kramer. For more information contact: 71250 Taizé– Communauté, france. They publish a newsletter, Letter from Taize, in eight languages. There is also a book, Taizé: Brother Roger and his Community, by Rex Brico (Collins, 1978), which is comprehensive in view.

Remember. all this was happening already 31 years ago. If I had "time", I would study everything on what is now their website in ever so many languages. Now I won't even take the "time" to re-study what I already mentioned about the enormous impact those 24 hours at Taizé had on my life - unlike Findhorn, which had NO impact at all....

But before I go on to copy the info on what I see as THE other pioneering COMMUNITY,
I want to ponder upon the fact which only now occurred to me: that I, indeed, had the chance to visit both: Taizé and Findhorn, in order to understand in my Body, why I was not and am not "permitted" to join them or to found my own community, as I had dreamed at the age of 22.
" must 'belong' to yourself, and not to a group or other person....a group's.... intention and understandings can serve only part of the need
for ... healing..."
[See more in Godchannel's: On Belonging to Groups]

"Dialogues avec l'ange Gitta Mallasz - Éd. Aubier

Cet extraordinaire récit narre la rencontre pendant la guerre en Hongrie d'une "Force de Lumière " encore appelée "Ange" ou "Maître Intérieur ", avec quatre jeunes gens dont trois périront par la suite en camp de concentration. C'est Gitta Mallasz, seule survivante qui consignera ce reportage d'une expérience spirituelle rare.
Paru en 1990, le succès de cet ouvrage ne s’est jamais démenti. Il témoigne du besoin de sens de chaque être humain, besoin légitime et toujours ô combien actuel.
"Talking with Angels" (in 16 languages)

"This incredible story tells us of the meeting in Hungary
during the second world war
of a “Force of Light” – also called “Angel” or “Inner Master”-
with four young people of whom three will later perish in concentration camp.
It is Gitta Mallasz, the sole survivor,
who will record this report of a rare spiritual experience
Transmit Unpublished text by Gitta – January 1992
[I, Rachel, call this "to be a sounding-board of the voice of the other's Cosmic Self"]

What to transmit?
The light of heaven so that it can have an effect on earth.

Transmit to whom?
To the ones who suffer from their lacks and who call for help.

How to transmit?

By lowering the intensity of the light to a degree which can be assimilated by the one who is helped.

Transmitting is one of the greatest laws which you have taught us.
I have forgotten nothing -at least I hope so- everything seems so essential to me :
Transmitting is impossible ~~`if we are motivated by goodwill.
Transmitting is impossible ~~~if we are motivated by sympathetic emotions.
Transmitting is impossible. ~~~if we are motivated by a surge of charity, Whether it is noble or insipid.

is possible only if placed above all feeling.
Transmitting concerns a zone of incandescent forces, sacred forces, above any quality which can be defined by human beings.
The force which is transmitted, however takes on the quality, defined precisely, which is necessary for the help in question. This is where you draw my attention to a possible deviation...
Amongst those who are capable of transmitting, very few are those who avoid it. Very few are conscious enough to avoid it.

What are we talking about?
The person who is helped very often believes that the one who transmits is the real source of the help.
That's where all can be corrupted.
I observed how Lili was advised of the danger which awaited her (she, and not the person who was helped).

Lili transmitted love to a person whose heart had dried up.
And you warn her:


Lili transmits hope to someone in despair,
And you warn her:


Lili transmits a spark of faith to someone who no longer believes in anything,
And you warn her:

     (Talking with Angels p.200)

Yes, it is the great danger which threatens all those who are capable of helping, and today, they are legion: gurus, spiritual masters, priests, teachers, doctors, psychologists, and how many others!
In general, they all have good will.
This risk is serious, very serious, because we have to face it alone :

     (Talking with Angels p.72)

Yet I can in no way prevent those who make forecasts on my person.
But I can -on the other hand- perfectly prevent these projections from reaching me or touching me.

It’s as simple as a mechanic law.
If these projections find nothing to attract them,
If I have not the slightest desire for greatness, for power or for possession, they will find no surface to hang on to :
They will rebound naturally and return to their source.

In truth, what is this all about?
It’s about the most insidious servitude (because extremely difficult to detect) or the most sovereign independence.

Now, a question arises of its own accord :
What is the state of the person who is above all projection?




    (Talking with Angels, p.386-387)

According to me,
Hanna was the one who transmitted “par excellence”
Her heart had no expectation,
There was nothing to expect~~~
Her hand requested nothing,
There was nothing to request~~~

But what she transmitted – the “Dialogues” –
ACTS today in innumerable lives.


IMAGE – World Community 1980
[an overview of "Findhorn's' development] – by JW

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a counterpart of personal growth is that
no one person or no one place has the total answer. I finally "grokked" [* a term from "Stranger in a Strange land", by Robert Heinlein. It implies total understanding] that through living at Findhorn.

What a liberating experience it has been, too. As I understand what has happened to this community in the past year and a half, I see that we have all been affected in this way. In freeing ourselves from the myths which had arisen from our fame and had crystallized our direction as individuals and a community, as well as how we expressed our experiences to the world, we have freed ourselves for greater exploration 'into God'.

Of course, as I have said before in this 'Journal', we have not denied the myths which have made Findhorn famous the world over. We have, instead, seen how they had become staid to us [Babylon: "stuck in the mud"- see what Godchannel says about "groups"] and then set about to enliven them. We are still about that and hopefully we will continue to explore and invest our lives in the realities which propagate the myths as long as this community exists.

From only a year ago when there was a noticeable atmosphere of doubt and listlessness in this windy clime, there is now a sense of direction, open, excited and eager exloration, of commitment and a greater willingness to face our suc-cesses and our errors. I think we have learned, a year after Barbara Hubbard [Barbara Marx-Hubbard with her "Foundation for Conscious Evolution" is still very much alive and active today!] consciously planted this thought, that a mistake is not a defeat but merely an error in judgement. No guilt, no blame, only loving acceptance will correct it. [see the last lines in my song 1978-2011: "with all my joy and happiness, with my mistakes and imperfectness"] We are catching on, and this lesson is being woven into the soul pattern of the community.

The importance of this lesson cannot be underestimated if we wish to live proactively rather than reactively. One attribute of this development is a greater sense of tolerance and love for individual differences. As we open up more to the world, we naturally open up more to ourselves – or is it the other way around?


I would like to speak a bit about the building of a new model of life. We have recently had a few community meetings to talk about a statement of vision and priorities for this year. This statement was drafted by Core Group and offered to the community for its reflection and discussion and, if necessary, revision. It was compiled in four sections: The Essential Vision; The Unfolding Vision – to allow for the emergence of the Planetary Village; Findhorn's Path and Unique Yoga; Priorities for 1980.

The paragraph comprising the 'essential vision' was taken from Eileen's guidance, June, 1971. It reads: 'The work of this centre is to usher in the New Age; to raise the vibrations by the awareness of the Christ Consciousness within each one; to find contact with Me; to create light and more Light and radiate it; to bring down My kingdom on Earth and see it start here and go out and out to all four cornders of the Earth; to know with that inner knowing that all things are possible and see the impossible become possible; to create wholeness, oneness and to bring unity in diversity."

[It's typical for all such messages until "Right Use and Will" since 1985 and "" since 1997, that only 'Light, Light, Light" are mentioned and the Magnetic Essence, the WILL is left out! That's perhaps why Findhorn - when I stayed there for 2-3 days in 1997 - did not touch me...]

While the essential vision may be a concise and complete statement, putting it into practice is the cosmic puzzle called Findhorn to which we are always discovering new pieces. This is an unending process. We are involved, at present, with that section we had labelled 'Planetary Village'. I'll draw from the statement again in order to explain.

'The term "Planetary Village' focuses our attention in two directions:

'Inward, towards the consolidation of the community and its transition into a balanced and rooted network of mini-centres, or "households"; secondly, towards the necessity to 'honour the land on which we are to sink our roots into the immediate and present culture and people and place'.

'Outward, to our planetary responsibility in the fields of communications, education and our overall contribution of a holistic social model that can prove a successful example for evolution.'


".....In order to accompany each of you towards your own inner dialogues
so that each of you can find out what you are here for: Your task.

1985-1992, Gitta Mallasz passed on her experience to Patricia and Bernard Montaud with whom she lived until her death.
They have inherited a true road to inner conscience, a western spiritual path.

From "History" (in "cahier d’Art’As November 1988")

"Times and demands have changed.
The experience we have undergone
under those tragic circumstances,
you now have to live it in the comfort
and the risk of falling asleep.
But isn't that just as tragic?
Today, bonding with the Angel has become natural for everybody :
this is how you can serve.

The greatest obstacle is that many people do not yet believe.
War is no longer necessary to meet your Angel.
An ordinary life is sufficient.
There lies your new task. "

Who knows how to play ?
Unpublished text by
Gitta Mallasz which she wrote a few months before her death

Rachel: See and listen to the song "Don't be afraid, Life is just a Game"!

Me too, I sermonize for those who wish to listen to me. I preach my little personal gospel very seriously : “Above all, do not take yourself seriously, play!”
Everyone listens to me carefully because I have a reputation of being serious, then they turn away with a sigh : “At her age, she’s talking nonsense ~~~ poor thing!”

Perhaps it is true, but I find my senility rather positive ~~~
If you only knew how all the wealth of life is attracted by he who plays! Everything sparks ~~~ becomes lighter ~~~ even death, this monster smiles at me : “Do not be afraid”! As far as I’m concerned, another game, totally different, a sublime game is about to start.

Yes, I’m telling you seriously, profoundly convinced that this game is the most direct path to reach HIM who invented the great game of creation.
But I’m saying it in vain ~~~no one believes me~~~ It is too simple, even simplistic.

[Rachel: I agree in general, but when Body feels pain or even just discomfort,
like it does, when I can't sleep or am traveling in "a prison", I can't play....]

Today, people show confidence in the complicated. However, it is the complicated which smothers life.
Would we be afraid of losing our importance?
Of losing the seriousness of our little self?
The seriousness of our problems?
The seriousness of our troubles? Playing is only allowed in nursery school ~~~ And yet :



[Rachel: according to Godchannel>Original Heart, the ONE could play alone, but a peer was missed, and that desire brought about the splitting-apart and from there 'Manifestation':

       "....Manifestation is meant to be a playground
        where being and doing are fun..."

         [Godchannel, Second Interview with the Folks]

. (p.198)

[Rachel: such simplification and naivite angers me! The metaphor of the Cain-story tells me over and over again, that "Rejoicing" in "Giving" is rare, not because people don't want to give, but because people can not receive!]

Knowledge too could serve the joy of life ~~~ but most often it buries it.
Therefore, what’s this NEW GAME you’re talking about?


The ball? Could it be my created being, my temporal being?
The player? Could it be my creative being, my timeless being?
And the game?
Could it be both at the same time, Heaven and Earth united in the act?
Yes, I feel I’m on the right track ~~~ but ~~~ there is a but ~~~
Ah, I’ve got it; this union is not the result of any simple act.

. (p.184)

With or through? I understand ~~~ it is clear now :
If I play with the body, my game is pleasant, entertaining and superficial, it’s the game of the creature.
If on the other hand, the Master of the game plays through me, it is my divine service which is fulfilled.


The game with the body, it is the ancient game, the competitive game.
(It would be better to call the Olympic Games: the Olympic Competitions)
The game through the body, I think it has not yet existed.


But how do I recognize them?

Everything will rejoice. Matter~~~Time~~~Space~~~Forces~~~And the player.


After this individual game, the team game with others invariably follows. As far as I’m concerned, the game “par excellence” is a team game. It is richer, more varied in colour ~~~ more unexpected ~~~ and the ambience is intensified because the team members are complementary.
In a team, a divinely lively game is possible, but under one condition: that nobody takes himself seriously.
How is this team formed? Under what laws?
I think it is first of all formed by the harmony of the voices.
But it is a harmony which can only be heard by the new ear.


But it’s extremely delicate and difficult! Should I watch myself from now on, should I be on the lookout ~~~ should I control myself constantly so that no intention should slip in my voice?
My God! I think I understand everything upside down! If I watched myself constantly, I would once more give myself a false importance, even if it’s a virtuous importance, a disciplined importance.


In the real Team, everyone knows this secret.
In the real Team, everyone enhances the other, livens him wherever he does not yet know how to play~~~wherever his life does not yet sing.
The solitary game prepares for the team game.
The harmony of the team prepares for the Full Orchestral game.
The Full Orchestral game prepares for creation.
A new symphony breaks on our earth~~~
Harmonies which were never heard before resound~~~create~~~and vanish.
Others resound in their turn~~~create~~~and vanish~~~and he who plays in the Universal Orchestra loses himself in the ecstasy of Creation.


P.S. I think that at the present time the din created on earth is such that the Angels hire musicians, even beginners, but with goodwill.

Clarity on the unfolding vision aspect was offered in a session with 'John', as part of a transmission through David Spangler. We were told, in part, that 'Findhorn will cease to be identified as a University of Light' and will be known as 'that larger communion in which can co-exist and interrelate the ashram, the centre, the school, the university, the village and the city.' It was emphasized that this is not our task in isolation. 'It is neither in your destiny nor in that which overlights you, nor in your power to accomplish it on your own.'

This last statement is open to interpretation; to me it implies greater cooperation with the local community and with other people, groups and organizations elsewhere on the planet. Developing our interaction and connection to the local region has been receiving strong emphasis for more than a year, and is included in the statement of priorties for this year.

Other parts of that section include Right Custodianship (for example: conservation of fuel, restoring financial stability, being good stewards to what we have); Light Livelihood (for example; increase food production and processing 'within the context of spiritual cooperation with the nature kingdoms,' and energizing businesses already productive while also forming new businesses 'compatible with spiritual principles'); Right caring For People (for example; better accomodations, communications, financial support and educational programmes for members, improvement of guest programmes, development of childhood education programmes (right Civilazation (festivals given importance again, 'honouring the spirit of sanctuary' in all activities); and Organic Growth (that is, not racing ahead of our capabilities).

[I have expressed my big reservations of "FESTIVALS", during my dire experience of our "Walk about Love" 2009!]

Our 'Path and unique Yoga' refers to the quality of love with which we seek to infuse our everyday life. Findhorn can be seen as a 'planetary ashram' in that it is a synthesis of diverse cultures and ways of living, of many nationalities, of people with differing emphases on life all working and learning in an inclusive atmosphere of cooperation. Again drawing from the 'John' material: Findhorn is 'an ashram whose spirituality emerges from work: co-creative work between the kingdoms of life that share this planet. Good and clear work, excellence in labour, love in action. These are the spiritual principles and disciplines of the planetary ashram ~~~' From this direction, it was implied, will emerge our future, in form and as example.

Perhaps the most illustrative statement on this 'vision' paper is the last point under section four. Within the principle of organic development we seek to 'allow, under careful attunement, the emegrence of a village identity through development of independent and semi-independent projects – which in no way must represent an actual or potential strain on community physical and psychic resources.' In stating our intentions in this way, we have set forth an indication of how our progress into a village will proceed. This is a radical divergence from the earlier pattern, where all growth was directly enveloped by the protection of the Foundation. We are letting in more diverse light.

The conclusion of this paper was a reminder to carry within our thoughts the image of the householder 'as a quality of love, responsibility and service to ourselves, our families, our community, the land around us and the planet.'
Finally, to conclude this overview of our development, I'll quote from a discussion I had with Vance Martin in February. Vance has been in the community for five years, has focalized the community and worked closely with Peter Caddy for several years. To begin, I asked him how he saw us engaging in greater interaction with the world outside our particular pathway.

Vance: 'If we're going to claim an identity as a village and invoke that, it's going to bring a whole package of changes. Findhorn has always been in the world, but not of the world [a quote put in the mouth of Jesus in the New Testament , John 17]. Well, in order for Findhorn to be effective now we have to be of the world. We have to talk in their language and risk being deluded. That is what the Cullerne House episode and all the events surrounding that has been preparing us for, allowing us to meet our 'shadow' and to develop trust and clarity and openness so that we can take that spirit into the market-place.

The work of the 60's – building the inner foundation our work with nature, strengthening the magnetism here – and the work of the 70's to develop the alternative in the form of community, now has to bridge with society in the 80's. Who knows what the 90's will bring, except really working on fine synthesis. But now it's coarse adjustments; we're a viable part of society. Let's see how we come together.'

John: 'Does that mean to you that we have to be more permeable by society?'

Vance: 'Absolutely, as far as I'm concerned'

John: "it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to lend conscious, specific support to activist causes?'

Vance: 'Not necessarily, buit it could. Findhorn has shunned, and will continue to shun, the missionary zeal syndrome. But it's time that Findhorn accept its maturity and realize that there are areas of society in which we have not engaged before, and I may be paraphrasing 'John' here, in which action can occur and bring a spirit of wholeness in those areas – which is a really different move for Findhorn.'

I'll complete this composition of "Messages and Living" - between 1943-44 and 1980-
with commenting on my own - first - endeavor to live and put my vision into action:
The 1980 magazine of "ONE EARTH IMAGE" also presented an article about "Partnership", based on an interview with the couple who at that time "attempted" to realize my vision as best as they understood: Bracha and Prof. Benjamin Yanouv.
The photos in "IMAGE" show a youth-camp in cooperation with the town Herzlia...
At the end of that very year, 1980, I left the organization I had founded, since I learnt,
that as long as people - even inside "peace-groups" - feel victims instead of "Masters of their Destiny", - working for "Creating the Conditions of Partnership" is futile.

ON BELONGING TO GROUPS [see more there]
Dear God, What do you think of the organization and initiation of the New Warriors?
"Groups can be a good place
to begin a journey of self discovery
that may eventually lead to wholeness.
However, in organized group work
that is not focused on healing the deepest imprints,
most of the important healing issues are ignored.
The imprints are often covered over
with another kind of conditioning
that serves the integrity of the group,
but not necessarily the integrity of the individual."


Arad, May 2, 2011, Holocaust-Memorial-Day

Within an hour I already came in contact with several beautiful "messages",
leave alone my grate-full-ness for all the wondrous circumstances of my life,
and all this in excruciating contrast to what we are to remember on this day.

But what is the value of all this, if I cannot cope with my Body's discomfort,
when I can not fall asleep for 5 hours, or suffer from even short car-travels,
or from that traffic-jam in Sao Paulo and those 15 hours in my son's plane?

I breathe, I blink, I do "Paula", I plead with "God", I apply"Abraham"
and the result is - zero - in addition to self-hatred for being so powerless.
Yet I shall dedicate this day to identifying with those Hungarians in 1944.

Unpublished text by Gitta Mallasz written a few months before her death
Diary dated 13th of March 1992

A day like any other ~~~

But nonetheless remarkably different.

I have this feeling: today, you are playful my Angel.
Nothing extraordinary is happening~~~
But everything vibrates at a different rhythm.

I look at my little garden: the tulips are already bursting through the soil~~~
Rachel: in my gardens it's the geraniums and low nameless flowers
which are blossoming all over

What a lovely garden I have!
Suddenly you let me see it in a different way :
It is God who is bursting through the earth…
He is reaching for his own light.
It is God who buries Himself there and who resurrects…
Who leaves Himself and finds Himself again in His Game of Love eternal,
Within the network of his Divine Forces.
[Rachel on Dec. 29, 2012: It's not so much His Game of Love eternal,
as it is "the evolution of Love understanding itself", see the last song of 2012]

Today, this unfolds before my amazed eyes…
Right here, in my lovely garden.

Yes, you are playful my angel.
You even play with the words I am writing.
All of a sudden~~~ they are no longer mine~~~you take them~~~
And they take on a luminous glow.
Then you leave them and they fall again – lifeless.
You come and go~~~you play hide and seek,
You disappear and you reappear within me also,
And I run after you, out of breath.

I have forgotten to play, long ago, very long ago.
Moreover, who amongst us still knows how to play?
Of course, people play their game seriously~~~
But are they playful?

To be playful is to be in a frame of mind, light, light, light.
That’s where your playground is, my Angel!
And curiously, it is my earthly heaviness
Which infallibly attracts your divine lightness.
So, why bother with my heaviness?
May it be blessed, this magnet which attracts you inevitably!
May it be blessed!

[Rachel on Dec. 29, 2012: "...Manifestation is meant to be a playground where being and playing are fun" [Godchannel]

See Gitta's BiographySee "the Friends History"
"But just like Schindler, she also had the courage during the Second World War
to hide and to save from the Nazi repression around a hundred Jewish women and children
in a war factory which she directed near Budapest. "
"Faced with the horrors of war, they wonder about the mistakes made by Man which lead to such violence."

Excerpts from : petits dialogues d'hier et d'aujourd'hui - cahiers d'Art'as n°17- 1991

Since the war broke out in the Gulf, friends who are worried, ask me what they could do.
So I recount this Chinese fable to who ever wants to listen to me.

A farmer was ploughing his land. A scholar who was passing by asked him:
” what would you do if tomorrow was the end of the world?”
And the farmer answered: ”I would continue to plough my land.”

A lady friend, who was depressed by this terrible conflict, asked me :
And you, the four friends from Budapest,
how did you endure the horrors which surrounded you during the Second World War? Where you also depressed?
- Yes, we were depressed only once, when we learnt the death of millions of Jews in the gas chambers.
But by appealing to our Angels, we immediately regained confidence in Life, in the new Life.
We were sometimes shattered by grief, but we never, never lost confidence.
That’s how Talking with Angels could come to life.”

I then asked my depressed friend a question, and I am asking you all the same question :

“What did you yourself do against war?
What did you yourself do for peace? “

Because war is not decided on the ground in the desert!
That is only where the inevitable consequences of another battlefield occur, invisible to the human eye.
A battlefield for which we are all responsible, and that is what matters.
Each one of our negative emotions
Opens the door to the invader.
That is where war starts!




On the other hand, each one of our confident smiles
Undermines the murderous projects.
Each one of our constructive thoughts,
Diminishes the destructive forces.
Each one of our requests for peace
Dims the fire of war.
We who are alive today, we do not attend this war in the desert by chance.
No, each one of us is a responsible warrior of the great balance of history.
We are not the powerless victims of the external events,
but maybe the all powerful drop of water which will tip the scales towards Life or towards its destruction.

Carrying consciously this responsibility, raises us to the dignity of Man.


A friend has just read my article on war :
“I was moved by it, but how can I become this life-saving drop of water in my daily life?”

So I told her about the idea that came to me sometime ago:
it is such a simple and practical exercise that it undoubtedly carries the label Angel.
I have a small notebook in my pocket which I carry on me at all times;
when I’m working, during meals, and even in the bathroom, at night time too, it is at my bedside.
And I watch out for negative thoughts as a hunter watches out for his favourite game.
Ah, there it shows the tip of his nose!
But I do not kill it, on the contrary! I welcome it, I listen to it,
and I immediately write down the equivalent positive idea in my little notebook.


This becomes a wonderful springboard which enables the transformation of negative energies into positive energies.
Negative thinking paralyzes me :
“These images on TV are dreadful, this violence, this hate~~~
I am overwhelmed!”
On the contrary, positive thinking encourages me to act :
“Doesn’t peace begin with me, what can I do today? Now, everything is noted in my little notebook, I shall never forget it”.

Two days later, my lady friend phones me :
“Since I’ve been on the lookout for my negative thoughts, they no longer come to me~~~ It seems they are on strike.
Darn it! I’ve nothing else to transform!”

And I began to laugh, and laugh~~~ it was a laugh of pure joy.

Again - what is a "negative thought"?
I've learnt not to let in info, as much as possible,
info that would cause me pain or to judge others.
Standing in my garden for the 2 min. alarm today,
I felt my love for all those who suffered and suffer.
Yet ! what about my powerlessness towards Body?!
My wrath about this impotence grows by the hour!

L'ange, cet être inconnu
Gitta MALLASZ, December 1989, unedited and untranslated

Pourquoi nous est-il donc si difficile de connaître l'Ange ?
Je me suis longtemps posée cette question.
Au fur et à mesure que se déroulaient les entretiens, je découvrais
que l'Ange éprouvait des sentiments, des émotions, qu'il avait lui aussi une sensibilité.
Mais en rien comparables aux nôtres !
Là, pour moi, c'était l'inconnu.
Nos sentiments, nos émotions, notre sensibilité sont toujours limités par la personne.
Ceux de l'Ange sont illimités, ils ont une dimension universelle.

[Rachel: What is important for me, are that this "Angel", too, has emotions!
I don't care if they are "universal", while mine are "personal"!]

Au début des entretiens, j'avais l'impression qu'il était un être d'un autre monde.

A cette époque Hanna faisait des rêves terribles,
concernant les catastrophes qui s'abattaient sur l'humanité.
Comme je m'inquiétais pour elle, l'Ange me lança avec une autorité distante :


     Dialogues avec l'ange p. 59

[Rachel: Oh, how I hate those spiritual statements! I'm glad, Gitta felt the same]

Je me tus, effrayée.
Jamais je n'avais senti l'Ange aussi inaccessible dans sa grandeur,
ni aussi loin de nos misères humaines.
Pourtant c'était la grande tuerie mondiale.

C'est vrai : les sentiments de l'Ange sont autres~~~ tout à fait autres.

Plus tard je découvris un autre aspect de l'Ange.
Un ami allemand me posa un jour une question destinée à son Ange.
Jamais auparavant je n'avais senti un tel torrent de joie se déverser sur nous.
D'immenses écluses de jubilation s'étaient ouvertes,
inondant la terre de la joie de milliers d'êtres de Lumière, des milliers d'êtres en liesse
parce qu'un homme de plus s'était adressé à son Ange.
Ce jour-là j'ai senti l'Ange comme un être fait uniquement de joie.

C'est vrai : les émotions de l'Ange sont autres~~~ tout à fait autres.

Même la détresse, la détresse la plus profonde,
l'Ange l'a ressentie au moment où nous, les quatre humains,
nous nous sommes enfoncés dans le désespoir.
Nous avions appris l'horreur des chambres à gaz et nous étions anéantis.
Là, l'Ange dévoila pour la première fois son amour
brûlant dans un feu céleste pour ses pareils terrestres.


     Dialogues avec l'ange p. 259

Notre désarroi sans espoir nous éloignait de l'Ange.
Nous avions oublié de lui faire confiance~~~
nous étions tombés si bas qu'il ne pouvait plus nous atteindre.

[Rachel: this and the following is tolerable for me only after I read, that the Angel's task is hard too!]

     Dialogues avec l'ange p. 48

Alors il implora son Seigneur de patienter encore un jour,
avant d'être obligé de trancher la branche stérile.
Et cette branche sur l'Arbre de la Vie, c'était nous.


    Dialogues avec l'ange p. 259

Que l'Ange se mette à nous supplier aussi humblement, nous les humains !
J'étais devant une dimension inconnue de l'amour : le don de soi total et inconditionnel.
Depuis ce jour-là je sais que l'amour inconcevable existe.

C'est vrai : la sensibilité de l'Ange est autre ... tout à fait autre.

Our Ethics

Talking with Angels’ main purpose is to guide you on your own path.
And on this unique path, will you eventually meet your Angel.
This path is always new.
Therefore, no one can teach, or explain,
or compare, or analyze, or generalise
Talking with Angels"

On the contrary, if someone reads out loud the voice of the Angels,
or if he communicates the joy resulting from “Talking with Angels”
or the teachings he has drawn from these dialogues,
everything will come to life.”

Petits dialogues d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (p153)- Aubier

See what I - in 2001-2003- quoted above both:
The Overview of the 70 puzzle-pieces of "God has Evolved",
and the Overview of "My Life's Harvest"

2003_04_26; last update: 2006_11_27

Attempting to put the message of in a nutshell:

Though my path is uniquely my own ,
there is a guideline for anyone's path
towards      becoming      whole
and   towards   becoming   who   each one   truly   is:
to     feel     what     I     feel,
releasing any    judgment    about what I feel,
while VIBRATING, i.e. breathing - moving - sounding it,
so  that  I'll be    capable  of    accepting    what  I   feel.
For only  if   BODY   does its part  in the  partnership  of FEELING+CONSCIOUSNESS in the HEART in my BODY,

can   there   be   TOTAL   S E L F - A C C E P T A N C E  , 
can    I    become   whole,  can  I  be who  I  truly am...

so that I can   create   my  life   and  my  love as I wish!

See now, in 2011, part of the song:
I wish to be – whole and shalem
and cocreate a life full of love
free of stress and pettiness
with all my joy and happiness
with all mistakes and imperfectness


      Talking with Angels p.441

        The supernatural famishes, only the natural nourishes

Gitta Mallasz
Le saut dans l’inconnu, published by Aubier
(A leap into the unknown – Not yet translated)

" I would like to clarify what I understand by the word Angel.
From the moment man reached a certain degree of conscience,
he has given this spiritual being different names :

In Japan, it’s Kami,

In Hinduism, it’s Deva,

In ancient Iran, it’s Daena or Fravarti,

In antique Greece, it’s Genios,

And Socrates talked about his Daimon,

Hebrew tradition calls it Malachi,

Christian tradition calls it Angelos or Angel,

and a Jungian journalist recently asked me if the Angel wasn’t the fruit of my subconscious.
None of these denominations are of any importance.
What is essential is :
How does this spiritual being operate within me?
If the Angel helps me
to be more conscious of myself and of my earthly task,
To find my independence, even face to face with him,
To feel not only a creature but also a creator,

To deliver me from my attachment to the past, but also from my fear of the future,
And to live intensively the present moment;
To be responsible for myself as well as the whole universe;

Then the Angel is a force of Divine Love,
He is my equal in light,
And I am his denser equal on earth"


Gitta Mallasz
He whom I called the "Angel" bears no resemblance to the traditional Angel.

For me the Angel is the half which gives me life

And I am the one which receives this life
He is my prefiguration in the invisible
And I am his figuration in the visible
He is my timeless equal

And I am his equal limited in time
He is my intuitive complement in spirit
And I am his acting complement in matter
He is my body of light,
And I am his body of matter.”



  Talking with Angels p.96

And you, what is your own definition of the Angel?...
Because each individual must find his own definition :
And whatever name we give him, the Angel is the one who answers in our conscience.
What does talking with your Angel mean ?


   Talking with Angels p.64

Gitta Mallasz
"Talking with your Angel is a path without a path.
The teaching of the Angels is above all fixed forms, it is dynamic and the essential is perpetual change.
What was good yesterday is cumbersome today.
The Angel of these dialogues talks to the individual man, the creative man, already responsible for himself".

Bernard Montaud
"To dialogue is :
Not the doubt of an opinion, but the feeling of an infallible truth.
Not an interpretation which explains, but an intuition which relieves.
Not the slightest sign of magic, but the simplest way to be.
Not lengthy phrases but words of depth.
Not an intelligent answer but a new perspective.
Not the joy of being brilliant, but the ecstasy of being.
Not understanding afterwards, but seeing instantly."

Patricia Montaud
The conscious dialogues with the Angel are far more than simple words.
They are like a bridge of questions and answers between the two lovers of light and matter,
a bridge of ultimate sincerity, a sacred link.
They are a song of truth.
But can we meet our Angel while we only ask for ourselves?
Isn’t this royal mating between light and matter created rather for a cause calling for defence,
for serving a thousand men in their task instead of serving one’s personal needs?
To live with your Angel, is simply to live consciously.
Aware of our usefulness on earth,
aware of what we are here for,
aware of our individual task.


Still on Holocaust-Day May 2, 2011, 16:20

I've studied everything on the site of Gitta's Friends , and miss something:
Why is there no report about the annihilation of Gitta's three Jewish friends?
And more infuriating:
Why is "the Angel" not quoted as referring to their annihilation ?
The site announces an Italian movie, and an English monodrama.
I learnt some details from the latter, but the question remains:
If Gitta could save "almost all of" the "over 100 women and children",
why couldn't she save her three friends?
And if she couldn't, why does neither the Angel nor anybody else refer to it?
Suddenly my entire work today seems to be ridiculous!
After all, "dialogs with Angels", or whatever, are not new to me!

I continue to google and find a French site which states as its purpose:
to only clarify the origin of "that exceptional spiritual teaching",
but also to collect testimonies from or about those who received it.
It tells about ... a witness,who was with the 3 friends in the deportation-train

"Eva Dános... déportée avec Hanna et Lili ... témoignera dans un livre bouleversant de la mort de ses compagnes dans un wagon à bestiaux."
I find out, that this Eva's book has appeared in English:
Eva Langley-Danos:Prison on Wheels: From Ravensbrueck Burgau

The review reinforces
my sharp self-judgment in Sao Paulo and the airplane:

"..sixteen horror-filled days and nights of deportation...
700-kilometer rail journey
[in cattle-wagons?]
from Ravensbruck, north of Berlin, to Burgau, near Munich,
one of the countless such operations that took place
within Nazi Germany's vast network of labor- and concentration camps."

In one of the reviews [Florida) of the book "Talking with Angels" I read,
"The real-life story of the four people,
three of whom sacrifice themselves so their friend, the fourth,
and a group of women and children can survive,
is incredibly inspiring."
What on earth and in hell and heaven does this mean: they sacrificed themselves?
(by the way, this reviewer saw in "The angels' conversation with the four
" a let-down ~~~ just New Age cliches!"
"The meaning in this book is to be found in the human lives,
and the choices these remarkable people made." )

In the info about Eva Danos I finally learnt about the bitter end of Hanna and Lili:
"Après plusieurs semaines à Ravensbrück... les trois amies sont désignées pour aller travailler dans une usine à Burgau, camp satellite de Dachau, ...Commence alors, le 17 février 1945, un voyage de seize jours,
dans des conditions épouvantables,
au cours desquels Eva voit mourir sous ses yeux, impuissante,
Hanna puis Lili.

During those 16 days and nights in the "prison on wheels"
"Eva saw them die under her eyes, exhausted,
Hanna and then Lili"..

What I need to do now,
after having been nourished throughout the day
by this "material",
is to enter a dialog with my own "Angel",
or what I call "my Cosmic Self"
about my predicament with my body
concerning sleep and travelling.
But I don't love myself today,
so no "Angel" is around.....

(Talking with Angels p.201)
(Talking with


Talking with Angels p.35



        Talking with Angels p.53

       Ö seems to mean "God" in Hungarian


Arad, May 3, 2011

My "Angel" , of course, stood by my side, though I turned my eyes away.
"If you can't talk with ME, I'll stage your friends for talking with you!"
So, within one hour , I - who for days does not phone or receive phone-calls,
was called three times, by Felicia, by Lior Oren and by Yanina.
With everone I blurted out my predicament with my body, concerning sleep and travelling,
and with my self-judging this "predicament" on the background of "
The Prison on Wheels".

After the last "talk", with Yanina, I suddenly felt the answer:
Not a new understanding, but a familiar one - concerning some phenomena in my life,
only that I had not been able to apply this understanding to this "pathetic" predicament:

"If your Body would be your whole and hilarious partner all the time,
you might forget about humankind and its prisons, on wheels or not.
You must not change anything,
neither the terrible discomfort in Body itself,
nor your failing in coping with this discomfort.
Just sense the discomfort, just feel the failing,
 and radiate both with great love on all humans!"


Arad, May 4, 2011


I have left my body,

This invaluable tool which was given to me

In order to accomplish my earthly task.

It has been much worn-out by time

I know a new tool will be given to me,

Which is more appropriate for a new task.

You too have a task, a unique task,

It is of great benefit to accomplish your task properly

As long as this rare gift from heaven

-Your earthly body-

Can still be used.

Otherwise, you will have lived in vain.

I wondered, where the right place would be to insert Gitta's Death Statement.
This morning I know, that it's here, where I want to tell two cases of "how it is".

(I am totally opposed to "Abraham's" e-mail quote today, that we should reach for the thought
which makes us feel good and give no attention to the thought of how it is. This is horrid denial!)

On the day of our arrival in Sao Paulo we were having dinner in a Sushi place.
At some time I said: "since it's 9 PM here, it's 3 A.M. in Israel" and ~~~~~~~~~~~~
I frentically stem my arms on the table, put my head in my hands, try to breathe.
Efrat: "If this is a performance, Rachel, then know, that you are    scaring     people!"
It takes some more scaring moments till I can whisper: "Wait a little."
A ghastly, not-ending~~ dizziness seems to whirl me right into death.
And my only "thought" is:
'If I need to betray my vow that I'll not leave Body behind this time and die,
then at least let me not spoil my family's togetherness right at the beginning!'
After uncounted moments I was able to get up, go outside, walk around, recover.

Tonight I woke up from deep sleep: my upper chest felt horribly compressed.
I managed to breathe like a dog, but the pressure and pain stayed, scared.
It seemed to pass and I relaxed in utter happiness, but it started again.
I could watch waves which took 60 or even 120 seconds, perhaps 7 times.
Again: I felt no fear of death, after all, I'm not yet free of longing to be 'there',
but I felt shame that I might betray Efrat's line in her song for my 70th birthday:
"She  is  ready,  she  is  prepared,  s h e   s t a y s   h e r e    f o r    t h e    f u t u r e "


Arad, May 5-6, 2011

My "Angel" staged another kind of "insignificant" situation,
in which I tend to feel feelings, that cause me to hate myself.
But I was also given an understanding,
reinforced some hours later by a quote from 1971 (see right frame),
which I came across "by chance" in "Closeups-to-my-Past" 2007
It is my daily situation in the swimming-pool of Arad -
I've suffered from three things there for more than 4 years,
and the same was true, while I used the pool at Modi'in for 1 year.

a) from the feeling,
that my co-swimmers, who are old like me, are mostly fat and ugly

b) from the feeling
that - except for one woman - they swim like soldiers,
forth and back, forth and back, forth and back - in one track,
perhaps in order to count, "how many pools I've made".
Where then can I find empty spaces for swirling like dolphins?
(see images of my way of swimming at Arad and images at Modi'in )

c) from the feeling,
that, when there is no empty track,
and the person in "my" track,
swims not quietly on her breast, but throws her arms around,
or even swims on her back , proceeding as if I did not exist,
and/ or if in the neighboring track there are those "orang-utans",
who splash with their arms and legs all over to "my" track.

All this makes me not love these people , but loathe them!

Of my loathing their fat ugliness I've been aware from the beginning.
But I ignored my knowing of the influence of my feelings on the water!

Today especially the third "predicament" was "staged" as so unbearable,
that I could only take it by disciplining myself into watching my anger,
until I left the pool, earlier than usual.

That "my Angel" wants me to become aware, is clear from these signs:
a) I am re-using this page of 2007 dedicated to a study of Emoto's insights!
b) I watched - "by chance" - a short passage in a doc about water-research
which made me realize, that Emoto's claim,
that "water has a memory", catches on "even" among scientists!
c) The evening before I had talked about this subject with starchild Boris.
d) The next evening Boris came again, this time in order to study with me.
"I thought of studying the old song about the prophet Ezekiel,
and I also what you once said about water, that heals the Dead Sea."

He was stunned to learn, that it's exactly in the book of Ezekiel,
where this "HEALING WATER PROPHECY" appears.
After he acquainted me with the lovely song about that prophet, [youtube]
we opened my two copies of the Hebrew Bible and studied Ez.Chapter 47.
[See the chapter on Arnon's Song Page 2007_05_12]

Boris works as a life-guard in the pool of a hotel at the Dead Sea.
His love was the champion of butterfly-swimming of Switzerland,
"she likes to stand in the rain just to feel water around her!"

So how should I accept my feelings of loathing and anger in the pool,
instead of using this chance to imprint this immense amount of water,
which I am ploughing through and whirling up ever so often each day,

to   i m p r i n t   t h i s  H2O  with  "G r a t i t u d e   a n d   L o v e"?

1971: Don't force yourself to change [quoted also in "closeups to my past"]

"When you try to change,
you manipulate and torture yourself…
it is much more useful to simply become deeply aware of yourself
as you are now.
Rather than try to change, stop or avoid something
that you don't like in yourself,
it is much more effective to stay with it and become more deeply aware of it…

(John O. Stevers; Awareness, exploring, experimenting, experiencing ,1971
- mentioned in "Gestaltreview")


Arad, May 7-8, 2011
1945: the end of Holocaust [in which Yanina's mother was murdered] and World War II [in which my soldier-father was killed]

And yet another "nano-plague", this time contrasted with huge mystical "Mayan" occurences on Planet Earth: the Crop-Circles
A nano [from Greek: dwarf] is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a metre. It's also called millimicron]

Jean Hudon's e-mail suggests:...the "crop circles" can stimulate deeply concealed memory engrams encoded into our very souls, ... let's begin using those sacred geometric archetypal symbols as soul-awakening aids in this last stretch towards the coming big dimensional shift.

It becomes clearer and clearer, that my part in the Orchestra of Creation is,
to bend down to the ants and explore  t h e r e  situations of non-wholeness.

At 3 AM yesterday I woke up with pain in my stomach.
"You deserve that! Why did you nosh too much from that chocolate spread!"
It was "bequeathed" to me among the "chametz" things before Pesach by my landlady.
I hate this spread and ate it only, because "I cannot throw away anything",
[it's not like "Nutella", which at the age of 12 I got even as a Christmas gift]
and because I was a bit frustrated with a TV program, which I watched only,
because Diana didn't keep a long prepared appointment - to call me at 9 PM.

But, chocolate and Diana were only parts of a staging of another "plague".
What followed, was hideous (in nano-terms, of course):
At 4 AM I finally got up, dressed and moved outside in the cold, windy night.
No alleviation..... I came back , and against the growing heartburn (pyrosis) swallowed half a tea-spoon of soda-powder,
This- unintendedly- promted me to vomit a mess of half-digested food,
food of my simple dinner, which I had eaten more than 13 hours before.
The mess also included cut leaves of the Maluach-shrub (artiplex),
a wild desert-plant which keeps spreading in my garden.
In biblical times it served hungry people [ see Job 30:4]

and I, too, eat it in spring, when the leaves are fleshy.

If I hadn't used these leaves for my daily salad for 2 weeks now,
I would guess, that the poisening of my stomach was due to them.
But when a lesson is staged, the details of the staging are not so important.

12 hours of nausea, endless diarrhea and pain followed - I "spent" them in bed,
Except for the usual Shabbat phone-talk with Yanina, and sharing my plague,
I couldn't read, I couldn't watch TV nor hear music, leave alone -
nurture my garden, go to the pool or heal/learn/create on my site.
Then I slept for 2 hours and invited Boris to come to me after his job.
I had shared with him already my poor coping with the former nano-plagues,
and I hoped, that in his caring presence I would understand my new lesson.

At one point he closed his eyes and then opened - on his I-phone -
the first "Dialog" in "Truth & Reality Class", which he had just studied.

from a video about the Crop Circle of July 5, 2009: Quetzalcoatl's Headdress, near Silbury Hill in Wiltshire
Read also the comment there: " deciphering a dream we can't because the landscape is on a higher dimension, we are part of that higher dimension like a child is part of the adult world without knowing it."

"What do I do with my perception of this reality I experience as pain
and how do I change my perceptions to include what I want?"

"You have asked three very powerful questions...

First, 'Is my pain [my nano-plague] real or only a perception?'
Yes it is real, and will be healed more quickly when it is honored as real.

Yes, it is your perception and therefore you are responsible for it
no matter what person or situation
may seem to be 'causing' it on the 'outside'.
The pain is a guest in your venue.
The first thing you can do is make it feel welcome.
[of course, I knew that, and exactly the fact that I cannot welcome it, is my lack of wholeness]
Next, if you want it to heal,
take whatever time is necessary to find acceptance for it
as you might for a child who is unhappy and crying.
Then if you like, go inside and ask me to help you understand
and heal the pain, and I will.
The Four Steps to Wholeness is a complete formula for healing pain of all kinds.

It is important to understand that it is not the feeling
or the perception of the feeling of pain that hurts.
It is the meaning or interpretation
that you give to the perception,

your resistance to it.
The truth is you are perceiving a sensation,
in this case an emotional feeling.
You can choose to interpret the feeling as 'pain'
or as something else.

But my "nano-plagues" are physical sensations, not emotional feelings.
Boris: "There isn't such a great difference between them!" Well, isn't there?
I've always felt, that physical pains (like a baby's delivery) are much harder to bear,
though they - unlike emotional pains - disappear from memory the minute they are gone.


I remember my motto of the intro to the 365 pages of K.i.s.s.-Log 2008

Alles ist von Wichtigkeit
alles ist nicht gar so wichtig,
nur die rechte Sichtigkeit
und du wandelst richtig...

[Christian Morgenstern, see my song]

Everything is of importance
nothing is really important,
have only the right sight,
and you walk alright.

Nichts ist mir zu klein, und ich lieb es trotzdem
und mal' es auf Goldgrund und gross
und halte es hoch, und ich weiss nicht wem
loest es die Seele los...

[Rainer Maria Rilke, see the entire song]

Nothing is too small for me, and I still love it,
and paint it on gold and huge
and lift it high up, and I don't know whom
will it untie and loosen the soul



"Abraham" (1997) e-mail quote on May 8, 2011

Whatever you're thinking about
is literally like planning a future event.
When you're worrying, you are planning.
When you are appreciating, you are planning~~
What are you planning?

"Abraham" (1998) e-mail quote on May 10, 2011
Worrying is using your imagination
to create something you don't want.




Arad, May 8-9, 2007 - End of World War II and Day of Remembrance in Israel
[see the Day of Remembrance in former years on Healing-K.i.s.s.]

Die Flucht : I was stunned by this 3 hrs. German movie. It is not so much about the suffering of the defeated German people, as I had expected, and with the exceptian of a rape-scene of Russians not about the occupiers, but about the cruelty of Germans against their own people, even their own families, with some psychology behind this.
I cropped just one image from a youtube : Lena, the Baroness, with François, the leader of the prisoners-of-war, who are, since all laborers of the East-Prussion estate are recruited or dead, the only men who manage the agriculture, which also feeds the entire surrounding. The baroness, mother of an illegitimate, now 8 year old girl, and therefore banned by her father, had come back from Berlin in 1944, when she got news of his illness Though she was "no Nazi", she used to obey her father, and ordered the prisoners (French, Polish, Russian) to destroy the flight-waggon, which they built, when the Russians came nearer, since they knew that in the eyes of the occupiers they would be considered collaborators and treated just like the Germans.. Now Lena detects a second waggon and while she harshly blames François, her father comes in between:
"I told him to do that! You all have to flee immediately!" [The image shows her shock.] Though Lena and François come to an agreement, that they would flee together, her father, when he heard it, forbade it, convinced that it would be too dangerous. He demanded, that she now take over: "This is the time of the women", and lead the treck of their 65 people - for 4 icy winter-months - alone.
The giant plagues, will they bring my experience of my nano-plagues to fruition?
I, again could not sleep till 4 AM, this time because of over-flowing Adrenalin.

Why did I fall into the trap of sidetracking myself to watching "big dramas"?
Isn't that what everybody is doing instead of coping with their nano-plagues?

When I saw the promo of 3SAT's theme-day for May 8: "Times of Destiny",
I checked the program: 'all about the end of the War! No! I won't watch that.
For this very 8th of May was also the Eve of Israel's Day of Remembrance.
And my cherished "Osim Seder Chadash"
(6 interviews4 times a week in Channel 2)
were all about ways & groups of support for bereft parents, siblings, girlfriends.
(What a spelling mistake in I hope it's not your "end", you girls!)
During a break I zapped into "Anna's Heimkehr", which I had seen not long ago.
It is very much the story of Yanina, my "twin-friend from the other side".

Anna saves a Jewish girl of ten, by presenting her as her "bastard" daughter, when she seeks refuge at her Nazi brother's family.
Oh, how superficial is this "summary"....

I plead with you, my "Angel", my "Cosmic Self", "God", whoever!
Let me know, if it is still right, to enjoy big-drama movies,
which - despite "happy ends" emphasize and focus on evil and suffering,
though in my personal life I've healed the reasons for big dramas.

And if I'm only giving power to the "good vs. bad" concept of present humankind,
by indulging in such kinds of (truly excellent) movies (or documentaries, or news),
then show me the way of how to be a pioneer of true responsibility for myself and for humankind.
And thank you that you help me to sharpen my consciousness for dealing with my nano-plagues,
and always remind me to train in focusing on what there is to celebrate in Israel and in the World.

For the 2 min. of alarm
which in cities would bring all traffic to a halt,
and make people stand in silence.
I stood under my pomegranate tree.

Yes in these 6 years since I "settled" in Arad
and am allowed to tend the garden
outside my rented one-room-flat,
the only plant, which existed, when I came,
did grow into a tree, under which I can stand.

Suddenly I see a bee fly into a blossom,
loading itself with polls,
fertilizing the blossom .
The beauty of it touched me so much,
that I - even before the end of the alarm-
ran to bring my camera,
passing and discerning the new scroll
which an hour ago my landlord had bought
and inserted in the Mezuzah next to my door.
I took a second picture of the blossom,
so as to associate the flag of my neighbors
across the street .
On this day everything is integrated in One:
my castle, my neighbors, Israel, Nature, Life.


Arad, May 09-10, 2011, Day of Independence/Al-Nakba
[see last year - the contrast between Elah's Holocaust Show and her father's participation in El-Al's flight-show on Independence-Day above Israel]
This year's flightshow of El-Al is dedicated to Gil'ad Shalit, the "one soul", that is still "lost", which means that "all of Israel is lost".

Independence Day is important for me, because the media let me see more of what there is to celebrate in Israel.
And this is, what I want to focus on in the media: little lights in the darkness that show the way to 'Heaven-on-Earth'.

The grand, moving national ceremony was "disturbed for the first time" - by Gil'ad Shalit's brother and his girlfriend,
who used this "stage of oneness" in order to protest against the State's failure to bring home from prison one "soul".

Isn't this day celebrated this year in the sign of
   "All Israel vouchsafe for each other"?    (The theme of my book...)
And isn't the most significant proverb for this:
   "whoever looses one soul, looses all Israel"    (or "all the world")?

What touched me most in the show, was a new song, which so much suits my knowing and celebrating:
{The Song is not yet on the Web, - the "new song for Intependence Day 63" which is there now, is cynical,- again: with reference to Gil'ad Shilat..)
[May 15-17, 2011: See and hear two versions and several performances of the song, including my own singing]
".. we discovered the mystery of the connection .
and through the feeling we choose.
We stand on the bridge between today and tomorrow....

Tomorrow - in the hope that we've learnt something from yesterday,
in the hope .that we'll know to love and be compassionate."

Singing has always been and is becoming even more and more the center of Israel's desire.
See my song about Ha-SHIR, THE SONG, a biblical prophecy.
Even the Day of Remembrance stood in the sign of:
"In a while we are becoming a song".
I remember what Josef Wittig, the excommunicated Professor of Catholic Theology and Franz Rosenzweig's and Martin Buber's friend, said perhaps in 1928:
"No one knows, how the redemption will take place.
Perhaps somebody will only sing a song..."

An old song about "tomorrow: ~ A day will come,"
[1972] [2008] [2009 with Black Hebrews]
Background: two enchanted girls among the audience

The ceremony ended as usual with the Israeli national anthem,
but not as usual it was accompanied by the mute signs
of the band of Deafs "Kham"
(="warm", the initials of "Deafs Appear")
On this image, which I caught, they are weak, hesitating,
but on the next image they are standing proud and self-confident,
though as if pushing away something they don't want.
I vividly remember my recent song
[see among 10 prophecies>Jan.20,2011):
18 Hear, ye deaf, and look, ye blind, that ye may see.
19 Who is blind, but My servant?
Or deaf, as My messenger that I send?
After the show I saw, that Boris had called me.
I learnt, how - in a way - he had realized this:

...that we'll know to love and have compassion.
Taalib, a Bedouin maintenance-worker in the hotel of their job,
sat beside him in the bus, when they returned from their work,
and found in him, in Boris, a "soul" who listened to his sorrows...

I've completed the sculptures of our Pesach-journey to Brazil with my pilot-son Immanuel.


Arad, May 11-12, 2011
A funny sign tonight: since my refridgerator produces ever more and stronger "cracks" I decided to count their frequency.
So, when I woke up, I put my cellphone beside my cushion, looked at the digits on the dark screen and this is what I saw:

01:11   11/05/2011 - i.e. 7 times 1, seven times one ! 
Another funny sign: I finally couldn't postpone going to the Postal Bank any longer and had to wait even longer than usual.
I was angry, but I also used the 40 min. well, roaming around with my digital recorder, learning a song:
you're able to choose!
When my turn had come, I found out, that instead of 2400 NIS National Insurance, I'm now getting a higher amount of money:
2 6 2 6
I rejoiced: 26 = the numerical value of YHWH! and also 26 = twice 13, the numerical value of "ahavah=love".
Though the official minimum wage in May 2011 is 3,890.25 NIS, I am granted abundance with my 2626 NIS!

In the following left frame: nourishing crumbs from "Lightworkers", which are relevant for me
[though I always cringe, when "light" is mentioned without "emotion", "Spirit" without "Will"],

"Aluna"-e-mail on May 10, 2011:
= "The Feather and the Sun shield, Edfu-Egypt, March 16, 2011

..................... The way we are going to work now in this new world has nothing to do with the way they worked in the past when they built this Temple. We will develop a new and different way to bring back harmony and light into the hearts of the living. We are leaving an era of survival of the fittest to an era where cooperation is survival.

So this is why they started with the image of the candle in the room. How we are going to arrive at victory in this new emerging age is to act in a way that is the opposite of power taking over another power.
Rachel: this even includes the strategy of the Hebrew Bible to prefer the younger son to the older: Abel, Ya'acov, Moses, Samuel, David , etc.
The way we will work is simply by being the candle in the room. We are the candle in the world that is going to fill up the void that the illusion of the darkness appears to hold. Darkness is not the opposite of light. Darkness is simply the absence of light. It really is nothing at all. All we have to do is fill up empty space, that appears to us as darkness, with light!

That does not mean that we begin going about fixing things that we perceive as being broken or out of balance. This new way is not about trying to make things better ~~~ like trying to help Japan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, the people outside that are trying to feed their families, etc~~~ Because when we see something as broken or out of balance, we actually hamper its recovery by our negative projection. ...........................................

.... So we don't want to armor ourselves. We just want to light up so bright that the darkness can't survive anymore. Because the way it worked in this past age / dimension is it took a lot of work, and it was heavy-duty, exhausting work. It was a long battle. Battle is unnatural to the human spirit. We are not supposed to battle through this next age. We are to fly through it, play through it and enjoy it. We have evolved enough to learn to create in a different way.
Not to mention the fact that battling didn't work so well did it?

... our safety lies in our defenselessness. ....

... Pay attention to what is going on, but then remove your energy out of those things that are negative. Because anytime we put our attention on those negative things, it actually ADDS energy to the event or situation instead of healing it.

An example... If we focus on what is going on there and worry or try to help or pray for Japan, what you are actually doing is actually sending energy to the situation that is making the problem worse. But if you see an issue, and then consciously pull your energy out of the situation, it starves the darkness. ....

Group member Jakob: Like fire. You have three elements necessary to have a fire. Remove just one of these, and the fire goes out. You have to remove the burnable stuff, oxygen, or heat. You take that away, the fire is out.

Aluna: So we have to put out the fires by taking away the energy that we have been giving it. At the same time, we need to be the candle to light up the void. What we are doing is actually quite simple. It is just about being who we are in every moment.

Is this enough?
"to pull out the energy, to take away the oxygen? "
Isn't this a negative aim?
I may have a solution concerning the fat women in the pool
[above May 5-6]:
there sat one in the jacuzzi, in an awkward way and so fat,
that I could hardly squeeze myself into the opposite corner.
So I pulled out my intention and love and said to her on the inside:
"May you find the way to love yourself!"
Am I nourishing her fatness, i.e. self-loathing, like this? No.
Am I nourishing the misery of hungry people, when I ask them,
to undeny and accept their power, and find the way to bread?
This problem of   h o w
  "to be a candle to fill up the darkness",
but still   e m o t i o n a l l y   think of other people and peoples
- remains yet to be solved.
So I ask you, Aluna, Jakob and your co-pilgrims to Egypt and Peru:
Womb in your womb the self-denying and therefore suffering people!
Because this is part of being a candle in the darkness!

See both stanzas of my song [2009], adapted to the famous tune of "Carmen"
I, I would like~~~~ to be a bird
to fly above,~~~above the world,
my Body, be ~~~~ as fast as light!
or be ~ at least ~~~ light as a kite!

I, I would like~~~ to be like rains
and melt away ~all people's chains
so they will free and love themselves
and feel and love and dance like elves

Where is my poem, which created it self in the Cathedrale of Chartres
on my 45th birthday, August 15, 1983?
"Wie eine Kerze" - "Like a candle"

For comparison: from Godchannel

Attributes of Spirit

God is Evolving
God's Work
God's Love
God's Essential Being
God's Universality
God's Light

God's Light

"While the essential nature of my being is in where I am,
I am more identified with the Light that issues out through me.
All Light in creation is ultimately my Light.
However, not all Light is presently identified with me
for reasons of fragmentation and differentiation.
There are details about this
in the class about my journey to reunite with the Mother.

"I would like to describe now
how you can distinguish my Light from all other light.

"First, I want to say
that the word
'light' as it is used here
means any and all outward moving energy.

"It is the substance of consciousness.
It is thoughts,
and inspiration.

It is the motive force of the subtle energy
that moves in the hidden pathways of the physical and subtle bodies.
It also manifests
as visible light, electricity, radio waves, microwaves, etc.

"You can know the essence of my Light
as strong and hearty, yet gentle and soft.

"My Light has been clear and bright,
and is becoming more warm and soft

[old version:
My Light is clear and bright, but not dazzling. ]
as I come into more alignment
with the Mother.

"It is like the light of early morning and late afternoon.
It's not white, but rather clear golden in color.
A candle flame is very much like my Light,
a central core of royal blue
and an outer, upward lifting halo of clear,
[missing in the old version]
glowing golden energy."

In 2002 Tomer, then my "trainer..."-grandson, listened endlessly
to Israel's Eurovision Hebrew-English Song in 2002,
See the lyrics and listen to my shortened version of Sarit Hadad's song,
in the context of my coping with the World on Independence Day 2002

"Light a candle, light a candle with me,
a thousand candles in the dark will open our heart
light all the candles . light the candles everywhere
just look at me and take my hands
The heat of love will grow again

Also on May 11-12, 2011

What I still "do" for people or for the "World", seemingly needs to follow the "hatznea lekhet".
But this is tricky, for it can mean to deny myself and therefore withhold myself from others.
I now was "guided" to re-read two "contemplations" about a dilemma, which is not only mine.
[see the discussion about Moses and Aaron in Noah's Cave and the message of Erez-from-Arad to me ]

R.M. Rilke, my beloved poet, January 1919 [see one of my pages about him]

After the end of WorldWar I, which tortured his soul endlessly, he tells the sister of a be-loved friend of his, Bernhard von der Marwitz, who fell - about the weird decision of his 17 year old daughter, to escape all intellectual studying, and   work as a peasant maid ...

Though the "point" of this "Nourishment from Rilke" is my eternal dilemma between "hiding myself in order to create trust" and "showing myself in order to give what I should give" is dealt with only later in this letter, I want to copy the entire context, since it's also depicting so much of what was once my own "battling", see the first sentences of the "Background to my Book":
"I hated the "study-prison".
I wanted to do, to act, to fulfill my vocation, to change the world.
But there was always someone whom I let force me to stay in that prison.
And when I finally finished that hell they call University........",

Nr. 282, p. 577 An Adelheid von der Marwitz, Muenchen, 26. Februar 1919
....[he becries the fact, that he - unlike this friend - never had siblings, or any other close soul, when he was a child, and then he writes:] p. 178 Wissen Sie , dass ich eine siebzehnjaehrige Tochter habe? Dem Alleinsein endgueltig verpflichtet, hab ich sie in ihrem Heranwach-sen immer nur in einzelnen Momenten gesehen, kaum dass wir einmal ein paar Wochen uns wirklich gemeinsam einzurichten vermochten - ; trotzdem besteht zwischen uns eine ganz instinktiv gesichterte angeborene Uebereinkunft; nur dass ich ja nun in diesem Verhaeltnis eben der schon Erwachsene zu sein habe, ich, der dem Leben immer noch lernend, staunend, aufnehmened und nur dort momentan beherrschend einverstaendig ist, wo eine Welle goettlichen Antriebs mit dem eigenen Willen unversehrt zusammen-faellt und sich ihm hinreissend unterschiebt.

Ja, aber lassen Sie sich von diesem jungen Maedchen erzaehlen. Sie sollte nun eben die Toechterschule abschliessen, um dann im Fruehling eine kleine Gartenbau- und Haushal-tungsschule zu beziehen, ein sorgfaeltiges Privatinstitut, in dem hoechstens sechs oder sieben Maedchen unterwiesen werden sollten. .. Es zeigte sich ausserdem, dass die Bremer Schule in einem ueberaus duerren und rigorosen Schulgeist sich gefiel, was Ruth umso staerker empfand, als sie bisher
p. 579 durch Privatunterricht und durch die um vieles freieren Muenchener Schulen vor den unfruchtbaren Zumutungen einer veralteten Schulmacht gehuetet war. Dazwischen fiel eine Grippe, fiel Weihnachten-, und was geschah dann? Ruth verdingte sich in einem Nachbardorf auf einem grossen Hofe und sie wusste diesen Entschluss, zuzugreifen, ihrer Mutter so ueberzeugend und herzlich noetig vorzustellen, dass dieser nichts anderes uebrig blieb als zuzustimmen. Das war am 15. Januar. Ich erfuhr die schon vollzogene Veraenderung nachtraeglich, durch einen kurzen beglueckten Brief der neuen Bauernmagd, aus dem die Waerme koerperlicher Leis-tung einem wunderbar entgegendrang, - und auch ich, der ich ihr immer vollkommene Freiheit gelassen hatte, konnte nicht anders als diese tuechtige Bereitschaft anerkennen, da sie sich ja in der Befriedigung des guten Maedchens taeglich neu als berechtigt erwies. Und nun stellen Sie sich vor, dass dies keine Laune, keine Neugierde war, denn als ich ihr neulich mit Vorschlaegen kam, wie wir uns doch nun gegen den Fruehling zu die Anme-ldung in jenem kleinen Gartenbau-Kurse nochmals zu ueberlegen haetten, da bat sie sich wohl eine kurze Bedenkzeit aus, die aber rasch damit endete, dass ein Brief bei mir eintraf, darin die gluecklichste und erfahrenste Sicherheit ausgesprochen war, dass sie bei dem nun einmal Begonnenen, ihrem besten Gefuehl nach, auszuhalten habe. Ueberlegt man, dass sie von frueher Morgenstunden an alle Arbeit einer Bauerntochter verrichtet und dass die ersten Wochen ihres Noviziats in jenem haertsten Winter sich abspielten (sie bewohnt eine unheizbare kleine Magdkammer gegen Norden zu), so moechte man ihre einfache und frohe Standhaftigkeit fuer nichts Geringes halten. Aus diesem letzten Brief erfuhr ich auch, wie sehr gerade das sie beglueckt: nicht mehr Schuelerin zu sein, sondern ein  von  Umstaenden  und  Menschen  gebrauchter und unmittelbar ins Leben angewendeter Mensch; : ich glaube heute, dass es vor allem dies ist, p. 580, was sie mit so grosser Ausdauer handgreifen laesst - , und ich muss mir einigen Zwang antun, ihr nicht (noch nicht) zu sagen, dass ich sie bewundere.

Nicht wahr, an einem solchen Beispiel schwebt einem doch wieder eine Versoehnlichkeit und Einstimmigkeit vor, zu der vielleicht
jeder, wenn wir nur klarer saehen, von seiner Stelle aus sich entschliessen koennte, von heut auf morgen, ohne lange Vorbereitung. [without a break, in the same line Rilke now continues to phrase that dilemma:] Sie erzaehlen von Ihren Dorffrauen und -Maed-chen, wie Sie manchmal in einer geistingen Ungeduld ihnen das "unerhoert Schoene" geben moechten-, aber sehen Sie, aus einer jeden dieser in ihrer Einfalt gesichterten Naturen kann unvermutet das Kind hervorgehen, das ohne Uebergang das Aeusserste begreift, und   w a e h r e n d
S i e    s i c h    z u-  r u e c k h a l t e n   und ihnen nur das   V e r- s t a e n d l i c h s t e    u n d     N a e c h s t e     in vereinbarter  
 V o r s i c h t    beibringen,   geht vielleicht doch   aus    Ihrem    vom    Groessesten   
wissenden  und  ahnenden  Wesen, wer   weiss   durch   welche    Uebertragung,    ins Blut,    in den Schooss jener Geschoepfe    M a e c h t i g e r e s    u e b e r:   wir wissen   ja  so wenig ueber die Grenzen menschlicher Mitteilung laeg es am Worte, wie aussichtslos getrennt waeren wir einer vom andern, selbst die noch, die durch die Magie des reineren Wortes verbunden sind. Auf der anderen Seite, Ihrem Bedenken entsprechend, besteht ja auch wieder fuer den Schriftsteller der Verdacht, ob   er sich nicht   e i n s c h r a e n k e n   m u e s s te   innerhalb seines Werkes, um das wirklich noch weithin Gemein-same und Verstaendliche auszusagen und dies immer wieder ~~ Ich meine aber,  er  sollte  der Richtung  zum Aeussersten, nahezu Unsagbaren   unbedingt    nachgeben    und   es ebenso   unbeirrt aussprechen, wie Sie es Ihren Maedchen und Frauen unbeirrt verschweigen: vielleicht ist das die gleiche Kraft und eine Vorsehung von aehnlicher Weite.

[about the same theme to another addressee, p. 581] ... schnell noch ueber Ruth. Sie ist jetzt seit zwei Monaten, sozusagen, Bauernmaged; das war ihre Auffassung der Revolution; Am 15. Januar trat sie ein, gerade in den kaeltesten Tagen, bezog eine kleine Magdkammer nach Norden, ohne Ofen, trat um 6 Uhr ihr magdliches Tagewerk an, allen Ernstes, und sank um 1/2 9 Uhr todmuede in ihr kariertes grobes Bauernbett. Todmuede und uebergluecklich. Nie hab ich frohere Briefe [p. 582[ von ihr bekommen. Als ich nach einigen Wochen mit einem anderen Vorschlag kam, ueberlegte sie ihn und wies ihn dann ab: denn eben das sei, schrieb sie, - ihre Befriedigung, nicht mehr etwas Schulmaessiges zu tun, sondern etwas ganz Wirkliches, ins lebensgrosse Leben Gehoeriges; noetig zu sein an dieser kleinen Stelle, gaebe ihr ein unbeschreibliches reines Glueck, - und da es eben jetzt nicht gerade Ueberfluss an gluecklichen Menschen gaebe, bestehe sie umsomehr darauf, das ihre zu behalten. - Kann man das schoener erleben?

Ich hoffe ja, es wird seinen Ablauf haben: dann aber wird dieses Intermezzo erziehlicher gewesen sein, als jede denkbare Schule, und da es solche Gluecks- und Lebensinten-sitaet besass, so waechst ihm die Bedeutung jener grossen schicksalhaften Dinge zu, die man sich nicht selbst und die keiner dem anderen schaffen kann~~~

C.G. Jung, appreciated by me as a pioneer in psychology
1983_01_25 "Man and his Symbols" p45:
[First excerpted by me on Sept. 18, 2006;
I don't know when the original was written]

I did not want to impose my will on others.
I wanted the healing processes
to grow out of the patient's own personality,

not from suggestions by me
that would have only a passing effect.

… if it is a case of inferiority,
where an all-pervading feeling of worthlessness
has already overcome every positive aspect of the dreamer's personality,
it would be quite wrong to depress him still more
by showing how infantile, ridiculous and perverse he is.
That would cruelly increase his inferiority,
as well as cause quite unnecessary resistance to the treatment.

I remember a patient
(whom I saw for nine years for a few weeks each year).
From the start I knew his real trouble
(but I knew the violent defensive reaction from his side,
if I would have told him so).

I had to do my best to … follow his inclination,
which was supported by his dreams
and which led our discussion away from the root of his neurosis.
We ranged so wide
that I often accused myself of leading my patient astray.
Nothing but the fact
that his condition slowly but clearly improved
prevented me from confronting him brutally with the truth

In the tenth year the patient declared himself to be cured
…and thanked for

"your unfailing tact and patience
in helping me to circumvent the painful cause of my neurosis.
I am now ready to tell you everything about it.
If I had been able to talk freely about it,
I would have told you what it was at my first consultation.
But that would have destroyed my rapport with you.
Where should I have been then?
I would have been morally bankrupt.
In the course of the ten years I have learned to trust you.

"And as my confidence grew, my condition improved.
I improved
because this slow process restored my belief in myself.
Now I am strong enough
to discuss the problem that was destroying me.
He then made a frank confession…

The original shock had been such
that alone he had been unable to face it.
He needed the help of another,
And the therapeutic task
was the slow establishment of confidence,

Rather than the demonstration of a clinical theory

From cases like this I learned
to adapt my methods to the needs of the individual patient.

… Sometimes I have (… done the most) careful study
of infantile events and fantasies.
At other times I have begun at the top,
even if this has meant soaring straight
into the most remote metaphysical speculation.
It all depends on learning
the language of the individual patient
and following the gropings
of his unconscious toward the light.

This is especially true when one seeks to interpret symbols.
Two different individuals may have almost exactly the same dream –
A dream in which a group of young men
are riding on horseback across a wide field.
The dreamer is in the lead and he jumps a ditch full of water,
just clearing this hazard.
The rest of the party fall into the ditch.
Now the young man who first told me this dream
was a cautious introverted type.
It was clear to me that this dream was telling the young man
what he   o u g h t   to do.
But I also heard it from an old man of daring character…
an invalid who gave his doctor great trouble,
disobedient to medical instuctions etc.
That dream told him, what he actually was still doing ---
the spirit of enterprise that still flickered within him
was, indeed, his greatest trouble.

As to "the First Task is Creating Trust" - I was led to read - in ARARAT-HEART - the 3 English words in big letters
"I CREATE TRUST", with concern to "my Vision about Peace through a Desert Hosting Economy"
- 6 years ago...



Also on May 11-12, 2011
a deepening of the previous two verbal sculptures

In the frame of my constant learning about the "right rakhamim" ,
the right way to womb others in my womb

from "rakhamim" = compassion comes the noun "raekhem" - womb,
which in turn gave birth to the verb
"rakham"= to have compassion
I was "guided" to re-read my Computer-Diary of Sept. 18, 2006

Comments on May 12, 2011:
to the page of my "WORD" diary on Sept. 18, 2006,
named "Rachel Rakhmanit" = the wombing one

In the header-template I mentioned on that day,
under "exterior situations":

twice in the pool,
work on the path in the Wadi of Compassion.

under "people whom I met today":

Dental Clinic: Dr. Tanya; Anna; Etti
B o r i s

under Phones from... to...
twice from "unidentified". I did NOT answer

under e-mail to ... or from:
nobody on this day

under Healing&Harvesting my Past

My PH.D. Lecture 1973
First Desert Awareness 1983 [see below]
C.G. Jung most relevant 1983 [see above

The main theme [I translate from Hebrew:]

"How can I womb myself,
when I see myself judging judgers?"

I don't know , from where I quoted:
"Undenial is better than Acceptance",
but the phrasing is - to say the least - incorrect:

Today, 2011, I would say:
"If I can't accept a feeling or behavior in myself
-like my loathing of the fat women in the pool (above May 5-6)-
then I'll content myself with being aware
i.e. not ignoring,
not denying,
not rationalizing,
and - at least - laughing at myself.

On Sept. 18, 2006
I continue to cope with lack of self-acceptance
by conducting a dialog with "God's" HOPEs
on the homepage of Godchannel.


Comments to the quotes in the yellow bar

The biblical command in Micah 6:8

"hatznea lekhet"
"walking humbly with your God"

appears ever so often on "Healing-K.i.s.s.",
for instance in the song about the crane-bird
[very relevant for the sculpture Rilke-Jung!]
and the talmudic proverb:

"tafasta mu'at, tafasta",
which says:

"If you grasped a lot - you didn't grasp,
if you grasped a little - you grasped
has ever so often come like a hammer on my head...

The same principle must be applied to
and these are the quotes under the yellow bar
"The one who trusts
- will not hurry
(things) up"
Isaiah 28:16

and in a part of "Isaiah", written hundreds of years later:
" I, YHWH,
- in its right time -
shall hurry it up "

Isaiah 60:22

[Lior Oren keeps telling me, whenever she calls me,
how helpful these quotes have become for her living!]

"For ye shall not go out in haste,
neither shall ye go by flight
for YHWH will go before you,
and the God of Israel will be your rearward."

Isaiah 52:13

This prophecy is said in contrast to the story of the Exodus.
Then they couldn't even bake leavened bread,
in such khippazon, haste, did the slaves leave Egypt
as is said twice, in Exodus 12:11 and Deuteronomy 16:3

Rabbi Bloch, who married us in the Stuttgart synagogue ,
said this as a warning in his sermon in March 1964:
"Learn to no longer do things in khippazon!"
He referred to Immanuel's birth "before time".
In this he was not right....
but I heeded his warning in many later situations....


The two columns present the praying-breathing ritual,
which in 2006 I performed in the pool
for several months:
There are helpful alliterations, which get lost in the translation:
Right Column:
I swim, I breathe, I hum
my feeling [rigshi] and my spirit [rukhi]
into my hurting joint
into my womb

and I birth compassion [khaemlah]
and compassion [rakhamim]
and healing
for myself and for all Israel'

and "specifically" -
to every human in my family and in my life:
"I'm all grate-full-ness
- in whole unification"
[ "bikhuda shleem" refers to the traditional Aramaic blessing,
which I cherish so much, see e.g. its integration in a song]

for my Efrat in my womb compassion
[be-rakhmi rakhamim]
for Immanuel in my womb compassion

[be-rakhmi rakhamim]

Only sometimes there is a need for a supplication:
black hole, come to light
bor shakhor, bo la-or

[referring to hours or half-days of "clinical" depression - then]


The left column applies the ritual of wombing
on all people who were in my life then,
but also to those in the world "who incite war"
as well as those "who strife for 'light&spirit'."

Overtone - Learning in 2006
Nowadays I do not have the discipline to train in anything,
except in learning songs and rehearsing them over and over.
But even what little skill in producing overtones I have,
is helpful

The biblical verses from Psalm 62, painted purple, say:
Only for God doth my soul wait in stillness
Only for God wait thou in stillness, my soul
It's also one of my oldest songs (1985)

I translate: Boris - whom I met on the way to the pool -
was here before that and left me a note, on which he wrote,
that he wanted to install music on my computer:
"The Word of Silence"

I translate: "I found a chapter that becomes magnificent,
if I replace the "Hallelu-yah" with "I thank with you",

but in English there is no "ani modaeh", or male: ani modah.
The original Psalm 148 :

Praise ye the LORD from the heavens;
praise Him in the heights
Praise ye Him, sun and moon;
praise Him, all ye stars of light
Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens,
and ye waters that are above the heavens


My Psalm 148 (not yet put into tune) :
I thank
I thank with you from the heavens,
I thank with you in the heigths.
I thank with you, sun and moon,
I thank with you, all the stars of light
I thank with you, Heavens of heaven,
and the water which is above heaven.



For "lack of time" and practising, that I don't need to "complete",
I shall not translate the last passages of this one day in 2006,
despite their importance and relevance for today,
but add only the notes, which were copied to a different page:

First Desert Awareness 1983
[The real process of becoming aware of the desert
began only in November 1987,
when I drove my bus to the desert,
and lived there for 40 days
[see my nostalgic return to Wadi Karkeshet
during "The Walk about Love" in March 2009]

because I wanted to experience
"true al-one-ness"
before entering a twosome relationship.]

- "ICH aber, dein Gott
vom Lande Aegpten an-
- noch siedle ich einst in Zelte dich ein
wie in jenen Tagen der Begegnung-}
Hosea 12:10

"Betonung der mitmenschlichen Ordnung (statt Kult)
ist zudem ein besonderes Kennzeichen der Nomadenzeit" (Deisler)

This image may be a symbol
for the wonder of my present life:
my landlords' daughter Lior Cohen
in all her beauty
on Independence Day
under the blossoming pomegranate tree,
which was but a shabby shrub
and the only plant on waste soil,
which I found when I "settled" in this house
on December 3, 2004.

"Undenial is better than Acceptance":
If I admit my judging I can at least laugh at myself!
2006_09_18 – 25th of Elul is the month of rakhamim

"I hope
you choose to be my host here on Earth.

Of course I want to be your host here on Earth!

I hope
you allow my presence within you to express through you.

Of course I allow your presence within me to express through me!

And I hope
you and I will work together collaboratively
to bring the healing
that your deepest Self and the Earth have been calling for.

Of course I want to work together with you to bring the healing
that all my Self and the Earth have been calling for.

"If you choose that we work together,
it will be most helpful
to have strong and certain inner communication with each other. …

From my very first moment of awareness at the age of five-six
I chose to work with you, - it didn't seem to be a matter of choice!
Thank you for never ever having withdrawn your presence within me,
even during the 12 years or so,
when you demanded me to live, "utsi deus non daretur -as if God did not exist".

You can, if you choose, channel my Light
I would choose to channel your Light, if I knew what your loving Light is.
I've been wrong so very often, that I prefer to be with the Mother in Hell.

and use it to help heal yourself and the ills of this planet,
and help prepare the way for my coming to Earth.
If this is your choice… begin … with the Four Steps to Wholeness."

I definitely follow the four steps of Wholeness
1. Intend Wholeness 2. Drive Backwards with Guidance 3. Release Denial Energy
4. Move with Emotions as You Heal into Wholeness

and I do help prepare the way for your coming to Earth

"der Tau des Feldes geht über dich hin,
du bist reduziert auf deine Wurzeln,
darin ausgesetzt dem Himmel, dem Wind, den Regen -
du darfst ruhen in der Nicht-Fruchtbarkeit,
sogar gefesselt mit Eisen und Bronze am Boden.
Nicht ins Neu-ausschlagen geht deine Bewegung,
nicht ins Wachsen;
ins Harren und Dasein allein."

[see Irene's interpretation of Nebukadnezar's dream for me in 2006 in: Hidden in your Face]

Technical Learning: Overtones
"Obertoene- Umgang mit Geraeusch und mit a-tonalen Strukturen..
Freude und Erstaunen ueber die Spiel- und Bewegungsraeume der Stimme,
Hinwendung zum Atem, zum Hoeren, zur Stille, zu den Obertoenen,
Die Erfahrung der Obertoene und des Lauschens werden
- selbst ohne groessere Ziele zu verfolgen -
zum Kostbarsten, was der Alltag zu bieten hat."


the World of Silence


Completion of this page of Nourishment on May 12, 2011

The song of Intependence Day "makhar yagi'a be-khatzot" will continue to delight me
the more so, after starchild Gal Mor felt, what I felt and without knowing that,
sent me a youtube with the rehearsal of the song on a website called: "Good News"!



Today , May 12, 2012 , "Tomorrow arrives at Midnight" appears as a video, with already 4000 entries
"Good News", quoting "Mako" tells the background, which is not less moving,
(I translate):
"The director of the ceremony was asked by the Ministry of Information
to find a song which would fit the central theme of "All Israel vouchsafe for each other".
He turned to the widow of Ehud Manor and under hundreds and thousands of documents these lyrics were found…
It was put into tune by Keren Peles, who sang it together with Dadon Amir and :
The Ra'anana Symphonette Orchestra
The Childrens' Choir Bne-Atarot
and the Gospel Choir "Flames of Jerusalem" of the Black Hebrew of Dimona."
What a wondrous merging of Israel's people!

Addition on May 23, 2011: The next day a severe flaw flew into my joy:
Achinoam Nini had composed and performed Ehud's song already in 1997!
See the story, and listen to Achinoam's as well as to my own singing.
I've also -through incredible effort - learnt Keren's version





Continuation of "More Nourishment in 2011" in ~~~~~"Paradise on Earth"