Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
adaptation to the Maori Song
"Po Kare Kare Ana"
May 1998 |
to former song
to next song
Mika in her own house
at Shoham, since June 28, 2010,
looking south-west beyond houses towards the free land
is meant to be a playground
where being and playing are fun"
It is still Tuesday, August 24, 2010 and Mika is
still with her three cousins, but now in her home
She can create beauty with food. She can photograph
my delicious puree. But she does not eat it.
And when her mother comes home and asks: "Have
you eaten", I'm put to shame...
"You know, she doesn't like puree!"
"But the others said, that it was especially good today.
Itamar said, that it was like magic and Rotem said, that she could eat this
every day all year long."
There it was Rotem, who deepened my shame: "This
doesn't mean that everyone has to like it."
Efrat , of course, hurried to the kitchen to fix some shnitzels and vegies
for Mika....
It was not easy for me to divide my attention between
Rotem and each of the three smaller kids.
May this composition [a photo by me in
the pool, and 2 photos by Mika at home]
radiate, what Rotem needed to receive!
The next day, Wednesday, August 25, 2010,
I proposed to light the flower-candles, which ....
It seemed, that we had the whole day just for ourselves.
Though I don't take any initiative usually,
I DID propose to light the flower-candles,
which Mika's father had brought from his last flight to Thailand
and her mother had added them to their birthday present for me.
I was very cautious,
and yet Mika held one flame in such an akward manner,
that my left middle finger,
the one which is handicapped anyway, was burnt.
The nerves on this fingertip are so exposed,
that I always keep my 4th finger over the tip,
so as not to hit the tip somewhere by accident.
I had to discipline my pain,
so as not to cause Mika guilt-feelings.
I let water run over the burnt spot
and when Mika took this gorgeous photo,
with her father, my son, in the background,
there was no pain left.
In the late afternoon there was a sequence
of scenes,
which delighted me beyond measure.
Mika, missing a brother or sister around her age,
and always yearning for friends, smaller than her,
so she can be the "big sister" for them,
was granted a special opportunity:
Not only did her
old friend Adar come to visit
(I spent lovely hours with the
two at the age of two,
then at Bet Nehemya,
and even before , in the first Shoham flat,
Mika and Adar - or Hadar? - were babies)
but Adar's sister, who was a baby then,
was now two years old
and the kind of enthusiastic child,
that was just what Mika needed.
At first Mika began to play with Adar,
bringing her dolls to dress and comb,
but as soon as little Sappir joined them,
Mika had eyes and hands only for her.
I hurried to make a slow motion movie,
by taking one "still" shot after the other.
"Sappir" means "Sapphire,
Lapis Lazuli"
and was a stone in the High Priest's breast plate
[see more in "the mysticism of "Shoham"
in K.i.s.s.-log
2008_04_10 and 2008_04_07]
So far the pictures show only the back of
little Sappir,
but now the interaction will take
place in another position
For a moment
Sappir is scared,
then - for another moment -
it's Mika, who is a bit scared