InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
If you trust...
2007_01_29 |
Qur'an, Sûrah-31,22 |
tune: May 5, 2005 |
During the time of creating the
first mobile Hosting Business in the Desert,
in Sinai 1996,
Ahmed Sawarqa, my closest co-worker and I, used to comfort each other with
this verse.
Any translation can only faintly convey the beauty and depth of this consolation.
I don't remember when and how I discovered it - years before.
During the time of working on my last realization
of my Vision about Peace-through-Hosting-Economy-in-the-Desert,
in the Zealots' Valley between Arad and Massada,
it was
my little friend and angel, Hathra, with whom I shared the consolation
of this verse.
I even painted it above the "Cave of the Womb", but the sun soon
faded it away.
Sûrah-31,22 or Sûrah Luqmân Whosoever surrendereth his purpose to Allah he verily hath grasped the firm hand-hold. |
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Man yuslim vaj-ha-hu i-la A-lla-hi Va-qad is-tam-sa-ka bi-l'ug-va-ti-l-vuth-qa Va ila Al-la-hi 'aa-qi-ba-tu- l-u-mour |
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![]() The Bedouin starchild with the Jewish starchildren, Dina and Tzippi Strange, that in my sequence of Mika's Heaven-on-Earth in SongGame 2007, I reached this page with these three starchildren exactly in the moment, in which I wantrf to insert some photos of my sudden reunion with Meshi, another starchild who worked with us on the path to Hathra in April 2005! |
in April 2005, Meshi and my other starchildren in Arad planted an apple-tree in "my" garden, following my story about someone famous in history: "What would you do, if you knew, that tomorrow would come the end of the world?" "I would plant an apple-tree today!" The plant died in this desert soil, but we plan to make another attempt in January 2010! ![]() |
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- Mika's Heaven on Earth
I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009, that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites, but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages. On August 1, I decided to re-employ song-page after song-page for documenting and exploring the evolution of my youngest grandchild, a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be: to demonstrate by her own living and doing, how to playfully create from moment to moment "zest-fully and full-filled" [see previous composition] |
But after the exit of Shabbat on Dec. 11 Efrat
called me in Arad:
The mirror next to the driving wheel shows myself - as part of the traveling foursome.... ![]() At Modi'in Meshi and I walk down to the park
along the central road, to a place quite close to my daughter's...
Efrat was meant to fetch me from the train-station,
Mika waits outside among crowds of children, parents and grandparents, and then sees the stars of The Little Prince, but not The Little Prince. I, too, was disappointed, that the actor was a grownup dancer, and - since he couldn't dance in the famous coat - was dressed in white. I, therefore, present him only as he appeared at the end of the performance, which was a combination of a story-teller and all kinds of ballet dances, which suited the scenes in the story.
The next day I showed Mika the bush with the
dark-red roses in her garden,
This is the week of Chanuka - no kindergarden,
but "afternoon-school", So we go, as usual, to what Mika and I call
"the tower",
Continuation of Mika's
"Heaven-on-Earth" , in December 2009, on the
Song page of January 30 2007 |