The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

If you trust...



Qur'an, Sûrah-31,22

Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

May 5, 2005

During the time of creating the first mobile Hosting Business in the Desert,
in Sinai 1996
Ahmed Sawarqa, my closest co-worker and I, used to comfort each other with this verse.
Any translation can only faintly convey the beauty and depth of this consolation.

I don't remember when and how I discovered it - years before.

During the time of working on my last realization
of my Vision about Peace-through-Hosting-Economy-in-the-Desert,
in the Zealots' Valley between Arad and Massada,
it was my little friend and angel, Hathra, with whom I shared the consolation of this verse.
I even painted it above the "Cave of the Womb", but the sun soon faded it away.

Sûrah-31,22 or Sûrah Luqmân

Whosoever surrendereth his purpose to Allah
while doing good,

he verily hath grasped the firm hand-hold.

Unto Allah belongeth the sequel of all things



Man yuslim vaj-ha-hu i-la A-lla-hi
va-hu-a muh-sin

Va-qad is-tam-sa-ka bi-l'ug-va-ti-l-vuth-qa

Va ila Al-la-hi 'aa-qi-ba-tu- l-u-mour

The Bedouin starchild with the Jewish starchildren, Dina and Tzippi

Strange, that in my sequence of Mika's Heaven-on-Earth in SongGame 2007,
I reached this page with these three starchildren exactly in the moment,
in which I wantrf to insert some photos of my sudden reunion with Meshi,
another starchild who worked with us on the path to Hathra in April 2005!
Also in April 2005,
Meshi and my other starchildren in Arad planted an apple-tree in "my" garden,
following my story about someone famous in history:
"What would you do, if you knew, that tomorrow would come the end of the world?"
"I would plant an apple-tree today!"

The plant died in this desert soil, but we plan to make another attempt in January 2010!


to former song to next song


2009_12_12 - Mika's Heaven on Earth

I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

On August 1, I decided to re-employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring
the evolution of my youngest grandchild,
a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be:
to demonstrate by her own living and doing,
how to playfully create from moment to moment

"zest-fully and full-filled"

[see previous composition]


T The Fairy-Princess
[see the song for her birthday in the near future]..]


But after the exit of Shabbat on Dec. 11 Efrat called me in Arad:
"El-AL wants Immanuel to fly to Los-Angeles tonight till Dec. 16".

I prepared my soul for the bus-train journey to Lod the next day.
But just before I fell asleep around 11:20 PM, the phone rang!!!
This could only be one of my starchildren, and indeed, it was Meshi,
who hadn't been in contact with me for a long time.
"I'm in Arad and I yearn to see you!"
We figured out, that I could join her and her friends the next day.
They would go by car to Modi'in, to a gathering of all their mates:
they all belong to one "Gar'in" or "Nucleus" of the "No'ar Oved".


Meshi in the car and her mates Michal and Melissa, also from Arad, at our arrival in Modi'in.
The mirror next to the driving wheel shows myself - as part of the traveling foursome....

At Modi'in Meshi and I walk down to the park along the central road, to a place quite close to my daughter's...
There we had the deepest of talks - within 45 minutes.


Efrat was meant to fetch me from the train-station,
and had combined it with some chore - next to Lod.
So, to not burden her, I said, I would come by taxi!
Thus I followed the most recent promise to myself ,
that concerning transport I would no longer waver,
but in areas, where public transport or hitchhiking
would take too much time
  I    would    take    a    taxi
and "move" the feelings of the patterned calculation,
how much food could be bought for just 20 min. taxi!





Two hours after my arrival at Shoham,
the three of us drove to Tel-Aviv.
That sounds simple,
but for Efrat - since the accident - it's sheer terror...

More than a year ago, Efrat had bought "The Little Prince",
and only recently Abba began to read the story to Mika.
[See how I told the story to Jonathan, when he, too, was four years old]
What a surprise, that during the Chanuka-Week
an Israeli musical for kids "The Little Prince"
would be staged at "The House of the Soldier" in Tel-Aviv.
See "The Little Prince" in English online

Mika waits outside among crowds of children, parents and grandparents,
and then sees the stars of The Little Prince, but not The Little Prince.
I, too, was disappointed, that the actor was a grownup dancer,
and - since he couldn't dance in the famous coat - was dressed in white.
I, therefore, present him only as he appeared at the end of the performance,
which was a combination of a story-teller and all kinds of ballet dances,
which suited the scenes in the story.

The story-teller,
a "princess",

The Little Prince

and the Israeli composer
of the Musical

Efrat, who had waited and read a book outside, came in towards the end.
We were the last ones to leave and on one of the seats discovered this dog.
"The child who has lost it, will be sad, but nobody would come back to fetch it".
For right after this performance another - within 5 on this day - would take place!


At home Mika added a creature to an already existing painting: the sheep of the Little prince.
But Mika wanted to let the sheep out of the box...
The ticket "The Little Prince" in Hebrew points to the "real" Little Prince in the real coat!


The next day I showed Mika the bush with the dark-red roses in her garden,
exactly the colour of the roses which I imagine on the field of the 5000 roses,
which made the Little Prince so sad, since he fell into the trap of believing,
that his rose on his planet was not at all special, as she had claimed she was.
[See the coincidence with the song "T'is the Last Rose of Summer"]

When I once asked Mika: "What did you learn from the story about the Little Prince?"
She said: "that he danced!"
"But what was it that the fox taught the Little Prince?"
"That it was his friend!"
That was true, too,
But the point of the fox' teaching was, that the rose of the Little Prince was unique -
unique for the Little Prince, because he had invested in her so much love and caring!

The little prince learns from a fox
See my experience in Sinai 1996

My favorite sentence of the Little Prince
"What makes the Desert so beautiful,
is, that somewhere it hides a well..."



This is the week of Chanuka - no kindergarden, but "afternoon-school",
though on some days this takes place also from morning to 4:00 PM.
Nonetheless, I am allowed by Mika's mother to fetch Mika at 2:00 PM.

After some "kicking" and my warning, that I'll put her back and walk away,
she pulls herself together and asks sweetly: "Can we go to the playground?"

So we go, as usual, to what Mika and I call "the tower",
the nearest among the multitude of playgrounds at Shoham.
She begins showing me her improved "exercises" on the bar.



Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in December 2009, on the Song page of January 30 2007