I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!! "I
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
"In our land all our hopes will be fulfilled"
and other songs of hope and wisdom
Israel Dushman
one of the first Hebrew songs
Hanina Kerzewski
Both authors were teachers at the new
"Gymnasia Herzlia" in Tel-Aviv
in the nineteen-twenties.
Now, in August 2009, while searching for pages,
which are fitting for the additions of songs, created or learnt in 2008 and
this one suggests itself for the fantastic song created by my daughter-in-love
for my 70th birthday
and sung by all my sixteen "souls"
Second Edition - together with the original song for
the 60th birthday of the State of Israel - on K.i.s.s.-log
2008, August 18 :
The State of
Israel is 60 years
lyrics by Efrat,
based on "Bat Shishim",
Efrat's remarks to me: * Ronnit helped me with the verb "embracing"
to my "El", God
** Every remedy is given to you in advance
*** I saw you counting your 70
years' blessings **** I replaced "haesegim", 'achieve-ments,
with "challenges"
*****These are
the 2 lines I like best:
Christa - Rachel
is 70 years
a TV clip: the history of this incredible
of the Gevatron with Subliminal
and the re-making of the 26 year old song of Yehudi Menuiiiiiiiin
See [below] the translation
of Efrat's lyrics
and listen [above]
to the original singing
of my children
on Sept. 3, and see part of the lyrics
in a certain context:
on Sept. 13 , see below
Today - Sept.
before the final Edition
of this sculpture -exactly a month after
my 70th birthday-
I succeeded for the first time,
to sing
"She is Seventy"
without getting stuck.
While rehearsing once again
in the pool, I found it necessary to replace one word in Efrat's fantastic,
mystical lyrics: instead "with a stormy monologue
she opens",
I want to sing "with a stormy story
she opens",
so that 4 of the 6 stanzas,
will begin with 7 syllables
on the same tone! [the alliteration stormy story
is also one in Hebrew: sippur so'er]. And I prefer dialogues
to monologues!
cropped from a self-timer video, so that all
could be on the photo: Mother & Grandmother
and the 16 "actors" in her drama on her 70th birthday
Head of the lady
the years colored white,
yes this is she and no other,
Christa Bat-Adam
The year seventy opens its eyes
and encounters Rachel
an energetic figure, an engraved figure,
a God-embracing* figure.
The year seventy then blinks
and checks in the diary,
and whispers to Rachel,
the medicine since long**
a stormy monolog she opens
and lists up to "Seventy"***
all she has in her amtakhat - sack [this term I remember well from
my research about Josef's brothers in 1961,
all the challenges ****
There is a family and there is knowing
and a past and a future,
the year of 70 then folds itself,
she knows how to loose,
Yes, Time cannot overcome her,
to this we bear witness,
The past is a lamp to her feet [an idiom from Psalm
the Future - a pupil
Chorus: Yes, she is seventy,
that's how it's fixed,
but a number is only a sign,
she is ready,
she is prepared
she stays here for the future
seventy years is she old
this is known
without a flag, without a sign
Rachel's soul is without age,
she watches out
for what's ahead. The
last lines are almost direct
adaptations of "Israel is Sixty"
from my children's song
to my 70th birthday Efrat told me, that she replaced
the term "achievements" which suggested itself
~~~~by "challenges".....
and today I find it symbolic, that she mentions only "family"
and "knowing",
but nothing concerning my
bus and my Desert Vision
But then, of course, it's true that "I
know how to loose,, and that the past is a lamp to my feet"
With a stormy monolog she
and lists up to "Seventy"
all she has in her amtakhat - sack
all the challenges
There is a family
and there is knowing
and a past and a future,
the year of 70 then folds itself,
she knows how to loose,
Yes, Time cannot overcome
to this we bear witness,
The past is a lamp to her feet
the Future
- a pupil
June 5, 2011 The day will come,
"don't call me black". lyrics: Dan Almagor
tune: Benni Nagari 1 9 7 2 Sung
by a group of singers
lyrics and singing
are based on the holocaust movie "Life
is Beautiful"
Playing the game of life by "forgetting our sorrows"
is denial, which prevents creating a life without those.
But as long as we do not become
parental to our world,
we may en-joy feeling ZEST when singing & playing.
When I was - once more - rehearsing this song
- as usual on my way to and from the pool,
I could no longer bear the denial in the lyrics.
I decided to no longer sing and rehearse it!
Smile, without a reason
Love, as if you were a child,
Smile, no matter what they tell you
Don't listen to a word they say
Cause life is beautiful that way.
Tears, a tidal wave of
Light, that slowly disappears
Wait, before you close the curtain
There is still another game to play
And life is beautiful that way
Here with his eyes forevermore
I will always be as close as you
remember from before
Now that you're out there on your own Remember what is real and
what we dream is love alone
Keep the laughter in
your eyes
Soon your long awaited prize
We'll forget about our sorrows
And think about a brighter day
Cause life is beautiful that way.
"It's not up to you to complete
all the work, but neither are you free to get away from it!"
[Talmud, Pirke Avot 2: 19]
Recently I re-discovered a message from "Archangel
Michael" via Celia Fenn, given in 2006,
which I found so important,
that I not only re-edited it on the old page of Nourishment>A
New Pattern of Manifestation,
but read it aloud on my digital recorder, so as to be able to listen to it again
and again.
When I did listen to it again, the first sentence took my breath away:
"The time you take to just "be" with your creations,
is the time you spend in the eternal love of Source.
when you express and manifest Gratitude and Joy
for the perfection of your Creation,
you are ready to create again. Remember how the Creator said "it
is good" [Genesis
1]after every
"day" of creation,
and then moved on to the next day?"
Just before listening to this first sentence, I had
rehearsed the little song above: "It's not up to you..."
Now the same tune attached itself to that sentence, to its first part - verbally
in English - to the second part - indirectly in Hebrew:
time you take to just be with your creations,
is the time you spend
in the eternal love of source, in the eternal love."
"know that the way you feel
is your indicator of how connected you are to Source" [e-mail quote from "Abraham"
on Oct. 25, 2011]
time you take to just be with your FEELINGS,
is the time you spend
in the eternal love of source, in the eternal love."
Only after he saw, that it was good,
continued God to create,
You, too, thank for what you create, say: "very
On February 14, 2013, another stanza added itself
- along the wording of Rabbi Tarfon,
but not about doing and creating, but about learning and remembering, coping with my frustration and self-judging
concerning forgetting what I had learnt already: