The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

Wie sehr ich mich muehte

Wie sehr ich mich muehte
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

April 1988 Dead Sea
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

December 2006

Dedicated to Anke Ristenpart,
on her 70th birthday,
celebrating a friendship of 48 years

Wie sehr ich mich muehte
In Hingabe gluehte
Das Herz mir verbruehte
Auch jetzt noch oft wuete
Voll Schmerz im Gemuete

                                    Ich lebte doch nicht.

Schau her, ich erbruete
Als Frucht deiner Guete
Erst jetzt meine Bluete
Voll Liebe sie huete

                                 Jetzt leb ich im Licht.

As much as I toiled
and glowed with devotion
and scorched my heart
even now often rage
with my soul in pain

                And yet I lived not.

Look, here, I'm hatching
only now my bloom
as a fruit of your kindness,
please guard it with love

                     Now I live in the light .

I have two friends born within two days in 1937,
one, Yanina, Polish-German-Jewish,
the other one, Anke, German-Christian,
one in Israel, the other one far away in Berlin.

Today Anke is looking back on seventy years
of living and learning, suffering and loving.
I dedicate this song to you, Anke Ristenpart,
believing, that you identify with it, with me.

The three of us on the veranda at Ramat-Hadar, with my 3 children in the background

Anke met Yanina, when she visited me in 1979.
This was in Yanina's and my village, Ramat-Hadar,
a year before I left my husband and left the village.
While I've been wandering ever since,
Anke still lives in Berlin and Yanina still lives in Ramat-Hadar

In my archive I found this accidental composition,
as if it prophesied,
that the two of us would become old and still be friends.
It shows Anke on the day we became friends,
and two old women in the graveyard of Bethel.

[I'm reediting this page on the day on which I'm editing a page of graves!]

It was in March and April 1959,
when I used the university holidays,
to work for two months in Bethel, the town of epilepsy-stricken people,
in one of the closed homes, called Kanaan.

The old women in the cemetery were inmates of Kanaan, where I worked,
while Anke was responsible for the female students' home, where I slept.
For Bethel is not only a town for the sick, but also a faculty of Theology, where Anke studied,
[as I did later on in that year, in the winter of 1959-60,
when antisemitism would hit me for the first time.]

During the first weeks of watching Anke in the hostel,
I was so awed by her beauty,
that I never dared to speak to her.
Still, when during the Easter days nobody was present but me and Anke and I had a free day,
I hesitantly asked her, if she wanted to join me for a walk before sunrise on Easter Sunday.
So we walked
in the Teutoburger Wald,
the two of us,
beautiful Anke and ugly (in my eyes) Christa.
When we came back to the hostel,
Anke slipped out of her woven skirt and gave it to me as a gift.
For years to come she reminded me of the girl in the Brother Grimm's tales, who gives away her last cloth,
but then, standing in the forest alone at night, in nothing but her thin undershirt,
stars fall from the skies like "Thaler" (dollars).
"Sternthaler" I used to call Anke.

That was the day of the covenant of our friendship,
March 29, 1959 - 48 years ago

Anke visits me at my mother's at Boeblingen, Germany,
perhaps 1962

The only picture of the two of us together was taken in Acco, April 1960,
when a students' group, in which Anke participated, traveled through Israel.
Though I studied at the Jerusalem University for a year, I joined the group.

Anke between 1959 and 2007

Erich Fried (Erich Peace?) has been - and maybe still is - a very popular German-Jewish poet


January 24, 2011: Once again our relationship got stuck.
What follows seems to be the last letter from Anke, which I saved.

Anke, Berlin 28.1.2009 (Ankunft Febr. 12, 2009, durchnaesst)
Antwort auf meinen Brief in kisslog Dec.5, mit Bildern vom Oct. 13

Du liebe Rachel –
Heute hat Gertrud [Martin's Schwester] ihren 73. Geburtstag. Ich schreibe Dir heute schon als kleine Antwort auf Deinen langen Brief, der kurz vor Weihnachten kam, weil Du so nachdruecklich nach Martin und Gertrud fragtest. Ueber Martin erfuhr ich folgendes: Er hat 3 Blasenkrebsoperationen hinter sich, ausserdem eine Verletzung an der Netzhaut, die mit Eis behandelt wurde. "er reist trotzdem in der Weltgeschichte herum", wie Gertrud sagte, und in seiner jungen Frau Barbara erfaehrt er in allem grosse Unterstuetzung. Mit seinen Freunden aus frueheren Zeiten fuehle er sich stark verbunden, sie seien immer in seinem Bewustsein. Doch er sieht sich wohl nicht imstande, diesse Beziehungen zu pflegen.

Gertrud selbst ist stark belastet ......
Vor lauter Erschoepfung hat sie kaum Kraft zum Schreiben. Aber in ihrer grossen geistigen Klarheit gelingen ihr manchmal wunderbare Formulierungen. Ein solcher kurzer Brief steht z.B. seit Oktober 08 direkt vor mir auf meinem Schreibtisch weil ich mir folgende Saetze immer wieder anschaue:

" – 'Jahrhunderte ins Nichts' [Ich hatte im Brief davor Bezug genommen auf den fuer mich sehr eindruecklichen Satz ihres sozusagen dementen ueber 90jaehrigen Vaters ["Fincke-Vati"]: "Jahrhunderte versinken ins Nichts"]. Seit meinem Bandscheiben-schmerzenslager damals [ Vor 3 oder 4 Jahren musste sie 2 Monate lang liegen deswegen] mit dem Erlebnis, Teil der goettlichen pulsierenden Sonne zu sein, ist mir diese so sehr Zentrum allen Geschehens, dass mir der Zerfall Umwandlung + Rueckkehr ist. Neuerdings bringe ich alles Zerbrochene, Verdorbene dem Schoepfer + Heiland, weil er es als Rohmaterial ganz unbedingt zu Neuem braucht "

Sie moechte Dir immer so gern schreiben, schaffte es bisher nicht wegen ihrer dauerhaften Ueberlastung. Zu ihrem Geburtstag schickte ich ihr Deine Melodie und Textveraenderungen von "Ich sing dir mein Lied".

Ich danke Dir sehr dafuer, denn ich finde beides sehr stimmig und wunderschoen. Ich gratuliere Dir zu Deinem musikalisch-schoepferischen Talent. Nach Ansgars Tod schrieb ein befreundeter sehr bekannter Komponist in dem Sinne, dass Ansgar bei allem Leid doch im Musik-Schaffen ganz sicher unvergleichliche Momente von Glueckseligkeit erfahren hat (dieser Hinweis hat mich sehr getroestet).
Vielleicht erfaehrst Du auch etwas von solchem Glueck, wenn Dir Melodien eingegeben werden. Sie kommen ja direkt aus der Quelle.

Wie schoen, dass der Engel-Vers aus Psalm 91 als Losung ueber Deinem Leben stand. .....Danke auch fuer das spaete Photo von Deiner Mutter. Wie schoen und geloest sie aussieht!

Kurz nachdem ich Deinen Brief erhalten hatte, begann dieser fuerchterliche Krieg, und immer war und ist mein banges Fragen, ob Du, Deine Familie und Deine Freunde verschont blieben.

Moegen Seine Engel weiterhin ihre schuetzenden Haende ueber Dir und den Deinen halten. Von Herzen gruesst Dich Anke.

Dedicated to Anke and Ansgar, her son, who took his own life

Anke and her three children,
Ragnhild, Arvid and Ansgar

Februar 1979
2007_06_25-"Ansgar ist gestorben. Diesmal ist es ihm gelungen, diese Lebensform zu beenden...eine Flut aus Licht und Frieden... ich sehe Ansgar in dieser Lichtfuelle, geborgen in dem Einen. Er hat Erloesung gefunden aus seiner Zerrissenheit und Ver- zweiflung. Und mir ist, als habe er die ganze Familie (die Generatio- nen zuvor) mit erloest. Sein Tod hat uns befreit von einem dunklen Bann...Ansgars grosses Leiden ... dass er seine kreative musikali- sche Begabung nicht so ausge- stalten und in die Welt bringen konnte...Seine Ergotherapeutin, die seine CDs kannte, hat zu ihm gesagt, er sei eine Reinkarnation von Mozart.
Ich wuensche ihm, dass er nach einer Erholunsraumzeit im All-Einen eine geeignete Inkarnation findet, in der er nicht mehr Opfer sein muss, in der er vielmehr seine wahre Bestimmung voll ausleben und gestalten kann."


to former song to next song

Mika and her friends:
"I want to know all the children of the world"
Here she prevents Keshet (rainbow)
to run towards the road with its cars.

Mika and the World:
Here she follows the TV reality series: A star is born
The last event was too late for her to stay up.
When - first thing in the morning - she asked me:
"Who became the Star? "
and I told her: "Diana!"
she said: "I'm glad! I wanted her to win!
But Ohad
(one of the 3 finalists) ---
he didn't feel hurt, did he?"
"...Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and playing are fun"



In the morning of that Dancing-on-Chairs performance, Sept. 21, 2010, I brought her to kindergarden

Mika told her mother honestly:
"Yesterday I and Keshet had to sit apart,
since we had bothered
[hitzaqnu] the other children"
Grandma: "How exactly did you bother them?"
Efrat: "Why do you ask her that, she will not answer."
Rachel: "If you don't threaten her, she will answer,
she loves analysis and clarity."

Mika: "I was playing with Keshet in the house outside,
and when other kids came
(she mentioned about 5 names), we drove them away."
"What house outside?" "I'll draw it for you!"
and she ran to the drawing chest in my room.
"If I'll be allowed to bring you to kindergarden tomorrow,
you must show me that house!"
I said.

I was allowed
and she showed me
and demonstrated how they drove the kids away.

Inside the kindergarden I saw this pretty scene (with Mika to the right and Juli to the left)
A father of one of the boys, Gil'ad, read a story to the children who had already arrived.

What a contrast:
Back in my family's flat,
I had an appointment.
A woman,
Yael Agam,
is doing research work
on original Germans
in Israel,
some of them "Gerim"
like me,
who embraced Judaism,
and some of them
just citizens of Israel.

Yael recorded,
what I told.
"You almost dont' need any questions!"
she said
with appreciation.
But I had warned her,
that once the clouds would start pouring,
she had to take
for stopping them
and guiding me
to what she most wanted
to hear.
The "clouds" felt
some relief......


Still on September 21, 2010
[Though the following scenes occurred in the morning, I'm inserting them here,
since I wanted to free the previous page for the sequence of Mika's fun-making].

"I would like to photograph your eye!" I said, inspired by the picture of an eye on one of the days of the Gratitude Wave.
Both photos show Mika's right eye! But how different are the images!


Then she took the camera and searched for objects:
the door of the chest with lock, flowers and her knee.
And my cup with a straw next to our celotape device.



Mika's foot, photographed by herself
and Mika's hand painted by herself

The scene also reminds of one of my own creation:
fragments of a novel
about Aisha, the Egyptian,
and Azmiya, the Palestinian,
written in Sept.Oct. 1974.
I stopped writing when I felt the strength
- in Nov. 1974 - to move from writing to acting.

Recently I started to re-read those old folio-pages,
while sitting in the train from Beersheva to Lod,
[from where Immanuel uses to fetch me,
before he goes on flight on the day of my arrival].

The fragments could serve
at least for the script for a movie!
I therefore began cutting the huge pages in half,
so as to photograph and insert them in "Cain&Hevel"
I began this technical work ,
while Mika was immersed
in re-creating her hand.
Usually I don't do any work "of my own",
when I am with Mika,
but focus on savoring her Heaven-on-Earth,
her zest-full-ness and her full-fill-ment,
but in hindsight i find,
that there might be a sign
in the synchronicity of our two creations.

Later that day
Mika returned to her hand once more,
added a flower,
added background
and added seven stickers....

Yes, and then came a moment,
where I saw her
taking my scissors
and stucking them into my blanket.
I warned her and she let go.
But I was shocked.
The understanding came,
when she said:
"What are we going to do now?"
This was the very first time
in all those years,
that I heard this sentence!
So often - in former years -
I saw Mika's mother worried:
"She'll be bored!"
and I always said:
"Mika will never be bored."
That's also the message
of my song for her second birthday:
"... in each moment she knows,
what she wants,
with zest and smartness
she accomplishes and DOES."

I said to her:
"Now you can learn,
what other people still don't know:
when someone is bored,
he tends to become destructive!"

And I begged her
to play the scissor scene once more
"for the record".

Then I suggested:
"Whenever you don't know what to do,
go - blindly - to places with your objects

[hefetz in the Bible means mostly "desire"!]
and then - blindly - grope for something.
This something will give you an idea!"

And indeed, she blindly groped for an object on her drawing-chest next to my bed,
grasped a piece of cloth (part of an old towel, which I had cut into little pieces for her),
stuck it together with pins, inserted small leaves and developed a story from thereon....

Another game was also fascinating:
I had brought her two round stones from my "adventure" with Tomer at the Lake of Tiberias.
Once of them had broken recently and we kept only the two round halves.
Now she let them glide down the "route" to the right side of the staircase, with its curve at the lower end.

One of the round halves now broke into 3 parts, but it was great fun, even for me, this funicular railway...





On Yom Kippur, Sept. 18, 2010,
I had been alone in my home at Arad,
fasting not only from drinking and eating,
but from any learning, doing, experiencing
on the exterior level.
I tried to tell a bit about that Yom-Kippur,
with little success.

Much later, on Sept. 27, 2010,
Efrat told me,
how - on Yom Kippur - Mika had amazed them
with a story about a painter,
who was totally unknown to her as to me
Maurycy Gottlieb
a very touching story,
especially in the way Mika told it.

The painting hangs in her kindergarden,
and she must have heard the story there.
"... he loved a woman, called Laura,
but he was very poor,
and the parents of Laura
didn't want her to marry him.
So he became very sick and died..."

On this picture the artist,
who let himself die at the age of 23,
appears three times,
as a child, as a Bar Mitzva boy and ?



Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" on the Song page of June 23, 2007