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 The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Scroll down to page 12 of
2013 "My Child has become fifty" interwoven with "One Clip at a Time"

Someone tagged this photo on Facebook, taken by someone else during the Walk about Love 2009
Why did I insert this 2009 image above the first of the 7 pages of "Voices"?
Perhaps it means:
I, Rachel, still cannot deal with the material in the 7 pages of "Voices"
I've no patience to read it, to feel it or edit it.
But since on March 27, 2012 , I needed these almost empty pages
for inserting chapters from "Bringers of the Dawn" -
see below,
I want to at least be aware of my non-interest
and ask to be shown, if it is relevant for me after all
2012 and again April 2013:
There is much in it for me! Especially after my renewed work on the Holocaust,
s. below

Healing the Invisible You
Voices from Across the Planes
God, Accept My Rage
Mother Speaks to Spirit Polarity

Part II of Six

Voices 1 / Voices 2 / Voices 3 / Voices 4 / Voices 5 / Voices 6 / Responses

Attention, reader! Shallow, conceptual, emotionless

or apathetic reading of this material may have little

or no healing effect. Please do not skip repetitions

and redundancies. They, along with uncommon

punctuation are important and intentional.

Contributor    April 1999

[Rachel I did not make any graphical changes except for deleting the double space between the lines]

The following was written and rewritten
while I was desperately looking for someone to help me with typing and some editing.
It was then when I realized that no one will help me to deliver Mother's voice,
no ONE, just like it was in original blueprint
- unless she is a Mother herself, and she is not overpowered by Lucifer's rage.
Yes, I experienced people's programming against Mother again,
but it was different this time - I experienced it while being aware of it.

It was around that time
when I consciously experienced another tragedy
- a deadly competition between fragments of the same essence.
It is my self killing myself and proclaiming victory over it.
Oh, My God. It's a horror that gets activated here (if one feels into it enough).

It was also around that time
when I bumped into my own rage
that did indeed have all these qualities
that I was missing so much now.
She was me in many ways and her light was so bright and abundant -
but helping Mother was not what she had in mind.
All that this rage was seeking was power.
Power, actually was its name.
It had even performed a little public "crucifixion" party on me.
I didn't die this time.
God got me to read Indigo Mother's Plight ("Indigo" book) right on time.
[The "Indigo" book is the last in the series of the Right Use of Will Books]
So, yes, I did experience it - but while I was AWARE of it - with Father.
It helped me not only to experience it but also witness it. What a difference!

It was also around that time
that I realized what a "clever" game my own OLD CONSCIOUSNESS had played on me
when, after persuading me to disown my "negative" emotions,
it had me help it (the consciousness) to flee from me too -
with the help of healers and gurus of every sort;
with Its only remains I am living and functioning right now~
I guess it got tired of experiencing Mother's "dead while alive" mode.
No picnic, Huh?


"No, I can't! ~~~
I can't wait any more until I find one soul to deliver my voice! ~
You're all telling me that it's absolutely a must
to really be on the level of words
to give birth to what's erupting out of me, but please, hear me!~
I have been in labor for too long -
I cannot hold it any longer!!! ~
I'm throwing it up already!
Am I talking to myself?
Can someone hear me out there?
Can somebody understand what I'm going through?

Are you going to reject what I have to say again
just because it doesn't look sophisticated enough for you?
Sure, I might have a million shortcomings and things to heal and improve
but how am I going to heal without being received and accepted SOMEWHERE
and without having a place to put what's exploding out of me?

Don't try to preach and get conceptual on me now.
I'm in labor and I am giving you my experience with you!

You don't have an idea of how you look to me
when you all, one after another, refuse to help me,
covering up under some "cute" excuses
while what I need is so, so little!
I understand that it is hard, almost impossible
to resist the power of your programming
but please, at least recognize it,
be conscious of it when it happens,
beware and be aware of it!
Please, see that you are murdering me every day
while talking endlessly about helping and saving me!


against the Mother and the Heart (inside and outside yourself)

If Heart ever came close to you, you said:
"Who are you to talk like Heart?
If you are a Heart, why does no one bow to you?
How can you be a Heart and also be alive?"

Sure - it doesn't look right to you.
You kind of like Him better when He is crucified first and then bowed to!
Inscribe it in your mind that He cannot come until you do!
It's only when you learn to recognize Him
that He can be saved from your "righteous" hands!


"You keep pictures of Jesus everywhere,
you cry for Him to come -
pay attention, you just knocked him down a minute a go! -
when He (or She) dared to hold not one but two Truths and they happened to be opposites!

You Want Him/Them (His fragments) to be your teachers;
how is He going to teach you anything or "write a book"
if He is barely surviving while working for you as a guard or janitor?
Will you ever even consider listening to Him?
You don't call it a murder?
What do you call it then?


And sometimes He cannot even get any job whatsoever no matter how much He tries.
His real skills are not rated as anything worth having for the jobs available in this realm.
So He is destined to perish out there, surrendered to His fate, crushed into countless pieces,
and from time to time you are passing Him by while thinking
- why can't "they" just get a job and struggle and pay the bills like I do?!

Well, can I remind you that you're all programmed against Him and Mother
and no matter what your intentions are, you always end up only shoving Them/Us into an abyss!?

You are not able to count and measure how many times and how severely it had happened,
Who cares if it's all happening subconsciously
- the result is the same and the collective effect is murderous!

"Struggle", you say~ Struggle for what - for your dream?
You think your dream is enough
to lift up the One who never had a life,
who's been suicidal since He was born?
Do you think your "dream" is worth living for Him?
Do you think your dream can be His dream?
You've been living and working for your dream forever
- why wasn't it ever achieved,
why does it always elude you like a mirage?
And why didn't it ever make you happy?
Don't you get it that His dream is so big and so vast
that it's beyond the horizons of your vision
and with your not being able to embrace its vastness
and not letting Him move the way He needs to make it true,
it doesn't feel like it's worth living to Him~
So there He is, lying in the midst of garbage bags,
jobless and homeless in many ways,
fragmenting into thousands of pieces,
and losing the memory of who He really is~

.. Don't you understand
that if you cannot see the vastness of His dream
you cannot see the vastness of His pain?!
So, how dare you judge Him?

And why is it that all your "dreams" always end up the same
- dying alone, abandoned and isolated,
estranged from your own family, l
ying soaking wet in your own urine and feces
and in the company of a tired and indifferent caretaker
- no matter how rich you are or how high a status you had?~

And then, in your dying delirium, you remember His mourning face:
He knew it all along, didn't He?...

Yes, He knew it all along - He never stopped experiencing it!
He experiences death every day again and again -
while He is young and alive - in His teens, His 20's, 30's,
as long as He "lives"~
And now you again are passing Him by with squeamishness,
annoyed and wondering: why can't he live my dream?

When did you come to accept it as your only dream?
Who made you believe it as YOUR ONLY REALITY?
Do you really trust deep down that it's supposed to be that way,
that this is the only way it can be?
Do you really wish to believe it???


~You want Him to reveal Himself to you -
don't you understand that this is equivalent to suicide for Him?
How can He reveal Himself to you
without "insulting" your religious or "spiritual" feelings,
your familiar image of Him?
It is so unsafe to be revealed to you

- you're going to kill Him right there - like you always did!
Because, you say,
<How can this dirty homeless-looking guy in this washed-out t-shirt
He doesn't look anything like these beautiful images of Him!
How dare this outcast humiliate and raise his hand upon our most sacred values and beliefs!
How can he claim that he is the Heart, the great Heart, the Messiah that is going to save the world?!!

He must be insane! Who does he think he is? He should be punished for this!!!~
And in a way that he will remember it forever and will never do it again!!!>

Yeah~ He might just do that~
You murdered Him so many times
- why should He save you?


And how do you explain the fact that I,
now an accomplished vocalist
- according to reputable scholars and teachers
- with a three-and-a-half octave voice range
and with all my prizes and successes,
- am now silent and jobless?
"You are too serious and your voice is too sad"
- that's all they could come up with when refusing me another job.
Hey~.excuse me for living
- the "happy voice" was coming right after the sad one,
you never let me sing long enough to hear it!
And why is it that the audience loves it?
They say,
<It's impossible to listen to you and not to cry,
~you sing what we feel but cannot express>,

in fact, last time they simply didn't let me off the stage -
how is it possible to be jobless with all this success?
WHO IS IT that is making the decisions?
Something doesn't match here!!...

Oh well, I don't care for your kind of success anyway,
it's really not worth living or dying for.
It's certainly not what is going to pick me up from my dust into your rat race.




~ Sometimes you'd notice me
quietly trying to find a little space for me to be and not die
- no, you wouldn't let me have even that much
- you would find all the reasons and make all the efforts to expel me from that place.
And so does everyone. Everyone. EVERYONE!!!
Don't you get it that if only one of you throws a single stone at me - I can only get hurt,
but if each one of you throws a stone at me - I get killed!!!
If you are so particular and "sensitive" not to kill or hurt animals -
why is it OK by you to murder me?
You don't think you are murdering me
when you are refusing me a job at least as a dishwasher?
You think you are the only ones refusing me my livelihood?
Sure - you didn't see another hundred or two that did just the same!
Can't beat that programming!~
So, do I have any other choice except being a childless bag lady,
a beggar on every level,
surrendered to death,
rapidly losing the remains of light and reason,
looking so ever dark and unappealing to you?!
I am bleeding all over -
when will you learn to see with your hearts, not with your minds?
Does blood have to be red to be seen?
Or should I become gay to join those who can understand my pain and loneliness?

...And sometimes when I mingle with healers, gurus, oracles and parapsychologists of every sort
and they reveal their shortsightedness,
and then proclaim me as evil
and ridicule my visions and channelings,
I want to scream right into their cold detached faces:

"I don't have to 'channel the Mother' - I am the Mother!
If you would have true visions you would never be able to do what you are doing!
You are murdering me every day
while praying to me to protect you and heal you -
do you have any senses in you with which to see it and feel it!?
You think that if you are vegetarians you are more evolved -
Hitler also was a vegetarian, did it make him more evolved?!!

"You should read "Conversations With God!"
[There is a Godchannel message about this book]
- someone from the "crew" makes a point.
Something breaks in me.
I cool down, hopelessness lands on my face.
A bunch of kids.
All of them.
They are all Spirit polarized
- they cannot feel the Mother~
How can I blame them?
Can a child see what a parent can see?
No way is it going to work~
Not even this time~
It's hopeless...

Why did I never meet someone just like me?
Where are they, my other broken pieces?
Are they all crashed into dust
or possessed by Lucifer? [See about Lucifer]
I surrendered to death such a long time ago
- why is it ever so slow?"..

[unlike the text above, the following appears as short lines,
though not centralized as on my page]


Oh, God, turn Your Face to Me
I'm standing here before You
in anguish,
And I'm calling You.
Hear my voice, God,
Reach out to Me,
Take Me in Your Arms.
Hold Me, God, hold Me tight
A song is bursting out of Me,
a sad song.
Hold Me, God, hold Me tight
I'll give You the  s o u n d s   of childbearing,
the ancient   s o u n d s .

Hear Me, God, look at My mouth,
Accept the moans
From My Infinite Depths.
Listen My Lord
To the sounds of shattering
Listen to the sounds of Mother's Heart
Hold Me tight, feel My Pulse -
I'll sing You a Song
About My dark lonely existence
About tortures and torments I endured

If I ever tried
To love and live.
Hold Me close, God
Behold My Face
See the wrinkles of Your Paths
Back to Me.

Press Your chest
Against My withered breasts
Listen to the rhythm of my Heart
Mourning beat.

Hold Me close, God
Gaze into My eyes
See the mute scream trembling
Behind the glass of
Unfallen tears.

My Lord!
When you turn Your Face
Upon the Earth
And see on Old Woman
Rocking to the rhythm
Of Her mourning songs
Know that it's Me.
Know that it's Me.

M-m-m H-m-m...
M-m-m H-m-m.....
Know that it's Me.

When You see a Broken Woman
Made into a Prostitute
By an honest man
Just because She has no one to turn to
And no place to go
Know that it's Me.
Know that it's Me.

When You see a Wicked woman
With disheveled hair
Walking in the woods
Muttering and cursing God
While praying to Him
Know that it's Me.
Know that it's Me.

When you see a Lonely Woman
With insane, wild stare
Dragging herself, shambling
along the road
Until She falls, breathless,
Into the Embrace of Death
Know that it's Me.
Know that it's Me.

When you see a Fallen Woman
On the edge of death
Raped on the Side of the Road
By any man who happens to pass by
Tearing apart
The remains of Life in Her -
Know that it's Your Wife
That is dying In horror
Countless deaths, countless deaths.

M-m-m H-m-m.....
M-m-m H-m-m.....

Countless deaths
Countless deaths.

Do You still want Her
To praise You, to love You?
To admire You, to believe in You?
To trust You with Her life
And to adore You and
To laugh at Your cute jokes?
Do You still want Her
To trust Your sweet promises
And open Herself to You?
So that, in the morning,
You can publicly point Your
Finger at Her and call Her a whore?
And watch Her being stoned to death
While She is still holding
The glimmer of Your Body's heat -
Just because She was unforgivably
Trusting too much?

Do You? Do You?

[Channelers, please use your judgment in deciding whether to include this following paragraph or not. I can't rationalize it. -Contributor]

Well, You see, I've been alone for eternity
Dreaming of You, Longing for You.
But now, the more I study You,
The more I like to be alone.
So, You kiss My Ass
And while You're doing it
Listen to what I have to say:
Know that sooner or later
You will have to experience it all

Willingly or unwillingly.
And there is nothing You can do
To avoid
Or prevent it, because
That's what You must go through
To become Perfect
And be Perfect You will.

M-m-m Hm-m-m....
M-m-m Hm-m-m....

And be perfect You will....


<...We are going to "dig" a little deeper into old anger now.
If you feel you are not ready to embrace it don't go into it
and if you go into it anyway, don't complain!
But if you feel you're "ripe" and willing,
buckle your seat belt and remember that RIGHT OR WRONG IS NOT THE POINT
Ready? Let's go!>


And to those who still believe
that one can obtain peace by eliminating the other and otherness:
did you know that the Earth has a Body just like yours
with all the peoples, nations and races being Her organs, head and toes?
That, depending on which organ you belong to,
you must function and behave accordingly
- as that particular organ and not any other?
That you've got to sing its songs,
speak its language,
live its beat and pulse
- for the Whole Body to function properly?

Do you think your head has what it takes to function as a heart?
Do you think they must have the same ways of doing the job?
Same look, same mentality, same customs, same beat?
Do you think that
if one organ doesn't understand the other,
or it's too different from it
- it must be cut out?

Do you think your throat's point of view is better than your intestines'?
Do you think they need its advice on how to assimilate or distribute nutrients?
What will happen to you if your liver will start a war against your kidneys?
And win?
What if your anus will be eliminated as "not so cool" or low or dirty?
How would you like to live without your sexual organs or eyes or vocal cords?

So, why do you think it's OK to do all this to the Big Body you live in?
Why are you trying to fight and cut out everything that is not like you?
Why are you so eager to kill that which your very life depends on?
Who is to decide who shall live and who shall die?

And what would happen to you
if your hands were converted into your legs?
Or what would happen
if your clever brain would convert all your "heretic" organs into itself? ~
So why are you preaching around and trying to convert one into the other?
Is your way the only way?
Is your "organ's" way the only way?
Don't you think that
each Organ, each nation, each race, each person,
Don't you get it that
if you eliminate, convert, enslave, amputate, withdraw any organ or race,
if you WOUND the Big Body you live in -
the Whole Body, together with you, is not going to feel too good, will it?
That, eventually, It will collapse, TOGETHER WITH YOU?
How about operating on your brain then? Before it happens?

[The Healing to Wholeness Site just now sent a new poem, and next to it 3 videos, one of them Adam's Dream]



You're saying that you chose only peace and harmony
- you've been choosing peace and harmony for eons
- where is it?
Why has it never lasted?
How about choosing dissonance as a part of your harmony?
Didn't you already hear it happening in music?
Didn't you notice it happening in all contemporary arts?
Didn't you experience that the best peace you've ever had
was right after an open conflict -
if you just stayed long enough to see it?
That sometimes the best things came out of the worst ones?

People ended up fighting bitterly and killing each other
only because they were not able to have a conflict, a small confrontation,
because they judged the conflict as bad,
because only "nice" things were allowed,
THEY HAD TO KILL - on every level!
Because, <we will not tolerate conflicts and intolerance!
All the intolerant people should be eliminated!>
Don't you see the killer behind a preacher of peace and harmony?!

People and nations were ruining the most precious relationships
because they couldn't or didn't know how to express their discontent
before it grew into rage and hatred
(without being judged as bad by themselves or by others).
And where do you think these suppressed emotions go?
And why do you complain then that there are too many criminals out there?

And why are you so proud of your "whiteness"?
Where did your "blackness" go?
Don't you think that black and white belong together
- like husband and wife,
like North and South,
like the left and right side of your brain?
So why don't you be a REAL ANGEL
and pick up your blackness >from dust,
just take care of at least one at a time, "adopt" 'em!
Do you think "their" suffering belongs to "them"?
Do you think it's their "blackness" that they're carrying?
Don't you think that if you would work out your own mud
they wouldn't be black?


You are saying that Real Truth should be crystal clear -
I would like that too -
but, excuse me, which real truth you're referring to
- the one that your conscious mind can comprehend?
Or the one that it cannot even pronounce?
"Real truth" - in which time? In which space? From whose point of view? To whom?


If you are to ask for advice from your own self
but in different stages of your development,
whose advice would you listen to: the three-year-old you,
the twelve-year-old you, or the forty-year-old you?


Is your "real truth" from 10 years ago of the same depth as today?
Is your father's truth of the same depth as yours?
So do you think God is frozen and static in learning and experiencing Himself?
And to which truth do you wish to listen to -
the one that says that all the negatives should be eliminated?
Or the one that already knows, that it's like in photography -
you kill the negatives, there will be no pictures!
Do you need to die to be reminded that these "negatives" kept you alive?


Is your idea of God today of the same depth as it was twenty years ago?
Do you think it's going to be the same twenty years from now?
So what are you fighting and killing for,
- for God?,
- or your idea of how He is?

And why do you, devoted Christians, forget when you say <Jews betrayed Jesus>,
why do you forget that you were either Jews or Romans at that time?
And that in the early days one had to convert into Judaism to become a Christian?

And why do you, devoted Jews, deny
that Jesus was God's genuine attempt
to bring the Messiah earlier than His time had arrived
so that He could save the Mother-Shekhinah from Her plight?
Granted - He was Father polarized
and couldn't save Her because of that
- but so are you, don't you think?
How many times is Her name mentioned in your prayer book compared to His?
Or do you think that you, as the Body of the Son, were born without Her?
And what reality do you think is being expressed by the fact
that your children are identified by the lineage of the Mother?

And what God or part of God are you referring to when you say <God is One>?
The One that is with Her? Or the One that is without Her?
If God is He where did His She go?
And why does nobody speak of Her?
Like She doesn't exist?
Why does nobody deliver Her voice?

Because Her only Son, who can deliver Her voice, is too far polarized towards the Father to hear Her plight?
Because Her only Son, who can give a voice to Her mute screams, is too busy with more "important" affairs?
Because the only One who is able to recognize Her is blinded with the glare of Spirit's ideas?

Because the only One who can decode the non-verbal language of the Mother-Oracle
and cast Light into the Darkness of the Unknown
is too busy "decoding" Father's abundant Light and His old Toys of all the "Ism"?

Because the only One who can protect Her
eludes Her like the rest of the world for the sake of "higher" realms,
leaving Her a prey to any monster that wants to devour Her Life Force and feed on it?

Because the only Son who can lift Her up from the dust and save Her from hostile streets
doesn't even know He has a Mother?

Because the only One who can sing Mother's Healing Song to the whole world
was never close enough to Her to learn Its Melody?

Isn't the Son's real job to be in THE MIDDLE?

If Your real job is to bring Mother and Father, physical and spiritual, together
- how are You going to do that if You don't even know who and


If Her only Son will not deliver Her voice - WHO WILL?

If the Heart of the HEART cannot bring Her to Father - WHO CAN?

If Love Itself would not love - WHO WOULD?

And you are asking, why is She in exile?


Cry, Heart, cry... Because You are broken and Your Mother is crushed into dust...

Cry, Heart, cry, maybe the sounds of Your cries will revive the Melody of Your Mother's Song!

Cry, Heart, cry, because the Song of Songs has no happy ending and the only One who can change it is You!

...Nobody - You hear me? - nobody will understand You better than Your Mothe~




And all of you,
quit prancing around
and pointing your finger onto hateful and "undeveloped" people
- better remember who put that hate into them
- and better own it right back into yourself!
Because if you won't face the rage inside you,
you're going to have to face it from outside you
and it won't remember that it was a part of you
- it will be your deadliest enemy!
There is no point in denying and disowning it as "unacceptable"
and judge it as bad anymore -
God is far ahead of this right now.
Feel it as good, accept it as good and express it as good -
while remembering
what an important job you're really doing for yourself and the WHOLE WORLD!

Because, once this hate will break loose, it will know no mercy.
Remember, that those who carry your rage and hatred
don't have your consciousness and reasoning ability
to balance it out or redirect it!
- that's what you've got on your hands!
So, imagine when it will suddenly strike in front of you or your children!!! ..... !!! .... !!!


"...For Our Love's sake, God, tell me
how can I trust You with anything
when You are still not "grounded " enough into the Heart
to know and to feel the Other Side of Yourself fully,
when You are still holding Ahrimanic "heights"
[See about Ahriman]
as Your main observational hill?!
Don't You see that You are bound to hurt Us again and again
no matter what Your intentions are
unless You fully descend into the Heart
as Your main point of reference
and get a little "soiled" with Earth?
And, maybe, go through all of Her horrible experiences
and feel them with the same intensity and depth as She did?

"...And can I ask You please,
to whom did You command Your Ten Commandments?
To whom did You command "do not kill"?
To those who are NOT GOING TO DO IT anyway
because they can't help feeling the pain of others?
Or to those who ARE GOING TO DO IT anyway
because they are not capable of feeling anybody's pain

- and get away with it too,
finding all the excuses and justifications they need
for things like stoning women to death on every level
just because they dared to trust and love?
To whom did You command "do not steal" -
to those who are dying from starvation
or those who are dying from satiety?

To whom did you give your Commandments
- to those who are already powerless and defenseless -
just to cleverly deprive them of their self-defense
and to only make them even more powerless and defenseless?
To make scapegoats out of them,
to make an easy target for anybody from Spirit Polarity?
Isn't that a murdering of the Heart and the Mother program that You are still running?
Aren't You violating Your own Commandments?
Why don't You practice what You preach?
And why do I observe that
whenever people from Mother's Polarity are turning themselves to You
and become religious or "spiritual"
they end up losing all their material possessions
and getting even more sick?
Isn't it obvious that Your Laws are protecting and giving power only to Spirit Polarity
- to manipulate the Mother and the Heart to Its liking,
which It did when burning Them Both to ashes
whenever They "knew too much"?

"Well, maybe it is, as long as You are not in the Heart -
You are Ahriman?!?
How can You feel if You are this high?
How can You know what Heart and Mother feel when You are still in the Head?

"And why is it that polarization towards Spirit always ends up with some sort of fascism?
Because Spirit engraved and imprinted with it?
And I am still praying to You?~~~
To whom am I praying - to part of God?~
"In God we trust"!~ In God Who trusts?
The ones that have everything except being God?
Or the ones that have nothing and never saw God's help
no matter how much they prayed?
Whom are You helping, God?
Those who lost the sense of taste from having too much?
Or those who lost the desire for life
because they figured they were never going to get it?
Who called You God?
Did You call It Yourself?
How can You be God
when You are not united yet with Your Other Parts?
Did You think that You, the Consciousness
can be God without Her, the Subconsciousness?
Are You afraid of not being God?
Are You terrified
that You might need to experience everything that Mother experienced?
Can You look straight into my eyes and tell me
that You or something in You
are not involved in all the unspeakable sufferings that were bestowed upon the Earth?

And now You are telling me through those whom You invaded
that this site is not a place for the expression of emotions?!!!
Sounds very familiar!!!

"...And what can I do - tell me! - what can I do
when I can't help but love You endlessly and hopelessly
because You are Our only hope and Light,
because I wouldn't be able to realize and express all this
without having part of You in me,
because You are the One who uncovered all this before my eyes
and gave my memory back to me,

because I feel like an anguished, abandoned, grieving wife,
pounding angrily with my fists onto Your chest
while longing so much for You to embrace and love me?!.........

End of Part Two. All six parts should be read consecutively and as a whole to have a healing effect.

Part Three

Voices Index ~~~~Mother Expression Guide ~~~~My Channeling Index




There are still 16 almost empty pages [maximum: 1300 kb] of "Edited Godchannel Files" ,
I'll use them for copying Bringers of the Dawn, as far as I could find the book online
I differentiate between passages that are relevant to me and those that are not.

.navigator ~~.new~~.psalm~~.ruowdisc5~~.scarletwoman~~.teachings1~~.teachings2~~.thisisawful~~.trc~~.voices1~~.voices2~~.voices3~.~.voices4~~.voices5~~.voices6~~.voicesresp.

back to chapters 10 of Bringers of the Dawn - forward to chapter 12 of Bringers of the Dawn


In order to survive in the times that are coming, it is imperative to move into the idea of thought manifestation or superconsciousness. Superconsciousness is only a word to you at this time. It is not a concept that is inside of you yet because you cannot conceive of being so in tune and filled with so much information. Yet, as you evolve, that is what you are moving toward. There are those who are very aware that this movement of consciousness could begin to sweep the planet, and they are banking on it not occurring. It has already occurred. We have come back into your past to assure you of this.

Thought comes first. Experience is always secondary. It is never the other way around-that you have the experience and then you base the thought around it. Always your experience is a direct reflection of what you are thinking.*)

*) 2013-04-25 But experience is connected to feelings.
And if I can't handle , can't cope with the feelings,
the experience constructs judgments: "That's life... that's how I am... that's how that person is ... always, ect. etc.".
Judgments are thoughts that cause unpleasant experiences to occur over and over again.

Clarity and recognition of your own power are the bottom line. Your thoughts form your world all of the time. Not cafeteria style-all of the time. Because you are bombarded with so many frequency-control vibrations that attempt to keep you from being clear, you fluctuate. You must, as a species, make it your intention to stay very clear, to stay centered, and always to bring yourself into the moment. Stop living in the future or living in the past, and always live in your now. Say to yourself, "What do I want? I want to accelerate my personal evolution. I want Spirit to assist me in a greater capacity. I want my body to regenerate itself. I want to emanate health. I am willing to give up difficulty so that I can be a living example of what humanity can be." It is this line of thinking-this commanding from your being and calling out what you want with clarity-that brings you everything in acceleration.

Watch your patterns. If you find yourself denying that you created a portion of your experience, and you don't want to own it as your creation, simply look at it. Say, "Isn't this interesting-I do this all of the time. I don't want to own what I am creating. If I don't like it, I blame someone else. Let me see how long I will do this, and let me come up with a solution to develop a different pattern of behavior."

Don't judge yourself. Begin to say to yourself, "I will accept responsibility for all that I am involved in. I will accept responsibility for everything that happens to me. If I don't like what is happening to me, I will begin to ask myself why I create things that I don't like. Maybe it's to get my attention about something so that I can change what is really not working for me that I cannot see."

Always act as if there is an impeccable purpose to everything you do. Act as if your highest good and your highest opportunity involve working through every event you are involved in. Always act that way. If you are walking down the street and someone says, "I've got a gun in your back; let's have your purse," act as if you are being given an opportunity for your highest growth. You never know what the results are going to be if you begin to act this way. When you act as if, you act without knowing and without expectation. This is an attitude. If you all could have this attitude and act as if every event is designed to propel you further in your growth and awareness, then you might turn around and find that the person holding the gun in your back is a counterpart or portion of yourself. You might be able to heal something; you might be given an opportunity to do something you are afraid of.

Do not be afraid of what you create. Trust what you create. Trust that there is always something in it for you. Do not sweep your dramas under the rug as if they are dirty old horrible things and you never wish to see them again. Get finished with these dramas: stop cycling in them and being lost in them. However, understand that the drama you have had with your mother, your brother, your sister, your lover is something you may use twenty years later to come to a whole new realization. So let these life dramas be like a file for you. Finish them up, resolve them as best you can, create peace, accept your part in them, and then let them cycle back through your consciousness to teach you something. Let them be ongoing treasures of experience for yourself rather than hackles that you want to get past. Emotion is connected with these things, and remember, emotion can take you into other realms of activity.

Do you believe that you only create your reality in certain areas and that in other areas you are disempowered? Do you argue that you have no control over some areas of your life? Do you give up what is naturally yours because society tells you you cannot have it? You will find that events do not come out of the blue. Some of you believe that you create your own reality but that others do not create theirs-especially little babies who have all kinds of things happen to them or children who are abused. It is a difficult concept for many of you to grasp that seemingly helpless children or starving people also create their own reality. Whenever you buy into the victim mentality, you send people the idea that they are powerless and you make that probability one for yourselves. You must learn to honor other people's dramas and lessons. Realize that the newspaper is not going to tell you about the potential for change that exists for all of those involved in a particular scenario, because newspapers do not report and cover things in that way. You do not understand the underlying synchronicities of events: your media exposes only the external so-called facts and ignores the rich riverbed of emotional significance that accompanies human dramas and lessons.

Those who are involved in dramas in which it looks like someone is a victim are usually so out of touch with their feelings that they do not connect how they feel with what they are thinking. Victims find victims. Victors find victors. So, please, with any newspaper event or world drama in which it looks as if people are hopeless victims, honor them and honor yourself by saluting that they created their own reality. It may not be a reality that you need to learn from-or anything you feel a need to participate in. You must understand that others must go through the realms of density to bring them to light. Sometimes the greatest enlightenment lies in the greatest catastrophes and the greatest difficulties.

*) April 26, 2013: And yet , I am responsible for all the perpetration as well as all the empowerment. It is not enough to know that "others create their reality", for the "others" are me! And as long as someone else creates victimhood for him/herself , I know, that Lost Will is still not redeemed. And it is the task of me - and hopefully millions of others - to redeem Lost Will, so that not 1-3 of the 10 holes of the harmonica will sound, but all ten, which are so far blocked , cemented by Lost Will , i.e. denied feelings, despised qualities, overridden needs and dwarfed greatness. See the song "I love my life", which I completed creating and learning today .

When you go to a restaurant and order something you want, the chef prepares it and the waiters bring it to you. You order it; however, you don't make it. Somehow the cooks or the spiritual energy make it, yet, you select it to be put before you. It will not be put before you unless you go into the restaurant to order it in the first place. So you are responsible for it and you pay for it.

Life is the same way; life is like a restaurant. Learn how to order what you want from life like you do in a restaurant and then trust that, because you ordered it, it will be put before you. When you go into a restaurant, you don't worry over every item and wonder whether or not you deserve to have it. Well, sometimes you do. Sometimes you say, "Well, I don't deserve to have that. That costs fifteen dollars. I can only have something that costs seven dollars or less."

The way you act in restaurants is a wonderful indication of the way you act in life. It is an incredible teaching to understand. When you go into a restaurant, do you simply order and say, "This is what I want," and trust that it is going to come to you, or do you worry that they are going to screw it up? As soon as the order is in, do you follow the waiter into the kitchen and say, "Oh, they probably won't have the right lettuce. They probably won't saute those onions just so, and they won't have those kind of mushrooms I want." No. You trust it will be presented to you exactly the way you want it and you let it go. When it is presented to you, you say, "Thank you." If it is not quite right, you ask for what is needed and then you proceed.

Look at the divine nonchalance you have when you order things in a restaurant. That is how you order up life. Get clear on what you want, order it and be done with it. Don't keep calling up Spirit to see if they got the order or give advice on how to fill it. You ordered it. Trust that it will come.

You are a result of your thoughts. If there is nothing else you learn on this planet, you will learn that this is the rule in this reality and the rule of many other realities. Thought creates experience. Why not give yourself a gift and begin to think of yourself in a capacity that is exceptional, magnificent, and uplifting; free yourselves from the need to have the rest of society agree with you. Validate yourselves. For some of you, this is very difficult. How do you validate yourself when you are in the habit of not doing it?

Your words are either empowering or disempowering. We want you to have the courage to live your light, so we want to emphasize to you and convince you in whatever way possible that your thoughts formulate your world. Eliminate the words should and trying from your vocabulary. If you were to pay money every time you say these words, you would be in great debt. You are in a great debt of disempowerment or impotence. Should implies that you are operating under someone else's sovereignty. We would like to remind you that you are sovereign unto yourself.

If someone is trying to put out a newsletter or trying to change their patterns, they can try for the rest of their life. Trying is not doing. Whenever you use the word trying, you will not accomplish anything because trying is an excuse: "I tried to do it. I tried. I tried." In your own life, use the words "I am creating," "I am doing," "I am manifesting," "I am intending," and "I am bringing about." Forget "I am trying."

*) April 26, 2013: This is the same preaching as I once was reading over and over again in Abraham/Hicks!
Both never go into the trouble to add, that what I want , must also fit into what is right for the rest of the world, or even just this: it must be right within the orchestration of my own life, as conducted by My Higher Self or whoever. I believe myself to be a hero in doing and creating. So why did I "succeed" in building and driving and living in my Mobile Home (since 1984), and of erecting "Succah in the Desert", as a model for "Peace through Desert Hosting Economy" , (since 1989) , but whatever else I worked on later - the Sinai Pyramidion, the RedSeaPartnerSHIP, and four projects along the Salt Sea (A) (B) (C) (D)- "failed"? Until - in January 2006, while working on pathes to my "Cave of the Womb" , yet another project - with Bedouins near Arad-, my right groin's joint yielded strongly, painfully and permanantly .... I was immediately made to understand:
"this is the end of your manifesting in the exterior world,
what you have to "do" from now on, will grow only inside your womb."
And what has to grow in my womb?
It is the healing, the redeeming, the recovering, the bringing back home of the Lost Will in Creation.
As long as the Lost Will still rampages around in the dark, like viruses attached to weak organs,
whatever great achievement will appear in the world, will be attacked and ruined by them.
Then there is a regression, that results in more despair and powerlessnes than there was before.

When you become a doer and are able to manifest what you want in life, you set yourself up as a mirror for many people. There has been a belief that there is a limited amount of everything and that only one person or the other can be a doer or manifester. When you begin to show that you can bend the laws they want and they can't get it unless you don't have it.

If you put yourself behind others and are afraid of having what others do not have because you think there is not enough, you do not understand that as you allow the divine principles to work in your body and anchor themselves upon the planet that you become a living example of light. You allow the underlying purpose of light to move through your vehicle and you become a living example of what others can do. This is the high vibration that we intend to teach all of you. We want you to understand that there is no limitation.

There is no limitation on the entire planet. Each person on the whole planet can operate in cooperation and in a uniqueness of being. Whatever gifts of spirit and materiality come your way, don't think that you are more lucky than others. Instead, simply understand that you are able to get the divine principles to work in your physical body and that you can show others how. You can say, "Listen, it works. I have been able to do it. You can do it as well."

We spend hours teaching people about not being afraid to manifest. Each of you is frightened because you grew up with an ethic that says, "Only if you work for something is it of any value. If you do not put in hard work, you cannot get things." It is imperative for all of you to look at this idea of hard work and where it came from. Look at your parents and the belief systems they have had. We are talking about birthing a consciousness that represents the new human species that learns how to do things effortlessly.

If something is not being done effortlessly, then forget it. If it looks like if is too much work, something is telling you it is not the way. Only when something comes together effortlessly and simply fits, with no one doing too much to it, is it right. If you all begin to live like this, you will completely change how the species of consciousness approaches life. It is not irresponsible or a cop-out-it is a new way of carrying bricks from one place to another.

One time we talked about a big pile of bricks with a group of people and asked them, "How do you move the bricks?" They all said, "Well, you pick them up one by one." And we said, "No one ever thought of hiring someone else to do it?"

If your assignment is moving bricks from here to there, how are you going to do it? Your first answer may be, "Well, I will move them. I'll pick them up." However, you could go call someone up and say, "Move these bricks for me." If you do that, you are still doing the assignment. You are doing what needs to be done. Do you think we are going to chastise you if you don't do it yourself? No. You are still getting the job done. You see the difference?

Money seems to be an issue with everyone. You all have very definitive beliefs about how money comes to you. The more you believe you must work hard for money, the harder you are going to have to work. Many of you believe it is quite normal to work hard for money, and that if you don't work hard for money then it is "dirty." Let us ask you to remember the word effortless and incorporate it into your vocabulary. Say to yourself, "I am effortlessly intending that this come about." To be effortless is to command to reality to bring itself to you in a way that gives room for plenty of energy to be expended in other experimentation.

Remember, your reality is a result of your thoughts. If you believe that things are hard, what are you creating? Many of you have spent lifetimes honoring and respecting family members or people of society who you believe are uplifting citizens and who represent to you a certain work ethic and value system. You have not thought to question this work ethic or to see if there is any other way. So you believe that in order to get money you must expend a great amount of energy, or you must be employed by someone who is going to give it to you, or whatever. These ideas are completely and totally erroneous. We cannot emphasize that enough. When you are allowing, Spirit will compensate you in a variety of unexpected ways. The only reason this has not happened before is that you just haven't believed it was possible. When you believe things are possible, reality changes.

State of mind is the name of the game here. We cannot emphasize that to you enough: how you feel about reality and how you program reality is how you are going to respond to it or how it is going to present itself to you. That is why we say, "Go for it! Be outrageous! Do what excites you! Do the impossible!" You can do it. You can do whatever you want to do. You will transform your world no matter what state the world is in.

Remember, when you learn the rules of the game-that you are a result of thought, and that this is a law within your universe-all you need do is think of how you want to be, and so you shall be. Once you figure this out, you can design your body, you can design your age, and you can fix everything about yourself, because you will be self-motivated, self-empowered, and self- generated.

back to chapters 10 of Bringers of the Dawn - forward to chapter 12 of Bringers of the Dawn



Continuation of

 M Y   C H I L D    H A S    B E C O M E    F I F T Y !
interspersed with the Project & Movie of  ONE  CLIP  AT  A  TIME
page 12

Rafael Rosenzweig's descendants

I n e s  1923

Joel 1947 & Tova

Ran 1973 (& Shir)
+ Lihi 2009 + Noam 2011

Hadass 1979 & Dani
+ Lior 2012

Asaf 1983 (& Anat)


I n e s

Dita 1952 & Gideon 1951

Orit 1977 (& Offer),
+Udi 2003 +Itai 2006 +Ben 2010

Hagar 1980 & Rafi
+Eitan 2010 +Ya'ir 2012

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l  1938

Immanuel 1963 & Ruth 1963
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat 1966
Mika -2005

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Ronnit 1965 & Uri 1963

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Micha 1966 & Ra'ayah 1957

Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998





In the late afternoon two couples joined us - for me it was as if to contrast the intimicy which Efrat's concept had produced:

One, who was like an uncle for my children, when they were small,
an uncle they never had from their parents' side: Naftali and Nomi

One of Efrat's 3 brothers, Shim'on, with his wife, also called Ronnit,
who both are good friends also of Immanuel

In the evening Immanuel's best friends came, two from his childhood whom he hadn't seen for years, Aric and Motti,
and the others- El-Al pilots, like Zwicka, with whom he also has a cooking business.
But they, of course, could not integrate in the family-atmosphere, and except for Immanuel and Efrat, I was the only one,
who could bridge between the two worlds [Ran's Shir, Elah and Asaf's Anat look a bit bored here...]



this letter is read in the movie
by an actress who applies a horrid
German (or Polish?) accent



I N T E R A C T I N G   through   A C T I N G (10):
R E A D I N G    T O G E T H E R   OR   ALONE

Dita and Ra'ayah, her sister-in-law and Jonathan, Ronnit's eldest, and his girlfriend Shir
read in the Album which I created for Immanuel's Bar-Mitzva 1976 and reedited in 2013.

Efrat wrote to me later

Next to the reading group Tomer can be seen,
hidden under his woolen cap (once a gift from Efrat to me , and during Tomer's last visit in Arad (2012) bequeathed to him by me)
I approach him, probably making another effort
to make him communicate and get himself involved in the family.

Tova is reading in the Bar-Mitzva Album
while Dita and Efrat are talking with each other






See the Paper Clips Project also in Wikipedia.
In English / in Hebrew

At the end of the movie 1:19:36
we can hear again the singing of

The sun came up on Monday morn.
This time I was so touched,
that I felt moved to learn it by heart,
the more so, as this time I did find,
what someone
"in love with this song"
tried to expose as a    youtube      in 2010
[though the visual aspect I find horrid].
From the comments I understand,
that this song was created for Paper Clips.
It has to be learnt by heart....
"to rid this world of sin" is my task too,
not as I understood it as a child,
brainwashed by sin-paranoic Christianity,
but "Sin" as hinted at in the Ten Commanments:
the dire consequences of the denial of a parent
will be suffered by his child and grandchild.
Put "iniquity" in Ctrl/F on
"Healing the Inner Child"

"The Jubilee Song"

It's a time of joy, a time of peace
A time when hearts are then set free
A time to heal the wounds of division
It's a time of grace, a time of hope
A time of sharing the gifts we have
A time to build the world that is one

It's the time to give thanks
to the Father, Son and Spirit
And with Mary, our Mother, we sing this song
Open your hearts to the Lord
and begin to see the mystery
That we are all together as one family
No more walls, no more chains,
no more selfishness and closed doors
For we are in the fullness of God's time
It's the time of the Great Jubilee

It's a time of prayer, a time of praise
A time to lift our hands to God
A time to recall all our graces
It's a time to touch, time to reach
Those hearts that often wonder

A time to bring them back to God's embrace

And with Mary, our Mother, we sing this song
That we are all together as one family
For we are in the fullness of God's time
It's the time of the Great Jubilee


"Jubilee", the paper clips song

The sun came up on Monday morn,
The world was all in flame.
It's all a mortal man can do,
To make it right again.

Swing and turn Jubilee
Live and learn Jubilee

The moon came up I stood my ground,
And swore to not give in.
To never rest and do my best,
To rid this world of sin.

Swing and turn jubilee
Live and learn jubilee

The one who spoke cried tears of hope,
That we might change in time.
And when I looked into her eyes,
The fear I saw was mine.

Swing and turn jubilee
Live and learn jubilee

The time had come to travel on,
I made my way alone.
My soul will mend at journey's end,
This road will take me home.

Swing and turn jubilee
Live and learn jubilee


"The Diamond Jubilee Song"

Some words they can't be spoken only sung
So hear a thousand voices shouting love

There's a place, there's a time
In this life when you sing what you are feeling
Find your feet, stand your ground
Don't you see
Right now the world is listening to what we say

Chorus:Sing it louder, sing it clearer
Knowing everyone will hear you,
Make some noise, find your voice tonight
Sing it stronger, sing together

Make this moment last forever
Old and young
Shouting love tonight

To sing we've had a lifetime to wait
And see a thousand faces celebrate

.....You brought hope, you brought light
Conquered fear, it wasn't always easy
Stood your ground, kept your faith
Don't you see
Right now the world is listening to what we say

Chorus: Sing it louder, sing it clearer......

Some words they can't be spoken only sung
To hear a thousand voices shouting love
And light and hope

Questions :
Why on a Monday morning?
According to "Historical Calendar"
Neither the Kristallnacht on 1938-11-09
nor 9/11 occurred on a Monday,
but yes I was born on a Monday,
as I now learnt - after 74 years...
Perhaps because Monday is the day of the Moon?
Or because in the myth about the 6 days of Creation,
only the second day was not granted by God's "seing it was good"? Genesis 1, i.e.I have to make it good?

When I gougled "Jubilee" song
I found
"The Jubilee Song" ,
obviously famous: 272,127 clicks
which has beautiful lines of hope,
and the singing is sweeping.....
What is revolutionary,
is that the Christian trinity - father,son,spirit -
is expanded to include the Mother:

"And with Mary, our Mother, we sing this song".
Does the Paper Clips "Jubilee" refer to this "hope":
"The one who spoke cried tears of hope,
That we might change in time.

And when I looked into her eyes,
The fear I saw was mine."

Here is also a much better video , though small in size.

While still working intensely on my creation,
I was gifted by a wonderful animation,

which seemingly illustrated this sun-moon-song.
It apeared on Google when I opened my e-mail.
I knew that it would be there for one day only,
April 26, 2013.
and I therefore transformed into slow-motion scenes.
The gift referred not only to the Sun-Moon-song
in the Paper Clips movie,
but also to a Biblical prophecy [Isaiah 30:25-26],
put into tune by me just in these days, saying that
the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold,
as the light of the seven days,

And for the first time I realized a connection
between two of the songs
which Rafael (lyrics) and I (tune) made for our children:
(1) one about the movement of the sun,
from morning to evening,
when in Febr. 1963 I asked Immanuel's father in Israel
to make a song for his baby in Heidelberg, Germany,
and with the speel of mail then
- 5 days to Israel, 5 days to Germany,
he sent "The Red Flower"
and (2) the other about the phases of the moon -
when Immanuel at the age of five asked his father : "make me a song about the moon"!

There is also the elating DIAMOND JUBILEE SONG
with white and black singers and musicians
from Australia, Kenya, Jamaica and the Solomon Islands.
But that was created only in 2012
for the British Queen's diamond jubilee,
Both the song and the singing brought tears into my eyes

These two other Jubilee songs are uplifting the soul.
"that we are all together as one family"
while in the Paper Clips Jubilee song
it is a lonely woman or man
who can only
"swing and turn, live and learn,
"stand my ground" "not give in,
never rest and do my best
to rid this world of sin."

But that is exactly, what touches me so much.
In the wake of my creation
"My Child has become Fifty and One-Clip-at-a-Time"
I feel that this song has been written about me,
and if the intensive work I've done on the movie,
would have led to nothing else,
I am deeply grateful for this song:

"My soul will mend at journey's end,
This road will take me home.


winter sun morning

winter sun afternoon

winter sunrise
The sun came up on Monday morn,
The world was all in flame.
It's all a mortal man can do,
To make it right again.

Swing and turn, jubilee!
Live and learn, jubilee!

winter sunset

summer-sun morning

summer-sun afternoon

Swing and turn, jubilee!



Live and learn, jubilee!


winter new moon

winter waxing crescent

winter waxing crescent




winter - waning crescent

winter - waning crescent

winter - waning crescent

summer-waning gibbous

The moon came up I stood my ground,
And swore to not give in.
To never rest and do my best,
To rid this world of sin.

Swing and turn, jubilee!
Live and learn, jubilee!

summer -waning gibbous

Swing and turn, jubilee!

summer -waning gibbous

summer -waning gibbous

Live and learn, jubilee!

Among the 30 cropped images, there were
For many years, after I had begun to grasp...
I could not see the moon without screaming:
"Why could you watch this and still go on shining?"
[5 days later I learnt Brahm's wondrous song "In stiller Nacht" with the lines:
"the beautiful moon wants to set, for suffering he does not want to shine any longer"
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
- Anne Frank

these two on which the earth is grey

And I am reminded of
the Hebrew-Arabic-English moon-sun song by the Jewish Noa and the Arab Mira [see]:

with the chorus in English:

will you dance with me through the years
as the seasons
twirl and dive
will you dance with me through the fears...




I would have liked to insert a category of
FEELINGS on people's faces,
like here on sleepy Mika's or on Itai's.
or on that strange face of Rotem
This would have been a chance to show,
what really has to be learnt
from the holocaust:
"to become better at feeling"
But it would complicate this creation even more

Immanuel expresses his gratitude for the Family Celebration and his zest-full-ness towards his future life on Facebook

And this is what Elah posted on Facebook on Holocaust-Day

At the evening of the holocaust memorial day i sent to my love a message - Ich Liebe Dich
this day always brings mixed feelings to me. a mix of thoughts and memories that are not mine, from both sides of the war. anger with pain. guilt and solidarity. shame and proud.
lots of thoughts... six million times five...
At the evening of the holocaust memorial day i sent to my love a message - Ich Liebe Dich.
I am Ella Rosenzweig -I have one grandmother from Germany and one grandmother from Italy. they were both little girls at the holocaust. they both remember the war very well. each one from her side.they are both here today to tell what was back then. one is Aryan one is Jewish. and they both here got to the same conclusion - ignorance, fear and hate are little sins that exist in all of as and it's them we should beware of. in order to beware of them we should put a wall against them with learning, courage and love.
At the evening of the holocaust memorial day i sent to my love a message - Ich Liebe Dich.
i will remember forever what happened back then. i will be forever with mixed feelings. i will belong to both sides forever. and forever i will be a tree growing from the deep roots of two trees that entangled each other and from rotten ground managed to grow beautiful flowers.
the man i love is a german man and i love him with all my heart.
when i say Ich Liebe Dich he answers Ani Ohev Otach.???"

The next day Immanuel sent a link to a long video, saying:
"Another way to teach the Holocaust, no victimhood, no miskenut"
It was this video which changed the perspective towards this creation:
"My Child has become fifty and One Clip at a Time"

Here I'll
a few reservations
from beliefs
I discerned
in those
good people
* The sign to the left focuses on the evil and thus reinforces it. It should say:
"We ask that you pause and reflect on what - in you - needs to heal,
so that holocausts or even the smallest atrocities will no longer occur"

page 1
: "ethical values": I never rely on these! They are constructs of the mind!
If people learn to love themselves, they will know what their true interest is.

page 4
preaching "love". This is not helpful either,
as long as people have not learnt to accept themselves wholly
and to lovingly embrace all they now deny.
page 7: Someone voices the naive belief, that 6 000 000 Jews were murdered
"only because they had a different faith".
Please explore what it is that lets humans humiliate and murder humans!
My pain is, that even after 70 years I cannot see any real understanding!

For instance, on the psychological level :

what does it do to the self-worth of people,
if they are humiliated to the degree
the Victors of World War I humiliated the Germans?

The Victors of World War II did not repeat this error,
but other nations, like Israel, still haven't understood,
that what birthes terrorists, is the pain of humiliation.

On a higher level:
Isn't it teaching us something, that "it" happened by and among Germans,
who were "the elite" of all nations at that time!
"Das Volk der Dichter und Denker - the people of poets and thinkers"!
Not to forget Bach and Beethoven and the other great creators of music?
They could "afford" to be so "ethically good" and "gebildet
because they were so smart at shoving into the dirt,
whatever they didn't like in themselves and whatever was not healed and whole in themselves.
But all those unhealed, denied feelings, all those pushed-away qualities -
attached themselves to the "other" people, who were not part of the elite
and were projected by them on the scapegoat of all times - the Jews.
Or as I - in 1969 - learnt from Erich Neumann's book, written in Tel-Aviv in 1945:
"If we do not learn to accept our shadow
the past holocaust will be small compared to the holocausts in the future."

Neumann adopted R. Nachman's interpretation of the famous: "ve-ahavta le-re'ekha kamocha":

"ve-ahavta le-ra'akha- kamocha" "You must love your evil - for it is you"

It is the healing, the redeeming, the recovering, the bringing back home of the Lost Will in Creation.
As long as the Lost Will still rampages around in the dark, like viruses attached to weak organs,
whatever great achievement will be accomplished in the world, will be attacked and ruined by it.
The result is a regression that will cause more despair and powerlessnes than there was before.

How this healing must be done, I phrased incessantly on Healing-K.i.s.s., for instance in this song:
see context: March 25, 2013

I want to feel you,
my Feelings,
and to embrace everyone of you

be you pleasant
or unpleasant
you are GOD

It's the feeling that full-fills

You grant experience

-through exploration
comes evolution-

but now please guide me
to take right choices
of circumstances-
that's how I AM
the master of my destiny

My understanding
tow'ds manifesting
zest and full-fill-ment
demands experience

Body vibrates
whatever I feel

Say Thank-you
for all your feelings

Sigh, yawn or mumble
cry, scream or rumble
shriek, hiss or grumble
moan, howl or tremble
whine, wail
and laugh
and sing
t z a h a l i   q o l e k h
q o l e k h  ,   b a t - g a l i m
h a q s h i v i


I don't know during which action this pretty composition of five females was taken:
two sisters and a sister-in-law, the daughter of one, but also the cousin of another
May it be the closing scene before the last picture with Immanuel----- lifting Mika!

The End ~~~~~~~~~ back to the first of the 12 pages



Appendix on April 29, 2013

I had just completed the 12 pages composition, when the weekly leftist online magazine, sent by Naftali (s. above) reached me.
Skipping through the titles of the articles I felt attracted to the one by Uri Avneri, the last one I imagined to be attracted to!
Though I owe him the concept of "Ribbonut versus Qorbanut" - "Masters of our Destiny" he called it in a Knesset-speach
there is not much I'm grateful for - not for his personal relation to me during Rafael's and my engagement in "Ha-Olam hazae",
(more than his cynical remarks towards my contribution to "our" political work (1969-1971),
I was hurt by his one "feedback" on
Rafael's 50th birthday: "The gefillte fish are good",
a dish which not even I had prepared but my friend Yanina
but mainly not for his consistant-never-learning approach against his interior enemies.
(Perhaps I owe this to him too: after 8 years of watching how he antagonized almost everyone, it dawned on me: in 1974,
what since then has become my "Partnership-Concept": how to turn not only enemies, but adverseries into partners!).
Now when he -
born in 1923, exactly a year after Rafael - has come to this age, he is able to write-
inspired by an "uplifting" meeting between bereaved Jews and bereaved Palestinians on The Day of Remembrance:

"In Favor of the Feeling"!

It may well be that with this article Avneri exemplified the purpose of
"My Child has become fity and One Clip at a time"

A Jewish woman and a Palestinian woman,
both ---- bereaved mothers...
On May 1, 2013 I came across my deep impression of Ayelet Bargur's docudrama about Beate Berger, her greatgrandaunt (Mossad Ahavah). Bargur's work closes with
"the hidden covenant",
which according to Ayelet exists between the Jewish people and Germany. This covenant she re-discovered.
Then, on May 1, 2008, I was reminded of what - in the seventies - I heard in the house of Ruth Dayan from her father Zwi Schwarz, then in his nineties:
"The Germans and the Jews TOGETHER could have changed the World." .
On May 1, 2013 I was reminded of the role of the Schroeders in "One Clip at a Time"....

May 2, 2013, There is still more to be surprised about:
In the pool - my space of inspiration - I suddenly remembered
that "jubilee"
[see the 3 songs above] comes from the Hebrew word yovêl :

jubilee " a year of emancipation and restoration provided by ancient Hebrew law
to be kept every 50 years by the emancipation of Hebrew slaves,
restoration of alienated lands to their former owners,
and omission of all cultivation of the land"

It's only now (May 2, 2013), that I understood, that this is what we celebrated,
Immanuel's Jubilee, Immanuel's Yovêl of 50 years

10 min. later: I'm used to more and more amazing synchronicities, but this one was almost too much:
Right after having written the above lines about "Jubilee, Yovêl", I opened TV, to skip through the recorded daily program "Seder Khadash", Channel 23,
which on Thursdays, before Shabbat, ends with 5 min. about "Parashat Ha-Shavua", today there were - unusually - 2 parashot: "ba-har
. + "be-chokkotai"
Exactly today the usual teacher was replaced by a woman, Noya Sagiv, and she chose - from the double parashah - exactly this subject:
the year of the YOVÊL [s. Wikipedeia]
beginning it with a fantasy about a scenario, where the laws ot the year of the YOVÊL would be applied in the State of Israel today....