The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"

re-studied and expanded on August 26-30, 2013

InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Nourishment from Others
December 17-23, 2011: enriched by more nourishment

2007_10_22 (+ 2010_03_19)

How to hold your Aloneness
in balance with
the sense of Fullness
that comes from the Unity with the One


Rediscovered: Starchild-Global's e-mail message from October 20, 2006:

Let us begin by saying
that the awareness of separation and individuality
is not in itself a bad thing!

This may sound strange to you,
since much of what is taught today
is about the apparent need to remember that all is One.

This is true.

But we will say, further,
that the essence of All Creation
is an awareness of separation and individuality
that leads or returns one to the WHOLE or the ONE.

In other words,
a mature or master being
is not one that disappears into the ONE,
for that is in effect the process of death.
In life, in the process of individuation,

the Master Soul...
would hold an awareness of both
- the individual and the One.


And so, a sense of separation and aloneness is in truth
part of the full meaning of the experience of life.

We feel that only when humans begin to understand this
and accept this and become happy with this,
that they will cease to resist it
and it will become far easier to deal with.


Of course, at this point in human history,
the sense of aloneness and alienation is intense,
for people have indeed forgotten how to create communities
and flow the Light of Source amongst themselves
that will assist them to feel that, despite their separation,
they are still part of a Community that is an Organic Whole.
This is what you are now learning in this cycle,
that even though you are alone,
you can become part of a greater whole
that will allow you
to feel that sense of oneness and completion

because you know
that you are indeed part of something that is far greater than you yourself.

And so, as people learn how to function once again in communities,
then that sense of alienation and loneliness will become less
and people will learn to balance the loneliness
with the group energy that is the nature of Source.
[But have a look at the warnings against "Belonging to Groups":
Put "groups" in Godchannel's Search!]


For, if you read all the stories of how the Cosmos began,
you will always find that you are told
that the Source experienced intense loneliness
and desired to know him/herself
through the creation of Life and Matter.

And, because all life in the Cosmos springs from that Source energy,
the feeling of loneliness
and the desire to explore the self through your creations
[see the former page about a message from the same source, though channeled on Oct. 13, 2007]
and your relationships with others
is intense and a part of who you are.

The paintings, created by my step-daughter
Dita Liron
were included in her exhibition "walking in the fields"
in Natanya, August 2006.
For me they present "Manifestation" and "Evolution".

This is magnificently described, for instance,
in Godchannel
: Original Heart

"Heart realized
in its desire for true, peer level companionship,
the only way to find another Heart ~
required that it somehow split itself apart,
creating two distinct beings
that could never reconstitute themselves back
into the one, Original Heart.
Never, that is ~
until there would be a way for Heart
to   have   a   companion
who   was   just   as   whole,
and yet truly separate and distinct,
not just a part of Self.

"The original explosion
was not a random occurrence
or even a mistake.
It was a very carefully orchestrated act of Love
by an incredibly wise and loving being
who no longer wished to remain whole ~
if it meant being alone."


In fact, the more spiritually evolved you become,
the more intense become these feelings of loneliness and separation,
as you fully enter into God or Source consciousness.

most evolved beings have taken the next step into "bliss"
and allowed themselves
to be at One with the "One"
in its state of Unity and completeness.


But this is a temporary state,
and in order to function on the material plane
and to carry out your work as souls
who are undertaking
the exploring and creating for Source,

you need to step back
into that separation from Source and into "self".

Now, as we mentioned earlier,
a true "Master ..." ...
is able to live in that space between Separation and Unity,
and to hold the awareness of the One with the Other.


Do not feel that you have failed because you still hold that feeling of separation.
While you are in a material body it will always be there to some extent.
But, if you can cultivate and hold also a sense of the One,
the knowledge that the ONE is always there
and may be experienced in parallel with the sense of the individual,
then you will understand
the true nature of the challenge of material life.


And, as we have said, the closer you become to God or Source consciousness,
the more intense the aloneness will become.
For it is at the moment of intense aloneness
that the Source moved into the act of Creation
and brought forth life.
So, in your own role
as emissaries of the Source or Creator,
it is your own God or Source energy
that is being felt as aloneness and separation,
and that will motivate you
to create and relate with others
in the ongoing dance of life
that is the Source's way of releasing its aloneness
and exploring
the full potential of its Being as a Creator.

And, we would say,
that the whole purpose of your spiritual evolution as souls
is to reach a point within that consciousness
when the two may be held as ONE completely.

Well, because this is the purpose of your evolution,
it is the goal towards which you all strive,
without understanding fully
that you must of necessity learn to be with the aloneness and the separation
before you can blend it with the Source or God consciousness.

When you, as a species, cease to resist the aloneness,
you will find ways of creating the Oneness
that you seek as the goal of your evolution.

At this point,
the forward movement of evolution seems to have chosen
the route of creating soul mate relationships
wherein an individual may experience the Oneness through another person.
This can be achieved already by advanced souls quite easily.
[2013: ???????]

See a similar wording in

Godchannel, Fourth Interview with God

"Nearly all of the extra-dimensional beings
that are presently working with humans on the inside
to prepare them for the 'coming changes'
are doing so under Ahriman's plan
for a Will-less creation.

[God-Spirit used to deny not only the Mother,
i.e. desire, feelings, emotions,
but also parts of himself, for instance his power,
so these denied parts became the two devils, Lucifer and Ahriman]

"If spirits can have what they wish
and do what they like,
why bother with the Mother
and all of her 'bad' feelings and other 'baggage?'
Why be dragged down by her pain and suffering?
Why not just lift out of her Hell,
and simply leave behind
whatever doesn't feel good?
No one wants pain and terror, right?
[This is exactly my problem with "Abraham/Hicks",
who teach "good-feeling thoughts",
see in "Learning-to-want" 2010_10_09]

You and I know the answers to these questions,
but the vast majority of humanity does not, yet.

"And the majority of 'light workers' and others
who are sincerely interested
in creating a better world
are being subtly deceived
on the inside by direct contact with these beings,
and on the outside by their channelings.

"But this is not wrong, either.
All of this will fit together in the end.
There is another plan, much larger ....

But, the next step would be for those souls
to combine their energy on a permanent basis,
so that they were literally one
and would incarnate as one in their next lifetime.

In this process,
gradually the fragments of souls
that have become multitude in the explorations of Source
would begin once again to blend and come together,
and over a process of millions of years,
all energy would once again return to Source with great joy,
having learnt all there was to know about Separation and Oneness.
Rachel: This is contrary to logic,
as explained in this very message
about the goal of manifestation and evolution,
it is also contrary to the message of "Right Use of Will"
(1984 p.62b and somewhere else: "returning to Oneness is not the goal")
and to the message of Godchannel
[see the most important discussion "Becoming New Heart"]
(see also the left frame of puzzle-piece 2 and 2 b: "Peers and Companions",and puzzle-piece 21: Oneness and Duality)

On the other hand, it is true and has happened in the past,
that a group of "individual souls" reincarnated as one individuum.

But for now, you are still in the process of learning and exploring,
and you are still learning
how to hold your Aloneness
in balance
with the sense of Fullness
that comes from the Unity with the One.

And you are learning to do this as a species
so that eventually you might all ascend into the light of Source as One.

But, as we have said, this is many millions of years in the future,
and for now there is much work and play
as you explore the Cycles of Existence
and what might be and what could be created.

"the sense of Fullness that comes from the Unity with the One"
"is many millions of years in the future,

then what needs to happen "in the meanwhile" and "Now", is
that the sense of fullness comes from knowing to FEEL!"

It is only with this balanced sense of "I" and "We"
that you can create a Peaceful and Loving society
that balances the needs of the individual
with the needs of the group or community
And where the needs of the one are the same as the needs of the other,
there is no difference because All are One!


The ancient Egyptians called this the idea of the "One and the Many"
[already in 1970, when I worked on my PH.D. thesis,
I encountered a book called "the One and the Many" about the ancient Egyptians),

and saw it as a dialectic or flow, rather than a conflict or duality.
The person moves fluidly
from a conscious of the Self or "Many" individuals
to a consciousness of the "One"
or the Source energy that flows through all things.

For they are One,
and aloneness and fullness
are but aspects of the "One" experience,
and can be experienced at different times
along the continuum of experience.


The emphasis on duality in your society
has led you to value the "One" state over the "Many" state.
It is only when you can hold them in balance
on that continuum of experience called life
that you will fully experience
the richness and diversity
that is life on planet Earth."


to former source of "Nourishment from Others", 2007 and 2011   to next source of "Nourishment from Others" 2007 and 2011




Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

…you have indeed felt the acceleration of the Cosmic pulse as it is received on Earth. ….
Beloved Ones, the March Equinox will be something of an "Emergence" in the next steps of your spiritual and physical evolution. …. You will begin to notice that you are entering into new perceptions and new and deeper gifts and abilities as your Light Body receives more Light and this is transmitted to the physical structures of the Brain, the Pineal and Pituitary glands and the Heart, especially the Thymus Gland and the High Heart Chakra. This will expand and intensify your ability to see, hear and communicate on the Higher Dimensions and with increased intuitive ability.
This means, Beloved Ones, that you will become able to access your gifts of empathy and telepathy more clearly. You will begin to communicate more with the Heart and the Feelings, with intuition, than with words. As you enter into these intuitive modes of being, you will still appreciate the gifts of language and words, but you will become more aware of the energy behind words, rather than the "meaning" on the mental level only. Silence will become as important as words. The ability to be in silence and to feel the energy of Love in that silence ….

… The Gates of Perception will be fully opened to those who are awakened and ready to emerge to this new level of being and living. Beloved Ones, you are the pioneers, the ones who will access these new abilities so that all humanity might also discover their birthright as the "Holy Grail", the Physical Vehicle for the Light and Love of Spirit.
The Elemental Synthesis : March 2010
But, Beloved Ones, we would suggest most kindly that more of you took up your responsibilities as Earth Keepers and entered into partnerships and working relationships with Nature and the Elemental energies.
At the March Equinox of 2009, you celebrated the Elemental Reconnection that would allow you to co-create the New Earth in partnership with the Elementals and with Nature. But, so few of you are as yet working with that partnership. In the New Earth, you will find Oneness with plants, animals, minerals, as well as fellow humans. Your gifts of communication and healing will be exercised in partnership with these other beings who share the planet. [March 2, 2011: See my tunes to a biblical prophecy about a new biosphere, Oct. 2010 and January 2011!]
... each one of you can create what we call a "biosphere", even in your own home however small that is. This is a "sphere" of energy that is devoted to your relationship with plants, animals and minerals. It can be as small as a pot plant and some crystals, that is your Sacred Bridge to the Elemental Kingdoms, or it can be a Garden that celebrates the dance of the Elemental Energies of Nature
There have been many examples of those beautiful souls who have learned how to communicate with Animals and Nature, and to grow plants with love for pleasure and for food… you see growing trees and plants simply as food or resources. But, these Living Beings were created to experience Joy and to bring you Joy in Sacred partnerships. [See an exemplary page about my "biosphere"
on the Titorah-Hill at Modi'in and in my home at Modi'in in 2002_03]

This will be a loving co-operation
and not an aggressive manipulation in the name of "science". ...
Is it any wonder that this is what you see in the mirror
when you contemplate so-called "natural disasters". ...

Beloved Ones, creating a "biosphere" energy allows you
to create a small sphere of energy
where Nature and Elemental energy are respected and loved….
These various "spheres" will begin to resonate together

and will link up in a grid of love
that will provide the foundation
for a more loving and peaceful relationship
with nature and the Elemental energies.
Each of you can contribute,
and at the March Equinox celebrations
it would be good to invite the Elemental energies
and to celebrate a year of Partnership
and Love in the New Earth.

Sacred Union and Partnership
in the New Earth Energy

Beloved Ones, in the next two years you will be increasingly focused
on the energy of Partnership and Relationship,
and especially Sacred Union
This will be because
as you enter the Fifth Dimension of Light,
you will become more aware of what we will call
the "Fractal Pattern of Oneness".
[I re-read my sculpture about a "Figleaf-Fractal",
related to also in pp21b Fragmentation and Fractals > 2002_08_31...]

This is the Original Template of Creation,
where the One becomes Two,
and the Two become One in order to create.
Yes, it is a wonderful paradox
that describes the Pulses and Cycles of the Dance of Life.

So, you will perceive that the Essence of "Oneness"
is expressed in Diversity
and in Co-operation through Partnership.

Only by experiencing partnership
can the Power of the One be achieved,
whether through Inner Partnerships
or between those expressed in the Outer Reality
as a Mirror for the Dance of Life.
So, you will be increasingly focused
on ways to express Partnership on all levels
and how to be in Partnerships
that are a true expression of your Inner Essence of Divine Love.

…and in this upcoming two year period
you will indeed experience a complete restructuring
of the ideas of Union and Partnership
to a frequency of Harmony and Love
beyond that of the old energies of Power and Sexual Exchange
All partnerships in the Fifth Dimension will resonate
with the "blueprint" or pattern of Sacred Union,
in Love, Balance and Harmony.


Indeed, Beloveds, this is a Blessed time of great change,
and you are seeing all that you have desired and worked for
beginning to manifest into Physical Form. ...

Comment on December 25, 2011:
After so many years of having used the terms "Partners" and "Partnership" ~~~~ I prefer the terms "Peers" and "Peership"

[August 27, 2013: Creating a "biosphere":
I've been doing this - since 2005 - not only in creating a garden on the land which belongs to my landlords,
but since spring 2013 in the desert, with creating a biosphere on an army-pit,
which for years I had been filling with stones, transforming it intomy "Grave of Compassion",
then with "plant-waste" from my garden, until the pit was overflowing and "asked" me:
"what now?"
It was then that I had the idea - in order to NOT waste foliage etc. that had to be trimmed in my garden,
to bring soil - from what little fertile soil my garden had started to produce after 8 years,
and those overgrown plants that could grow roots in little soil,
if watered by bottles of water, which I carry there on my way to the pool and back to it.
see 3 - now so rare - photos I made recently of the Grave of Compassion]



I feel full-filled if I am One
I am one,
when I accept my Will, i.e. my feelings and desires.
I can accept them, if I do two things in every moment:
I vibrate i.e. breathe-move-sound, what I feel and desire.
I release the beliefs, habits and judgments, which dictate:
"I don't want to feel this!" - "It's bad to feel this!" -"I must do or change something so I won't feel this!"
If I "vibrate" and "release" - the first almost automatic gift is
- feeling   g r a t e - f u l l  for ever so many things

[On Dec.5, 2011, I learn, that "Abraham" will talk on Radio HayHouse -5 times till Dec. 22:
Emotions Indicate Vibration
Through Esther Hicks, the non-physical consciousness Abraham addresses an audience in Washington, DC in this live lecture.

The more I let myself feel, the more full-fill-ment I'll feel.
The more I feel , the more I vibrate,
the more I vibrate, the more I live.

My present "biosphere" in "my" (=my landlords') garden at Arad.
[2013-02-08- The figtree died, just as the apple-tree and the pear-tree and the vines ...
but last year I planted new trees and I'm dancing with my "biosphere" just as it is now!]

The gorgeous top of the baby fig plant!

My heart jumps:
finally a tree agrees to be planted by me and live with me!

And a fig-tree for that matter! One of my favorite trees!
What intensifies the joy is the salt-shrub next to it!
This is one of the few wild plants in the desert around
and it has sown itself here! I only began to tend it lately!

One of the five trees, which I planted in my life, was a fig-tree.
It was in the 10 months of my pregnancy
with "Succah in the Desert".
It was, when Yossi Shrira, one of my first "angels on the abyss"
lived as a ranger at Borot-Lotz, 30 km west of the later Succah.
It was there, where we planted that fig-tree together.
But the ranger's cabin burnt to the ground, and with it the fig-tree!

[2010_04_02- The second vine has begun to wake up and bud!]

[2010_10_21: the fig-tree seems to have dried and died,
just like the apple-tree and the pear-tree, and I am grieved....]

[2011_03_02 - Perhaps the fig-tree will want to live after all! ]

[2011_12_25 - Already some months ago the fig-tree died for ever '
the wine survived, but may? now? be in his winter nakedness?]

I planted two small and two big passifloras which all seem to like being with me.
Of the two grapevines which I planted - only one rose up from its winter sleep ....
This disproportion reminds me of my prophecy - a note to "The Time of Fruition"
"that the vine has to move back in favor of the passiflora!" (2003)

[2011_12_25 - only two passifloras survived, but those grew exuberantly!!!]

These are the two "big" Passiflora plants.
They look almost the same, but they are planted 4-5 meters apart.
I'm happy, they feel and grow so well!
[Dec. 25, 2011 - these two plants spread out, produced a blossom now and then
from which about 10 fruits have ripened already]
I've been coping for more than a month with the ugliness in "my" garden,
and if I want to be honest, I must show the ugliness too.
On January 30, 2010, three of my "starchildren" planted two trees.

The apple-tree is still asleep, I hope, and not dead like the apple-tree in 1999 and 2005.
The budding of the pear-tree in 2 spots is lovely, even on the disturbing background.

But the "Eckerstein" bricks, which my landlord ordered to cover part of his real estate,
were brought exactly on a day, on which I went an hour earlier than usual to the pool.
Since I wasn't there to show the laborers the place, where to put the two gigantic loads,
they squeezed them in between the newly planted trees, even breaking tiny branches.

Five weeks have passed and Ofir has removed only one third of the bricks for paving his ground.
I know, that the "bad luck" occurred and stays on for the time being, in order to teach me something:
To not get too attached to my "biosphere": See the paradoxical biblical prophecy, put into tune in 2000

Carefree oasis, tent not-to roam,
{the habitation in the garden}
its stakes for ever-and-ever
and its cords not-to be-cut-off
Biblical Prophesy Isaiah 33,20

2013: All those trees perished, but the three trees which I planted in 2012, flourish and bear fruits: see the 2 images at the end of

The new biosphere:

And in that day will I make a covenant for them
with the beasts of the field,
and with the fowls of heaven,
and with the creeping things of the ground;
and I will break the bow and the sword
and the battle out of the land,
and will make them to lie down safely

[Hosea 2:20)

tune on October 22-23, 2010-see in SongGAME2007


Today the pear-tree began to produce two blossoms (s. end of the "Desert-Soil" song)
2010_10_23 and 2011_11_30
In August, or perhaps already in July, the pear-tree dried and died.
The same happened to the apple-tree and at last even to the fig-tree.
On the physical level it's clear,
that the desert-soil is overpowering any upgraded soil, killing whatever wants to get rooted.
On a metaphysical level I understand, that I'm not to plant and to reap, i.e. not to "settle".
Boris told me on Nov. 30, that there is a new method of gardening:
not hurting the soil by spades, only pruning what grows anyway,
and that is what I actually do .
And i'm grateful daily, that five trees of the "shitah makchilah"
have "planted themselves" and are bigger as the house already.
[2013-02-08 These had to be uprooted, so that the new fruit-trees would have a chance...]

Another message from STARCHILDGLOBAL - Febr. 2011 (comments by me)
NEW EARTH RISING - Adventures in the new Consciousness

The New Earth Grids, the Middle East and the Tree of Life energies~~~
At this time we are certainly feeling the changes and transitions as the old third-dimensional grids disintegrate and the Earth makes the shift into the Fifth Dimension. The "crisis" in the Middle East is very much a part of these shifts and changes, and is not something to be feared.

My interest, though, is in the way in which the old is being displaced by the new in terms of the energies and and the grids. The Middle East is a key area on the Planet because it is the place that anchors the concept of "duality" and that controls the old third-dimensional grid networks. This is not in Egypt, but in Iraq. It was the Sumerian "intelligence" that established what I would term the "holographic insert" that became "religion" in the Middle East. That was the "story" that there was originally a "Garden of Eden" and that it was in the Middle East. It was here that Humanity became "fallen" into duality, and has had to work to "redeem" itself ever since. What a wonderful manipulation to keep people in the idea of low self-worth guilt and "not good enough".

[Rachel's comment on Dec. 22, 2011: It has nothing to do with "manipulation", but is the result of "Lost Will", i.e. of Denial as the Original Cause in Deity, see the violet and the purple RUOW Books, which I am - at present - copying into the pages of the BlueBook --- [Aug.29,2013: My definition of Lost Will , i.e. denied feelings, despised qualities, overridden needs and dwarfed greatness. This and so many other channelings imply that humankind has been the victim of outside forces! This is not only untrue, it is a dangerous concept, because if there is even a possibility for "victimhood" in this "Creation of Free Will", then there is no chance for the future either. We - as colors of the one rainbow, as waves of the one ocean, did not "know", did not "understand", did not "realize" reality in the past, but through manifestation, and especially through the manifestation in Time and Space WE have experienced the results of Denial and since we now "know" and begin to "undeny" and accept all of ourselves, in each and every moment, there will, indeed, be "Heaven on Earth".]

2011_02--- 2013_08_29DELICIOUS      DELETION

2011_02--- 2013_08_29DELICIOUS      DELETION


The key to the opening of the Grids lies in Southern Africa. The people called the San or the Bushmen in Southern Africa are recognized to be the ancestors of the Human Race. They were the original people or the first people.
[Rachel: See the stanza in the Unity-Song on November 4, 2011, which I created in order to replace the - for me unsingable - stanza in the Lingala language
Oh Africa, Humanity's homeland
O Africa, cradle of the human race
O Africa, let us all embrace you, embrace you
In the Sumerian insert, this fact is distorted in the story that they were created to be slaves for the "gods". This of course, is not true, although it makes a nice justification for slavery and apartheid, and has been used as such in the past. The San were the original Keepers of the Tree of Life, and they are its roots. They are the original Keepers of the African grids, and most of them have passed into the Spirit world.

I would also like to share with you a video that I made in Israel, at the Sea of Galilee in Israel last year. In this video I work with a group of Lightworkers to anchor the Divine Feminine energy and the Magdalene Flame. It is work such as this that has enabled the establishment of the New Earth grids that will replace the Old. I thank all the dedicated Lightworkers who are doing the work that they feel called to do at this time! [see the video on the original page beneath "Adventures in the New Consciousness", February 2011]




the former source of "Nourishment from Others" 2007 and 2011    to next source of "Nourishment from Others" 2007 and 2011




Arad, Shabbat, December 17, 2011

Comet  Lovejoy
dives into the sun,
yet survives
- marred - but alive

Arad, Sunday, December 18, 2011
[sculpted on Dec. 22, after my return from Shoham...]

Continuation from "Only through your creations will you know yourself"

Daniel and Pni-el

Two days before I was to carry out my scary plans concerning Mika's 6th birthday on Dec. 20, 2011,
I was given a wondrous sign, which told me, that for me the time of "
az nidberu" would begin now.
The full-fillment of Original Heart's
"desire for true, peer level companionship"!

The sign was an e-mail today, from Daniel Golle, Germany, discovered by me around noon 12:25.
I recalled the name, but not that he had participated in the Walk about Love in spring 2009, where he heard me talking in a circle.
nor that we had a correspondende 3 times from December 2010 till January 2011, but in the end had not encountered each other.

hallo christa-rachel!
ich habe heute geburtstag und bin in arad.
wenn du zeit hast, wuerde ich mich freuen, wenn du mich in das geburtstag-spiel einweihst,
von dem mir die sternenkinder erzaehlt haben...
und vielleicht kann ich dir ja mit dreamweaver weiterhelfen ;)
Sag mir kurz bescheid, ich bin unter 054-... erreichbar.
I called and we fixed for 13:30. He came, we worked, we talked, we worked, we ate, we talked... "az nidberu"...
(29) is a software engineer and the plan was to fix the bug with synchronizing my local site with the Internet.
"Of course", Daniel just looked at the problem, and without doing anything, anything at all, the problem fixed itself.
We also worked on other issues, which are not only technical, but have to do with how we want the world to work:
not as a monopolistic company like
"Windows", but as a cooperative of volunteers like "Firefox" (I've to learn more!}

Jan.4, 2011

Hallo Christa Rachel!
Ich bitte Dich um weitere englische oder deutsche Lektuere, die mir helfen koennte, mich wieder mehr zu verbinden.

Der Plan sieht fuer mich etwa so aus: ich fahr mit dem Bus nach Arad,
treff Dich wegen dem Buch/eventuell weiteren hilfreichen Buechern,
wenn Dir oder mir noch was einfaellt, findet sich ja vielleicht noch Zeit dazu.

A letter from Daniel on Dec.23, 2011, after my website software "DreamWeaver" again refused to synchronize from local site to Internet and I asked for renewed help.

............Ich hab mal ein bisschen recherchiert und habe folgendes gefunden: DreamWeaver MX funktioniert perfekt unter Linux, das bedeutet, dass Dir saemtlicher Aerger mit dem immer verkorksteren Windows in Zukunft erspart werden kann. Und so wie ich Deinen Computer erlebt habe, ist der sehr langsam und wirkt ueberlastet, obwohl Resourcen eigentlich ueppig vorhanden sind -- leider ein fuer Windows sehr typisches Phaenomen...

Wichtig ist mir dabei, dass durch diese eventuelle "Befreiung" Deines Computers nicht eine neue Abhaengigkeit (von mir) entsteht -- leider kennen sich immer noch wesentlich mehr Menschen mit Windows aus als mit den freien Alternativen, die auf Linux bauen. Andererseits habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass ein
einmal gut eingerichtetes Linux kaum Aufmerksamkeit braucht. In den meisten Faellen, in denen ich Linux eingerichtet habe, lief das 5 bis 8 Jahre, dann war
eben irgendwann die Festplatte voll oder ein Luefter war verstaubt oder sowas in der Art und deswegen gabs dann mal ein Problem. Mit Windows gibt in meiner
Erfahrung auch bei sehr gut eingerichteten Systemen normalerweise ca. 2 mal pro Jahr irgendein ein Software-Problem.

Das ganze ist gluecklicherweise keine Alles-oder-Nichts Geschichte, Du kannst sehr wohl beide Systeme parallel auf dem Computer installiert haben und kurz nach dem Einschalten auswaehlen, welches System Du benutzen willst -- Deine Daten sind ja ohnehin auf der externen Festplatte, das macht es noch einfacher. Es waere ausserdem auch moeglich, das Linux System ebenfalls auf einem externen Datentraeger zu installieren, z.B. einem USB pendrive, dann muss an Deinem Computer gar nichts geaendert werden.

So, das waren jetzt wahrscheinlich viel zu viele Details. Grundsaetzlich geht es mir darum, moeglichst vielen Menschen die Vorteile von Freier Software
zugaenglich zu machen. Mehr dazu bei Wikipedia (was im uebrigen selbst auch Freie Software ist) ............


My response to Daniel's letter on Dec.23, 2011:
danke, dass Du trotz Marathon gleich geantwortet hast. Und natuerlich - zusammen mit Deinem Brief - besann sich auch das Synchronisierungs Programm! Wenn Du trotzdem kommen willst, so passt mir Dienstag gut. Und bitte ermutige mich weiter, etwas ganz Neues - also Freie Software - zu lernen. Dies waere auch ein Symbol fuer meinen eben begonnenen neuen Lebens-abschnitt.

January 28, 2011

Liebe Christa-Rachel!
Ich freu mich von Dir zu hoeren!
Du hast mich nicht ueberwaeltigt sondern mich (zu Recht!) damit
konfrontiert, dass ich nicht wirklich wusste, was ich wollte. Was
Deine Entschuldigung angeht: Ich will nicht dass Du Dich schuldig
. Es hat mir nicht geschadet und war voellig in Ordnung. Und Du
musst der Aussenwelt auch nicht auf Anfrage zu jedem Anlass und auf
jede Art zur Verfuegung stehen! Ich kenne dieses Problem nur zu gut~~
Grenzen zu finden ist auch eins meiner Themen, ich habe gerade
erstmalig die Erfahrung gemacht, an meine physischen und psychischen
Grenzen zu stossen, waerend ich auf engstem Raum quasi ohne Grenzen
mit einem anderen Menschen in recht extremen Bedigungen zusammengelebt
habe. Nachdem meine Resourcen in dieser recht excessiven
Selbstzerstoerungs-Phase ziemlich verbraucht waren ("Burn-Out" oder
so) habe ich die Notbremse gezogen und finde jetzt langsam wieder
meinen Weg ins Leben.

When we felt like eating lunch-
and by chance I had a nourishing soup and a red cabbage salad ready in the fridge and it was - strange in this season!- warm enough to sit outside
I sat - with Daniel - for the first time on a spot, which I had prepared under those now grown-up acacias,
after all the plants about which I told above, refused to grow in "my" garden, except for 2 passiflora- vines.

Towards the end of our long work on Daniel's 29 thanksgivings and 3 wishes for his 30th year - all written-down or even sculpted by me,
suddenly Boris plunged into the room, - he was the one who had told me enthusiastically about Daniel during a short visit 3 days earlier.
It was thanks to Boris and thanks to my computer problem and thanks to the fact, that this time ! my son didn't move in order to repair it,
that this celebration of
'az nidberu' began to expand.
For soon the couple Moshe and Stephanie from Berlin arrived, later than fixed ,
but at the right time regarding the togetherness between Daniel, Boris and me.
Now, in addition to me, the German/Christian Israeli Jew,
and Boris, the Russian Jewish Israeli
and Daniel, the German, almost "Arad-nik" ,
["Arad is the center of the center of the World and whenever I'm abroad I long to be here!"]
we embraced Moshe, a scientist, physicist
(solid matter),
the Israeli, who has been living in Berlin for 10 years and has a daughter there,
and Stephanie, the German, the healer, who will soon "go down" to Sinai,
for a workshop which she'll conduct with our friend Margret,
now called Sabera.

Boris asked Stephanie the question, which he asks all people:
"What is your dream?"
"To live in a community in Nature and...."
Did she say: 'and work on healing each other mutually'?
in any case - I heard myself relating to what she said
"Is there anyone among us, who doesn't share this dream?"
What a coincidence with the Archangel's message in 2005 on top of this page!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I re-read the "Psalm of the Mother", and I had these thoughts.
Leben heisst ...Life means
[see my song on the last page of SongGame]

Life is ~~~ Loving, Knowing, Creating
LOVING all I am, all my feelings and from there all of Creation.
KNOWING all that is, why it is, and what it needs to be lovable.
CREATING  whatever  enhances  my  LOVING  and  KNOWING.

Grate-full for what/whom I love, know, create
zest-full for knowing and loving and creating
full-filled with knowing, loving and creating.

Looking at "Original Cause" (see what I re-study and copy from the violet and the purple RUOW-books)
and what happened before, during and after all the "emergences" from "God"
I can see just this:
"They"=We are trying to understand (to "realize" what's real),
trying to love,
and desiring to create constantly and ongoingly and infinitely.

I now "r-e-a-l-l-y" believe, that creating IS a major part of Zest-full-ness and Full-fill-ing.
I no longer doubt it, as if there could be full-fillment without creating, loving and knowing,
or as I - guilty because of my addiction to creating on Healing-K.i.s.s. - rationalized:
as if only "Feeling begets Full-fill-ment!"

I must also re-learn, what I quoted in "Full-fill-ment in Godchannel's Messages",
especially since Daniel G. suspected- but in a moment, where nobody could relate -
that "acceptance sounds like tolerance"

no date
From Mother Teachings, Healing Lucifer

Immediate fulfillment
and undenial is the end goal.

This is very close to acceptance,
but it is deeper and more lasting.
Acceptance borders on tolerance,
which borders on segregation, ..."

on the same page I quote "Channeling Class Discussion"
"As you move
deeper into your wholeness
and your creating,

you and I become more like peers
as fellow universe creators.
And someday it won't be 'as if' we're buddies,
we just will be."

How will Healing Feeling beget Full-Filling
again & again like the movement of the Sea?

I also want to re-learn the quote of Abraham on a former page:

(2001) e-mail quote on November 22, 2011

Before the contrast and before the summoning,
and before the answering of Source Energy,
the Universe was less.
So rather than thinking in terms of time,
think in terms of expansion,

and then you will understand time in the way we understand it.
We never think about how long anything takes.
We are just enjoying the expansion.
And so,   our  now   is always powerful 
in our anticipation of what is becoming.

I'm thinking about endlessly creating.
This somehow frightens me,
What helped me was a sentence by "Abraham",
also on the page of "Full-fill-ment in GC's message" :
"The stability of your Earth exists
because   i t s    c h a n g e   a n d    e x p a n s i o n
does not   o u t s t r i p   i t s   a b i l i t y   t o   f i n d    b a l a n c e ."

That's vital: there's no end to creating,
but there must be balance in what is created
and obviously also balance within the creator!



Arad, Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The pain of my "lekhi lakh" was soothed by two great gifts from my daughter-in-love:
1- A painting of hers, which she had wanted to discard already, when they moved into this flat,
and which I grabbed and guarded in "my" room at Shoham:
For me it exemplifies the different "layers" of "the Mother"!
Now it found its right place next to a round hole in the wall,
as if hinting at the ominous depth of Creation's "Lost Will".
[2013: My definition of Lost Will ,
i.e. denied feelings, despised qualities, overridden needs and dwarfed greatness.]

2- the Az Nidberu blanket, the creation of which was initiated by Efrat for my 70th birthday:
[see how I carried these gifts among all my "Exodus" stuff through the trainstation of Lod]

I sent this double integration in my Arad sanctuary to my daughter-in-love with the titles:
"A new sight from my bed"              and                "A new sight from my loo".
I completed the sculpture in my bathroom by the renewal of two silvery plates,
one with the "yod-yod-yod-yod" : ... the concept of a new economy on earth,
and the other the Unity-Blessing - on a circle upon a triangle upon a square,
What a solution ! for my problem with holy geometry on the former page:
my triangular pyramid and the circle that indicates my new "khugh-lakh".

See this prophecy and my tune on K.i.s.s.-Log 2008 since Aug. 5 till Dec. 31
az   nidberu   yir'ee  YHWH   ish - el - re'eehu va-yaqshev   [YHWH]      va-yishma'

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other, and he listens      and he hears
yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu , va-yusri        va-yasma'
Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander, und er lauscht      und er hoert
Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre il entends,        il ecoute

And see "The Unity-Blessing":

"For the sake of uniting
the Holy-One-Blessed-be-He and his Shekhinah
to unite the name YH with WH
in whole union
May all of Israel be wombed in my womb"



Arad, Thursday, December 22, 2011

While trying to integrate the 24 hours experience away from Arad,
[see the 7 pages about my
lekhi lakh from Mika]
and - by contrast - the experience with
az nidberu 2 days earlier.
I am touched by the sentence of Archangel Michael in Oct. 2006:
" carry out your work as souls
who are undertaking
the exploring and creating for Source,

you need to step back
into that separation from Source and into 'self'."


Arad, Friday, December 23, 2011

There was only one relevant program on TV, the third among a doc sequence about the Kibbutz.
Though the "Kibbutzniks" an the one hand and the "Academics" on the other hand
were those people against whom I once discerned a strong prejudice on my part,
the phenomenon of the historical Kibbutz still earns my utmost admiration and awe.
I am sure, there would not be any State of Israel without these incredible pioneers.
A sentence from a former program, in which a now old woman said:

"ha-mele'ut hazot" - this full-ness which we felt! this meaningfull-ness!"
But,"of course", the feeling of achievement, accomplishment, full-fill-ment had dark shadows.
I'm sorry for detailing the shadows of the Kibbutz-movement instead of their life-bringing light!

I'll mention only three:
the Kibbutzim could not deal with the Holocaust and its victims,
neither before the war, nor after the war, when survivors immigrated.
Their behavior must have been so terrible,
that Ben-Gurion declared officially that he was ashamed of them.
They themselves felt utterly righteous by having accepted survivor children.
But - so the comment in the doc - these children were in need of warmth and comfort....
And I add - if the kibbutzniks couldn't give warmth and comfort even to their own babies,
since those had to spend their days and NIGHTS - except for 3 hours in the afternoon -
away from their parents,
how could they feel the tiniest spark of compassion
towards those foreign children and youngsters,
whose parents "had gone to slaughter like sheep",
as Israel-born "Sabres" used to judge them
before the Eichmann Trial at my time (1961) opened their eyes.

The other shadow was,
that - following the attack of Ben-Gurion, or so I understood - there came this terrible split,
the split between those who believed in the Mapai-ideology
and those who adored Stalin
("we had 3 festivals: the festival of the Kibbutz, the first of May and the seventh of November"-?)
the split was so horrid, that not only members within a Kibbutz,
but even couples separated from each other,
"the majority could stay in a kibbutz,
the minority had to leave and find themselves a fitting community elsewhere."

The third shadow appeared when agriculture and Palmach, the pre-army army,
no longer were the only assignments and occupations.
People wanted to have an individual vocation and education,
But "THE KIBBUTZ" demanded,
that only a job that was needed in the kibbutz could be learnt outside.
Therefore many kibbutzniks left, including Rafael Rosenzweig, my husband,
of whose stories about his kibbutz Ma'abarot I remember mostly this one:
"They found out, that I was a good writer,
they asked me to write a scetch for some festival,
but I didn't get any free time for this assignment!
It was not considered "work" and I had to do it in the evenings."
He and his wife and two small children left, I think, in 1953.

The forth shadow was the most direct result of what got lost in time:
the feeling of "full-ness and meaning-full-ness".
This shadow is very relevant to my continuous quest
for how to achieve the conditions for "Heaven-on-Earth":
grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness, full-fill-ment:

The TV doc implied, that "the split" on the one hand
and the "lack of meaning-full-ness" after the war of 1948 on the other hand
caused the Kibbutz to degenerate.
but then - I say it cynically! - thanks to destiny:
the 1967 war brought Israel new land, the Syrian Golan Heights, for instance,
"and there they could do what they were so good at: establishing new settlements!"
Together with this chance there came blood-influx from the international volunteers.
And "in the face of this surrection
the former split and the former meaning-less-ness were a small problem.
They did not know, that this was , indeed,
a negligable problem compared to what lay ahead."

What lay ahead was probably outlined in the 4th program on Dec. 29,,
into which I only zapped during the commercials of "School of Music".

The end of "The Kibbutz" came obviously with privatization [see a video and more via Google],
when the older members found themselves without professions, without jobs- unfull-filled...

I fell asleep rightaway, only to wake up in the middle of the night.
After a long wake-full-ness I switched on the light
and opened
"Speaking to Angels".
There was a passage, p. 101-102, which caused me great turmoil:

"Lilli: "Atmospheric pressure oppresses me~~~"
[The "Angels":] "...use the pressure.
[Aug.29,2013: if I only could apply this to the pressure of noise!]
It can become a wonderful ally
if you work not against it, but with it.
Let it press you and you will master it.
It can press you only as far as the ground.
No further.

"... How foolish the human being is!
Like a king who fights against his own people!
But He said:
"Love thy enemy!"


The concept, of course, is not new to me.
It's all about self-acceptance, undenial, healing into wholeness.
But a) I had never understood that Jesus-sentence in this way.
On the contrary, I had hated it,

"because it's demanding too much from human beings,
and even You yourself haven't applied it,
see how you humiliated your enemies, the so-called "pharisees" etc."

But more striking was the context in which I read it:
after the input about the 'move'ment of the Kibbutz!

The TV doc had quoted the words of Yitzchak Tabenkin,
considered a spiritual leader of the Kibbutz Movement then,
after the voting of the UN in favor of the partition of Palestine,
which meant both: a Jewish State, and war between Jews and Arabs.
Tabenkin said:
"now we, too, have succumbed to the temptation of becoming ruled"
(it was not mentioned, that this was the horrid fact in ancient Israel:
1. Samuel 8:5 : "now make us a king ... like all the nations.
How sad were YHWH and his prophet because of this Free Will choice...
Everett Fox called his translation of the books of Samuel: "Give us a King" )

I, who have dedicated 40 years to "peace"
always say, that without the war in the Middle East
the Jews from 70 nations and different races would slaughter each other.
It seems to be the "enemy" which makes Israel one functionable nation.
I also keep saying, what Jonathan Jacoby taught me...
the victimized people must first grow strong by fighting the enemy
before being able to try what I have been proposing and applying since 1974::
"being master of ourselves means
to turn a negative dependency into a positive dependency,
i.e. into a "partnership"....

Now - inspired by the"Hungarian Angels" - I could see deeper:
If not for the war against myself
I would never have known myself.
I said it clearly- 33 years ago at that conference about conflict-resolution-
creating "partners" means also making my interior adversaries to partners,

(unlike Uri Avnery, from whom - around 1966- I learnt "ribbonut",
i.e. that we, Israel, have to be masters of our destiny,
but who up to this day
(he is 88 and I saw an interview with him last week)
does not find it strange, that he can "talk" with any Arab,
but cannot "talk" with most Jews....)

Already then I said, that I have to win over even myself as partner.
But now - for the very first time - I see,
that there was a purpose to having been my own enemy,
Or - to say it in the context of the "myth" of "Original Cause",
that "Deity" , when it/he/she/they woke up to consciousness and feeling,
had to become "enemies", had to deny themselves and each other,
because, just like Jonathan taught me in 1979 -
there is no way to become unique, i.e. separate from oneness,
if I do not see myself as distinct from another.
And I cannot see myself as distinct from another, if I am less equal.
So far in the world, the way to become equal was
to fight the one who seemed to be more worthy.

Now that uniqueness has evolved to a great degree,
I can make this distinction from another in love and joy,
I can let myself be "fertilized", as we say in Hebrew,
or with my own expression,
I can turn the "frightful" into the 'fruitful" {mafria' le-mafrae}

There is again something to celebrate that is right in the World:
Two news from
Free Art in Shanghai and MIT to offer Free Internet Courses


Continue to "The Heart is Awake"





August 26, 2013
Since this is one of the pages where I "mention" Jonathan Jacoby,
I want to insert today's group-mail about his son Joshua,
who suffers from an illness that "is supposed" to not let him live much longer.
May my intense thinking of and feeling into Jonathan and Joshua help them!
In Jonathan's Rosh-Hashanah blessing on Sept 4, 2013
he did not relate to my letter following all the work below,
but the coincidence of the image of the spherical "Cyclodextrin,
the drug that will bring hope and promise
to Joshua in the New Year",

with my ponderings about linear and spherical "Time" ,
was astounding..

Dear Friends and Family:
Last week, I received word from the FDA
that it has given the green light for Joshua to be treated with Cyclodextrin.

The next step is approval from Harbor UCLA's Institutional Review Board.
Then we will talk to Joshua and his teachers, telling him (in an age appropriate way)
how unique and now hopeful his life is.

We hope to begin treatment in mid-October.

The words that come to mind, which I am singing inside, are from the book of Psalms [118:24]:

This is the day that God made; Let us rejoice and be happy in it.

Thank you to everyone who has helped Joshua to reach this day!

Thanks to Gmail, which I must have installed in 2009,
I can follow the correspondence with Jonathan about Joshua since then.
Thinking of Jonathan still as my "twin-brother",
I am at awe when discerning the path of his and my life:
from wanting "to make peace", [- though even then-
by digging into the earth to heal the roots of the world's plights]
Jonathan was led to demonstrate the saying of the Sages
"whoever keeps alive one soul - is as if s/he has kept alive the entire world"
[see in my double book: p. 42 (German)/p.62 (Hebrew) and again p.126 (German) / 142 (Hebrew)
while I was led "to become a pioneer of Evolution in learning to feel".....


Oct. 23, 2009

It was particularly nice to say Happy New Year during this year's Jewish holidays. ... Joshua has received his first batch of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), the drug that we hope will help slow the progression of NPC. (The man in the picture is Dr. Denny Porter, who is running the clinical trial at the National Institutes of Health.)

Joshua is among the first to participate in this historical trial, the first of its kind conducted at the NIH. Significantly, this is also the first trial to validate a biomarker (a biological indicator of the disease’s progression) for NPC. And researchers have found at least two additional compounds that may lessen the severity of NPC. More are expected in the next year and a half, which means that SOAR (Support Of Accelerated Research/NPC) researchers are on schedule to create, by the start of 2011, a “cocktail” of compounds that might significantly delay or modify the neurological symptoms of NPC.

It is truly wonderful to witness how the research we all support is beginning to bear fruit. There is still a long way to go -- and I so appreciate what you have done to help us get this far. Thank you very much. Jonathan

Rachel: Shalom Jonathan,
though I don't take part neither in research nor in funding,
I'm glad, that you shared these good news with me.
May you find zest and full-fill-ment with your son in every moment!

April 13, 2010

It has been almost three years since SOAR was conceived in Spring of 2007. I truly appreciate everything you have done to support this stellar research, which is giving Joshua a real chance for a long and healthy life. We are so blessed to have such a caring community of friends and family.

As I’ve described to many of you, SOAR was conceived in the mountains above Rio de Janeiro, where I had travelled with three scientists studying Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) to enlist the support of a potential donor living in an estate outside the town of Petropolis. One of the scientists to make that journey was Steve Walkley of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

Steve is now one of SOAR’s four investigators. The insights gleaned during those few days in Petropolis remain special and inspiring to him. “There was a sense that there were candidate compounds, and that things weren’t moving fast enough,” Steve remembers. “We had an idea that we could make things move better, quicker if we could just coordinate the research.”

I'm forwarding an email that I received recently from Steve (right frame), which I think you'll find useful for understanding the disease and his current efforts to treat it. (I've also attached a photo ... from a wonderful walk we took in the Fall.)

Steve knows Joshua and many of the other children whose lives he works to save. They’ve visited his office and his home with their families. Their pictures are posted on the door of his office. He and the others in the collaborative often do not take that last train home from work at night. Their devotion runs deep.

We have an incredibly talented group of researchers who have the ideas and brain power to do something amazing. Effective therapies are in sight. The SOAR scientists are each aware that in saving the lives of these children they are translating the promise of science into the reality of drug therapies for tens of thousands of children.    Thank you so very much,Jonathan

Rachel: I greet you, Jonathan, and am glad, that you give all your heart and mind and life to healing.

On April 13, 2010, Jonathan forwarded the message of March 27, 2010,
from Steve Walkley, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New-York

My lab has been deeply involved in research on Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease for the last 20 years. We study this disease in mice that have a spontaneous mutation in the same gene that is defective in children with NPC disease. Just as with humans, the mice appear normal at birth and later show signs of movement disorders and related neurological problems - and they die early (in the case of mice, at about 11 weeks of age). We use the NPC mouse model as a simple mammalian system to study how the disease impacts brain function. (The mouse brain while small nevertheless bears close similarities in its organization and function to that of the human brain). We also use the mouse model to test new therapies.


Over the years we have learned much about the abnormalities occurring in brains affected by NPC disease. We know that the genetic defect in NPC disease causes an abnormality in the recycling center of cells – the so-called lysosomes, so that without the NPC protein there are compounds that accumulate in cells instead of being recycled. One of these is cholesterol; another is a glycolipid (a particular compound composed of both a sugar – hence “glyco” and a fat – hence “lipid”). We knew that this glycolipid should have been recycled normally even in diseased cells because there was no evidence of a direct recycling defect. Knowing this we reasoned that if we gave an inhibitor of its synthesis (not unlike the use of statins to block synthesis of cholesterol in individuals with high cholesterol) we might lessen the burden of disease.
Remarkably, this worked and led to the development of a drug known as Zavesca for treatment for NPC disease. Zavesca is now approved in Europe, Canada, and Brazil for treatment of NPC disease, but not yet in the US. Zavesca, however, is not good enough because, while it may slow down the disease, it will not prevent its ultimate onset and progression.

More recently we have discovered a new drug that also reduces the disease burden in the brains of the NPC mice. This drug is called Cyclodextrin and it appears even more effective at reducing the storage of glycolipids and cholesterol than does Zavesca. Unfortunately we do not know yet how it does this, and are working literally daily to try to understand the mechanism. A form of Cyclodextrin is already approved by the FDA for use in humans, so this therapy does hold considerable promise.


In all our efforts, we also collaborate closely with other SOAR-NPC researchers in the US and UK, linked together with the common cause of finding a therapy for NPC disease. We work closely with each other and with groups at the NIH to discover and test novel compounds for the treatment of NPC disease. The very latest of these, one that showed tremendous promise in cultured cells, is just now being administered to mice with NPC disease for the first time. Through these efforts we hope to one day have a drug or cocktail of drugs that will be effective in preventing the onset and progression of NPC disease.


Dr. Steven U. Walkley
Sidney Weisner Laboratory of Genetic Neurological Disease
Department of Neuroscience
Rose F. Kennedy Center for Research in Mental Retardation and Human Development, Rm 618
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1410 Pelham Parkway South    Bronx, NY 10461 USA



July 28, 2010
Amy Marcus wrote a piece in Friday's Wall Street Journal about the new government program that will be collaborating closely with SOAR to develop a drug to treat Niemann-Pick Type C. It's an exciting development, which we have been working on for many months!
You can read the article at this link:

In the article, Chris Austin, the head of the NIH program, links the success of the overall program to its ability to actually deliver therapies. That's truly good news.
Thanks for all your caring, Jonathan

Rachel: Shalom, Jonathan!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad, that you are giving all your life to coping with your son's sickness.
After you have given many years of your life to humanity,
you must have gone through stretches of intense growth,
which made you understand, where your vocation is NOW.
You are still one of my three twin-brothers, remember!

i'd say i understand where my vocation is, yes. but it is much more difficult at this stage of life, more challenging i should say.
who are your other brothers?

I'm glad you wrote, even scarcely.
Of course it's "much more difficult-challenging"...
If you want to share more - I would like to listen.

The other "brothers" are Moshe Klein (47) and Yaacov Hayat (53).
I met them both in 1984.
Moshe then was the best friend of my daughter's - then future - husband, a genius, especially in mathematics, - he is a philosopher of mathematics
but so much of a genius, that 2 years ago I had to ask him on my knees,
to no longer e-mail me, since I simply could not understand him.
This is even more painful, since I myself am so rarely understood.
But we are in contact, just now he invited me to his annual star-night on Aug. 11
There was a time when he worked with hundreds of teachers of nursery school,
not to bring university to kindergarten, as it's been the usage more and more,
but to bring kindergarten to university - to learn through play.

Yaacov was introduced to me by Mona, if you remember her.
"He is the kind of person who'll join you on your bus," she said,
and indeed he was, though when we - after a year of preparations - actually tried it,
having to move a wheelchair on sand - and the bus was always standing on sand-
and to be totally dependent on help inside the bus - made the idea ridiculous.
He attracted Polio at the age of 1 1/2.
We, too, went through
"times of embrace" and "times of refraining from embracing" (Qohelet 3:5), but now he is my very best and closest friend. [until July 4, 2012....]

August 17, 2010
Hello on a difficult Saturday ...
I opened my email this morning to find a message I have been dreading. Aaditya , a 9 year old boy in India with Niemann-Pick Type C, has died:

Duriya Lakdawala

[2013: this website, of course, no longer exists

Aaditya was a brave child, with a brave family. They tried everything available to them in order to save this precious boy's life. You can read some of his story on the website his family created, if you'd like.
In the end, his disease had just progressed too quickly for science to catch up.

I look at Joshua's picture and cry. I'm so grateful that his disease is taking longer to affect him and I so hope there is time.
Usually, I try to focus on the promise of progress -- and I do truly believe that Joshua's life can be saved -- but I'm also grateful to have friends and family with whom I can share my sadness and fear at a time like this. Thank you,

Rachel: At least you have the chance, Jonathan, to savor every moment with Joshua.
I talked to my best friend Yanina, who is so afraid of the threatening cancer death of her husband (age 86)
.[died in 2011]
I quoted Franz Rosenzweig who wrote to his mother after his father's death:

"When we mourn someone, the mourning is not so much about what we lost, but about what we could have enjoyed and didn't." - And at the end of a Talmudic book it's written: "What is Gehinom? To know what you could have eaten and didn't eat, to know what you could have drunk and didn't drink!"
You know that, don't you: it's not the amount of time which we spend with loved-ones, but the quality. And billions of people would envy you for the quality of life, which you two are creating day after day!

Jonathan responded with one line:
on another topic ... guess who i met last week. daniel! it was a wonderful reunion ...

Now - on this page - with so much about Daniel Golle in 2011-12, I had to figure out, that Jonathan meant Daniel Padnes of "Partnership" in 1978-1980 .
Only then I saw that the correspondence went on and that Jonathan even sent a photo of Daniel Padnes and told, that Daniel , too, was now living in the USA. To this I reacted:
What a pity! For his children, for me. Both of you not in Israel. I feel a bit deserted by you. Israel's learning experiences are crucial for the world...
September 2010
For your viewing pleasure as a New Year begins, here are two short videos. Thanks to Irwin Kula for turning me on to this series, called "Symphony of Science."

The first is three minutes long. It's about the miracle of science. My favorite line is by the astronomer Jill Tarter: "The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into the dark corners of reality."

The second one is about "the molecular machinery of life" and is four minutes long. My favorite line comes from Carl Sagan: "Every cell is a triumph of natural selection. And we're made of trillions of cells. (Within us is a little universe.)"

With all my best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Creative New Year, Jonathan

Jonathan, thank you,
the integration of music (which belongs to the Feeling/Intuition aspect of Oneness)
with science (which belongs to the Spirit/Mind aspect of Oneness)
is really a good sign towards the quantum-leap which we are living for.
I sent the links to Moshe Klein, my other twin-brother, a genius astro-mathematician

Moshe Klein on Sept. 26, 2010, Dear Jonathan,

I receive the link from my Sister.. Rachel Bat aDam

It is really beautiful !!!     Best wishes


May 12, 2011 a letter from Jonathan's brother forwarded to Jonathan's addressees

Michael: Dear Family and Friends,

We're writing to invite you to join us in celebrating our 25th anniversary together with our children, Ariel, Ben and Yael.

Many of you know our adorable nephew, Joshua Jacoby, who is now eight years old. He is a diehard sports enthusiast, loves music and has a huge impish smile. And as many of you know, Joshua was born with a genetic disorder called Niemann-Pick Type C, (NPC), a Lysosomal Disease. While NPC is quite rare, at least once every 30 minutes, another baby is born with one of the degenerative disorders in the Lysosomal Disease family -- for which there are as yet no cures. Life expectancy for NPC is under twenty years.

While the facts are pretty dismal, thanks to the Hide and Seek Research Foundation and their unique research paradigm called SOAR – Support of Accelerated Research – there is real hope. For example, a compound called cyclodextrin has recently shown impressive promise in mice and cats afflicted with NPC and could significantly impact the severity of the disease. The National Institutes of Health has now decided to sponsor a groundbreaking effort to bring cyclodextrin into the clinic so that it can be given to children like Joshua. Discoveries in these fields of genetic research are being made at the speed of lightening. But, will it be quick enough to help Joshua?

We have often asked ourselves if there is anything our family can do in addition to periodic donations to Hide and Seek, and came up with the idea of doing a family walkathon on Shvil Yisrael (the trans-national hiking trail that traverses Israel, north to south.) On June 23rd and 24th our family will be walking a portion of that trail. We invite you to honor us by donating to Hide and Seek, and/or joining us for a portion of our walk.
To donate, please use the following link:

We really appreciate your support and participation in this important cause.

If you are interested in meeting or joining us for some portion of the walk, please let us know in advance (Cary 054-~~~, Michael 054-~~~).

Here is a rough schedule of where we will be and when: On Thursday morning at about 9:30 we will be starting from road 899 about a kilometer northeast of Avivim Junction South, and plan to finish at Moshav Amirim in the afternoon. On Friday morning we will start at Amirim and finish at the Meron parking lot on highway 866.

June 6, 2011
Shalom, Michael, [a copy to Jonathan]
do I understand correctly, that you are Jonathan's brother?
Where were you in January 1980,
when Jonathan organized a "Partnership Tour" for me and an Arab partner, Rushdi Fadila:
And how come, that you live in Israel, while Jonathan doesn't?
(something I could never really accept...).

Your plan to walk for Joshua is wonderful,
and I really took some time to think, if I should, could, would like to take part.
But I reached the conclusion, that it would not be right for me.
So let me only send my blessings to you for caring and making people care !

Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam.

Imagine! I had just completed this letter, or so I thought,
when I opened a group-mail, sent by a "spiritual" person, Jean Hudon,
and in it a 10 min. video which begins as if Jonathan was talking about his son.
In this case, the author of the video, closes with thanking her son "Gabriel Michael"!

The text excerpts come from
Now, what do you say, Michael Jacoby?

[August 2013. Michael Jacoby never responded.
Nor did I tell him about my own participation in such a walk,
though much longer and not for a purpose,
but called "Walk about Love" (see the 99 pages ,
beginning from the edited homepage of Godchannel... )

Aug. 17, 2011

Jonathan: Dear friends and family:

It's been barely a month since I last wrote but it feels like a decade of changes have taken place. Maybe that is what it is like living the life of a parent whose child has a fatal disease, a child who brings so much joy to his family and to everyone who knows him.

Joshua and I spent four days last month at the NIH for tests. (The photo below is from his first exam by Denny Porter, the physician who runs NPC clinical trials and whom Joshua clearly loves.) The tests showed that Joshua’s disease has progressed ever so slightly. The signs are very subtle, so subtle that they might not have been detected previously – because the testing technology has advanced so much. There is no change in Joshua's behavior, intelligence or abilities. Still, it is sobering to know that the disease is there, creeping along inside my child however slowly.

There was even more sobering news at NIH: Scientists now believe that the most effective way to deliver cyclodextrin – the compound with the most promise for combating NPC – is intraventricularly, i.e., directly into a ventricle of the brain.

The thought of Joshua undergoing a procedure so close to the brain is almost impossible to comprehend. The good news is that the particular surgery being considered is among the most common of those performed by neurosurgeons, who consider it to be quite safe. The procedure, which is most often used for cancer patients, involves inserting a small reservoir underneath the scalp that can be used to administer the cyclodextrin to the brain. Once the reservoir is inserted, it could last for as long as 15 years. (Click here to see an animation about this device, which is called an Ommaya Reservoir.) [there was nothing to click on]

The other good news is that NIH scientists and their colleagues, including two SOAR researchers, are hoping to begin a clinical trial with intraventricular delivery of cyclodextrin in 2012. If they do, it would obviate the need for a "compassionate use trial" to deliver cyclodextrin to Joshua.

Still, there are numerous roadblocks on the road to an NIH trial. And as promising as cyclodextrin is, we don’t yet know the extent to which it will work in humans. In addition, the method of delivering cyclodextrin is invasive and risky.

For these reasons, SOAR scientists continue to work on a number of other potentially effective therapeutic interventions. We are also continuing to make plans for a compassionate use trial, in case there are significant delays to the NIH trial.

All of this is going to cost more money than we've raised in the past and I appreciate every contribution made, no matter its size. You can give online by clicking here or by sending a check to Hide & Seek/SOAR, 6475 East Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 466, Long Beach, CA 90803. To all of you who have given and will give, I am forever grateful for your support.

Finally, we are cognizant that as this chapter unfolds, we must begin to think about how we talk to Joshua about his condition. It will be a delicate time and it is important that he not learn about his disease from anyone other than his parents. So please continue, as you have until now, to keep Joshua's story confidential and within this circle of friends and family. And if you have any questions, please direct them to me rather than to Donna. I’d be happy to answer discuss these plans in greater detail.

Thank you and love,Jonathan

P.S. Special thanks to my brother, Michael, my sister-in-law, Cary, and their children, Ariel, Ben and Yael, for taking a two-day hike last month in Israel to raise money for SOAR. My thanks as well to those who joined them and to all those who contributed: you have literally joined us on this incredible journey.

Jonathan, I wonder, in what way both of us are taught to learn the third part of the triple task:

Micah 6:8 [see my song]

"It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the LORD doth require of thee: only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God"
to walk humbly with the world, with our life and with ourselves,
"as "God" walks humbly with us and with the world,
like a father who adjusts the pace of his steps to those of his child.

humility and courage are my dialectic

"humility" is not the same as "walking humbly with 'God's' walking with the world"!!

it's just one small part ...

one small part of what?
Is it a principle, that you talk facebook-like, SMS-like?
Even the biblical texts - hewn in stone - were more generous with words...



May 2013
About 10 days ago, the team responsible for the clinical trial to test cyclodextrin as an NPC therapy made a decision to put the trial on hold. Two of the three children in the formal trial had an contracted an infection after the surgery to implant the Ommaya Reservoir. The researchers and doctors do not completely understand why the infections occurred - but they are very conservative when it comes to safety. They do know that the complications did not result from the drug itself. The drug was actually shown to be more biochemically effective than expected.

It is too early to know when the trial can start again. I hope within a few months. The plan now is to deliver cyclodextrin intrathecally, thru monthly lumbar punctures. It's not ideal but lumbar punctures are known to be safe because NPC kids have them routinely to analyze their cerebral spinal fluid.

Joshua is still patient #6. We will have to wait until the trial restarts to know when he'll begin himself.

There are so many feelings and ideas in the air right now, from the fear of delay to the lessons learned from the process, which will make the trial better when it resumes. It's difficult to know exactly what to say. So I'll share a song that came to mind after I heard the news. I don't think it was written from a father to a child - but it says perfectly what I'm singing to Joshua: [the song is attached in .MP3 format] I got my mind set on you

I got my mind set on you

But it's gonna take money
... a whole lotta spending money
It's gonna take plenty of money
… to do it right child

It's gonna take time
… a whole lotta precious time
It's gonna take patience and time
… to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it right child

And this time I know it's real
The feeling that I feel
I know if I put my mind to it
I know that I really can do it

I got my mind set on you
I got my mind set on you
Set on you
Set on you
Set on you
Set on you


Talmud Baba Bathra 11b

Return to Jonathan's letter on August 26, 2013 - above!

As an utter contrast - see the clip, which my granddaughter Elah posted on Facebook today, August 26, 2013
"I forgot my phone"
I'm glad I stopped photographing (mostly with my camera, rarely with my old cellphone) more than a year ago.
But it squeezes my heart to see kids on swings in the park and lovers in bed engaged "with" their smartphones.
What does this mean in terms of Evolution and Healing of the World?

Continue to "The Heart is Awake" 2007 or to "My Soul-Search after my 75th Birthday" 2013