The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of & Links to My Community-Water in the Desert  Overview to My Community: RedSea/SaltSea-PartnerSHIP

and further down  2012 the first pages of the Red Book from among the

2003_06_23; last update: 2003_07_01

"dovrat ha-shalom ba-yam ha-adom"

the geopolitical challenge of the Gulf of Eilat&Aqaba
the physical technical challenge of Hosting-on-Water
First Glimpse
The pathetic Partneror
p.P. 1 , p.P. 2 , p.P. 3
The pathetic Petitioner

p.P. 1 , p.P. 2 , p.P. 3 , p.P. 4 , p.P. 5
Last Glimpse


Syrian-African Rift: RedSea
The Gulf of Eilat and Aqaba



Doveret-Shalom be-Yam ha-Adom

A Peace Raft in the Red Sea

I just heard on television [June 2003],
that the license will be taken away from these fish enterprises,
because they pollute the water of the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba.

The raft was to serve as a place for learning
about how to create the conditions of partnership between Eilat and Aqaba.

Later it should have replaced the idea of a SHIP in the "RedSeaPartnerSHIP-Game"


The concept was mainly written by David Troim, translated by me

NGO "shutafut" / "Mushaarakah" / "Partnership"
Union for Creating the conditions of Partnership between Arabs and Jews
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, PH.D., Fawaaz Fahmawi, Ariye Boni - Eilat,
David Troim, PH.D., Eilat Trom, Yaacob Hayat, Orit Hayat - Tel-Aviv,

[phones.... Israel]


Though we have in mind a stationary barge or raft, which will move only
once the borders between the four ReadSea nations will be truly open,
we use the word "SHIP" because of the play of words with "Partnership".


1. General Information

a. "Partnership" presently musters its force and resources
to strengthen and ground peace between Israel and her neighbours,
according to "Partnership's" principles.

b. "Think globally, act locally!"
" Partnership" decided to focus on the region which seems to be predestined
to become a bridgehead for peace between Israel and Jordan:
the Red Sea, between Aqaba and Eilat.

c. "Partnership" chose the project of a "RED SEA PARTNER- S H I P "
as the best way to actualize and demonstrate its principles.

d. "Partnership" is in search for Jordanian partners,
so that we can join forces in realizing and operating the "RED SEA PARTNER- S H I P "


2. The Project

a/ The SHIP (a barge of the size of about 17 m x 17m)
will anchor about 1200 m from the shore
exacty on the border-line between Israel and Jordan,
so that the imaginary border will pass through the center of the SHIP.
Half of the SHIP will be in the water of Israel and the other half in the water of Jordan.

b. On the SHIP simple dwellings will be installed,
tents and "succahs" (huts or cabins) that were developed by us
based on vast experience in "green" desert hosting,
in a composition and quality adapted to the conditions of the Red Sea,
even its frightening Southern winds:
four double pyramidal tents in the center of the SHIP for sleeping (7-8 guests),
the intimate space between them for meeting (up to 30 visitors),
and the four succahs around them for living (us, the hosts),
and also for cooking, storing, toilets etc.
Electricity will be provided by the sun and water (desalinated) by the sea.

c. The fact that the SHIP will be on the border
will create a primary and unique situation
in which a border does not any longer signify "separation"
(like the border area on the shore
which is fortified by ever so many electronic and barbed wire fences
and infested with mines against people),

but "connection",
the connection between two peoples, two cities,
- a place which is Israel and Jordan at once.

d. The fact that the SHIP will be exactly on the border
will also realize the necessary conditon for the first function of the Partner-SHIP:
equal conditions for hosting Israelis and Jordanians
who are interested in studying together
how to create the conditions of partnership between Eilat and Aqaba
and perhaps later - between Israel and Jordan.

Each partnership is based on three conditions:
Common interest, Mutual Trust and Equality of Self-Respect.
If - between peoples or people who are dependent on each other - these conditions do not exist,
these conditions must become the targets, aims, goals of thinking, talking and acting.

e. In the beginning the SHIP will serve as a situation for meeting;
each new day- invited people who can think and act,
foremost from Israel and Jordan,
will study the conditions of true partnership between the parties.
The study-meetings will be facilitated by us, the hosts,
who have skills and experience in hosting,
and creating the conditions of partnership in every situation
and on all levels of interactions.
We yearn for skillful Jordanian hosts to join us!

f. The SHIP will also serve as an experimental model for the free passage of citizens,
a pilot project which implies no risk what-so-ever:
Citizens from Israel and Jordan will be permitted to enter the SHIP, and the SHIP only,
and be guests on her without passport control,
on the Israeli side as well as on the Jordanian side.
When this experiment will be crowned by success,
it will serve as a lever for continuing the yearned-for process:
free passage of citizens between Aqaba and Eilat.



a/ The pyramidal tents for the SHIP were built and erected at the beginning of this month
on the beach of the "Sun-Gulf", East of the new lagoon in Eilat.

b. The FOUR NATIONS TENT serves as a "performance" of part of the project,
i.e. as a place of hosting people from Eilat and Aqaba,
with the aim of raising consciousness
and encouraging involvment of citizens and authorities in the project.
There is, indeed, great enthusiasm and support for the project on the part of the visitors in the TENT.

c. We achieved the beginning cooperation of the municiplity of Eilat,
which gave permission for installing the FOUR NATIONS TENT.
The Mayor of the town has expressed his readiness to visit the TENT.

d. We also got the consent, in principle,
from the Israeli chief military land and sea commanders in this area,
for placing the SHIP on the border,
and the consent of the chief captain of the harbour of EILat
to coordinate the anchoring of the SHIP with his colleague, the chief captain of the harbour of Aqaba.

e. There is a precedent for a free exit from Israel:
Israeli boats travel from Eilat to the Coral Island in Egypt without passport control on the Israeli side.
The precedent will help getting a similar permission to enter the SHIP - from the Israeli authorities.



a. The SHIP:
1. "Partnership" is interested in operating the SHIP as soon as possible.
For this reason and with the aim of minimizing costs,
we need to pursue and purchase a second-hand suitable barge
at one of the shores of the Red Sea, hopefully in Aqaba.

2. The SHIP (barge) will be adapted to the project
and will respond to all requirements of safety etc.
for becoming licensed by both, Israel and Jordan.

3. The SHIP will be towed and anchored at the intended site in coordination with the relevant authorities.


b. Licenses;
"Partnership" continues to pursue the formal permission on the Israeli side;
1. From the Minister of Security - for anchoring the SHIP on the border.
2) From the Minister of the Interior - for free passage to the SHIP, without passports.

April 1998
Doveret-Shalom be-Yam ha-Adom

A Peace Raft in the Red Sea

After the registration of the "RedSeaPartnerSHIP" as "Amutah" [NGO] ,
a modified concept was written out, mainly by David Troim,
who discerns between 3 different dependencies,
which have to be transformed into partnerships:
between Wo/Man and Nature
between Wo/Man and Wo/Man
between Nation and Nation.
How to do this, would have been the goal of the learning and training on the raft.

As to the physical aspect of the raft,
Aviv Yaqir, a short-time partner,
suggested to construct the raft of 4 gigantic metal pipes.
Negotiations with the municipality and other authorities,
about the license,
to build this raft at the site of my bus, the David-Succah,
failed in the end.

1998_04_01 , Why did I choose the Puzzle of

This was the official plan for building the Raft [Aviv Yaqir's idea]
in the area of the David Succah, i.e. between the parked bus and the peer,
prepared by Vera Koakh-Klein

When we didn't get the licence there,
we tried to win over the Dolphin Reef.
Could we be a part of their "Research ",
with our raft attached to its Center?
I see us there - me, Tamir, Albert, Mali
- in this case even with Ya'acov -
talking to the founder and owner, who said:

"Stop chasing around for the form!
Demonstrate the content!
Show, what you would actually do on such a "Peace Raft".
Let people see your "Learning Situation"!"

It was then, that we started to search for a little Katamaran, to turn it into a model of how the raft would function.

September 18, 2009 - on the Eve of Rosh Hashanah

Following my visit of my granddaughter Elah (22) in Eilat on Sept. 14-15
[see additions to the RedSeaPartnerShip pages since the first one]
and the intense memories which swimming in and coasting along the Red Sea brought up,
I re-read all the RedSeaPartnerSHIP pages.
They are a puzzle and cannot be put in linear order.
It seems, that I didn't report anywhere what happened after all the numerous "failures".
For the time being I want to mention only Tamir's sentence, which brought about the change:
our move from the RED Sea to the DEAD Sea:
"Rachel, we with our Four Nations Tent are not at the right place.
For Israel's problem is not with Egypt, Jordan or Saudi-Arabia,
it is with the Palestinians! There are no Palestinians around here."

After an intense journey of the two of us towards and around the Dead Sea
I was ready to follow his thinking:
We dismantled everything in Eilat
and moved north.
My bus was caught by the police,
and this was the end of its mobility.
But this was the least of the problems,
which we turned into challenges....






September 15-16, 2012

Since I've retrieved the Intro and the first 30 pages of the Red Book, and find space on this page,
I continue to copy.
So far "The Father of Manifestation" was telling his story of his Original Imprinting.
Now it's "Heart's" turn to give his perspective.

I again listen to Pergolesi's Stabat Mater A comment to this performance:
The profound power of the music, for a moment, took me to a place of serene ecstasy.
For a slight momnet I felt such a strong sadness, that it put me to tears.
But also within that same feeling of sadness I felt a sweetness as though it were a touch of warmth.
I actually realized what beauty is.
The seventh, 7th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

A Healing of the Chakras

Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love


[till the middle of p. 27 it seems to be "Spirit" who is speaking]

I have many versions of this to tell,
and many of the old stories and myths tell about one aspect of this or another.
It's all there if you know what you are reading
and it has not been edited too many times by My fragments
who have not wanted the story told.
For a long time, I have not wanted the story told either,
which is what empowered them to alter and suppress it.

I was ashamed and did not like the way I looked there,
but now I know I must face everything that happened in original imprinting


and not gloss over it. When I first told the story as though it was only colors dancing to please Me, I was having orgasms there already. That is what was causing the explosions. It was very immature sex though and I did not know I was having it.

I was just feeling good and floating in the reveric aftermath of the orgasms without questioning, or letting Myself question, the rightness of the wrongness of feeling good. I wanted to feel good, and that was all. I did not know that I needed to assimilate this lower part into Me more and understand it more. I was enjoying the sensations there without assimilating what it meant or anything more about it other than that it was pleasure.

When the Mother wanted Me to take responsibility for the progeny coming forth, I did not know what She meant. I only knew that I wanted to go into those feelings and move that way. I thought I was receiving the lower part of Myself and assumed it was receivng Me. I thought I felt it and that I knew all I needed to know there. I assumed it had the same ability to know Me. I handled it on My terms and did not understand that there were any other terms.

When it did not demonstrate the same intelligence I had, I judged it to be inferior and its ways not to be as good as Mine. I liked Myself and the way I moved there. I did not let anything interfere, get in My way, or slow Me down. When My lower part did not want to move ahead into these feelings with all of the eagerness that I did, I judged it to be of a slower speed in its ability to receive, feel and understand.

I now know I was a not knowing there
[sic] that was like the difference between a lover and an adolescent rushing ahead because he's wild to release the pressure of sexual frenzy and can't think of anything else until he has done this, but I did not like anyone or anythng else telling Me what to do, and so I did not listen to input from any other parts of Myself.

I did not know how to handle My own physicality there, but I also did not notice that My physicality could have had any knowingness that could have helped Me there, or that the other voices I had been listening to did either. I felt they all must not be feeling it as intensely as I was, or they could not be telling Me to hold back and go slower.

Instead of being made to feel wrong, I wanted to make Them wrong. It was partly true that They were not feeling it just the same as I was, had Their own point of view and that We were not able to get a mingling that resulted in an alignment there, but My feelings of sexual urgency pushed past Them with a rage that seemed to


come out of nowhere and accuse the voices of My former companions of holding back wrongly and of trying to hold Me back wrongly.

I labeled them all sorts of derogatory things there, mostly adding up to the sexual insults hurled today, especially among men. I accused their fear and holding back of what today amounts to being called a woman in a derisive way, and an old woman at that, an "old biddy," to be exact, of being impotent and of being homosexual.

I threw all of these things at Them and did not know where it had come from. I had older imprintings of being held back, but this did not surface in My consciousness there in any way that brought understanding to the situation. We all feared, without moving fear, that Our friendly relationship had suddenly split over sexual issues.

Some essence moved along with Me and some with the other parts of this split. It is hard to give a main body point of view with so many splits happening all at once. But giving it another way is not possible because of how many splits there were. Hopefully, the main body point of view will give you the feelings you need to move to find your own aspecting to it and your own point of view.

Giving it any other way moves so much material into the story that it becomes impossible to find your way or to feel that there is any story left you can follow. It is every story, if you move to understand what it is really saying, and so it is really only one story with as many aspects as there are fragments who have lived them.

Heart has His own story to tell now of His original awareness and the imprinting He received there.

I became vaguely aware of Myself, gradually, as something being pulled on by something else. It was the Mother, I think,but I did not know it then. She wanted something that felt good to Her, some comfort in Her dark loneliness, and although I did not feel quite ready, I answered Her call.

I was not sure how I was here, how I had gotten there, or where there even was. Rather like an infant just born cannot focus on his surroundings at first, I could not focus either, except that in this case, there were no surroundings to focus on.

I had feelings though, and most of them were not pleasant. They were feelings of compression and terror, much like birth might be if you did not know what was happening to you. Fear was the most prominent emotion present there.

My Mother was giving birth alone in the darkness without knowing what was happening
to Her. I did not know either. I had


never experienced this before. I assume now there must have been a Father, but He was nowhere around that I could see, and I did not experience Him as present either. I could not see anything. I only knew that I was because I had sensations, unpleasant as they were.

In time, I grew more used to them and grew closely with My Mother who held Me with Her all the time. She felt like a warm mother to Me, although I am not sure if We had temperature warmth or compression there. At times, it was suffocatingly hot, and We could not move. At other times, we felt Ourselves to be falling, out of control and unable to move in any way to take control of Our situation.

What has been described as pleasant drifting in the light by the Father was not Our experience there. We hated Our experience there. The Mother did not like it that She had brought Me into Her world to experience unpleasantness with Her, but she also let Me know that it was somehow better having Me there with Her than being there all alone.

One of My earliest imprints was that relationship was somehow better, or supposed to be better than being all alone. I was not so sure, but I felt Her, and once I felt Her, I could not think of leaving Her alone in the experience She was having.

I did not know if I was boy or girl, I had no thought of gender until the Father called Me son. I did not know what it meant even then, but I thought it meant I was supposed to be just like hIm, or at least to please Him, which I tried to do as much as possible.

From the very beginning, He did not like Me displeasing Him with feelings that were not in agreement with His. I do not know how I got offered up to Him or placed in His care, but it happened this way according to My Mother.

She had feelings in Her heart of lostness in dark space and wanting to find something to fill it or get Her to the right place where She would not have these feelings of compression and terror anymore. She grabbed for anything She might find, but was also very careful about doing this because She did not know what She might find and had already had so many experiences She had not liked.

She had to move rage and terror, but She did not know it then. She did not know anything then, except that She was and did not like where She was, or maybe, what She was, since She did not know the difference among things then.

She was very simple and primordial
in most people's terms, but in Mine, She was the most exquisitely protective and loving thing I could ever imagine having near or with Me, and I hoped

She would not let Me go any place without Her, because if it was a good place, I wanted Her to be there, and if it was not, I didn't want Her to be there alone. I loved Her, in other words, and did not want to be without Her.

Even though She could not always hold onto Me in Our drifting and tribulations, I knew She wanted Me with Her and tried to find Me anytime I was lost. Sometimes She thought I might be better off if I did not exist anymore and tried to let Me go, but She could not bring Her heart to do that. She fastened onto Me from the beginning and has never wanted to let go. I never wanted to have to go either, not even to move in with Father.

When He came along, I was drifting in sleep as though it were night, although We knew no difference then between night and day. He saw Me and took Me as a man might take an infant from a mother he does not think is properly caring for it. He never saw My Mother or even knew She was anywhere around. He did not notice Her or know that He had ever known Her, had sex with Her, produced a son or even that there could be such a thing as a son produced from what He had been doing there.

My Mother does not know how He felt about Me from the beginning. She knew only Her own grief over My loss and Her hope that if I was gone, I had gone to a better place or somehow found one on my own. When She had thoughts that I didn't exist anymore, She hoped that was somehow better and that I had somehow made that choice. She really hoped I was not in a worse place where She could not find Me. She worried and fretted over Me most of the time, even more than Her own plight. She was so empathetic She could not imagine how I could be suffering the way She was and possibly live through it, or how She could if I was suffering.

I was with Father, or I assume He was My Father since He recognized Me as His own, and so much so that He did not see Me as any different.When I tried to tell Him that I was, He told Me that He did not like hearing that and did not want Me to speak of it anymore.

"I know what is best,' He told Me, "and You need to move along with Me."

He did not give Me any chance to explain anything to Him. He said He knew it already. I assumed that it was My time to be with Him then, and that He knew what He was doing and that it was for the best somehow.

I did not know what was going to happen, but I liked the light and moved to please Him as much as possible. I thought my

Mother must know about this since She was always wanting Me to get to a better place and that She had given Her permission somehow, but My Father never spoke of this and I never felt I was allowed to ask Him either.

I hated to have Mother out there without Us, especially since the light was so pleasing. I was constantly urging Father to notice Mother out there, but He never seemed to want to notice and said He was overwhelmed with what He had happening already. He gave Me the impression that it was not right time for Mother yet. I could not understand why, or why She hadn't said goodbye or told Me any of this.

I saw Him collecting pieces He thought were Him, though, and the light was increasing. Why He didn't collect Mother, I did not know and I did not dare ask.

"Right time," He always said whenever I did.

I did not know when right time was, but I could not understand why it wasn't now. Now was when I felt an urgent need for my Mother, and He did not seem to notice or care. What was He going to do? Have me grow up without a Mother who I could remember and who could remember Me? Why didn't He remember Her, or care about Her, or move toward Her? was something wrong?

I began to question Him and to pressure Him, in His words, to move toward Mother. I was sure She was out there somewhere and that He had only to look for Her. He did not seem to want to, and I wanted Him to not only look for Her, but to want to look for Her. She was darkness, or in the darkness, I kept telling Him, and He did not like the sound of that.

I hated HIm for not looking for Mother and pressured Him more the longer this went on. He had his own ideas about things, and My ideas about progression were not among them. He hated Me for even having these feelings, and I did not know what to do then because I did not know how to find Mother either.

I just had a feeling that She needed to move in close there with Us,and I did not have a feeling of completeness or peace without Her there. I knew She would love the light and have many things to say about it that We could share in Our relationship together there. I urged Father as much as I possibly could to go and look for Mother, but He never moved until Heart from the Will side called Him forth.

I never saw Him get excited about anything until He saw those colors dancing before HIm. I got very excited too because I had a mate for Myself in mind and thought this might be Her. I started

to move past Father to go to Her because She had Me convinced She was calling Me.

I thought She might be Mother, but when I got closer to Her, I saw that She was not the Mother I had known and might be a mate for Me instead. I really got excited then.
["Oedipus complex"?] Had Mother been keeping Her for Me, letting Her grow and not letting Me see Her for some reason? I did not know what to make of Her, but when I saw Her move toward Me, She seemed to grow huge.

I did not know I had done any growing since I left Mother. I had no concept of size, actually, until that moment when I felt so small in Her presence. She looked so great and grand, and I felt so small and insignificant. Majestic might be the word, except that that word is applied to queens, and I wanted Her to be a princess for Me. I felt as unworthy as any man trying to be a prince in the presence of his love, who happens to be a princess, or even a queen at an early age, since I did not know if Mother was alive and I did not see Her there.

Where Mother was hiding Herself and why she was hiding Herself, I did not know, but I needed to move toward Her to find out. I wanted to ask these new appearances
[why in the plural?] what they knew of Mother since they must have been with Her until they were so recently noticed by Us, but I did not want to give the impression that I was not interested in them. I sought only to seek their companionship and ask My questions later, but I never had the opportunity to find out anything.

They had come forth in response to My call for love for Father
[???] ; but I had been calling Mother, not them. They came in response to Me, I felt, but Father did not let Me find that out either. He went past Me and took Her in His arms like He knew He already. This completely confused Me.

I did not know who I was or who She was anymore.
I had thought I was going to have a mate and it was going to be Her, and now Father had Her. Maybe she was Mother after all and I had just never known Her that way. I did not know waht to think. I only knew I had lost My heart to this essence and now it looked like I wasn't going to be able to have Her and that it wasn't right for Me to have Her anyway.

I had never been able to see how Mother looked when I was there with Her. I did not have eyes to see, or else there had been nothing to see. I did not think She had looked quite like this although not that different, either, in so many ways. My draw to this essence felt different than My draw to Mother, though, in so
The seventh, 7th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

A Healing of the Chakras

Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love

many ways I did not know how to explain.

I had sexual feelings, but I did not know it then. I had been urging Father to go toward Mother, and then when He got close to Her I did not know if it was Mother, and I began urging Him to go slower and take more time. I wanted Him to get to know Her first and make sure She was the right one for Him.

He felt already that this could not be wrong for Him if He liked it so much, but that was not enough for Me. I did not want to move past Him there, yet I needed to move past Him to find out if this was Mother or a mate meant for Me. I sound like I knew more than the Father here, but I was not sure, which is why I backed down to Him more than I wished I had later when I saw how things turned out.

Mother did not like it when I fell to Her in a state of damage and heartbreak. She could not understand how Father could be so mean to His own son. That He did not even know I was His own son was more than She could realize or understand at the time.

Mother was so upset with Father there that I could not move Her past that place. She had to see Father there with His new companion for Herself. She started to move up toward Him with a rage and a fury I had never seen in Her before, but then she tried to calm Herself to move through the places She needed to move through to find hIm.

She said She never knew what had happened to Me and had been unable to find Me when She had awakened there so long ago without Me. She said Her heart had broken there over Me and had never been the same since. she said She never knew Her heart could hurt so much as it had over losing Me.

I did not know what this meant given what I had seen and heard Father say and do so many times. Did this mean that I was Hers and She was Mine and not His?

I wanted to ask Her this, but She was gone already in search of Father, whom she said She did not even know existed except in a dream. She said She had never known Him in a waking state and did not like it that He might have another woman when She longed for Him all the time.

She held Me for a long time before She went, though, and I knew this was the Mother I had missed for such a long time. We held one another and cried together of a long time too, that Father was so lost from Mother that We had never been able to have the home we had wanted to have there as a family together, that Mother had so many feelings of how She had wanted this family life to be and Father had no memory of Her or that He had had sex

with Her or that He had children there, let alone a son like Me.
[here begin the excerpts of the Red Book when I still hadn't got hold of the first 32 pages and also, when I still thought, that I would never manage to copy all the pages and that it was allowed to excerpt passages. I know now, that in order to really get into the feelings and memories and what all this has to do with me and my vocation for the world, I need every single word. I'm therefore complementing here, what was left out there. Sept.16, 2012]

"Such a loving son, too," Mother kept saying over and over until I began to feel like Father might have left Her because He just wanted Her to stop moving so much emotion and talking about love so much.

I wasn't used to it anymore, and it was making Me uncomfortable. It was stirring the old feelings of heartbreak and abandonment I had felt so long ago, and I did not know how to handle them other than the way Father had taught Me to handle them, which was to not pay attention to them.

I hated to tell Mother that I did not think it was right for Her to be pouring forth as much emotion as She was, but it did occur to Me that She had not been able to move past the place She had been in when Father took Me so long ago. I wondered if this was why Father had taken Me and why Mother had wanted Me to go, because She was not able to move from this place.

Even when she went after Father, She never left Me. She was still there with Me, although She did not feel as present as She had before She went. She sent only a part of Herself, and when that part came back, She told Me it was true, that Father did have another woman in His arms.

She would not speak to Me anymore about it after that. She seemed to go into a complete freeze-up and lock-down of grief that never moved after that. Nothing helped the situation. Her heart seemed to have become stone that could not cry or move anything except with Me, and I did not have acceptance for that anymore.

[Newly copied] We did not know what to do there other than to hold onto each other. It was all We had there, and We did not want to lose each other again. We tried to take solace in Our original position that no matter what Our heartbreak, pain and terror, it was somehow better that we weren't alone with it.

I hated this position now that I had known the light and was not sure if it was My right place or not. Pretty soon, I had an overriding need to go and see for Myself what was happening on the other side, Father's side that is . I wanted to go back to My place there and see how it felt. Now that Mother was found, I wanted to see if Father would listen to Me about Her.

When I found Him, He had My intended in His arms alright, just as Mother had said. The color purple was all around them. He must have been savoring the light there because He wasn't acting interested in doing anything but drifting.

I didn't know what to do. I felt left out and to the side thee. I


wanted to be in there with Them, but they would not let Me join Them. I was not a welcome presence, was the feeling I had. I tried many times to join Them, but They never opened to receive Me. I felt pushed out instead.

Maybe They had Their reasons, but I felt disowned and disinherited from every pleasure I had learned to love with My Father. I felt pushed out as though I had no Mother there who had any feelings for Me. My Father had only a lover who viewed Me as an interference in whatever it was They had going on. I served no purpose as far as She could tell, and He did not notice Me in any favorable way either. Had She cast Him under a spell where He no longer cared about His child, His son, as he had called Me?

I did not have long to find out the answers to any of My questions before I was pushed out of there by a slam on Their hearts so hard I didn't know it could affect Me that way, but it did. I was slammed out of there so hard I did not remain conscious.

I fell back to Mother's side of things, and it was a long time before I could give Her any information at all about what happened to Me there, but once I was able to tell Her what I could remember of what happened to Me there, She pieced together the parts of the story where I was not conscious but have just told you of now.

[newly edited, though already copied].
[="The Father of Manifestation" or God's "Body"]

I had no image of anyone else there but Me, as I have said already. There was an early encounter in the darkness, but I did not make much of it then. I did not know the Mother presence there had fixed on Me as Her only and forever mate. To Me, at the time, She was only one of many encounters I had had. This one had turned out badly, and I had wanted to get away from it as fast as possible and forget about it.

It was fantasy in Her mind that We had had a relationship that I was going to return to, because I had not liked how it felt there. I had no knowing of Her having feelings of it not having gone right, or the way She wanted it to
[newly copied:] or that She was hoping I would return and give Her another chance.

The chance that I was going to return was slim to none if I had anything to say about it, because She had tried to grab Me and kill Me. How many times does it make sense to return to that? That She never says anything about that when She tells the story makes Me

The seventh, 7th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

A Healing of the Chakras

Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love

highly suspicious of Her motives, as if She wants Me, and all who listen to Her story, to feel sorry for Her and somehow give Her another opportunity to get Me. And believe Me, She tells Her story to everyone who will listen.

If I took You
[Heart] from Her, I had My reasons, such as rescuing You from Her grasp; Her clutching grasp that never wanted to let You go, but I did not know I took You from Her. I did not notice Her there, and she did not notice Me, or I might not have let You add Yourself onto Me because I would have wanted to move away as quickly as possible instead.

I did not like it that She had come toward Me, excited Me, led Me on and then refused Me at the last minute when I could no longer control My sensations and let them subside. What a cruel tease and torture! How shamed I felt when She acted so cool toward My spontaneity, My youthful exuberance, excitement and enthusiasm and My sexuality as though it was all a problem for Her! She did not look like fun was being had there until I came along. Why didn't She join into it?

How enraged I became, a crying rage, really, when no sympathy was exhibited there, but I did not let Her know. I expected Her to understand Me if She was the right one. I interpreted Her hesitation as not loving Me the way I wanted to be loved there. I felt She was using Me for something I did not understand, I did not trust Her motives and I moved to leave.

I did not let Her know though, I felt Her hooks go into Me at that moment, and I knew then that She had plans to involve Me in something I didn't want to be involved in, use Me for something I didn't want to be used for, take from Me something I didn't want to have taken or make Me give Her something I didn't want Her to have. I did not let Her know how I felt there, including that I had a sexual turn-on happening in response to Her there. I did not let anything I found unacceptable in My emotions show through.

I had approached Her gently aand given Her time to find out how She felt about Me. All the while, My excitement was growing and Hers was too, I thought. Why had She rejected Me, set Me up, played Me for a fool this way?

I did not understand, and since I did not trust Her enough to want to let Her know how I really felt, I did not ask Her. I was sure I knew, and besides, I could not trust Her to tell Me anything truthful; not when it was already clear that She would do anything to keep Me and not let Me go. She was going to say anything that would make Her look right and get Me to give Her what She


wanted without giving Me what I wanted.

I felt tricked and trapped. This irritated Me tremendously, and I was determined to shake Her off of Me. What right did She have to hold onto Me like this and not give Me what I wanted? Nothing else had ever done this to Me before and gotten away with it, and She wasn't going to either.

I made plans to break away from Her without warning, but I also had another back-up plan in case that didn't work, which was to slip away in such a way that She would not notice. I did beak away, as I have already told about, but another part of Me could not leave Her that way. Guilt, as I see it now, since I did not love Her yet. This part distracted Her while I planned My break from Her.

I pretended to be more interested in Her agenda than I really was. Her agenda didn't interest Me because this was Her distraction. She was avoiding Me by pretending that She cared about all of these others around Her, whom she manufactured the moment I arrived, I'm sure, since I did not see any sign of them when I arrived.

I no sooner touched Her than they arose as a huge cacophony of sounds around Us that did not like what was happening there. Either they thought I was going to take Her away from them, or them away from Her, or do something to Her that they did not like, or not do something to them that they would like, or what, I do not know, because they never gave Me enough peace to figure it out.

They were a problem right from the start and instead of controlling them in any way or moving them back, your Mother tried to cater to them and placate them all. Instead of giving Me Her attention, She first tried to get them to agree that it was alright.

[already copied] They never agreed. They always had some excuse or reason, but they never let Us have any space or place to be with One another. This originally imprinted in Me as, relationship is impossible.

[newly copied] I had no means by which to solve this situation, and they had no interest in having it solved either. As soon as I would offer a solution to one of their problems, they would have a new group of problems arising from the proposed solution, or a new problem, or would have embroidered on the original problem until there was nothing I could do but throw up My hands and leave.

I never saw a group of voices in all My existence that had so many questions and so many reasons for problems with so little attempt at solving them themselves. They never did anything without asking Me first. That might have been alright if they had then done what I said, but no, they had to argue with Me every step


of the way about why it wasn't the right set of answers or solutions I had given. They never liked anything I had to say, in other words.

I did not see how she could like Me and surround Herself with so many voices that did not. She must have at least shared their viewpoint to a certain extent, or why did She let them be there? She hoped I would like them and see their point of view, but I did not like them, and I did not see their point of view. They were bothersome, the whole lot of them.

[newly edited, but [already copied]I wanted to have sex with Her, and they wanted to know if I was going to marry Her, make a home there, stay and become a part of the family, help them and support them for the rest of their lives and anything else they could think of, if you wanted to put it in today's terms.

Then there was the group that did not like the idea of sex at all, or of Her having any with Me, or of having any without them or whatever their agenda was, which I was never sure of because they never made it clear. They were an extremely pouty, emotional and indirect bunch who never made themselves clear, at least not in my terms. Although they seemed to understand each other well enough , when it came to Me, they never acted like they understood Me at all.

[newly copied ] They seemed proud of their impenetrableness as if this gave them some sort of power over Me. To Me, they were stupid and ignorant and I had no patience for them by the time I left. They had no order or any sense of order among them, and so they had no way to get to the solutions they needed. It was no wonder to Me that they had nothing happening while I had light that they wanted to have or get from Me somehow

I did not trust them on this point. I thought all of this distraction was Her plan so that She could trap Me and they could take My light. I had no idea how they planned to do this, since when I gave them light, they couldn't hold onto it anyway, but nothing they did made any sense to Me. Everything they did was backwards to Me. I wanted to have the experience first and understand it later, but they wanted to chew it to death first and never get around to having the experience.

[already copied] I wanted to have sex, and a great rage was building in Me around not being allowed to go ahead and have it. I needed to release the pressure of My growing sexual frenzy or I was going to explode. If I was going to explode, I wanted it to be pleasure and not what I felt building up in Me this way. The more held back I felt, the more desperate and frantic I became.

The seventh, 7th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

A Healing of the Chakras

Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love
Sept.16, 2012, Eve of NewYear 2012:
The excerpts of the Red Book [beginning with the pages of DesertPeaceProcess 2002] will be complemented by the copy of the full text of p. 38 till p.155

Sept. 16, 2012:
The 1 hour dialog of the weekly "Sternstunde Philsophie" in 3SAT
was dedicated - can I believe it! - to "a History of Feelings".
What the scientist found out is far from the understandings
I've been receiving from Right Use of Will and
in all these 26 years.
But - at least - Feelings are becoming an issue for research.

What I want to remember is what I've discovered myself:
"Ich fuehle mich selbst. Ich bin",
"I feel myself, I am",

said in 1796 by the poet-philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder

in contrast to the so famous
"Cogito ergo sum", "I think, therefore I am",
by René Decartes [1596-1650], called "the Father of Modern Philosophy".
Ich fühle, also bin ich!
Ute Frevert im Gespräch mit Katja Gentinetta

[Vom Wandel der Gefuehlswelten]

On the Eve of Rosh-Hashanah, September 16, 2012
I sculpted my response to post and dialogues
from Sept.12, 2012
"What are we fighting for"
Before Immanuel, Efrat and Mika will come back from China,
and share their photos from Yangshuo/Guilin,
I'll insert a composition of their Galilee holiday in August.

The contrast between the technology of Mika's present and the agriculture of the first Zionists 100 years ago or Jewish, Druze and Arab villages nowadays
The seventh, 7th RUOW book
[channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1995]

A Healing of the Chakras

Dedicated to The Healing of the Gap and the Survival of Love

....redeeming lost Will and dissolving Guilt

....redeeming lost Will and dissolving Guilt

....redeeming lost Will and dissolving Guilt
I'll not continue to complement the excerpted pages of the Red Book for the time being,