Stimulated by sculpting "Kayin&Hevel"
See also Wholeness
in the Bible and Holistic Health
On November 6, 2011: I re-read
Bible of Feelings" in my holographic
creation of
MESSIAH Bat-Sheva & David or The
It's there, that
Everett Fox gives an extensive example
- lev, levav =
heart -
of how to read the Bible along its "leading
......a "leading word" in Martin Buber's
definition , that is,
a word used thematically to point to a major message in the narrative. .............
By presenting different uses of the leading word, but retaining the sound
links between different passages,
the text encourages readers themselves to "take to heart" the painful
lessons of this narrative,
July 23, 2010
I began this page in 2002 - see below!
When re-reading it now, for the first time in 6 years, I feel frustrated and
How often have I linked to this page - and what could anyone find here?????
I may , at least, phrase the one - ancient, traditional - principle ,
the principle of Buber-Rosenzweig's "Leitwort" - "leading word",
which helps me to explore every single word , phrase or passage:
"All the words of the Torah need each other,
for what one of them locks, the other opens."
It was many years ago, that I read this sentence in an ancient source.
It could be the logo of Buber-Rosenzweig's
"Verdeutschung der Schrift"
To people, who are attracted to the Bible, but cannot find their way in
I am always quoting this sentence, giving them always the same example:
In the beginning of creation it is said:
"... and God divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night.
And there was evening and there was morning,
one day
and not "the first day", as all the
translations have it,
and as later is said: "the second day, the third day" etc..
If I want to understand this seeming difficulty,
I must look up at least 3 other verses with the word "ONE":
God separated the light from the darkness. Hearken O Israel: |
![]() |
and then I might understand the message:
that still and forever everything is ONE,
beyond all differentiations and polarizations
between "in the Beginning - in the end",
between "Heaven - Earth",
between "Light - Darkness"
between "Water- Not-Water"
[these two first explicitly stated
differentiations = the first two days
- are adaptations of what a baby discerns, when it comes out of the womb,
the space of only darkness, only water,
the space of non-differentiation, therefore non-choice, therefore non-responsibility]
In 50 years of studying the Hebrew Bible according
to this principle,
I was rarely enriched by an interpretation from outside the text,
except concerning the story of Noah and the flood,
which is even more relevant for my, our, life and time,
- when seen on the background of and in contrast to the ancient Babylonian
myth of Gilgamesch.
See an example of my "reading the Bible"
on the Page "AU-schwitz-Birken-AU-The
Rainbow between God and Noah".
There I point out two of the most vital, most crucial words in the Bible:
"tamim" = WHOLE , and "aekhad" = ONE!
[As to Franz Rosenzweig:
some references to him, his life, his love, his death, the Bible, my editions
of his part of his writings, etc.
are listed by the Google
Search of "Healingkiss"]
2002_05_19; last update; 2004_06_25
2002_08_08 See
now - 2004_06_25 - "the Bible of Feelings" |
I've been learning the Biblical stories since the age of
I've been studying the Bible in Hebrew for the last 43 years,
and I've experienced over and over again,
that R, the signum for "Redactor" in the "scientific"
i.e. the theory
that the "Old" Testament is a conglomorate of contradicting sources
has to be read as "Rabbenu" = our Master,
i.e. a great artist, who like all great artists
created from the collective unconscious.
See the work of Martin Buber and
and my book
2. Band Arbeitspapiere zur Verdeutschung der Schrift
Franz Rosenzweig
Der Mensch und Sein werk
Gesammelte Schriften
1884 Martinus Nijhoff PUblishers, Dortrecht
It was as late as the nineties of the
first century A.D.
that the rabbies, the wise people of ancient Israel,
worked and decided on the present text of the Hebrew Bible,
They had to choose from a library of more than 1000 years,
not counting the unwritten traditions in books like Genesis.
There are some vivid stories in the Talmud about this work.
The one I like best is about Chananya ben Chiskiya,
who filled his oil lamp 300 times, i.e. worked very hard
in order to prove to his colleagues,
that the book Ezechiel should be included,
though the prophet seems to contradict the Torah.
The Torah books Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy claim
that children suffer for the sins of their parents,
while Ezechiel says: only the sinner himself will die.
Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 13b
book (Hebrew
p.185-6; German p.170)
See, what
I noted to the interpretation of YHWH by Franz Rosenzweig
again by the
ancient Jewish Sages' interpretation of Leviticus 16,16 -
and the problem of translating the term 'tamei'
and 'tum'ah' into English, From "ON TRANSLATING LEVITICUS" [p. 497] "A most important term in the priestly material
is the adjective tamei along with its noun tum'a. "ON THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS AND ITS STRUCTURE" [p. 498] "For most lay readers, the third of the
Five Books of Moses presents formidable obstacles. Yet Leviticus, as it has been placed
in the Torah, signals In addition, the priestly interests so clearly
presented in Leviticus appear througout the Torah: "Leviticus in fact presents a significant
strain, "...I see Leviticus as the Book of Separations, "Overarching the theme of separations or
distinctions, .. Interestingly, the strong
urge to make order (ritual laws) out of disorder [July 23, 2010: I wanted to continue quoting,
June 18, 2011 Briefe 1232. An Margarete Susman-von Bendemann
November 16, 2011
just discovered, that Everett Fox was a consultant
on the animated film Prince of Egypt,
which is one, if not t h e most cherished movie of
See images in my "Bio-Testimony"
from page IV onward