re-edited on July 24, 2013
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My PH.D.-Thesis, 1966-1982, delivered
in Hebrew to the Jerusalem University 1972
Original Theme,1966 : The Idea of VICARIOUS SUFFERING as an ANSWER to INNOCENT SUFFERING (i.e. my coping with the holocaust). Final Hebrew Title 1972: "The PERCEPTION of SUFFERING and SOLIDARITY with the SUFFERERS in the Thought of the Jewish Sages from the time of the second Commonwealth till the End of the Talmudic Era" (i.e. in Bible, Apocryphes, Qumran, New Testament, Talmud, Midrash)
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the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's
2008_08_11 - Coming across a
table of Rabbis of the Mishna in a Wikipedia entry about R. Yochanan ben
I again envy the students of today:
How fantastic it must be to get all the technical info with a few clicks,
while my "navigation" in that time-period - leave alone the compilation
on this page - was difficult beyond imagination...
WHICH PLAY A ROLE IN "All Israel are Guarantors for
Each Other"
2002_09_21; completed on 2003_06_03
translated into English from both, the synopsis in German and the synopsis in
Names in brackets do not appear in the
research like all others, but were added for a better picture.
[I apologize for my inconsistant English transcription
of time-periods, events, institutions and names]
No chronology I found in books available
at that time did satisfy my needs.
So I composed a chronological synopsis myself, based on a Hebrew "Atlas-carta",
which I owned 30 years ago.
To my regret the Hebrew print is so small that no scanning skill nor digital
photographing can make it visible.
To be loyal to the message of quoting the Hebrew and German book side by side,
I've given up on the German version too.
Some terms for
those who have not read my books:
I drew from five ancient libraries:
The Hebrew books contained in the Hebrew Bible
- edited around the year 90 of the Christian Era
The mostly Greek Apocalyptic Literature -
only partly included in the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, called
The Hebrew Literature of the Qumran Sect,
discovered as "The Dead Sea Scrolls" in 1947/8.
The Greek books contained in the Greek New Testament
- edited after the year 100 of the Christian Era.
The Jewish traditions, transmitted orally for many centuries, either in Hebrew
or in Aramaic,
finally edited as "Mishna", "Tosefta",
Gemarah and Midrash-Collections,
"Mishna" and "Gemarah" were finally compiled as
"Palestinian Talmud" and as
"Babylonian Talmud".
As to the 500 centuries of Jewish Sages ("Rab"
in Babylonia,"Rabbi" in the Land of Israel, now called "Palestine"
by the Romans):
One distinguishes between the earlier Tanna'im
and the later Amora'im.
As to two important institutions:
While the Sanhedrin
- the ancient Jewish equivalent to a modern parliament - does no longer exist,
the Bet-Midrash,
the house of studying, is still a central institution of Jewish Learning, and
not only for orthodox Jews.
A nice site about a modern Bet-Midrash
I found in http://www.ssdsboston.org/main.htm
Empire | Century |
World History
Events in the Land of Israel
Egypt |
16 BC
13 BC |
1570 New Egyptian
Kingdom 1290-1223 Pharao (Ramses II) |
1200-1025 Time of the "Judges" |
Abraham? Josua
H B |
Egypt Assyria |
11 BC
900 New
722-757 |
Towards the formation of a nation Saul - King 1025-1006 David - King over all Israel 1006-968 968-928 - Salomo 928 Partition of the Kingdom
H B |
Baby- lonia |
7 BC 6 BC |
605 New Babylonian Kingdom
605-562 Nebukadnezar |
640-608 (Josia, Reform)
608-597 Jojakim, Rebellion against the Babylonians 597 (Jechonja), First Deportation into Exile 597-587 Zedekia 587 Fall of Jerusalem, end of Southern Kingdom, called "THE FIRST DESTRUCTION" Deportation to Babylon |
"His Servant"
I B L E |
Persia & Media |
5 BC |
539 Persian
King (Kyros) subdues Media & Babylonia |
538 Return
of a part of the Exiled
512 Inauguration of the rebuilt temple. Begin of the Era of the SECOND TEMPLE 457-445 Esra 445-425 (Nehemiah) |
I B L E |
Seleu- cidians Helle- nists |
4 BC
2 BC |
333 (Alexander) subdues Persia 348 Death of (Platon)
175-164 Antiochos IV |
(Alexander subdues the Land of Israel)
Antiochos limits freedom of Jewish Cult 167-160 UPRISING OF THE MACCABEANS against Seleucidian dominion and "Greek" culture 141 (Israel is autonomous for 80 years) 103-76 (Alexander Yannai, King & High Priest) Founding of the Qumran Sect |
ka- lyptic Lite- ra- ture Qum- ran |
Rome |
decades of Christian Era 10 |
64 End of Seleucidian State:
Syria Roman Province 14-37 Tiberius |
63 (Pompaeus conquers Jerusalem)
37-4 (Herod the Great) 6_41 (Judea -Roman Province) 18/19 Founding of the town Tiberias 26-36 Pilatus -Procurator |
Hillel |
Schools of Hillel and Shammai lay the foundations for Law, Religion and Ethics of the "Oral Teaching" |
Apoka- |
By |
520 |
(Antoninus |
41-70 Judea & Galilee partly
under direct, 132-135
Revolt of Bar Kokhba,
320-360 Amora'im, Fourth Generation
R. Chiya from Babylonia RABBI
New Qumran
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Introductions to the two Books Intro 2002 and Diary |
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