The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"




InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
interspersed with my questions, observations or experiences

June 6 [a night and day of extreme body pain] - 21 , 2011: enriched by more nourishment

2007_06_01 Body-Mind-Centering

Introduction to Body Mind Centering

by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Material in this article is adapted from the book
, Sensing, Feeling & Action


Body-Mind Centering® is an ongoing, experiential journey
into the alive and changing territory of the body.
The explorer is the mind
—our thoughts, feelings, energy, soul, and spirit.
Through this journey we are led to an understanding
of how the mind is expressed through the body in movement.
There is something in nature that forms patterns.
We, as part of nature, also form patterns.

The mind is like the wind
and the body is like the sand;
if you want to know how the wind is blowing,
you can look at the sand.


Our body moves as our mind moves.
The qualities of any movement are a manifestation of
how mind is expressing through the body at that moment.
Changes in movement qualities indicate
that the mind has shifted focus in the body.
when we direct the mind or attention
to different areas of the body
and initiate movement from those areas,
we change the quality of our movement.
So we find

that movement can be a way
to observe the expressions of the mind through the body,
and it can also be a way
to affect changes in the body-mind relationship.

To make this teaching even more applicable for me,
some quotes from
Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie
[which I once learnt from Mirjam Goldberg in Tel-Aviv]
may serve as point of reference

Im bewussten Erleben des eigenen Körpers
werden Erinnerungen und Gefühle reaktiviert,
die im Laufe des Lebens ihren Ausdruck
in Körperhaltung, Bewegung und Verhalten gefunden haben;
das Aufeinanderfolgen von
w a h r n e h m e n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ü h l e n ,
de n k e n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h a n d e l n
und " S i c h - M i t t e i l e n s "

Im - Liegen, Sitzen, Stehen, Gehen -
kann ich die eigenen Bewegungs- und Wahrnehmungsmuster
und deren emotionale Bedeutung erkennen

Die differenzierte Wahrnehmung ermöglicht
ein Vergleichen meines Koerper Verhaltens
zu verschiedenen Zeiten,
in verschiedenen Situationen,

Ich gehe und nehme wahr wie sich das Gehen anfühlt.
Es könnte schwerfällig, leichtfüßig,
schleppend oder federnd sein.

Während des Gehens schaue ich mich im Raum um
und schaue auch nach draussen,
um wahrzunehmen,
was bei dem Blick aus dem Fenster ins Auge fällt.
Bin ich mehr im Raum oder mehr draussen?
Welches Gefuehl herrscht vor?

Nun lenke ich direkter zu den körperlichen Empfindungen.
Zum Atem,
zu den Fußsohle,
den Fersen,
den Fußgelenken.
Welche Informationen erhalten [enthalten?] die Kniegelenke,
die Hüftgelenke,
die Wirbelsäule usw.?
Ich spuere nach, ich vergleiche, ich halte inne.

auf der leiblichen Ebene Trennung und Neubeginns
[bei jedem Atemzug und jedem Schritt]

An important aspect of our journey in Body-Mind Centering®
is discovering the relationship
between the smallest level of activity within the body
and the largest movement of the body—
aligning the inner cellular movement
with the external expression of movement through space.
This involves

and integrating
the various tissues within the body,
discovering the qualities they contribute to one's movement,
how they have evolved in one's developmental process,
and the role they play in the expression of mind.

The finer this alignment,
the more efficiently we can function to accomplish our intentions.
However, alignment itself is not a goal.
It is a continual dialogue between awareness and action—
becoming aware of the relationships
that exist throughout our body/mind
and acting from that awareness.
This alignment creates a state of knowing.
There are many ways of working toward this alignment
such as through touch,
through movement,
art, music, meditation, through verbal dialogue,
through open awareness, or by any other means.





* I use this word "somatization" to engage the kinesthetic experience directly,
in contrast to "visualization"
which utilizes visual imagery to evoke a kinesthetic experience.
Through somatization the body cells are informing the brain
as well as the brain informing the cells.
I derived this word "somatization" from Thomas Hanna's use of the word
to designate the experienced body
in contrast to the objectified body.

When the body is experienced from within,
the body and mind are not separated but are experienced as a whole.
While Tom spoke of this during the >60's,
his first book utilizing the term "soma" was
Bodies in Revolt
which came out in 1970.
Tom coined the term "somatics" in 1976
when he founded and named the Somatics Magazine
- Journal of the Bodily Arts and Sciences.
Somatics also names a field of study
—the study of the body through the personal experiential perspective.
Body-Mind Centering® is a small part of this burgeoning field.


Though we use the Western anatomical terminology and mapping,
we are adding meaning to these terms through our experience.

When we are talking about blood or lymph or any physical substances,
we are not only talking about substances
but about states of consciousness and processes inherent within them.
We are relating our experiences to these maps, but the maps are not the experience.

The study of Body-Mind-Centering includes both
the cognitive and experiential learning of the body systems -
endocrine glands,
and vocalization;
the senses and the dynamics of perception;
developmental movement
(both human infant development
and the evolutionary progression through the animal kingdom);
and psychophysical integration.
The following are brief descriptions of tissue territories
we have thus far mapped
in twenty-five years of study at The School for Body-Mind Centering®

intertwined with the last "weather-report" from Julia/Matreya, June 2011

as to this study of the Body, see my pages "Body is God", based on, and see a page, which presents 3 dimensional images of the Body

Our Cellular Foundation:

Each cell in our body has living intelligence.
It is capable of knowing itself,
initiating action,
and communicating with all other cells.
The individual cell and the community of cells (tissue, organ, body) exist as separate entities and as one whole at the same moment. Cellular embodiment is a state
in which all cells have equal opportunity
for expression, receptivity, and cooperation…

Das Geschenk der Vereinigung

Teil 1 von 2 Es beginnt nun, was einige von euch als wahre Befreiung empfinden werden-und andere als wahre Bedrohung dessen, was für sie Leben ausmachte. Es ist tatsächlich die Befreiung von unmessbarer Schwere und Dichte, die auf euch lag für so lange Zeit.

Skeletal System:

This system provides us with our basic supporting structure.
It is composed of the bones and the joints.
The bones lever us through space
and support our weight in relationship to gravity
and the shape of our movements through space.

The spaces within the joints give us the possibility of movement
and provide the axes around which the movement occurs.

The skeletal system gives our body the basic form
through which we can locomote through space,
sculpt and create the energy forms in space that we call movement,
and act on the environment, in relationship with the other forms around us.

Through embodying the skeletal system,
the mind becomes structurally organized,

providing the supporting ground for our thoughts,
the leverage for our ideas,
and the fulcrums or spaces between our ideas
for the articulation and understanding of their relationships.

Ligamentous System:

The ligaments set the boundaries of movement between the bones
by holding the bones together,
they guide muscular responses
by directing the path of movement between the bones,
and they suspend the organs within the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
This system provides specificity,
and efficiency
for the alignment and movement of the bones and organs.
It is through the mind of the ligaments
that we perceive and articulate clarity of focus and concentration to detail.

Muscular System:

The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid
for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces
that move the bones through space.
They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure.
Through this system
we embody our vitality,
express our power,
and engage in the dialogue of resistance and resolution.
Ihr steigt nun aber nicht einfach als einzelne Wesen auf, sondern der Planet auf dem ihr lebt steigt auf und die Menschheit als ganzes Wesen –steigt auf- und innerhalb dieses Wesens, gibt es jene Anteile und Strukturen, die sehr leicht das transformieren, was zu dicht ist, um durch den Schleier zu dringen und jene Anteile, die so viel Dichte angesammelt haben, dass dies einen erheblichen Energieaufwand erfordert.

Wenn ihr eine Wasserstrudel in eurer Natur beobachtet, so wisst ihr, dass ein Blatt, das am äußersten Rand des Strudels beginnt, sich dem Zentrum zu nähern, sich ersteinmal relativ langsam darauf zubewegt- doch ab einer gewissen Nähe zum Zentrum wird der Sog so stark, dass die Geschwindigkeit zunimmt und das Wasser am Blatt zu reißen und zu zerren scheintDies ist der Punkt, an dem der Teil der Menschheit, der nun beginnt zu erwachen, sich befindet. . Der Sog ist so stark, dass die Beschleunigung des Vorgangs, den ihr Aufstieg nennt, dazu führt, dass sich die Ereignisse zu überschlagen scheinen.

Organs System:

The organs carry on the functions of our internal survival
and elimination.
They are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container.
Organs provide us
with our sense of volume,
and organic authenticity.
They are the primary habitats or natural environments
of our emotions,
and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal histories.

Endocrine System:

The endocrine glands
are the major chemical governing system of the body
and are closely aligned to the nervous system.
Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream
and their balance or imbalance influences all of the cells in the body.
This is the system of internal stillness,
surges or explosions of chaos/balance
and the crystallization of energy into archetypal experiences.
The endocrine glands underlie intuition
and the perceiving and understanding of the Universal Mind.
Nervous System:

The nervous system is the recording system of the body.
It records our perceptions
and experiences
and stores them.
It can then recall the pattern of an experience
and modify it
by integrating it with patterns of other previous experiences.
The nervous system is the last to know,
but, once knowing,
it becomes a major control center of psychophysical processes.
It can initiate the learning of new experience
through intuition, creativity and play.
The nervous system underlies
and precision of coordination
and establishes the perceptual base
from which we view and interact with our internal and external worlds.
Fluid System:

The fluids are the transportation system of the body.
The major fluids are cellular and interstitial fluids,
synovial fluid,
and cerebrospinal fluid.
Fluids are the system of liquidity of movement and mind.
They underlie presence and transformation,
and mediate the dynamics of the flow between rest and activity.
Seht, dass alles Bewusstsein ist. Seht, dass Bewusstsein bestimmte Prägungen haben kann- oder auch , dass es Ladung trägt. Seht weiter, dass Gedanken und Emotionen Bewusstseinseinheiten mit einer bestimmten Ladung sind- einer bestimmten Schwingung. Destruktive Gedanken tragen eine Frequenz, die ab einer gewissen Ebene innerhalb der 5. Dimension nicht mehr existiert. Es ist schlicht unmöglich, dass sie dort Teil der erlebten Realität werden. Beim Übergang in die 5. Dimension passiert ihr diese Filter- oder Strudel, die wie Magneten sind für die Schwingungen der „Negativität“ oder anders ausgedrückt: Für bestimmte disharmonische Frequenzen.
Fascial System:

Fascial connective tissue
establishes a soft container for all the other structures of the body.
It both divides and integrates all other tissues
and provides them with semi-viscous lubricating surfaces,
so that they have independence of movement
within established boundaries of the body as a whole.

It is through the fascia
that the movement of our organs provides internal support
for the movement of our skeleton through space,
and the movement of our skeleton
expresses in the outer world
the inner movement of our organs.
Through the fascial system
we connect our inner feeling with our outer expression.

Fat is potential energy stored in the body.
It provides heat insulation for the body
and electrical insulation for the nerves.
Its synthesis,
and mobilization
are greatly controlled by the endocrine system.
Static fat is stored
as repressed or unacknowledged potential power
and creates a sense of heaviness and lethargy.
Fat that is mobilized
expresses strong primordial power
and a sense of graceful fluidity.
Fat that is embraced offers nurturing comfort.
Doch alles, was mit der Realität dieser Bewusstseinsformen zusammenhängt wird zunächst an die Oberfläche gezogen, bevor es dem Sog der Filtersysteme erliegt.

Skin is our outermost layer,
covering our body in its entirety
and defining us as individuals
by separating us from that which is not us.
Through our skin,
we touch and are touched by the outer world.
The outer boundary is our first line of defense and bonding.
It sets our general tone of openness and closedness
to being in the world --
through our skin we are both invaded and protected,
and we receive and make contact with others.

All Systems:

While each system makes its own separate contribution to the movement of body-mind,
they are all interdependent,
together providing a complete framework of support and expression.
Certain systems are perceived as having natural affinities with others.
However, those affinities vary among individuals, among groups, and among cultures.
We discover their voices by consciously and unconsciously exploring them in different combinations



Underlying the forms of our expression through the body systems
is the process of our movement development,
both ontogenetic (human infant development)
and phylogenetic (the evolutionary progression through the animal kingdom).
Development is not a linear process
but occurs in overlapping waves
with each stage containing elements of all the others.
Because each previous stage underlies and supports each successive stage,
any skipping, interrupting, or failing to complete a stage of development
can lead to alignment / movement problems,
imbalances withing the body systems,
and problems in perception,
and creativity.
The developmental material includes
primitive reflexes,
righting reactions,
equilibrium responses,
and the Basic Neurological Patterns.
These are the automatic movement responses
that underlie our volitional movement.

continuation of Weather-Report , Part !
Die einzige Realität in der 5.-7. Dichte, in dir ihr nun eintaucht oder bereits eingetaucht seid-ist euer Herz. Und so könnt ihr sagen- alles, was außerhalb eures Herzens liegt- alles, was ihr noch nicht in euer Herz integriert habt- unterliegt dem Sog der Filtersysteme.
The reflexes,
righting reactions,
and equilibrium responses
are the fundamental elements, or the alphabet, of our movement.
They combine
to build the Basic Neurological Patterns,
which are based upon
prevertebrate and vertebrate movement patterns.
The first of the four prevertebrate patterns is
cellular breathing
(the expanding/contracting process in breathing and movement
in each and every cell of the body)
which correlates to the movement of the one-celled animals.
Cellular breathing
underlies all other patterns of movement and postural tone.
Naval radiation
(the relating and movement of all parts of the body via the navel),

(movement of the body initiated by the mouth),
and prespinal movement
(soft sequential movements of the spine
initiated via the interface between the spinal cord and the digestive tract)
are the other three prevertebrate patterns.
The twelve vertebrate patterns are based upon:
spinal movement
(head to tail movement),
which correlates to the movement of fish;

homologous movement
(symmetrical movement
of two upper and/or two lower limbs simultaneously),
which correlates to the movement of amphibians;

homolateral movement
(asymmetrical movement
of one upper limb and the lower limb on the same side),
which correlates to the movement of reptiles;

and contralateral movement
(diagonal movement
of one upper limb with the opposite lower limb),
which correlates to the movement of mammals.

Development of the Basic Neurological patterns
our basic movement patterns
and corresponding perceptual relationships
-- including spatial orientation
and body image,
and the basic elements of learning and communication.
In spinal movements, for example,
we develop rolling,
establish the horizontal plane,
differentiate the front of our bodies from the back of our bodies,
and gain the ability to attend.

In homologous movements
we develop symmetrical movements
such as push-ups and jumping with both feet,
establish the sagittal plane,
differentiate the upper part of our bodies from the lower part of our bodies,
and gain the ability to act.

In homolateral movements
we develop asymmetrical movements
such as crawling on our bellies
and hopping on one leg,
establish the vertical plane,
differentiate the right side of our bodies from the left,
and gain the ability to intend.

In contralateral movements
we develop diagonal movements
such as creeping on our hands and forelegs,
walking, running, and leaping;
establish three-dimensional movement;
differentiate the diagonal quadrants of our bodies;
and gain the ability to integrate our attention, intention, and actions.

vermutete Ängste in euch aufwallen fühlt. Lasst sie in Liebe gehen. Wisst, dass sie Teil einer Illusion sind, aus der ihr erwacht.

Erlaubt euch, voll und ganz zu erwachen


... As we are more able to experience our consciousness at the cellular and the tissue level,
we are better able to understand ourselves.
As we increase our knowledge of ourselves,
we increase in understanding and compassion for others.
As we experience the uniqueness of our cells within the context of tissue harmony,
we learn about individuality within the context of community.
As we gain awareness of our diverse tissues
and the nature of their expression in the outer world,
we expand our understanding of other cultures
within the context of the Earth as a whole
and the awareness of our planet within the expanded consciousness of the Universe.


It is through our senses
that we receive information for our internal environment (ourselves)
and the external environment (others and the world).
How we filter,
and use that information
is part of the act of perceiving.

When we choose to absorb information,
we bond to that aspect of our environment.
When we block out information,
we defend against that aspect.
Learning is the process
by which we vary our responses to information based on the context of each situation.

In order to perceive clearly,
our attention,
or desire
must actively focus us on what it is we are to perceive.
This aspect of perceiving
we have named "active (or presensory motor) focusing".
It patterns our interpretation of sensory information,
and without this active focusing our perception remains poorly organized.

Touch and movement are the first of the senses to develop.
They establish the baseline for future perception
through taste,
and vision.

The mouth is the first extremity
to grasp,
and withdraw.
It sets the foundation for the movement of the other extremities
(hands, feet, and tail)
and develops in close association with the nose.
Movement of the head initiated from the mouth and nose
underlie movement of the head initiated from the ears and eyes.
Auditory tone,
body postural tone,
and movement
are registered in the inner ear
and are intimately related.
Vision is dependent upon all the previous senses
and, in turn, helps to integrate them into more complex patterns.

On June 7, 2011, the second part of the "Weather-Report" of May 25, 2011, is not yet posted. But Julia added to the first part a personal information:
She feels, that "channeling" is no longer apropriate, since we are divine ourselves and know it all, and must stand up to the world in our own name.


Our ability to embody the structural and physiological processes
underlying breathing and vocal production
gives us another important way
to establish our relationship to ourselves and to our environment.

Breathing is automatic.
It is influenced by internal physiological and psychological states
and by external environmental factors.
The way we breathe also influences our behavior and physical functioning.
Breathing is internal movement.
It underlies movement of the body through external space.
Movement, in turn, alters our breathing.

Breathing is organized in patterns.
These patterns are
influenced by emotional stimuli.
They also evoke emotional responses.
Our first breath, at birth, influences the pattern of our adult breathing.
Breathing can be consciously known.
As the breathing process is sensed and felt, unconscious blocks can be released.
It is through the expressive qualities of our voice
that we communicate to the outer world who we are.
Our voice reflects the functioning of all of our body systems
and the process of our developmental integration.
Bringing kinesthetic and auditory consciousness to our vocal structures
opens pathways of expression
between our unconscious and our conscious mind
and between ourselves and others.


When we touch someone, they touch us equally.
The subtle interplay between body and mind
can be experienced clearly though touching others.
The art of touch and repatterning
is an exploration of communication through touch --
the transmission and acceptance of the flow of energy
within ourselves and between ourselves and others.

In hands-on work,
through touching in different rhythms,
through placement of attention within specific layers of the body,
through following existing lines of force and suggesting new ones,
and through changes in the pressure and quality of our touch,
we come into harmony
with the different tissues and their associated qualities of mind.

We begin with cellular presence (cellular breathing)
and focus on the resonation and dialogue between client and practitioner.
Each tissue of the client is explored from the corresponding tissue of the practitioner,
i.e., bone from bone,
organ from organ,
fluid from fluid, etc.

The initiation of intent,
based upon what each person is perceiving,
may be shared consciously and/or unconsciously by both people.
Acceptance and curiosity guide the inquiry.
Through mutual resonance between client and practitioner,
attention is given to discovering the primary tissues
through which the clients express themselves
and those tissues which are usually in shadow,
so that the supporting tissues can be given voice
and the articulating ones be allowed to recuperate.
This shifting of energy expression allows for more choices
and expanded consciousness of body-mind
for both the client/student and the practitioner/teacher.

[When Julia will post the second part
of the last "Weather-Report" (May 25, 2011)
I'll continue to insert Matreya's message
parallel to the quotes from
Body-Mind Centering®]

November 10, 2011: The second part did not appear for so long,
that I stopped checking Julia's site. Only today did I return to it.
There was, indeed, the second part of that "Weather-Report",
but the only passage I found relevant for me,
I inserted today on Nourishment-Lightness&Joy>November 10, 2011]

Body-Mind Centering® stands independently
as an encompassing and creative educational and therapeutic approach.
Deeply grounded in the relationship between movement, touch, the body and the mind,
it can also be applied to almost any area of human experience.
The following descriptions are some examples of how this work is being applied.

Dance and movement:

dance technique;
a full, body-systems warm-up;
improving alignment,
strength and integration;
injury prevention and retraining;
creating themes for improvisation;
expanding choreographic possibilities;
increasing movement vocabulary;
providing a language for analyzing dance styles
historically, contemporarily and cross-culturally.

Bodywork and massage:

communicating subtly through touch by differentiating different layers of tissue;
multi-body-systems approach for evaluation and treatment;
creating a bridge between table work and active movement repatterning,
giving clients a way to integrate changes through their movement in daily life.

Physical, occupational, dance and movement therapy:

evaluating and treating through touch, movement and perception,
based on a comprehensive body-systems approach;
a subtle and encompassing approach to developmental movement;
ways of perceiving underlying components of problems,
such as fluid quality imbalances in neurological problems,
developmental movement aspects of a knee problem,
and organ imbalance influencing an inability to relate to others;
and approaching psychophysical processes
through movement, touch, breath and voice.


accessing the mind by working with the body
through movement, touch, breath, voice and perception;
the psychophysical processes underlying emotional and cognitive problems;
tracing pre-verbal experience through movement and touch;
grounding the past and future in one's present awareness and movement.

Child development and education:

identifying from early infancy, movement and perceptual problems
that influence learning, and physical, mental and emotional development;
facilitating normal development in a uniquely individualized way for each child; establishing rapport through movement, touch and voice;
evaluating through a body-systems and developmental approach.


finding the organ, endocrine and developmental basis of the asanas;
supporting the asanas through the balance of the nervous and fluid systems;
deepening awareness and perception; embodying breath and voice.


the physical arts of sitting and breathing;
coming into the present in the body-mind;
being aware and letting go of being aware.


performance enhancement through improved alignment and increased flexibility, strength and coordination;
development of more efficiency by integrating movement and perception;
injury prevention and retraining


identifying restrictions and freeing the natural voice;
increasing breathing and range of pitch, intensity and color of the voice;
using the whole body to support breathing and vocalization;
analyzing styles historically, contemporarily and cross-culturally.


improving performance through alignment, flexibility, strength and integration;
a movement-quality base for creating themes for improvisation and interpretation; injury prevention and retraining.

Visual arts:

a body-based and developmental approach
to freeing direct expression through one's art;
a language for evaluating styles.


My description of Body-Mind Centering® would be incomplete without acknowledging my continual gratitude to all the BMC teachers and students
who have offered not only their experiences to the work but their thinking, articulation, and interpretations of those experiences.
Beyond this, they have also given freely of their love and friendship through these many years.

And always by my side has been my husband Len.
BMC could not have developed without his continual presence,
penetrating questioning,
steady guidance,
and the profound caring for me and all the people who have come to share in this ongoing journey

to former source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011 to next source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011



June 2011
Arad, June 6-9, 2011

F A I L U R E    AND   R E L I E F
"Some people's failures are eternities beyond other people's successes"


continued from former page
"The initiative of Yusuf and Hathra is extraordinary in the Zealots' Valley,
but something vital is missing, in all the world and particularly in the Valley:

The self-esteem
the self-acceptance
the self-love

without these - victimhood is reigning
and there is no strength nor will to self-determination:

one monstrous terror suffocates every initiative as it is born:
the terror of disgrace and shame:
"What~~~will~~~ they~~~ say~~~ in the Valley~~~"?


From GoodNews. today
Hebrew Translation of the Book of Prof. Muhammad Yunus

I've learnt about Muammad Yunus and the manifestation of his vision already a long time ago.
But the Arab name and the glory of this man who symbolizes what there is to celebrate in the World,
stands in torturing, disempowering contrast to my own experiencing on this day,
the end of 3 weeks of once again having invested all my heart, mind, body
in order to empower one girl and her family among the degenerated Bedouin society of the "Biq'ah".

The   Good   Banker   of   Bangladesh
[6 days later, on June 12, 2011 "Good News" informed about a similar idea, propagated by the actress Jane Portman]

I now asked to be shown a message
which would help me understand, what is happening to me.

If evolution occurs on the level of pioneers,
if this man can solve poverty for millions of women,

why am I pushed into the swamp of the "Biq'ah",
without being able to advance anything at all?

I moved the mouse blindly on the table of "Edited Godchannel Files", and this is what opened:
a discourse not between a human and a part of Deity, but between a human and the Channelers:

The Hebrew word "Biq'ah" , used by me on this page,
means according to 'Babylon': valley, vale, basin,

and is - in Arab pronounciation - B'qi'ah - the name of the location,
where Hathra's family, together with 17 other extended families live.
See last sculpture on the previous page

Its Hebrew name is : The Zealots' Valley, Biq'at Ha-Qanna'im,
because of its vicinity to Masada and its history or ... myth.

My association is poignant: it symbolizes the "biq'ah",
into which - after the Flood -the first humanity "settled" and sunk,
not wanting to be like water, that "goes out and spreads".
See the story on the page "Lekh-Lekhâ", my life's story


"Lately Spirit has been showing us that he is now ready, willing and able
to bring at least some good Light present all the way to the bottom of the Gap
where the most tortured pieces of the Mother in us
are still hopelessly burning in dark rage and choking in impossible terror."

June 6, 2011
Continuation of the sculpture at the end of the former Nourisment page.
part of the details of my drama with "Hathra and the Biq'ah" can be learnt
from my English letters to Markus and my German letters to Cornelia.

Now that I wrote a letter to Cornelia
and was listened to by Boris for an hour on the phone,
and - following the quote above - recognized "the bottom of the Gap"
as manifesting in the 'Biq'ah',
I plead with YOU to let me understand,
why YOU once again made me push my head into this mud!

"It was staged for you,
in order for you to return to "manifesting in the exterior world".
And your excruciating back pains,
yes the impossibility to move your body and let you pee in the night and in the morning,
came to remind you again,
it is not the exterior world , which you must save, advance or heal.
As to the Hathra-drama:
you invested such incredible energy of your mind and your feelings ,
as you have done so often in your life ,
but you've known since long,
that it is no longer asked from you to suffer and sacrifice yourself,
in order to accomplish your callng, your vocation, your dreams for your planet.

"It was necessary, that you once again stirred up the mud of the Biq'ah
with your going there, your inviting them here, your proposals to them.
You now must trust, that their dreams have been re-energized ,
but that it's not you, who has to launch even the slightest action,
in order to attract the helpers and circumstances,
which will make those dreams begin to manifest.
And even the stirring up of the mud was not the main purpose of this staging.
The purpose was to give you an experience, in which you could test yourself:
Have you matured into not forcing yourself on others with your high voltage?
Are you able to transform your voltage into that of a bee,
which is doing such an indispensable job for the planet's and humankind's survival,
by gathering honey    f o r     h e r s e l f ,
but by doing so disperses the pollen which fertilize plants ?

"The fact that you are capable of placing your ear on the earth of the Biq'ah
[see below: the third stanza of Buber's poem of 1903, and my translation of 1983]
and think of the Mother's hell, of the 'Lost Will' of all of us, with compassion
and accept the people of the Biq'ah in their self-hatred and powerlessness,
by accepting your own powerlessness,
without judging neither them nor yourself,
you are doing the work.
You have stated many times,
that you are are ready to descend to the Mother in Hell.
I've reminded you many times,
that descending into Hell does not mean to rescue from Hell.
And in that point the only response from Boris:
"perhaps that's what these people need right now",

was not so wrong as you judged it to be.
except that it's not the people on their personal level,
it's us-as-one, who still need this mirror.

"And you are like the "Messiah" of Rabbi Jehoshua ben Levi,
[see in my book, bundle 11, Hebrew pages 93-94, German pages 75-76]

who sits among the poor and leprous people outside the gates of Rome,
and does nothing but open and close the bandages on his wounds.
And is listening inside, ready, yes ready for the right time,
when these mirrors of our Lost Will, can really dissolve,
for the quantum leap of self-acceptance of humankind will have taken place. "

But, there is this fear in me, that this is a rationalization,
like that of the fox, who couldn't reach the grapes and said: "I didn't want them anyway"
and that I simply don't want to try any longer to empower people,

because I myself have lost my power, am succumbing to powerlessness.

"Yes, this is the danger and nothing can guarantee you that it is not so,
unless you go on listening to the earth , with your ears on the ground
while your heart is encompassing the powerless people in the "Biq'ah"
with endless com-passion, and never-tiring wombing."

But what about Israel, if - as Hagai Lev and Cornelia say -
the main link in the chain between Jews and Arabs is "Ismael"?

"It is enough, that you know that, and don't let yourself be sidetracked
to relate to all the exterior efforts of making a bridge above the abyss.
This is the job of other people and governments.
Your job is to be   i n    t h e    a b y s s ,
and to be there not as the suffering Christa,
but as the whole Maryam Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam
who knows her power and who knows, how to make this power work
on the lowest and slowest level of Creation. "

It makes me feel so lonely, for who in the World understands this?

"Yes, you may womb yourself now in this loneliness.
But then you will remember, that you, you are a pioneer of Heaven on Earth.
And so far you are a pioneer of descending to the Mother in Hell!
And again, and again:
not as one who just suffers with the lost fragments there,
this you've done all your life from your first glimpses of consciousness.
You have to bring "at least some Light" into the Gap,
by radiating on the people your knowing,
that they are an aspect of us,
and that they'll be healed once we'll all be healed."

Oh, help me understand, what I wrote!

June 7-8, 2011, Feast of Shavuot

I failed:
Hathra is  NOT  allowed  to study with me  in my castle:

"I do not want to cause problems for my father and family!!!
A Bedouin woman is not allowed to sleep outside her home!"

And yet I feel relief, that I am alone, all-one.

I had prayed like Jesus in the Olive-Garden at the Eve of his death:
"Lass diesen Kelch an mir vorueber gehn,
aber nicht wie ich will, sondern wie du willst"
"Take this cup away from me,
Yet not what I will, but what you will.
Markus 14:36, Lukas 22:44

But unlike Jesus I need NOT sacrifice my life,
and I don't mean 'life' as the opposite of death,
but life as the delight in zest and full-fill-ment,
life without pressure and panic, pain and shame.
[see my song, 2011_03_21 - ...I wish ... to co-create a life full of love, free of stress....]

The cup has, indeed, passed me by.
In healing Creation into Wholeness,
I'm not meant to suffer any longer.

What does "Abraham" say to such a contradicting desire?
And is this what "Godchannel" calls "Trapping the Will"?
Both desires were absolutely honest and ardent:
On the one hand:
To re-start a process of empowering "Hathra"
(the symbol of the most backward and degenerated societies,
on whom Israel, the Middle East, the World are dependent)
and on the other hand:
to continue NOT doing anything on the exterior level,
but staying "by myself", alone, all-one,
"heal myself into wholeness and - by extension - all of Creation".

I'm lying down and "palming my eyes" with the double purpose
of giving attention to the pain in my left chest and the remaining backpain,
and of giving attention to my feelings and thoughts,
which are coping with "Hathra"
and the grand issues epitomized in the "Biq'ah".

"Trapping the Will", "Contradicting Desires" - what to do with that?

I'll first analyze/solve an example of other people's "Trapped Will":

[June 8, I decided to move this example to puzzle-piece 5>Trapped Will.
What a coincidence: the last entry there - on June 11, 2002 - is
about a Bedouin girl in 1961, and about a Bedouin man in 2002!]

As to my own Trapped Will concerning "Hathra" and the "Biq'ah":
The situation was staged, or so I see it now, for two purposes:

The      second      purpose     was
to once again give ardent energy
to my ardent desire for "Hathra",
so she and her father and mother
would be stirred up from their mud.
But it will not be me, Maryam, who will guide "Hathra"!
Another human, or another path, will come her way!

quoted in "Introduction to InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"
and in Noah's Diary- 19th Day of Realization, Third Page

The      first      purpose     was
what in Hebrew we call "hishtalmut",
a re-training for people who are already professional in a field.
Like my pilot-son has to train twice a year on a flight-simulator.
Obviously, logically, having completed a certain lesson in life,
also has to be checked, trained and improved once in a while.

One of my lessons is called:
"Walk humbly with your God".

I was right, to consciously override my desire for staying alone!
my desire to not do anything! and also to accept my frustration,
that I had to talk Arabic, after I gave up on ever conquering it.

The fears were so unbearable, that I, at least, needed to learn,
how to distinguish between necessary and 'unnecessary' fears.
Thus I was guided to waive all kinds of plans for Hathra's stay,
which would have overwhelmed-embarrassed both, her and me.
I've learnt once again
"to walk humbly with your God",
but not only to walk humbly with other people,
but to walk humbly with 'God's walking' with MYSELF!

This is a new perspective on learning total self-acceptance!

Concerning my question of how to deal with contradicting desires,
my answer is now:
Ask 'God' like Jesus, to let the cup of pressure and panic pass by,
and if you still feel that "His Will" is for you -to sacrifice yourself,
go for it, but trust, that "in its right time" the cup will pass you by.

Concerning my body's part in the "hishtalmut
" (actually: becoming whole),
my answer is now:
Usually it's Body's need and task to make us aware of DENIALS.
But perhaps the fact that I was
('was', for the two pains seem to weaken)
so torn between "let the cup pass me by, yet let Thy Will be done",
that Body could not stand aside, but had to be "solidary" with ME.

The ongoing lesson of "walking humbly with your God's walking humbly with humankind", in a very old nutshell....

Du wolltest wie ein Sturmwind niedergehen
Und wie der Foehn im Tun gewaltig sein,
Du wolltest Wesen hin zu Wesen wehen
Und Menschenseelen geisselnd benedein,
In heissem Wirbel muede Herzen mahnen
Und Starres ruehren zu bewegtem Licht,

- Du suchtest mich auf deinen Sturmesbahnen
Und fandst mich nicht.

Du wolltest wie ein Feuer aufwaerts draengen
Und alles tilgen, was dir nicht bestand,
Du wolltest sonnenmaechtig Welten sengen
Und Welten laeutern in geweihtem Brand,
Mit jaeher Wucht ein junges Nichts entzuenden
Zu neuen Werdens seligem Gedicht,

-Du suchtest mich in deinen Flammengruenden
Und fandst mich nicht.

Da kam mein Bote ueber dich und legte
Dein Ohr ans stille Leben meiner Erde,
Da fuehltest du, wie Keim an Keim sich regte,
Und dich unfing des Wachsens Allgebaerde,
Blut schlug an Blut, und dich bezwang
das Schweigen,
Das ewig volle, weich und muetterlich,

- Da musstest du dich zu dir selber neigen,
Da fandst du mich.


Martin Buber 1903

[I told Eliyah's story
for instance in "69 Thanksgivings"]

and it's also here and now,
that the channeling of 1988
quoted e.g. in "Mika's Small Creations"
needs to be quoted again:

"to be one who works among others
to help them put the pieces together
and not be responsible
for the pieces being put together herself,
is a lesson.
People must be given small steps
to turn their lives around.
Things that are within
their immediate grasp.
She must always give thoughts
to what is their next step
as an individual and as a group
and help them see the next step,
something that can be obtaned
rather than shooting for the stars. Depression will result from this
and falling back in to old habits
and lack of motivation."

June 9, 2011,
Since there is still some pain in back & chest,
I created a fourth stanza to my "body-song"!

For finding what rhymes with "chest" and "breast",
I used a rhyme-lexicon for the first time in my life
Let my blood flow through the ribs of my chest,
Let my nerves hug bones and fascia of breast,
Relax my back's tension with growing intention
- to reach the decision to choose what is best!




Arad, June 13, 2011

From: Healing to Wholeness <>n
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 3:58 AMd
Subject: [Healing to Wholeness Expressing!] If I Were to Love Myself

Healing to Wholeness Expressing! has posted a new item,
If I Were to Love Myself

"If I were to love myself
The world would be transformed
No feeling inadequate, like I made a mistake
No comparing myself to others… no matter what
No feeling bad about how others respond to me
Their acceptance or not
No believing I’ve done anything to be sorry for
No feeling like I’ve let anyone down [...]"

About Us

"We are working and playing together on a journey towards being all of who we truly are. Our common desire is healing ourselves to wholeness, and in doing so, manifesting our deepest dreams here on Earth.

"The purpose of our work and play together is to help each of us reclaim more and more of our lost parts and feeling energy. We’re learning to do this by finding unconditional loving acceptance for all of our feelings, regardless of past judgments about the feelings or ourselves. Expressing emotions with acceptance is a powerful way of loving them, and bringing them back into ourselves with love. In this way we are freeing our magnetic wills and evolving our ability to draw into our lives all of what we truly desire.

"We hope you are moved by what you read. May you find any edginess, intensity, vulnerability, or fullness of feeling expression on the site inspiring in your own healing process.

"This way we are freeing our magnetic wills and evolving our ability to draw into our lives all of what we truly desire.

"We hope you are moved by what you read. May you find any edginess, intensity, vulnerability, or fullness of feeling expression on the site inspiring in your own healing process."

Comment by Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam [not sent]
"I forwarded your post to all the people on my list,
who would resonate with this vocation:

"to heal myself into wholeness-
and by extension-
all of Creation "

The response from my closest potential peer was:

I don't want to expand
(in February Ya'acov and I agreed
to not communicate until each of us would be more whole),
but the timing is amazing"
"HEALING to WHOLENESS" - as well as "Process-Coaching" - are based on "".
John Pateros
(third row left) seems to be one of the channelers,
but is great enough to talk in his own name
[see the difficulties I once had with this fact...]

If I Were to Love Myself
Posted by Betty Idarius Jun 12th, 2011 in Featured Poetry

If I were to love myself
The world would be transformed
No feeling inadequate, like I made a mistake
No comparing myself to others~ no matter what
No feeling bad about how others respond to me
Their acceptance or not
No believing I’ve done anything to be sorry for
No feeling like I’ve let anyone down
Especially myself
Nothing at all wrong with me anymore
If I were to love myself.

If I were to love myself
I’d rejoice in all that I do
All that I am
I’d know beyond all doubt
That I’ve been doing the very best I could
For all time
And that it’s okay to learn
To be more of myself
Than I’ve every known before
Uncovering the goodness of my being
If I were to love myself.

If I were to love myself
Body would rejoice
Energy of love flowing to feed my cells
Finally getting the nourishment to live
Fully alive like never before
The gift that is me
That I was meant to bring to this world
Inspiring others to bring their gifts forward
Bring who they are alive
For us all to receive
If I were to love myself.

If I were to love myself
There wouldn’t be anything to be afraid of
Fear itself would be loved
And transformed by that love
Into knowing the truth
That I am important, vital
Inseparable from all that is
That it really is all about me
After all
Connected to all that is
One to the other
One large Body of creation
Made to open us to the truth of our being
Made to create a world based on real love
If I were to love myself.


The response from starchild Gal Mor included a related poem - created by no other than Charlie Chaplin!

As I Began to Love Myself

As I began to love myself
I understood how much it can offend somebody
as I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right             
and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me.
Today I call it “RESPECT“.

As I began to love myself
I stopped craving for a different life,
and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.
Today I call it “Maturity“.

As I began to love myself
I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time,    
and everything happens at the exactly right moment, so I could be calm.
Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE“.

As I began to love myself
I quit steeling my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future.
Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer,
and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm.
Today I call it “SIMPLICITY“.

As I began to love myself
I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations,
and everything that drew me down and away from myself.
At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism.
Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF“.

As I began to love myself
I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time.
Today I discovered that is “MODESTY“.

As I began to love myself
I refused to go on living in the past and worry about the future.
Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING is happening.
Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT“.

As I began to love myself
I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me  sick.                sick.
But as I connected it to my heart,
my mind became a valuable ally.
Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART“.     
We no longer need to fear
arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves o           r others.
  Even stars collide, and out of their crashing
new worlds are born.

Today I know
T H A T    I S    “ L I F E “!



June 14-17, 2011 -
An attempt to integrate and sculpt an exhilarating joy (together with itches of past pains now and then) - since June 10, 2011

At the corner of the living fence around the house of Naftali and Naomi Raz at Mevaseret-Zion [=heralding Zion] near Jerusalem
I enjoyed this intertwining of colors: in front of a cedar-like cypress: blue and violet and red and yellow and shades of green

During the synchronicity of July 2006,
between the almost fatal accident of my Efrat and my Mika,
and yet another War - the Second Lebanon War - of my State of Israel
(see '2007- Closeup of my Past')
people asked ME, the ancient "Peace-Worker", what I thought of the war.
In order to not spill out my bitterness, but to nourish people and help them,
I phrased one thoughtful page, let it be printed & gave it away, when needed:

"The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly!"
Isaiah 33:7




Naftali Raz, too, benefits from the Internet -
- with the help of his blog "On the left side"

[from the idiom: to get up or start something awkwardly???]
But the difference or more exact - deep "cleft" between us is heart-wrenching:
he calls himself a "leftist", thus contradicting the very heart of "Partnership",
which claims, that any exterior enemy or interior adversary (e.g. the "rightests")
have to be turned into partners, if the realization of my goal is dependent on them.
On the other hand - while  I  am still yearning and sighing for true, real peers -
HE is surrounded by such, his wonderful wife being the first one among them!
more than 120 people, among them famous writers, participate in his blog!

See 7 pages with Immanuel's and my photo-documentation of our RE-UNION in the DESERT,
a re-union prompted by an accidental meeting between my daughter and Naftali's wife,
a reunion of 20 humans initiated by Naftali after 42 years since I sought and found him,
Naftali Raz, who, though 9 years younger than me, became a light in my and my children's life.

Once upon a time there was a little girl, as old as Mika is now,
whose first question was: 'Can there be a world without war'?

Christa Guth, at her 6th birthday,1944_08_15, evacuated from bombarded Stuttgart to a village

25 years later, in 1969, she despaired of the "peace-work" of others,
and searched for a partner, with whom she could be more effective.
She met Naftali, who stuck out among the people of "HaOlam Hazeh"
They not only began to work together - Naftali became her kids' uncle!
For 3-4 years he came almost every second weekend and enriched us.

Lately Mika, Efrat and I learnt much about mulberry trees.
Now I pluck and eat berries and wonder about the large leaves,
"sunlit from Heaven" [see Cat Steven's Song "Morning has broken"]
which show the path of Naftali~Naomi out of their city-house into their Desert!

Naftali did not really believe in the "Partnership-Way"
(though he co-founded the organization in March 1977),
"following Anwar Sadat's visit to Israel in 1977",
was among the
348 Israeli military reserves officers,
petitioned Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
urging him to continue with the drive for peace,

a petition which
led to the creation of

His friendship with the Rosenzweig Family continued - on and off - till 2001-02.
Then, suddenly, in March 2011, my daughter Ronnit and Naftali's wife Naomi,
met in the context of their social-psychotherapeutic work,
and since then Naftali put incredible efforts in re-uniting the  WHOLE FAMILY.

He also invited us to the commemoration of Lova Eliav's death a year ago,
an event which was relevant not only for Naftali as an ardent peace-worker,
but for me, also a friend of Lova, and a citizen of Arad, which Lova founded.
[See first passage in an article in "Jerusalem Post" : Lova Eliav, A Personal Appreciation]

Chanan Yuval: "Let's sing what should have been Israel's National Anthem! Psalm 126!"
Another singer- on the background of "Lova's Way" and two complementary portraits, sang: "If you'll understand"



Naftali                lo nafalti
Micha before this picture was taken: "I fell nafalti, but I did not break"

1 9 7 1 - 2 0 1 1

I couldn't have expressed my joy about our re-union
the reunion among ourselves and with Naftali~Naomi,
more clearly than Immanuel, my eldest son, did in his letter to Naftali.

Though my family had just 2 days earlier gathered around the wedding
of Asaf, my stepson Joel's youngest, this re-union was wholly unique:
Since there were 2 people, Naftali~Naomi, who really wanted to know!
each one of those 18 members of my family who were present
talked about him/herself, even the youngsters said a few words.
[from my close "actors" (16) only Elah, Alon and Jonathan were missing,
My stepchildren Joel and Dita only brought their foster-child
, Yanna (23).]
This allowed for a perspective of both: the unique human being,
and the dynamics of the nucleus of any community, the FAMILY.

For Naftali and me it also was a step towards 'some' integration
of what each of us has done, suffered and lived during 42 years!

Excerpts from my enthusiastic response to Immanuel:

Naftali's first response:

See what I found about "Naftali"
in the English "Search" of Healing-K.i.s.s.

[he appears in my official Partnership-Diary of 1976-77 and in my personal diary of 1978,
but "Search" cannot scan the .gifs of Hebrew texts..]

* The story of our trip to the Dead Sea in 1971, on Immanuel's 8th birthday,
which Naftali now told even twice, but only his part of the story, not mine

* In a very sad letter to my "partner" Dr. Nimr Ismair in 1977,
which gives an idea of my excruciating suffering
during my work for "Partnership", as during most of my "active" life,
Naftali is mentioned twice.
One person on the photos on that page:  D r.   Y i g ' a l    E l a m
was among the speakers of the Commemoration for Lova Eliav.
But I didn't approach him: he was dispaired even at that time
and understood the "Partnership-Approach" even less
than Naftali or Nimr, or anyone except, maybe, Jonathan Jacoby....

* Naftali appears among
the 70 faces on my book "Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh

* 3 Letters
to Naftali Raz, 1971-1973
The main point of the first letter is mentioned also elsewhere:
"and Naftali Raz brought joy and delight into the family".
The second - NOT joyous - letter is mentioned also in puzzle piece 6b

* See "Image of Today" in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_10_23 : a collage about Naftali

* Dita's relationship with Naftali is mentioned in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_09_11

* See the image and comment on the page about "Bir'am":
"on ancient Jewish ruins - they plan the camp:
Gasan Mtanes, the representative of the Bir'am youth, and
Naftali Raz, a parachuter, scout-leader, peace-fighter up to now,
was - on and off - my main Jewish partner in "Partnership"...."

* See in Sixty-Nine Hodayot - what I owe to Naftali: self-acceptance!

* See an image of Naftali and 5 year old Micha : "nafalti" , I fell, but didn't break
only now I realized the exchange of letters between "Naftali" and "Nafalti"....

1972 -- What a pathetic gesture of begging [towards my husband]...
On a family hike with Dita, Ronnit's half-sister, and Naftali Raz
[these photos I found on K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_01_14
Also on that page:
"22:22: I just read:

"you have been creating
what you perceive "

Evidence, that there was still some contact
during my last stage of
my "Partnership" Work,
I find in
"The Heart is Awake" :
"On April 11, 1980,
after a visit with Mona
of Naftali and Liora Nir in Jerusalem
[s. "Initiative"],
I added to "DIGNITY":
"including my own ".
March 9, 2011:
I think I never had a problem with being a champion for other people's dignity,
but my own dignity~~
there I'm still attracting triggers, which point out "holes in my wholeness
that now want to heal"...


I wanted to complete my sculpture with one of the two person-less Desert views, which I photographed during our re-union,
and finally decided in favor of this "closeup of the desert"
[see page III of sequence] against a grand, vast view of the desert

I remember for thee the affection of thy youth     the love of thine espousals      how thou wentest after Me in the wilderness       in a land that was not sown.
Jeremiah 2:2
, listen to my tune on my 69th birthday
[Did the re-union last? See at the end of Closeup-of-my-Past, on July 7, 2011]




Arad, June 17, 2011

Two nights ago the moon was fully eclipsed
for one of the last times in the 21st century.
I followed the process from 20:25 till 23:25,
above my house - during the commercials of "A Star is born"
and then ran up to the Desert at the outskirts of Arad,
when the moon had become weaker than weak stars.
I remembered "our life and escape from Atlantis",
as my 'twin-brother' Moshe Klein advised me to do,
and I recalled an eclipse   at Succah-in-the-Desert,
when I slept outside on the ground on a desert-hill,
in order to feel the interaction of moon~sun~earth.

But I admit, that two other, parallel "events" touched me much more:

When - during those commercials of "A Star is Born" -
I also managed to zap into a doc of 3 SAT about the Southern Pacific Paradise,
I was priviledged with the information I did not even know I was searching for:
I say often, that in MY universe, which I'm going to co-create in the future,
there won't be the horrid phenomenon which is rampant on my present planet,
that many animals can only survive, if they devour another animal.
"To eat and be eaten" seems to be an unshakable law on earth,
and it was only thanks to a passage in "Right Use of Will",
that it dawned on me, that this "law" has to be abolished.

But - there was always an uneasiness: what about the plants?
Aren't they, too, living beings? Why should they be devoured?
There seemed to be no solution.
And lo - in this doc a jellyfish ( "medusa") was presented,
once a dangerous predator and now a creature which lives in symbiosis with algae,
The medusa provides space & movement (following the sun for the algae's photosynthesis)
and the algae provide nourishment: the sugar which is released during photosynthesis!

If this is possible already on earth, it will definitely be possible in future universes!
I quote from:

"Jellyfish Lake is located on Eli Malk Island in The Republic of Palau. 12 000 years ago these jellyfish became trapped in a natural basin on the island when the ocean receded. With no predators amongst them for thousands of years, they evolved into a new species that lost most of their stinging ability as they no longer had to protect themselves. ...

These fascinating creatures survive by sharing a symbiotic relationship with algae that live inside of them. At night, the jellyfish go down to the depths of the lake where the algae feed on nutrients. During the day, the jellyfish come back to the surface and follow the sun across the lake in a massive migration. The algae convert the energy of the sun via photosynthesis into a sugar that feeds the jellyfish.

The other event to celebrate is the announcement of "A Star is Born",

that all 7, 7 million Israelis are encouraged
to propose ideas of what is common between these 7 700 000 people,
so that a song can be created, which will represent us all:

Though I can't figure out, what it means
, that I now, on June 17, 2011,
failed 3 times to open "", where this info should be found,

I feel strengthened in my belief, that the song of Independence Day
[see Nourisment>May 9-10 and end of page and also SongGame>May 10-17, 2011]
together with this idea of a song for all citizens of Israel,
is a sign, that Josef Wittig's prophecy might come true:

"Nobody knows, how redemption will occur,
maybe, someone will just sing a song."

[quoted often on Healing-K.i.s.s., - see for instance in Yehudi Menuhin's Vision]
"we are able to become the unifying song of the hymn of creation."
Maybe this is also the right time to modify and sing Dalit Argil's version
of our "Shma' Yisrael" together with its interpretation in Isaiah 45:7

[learn more and listen to the tune in SongGame >June 17, 2011]


"Abraham" , e-mail quote on June 20, 2011
[from The Law of Attraction, the basics of the Teachings of Abraham]

Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts,
we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling.
For if you should choose a thought
that is not in harmony with the way
that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it,
you will feel the discord;
and then you can easily redirect your thought to something
that feels better and, therefore, serves you better.


Arad, June 21, 2011, Summer-Solstice

The Sun rose early today, filling the land with light.
I don't want to miss a second of it!
- Dewitt on June 20

Magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1236 erupted on June 21st,
producing a C7-class solar flare and a full-halo CME =coronal mass ejection
The expanding cloud appears to be heading almost directly toward Earth:

"Inner Whispers", Veronica's message for this day
"Physical existence offers a great gift. As a new day dawns, a freshness occurs when the sun rises.
The possibility of a new light against your cheek can help you create a new opportunity for evolution.

"Do not forget the previous day no matter what the energy was.
Positive or negative - it is a thread that weaves into the tapestry of your evolution.
Be sure to include its texture as physical participation was meant to be a woven cloth of experience.

... If one only focuses on one thread it does not by any means define who you are as a whole.
Often one forgets this and becomes extremely judgemental in assessing the progress in the linear.

... Decide that each day is a new thread with bountiful opportunity....
Refresh. Renew....It is indeed a new day."

May my joy-full impressions of non-human beauty
express my joy with and about humans on June 20!

Following a quest from Immanuel for a few "pearls" from his grandfather,
which he could voice if a situation in his TV reality-show would ask for it,

I had dedicated 2 days to complementing 2 pages about Franz Rosenzweig,
including translations of letters to Gritli, for which R. had asked last summer.
Perhaps because of this intense thinking of her, she had the desire to hug me:

My daughter came for the first time in her work-life - to Arad,
- to train social workers etc. in what she knows and likes to do:
to make people feel who they are, feel their self-worth,
so they get out of their victimhood
, e.g. "I can't get a job, because I am..."
and meet their survival needs and their desires for full-fill-ment.
She had a break of one hour and let me sunbathe in her wisdom.
On my walk back I rose my wings
and flew with Skakhaf, the seegull,
- in memory of a fallen soldier whose name was Shakhaf-
across "my" desert down to the Salt Sea

The evening I en-JOY-ed with Boris (and his mourning-work for a love)
and with Lior,
who came for 2 days from Jerusalem to feel into her fears, concerning what she sees as four new beginnings in her life.

At 9:30 today - after deep body-soul work we had done,
by palming our eyes, letting body do what it needed to do,
and all the while pulling Lior away from "Future-Planning"
towards living her 27 days till the end of her study-year,
by savoring each moment, healing feelings, reaping joys -
- Lior went out for a thinking-feeling walk in the desert.
I ran after her -
"you didn't take anything to eat!"
and when I returned to gate, garden and home,
I stood there transfixed by this view of contrasts:
the majestic tree of my neighbors leaning sideways
versus the rigid, vertical shadow within the far building.

Does it mean anything?? I fetched my camera.......

Now, 100 minutes later, I still don't know the answer.
And while sculping this composition, I ponder again:
what if Haim Nachman Bialik's question,
which touched me so harshly yesterday
must be answered with 'Yes'?

"And who knows, perhaps the talking from the beginning was really not thrown between two, between eachother,
as a social serving tool,
a talking not for its own sake,
but precisely from the mouth of the human,
who sits alone,
[yakhid = an individual, as contrasted to "yakhad" = together]

between a human and himself,
as a need of his soul,
a kind of talking for the sake of talking,
"in myself my spirit is appalled [or wondering]"

And if the answer should be "yes", so I muse ,
then it's "logically" clear,
are coming more and more into the center of healing
and of creating "Heaven on Earth".

From Godchannel's 'The New Language of Heaven' in SOUND
"Love taught us
to sing together
and to find the sound of song
ever deeper within each of us."

For even if I sing and sound alone, I am all-one,
I am vibrating, and therefore communicating from my SELF,
without those words, which are, as Bialik said (80 years ago?),
separating us from our feeling, our intuiting, our whole living.

"Even when someone dies, people run and make speeches!"

In "Sounding keeps me Sound" I told, how Jeanne White Eagle,
sounded together with me and others and helped me with
"my search for sound singing and sounding."
Now she proposed the idea of "the Song from within each one"
though only on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:00, which she announced as
"The day of the Song".

On THIS day, the "Circle of Sound" gathers in Houston, Texas
This sounding was in my heart when I sang as usual in the pool,
because of the timing of my receiving the info about it:
I had just completed a letter to two RUOW-pupils in the USA,,
J., a Jew in Madison/Wisconsin, in the north,
Markus, a German in Houston/Texas in the south,
imploring them to meet and help each other out of their hells.
It was then, that I opened the invitation to the Equinox-Sounding

Circle of Sound

"The Circle of Sound is a world-wide family of people using crystal singing bowls
to create a unique vibration and a very special combination of frequencies.
The intention of the Circle of Sound is
to manifest a balancing environment ...
..uniting in consciousness as many people around the world as possible
and use this power to influence the consciousness of humanity.
.. and to change the world into what we want,..
. We use the sacred sounds of the crystal bowls
to amplify the power of this united consciousness.
See Daniel Brower, the founder in a video
See more about Healing through Sound: The Mozart-Effect and Jonathan Goldmann's HealingSounds
In the pool I completed learning to sing the Sun Song:

".......Only a prayer I lift
oh my god, my God,
that the sun may pass above me
and show me my pathes again,
Oh my God, my God
just a prayer I lift
that the sun may pass above
and take me to the journey

In the evening Boris, Lior and I sounded together...

Godchannel: "
This Creation is based on vibration." and "Sound is Vibration".

Continuation of "More Nourishment in 2011" in ~~~~~ Body is the Healer