The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


"to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 16/ Sivan 13, Monday, still 61 days -
at Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on June 20

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you
want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to be open to the challenge of this day - the lack of the usual 9 hours al-one-ness at Shoham
- not only will Mika - a little sick with fever- be home all day -
(this could be a chance I never had - to be with her alone for many hours, without intervention,)
but Efrat - worried and in the grip of her control-pattern - will leave her job and pop in often.
I desire to wholly feel the feelings of inadaquacy, but also to increase my capacity to enjoy Mika

I desire to restore the intimacy which got lost (because of my 12 day absence from Shoham?)
[While watching TV- her wish! -she called me 3 times "Savta Rachel", and when I came, she said bluntly: "I don't want you!"
"But, Mika, we taught you to say: 'Savta, I want to be alone!' Do not hurt me!" So she said: "Savta, I want to be alone!"

                     image of the day: from a video
                                     about an embryo in the womb

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I am grate-full for no longer having to cope with menstruation (like E. has today)
though I regret, that in 1988 I let the doctors take out my womb & ovary.
I'm grate-full, that the heat-waves now are scarce and mild,
-you remember, how unbearable they were for many years,
after I stopped to take those prescribed hormones (from 1988-1997).
I'm grate-full, that giving up those did not spoil my capacity for sexual sensing.
And most of all I give thanks to you for letting yourself be born female this time
and for letting me have the experiences of menstruation, pregnancy, giving birth

I'm grate-full for the deep talk with Efrat [after I. left for NY] about "vocation".
No "personal self-realization" is needed in the exterior world,
The sense of full-fill-ment will come from living
"God in the details", as she said.
This "God in small things',- my slogan since 2006, will be our code!
Her great insight
"I suddenly saw my whole life in front of me"
came to her in contrast to her sister-in-law who struggles with her studies
"in order to make a carreer and have money", while also being a mother of two.

"I said to her: this is not at all what I want, thank you, you've helped me!"


Exactly five years ago:

"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

[Today, 2008_06_16, rediscovered in puzzle-piece 12 , The Goal: to Become Parental and Whole]

There is another aspect to "parentalness".
To accept that I have no choice but having free will.
In an accute exterior and interior situation,
where I'm crying for "clear instructions",
I am led to this dialog in Godchannel:

Hello Father. It is your son.
You know my condition, and my state of mind,
you know all about me.
I need clear and precise instructions
as to what it is you want me to do in my life's condition.
... I need to know what is your plan for me.
... Give me confirmation as you have done in the past.
Reveal my path.
Close all the doors that are not of you.
Open the door that you would have me walk through.
... I await your response. Your son

"Your plea for relief is an example of the problems and pain
that come with a free will Creation.
There is heartache here for both of us.
I know you are tired, and I know the cruelty of uncertainty ...
And if I give you clear and concise instructions,
will you follow them?
And if you do follow them,
who will you credit when they work?
Wouldn't you rather be the one
who finds what's right for you,
even though the journey may be a little longer?
Are you asking me, from here on the outside,
to help you be the pleasing son
who wants only to follow his parent's directions?
"I have more in mind for you than that.
My plan for you is that you become whole,
that you be Who You Truly Are,
and that you do it your way...
you're greater
than you've allowed yourself to believe.
Your journey is your own evolution.
... it takes imagination, courage
and trust in yourself.
"It's not that I can decide,
'Here's my son,
I'll sprinkle the dust of my divine wisdom on him,
and set him on the path home.
He will never again need to make a mistake,
think for himself or know what he himself desires.
Because I've given him the way,
he'll be with me soon, my own divine son,
bouncing on my knee for all eternity.'
If you were to accept my direction in outer communication
through a channeler, teacher or other intermediary,
you would have no will of your own, no individuality.
And that is not my plan for you.
"The path you seek, the right path for you,
is no path at all.
You will make a new path
that is uniquely your own,
as you wander through the desert of uncertainty.
But I'm not worried, you're really quite near.
And you'll get here soon enough,
and it will be because you found the way yourself.
"You are now beginning the next leg of your journey,
and I will help you find the relief you want.
You will know the right direction for your life
as you more clearly experience
my voice and presence inside of you.
And soon we'll walk together through the door
you are now opening with your intention.
We are much closer than you've thought

Next early morning - 2003_06_17 :
A Dream

In the dream it is the third morning that I'm rushing from a busstation to another in Rishon-le-Zion
(which is the first town the Zionists built , about 110 years ago -
I opened this page by chance on
August 11, 2012 and can correct, what I assumed 9 years ago;
The news told, that the town is now celebrating its 130th anniversary!
Rishon-le-Zion means "
the first-to-Zion" according to Isaiah 41,27:
"The first to Zion - there they are, and to Jerusalem I give a messenger")
in order to go to Tel-Aviv.
I'm rushing up the last part of a dreary little road,
littered with debris, cars, people,
this morning too a little old dark-bluish car races past me,
the driver of the number 26 bus, a man or a woman,
shall I miss this bus again,
I don't seem to know the exact time of its departure,
and when it leaves too early, I'll never make it from my first bus, which brings me to this town, to this bus,
I hurriedly enter the station, it's not the entrance for passengers, but for the drivers and other employees,
the first room to the left of a small, ugly corridor, must be that woman driver's room,
I open it, it is empty, dismantled even all the wiring in the wall, she has stopped working,
so what does this mean for my 26 bus,
I find an employee, she says she will inquire,
she is busy with someone else,
then it's my turn,
she asks on the phone,
they say, the 26 leaves at 6:30,
it's only 6:20 now, how come I missed it the two times before,
I'm glad,
the employee also asks "them" on the phone, what about my "brakhah", a written "blessing",
- I knew its content in the dream, which somehow hadn't reached me properly.
I was wondering, how in such a place they talk about a "blessing",
and thought, well that's Israel, no separation between holy and secular.
All the time it wasn't clear - I was even wondering in the dream,
am I a passenger or am I an employed driver?

While finishing the checking of the 150 edited Godchannel files,
I came across "I want to drive my own bus",
only with a glance, since I know this little dialog almost by heart,
never identifying with the one who asks,
and always delighting in God's answer.
This dialog
- based on God's own analogy of "driving a bus"-
together with my own bus, the symbol of my llekh-lekhâ-
must have inspired the dream,
in any case it's at least half a year that I couldn't remember a dream,
how come I remembered this one, when I woke up?
I associated immediately
that 26 is YHWH
and that 26 is twice 13, which is the numerical value of "ahavah" -love

So I am in the middle between
still being God's passenger in his bus,
and being a bus driver myself,

like in God's letter to those who are committed to healing into wholeness.
I feel this to be such a confirmation of yesterday's experience with the above "path-dialog",
which brought about such a simple solution for the problem I was stuck in
[continuation see in the original puzzle-piece >2003_06_16]:
This solution is so simple, why didn't it occur to me before?
It means, that from now on everything will always be simple;
I'll be always able to integrate my moving with my staying.
It's true that I am to leave the security and comfort and beauty and luxury of this flat again,
but I don't need to give up on the security, while it's still unknown, where I'll be and how I'll be there.
"You need a place for yourself", said my daughter,
something so self-understood for everyone else,
but not for me.
But why shouldn't I have both - the flexibility of lekh-lekhâ time and again -
never being attached to any situation - and have security at the same time?
My heart suddenly felt light, not so much because of the solution of this specific dilemma,
but because of the departure of a big pattern,
the pattern of "putting myself in a corner", as my daughter phrased it,
a corner, where I don't leave myself a choice,
so as to force my self to "go-out" and not "stay put".

"But why shouldn't I have both - the flexibility of lekh-lekhâ time and again -
never being attached to any situation - and have security at the same time? "
I found this integration finally on Dec. 3, 2004, in Arad...

And "more" finally in December 2006, when I began to commute between Arad and Shoham,
between my holy al-one-ness in my one-room-flat in the desert
and my being a companion of my youngest grandchild in the center of Israel.

I'm so grate-full for my home and what has become my garden!
And I know, that if I was "asked" to get up and wander again,
I could do it "just like that"!


. (see the final edition of the following sculpture on Efrat's Birthday, July 5)

13:40,Mika has her afternoon nap:

I'm crazy with this song.
Shakespeare-Schubert: Who is Sylvia
This site includes links to sheet-music, midi, etc
Lately I transferred some music to my cell-phone - from the folders,
in which I guard the content of 6 CDs ,
brought to me by my son some 2 or 3 years ago. I still haven't heard all of them. Since I have a deep feeling for Schubert - the music and the human being behind it - I now chose pieces by this composer, and there - when I walked Nella right after my arrival in my children's flat yesterday - I came to know this obviously famous song. When I - now - discovered the lyrics, I discarded the German translation, on which Schubert based his music. The original Shakespearean words are so much better, much deeper , and much more moving.

I see Sylvia as an embodiment of LOVE
- she is the one,
whom each and everyone searches for,
she is the one,
about which "New Heart" could say:

"Here, very soon,
and for the first time ever ~
Form is to become
the container of New Heart ~
Spirit and Will in wholly complete union,
without guilt, blame or denial.
Original Heart is beginning
to re-member itself again ~
as New Heart, now in Body ~
and looking out through human eyes,
moist with Original Love.

"And yes,
beginning now to see ~
that there is indeed ~

"Who is Silvia? What is she,
That all our lovers * commend her?
Holy, fair, and wise is she;
The heaven such grace did lend her,
That she might admirèd be.

"Is she kind as she is fair?
For beauty lives with kindness.
Love doth to her eyes repair **,
To help him of his blindness,
And, being helped, inhabits there.

"Then to Silvia let us sing,
That Silvia is excelling;
She excels each mortal thing
Upon the dull earth dwelling:
To her let us garlands bring."

*In the original "swains",
** This line I do not yet understand.

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) created his tune for the German translation by E. von Bauernfeld (1802-1890)
of a poem by William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
But the original language of the text also works with Schubert’s setting D. 891 (Op. 106, No. 4), 1826 - "it is one of the greatest song settings of Shakespeare."

Was ist Silvia, saget an,
Daß sie die weite Flur preist?
Schön und zart seh ich sie nahn,
Auf Himmelsgunst und Spur weist,
Daß ihr alles untertan.

Ist sie schön und gut dazu?
Reiz labt wie milde Kindheit;
Ihrem Aug’ eilt Amor zu,
Dort heilt er seine Blindheit
Und verweilt in süßer Ruh.

Darum Silvia, tön, o Sang,
Der holden Silvia Ehren;
Jeden Reiz besiegt sie lang,
Den Erde kann gewähren:
Kränze ihr und Saitenklang!

a tube video [on my birthday, Aug. 15, 2006...!]
in Esglesia Sta.Maria [!] by Xavier Canelo, Bariton

another video with Dame Janet Baker in English



A few more images of yesterday night in Mika's room,
an hour before Abba went on flight to New York





The Good Night Story
is now being told
right in Mika's bed.






The next morning, i.e. today,
it was decided,
that Mika would stay home,
since the fever
was still coming and going.

Imma went to work - late -
and Mika wanted me to draw with her.

I asked her,
if I should bring her little table and chair
into my room.
She liked he idea.
Efrat had said explicitly:
"You don't have to be with her all the time!"
But I knew better:
since Mika is an only child on the one hand,
and is nourished by the best of parents
as well as the best of kindergardeners
on the other hand,
there is one thing,
which she is not capable of doing:
stay alone for more than some minutes.

So I tried to combine
being with her and being with myself:
I searched for a video recording
of the Shakespeare-Schubert song about Sylvia.
And thus the singer in red
contrasts nicely
with the "artist" in white.

But Mika had a strange adversion against
Dame Janet Baker
I had to take the picture away
and only leave the music,
then she was content.

Imma came back for some reason and for a short time,
and the idyll in my room ended.
Mika now wanted to watch Kids TV,
but at the same time she played with what I cannot help judging as "capitalist or consumerist games"

Since I didn't feel like joining this game, but still wanted to be around,
I began to water the plants on the veranda.
This is a tedious business, since the size of the plastic jug is such,
that I have to run between kitchen tap and window boxes 10 times,
and always close the screened door because of potential mosquitos.
Mika, then, invented a new game: to bang the door, when I went out,
and to bang the door when I came in. while playing with her hoop.

Then, finally, I found an occupation
for both of us:
She wanted me to cut an apple for her
and I showed her
the pentagon-shaped star inside
with black kernels nesting in it.

I remembered my older grandkids:
when they were small
they always asked me
to cut apples in a way,
that this star would appear.

As interesting as the show on the TV screen was,
- Mika now delighted in the apple star
and in picking out the apple kernels one by one.
And by the way, I had shown her the snake-like peel ,
not taking into Account that she would want to eat it.
Since I eat apple peels myself,
I let her get away with it,
some of the little "frauds"
which Imma shouldn't find out...


Efrat calls me: "Come down to the street, I'll fetch you and we'll have lunch in the restaurant".
I wasn't too keen about that, and didn't think it was good for Mika,
but I never argue about what is "good for Mika or not".

Most of the time it's a projection of what a grownup thinks would be good for him/herself...
I only asked her to wait a bit, since right now we were in the middle of something nice,
(the apple game).
When this game was over, I called Imma back and said we would wait for her downstairs.
In the restaurant, E. asked me and Mika to wait at a table, which had just been left by other customers.
Mika, of course, wanted to be with Imma, and so I waited alone,
utterly disgusted with all the food, that the previous guests had left there.

When the waitress came to clean up, I couldn't help expressing my disgust.
"Leave alone the food itself, but see that wonderful salad,
someone has put a lot of work in it, and they leave it almost untouched."

The young girl shared my disgust and when I said:
"If I had a bag, I would at least take the bread and the dry ingredients".
"Do you want me to pack it for you?"

Luckily she brought the packed bag back before Efrat returned.
Efrat gets triggered by what she calls
"Your holocaust scarcety pattern".
I managed to hide the bag, and even to add to it our own bread and butter,
which was just too much for us to eat in addition to the rest of the food.

Since it's rare that I visit a restaurant, I'm very reluctant in choosing a dish.
So when Efrat asked me:
"what do you want to eat"
and I didn't answer quickly, she said: "I'll bring you something".
She brought a good dish, sure enough,
but it was made of little chicken-cubes and raw vegetables,
while for herself and Mika she ordered salad with slices of cheese.
When I have the choice between meat and cheese
(which I don't have in Arad, where there is an overload of Shnitzels in my freezer,
brought by Ofir's friend Paul, who works on the Masada compound)

I would never choose meat, and not only for ideological reasons.

The lesson? If I'll be invited to a restaurant, I'll make up my mind fast!

The drink which Efrat chose for me - carrots + oranges - was very good



The hill across - under con/destruction for ever and ever and ever-
but at least green until recently,
was now be burnt to the ground,
because of a plague of snakes
Vipera palaestinae in all the country.
Somebody even died from a snake bite.

I wonder, what Mika and Nella see in that wasteland...


Finetuning to my Present

So far I did well with fulfilling this morning's Intention concerning Mika and Efrat.
When I do accept my feelings and release any judgment immediately,
before they have any chance to be projected on "the actors in my drama",

then everything is quite easy.

But there is another issue, which I need to cope with now - shortly - and then let go!
Mika is still asleep and I also had a short nap interrupted by 3 jumps to the toilet
because of an attack of diarrhea, but now my bowels are empty and relaxed.
Though there is so much work awaiting me in order to "complete" the latest pages
and to sculpt the experiences of the last 23 hours,
I couldn't help - after the sculpture of "Sylvia" - to check again,
if I could find out the e-mail address of Syberberg.

Since that program on 3 SAT on Friday and my research on Syberberg's site
I've seen myself fantasizing about him as "a peer"
and even as the one love I yearn for.
Should I be too ashamed to admit this here?
But since my site cannot count any visitor, leave alone 6 millions like his,
I shouldn't be worried.
In fact, I had already phrased one single sentence which I wanted to write to him:
'Please read what I wrote about you in (K.i.s.s.-log June 13),
and sense, if this resonates with you. If not, forget it.'

During that talk yesterday night, I showed Efrat Syberberg's page of June 15
as an example of finding full-fill-ment in "the God of small things".
She, too, was surprised by the similarity of how he and I document our lives.

"Write to him!" she suggested.

During one of my searches on Syberberg's website I found a page
with about 5-6 critical articles against Israel from "Der Spiegel".
It didn't make me wonder, though, since I agreed to the views there in general.
But now - [Mika utter sounds of waking up and I must hurry ] -
I came across the chapter "Controversy" in Wikipedia about Syberberg,

[the chapter is omitted in the German and in the French version.... !]
The info there made me so terribly sad in general and as to my fantasy in particular,
that I found only one aspect for relief:

"How good, that I hadn't known this, when I praised Syberberg towards Efrat."

I am grate-full, though, that I did not let myself be carried away for long.
I am grate-full, that I am still able to dream, imagine, fantasize, yearn,
but I am not less grate-full, that this fantasy was shattered so soon.
I'm not ashamed for having focused it on a discordant "Color of the one Rainbow".
It was a reminder, that the time is ripe....


Such grief I haven't felt for a long time.
And such scarce friendliness on Mika's part I haven't experienced for a year or so.
I felt like a victim, like "still the odd ball out", like not being loved by anyone,
not in the way a husband and a wife, or Efrat and Mika love - with physical warmth.
Except for Arnon and to a lesser degree Yael, nobody truly hugs me nowadays.

[The next day I told this with humor, when Arnon and Ayelet came in.
When later Rotem came and hugged me, Ayelet said:
"You see, you were wrong."
The same occurred, when at night Ayelet's father Micha, my son, cam
and hugged me.
Still, I yearn for more...]

But worse than all that was my utter dismay and shock about such antisemitism,
on the part of so honorable a man as Syberberg.
The fact, that I had begun - in my imagination - to tell him everything,
which so far and now again I'm telling only to imagined anonymous visitors of kisslog,

causes a severe regression of my feelings towards Germany and Germans.
All my pretty metaphors of "waves of the One Ocean, Colours of the one Light etc"
seem to be a farce at best.

It is true, when I first read, that Syberberg had made a movie of 8 hours about Hitler,
and that some people were mad at him, because he, Syberberg, claimed,
that Hitler was in all of us,
I wasn't shocked, for I too believe, yes I know that! and I know why this is like that!
But when, on the other hand, in connection with Syberberg's movie about Parsifal.
I read, that Hitler valued Wagner's opera Parsifal as the crown of whatever...,
I felt, that the carpet had been pulled from under my feet
- my adored Knight Parzival
See puzzle piece 16b Reality reflects Judgments > 2002/01/18-20 Third Part

It seems that after all these years - since January 1959,
and despite the altogether 8 months I "spent" in Germany (1985-86 & 1986-87)
a time which I used intensely in order to integrate my two identities -
I'm now back at point zero: I cannot cope with German antisemitism.
I'm even tempted to say "antisemitic Germany", but 3 SAT proves every day,
that things have changed after all.
Even on this very evening a doc was shown about "The Children of Buchenwald".

I couldn't tolerate it longer then 10 minutes, but until then I learnt,
that in Buchenwald
there was solidarity between the different nationalities

(since it was set up mostly for political prisoners):
when those prisoners who survived the death march from Auschwitz to Buchenwald
arrived and had to be registered by the Buchenwald inmates,

"I wrote 'Israel" behind my name, as was demanded at that time",
told an old man, who then was 14 years old,
"but the inmate who had to register me, deleted "Israel" and said:
there are no Jews here, we are all the same."

Still, today I am steeped in grief.
I remembered my boyfriend Ruediger Philipowski,
according to the Internet -Professor for Economic Law at Wuerzburg University.
I now read the story again (in Succah Diary 4),
and the question is, why did I attract that actor into my drama physically,
and why did I attract Syberberg into my drama virtually, though only for 3 days?

I do not really understand anything.
When I drove Mika on her bicycle through town, I could cry silently.
And when later, after Efrat had cut and sculpted my hair (finally...),
and I went out with Nella, to shake the hair off the sheet we had used,
I chose to walk on the track which passes along the near outskirts of Shoham.
so as to be able to cry aloud.

And now I wish to close myself again.

No Germany!
Except for a general notification from my brother's son Michael,
that this was their new e-mail address, since they would move to the USA,
I have not had any communication with anyone in Germany for months.
Martin, my brother-in-law must have been so shocked by my letter,
that even my attempt to soothe him later, did not cause him to write me again.
He had asked, if the German "Amnesty International", for which he volunteers,
could protest against Israel's violations of human rights,
and I explained, why GERMANS CAN NOT AFFORD to do that.

Heidelinde, his daughter, the only one among my sister's 4 children,
who once in a while has contacted me,
and who in January expressed the wish to skype me regularly, disappeared too.
My three remaining friends Barbara, Irene, and even Anke stopped writing,
and for the first time I shall not write or phone Anke on her birthday on June 22.
From Margret, who visited me with her grownup children in January , not a word.
All this is not only fine with me, it is a relief.
I do not want to have contacts with anyone,
unless there is a mutual, ongoing dependency,
as I have said ever so often,
[August 11, 2012 - This is still true, I want to be alone, all-one]
and definitely not with people abroad, be it in Germany or in another country.
This Syberberg fantasy and its quick dire death has proven to me one more time,
that - no matter, how e-mail, Skype, phone, flights, - bridge geographical distances -

the peer and partner whom I desire, needs to be reachable by foot !
[August 11, 2012 -
Ya'acov, -see his image below -whom I've believed to be my peer,
not for 3 days, but for 3 years
(from among the 28 we know each other)
would not be able to reach me "by foot",
even if he would live around the corner,
since his legs and feet and left shoulder are paralyzed]

From Old Heart New Heart
, and Kisslog June 6
"Even the longing for another to share that love
can be fulfilled
by lovingly accepting the desire itself.
As New Heart you channel loving Spirit
and move to fully accept the desire just as it is,
unfulfilled and all.
As you embrace
your unfulfilled desire for real love,
you empower the fulfillment of your desire~~~
and not just inside of you,
inside all of manifestation as well.
It is as if all of Creation
is held in the loving arms of New Heart.

Nourishment from Others

Almost every night, when I go to bed,
I draw benefit from the need to relax and fall asleep, and read in a book.
Ever since the Gritli Letters reached me,
it's this volume of 850 pages, in which I read.
Since I read in it also in bus and train, the book is always with me,
at Arad as well as at Shoham.

Close to midnight - after a day of pain
- with which I tried to cope in the left frame,
I received the gift of the following letter.
Though the gigantic issue
between Franz Rosenzweig, the conscientious Jew,
and his converted cousins, Hans and Rudolf Ehrenberg
and his closest friend, the baptized Eugen Rosenstock,
and Rosenstock's Christian wife, FR's love, Gritli Rosenstock,
all four of them conscientious Christians ~
~ is in no way relevant for me after 90 years,
I still feel deeply moved by what I think is an understanding
about the "-tuemer", i.e. Judentum und Christentum
(Judaism and Christianity),
the kind of which I never read,
even not in the writings of Franz Rosenzweig himself,
(part of them edited by me, his daughter-in-law) .
I desire,
that somebody will translate this letter into English.


An Margrit (und Eugen) Rosenstock am 3. August 1919

Liebes Gritli, so ist es nicht. Lass dich nicht irre machen. Wenn ich das Christentum eine"Luege" (besser, korrekter: einen "Wahn" [s. "Stern der Erloesung S. 373),denn zur Luege gehoerte ein Luegner, zum Wahn nur Waehnende) nennen muss, so muesst ihr nicht 'immer wieder hoffen, dass der Jude "bekehrt" werde'. An den Strichen, die ich dir in deine Worte hineingemalt habe, siehst du schon, dass sich das   n i c h t  entspricht. Entsprechen wuerde sich und so erkenne ichs stets an: dass ihr hoffen duerft, dass die Juden "bekehrt" werden, dass ihr das Judentum fuer verstockt, meinethalben fuer verflucht haltet, selbst es hasst - denn wie koenntet ihr ueber Christus hinaussehn, wie koenntet ihr, da ihr ganz und gar auf dem Weg seid, wirklich fuehlen dass der Weg am Ziel aufhoeren muss (selbst wenn ihrs mit dem Paulus des Korintherbriefs theologish "wisst"). [1.Corinthians 15: 24-28 und Stern der Erloesung S. 458f] Aber der Jude, zu deutsch: ich, dieser   e i n z e l n e   Jude, den ihr   l i e b t  , den duerft ihr, wenn es euch nun einmal geschehn ist, dass ihr ihn in seiner Juedischkeit von Gott geschenkt bekommen habt und ihn als Juden lieb-gewonnen, nicht "bekehren" wollen, dem muesst ihr von Herzen wuenschen, dass er Jude bleibt und immer juedischer wird, und muesst sogar verstehen, dass eure Hoffnung fuer die Jud e n   davon abhaengig ist, dass dieser euer juedischer Naechster und naechster Jude unbekehrbar bleibt.

Denn sonst haette euer Kirchengebet, das die "Bekehrung fuer Israel"  g e s o n d e r t   erbittet neben der Bitte um Bekehrung der Heiden, keinen Sinn und kein Daseinsrecht). Woltet ihr aber darauf bestehen, mich den einzelnen Juden zu bekehren zu hoffen, so wuerde dem entsprechen, wenn ich nicht das Christen t u m   Wahn, sondern euch einzelne Christen - Luegner nennen wollte (Schema; "Was? Augustin? - d e r   Spitzbub!!") und das konnte zwar Hermann Cohen, aber ich kann es nicht, will es nicht und werde es nicht, und ihr koenntet mir, soviel ihr wollt, jenes Unrecht antun, ihr wuerdet nicht erreichen, dass ich euch das "entsprechende" antaete.

"Ihr" - ich schreibe immer von "Ihr" ---- du bist es doch! Du!! Und du willst mich doch wahrhaftig nicht "bekehren". Denn freilich in der Hoffnung halten wir uns gegenseitig fest als die "...tuemer", "wir" und "ihr". Aber zwischen uns Einzlenen allen ist ein Wunder geschehn, das uns ueber die ueberlieferte offenbarte Gemeinschaft der Hoffnung hinaus verbindet, verbindet durch das Band nicht der Hoffnung, sondern der Liebe. Und wolltet ihr mich bekehren, so fiele ich dadurch aus eurer Liebe heraus; genau wie ihr aus meiner, wollte ich euch - brr! - Luegner nennen. Und so war unser Band doppelt geflochten, aus der ueberlieferten gemeinsamen Hoffnung und aus dem uns geschehenen Ereignis der Liebe - und es war alles gut, bis Hans [Hans Ehrenberg, FR's cousin, who let himself be baptized in 1911] als ein Neuling hineinkam und als erster Papst der "Ketzerkirche" - schreckliches Wort und schrecklicher Gedanke sich selbst fuer "Ketzer' zu erklaeren, fast so schlimm wie Eugens Ausfertigung von Prophetendiplomen [Eugen Rosenstock converted in 1906]- also bis Hans als erster Papst der Ketzerkirche in das zwiegflochtene Tau noch den dritten Strang, den des Glaubens, der dogmatischen Gemeinschaft, hineinflechtenwollte. [Anspielung auf 1.Cor. 13:13, wo Paulus von Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe schreibt]. Die aber ist und bleibt uns versagt. Oder, ich will nicht mehr sagen als ich weiss, also: die ist uns nicht gegeben. Ob sie je einmal uns gegeben wird, - "ueber tausendtausend Jahre" [Anspielung auf Lessing, Nathan der Weise. Im dritten Akt schliesst die Ringparabel mit den Worten des Richters; "So lad' ich ueber tausend tausend Jahre, / Sie wiederum vor meinen Stuhl...", worauf Saladin Nathan entgegnet: "Die tausend tausend Jahre deines Richters/ Sind noch nicht um." ] - das weiss ich nicht; ist sie gegeben, so werde ich es wissen; aber heute ist mir auch nur die Vorstellung unvollziehbar; heute weiss ich nur, dass wir hier getrennt sind, dass wir nicht gemeinsam beten, jedenfalls nicht (denn die Gemeinschaft, naemlich Gleichzeitigkeit, des Gebets kann uns wohl geschenkt werden; sie ist ja weiter nichts, als dass zweie im gleichen Augenblick im gleichen Gefuehl sind; und das kann die Liebe wahrhaftig wirken - ja was wirkte sie denn sonst!) aber jedenfalls nicht gemeinsam Amen sagen koennen. Sollen wir aber nun deshalb, weil wir nicht unter einem Dach zusammenkommen koennen, um zu knieen, sollen wir deshalb vermeiden, uns zu begegnen und aus dem Ereignis der Begegnung heraus miteinander zu reden wie es uns ums Herz ist? Und die Gemeinschaft der Liebe, die uns gegeben ist, verleugnen aus einem kindischen Trotz weil uns nicht auch die Gemeinschaft des Glaubens dazu geschenkt ist? Wo doch die Gemeinschaft der Liebe, wenn wir denn wirkich unglaeubig genug waeren, einmal daran zu zweifeln, ob sie uns denn auch wirklich von Gott gegeben ist, uns in alleEwigkeit verbuergt ist durch die laengst und ueber unsre einzelnen Haeupter weg gegruendete Gemeinschaft der Hoffnung!

Dieser Brief ist nun im Schreiben schliesslich auch zu einem Brief an Eugen geworden, zu dem, den ich ihm ja schon gestern am liebsten noch gleich geschrieben haette. Schick ihn ihm also gleich, liebes Gritli,
                                            Liebes Gritli, lieber Eugen -------Euer Franz

On the same day a separate letter to Gritli:

Liebes Herz, heute Morgen der Brief, als er mir unter den Haenden zu dem Brief an Eugen geworden war, musste fort. So schreibe ich dir jetzt erst auf deinen noch ein paar Worte.......

Ich bin wie entlastet, seit ich heut Morgen Worte an Eugen gefunden habe; er muss doch nun hoeren! Ich verdanke uebrigens die Loesung der Zunge dir, naemlich dem Aerger, ja beinahe Zorn ueber das was du mir geschrieben hattest, was sich "entsprechen" sollte, - grade weil du es geschrieben hattest. Das "Persoenliche", zu deutsch die Liebe, muss doch vorbehaltslos und rueckhaltslos sein; wie koennte ich zugeben, dass du (oder irgend ein "Du") fuer mich ueber meinen Kopf weg und also hinter meinem Ruecken eine Hoffnung anheftetest, die nur "ihr" fuer "uns", (aber nimmermehr " d u " fuer mich) haben duerft. Ich waere ja keinen Augenblick mehr sicher, ich muesste mich ja immerfort umkucken; und wenn ich das muesste, wie koennte ich dann noch dich (irgend ein "Dich") - ankucken.

Nein du schreibst: sieh mich an, - und wahrhaftig: ich will dich ansehn und nicht hinter mich sehen muessen, keine "Rueckendeckung nehmen" muessen, "rueckhalts"los sein koennen - wie ichs bin - und wie du Geliebte es bist. Ja du, ich sehe dich an, es ist kein Raum zwischen uns, du sitzest hier ganz dicht vor mir und ich kucke dir ins Auge und nehme dir die Worte von den Lippen, die paar Worte, die vielleicht noch noetig sind - nein sie sind nicht mehr noetig, ich schliesse dir den Mund.



Arnon promised and Arnon kept his promise.
Before I even saw Yael's question,
if a Grandma-Day could arranged this week,
I got a "conference-call" from Uri, my son-in-love,
and Micha, my youngest son,
about the transport arrangements for tomorrow, 14:30:
Ronnit will bring Rotem, Yael and Itamar
and Ra'ayah will bring Arnon and Ayelet....
And as to their return home, a little problem with E., but it was solved.


song of the day

"Abyss calls to abyss to the sound of your pipes

all your billows and your waves passed over me"


4th Continuation of the images, taken by an official photographer at Yael's Bat-Mitzvah


Yael hugs Ya'acov in his wheelchair

Yael hugs Grandma, who claims to be never hugged..

Yael hugs Mika and Mika hugs Yael,
in a way that makes Grandma joyous and envious at the same time..

Two cousins in white with a little pink,
Ayelet and Mika, Yael's cousins

Uncle Micha, my youngest son, and niece Elah, my eldest granddaughter
Ra'ayah, Micha's wife, with Elah, the daughter of Micha's brother Immanuel


Deqel, Yael's tutor:
it's now a month later, June 20, and she still hasn't called about the continuation of the Benot-Mitzvah workshop.
I desire to be whole with my decision to not continue this "doing", even if Deqel should call me in any future.
I desire to part from her "without guilt, blame or denial".



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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

2012 - June 16 + August 11
Transference of Ya'acov's last post + Rachel's response to it
on the Hebrew website
a co-creation which has proven to not be ripe...

A second coincidence today, August 11, 2012:
Above I added a sentence about Ya'acov....
and later on this page I discovered his image.
I had opened this K.i.s.s.-log page of June 16, 2008,
in order to insert the ShemShem-post of June 16, 2012,
and as I again watch Ya'acov's recommended video,
I hear the 88 year old dancer Avigdor Rosenzweig saying:
"the only thing that still works in my body, are my feet."
Hadn't I just written above about Ya'acov's not working feet?

Ya'acov also links to Shmu'el Gogol, his harmonica-teacher,
who founded the Harmonica-Orchestra at Ramat-Gan.
Gogol was also a Holocaust survivor [1924-1993]
See a page, pictures and a video in Gogol's honor

I did not remember Ya'acov's post about his teacher,
but I did remembered what he had told me about his harmonica,
and it was because of this story,
that I wrote to Boris, who had asked what gift to bring me,
when he - in July 2012 - visited his birth-town St. Petersburg
to buy a Harmonica.
("Don't ask me what for!" I wrote)
I wanted to teach Ya'acov a lesson by filling two thirds of it with concrete,
so that he - when holding this physical metaphor in his hands,- would realize
that two thirds of his presence in this life are frozen, hardened in "Lost Will",
and there is not much left to play on, not much to love, to create, to live.....


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012