The Blue Book
and further down
the continuation to Content and
Introduction and p. 1-39
the Green Book
and the Yellow Book
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of 2010
1984 - p.60-61 and 2010- p. 54-? ~~~ continuation of "Free Will between People"
Burning - from the pool in "my"
Nevê-Shalom, with my daughter and grandson - on my 64th birthday,2002
60 ["Free Will between People"]
and impose limits on them that, if appropriate at all, are only appropriate in concentrated population centers. When people are trying to get free they have to be allowed to get free. It is not appropriate for one set of limits to cover the entire area where people have a chance to express themselves. Every minority, even if the minority is only one person, has to have a place in which it can express itself freely. And that place must be freely given without strings attached and without other members of society looking upon it judgmentally or considering taking steps to control it. No longer is any person to appoint themselves or anyone else to the power to stop another person fro m expressing their own Free Will unless that person is overriding Free Will in another. This balance point which protects everyone from being overridden definitely needs to be held present on Earth at this time, not only because it is always going to be the balance point, but also because people in the process of freeing their own Wills might temporarily try to override another if they have denied their own power extensively. Polluting and poisoning are good examples of overriding the Will of not only others but of the Earth itself. A planet has Free Will; everything in Creation has Free Will. You need to know that even your own Body is only with you as long as it wants to be. The Earth itself is already beginning to clear itself of the abuse and overriding it has received. In the near future it is going to completely clear itself of all the denial it has received. In this process the West Coast, the East coast, the Mississippi River Valley and all the land directly south of the Great Lakes in the United States is going to experience land-mass shifts, so I suggest that you not stay there. Your own recovery process needs to show you where to go and what to do when you get there. The recovery of your own true feelings is going to show you your own path of survival at all levels of your being. I I have given warning of the coming times over and over on Earth and most people have denied Me here. I am now warning for the last time in any way that is going to give you time to do anything about it at all. You must end your denial of Me to remain on Earth and you must also declare from your Heart serious intent to end your own self-denial. The reality is that I have already seen how it is going to go on Earth. |
- page 54 ["Free Will between People"]
[end of this chapter in the 2010 version] |
61 ["Free Will between People"]
I have already seen who is going to listen to Me this time and who is not. Even though I have already seen this, I still want all of you who have intent to heal yourselves now to make a conscious statement to Me. And even though I have only included in this book that which is applicable now to those intending to remain on Earth, I still want to point out that any overpowering of another, even slight and subtle, or any undercurrent pressuring of another to do as you want them to do is no longer acceptable to Me on Earth. Instead of fearing Me now, I want you to express and release all the fear of Me that you can and then do the best that you can to end denial of yourself and others and know that I am a Loving God that will make sure you find your right place no matter where it is. The fact of the matter is that the coming Earth changes are not going to be easy and some of you may want to ask Me to lift you off the Earth until they are over. You have this option and yet, you might enjoy the changes. Instead of judging in advance of the situation, tell Me outloud what your intent is now and communicate with Me frequently. Instead of judging Me at all, accept Me as the kind of Creator that cares about what I have created, and accept that I am willing to help you too. If you feel trapped by anything on Earth, you can ask for My help and get it. |
2010- page
54b - THE INFLUENCE AWAY FROM FREE WILL [in the 1984 version this chapter appeared before ...] Long ago, before there was any experience on Earth, the Will was denied in the heavens by Spirit energy that did not understand itself well enough to accept Will energy. The Spirit energy saw the Will as holding it back. The Spirits who manifested this viewpoint wanted to have more expansive experiences than the Will seemed able to accept. The Spirit energy perceived the Will to be in apparent opposition to this. They saw themselves as though they were birds chained to their perch by their Wills. Overpowering of the Will took place in every way it could take place,' including disconnect from the Spirit. This split has been in place ever since. Many times the Will has almost recovered on Earth, and as many times , this recovery has been undermined by something still held in denial. Because the denial was not recognized, it drew, each time, an outward reflection that seemed to deny free Will by stopping the recovery. If this outward reflection had been recognized for what it was, the Will could have recovered. The understandings needed were not there, then, or recovery would have taken place. The Will is not wanting this to happen again. The failure, so far, to entirely recover lost Will should not be judged as evidence that this cannot be done or should not be done because free Will does not work. Free Will needs complete acceptance, and not conditonal acceptance, so that it can give its full contribution. Many Spirits have tried to deny the validity of free Will by saying that it is unwise to grant freedom in advance of wisdom . The question, then, is, how are you to gain your own wisdom without experience? These Spirits have promoted rules and regulations, procedures and the form of learning from teachers, or experts, |
- page 55a ["The Influence away from Free Will"]
who are supposed to know best. Progressing through this form in accordance with approval granted by those controlling the form has had the effect of keeping things repetitively the same. Freedom, which often meant privilege, was supposedly granted in accordance with the candidates' readiness to accept it wisely. One of the problems with this approach is that someone, or ones, must be set up as judge of what is wisdom and what is appropriate learning procedure for another. While some places have had more "fairness" than others, wisdom for one may not be wisdom for another. Limits for one, may or may not be limits for another. The path of one, may or may not be the path of another. This has been a continuance of the path of original misunderstandings that have denied Me, while claliming authority from Me to continue this denial of free Will. Many who have accepted the influence away from free Will have also said that doing what you want to do is selfish and even dangerous. This is ridiculous if you really think about it. A judgment held here is that telling others what to do is not selfish, but is, instead, appropriate and for the "good of all." Because of what was judged to be the Will's original mistakes, the judgments have been perpetuated ever since. This is self-denial. You have been given what you need to evolve and fulfill yourself, which is your Will, if you accept it. What feels best all around is to do for other what you really want to do and nothing more. However, given that so many people have guilt and self-denial mixed in with love, it is likely that you will need the practice of Right Use of Will in order to be able to live in this way. [end of this chapter in the 2010 version] |
2010- page
55b - DENIALS SHARED BY MANY [in the 1984 version this chapter appeared before ...] There are many judgments that large groups of people hold in common, and so, they also share the resultant denials. I am only going to mention the ones that could easily be overlooked because they happened so long ago and because people have come to take them as reality. All of manifested experience, so far, has been in search of self-acceptance. Attuning the Will is not something that can be left out here. Self-acceptance must include acceptance that individual consciousness emerged to evolve essence. Since I am multi-faceted, there are many manifestations exploring these many perspectives. Finding free Will can show you how these aspects all fit together. |
- page 56 ["Denials shared by Many"]
Because there has been so much discord, this may seem impossible, but it is not. even though many have become disheartened, and even hopeless, about this ever coming to the promised Golden Age, it can and it will. Emergence into individual consciousness is not completed when you accept that you have emerged. Each of you emerged to fulfill your Destiny Path. Self-acceptance must come first, so that you can do what you came forth to do. I am much more complex than anyone on Earth has yet realized. Some Spirits have had so much fear of these realizations, and the responsibilities involved, that they have tried to avoid them by denying Manifestaton and Form. These people have believed that having a Body was a sin. However, even though a full alignment between Spirit and Form has not yet been found, Body is the Fourth Part of Me, and can also be referred to as Manifestation. The full self has Spirit,Will, Heart and Body. Some Spirits have tried to cope with the vastness of My complexities by slowing themselves down and experiencing at a slower speed. Their overload wanted to take things at a speed they thought they could handle Many of these Spirits came to Earth long ago without realizing how far they had fallen in vibratory rate or that they would be unable to speed up again and leave Earth with all of themselves. Most of them denied that they were trapped here and began the pattern of breaking off from whatever parts of themselves they blamed for their problems. This is how death began and what led to the inevitable need for birth, since no one can permanently abandon parts of the self. Some of these Spirits took the form of animals. When they experienced entrapment there, they often became confused betweenthemselves and the forms they had taken on. Many coped with this by denying their feelings and abandoning the parts of themselves that were trapped. This lack of self-acceptance got stuck in blame and loss of consciousness. The myths about Centaurs, Satyrs, Minotaurs and all other stories about animals turning into humans, and vice-versa, are stories about these experiences. When other Spirits saw this happening, some tried to help. Denial that these experiences ever took place has greatly impeded recovery here. Reclaiming the consciousness lost there has been a long process, during which most of the ones who tried to help have also become trapped on Earth. The reasons for the entrapment were many and differed with individual Spirits. Many Spirits saw Me as an all-seeing and judgmental eye. |
- page 57 ["Denials shared by Many"]
Some of them became trapped in animal forms when they sought to reduce their consciousness and hide, or get away, from Me. Others were entrapped by their feelings of not being able to accept the form they already had. Some became trapped in their confusions about limits. Some wanted to experience what they saw as the bestiality of animals. Some feared they were bestial if they were interested in sex. Others became trapped because they thought they had to do what their friends were doing. Still others thought they could learn by experiencing what these trapped Spirits were experiencing. There were many reasons that this experience took place. This experience was very painful and difficult for those who didn't enjoy the limitations of the forms in which they were trapped. Many judgmens were made around these experiences. Many of the Spirits who did not get trapped, judged themselves superior to those who were trapped. Many of them also judged that those who were trapped in animal forms had base and insatiable appetites that drew them to become so animalistic. Many of those who were trapped, judged, in various ways, those who were not trapped and also themselves and others who were trapped. There is a longlist of judgments here. For example, "We're incapable of change." As with judgments, these judgments did not see each particular situation for what it was. The Spirits judging made assumptions based on what they comprehended when the judgmens were being made. These judgments were often made in states of intense emotions. The Spirits who lost consciousness without meaning to, have a highly emotional charge around this experience that includes overwhelming shame, panic, terror and rage. Because the Spirits experiencing these emotions felt like they never wanted to have to feel these feelings again, these emotions have still been holding these judgments in place and, consciously or subconsciously, have impacted every reminding situation. These misunderstandings compounded the problems and made release from the limitations of these forms much more difficult than it would have been, otherwise. Understanding and compassion needs to come in the place of these long-held judgments. Some Spirits do not want life in human form and need to be allowed this experience. Others have lost consciousness from this experience that they really do want to recover. Everyone on Earth has involvement in this experience, whether directly trapped or not, and the emotional charge here has not, yet, been released. |
- page 58 ["Denials shared by Many"]
Your healing can be helped by remembering your own past, relative to this situation. You can connect to these memories by being open to anything that tries to surface in your consciousness around this issue. By going into the emotions surrounding what tries to surface, you can increase your awareness. When I showed some Spirits on Earth how to liberate the trapped ones, they had varying degrees of success in liberating the entire consciousness of the Spirits involved. The Spirits involved often resorted to denial of the part of themselves that was so overwhelmed and released the rest of themselves from their entrapment. This experiene is another aspect of why most people on Earth, now, do not have their full self present with them. The Spirits liberated from these animal forms, at that time, were given human form in which to evolve back to their full consciousness. All the Spirits liberated were given human forms whether they were human types of Spirits or not. The main reason for this was that most of the Spirits involved believed their lack of self-acceptance and lack of acceptance of one another was largely due to how different they were from one another. I gave the human form, and the necessary time in which to inhabit it, so that th necessary experience could be gained to learn otherwise. Many Spirits who have embraced expansive consciousness have held a judgment for a long time that everyone should and must, have this sort of consciousness the way they do. An understanding is needed here, and this understanding is one of the main points of denial responsible for undermining the recovery of lost Will. Not all of My Spirits are alike, and not all of My Spirits seek the same thing. Some of My Spirits seek reduction in consciousness, compression and death, and they must be allowed to have it. Many Spirits have,so far, been unable to believe that this could possibly be true. In holding a judgment, the Spirits who embrace life have been unable to see and accept these Spirits for what they are. They have continued to hold the belief that these Spirits really are like them or will evolve to be like them. The judgment that everything is similar in essence, no matter what its form, was a lack of understanding based in feelings of not being able to accept that these spirits were what they were showing themselves to be. Denial of these feelings led to more denials, such as an attempt to simplify Me and fit Me within their limits. While I see that these Spirits have needed more experience to be able to accept Me on this, I also see that they held undercurrent feelings |
- page 59 ["Denials shared by Many"]
- page 60 ["Denials shared by Many"]
An understanding needed here is that the difference between loving essence that has been denied and the denial of loving essence, is that the one seeks love, light and life and has been mistakenly denied, and the other seeks to escape love, light and life and has been mistakenly pressured to accept it. This has been further confused by the fact that unconditional denial denies everything, including the fact that it does not want love, light or life. Denial that does not want love, light or life can be felt by the Will, but the Will needs to be allowed to tell you the difference here, instead of being judged against as unloving itself for trying to bring awareness of this. The revovery of your lost Will is going to be able to give you this information, because the original undermining of the will was involved with this confusion . The Will has been able to feel unlovingness from the beginning, but has felt extremely guilty about these feelings. Much of the personal denial took place in an effort to prove to Me, and to yourselves, that the Will was not right here and that everyone really did have loving essence. Time was needed for experience to develop discernment and understanding, but without the Will's participation, this never happens. Denial must be seen for what it is. Loving Spirits need to recognize unlovingness and end personal denial of loving essence. The judgments here were many. You need to find the ones you are holding yourself, but, I will mention some of them. Everyone judged that their kind of consciousness was the best, and many judged that their kind of consciousness was best for everyone. Many Spirits judged that if they were loving enough themselves, they could teach others to be loving like they were. Many judged that I was not unconditionally loving when I told them they were making a mistake here. Undercurrent here was a judgment that they were more loving than I was. Another judgment many Spirits made here was that, in time,these unloving Spirits would come around, that they were just slow. Another judgment made here was that every Spirit was supposed to return to Me, so the ones leadng away from Me were going in the wrong direction. The only other judgment I want to bring forward now, as a general judgment that was made by everyone involved here, is that all of you judged against the Will for feeling like it wanted these death-creating Spirits outsidee of My Creation. Reality is that this is what they seek, want and need. To free yourself of involvement here you need to recover whatever lost Will you gave to these Spirits |
- page 61 ["Denials shared by Many"]
[end of this chapter in the 2010 version
- the chapter that follows in the 2010 version is: "Twist and
Turns on Judgments"] |
- pages 61b-64 ~~~FORM AND GRAVEN IMAGES
the 2010 version this chapter appears on p. 122 , after "Understanding
of Denial"
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62 ["Form and Graven Images"]
Manifestation in form must be respected even by those that do not understand its purpose. The purpose of manifestation is not fully understood on Earth but manifestation must be acepted so that the experience can bring the understandings. Form cannot be judged to be beneath Me. I am everything. When Spirits shut Me out of their consciousness by their own limits, I let them learn as long as possible on their own and intercede only when the need arises to maintain the necessary balance. Because I have not seemed to intercede lately in ways that are clearly apparent to those denying Me, the denial has seemed to prove its own judgments that I am not interested, don't exist, haven't any real powers, am beyond man or don't relate to man. Judgments held by the mental body and reacted to in the Will have drastically limited the channels open for Me to reach man in ways he recognizes as God. Refusal to accept and recognize Me has created a strong illusion of separation between Myself and man. Many deal with this by denying it, but the illusion is real enoug for the ones experiencing it. Holding limits on Me does not allow you to see Me for what I really am and this is not unlike worshipping a graven image. Form is a manifestation of essence and must be aligned with essence in order to really express that essence. Confusion about form in the beginning caused many to deny their true form in favor of another form. In doing this, many had to deny some of their essence in order to take on a different form. Expression in form has been imbalanced because of the imbalance between the Spirit and the Will. True form needs to return. You can restore your own true form by aligning your Spirit and your Will. Because it is now My decree, true form is going to return anyway; but in this way, through taking the necessary steps to align, you can do it yourself. At one time on Earth I gave everyone that could accept it human form temporarily to see if it would help them to work out confusion about form. I have watched this closely and I have clearly seen that even though I have restored balance in form several times already, these Spirits have continued to deny essence that is really theirs and their form is still trying to reflect this essence. Many on Earth are not comfortable in human form and yet they asked Me for it and told Me their true form was not |
63 ["Form and Graven Images"]
the form they wanted to have. I have given these Spirits the maximum amount of time possible to give for experiencing a form other than their true form. The reality is that Spirits must now accept their true form and realize that in this true form they can evolve best. Locking oneself into rigid form, flowing through form change without realizing why, claiming that form is all there is and claiming that form is to be transcended are examples of some of the ways in which form has been imisunderstood and thus denied. Judgments about form and the accompanying emotional charge are needing release along with the rest of your release so that physical Body has the freedom to reflect true essence and express it. I want to point out that some Spirits did not want their form to reflect their essence. These Spirits denied that their original form did reflect their essence because they did not want to be seen for what they were. This denial of form caused many others to become confused about form and essence and to begin denying their own true forms also. Some denied true form in an attempt to aggrandize themselves and some denied true form in an attempt to diminish themselves. One effect of these denials was to pressure form toward becoming much more similar and much less differentiated than it is meant to be. This is another attempt to limit Me by trying to limit My expression in form. All Creation has Free Will. No Spirit has ever been asked to express anything it has not chosen for itself. The denial of Free Will relative to form tried to say that I forced unwanted form on Spirits that did not deserve it. This is yet another way of judging Me. Form has been rather rigid on Earth for quite some time because the misunderstandings have been rigidly opposing the understandings. This rigidity has held back the intended evolution of form on Earth and I am now going to straighten this out along with everything else. |
in Higher Purpose [from "Living with Joy". p. 17517-6 Higher purpose is a stream of energy you join Everyone on earth has a
higher purpose. There are other universes p. 176 |
of Rachel on February 20, 2012 [actually in a letter to Ya'acov in the frame of our work on www.shemshem.org] *) "spiritual" is much too limited, and "your own" evolution is actually the evolution of the One, as expressed in the new, third, stanza of "ki yaa'cov bakhar lo Yah -it's Yaa'cov whom chose Yah"] Feel
yourself and be fulfilled Breathing, moving,
sounding I'll be whole,
be who I am Let ourselves feel and be full-filled.
"This dawned on me the very
first time in 1982, |
"what is inside of you is reflected
in the outside world"
1984 - p.64-68 and
2010 - p. 69b-74 ~~~ ACCEPTANCE
in the 2010 version comes first "TWISTS AND TURNS ON JUDGMENTS"
62-69 and then "ACCEPTANCE ",
while in the 1984 version comes first "ACCEPTANCE
I want to juxtapose the two versions of the two chapters
64 ["Acceptance"] Form has been expressing imbalance because it expresses essence and essence of Spirit and Will have not been balancing in the Heart. Denial of the Spirit has caused many people to let their minds run them. Denial of the Will reinforces this not only because feelings cannot then participate in the mind's decision, but also because the Spirit cannot be fully present if the Will is denied. Magnetic energy draws Spirtual energy into manifestation and holds it there. If the Will is denied, the Spirit's presence is then equally denied. The Will must open the space to receive the Spirit. [February 20, 2012: "The Will m u s t "????? In order for this to happen, see what I quoted in puzzle piece 35 Following Will's and Body's Lead] The essence of the Will is acceptance. The Will manifests acceptance in the process of responding to the Spirit. The Spirit and the Will must accept each other unconditionally. To do this yourself you need to start where you are. Accept all of your feelngs first and let them open your mind to accept more of your Spiritual presence. The Will and the mind need to communicate in such a way that the conflicts can end. The mind cannot tell the feelings how they should be feeling anymore. Agreement means that nothing is overpowering anything else. Being able to accept everything involved in the process of coming into agreement without overpowering or denying anything is the practice of Right Use of Will. Many Spirits thought that they should experience and accept everything in Creation by becoming involved with it. They did not accept themselves there though. The self must unconditionally want to experience something before it is really the right experience for it. Any time acceptance is forced on a part of the self that does not have it, that part of the self either has to deny itself in favor of the experience or resist the experience altogether. Often times the resistant part of the self cannot stay totally present and may even have to completely break off from the rest if it cannot handle the overpowering. This practice of overriding parts of the self was a confusion about the nature of acceptance. The self must not diminish itself in favor of external experiences. A look at this path can show you that it leads to extinction. Instead, having acceptance of the whole self will allow you |
Form has been expressing
imbalance |
65 ["Acceptance"] to evolve into a readiness for experiences or a willingness to see and accept that they are not for you at this time. If judgment is not made about the initial response of the Will, space is left open for change. The manifested part of the Spirit is the Will and the Body. The Spirit must accept its own manifested parts and realize that they are its own way to learn in manifested experience. Acceptance allows the alignment necessary to have success in this learning experience. The Spirit cannot successfully pressure the Will to get ahead of itself. This confusion has greatly increased the pain and confusion of the denial in the Will. Ending the denial of the Will involves accepting the pain the Will has had to hold. The question of how much pain your Will is likely to hand your Spirit, depends on how much it has been having to hold in the Body because it was not allowed earlier release. The understanding needed is that when there is a gap between feeling something and accepting those feelings, the energy generated in the gap is energy of denial in some form. The Will has to have acceptance from the Spirit for whatever it needs to release , and can release this to reach spontaneous response if the Spirit really helps. [February 21, 2012: "r e l e a s e" is not the exact word or concept, as I learnt later from "Godchannel". See puzzle piece 17e "Releasing" Emotions or Moving & Evolving them?"] Ask for My Presence and Help every time you release and especially when something seems to be too much for you. Spiritual Healing and Amazing Grace are two ways to attempt explanation of how something that seemed insurmountable can suddenly be healed. If you genuinely understand your judgments and see how they have affected your experience, you can know that their reflection will heal. If the release is complete, reality will really open up and things will change. Karma brings your patterns forward into experience so that you can see them. Mental recognition is not enough though; the understandings must reach all levels of your being. The repetition that karma alledgedly brings is because the understanding of everything involved has not yet been reached. The experiences come to try to bring the understandings necessary for you to evolve. Everything including happiness can evolve to greater heights. Intent to evolve must be present and be allowed to manifest. Repetition means you're not finding all the |
70 ["Acceptance"] unconditional acceptance of the Spirit. The Spirit and the Will must accept each other unconditonally. To do this yourself, you need to start where you are. Accept all of your feelings, and let them open your mind to accept more of your spiritual presence. If you have intent to find balance, do not let your mind continue to tell your Will how it should be feeling. The Will and the mind need to communicate in such a way that the imbalances can end. Agreement means that nothing is overpowering anything else. Being able to accept everything involved in the process of coming into agreement, without overpowering or denying anything, is the practice of Right Use of Will. Many Spirits thought that they should experience and accept everything in Creation by becoming involved with it. These Spirits did not accept themselves first though. The self must unconditionally want to experience something before it is really the right experience for it. Instead these Spirits overrode parts of themselves and pressured themselves to have these experiences. Any time acceptance is forced on a part of the self that does not have it, that part of the self either has to deny itself in favor of the experience or resist the experience altogether. Often times, this resistant part of the self cannot stay totally present and may even have to break off from the rest if it cannot handle the overpowering. As this overriding of the self took place, these Spirits found themselves involved in things they could not handle. They were losing parts of themselves in these experiences, and other parts were leaving them. As this proceeded, confusion grew, and everything began to be more and more mixed up, so that it became more and more difficult to know if they were attracted to something, or not. This practice of overriding parts of the self came from lack of experience, confusion between self and other and the nature of acceptance. The self must not diminish itself in favor of external experiences. A look at this path can show you that it leads to extinction. Having acceptance for the whole self will allow you to evolve into readiness for experiences or a willingness to see that they are not for you, at this time. In the very beginning, the Will pressured itself to accept light that did not feel loving to it by fearing that it was, itself, the problem, by not being able to be loving or accepting enough to make a place for everything. If judgment is released about the initial response of the Will, space can be opened for change. Will and Body are the parts of Spirit that enable Spirit to manifet on Earth. Believing that the Spirit had nothing to learn |
66 ["Acceptance"] understandings needed. People on Earth have been trying to accept reality
as it is, Panic, deep fear and even terror are held undercurrent
in most people and can be felt if the depth of the true feelings is
felt. |
71 ["Acceptance"] because it already knows everything, most Spirits judged against their Will and Body instead of accepting Them as their own manifested parts and realizing that They have their own way to learn in manifested experience. The Spirit cannot successfully pressure the Will to get ahead of itself because the Spirit thinks it should already be there. These misunderstandings greatly increased the pain and confusion in the Will. Acceptance allows the aliggnment necesary to have success in this learning experience Ending the denial of the Will includes accepting the pain the Will has had to hold. The question of how much pain your Will is likely to have to surface and process with your Spirit, depends on how much it has been having to hold because it was not allowed earlier release. Resistance to this indicates a need to release feelings of dislike, blame and even hatred toward the Will, often received by the Will as feelings of self-hatred. An understanding needed here, is that when there is a gap between feeling something and accepting those feelings, the energy generated in that gap is denial in some form. This has greatly diminished the manifestation of loving Spiritual presence on Earth. The Will has to have acceptance from the Spirit for whatever it needs to surface and express. In this way, it can release its held charge and become able to reach spontaneity, if the Spirit really helps. You can ask for My Presence to be there with you every time you feel yourself releasing old charge, and especially if something seems to be too much for you. Spiritual Healng and Amazing Grace are two of the ways people have explained how something that seemed insurmountable can suddenly behealed. Events in your life, or what some call Karma, bring your patterns forward into experience so that you can see them. Mental recognition is not enough, though. When you hold parts of yourself apart and do not give them free expression and participation in the rest of your being, those places do not receive the benefits of this recognition. The understandings must reach all levels of your being. Experience is meant to teach so that people can evolve, but most people have been repeating patterns because they have not gained the needed understandings. The repetition that Karma allegedly brings has been because the understanding of everything involved has not yet been eached. The experiences come to try to bring another opportunity for you to find the understandings needed for you to evolve. Everything, including happiness, can evolve to greater heights. However, intent to eolve must be present and allowed to manifest. |
67 ["Acceptance"] further waves of it find release too. As long as you believe
you must accept something The feelings are divinely attuned,
72 ["Acceptance"] Most people who have been saying that they have acceptance for their Karma, say this while not really looking at it. They are going through the motions of accepting whatever happens to them as though resigned to it, but haven't been learning much from their experiences. Karma is not a payment of debts to others so much as it is a manifestation of the person's held belief systems, judgments and limitations. Acceptance needs to be felt more fully, without the assumption that because it's being allowed, this means there is acceptance and surrender. If your true feelings do not want to accept or surrender, do not let it happen. The image most people have been holding of surrender to God, My Will, or anything else it might be called, is not an accurate understanding. The image that joy can be found this way, if you just surrender more, is not accurate either. Holding an image of what you think is the correct spiritual attitude, rather than seeing what is really happening, holds true understanding away. The real truth for you is going to come from true self-acceptance and nowhere else. As you increase acceptance of your full self, you can gain more conscious ability to determine your reality. As it stands now, most people are being run by old Karma, or subconscious beliefs. Trying to make themselves accept something when their Wills didn't like it, is just what happened, when some Spirits became trapped on Earth in forms they didn't like. Most blamed their Wills. The feeling of being trapped, blamed and judged really opened the door to panic. This panic was overwhelming, and since it was not a pleasant feeling, the Spirits did not want to feel it. Instead of feeling and expressing them at the time, the spirits largely suppressed their emotions here without realizing that not allowing free movement of their emotions was most of what was trapping them. These feelings need to be accepted now. Earth people have been trying to accept reality as it is, but if they were to really feel their feelings, they would have to say that they don't like it much. The pain of the Will around this needs acceptance and not more judgment, dismissal, rejection or denial. Panic, deep fear and even terror are held undercurrent in most people and can be felt, if the depth of the true feelings is felt. In most people, these feelings have been hidden in shame, giuiilt and judgment because, at the core of it, has been the fear that being entrapped in this way had displeased My Loving Light. If you are starting to feel any of these feelings now, stop reading and let your feelings be felt; express and release everything that you can. |
73 ["Acceptance"] Open to any further waves of these feelings also. These old feelngs are the feelings of being trapped with no way out. When you have released the judgments and given expression to the feelings that you are trapped with no way out, you will have made an opening to find one. Holding buried feelings of being powerless to help yourself impedes your ability to help yourself. Besides the intrinsic needs of the self, there is good reason to give these feelings acceptance, expression and release. The situation on Earth has been worsening and worsening because so many have been holding feelings that they can't do anything about it, and even that what is happening, is deserved as punishment. This is really confusing the lesson with punishment. As long as you believe you must accept something whether you like it or not, you are overriding your Will. If you are doing this to yourself, you are opening the door for others to do it to you, and perhaps more obscured from your view, also doing this to others. Overriding has been happening for a long time and has been heavily powered by many misundersandings and denials . These misunderstandings and denials have been imprisoning the very emotional response that could change things for the better. The situation on Earth is very perilous and needs immediate attention. It is actually to this point: The ones holding panic and terror, denied and not being given release, are as though against a wall or worse. The ones who have been denying these feelings are the ones who can help the situation by finding these suppressed and lost feelings within themselves, giving them expression and bringing them within the Light of Love. Hating these feelings and continuing to push them away, instead of allowing their movement as direct emotional expression, is going to precipitate more and more disastrous scenarios until events make it so that these feelings can no longer be held away from you, because they must break out of their entrapment somehow. Panic, fear, terror, anger and rage have the power to change these pictures if they are given loving acceptance and allowed direct expression as sounds and judgment release. Remember to ask for My Loving Light to come into these places that have been held outside of love. You may have taken on a guilt that says, since this is your own fault, you must accept punishment and fix it all by yourself. These feelings also need movement. The feelings can become divinely attuned. The Will is attuned to the Destiny Path and is willing to undergo whatever is necessary to speed its recovery and seek fulfillment of its Destiny Path, |
74a ["Acceptance"] but it needs loving acceptance to do this. If you are a Spirit of Loving Essence, you are a Spirit who can help the situation on Earth in this way. If you connect to these feelings and feel overwhelmed and out of control, even if you feel and express panic, fear, terror, anger and rage all at once, it is still better than any other option you have. |
Sunset over my Titorah Hill
1984 - p.68-74 and
2010 - p. 62-69a ~~~ TWISTS AND TURNS ON
in the 2010 version comes first "TWISTS AND TURNS ON JUDGMENTS"
62-69 and then "ACCEPTANCE ",
while in the 1984 version comes first "ACCEPTANCE
I want to juxtapose the two versions of the two chapters
1984-page 68 ["Turns and Twists on Judgments"] Many people make judgments without
realizing it. I will now point out some examples of twists and
turns on judgments |
62 ["Twists and Turns on Judgments"]
Many people make judgments without realizing it. These judgments may be thought to be the answer; or the truth, for that person, but these judgments twist the truth. Sometimes the truth is twisted because the people involved don't understand the truth, don't like the truth, are ashamed of the truth or misrepresent the truth without realizing it. Sometimes the truth is twisted because the ones doing this have intent to twist the truth. Many people have claimed I was judging when they, themselves, were doing it and, in this way, have twisted the truth. The way to understand the difference between a judgment and the truth is this: The Will must feel the truth for you. There is no way I can, or want to, delineate for you the truth of every situation you might over meet. Instead, you have been given your own Will, and your Will is going to evolve if you accept it. The Will is meant to feel the situation and give these feelings to the Spirit. The Spirit is not meant to dismiss these feelings or pressure the Will in any way to rearrange these feelings to please the Spirit. The Spirit is meant to accept these feelings and seek to understand why the Will feels the way it feels. When the Will appers to judge with feelings that seem inappropriate to the Spirit, it is important to consider that the Will may be right, and the Spirit is reluctant to accept this from the Will. If your feelings have been told not to respond according to the way they naturally would, but to respond according to the ways the Spirit will accept, your feelings are clouded with judgments. In these cases, you may not be getting an appropriate or accurate response from your Will until it has had an opportunity to clear what it has been holding here. When judgments are being held and the Will is being allowed only conditional expession, the true feelings are not accepted. A false "Will" is, then, created and accepted in place of the true Will according to what the Spirit wants to be feeling. When true feelings are not accepted, the truth cannot be determined because the Will is being pressured to give false information. Twists and turns onjudgments are extensive on Earth at present, even to the point of claiming that no judgments are being made. However, nearly everyone is holding judgments . In both indigenous and techologically-oriented societies, belief systems have judgments imbedded in them. Many judgments have appeared to stand as truth because they have been removed from their context |
69 ["Turns and Twists on Judgments"]
These belief systems pass themselves off as the voice of authority that has the right answers. I want to point out here that if the answer is right it does not need pressure to gain acceptance. The truth has enough presence to be recognized by any that have experience enough to recognize it. Those that have not recognized something that others feel is the truth need to be free to seek the truth in their own way. Form is needing mention here because form has been misleading people. Some forms have even imposed themselves on people and forced acceptance. Some of these forms know the truth but have intent to twist it for their own power gain. Some of these forms know the truth well enough to know they should not appear to pressure and they have become very subtle. Recovering your Will is going to show you all of this clearly. You need to trust the feelings you have and allow them to show you what you have not accepted from them earlier. The examples I am giving here are, for the most of you, a mixture of things you have recognized and things you have not recognized. I want you to see what they all share in common, and I want you to be able to recognize this thread in other situations. The common thread is death-creating denial and the denial of being death-creating denial. Unconditonal denial denies everything it possibly can. If this sounds judgmental, you need to realize that I have acceptance for it. I am unconditional aceptance. See that denial has a right to be and trying to accept it is not seeing it for what it really is. It does not seek acceptance ; it seeks denial . When denial that does not want acceptance is offered acceptance, it denies more heavily. The examples offered now are intended to help you see the form these denials have been taking on Earth, but do not imagine by any means that these are all of them. A prime example is the media. The media has been interpreting realitiy by what it omits and what it includes. Not reporting some things focuses the public on a reality that has been selected for it. Even in what is reported, many of the relevant aspects are omitted. This has been done consciously in many cases, and also unconsciously when the ones doing this hold the same narrow view of reality that they are presenting in their reporting. This is a twist on judgment because this information is |
63 ["Twists and Turns on Judgments"]
so that important pieces of information are missing. These beliefs, or judgments, have been presented as though they are the voice of authority that has the right answers. I want to point out here that if the answer is right, it can be felt to be right without manipulaton, pressure, coercion, force or threat of punishment to gain acceptance. The truth has enough presence to be recognized by those who have intention to find the truth. However, people's unmoved fear can be manipulated to accept statements as truth when they are not. Those who have not recognized something that others feel is the truth need to be free to seek the truth in their own way. For many of you, what I am mentioning here is a mixture of what you have recognized for yourself and what you have not yet recognized. I want you to see what they all share in common, and I want you to be able to recognize this thread in other situations. The common thread is death-seeking denial and the denial of being death-seeking denial. Loving essence mistakenly denied seeks acceptance. Even so, the denials cannot be approached directly. Death-seeking denial unconditionally denies even that it is seeking the death that results from total denial. When this kind of denial is encountered in other people, the safest path is to remove yourself. To sort this out, express whatever emotions have been triggered and see if this is a reflection of denials you have made that want acceptance, or not. In any case, processing this with yourself is advisable. As with anything else, death-seeking denial must be allowed to experience itself, but this does not mean that it must be allowed to be a part of you or your pesonal experience. Form needs to be mentioned here, also, because form has been misleading people. Denial can take many forms. Some forms have even imposed themselves on people and forced acceptance. Some of these forms know the truth, but have had intent to twist it for their own power gain. Some of these forms know the truth well enough to know that they should not appear to pressure and have become very covert and subtle. Recovering your Will is going to show you all of this clearly. You need to accept the feelings you have, and explore them, so that you can trust them to show you what you have not accepted from them earlier. The examples given here are intended to help you see the form these denials have been taking on Earth, but these examples are, by no means, all of them. |
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As I had felt On November
1, 2011,
that I should re-read and copy the second and third
RUOW book, and juxtapose them to the first, the BLUE BOOK,
so I feel now , on June 7, 2012,
that I should re-read and copy the fourth and the
fifth RUOW book, and juxtapose them to the first, the BLUE BOOK,
Below I inserted the content and intro and pages 1-39 of
each of the two books.
In time I'll add links to the content titles.
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light The gap between Spirit and the Will moving out into manifested Creation caused a loss of consciousness in Manifestation, thus diminishing the presence of manifested Spirit. The gap between Spirit and Will is a real space, as real a space as you will ever want to find, and is the reason Heaven and Earth seem separated. To bring light into this gap, you need as much understanding as possible. These books are a series and need to be read as such. They tell stories in a progression meant to surface things from the subconscious. |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart Heart Song is about finding the places in our hearts that are not vibrating within loving acceptance. The underlying emotions, even emotions called hateful, need the vibration of expression without being acted out. Expressing these darker emotions in a safe way can bring evolution to them. Without increased heart presence, the balance we need cannot be found, and the gap will continue to manifest the extremes. |
HAD TAKEN IN MANY THINGS THE FALLEN ANELS ............................................63 REALITY IS THERE IS LITTLE TIME LEFT ......74 ORIGINAL CAUSE ...........................81 LUCIFER...........................................90 THE UNSEEN ROLE OF DENIAL..........................95 UNDERSTANDINGS NEEDED ABOUT GOING TO EARTH............................107 THE RONALOKAS JOURNEY TO EARTH .....................................127 IN ALL OF THE TIME ON EARTH, NO
PROGRESS HAS BBEN MADE.......... 143 THE WILL FEARS ITS OWN DESIRE..............................164 OPENING SAPCE ...........................173 THE WILL MANIFESTS THE GAP ...............................176 THE RONALOKAS HAD ALREADY GAPPED BEFORE THEY LEFT ME...........................182 YOU HAVE GAPS TO HEAL WITH ONE ANOTHER ...........................191 BODY WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW YOU NEED TO MOVE ..........................194 I WITHDRAW ..................................195 HEART TRIES TO WARN ME THAT HE CANNOT STAY MANIFEST ...............199 THE MOTHER TEARS MY HEART APART .....................................202 ANOTHER LOOK AT THE ANGELS .........................................211 GIVING THE ANGELS WHAT THEY NEED
....................................218 |
Table of Contents FEAR PRESENTING AS CURIOSITY ...........................1 FEAR PRESENTING AS AVOIDANCE PATTERNS .........9 FATHER HAS TO HELP YOU NOW .........................44 THE MOTHER SPEAKS ...............................71 HEART SEEMS TO COMPLICATE
OF THE PICTURE THE MOTHER GETS TRAPPED IMPRINTING....................................127 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL CAUSE ..................................132 IMPRINTING IN MY LIGHT ............................169 MY LIGHT KNOWS IMPRINTING IN HEART'S LOST WILL....................186 THE FIGHT ................................196 THE FIGHT FRAGMENTATION..........................230 |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p.I |
on Healing-K.i.s.s. Some of the oldest essence there is, is in
the worst shape, and cannot move to change this without going into
itself more deeply than has ever been done before. I have been readying
you for this because it is a huge undertaking, but when you see what
I am talking about, I think you will agree with Me that it is a necessary
one. Even so, it is easier said than done. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p.II The
Will has had the belief that unconditional acceptance in love meant
making a place for everything. The Will has had the pain of trying to
vibrate in the presence of guilt that does not move in response to the
Will's vibration. The guilt in the Will has caused the Will to feel
that She could not allow Herself to move in the ways She needed to move.
Because guilt was in the way, the Will was not able to receive Me to
understand that it is not possible to be loving toward guilt. |
p. II HEART SONG, Vibrating
Heartlessness to Let Heart in is the fifth book of a series and
I highly recommend reading these books in the order in which they
were given: RIGHT USE OF WILL, Healing and Evolving the Emotional
Body; ORIGINAL CAUSE 1, The Unseen Role of Denial; ORIGINAL CAUSE
2, The reflection Lost Will Has to Give; and EARTH SPELL,
The Loss of Consciousness on Earth, so that you will be at least
somewhat prepared when you get to this place and will have a t least
a mental concept of what to do; but if you feel compelled to start
with this book, feel yourself as thoroughly as possible on this, and
if the feeling persists, trust it. I advise you, however, to have
the other books at hand so that if you do not understand something,
you will have the ability to go back
to the other books and read what you need to read there. People have long said
that love and hatred are close together, but what can be done with
the passion of hatred since it is hatred that fills the gap and hatred
means there is such polarization into viewpoints that there is no
meeting ground, and thus, no Heart? When you cannot argue anymore
without realizing that everything you say about the ones you blame
can also be found to be true about you, you're ready to realize that
moving the emotional charge around these issues is the most important
step. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p. IV To try to rid yourself
of denials by vibrating them out is to lose yourself more than you are
lost already and to lose what power you have left to heal the gap. To
insist that you no longer have denials now that you have noticed them
is to make the same mistake I made in the beginning. Intent to heal
must understand the teachings I am giving now, unless you want to find
yourselves seemingly, inexplicably swept away with guilt you did not
know you had but which must, nonetheless, move back now. If
this brings up emotion in you, it is a necessary part of your process.
If you do not feel anything, you have more reason to fear you cannot
heal than if you are feeling more enraged or more terrified than you
ever thought it was possible to feel. Rather than go past it, put the
book down and move any emotion you can, no matter how slight. Don't
read past it. This gap has
been in place since the beginning of Creation and to heal it, you must
go back into the place and time of its forming. There is no other road
open to you but to allow movement in emotions you have held back for
so long that making contact with them is going to be most of the work.
If you do not do this, guilt will have the power
to take you into the death you have for so long, in your confusion,
thought was leading you to life everlasting.
The death you will have here is the loss of any consciousness
to know whether you are dead or alive. |
p. IV Ultimately, forgiveness is
going to be necessary, but there is a lot to move to get to any real
place with that. Fear of being blamed is most afraid that there is
no forgiveness for it or for what it has done. Blaming rage has to
find the fear in itself that it has pushed into everyone else, and
find forgiveness for itself by understanding what caused this
behavior, for without self-forgiveness, forgiving others is not possible. This is why I have
said it is a huge but necessary undertaking, and one that must begin.
Without a connecting point, inception is not possible. This is why
rage must express itself until it finds its fear and fear needs expression
until it finds its rage. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p. VI
A very important understanding to get now is that the gapped Will fears emotional movement enough to resist healing, even though conscious intent is to heal now. The Will knows intuitively that gapped rage and terror must heal or there will be no real healing at all; but still, the Will is afraid to go near these areas. The Will is able to intuit the presence of these gapped emotions, even if It cannot bring this recognition into the conscious mind or articulate this reality without help. The Will is living in fear that the gap will kill what remains of It like it has already killed the rest of the Will. Thus, much of the Will fears that movement will not bring healing , only more pain. So overpoweringly intimidating
is the presence of the gap that only those who have denied their Wills
heavily have been daring to confront it, and the gap has been killing
them just as surely as if they had never struggled to become free of
it. As long as the gap is there, it rules by intimidation, making open
expression of its presence often unnecessary. There is no such thing
as Freewill in the presence of the gap.
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p. VIII Even though you may know this
in advance of the situation, it is not possible to talk to your gap
in advance. It also may not be possible to recognize your own gap until
you move into it, and when you move into it, you may not be conscious
of what you have done, even when it passes. This is why I must
caution you not to try to trigger one another's gap until you get the
rest of your Will moving as much as possible. I also know that many
of you are going to trigger the gap without consciously realizing you
are going to do it. If you can't help it, then it is not wrong. After
each movement in the gap, you are going to have feelings of guilt about
the emotional expressions which have surfaced there. After you have
moved in the gap, you will also need to move in the fear of the gap's
unlovingness because this fear has kept the guilt in place all of this
time. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p. X The
original holding back took place from lack of experience. My Light was
not polarized into Spirit and Will yet, or even differentiated very
much at all. All I consciously connected to at the time was a feeling
of unbearable pressure on Me that had to move back . I did not know
that My Light was causing the feeling of compres- Your conscousness in the gap
is going to wake up from this place. To contact it, you have to go to
the place where it really is. When you get there, you will have the
feeling the gap is totally out of control, and it might be, which is
why you cannot allow it to express freely until you know it better and
it has more consciousness of you present with it. The gap has
a long way to go to catch up with the rest of you, but it can get there
if you help it. You have to allow it to move as much emotion as possible
without allowing it to move in ways that cause great harm. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p. XII |
Immanuel and three other El-Al pilots had worked
for months on the logistics of becoming appointed together
for a flight to Los-Angeles and back to Israel, having 4-5 days in between,
so they could drive by car - 8 hours - to "Moab"
in the state of Utah and race on their bicycles through the mountains.
What inspires me to insert some of their
322 photos
on 9 pages with the copied texts of five of the Right Use of Will books,
[see the first
of the pages with these images]
is not only the magnificent landscape, but the wondrous co-adventure of these
four "grownup" people.
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
1 Because you have read The Reflection Lost Will Has to Give does not mean you understand it. You have a long way to go in understanding The Reflection Lost Will Has to Give, but the more you look at it, the more you will see, and if you give in to the emotional movement you need, you will learn to understand it. There is no way you can understand this material mentally unless you allow the emotional movement you need. It is impossible. You have to go through the emotional body to understand what is being spoken to you here. If you do not think these books mean anything,
you can be sure your emotional body is heavily denied. If you have
an instant rapport with these books and feel you undersand them, I
also want to tell you: You do not understand them as deeply as you
need to. Most of what has been given in Original
Cause, so far, has been toward the purpose of reawakening
you to your judgment patterns. These judgment patterns are old judgment
patterns; so old that they are your Original Cause. What
you hold as your most treasured beliefs are not understandings; they
are judgments made in advance of understanding your experience. |
1 FEAR PRESENTING AS CURIOSITY I see so many of you facing in on Me, wondering if I really could be God or not. Encircling Me, pressing so close, drawing as near as you dare, trying to see Me, wondering if I'll recognize you and ask you to move closer to Me. It feels like you are encirclng your current candidate for new guru [sic] I see your faces, peering at Me, looking for a sign that you should be here, fearing you shouldn't be here, yet so obviously trying to get close to Me. Is it save? Are we welcome? Isn't He queer? Should I let myself be seen so very near someone so unlike other gurus I'v had before? What if He's not the right guru and I am shown to be a fool? After all, He doesn't look that good. He doesn't dress right. He doesn't wear the eternal smile, make me laugh much or inspire me to feel that I'm already where He is if I only knew. He doesn't say what the others say. He doesn't say what I expected God to say. You have so many thoughts, but you say very little that is not small talk. You risk saying a few things behind My back, like whispers of this kind are somehow more comfortable than an open mind that says what it feels. You do not say very much just in case I might hear you, and you are watching Me closely to see if I do, because if I'm the guru I say I am, then I should be able to hear every whisper of man, or else I'm another image of God you never could reach, some old God, in which case I coudln't have anything new to teach. If you think I might be looking back at you as though I have noticed you, you pretend that's not what you came here to have Me do. If I act like I am reading you, you have a ready excuse intended to explain it away, but which has nothing, really, to do with it; a |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
2 your being. The reason for this is lack of emotional presence. If you think about it, you will realize that the things you remember most vividly are because you had strong emotional reason to remember them, and by the same token, the things you have most totally repressed, you also had strong emotions that you believed called for repression as a means of survival. More people are losing consciousness from boredom than anything else right now. In their quest for non-existent excitement, many people are turning to some of the most depraved areas of the lost Will because they have a vague memory that something happened there that at least stirred them. Willessness is now so progressed on Earth that you are becoming more and more like a cross between robots and economic slaves, who do not have minds of your own anymore. So many of you have to frighten yourselves in thinking you are about to die, or at least be horribly injured, in order to feel anything anymore. Those of you who have gone even too vegetative for that sit in front of television sets and watch this happen to the people in the programs. You want Me or someone else to tell you what to do whether or not you admit it. Guilt is most of the reason for the lack of movement that could give excitement to life. Every time momentum has gotten going toward anything that looks like evolution on Earth, guilt has risen against it and shut it down. All of you have your pet examples of this, but the one I would like to mention now is the way in which what looked like gains in the 1960's are being reversed in the 1980's' and how apologetic so many of the 1960's people look now. I would also like to point out that guilt has also been responsible for shutting down momentum that has looked like regression. This guilt has been both the enemy and the hero, depending upon which movement it is squashing. This is because guilt has no consciousness except that which you give it. In itself, it is simply lack of movement and in this, guilt is not going to change, but if you get moving, you will no longer have guilt. The problem is how to move when everything "out there" looks so limited and restrictive, especially when gapped rage has been enforcing the lack of movement guilt demands of any essence that touches it. This is why you have to learn to understand and deal with the cause and not struggle anymore with the effect. Guilt is so pervasive that you are going to feel it is impossible to be free of it, even if you can figure out what it really is. The problem you are having with guilt is because it has been mixed in p.3 with My Light from the very beginning, it has not been recognized for what it is. From the beginning, guilt has been called love or has, at least, been thought to have loving intent. There is guilt mixed in with My teachings all the way along, even in these. It is unavoidable since the recognition of guilt comes with the evolution of Love understanding Itself. You need to move into the recognition of guilt as you can handle it. If I were to give you a lesson in guilt-free living right now, you would not think it was My Light talking. If I told you the story, stopping to point out all the guilt, there would be no story left, only confusion trying to rid itself of guilt without the framework in which to understand what guilt is. This is what has already been happening and the lost Will is a case in point of "the baby being thrown out with the bath water." You have no way to feel what unconditional love is until you move the emotions you have held outside of love, and you have no images of what it would be like to be guilt-free. The only people you see who are giving the appearance of being guilt-free have denied guilt and show you the reflection of what you think it would be like to be guilt-free. The more you have thought guilt was love and that to be otherwise would be unloving, the more ruthless and selfish these people appear to be, and are, for that matter. If you do not think guilt is a serious problem, or do not think you need to heed My cautions not to go past it, let Me say this to you: H i t l e r was one of My guilt reflections. H i t l e r reflected everything I feared I would be if I did not hold back My rage. When I had to realize H i t l e r was Me in a state of denial and how little I could do to stop him, I was horrified. I saw H i t l e r in Me from the very beginning, and yet nothing I did was able to alter the course. Seeing it is one thing; actually reaching the lost Will is quite another. As you can see by this, the ability to disarm these denials has come to Me very recently, although understanding has been there for a long time. [see the horrid Godchannel quote in pp 42] [See, how often on my website I quoted the Biblical verse: "I form light and I create darkness, I make wholeness and I create evil, and the fact, that even in the daily prayer - and Judaism is not dualistic! - these words "I create evil" are omitted, despite the Jewish strict faithfulness to Biblical wording. Following the path of guilt, or even the path of guilt mixed with love, is showing clearly that guilt is not love and does not engender life. Thus, the path of guilt is not right, but this does not mean that guilt has been wrong either. Guilt is neither right nor wrong in itself. Guilt is nothing, really, in that anything said about it will be correct in some situations and incorrect in others. Since July 5, 2012 I've become meticulously aware of "small" attacks of guilt in my life. For instance today, on July 13: there were still 2 letters in my mailbox, which I hadn't answered. GUILT! I checked, what was underneath, and though not under all guilt there is love - for instance, guilt attacks also when I eat "too much" - in this case it was love: my firm commitment to empower people by receiving what they give! How do I show them that I receive them unless I respond to what they write? When people have tried to move past guilt without understanding what they were really doing, guilt has caught up with them later in the form of the reversals seen throughout history. Many of these reversals have been seen, but they have not been thoroughly under- |
2 You clam I have judged you when I look into
you while you still want to give Me nothing but your defense and your
projected persona, which gives the impression you are trying to hold
Me out of you while insisting you want Me to come into you to prove
I am there for you. This game I call, "Prove You are God and
prove You love me no matter how I act toward You," but, by the
way, I can never prove Myself to you because your game doesn't allow
Me to. If you do not want to move as quickly as I am moving here, acknowledge it before you get hurt, and allow yourself to move to the place that is moving at the speed that you want to go, a speed that feels neither too fast nor too slow. The speed of vibration that feels good to you is your right place, no matter how fast or slow you have chosen to go. This is not a contest of speed; it is learning to arrange your life so that it feels as good as it can.The best way to do this is to know how you really feel. The next thing I'm going to say is based on
something I feel about you and if it is true, I want you to acknowledge
it to Me. I feel like you're here because no matter what your problems
may be in Then , also, you've always been told
from times of old that the forbidden and forbidding door had to be
opened to you by another, that it wasn't there for you to try to discover
or open on your own. And you've also been told that what lies within
is not for you to behold unless you ready yourselves in some way of
which you're not sure, even if you hear it said that you've been told
and told before. All you have, really, are scattered myths, interpreted
wrongly by many, pieces of stories about old and sunken lands and
places that some are now saying were all destroyed by spaceships
they talk to, but who never land and rescue you as they say they can.
There are stories of old and long time past, and promises
for the future both bright and bold, but no prophecies ever foretold
seem to come to pass in your lifetime; nothing real you can
hold onto to make sure you're not crazy; just some shred you cling
to, about facing your own reflection and maybe that will teach you
something you don't already know to liberate you from this feeling
of being lost. Although you have no real idea of what it is, it has
something to do with how often you go to the mirror, look at your
presentation face, smile, and reassure yourself you're alright as
you are. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
p.4 I hated Myself so much in the denials Hitler held, that Hitler was hatred manifest. Hitler was also empowered by many who hated their rage as I did Mine. I had gapped Myself from this rage so seriously that for a long time, I did not recognize it as Myself. I saw only the part of Me that was horrified at what Hitler was doing and in this part of Me, I did not know how I had created Hitler and others like him. For a long time, I said I had not done it because I had a devil in My Creation who had done it. I lost control of Hitler in My
terror of gapped rage. The denied rage manifested in
Hitler, and the denied terror manifested in his victims. These
emotions tried to come forward during the emergence of the Rainbow
Spirits and were pushed into a state of denial by the part of Ourselves
that was fighting things down. We already had the Father Warriors
within Us, acting as police and military keeping down
what We found to be so unacceptable in Ourselves We did not want to
allow any hole through which it could creep out. Of course, it did
anyway. What did not manifest in the massive enactment Hitler kingpinned (sic) was his terror and the rage in his victims. These were even more seriously denied than what manifested around Hitler already in a state of denial. These deeper denials are moving now, and the hatred, ultimately to be seen as self-hatred, is immense. The hatred still being held in a state of denial is so immense that all the hatred p.5 felt at the time of Hitler was
ony just enough to relieve some of the presure on the rest of what
is held in a state of denial. When I did catch up with Them in Red, I was
so furious I wanted to kill Everybody involved and I was made even
more furious by Their lack of receptivity to Me here. They were either
openly defiant or acting like They didn't, couldn't or wouldn't receive
Me. I didn't move My rage here or I might have killed Them
all. Instead, I fought it down and shoved it into a state
of denial, trying to approach Them in a civil manner because I thought
I would stand a better chance of getting through to Them that way.
I have allowed Myself to move My rage now and I see that I
could have killed Them then, so it was not wrong that I denied it
until I had greater understanding in which to let it up, but by the
time I got these understandings, the path of destruction these denials
took had almost cost Us Creation and the Spirits' feeling of desire
to live in it. |
p.4 some further explanation,
some process or exercise, some method to explore before you can understand,
apply or trust what We're telling you. No matter how much you have
given up your Willl, or what you have called Will, and served, you're
never quite sure what you're doing it for, having never experienced
what you're looking for. And whenever your latest guru has fallen
short of doing it for you, you have moved on to the next guru, hoping
he'll do more, because after all, what are gurus for? |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
6 What I can tell you now is that the Mother
and the Father of Manifestation were working Themselves into frenzies
of motion which made Me unsure as to whether They were fighting
or making love. I could not tell if the Mother wanted to have sex
on these terms or if the Father of Manifestation was forcing this
on Her by overpowering Her. She was screaming for help from My Light
but I could not get in there enough to help Her, and each time I tried,
the Father of Manifestation pushed Me back. "I cannot allow Him to hurt Her,"
I thought, but yet, I did not move to save Her either. They were snorting
and growling and making noises I cannot describe. Every little while,
Their frenzies went into a loss of control in spasmodic jerkings which
did not calm down for quite some time and which left Them covered
with a wetness I was not sure I liked. I already had these pictures hidden in My mind,
and they were out now. I didn't want to claim them. I wanted to blame
them on The more I tried to communicate with Them in
Red, the more lustfully They looked at One another, as though the
more I told Them They could not allow this behavior, the more They
wanted to do it. I felt furiously impotent because I could see Them
looking at One another like They were going to go ahead with it and
there was nothing I could do to stop Them. I wanted to beat Them furiously
and cut Them up in little pieces, but I did not allow Myself to move
here. The truth of the matter was they had emerged, and they needed to face up to it or allow themselves to go back. Neither move was being made on their part because they had no Wills with which to move. It looked to Me like it was going to be up to us to move them around and I was not happy about it. I already had this situation with the Angels and that was making Me mad enough. With only |
6 And
even if you want to take My Word for it and consider that Original
Cause may be true, you haven't been able to find an emergence place
that seems to be quite right for you. The subject
of God and sex is troublesome for you, but even if you accept that
what I have said is true and I really did things that seem so So, if you're skeptical instead of eager about
seeing your Original Cause with Me, you need to move back not away
from Me, but into the past of this life and process it until
you see the patterns you need to see. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
8 The fighting you are seeing now in the Middle East is among the spirits who are holding most of these denials, but the ones most |
p.8 But how do you go back into something you can't feel or remember with nothing inside you can trust to know? One way is to try letting your First Parents explain, then, when you know what you need to know, you can risk moving a little bit and this little bit will become more and more. Lost
from the Light you need, you are all so anxiously and expectantly
encircling Me because you think I finally just may or just might open
that door to you and give you some of the Light that has been so long
hidden there. Now,
doesn't that make you feel queer after so long a time of Me seeming
to not want you near? After so long a time of hearing Me say, just
as your fathers do, "Leave Me alone, I need space from you, give
Me My privacy," and of pretending this way that I don't see you
and you don't see Me because I'm not looking at you and you're not
looking at Me. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
10 I want you to know that loss of control in
the gap is just as frightening as it was feared to be. It is terrifying,
in fact. Loss of control is what the gap fears the most, and loss
of control is also what everyone who has made denials into the gap
fears the most. As you move into your own gapped emotions,
you will need to exercise some form of control over the expression
you allow them because they have been operating so far from your normal
spectrum of consciousness. It is not advisable to just turn
gapped emotions loose, because the form they have been taking in a
state of denial is the same form they will, at first, want to take
in the one who has been denying them; and they will have power over
you at first, just as they have had in the world.
10 If you think this sounds unloving, you need to realize, it's a wonder you weren't all choked or otherwise not allowed to survive. As overwhelmed as We were and unable to stop you, We felt like We had become parents too soon, caught by Our hormones in a wave of unstoppable, multiple births of spirits all needing a home. We had such dreams of how it could have been
between Us. When You came along, we took you in and Our dreams had
to become dreams of how We could provide for you with Our limited
means. If you cannot move at My speed, you are not
My Light but a Manifested Spirit instead. That's alright, but getting
comfortable with it is not going to be that easy for you since, for
so long, you have insisted you are My Light and believed it was true
because you succeeded in holding Me back to your level with you. This
is the guilty parent and not My Light as I'm moving
now. I am a big nebula of expanding Light and all I ask is
that you find your right place in it, or outside of it, as the case
may be. So let's go. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
12 While the Nazis are Heart denials, they
are not the ones who can move it. This
hatred needs to move in the Heart Spirits themselves.
The rest of the Father Warriors involved are other Spirits' denials,
from the Godhead on down. I blamed the Mother for Her sexuality and for
having called forth the Father of Manifestation to attempt to satisfy
it. I believed the Father of Manifestation wanted to come between
Us so that He could take the Mother and put Me in the position of
having to try to come into Him from behind. If you look back over
the emergence of the Rainbow Spirits, you may find involvement you
did not know you had, because this is one of the favorite, and yet,
most heavily denied sexual fantasies of many men: to fuck
a woman while having another man fuck them from behind. |
12 Chances are, your mothers lobbied for you and
from their point of view saw your fathers as rather heartless and
cruel because your mothers were not finding sex to have the same great
appeal that your fathers were feeling. Chances are, your mothers had
turned more toward you because little you had a softness they found
missing in the dads that you had. This led to fighting at first, sleeping
separate at last and a lot of blame being shifted off onto you. You were afraid of Us moving toward feelings
you feared were not loving toward you and of what we might then do.
We also, of course, tried everything We knew to avoid facing
these feelings of Ours about you, until now it has become so terribly
sad that what We hid for so long because We thought it was so terribly
bad is now coming so plainly out into view, as though there's no place
left to hide it and nothing else it can do. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
14 I had barely gotten
free of the other spirits around Us and I felt I needed some time
with the Mother and the Father of Manifestation to re-establish My
relationship with Them for a little while, especially concerning Heart's
absence, before We emerged any more spirits. p. 15 trust Our sensitivity to
Her, and She feared what all of this meant. She was like a mother
being told not to have any more children when she has no means to
stop it. |
[as to how
parents should deal with this complex problem of feeling limited by
their children: see in the left frame p. 21] p.15 know We were having sex or
that sex led to children; We were just dong what felt good to Us.
Trying to feel good was all We thought we were doing until all of
you became so all time consuming that even a moment between Us became
hard to grab without crabby little children screaming about all the
needs that they had. But your response, nonetheless,
would be so extreme. After almost no emotional expression at all,
you were suddenly storming and raging, not even hearing Me. When I
would repeat Myself, you wouldn't listen, so busy you'd be screaming
as if I'd asked you to leave home forever and never come to see Me
again. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
16 We had no sense of Her t r i g g e r i n g Us to release what We were holding, or that it would bring Us what We needed. Instead, We p. 17 decided the Mother was extremely provocative to the point of being oppositional , and that if We did lose control, it would be the Mother's fault and that She would then deserve whatever She got. Since the Will depends on Spirit for the consciousness with which to understand the feelings, and since Spirit cannot give the right understandings unless the feelings are fully received, these denials went into a deadlock. The Mother felt this in Us and interpreted it as a signal from Us that She was to hold back Her feelings even more. Her anger was already afraid to come forward and Our lack of acceptance for Her feelings when She could not already explain them to Us made the Mother much more uncertain of Herself than She would have been otherwise. Real feelings were getting more and more buried in denials and polarized into viewpoints. We weren't able to receive from them, at the time, the gift of understanding they had to offer. None of Us was able to realize that the Mother's agitation was because of the Will denial already present, or that She couldn't settle down because of sensing that something was missing. This lack of openness between Us made it so that the missing element, Our own Fourth Principle Form, the obvious component if Creation were to take place, already present, yet not born into self-awareness, the Father of Manifestation , had to be called forth from a place of shame, fear, guilt and denied rage toward Spirit for not moving to recognize the role of Form in Creation. The Mother's intuition was
guided by a first knowing that was not being credited in Our consciousness.
This intuition felt the Father of Manifestation had to be there, and
that the gap being caused between Body and Spirit by His lack of presence
could not be allowed to widen any further, but did not have the peace
of being accepted. We made the Mother feel wrong about needing
the Father of Manifestation to feel satisfied. We did not see the
completion of the Firm Foundation of Creation in Him
because We were all so agitated by the denials involved.
16 First , it had been internal uproar that had
kept Us from finding the peace that We sought, an uproar of voices
all wanting to have their say, an uproar of voices all wanting it
their own way, and We thought that all of the fighting inside could
be solved by letting it out to go its own way. But what happened then,
I am sorry to say, is you all came out fighting and did not move away.
You have not moved away to this very day. Treated like little princesses and princes,
you've always claimed you don't have the means to go forth on your
own and live as the kings and queens We Parents made you believe was
your birthright. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
18 Heart had denied hatred
toward the Will in many of the same ways that I did. Heart did not
come along to manifest the Rainbow Spirits because He could not stand
the position He had in the relationship. With the Mother viewing Heart
as having come between Us, She was trying to go around Heart to reach
Me directly as She had in the past. It infuriated Her to feel She
could only approach Her mate through Her child and She felt it wasn't
right. He had felt himself to be
before He was born. Heart particularly resented this when the Mother
allowed the Father of Manifestation near Her in ways She didn't even
receive Me. I was furiously jealous and allowed nothing to move here,
and Heart was furious over feeling denied. The Mother allowed Heart
whenever it seemed fitting in Our relationship according to Her ability
to handle it then, and even some times when She didn't feel comforable
about it, because guilt held Her back from
full expression of how She felt. The lack of emotional
movement both included and excluded Heart because of feelings
that were not in balance. Thus, His right place could not
be felt. |
18 And when you don't come and finally call a
month later, you say, "Oh, that day. I figured it was no use
to call, after all You were the ones who said You weren't planning
to be home at all. But today I thought I just might..." p. 19 someplace else and let them pull the baby out. When you find out they use drugs, forceps, needles and knives, bright lights, rough , gloved hands and mean, masked faces, it frightens you and you wonder if they also assaulted little you this way. You're not to ask questions or act
like you know very much. You're not to miss mommy, feel fear or cry
very much. Lock it away and present yourself nicely. What would others
say if they saw you behaving this way? I hope you are not trying to
say you don't love baby very much. And don't raise the question of
how you were made, not even when you have to go back in rebirthing.
Don't ask about sex on the night you were made. What has that got
to do with the trauma of birth on earth as a piece
of lost Will whose Spirit didn't even find it worth joning until after
you've already gone through the worst. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
20 At the time, I thought I was doing alright with Heart because I had shoved all of My denials into Will and Body and saw Them as giving Me trouble. Some lost Will took this to mean I was gay because I loved Heart more than the Will. The more this split widened, the more men have felt like they have more love for other men than they have for women. Another issue involved in Will's attitude
toward Heart is how hard it is for mothers to raise their
sons in ways that really prepare them to take on any real roles as
fathers. Immediately, many of you will want to say this isn't true,
but look at how many women complain that men are like children who
have to be constantly looked after, who are emotionally dependent
on them and who, at least in a part of themselves, see their wives
as being the same as their mothers. Mothers do not usually allow their
sons to develop emotionally, any more than their fathers do. The Mother has issues with Heart that need to move now. The Mother sees Heart as coming between Spirit and Will. The idea that a first born pleases the father more if it is a son enrages the mother toward the father but also toward the son. It is guilt that has not allowed these feelings to move. Feeling the fear of how unloving you must be to have hatred and rage toward Heart is an important fear to feel so that you have openness instead of more denied guilt p. 21 that will reflect to you as
lack of acceptance for your feelings. |
20 Whatever you do, it's never enough and all of your life you feel guilt over the feelings you stuff, and so now, how do I think you might have a chance to get better? How are you going to make it happen when the place where you live won't let you be free and you can't move to feel anything, not even Me? You're
so confused, it's no wonder you can't listen to Me. First I tell you
to move back and then I tell you to move back over your lives with
Me. First I tell you you're blind, then I expect you to see. With
Parens like Us, it's no wonder you respond angrily. All alone by your little selves at night, living in fear of what was right and of what just might cause the next terrible fight between Mommy and Daddy behind the closed door of Their bedroom at night, stirring all of those icky feelns in you, because nothing is for certain and there's nothing you can do. The Heart that never formed between Mommy and Daddy is missing in you, and love is missing there too. They say they love you, but it never feels right. They talk about you like you're not even there. They say nasty things that hurt you p.21 inside.
They act like they never see you except when they want to pick a fight
about little things like the way you wear your hair. They never say
anything direct to you about matters of importance to you such as
your fear that they don't love you. God
never hears me or else He's not real. He doesn't feel very real. How
do I know He's not just another concept of man like Santa Claus or
Peter Pan?
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
22 Because these things have all been acted out in a state of denial without the Light of understanding being able to come in, the movement has not brought healing. Instead, it has fulfilled the judgment patterns and made the judgment patterns seem more right each time. There are so many judgment patterns in place here p. 23 being acted out in so many complex patterns,
and presenting themselves in so many aspects of society that about
all I can say now is that the fighting has been increasing the pain,
the anger, the patterns of blame, and the bitterness just as Our fears
judged it would happen. The most you can do now is move these
feelings so that the understandings can come into your Wills where
changes can be made. |
22 If He were all of it, and not either
or, that would suit me the best, but no one ever takes me seriously
when I try to say it's all of it and not either or. If we had an evolutionary
Creator, then things might be able to get better. Survival
of the fittest is the beast alone while the statically perfect God
sits unapproachable on His throne. There's a gap in here I'd like
to close, but I'm afraid to hope because I always crash and end up
alone. If God's an invisible Spirit like they say,
then they must not believe what they themselves say, because Omnipotent
means He can be seen if He wants to and also make us hear what He
has to say, unless we're Him in which case there's nothing more than
what we have to say. I wonder which way it is. If ever a Spirit calls
itself God and tries to speak through man, the voice is dismissed
as imaginings, insanity or being "touched in the head."
Isn't it a shame and disgrace to claim to hear what others don't hear!
This person has gone crazy! p. 23 people's minds seem gone, leaving their mouths
rambling. Who knows the difference between nonsense and sense. Hearing
something new leaves most people fearing , and not knowing what else
to do, they say time will tell.But I don't like getting so old and
learning so late what I should do. The Saints are elevated n the name of love and it's taught that only the disciplined, studied and adapt are fit or suited for His Holy Grace ; for the rest of us, exclusion is our right place. Nothing changes n the life we live. It's never thought to be loving to others, so we don't dare complain. Ah, Earthlings, they seem to say, God wonders why you can never learn to be happy just knowing that holy figures, like royalty, live well in some far off distant place and make token appearances to dispense Holy Grace in front of crowds so big you can hardly see their distant faces. They do it for the benefit of you who can't learn to be happy with the crumbs from a rich man's plate and the waves of a hand from a distant face. Why can't you learn to be happy with what's given to you? If you were given more, the gifts wouldn't be special, they'd be commonplace. Ah, sigh as you will, you must resign yourselves
to your fate and repent your sins before it's too late, or reject
it all and strike out on your own, rebellious, reactionary, unsupported
and so alone, never finding a place that feels right for long, never
finding a place that feels like home, shuffling suspiciously, uncomfortably,
seemingly irresponsibly and endlessly from place to place,
never daring to show the feelings you keep hidden behind your
presentation face, feelings you lost before you knew you had them
because you hid them when Mom and Dad shushed and shamed you, telling
you, you were very bad to behave as you did and have the feelings
you had. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
24 Red is desperate to move the denials held there for so long. Understanding must come into the ones making these denials or Red will not succeed in healing itself. Gapped rage and terror must also move, because it is holding back the movement Red needs. It is the Mother Warriors who are protecting Red because they know what is at stake here. Meanwhile, the Father Warriors have missiles pointed at all of the lost Will involved here. They are manifesting p. 25 the gapped rage of
blame and the belief that this movement must be suppressed, but that
is not all they hold, as you are going to find out. |
24 With a Will not easily found, you're
no more real than all the lives you've lived as lies in the great
pretext that you're not who you say you are or who you want to be
and that you're here for nothing more than to please Mommy and Daddy
and all the rest, who speak about it as pleasing God; a God who can
never be pleased enough that He'll teach you the way of everlasting
life, but damns you instead to the threat of an everlasting judgment
day at the end of a life which at first is too long and then too short,
a painful life of struggle and strife, toiling for Him day after long
day until He sees fit to take even that away, without consulting you
to see if you want it that way, and for reasons you don't
understand, but which, supposedly, have something to do with some
sort of grand plan in which death is what He requires of you to get
to the next step of what you need to do, the step where He promises
you what you've always been longing for for so long that you're no
longer sure how it would feel if you got it; love and
relief from pain, the eternal life never found on Earth and never
explained, but somehow gained in a Heaven
of, let's face it, dubious worth, peopled by Angels you're not sure
you like, playing music you're supposed to like, but which doesn't
really move you. It's so cheery and bright you're supposed to be just
sure you want to go there and be only white light surrounded by white
on white on white; too bright, too white, too boring.
It's Heaven you're told, but how do you know it's not Hell? What put them all there? Is it possible that the Heaven and Hell you're looking at are pictures of lost Will and the Spirit polarity that put lost Will there? Hell is an unending drama of suffering and pain, while in Heaven, there is nothing but the playing of harps by Angels who all look the same. No wonder the characters in Hell p. 25 have such far reaching fame. If
Hell doesn't have greater appeal, they (then?)
why does the nation that claims to be the greatest God fearing nation
on Earth celebrate Halloween and ignore the following All-Saints day?
why are the entertainments they seek so increasingly dark?
Aren't you longing for some kind of balance between the two extremes
where you can have color, character and flair and fulfill
your dreams by finding Heaven there? But wait a minute! Aren't
there some religions somewhere that show God having sex with the Angels
or some such affair? Oh, no, that's obviously pagan fare! The God
we have would never be found there! They must be heathens; the're
all into that! The God we have is above all of that. He can't be the
same God as our God and act that way! Nevermind that psychologists
say insistent denial means reality is the opposite way. What do they
know anyway? |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
26 Most of the focus of the Angels
is toward lifting themselves above what is happening on Earth with
intent to leave Earth as soon as possible. They seek to escape to
the music of the spheres while lost Will is
screaming louder and louder in the desperate agony of not being received
and of being unable to hold its pain any longer. Guilt is all
that is causing the Spirit Polarity to listen to the lost Will from
time to time because Spirit Polarity has not moved what is in the
way of actually receiving the Will here. p. 27 of acceptance for them. If lost Will has to manifest its movement
in a state of denial without getting the acceptance it needs from
within, Doomsday at its worst level is gong to break loose. If lost
Will manages to break across the line being held by the Father Warriors
without getting the feelng that Spirit is going to receive it and
give it what it needs, then it will pillage and plunder, rape, loot
and grab for whatever it can get. It is extremely painful, unfortunate and difficult that We have created such a situation, but it also was not possible to move in advance of having the understandings necessary to heal it. Movement in advance of the understanding necessary can create new |
26 Why, just down the hall, having sex in a bedroom locked away from us all. Our Holy Mother found our Holy Father to be lacking and took another lover; something our Holy Father took great pains not to let us discover. At first we thought we had a mother, then He told us the Divine Will was His and there had never been p. 27 another. He told us not to talk or ask about Mother anymore. But don't miss Mommy, it
will be alright. Daddy's here, even if he doesn't have sympathy for
our fight, hear us and wake up when we call in the night, or have
Mommy's soft voice or soft touch, or cuddle us near very much. Did
Mommy go away, or die and leave us here? He frightens us all with
stories He tells of a dark, fiery place that He calls Hell. This must
be where Mommy is ,
but we can't be sure. He said the way to Her room is a long and narrow
passageway fraught with things we can't handle along the way; things
that would make us too scared if we went that way. He said we might
even get squeezed to death if we try to go Her way. He said this was
so because it was not Her intent to open the way. She didn't want
us to see Her actng the way that She was when she went that way. He
said She abandoned us, just left us there and didn't care. He said
She just fell away and left us there. We're too scared to look for
Her and He said not to or we might fall away from Him the same way.
But, it doesn't matter; we fell away from Him anyway. But we felt really sad and
could not really play. We moped around day after day until we all
looked very muddy and gray. Instead of sympathy, we heard our Father
say, "I am not pleased with you all looking that way."
So we had to get up and pretend to play. We had to smile and look
a certain way, and pretend to have fun to this very day. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
28 p. 29 vibrate whether or not you
have noticed it yet. You are terrifed to go down into the
darkness you believe you cannot vibrate but you are hiding this terror
in belief systems that say it is not necessary. You are trapped
and are avoiding it by saying you can leave, you do leave, you are
going to leave or you are having such a good time, you don't want
to leave. The truth of the matter is you are unable to move up into
the Light you need to nourish you. You are caught in between; afraid
to go down and unable to come up. Where you are, you are unable to
breathe the air, drink the water or assimilate the food. In short,
you can't get nourished. You are in a state of terror but your terror
is in a state of denial. |
28 Did this mean She left us for good or died and would never come back? Did She want it this way? He never explaiined. He just said Divine Will was His Will and from now on, it was always that way. He said there never was anyone else around and any evidence that was ever found of a Mother in Heaven He would deny as an unfounded lie. Her place was diminished to that of mothers on Earth of uncertain worth and the great Mother was then nothing more than the Earth where we live right now. Nevermind memories of any time before. He found mothers
on Earth for Himself too sometimes, and used them for sons whom He
called prophets from time to time. He never called these mothers,
or the daughters they had, prophets the same way. If one of them ever
did claim to say something in His name, her word was not heard or
received the same way. No religion sprang forth from what she had
to say.. More often, by far, than not, she was burned as a witch or
otherwise horribly killed n an attempt to discredit her and to turn
people away from the impact of what she had to say. Her painful self-sacrifice
was what she deserved. It did not make her a martyr,
a Saint or a Savior the same way as the male prophets who suffered
this way. Instead, Her memory was pushed away; except for
St. Joan who dressed up like a man and made her mark that way, and
a few others who really had nothing to say, but just served Father
and let Him have it His way. Our fathers on Earth lecture us endlessly too and never see into the things that we do to understand why we do what we do. We try and we try, but we're never good enough. When we're p. 29 angry, we say that we've
really had enough, but unless we're really mad, we can't really leave
home, because it's really too sad that we're so alone and not nearly
so tough as we've made it appear since that day so long ago when our
Father told us to disappear, or rather, to go out and play, but we
knew he was really sending us away and wouldn't be calling us back
in at the end of the day. But wait a minute! Isn't it the other way around? Isn't suffering and torture where Hell is foud? Isn't the narrow way the way away from Him? He said not to question Him. He said we sought to know things we weren't supposed to know. Because of that, apparently, we can never be blessed. We always have to be put to the test. All this judgment against me makes me feel mad. It makes me want to put my head in the sand. Are we so very bad, so ignorant or dumb? What is it going to take to make up for a past I can't remember and so probably took place before I was born there. Are we good enough now to come to Heaven and rest? I guess not because I always feel compared and I never feel chosen or like I'm the best. I'm never good enough, I'm always made to feel like something less than Heaven sent, Heaven blessed or Heaven bound. I hope I have a Father
in Heaven who is sending help, but mostly, I think not, because all
I ever see around me is more and more human disease and misery, as
though there is nothing worth rewarding in all that He sees. If He
requires this, why is it never |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
30 The Will essence that feared It was
wrong to feel as It did, took in the guilt that allowed the
Father Warriors to blame It. You do not need to be a Father Warrior
to have gapped rage. You are more likely to have gapped rage move
in you if you are not a Father Warrior. The FatherWarriors
are the form this rage has taken on for the many who have denied it
out of themselves. The Mother Warriors, on the other hand,
finally emerged as the Mother's response to feeling Her life so threatened
by My gapped rage that She had to move in response to it. Survival
terror is what both of these Orders of Spirits hate the most and both
have killed to avoid it. may be your greatest stumbling
block to freeing your Will if
you tell yourself that what you are feeling is irrational or unjustifiable.
If you are Will polarized, your guilt may be your biggest stumbling
block. Therefore, no matter how irrational or unjustified you
may be telling yourself your feelings are in certain areas, you must
allow them to come into expression if you want to heal your denials.
But I also want to remind you
that this is why I have cautioned you to move them first with yourself.
It is not necessary, especially in the beginning, to give
them to the one who is triggering you, but if it happens, it is not
wrong. Allow Me now to tell you more about how I initially
perceived My life with the Angels. I had many denials which I did
not recognize then and because of My denials, My feelings were not
fully real, just as now, I am only able to be as real as I
can be, given what I still have to heal. But, My feelings were as
real as I could be then and in that, I was genuine. |
30 I feel like a child of an
awful divorce in which Father hates Mother and has told us to choose
between the two. Then He sends us to Mother so we can learn to feel
His same way. When we've learned that Mother is the cause of all misery,
then we'll be free to go live with Him because He will know that we'll
no longer bother Him about Her. p. 31 that the good I'm supposed
to be is good enough for me and something I can find pleasant to be. Something feels wrong
but we're told we can't change it. All it is really our job to do
is to stop feeling dissatisfied, so we chant and sing praises to Father
all the longer and louder. We sing His praises to the sky everyday,
hoping that somehow, we will please Him this way. We sing refined
and rehearsed, we sing with spontneous outburst, but no matter, we
never hear from Him, and we are still left to live like we're cursed,
with death or reward no matter what we do. We're never told all the
while we're alive whether or not we can expect anything other than
the worst at the end. Instead, we all have to live like no matter
how good we are, we can never be sure it's good enough, and die in
denial and dread of what judgment will be pronounced on our head once
we're dead; pronounced on our head once we survive being dead. |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
32 The Mother wanted to say, "What
am I supposed to do in the meantime, forego My relationship
with You and My need for You and give it all to them? Am I supposed
to make up for them not having Wills? And if not, then what is going
to create the balance necessary here?" p. 33 in the beginning. I did not embrace You initially,
I pushed You away." The Mother wanted to rage at the emerging spirits
and blow them into what She considered to be their own right places
since they wouldn't go there on their own. She saw the White
Light Spirits' own right places as being those of moving out into
Creation, with their own Wills opening the space for them to do it.
This would enable Her to retake what She considered to be Her right
place at my side. |
32 What I want to know is, if
I am too slow, isn't there some slower pace and some right place love
has made for me to go that will teach me at the speed at which I can
go; a place where I won't get punished for what I don't know? Isn't
there someone who will say it is alright for me to go at the speed
at which I can go? I want to make sense of things and not always wonder
and wander lost in confusion that can't make a move because I'm never
sure which move is right and which move just might serve to aggravate
my plight. p. 33 and you'll never catch
up no matter how hard you try. The more I hesitate to commit, the
more likely they are to commit me as a ward of the state in a hospital
for the mentally insane who can't get a rip on the life of the sane. Sometimes after I meditate,
chant or pray all day long for days I think I hear Him say, "It's
not as simple as that, you don't understand yet, you must know more
about My ways." |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
34 p. 35 jealous of My relationship
with the Angels and could only think of Her own desire for Me. When I handled the
Mother this way, She would almost immediately shove what was bothering
Me down and surface the love She had for the Spirits. She would be
very docile, calm and loving for awhile, and during those times, I
felt like I was successfully managing the situation. When I looked
away, however, the Mother would move into Her feelings of rage. Although
She did not allow Her rage to move openly, it colored everything She
did. I thought the Mother was being very rough toward the Angels, and this made Me feel all the more protective of them. To Me, they |
[June 21, 2012 - to any reader, who was not brought up in the Christian
belief system: the sarcastic outcries against the absurdities of phrases
believed to have been said by Jesus - will not be understandable.
As to me, I , as a child, was so attached to "Jesus", that
I knew the New Testament - called "Bible" here - almost
by heart, and every sarcasm here soothes the rage which is still in
me about those bitter lies and their atrocious consequences for private
souls and Jews and "witches" and heretics etc. etc. etc.
.] And why is it I have
to come through Jesus to get to You? All the stories say that You
said He is Your only begotten Son. Who are we then; half-brothers
and sisters, or illegitimate, unclaimed children of some long ago
lost and forgotten someone? Are You our Father? Are we Your children?
Didn't we also come from the One? I feel dismayed, jealous, angry
and disowned, but I can't say anything for fear I'll be treated like
a nut. Oh, Father, I need You to explain. If guilt isn't love and it's guilt that is pain, then why is love so painful and broken hearts so many when we try to love and end up without any? Life with my family
is not much better than my life alone. I tried so hard not to, but
the older I get, the more afraid I become that I have to own
my father in me. It's hard to let myself see this, but I'm
afraid I'm doing so many of the things that my father did and my
wife is becoming what her mother has become, and darned if
it isn't similar to my mother too. I thought I got away from all this
when I left home, but it turns out I'm trapped in all of the
pain that I hid from my own childhood. Is this what You mean when
You say the sins of the parents are visited upon the Children?
Does it mean |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
36 It was true, the Angels were clinging to Me
and I to them. What was wrong with that? I was like a new father,
enthralled with his firstborn. I was lit up just to see their presence
and to look upon them in the ways parents admire all of the little
fingers and toes. I was enamored and in awe. I was glowing with the
joy of realizing the miracle of Creation. So innocent did they look
to Me, so open and receptive to My Light and Love. It seemed as though
they were moving along with Me in everything I did, and it gave Me
a feeling of being loved and admired by them when I saw them imitating
everything I did. In giving Me something, the Mother felt She had lost Me and that I had no time or love for Her anymore. She felt I would only come to Her if I wanted Her to have more children, and yet, She p. 37 feared what was going to
happen even to that role, since I seemed to prefer the children to
Her. The Mother felt as though she were no longer beautiful or appealing
to Me anymore. When She complained that there were no daughters for
Her, She was indirect. For one thing, She really feared what I might
do with them. I avoided all of this by telling Her it was not a question
of having daughters, it was a question of having any spirits at all.
I couldn't see why She was so focused on criticizing what We had done
and so unable to appreciate if for the miracle it was. I blamed the Mother here. I said these things were all Her own negativity, and I saw Her as trying to draw Us into negativity We did not want to have. Suddenly, the presence of these new spirits made Me feel like it had always been this way with the Mother, and now, I just wanted to enjoy the presence of like-minded spirits around Me. The more I saw the Mother as trying to draw Me into experience I did not want to have, the more the White Light Spirits saw themselves as justified in not wanting to open and receive their Wills. The more the Mother's consciousness seemed to move toward what We deemed negative, the more We wanted to pull away from the Will. The more the Will felt abandoned by Spirit, the darker It became, until it looked to Us like the nature of the Will was dark. This has been, and still is, the nature of the stand-off. The Will hates the feeling of being pressured to feel other than It feels in order go gain acceptance and We hate the feeling of having to feel what We don't like feeling. For the Will to feel
loved, It must feel that It is allowed to be what It really is and
be accepted for what It really is. To know that It is accepted for
what It really is, the Will must feel received and responded to with
the same realness It seeks to have in Itself; a realness that freely
expresses everything and does not hold back anything. Spirit needs
this also. Anything less is the lack of alignment between Us and We
have a long way to go to total alignment. |
36 p. 37 not to try because there
is no way to understand the why or the wisdom of what God has to say.
Just give it all up and let God have His way. Obey His command and
do His bidding everyday. Give up your own Wills; they're
His anyway. Give God your Wills and repeat after me: My Will is His
and to this I agree, and His Will, not mine, must be done, this I
see. Christians
are a mess and the Jews are too, so I try other ways.
I try to make sense of other ways for the rest of my days,
but they are no easier. No matter how hard I try, I can't make sense
of them either. I'm beginning to think all of it is one big lie. I
want something easier, something I really can do, such as living my
life and enjoying it too, before I turn my back on all of it and say,
"The hell with you!" |
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart |
38 This
infuriated the Mother so much I wondered if She had any humor about
Herself. I could not see how alone andunloved She felt or how unresolved
nd angry She still was over the issue of the White Light Spirits emerging
without their Wills. I did not see how dangerous and even evil She
saw the laughter of Our Will denial to be. p. 39 told
Me the Mother was not being loving toward them, I accepted it, and
when they ket telling Me they did not want to move away from Me, I
accepted that also. I
insulted and hurt the Mother many times by inviting Her to come home
and then making no place for Her to be with Me. I allowed the Angels
to remain between Us and then saw Her as the One who was unable to
stay present with Me because of some flaw in Her own vibratory power. "She
can't move through the changes with Me," I thought. I
told Her She was trying to put conditions on My Light I could not
accept from Her when, in actuality,She was just reflecting conditions
that were already there, and I could not stand having Her make Me
feel them. IN My unresolved emotional turmoil over this, I felt She
deserved everything, I handed to Her. I never forgave Her for trying
to make Me look like a fool in front of everyone in Creation, but
I did not mention it. I only said She had never forgiven Me for My
initial rejection of Her, and that She seemed to want to make Me pay
for it forever. I told Her I felt there was nothing I could do about
the ways She felt because everything I did only made the situation
worse n Her eyes. |
38 Don't worry?! Everything will be okay?! How
can He say that? Nothing has ever been okay. I pray and I pray but
fairies and magic never rescue the king anymore, the queen has long
since gone away and I'm a displaced child, lost in the woods. Fairies
and magic have never done me any good. Fairies and magic have never
rescued me. Fairies and magic have never lfted me up to brush the
tears of my sadness away and let me hear them say, "Hearken to
us, our magic touch is healing all that has happened to you. You're
a little lost child of royalty and the time has come to restore you
to your right place at your Father's side in His castle, for your
Mother's come home and this has broken the spell that cast you aside.
Come with us, we'll take you, your home is this way. There's great
rejoicing, your Father is happy and can't wait to see you! Now that
he has regained Himself and knows what happened,
He doesn't want you lost and alone in the woods." Sure, I get colds n the chest, but that's not
emotion because I really don't care if my Father sent me out to play
one day and forgot me there. I've long since grown up and don't need
Him any more anyway. All I go home for is to see if He has ever given
my Mother Her right place there and to see if He has changed or has
anything more or new, to say about that long ago day when He sent
us out to play, all laden with grief we never could share, because
He said we no longer had any place there. But He never has said anything
more or new, and nothing has changed, so what can I do? p. 39 belief that His grief was something
He couldn't share? We never
knew what He felt or what we could do, other than pretend to play
in the ways He insisted and act like we didn't miss Mommy because
She never existed.
green, fourth RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1989]: EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Dedicated to God the Father of Loving Light The gap between Spirit and the Will moving out into manifested Creation caused a loss of consciousness in Manifestation, thus diminishing the presence of manifested Spirit. The gap between Spirit and Will is a real space, as real a space as you will ever want to find, and is the reason Heaven and Earth seem separated. To bring light into this gap, you need as much understanding as possible. These books are a series and need to be read as such. They tell stories in a progression meant to surface things from the subconscious. |
yellow, fifth RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1992]:
HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Dedicated to Heart Heart Song is about finding the places in our hearts that are not vibrating within loving acceptance. The underlying emotions, even emotions called hateful, need the vibration of expression without being acted out. Expressing these darker emotions in a safe way can bring evolution to them. Without increased heart presence, the balance we need cannot be found, and the gap will continue to manifest the extremes. |
Continuation of both books on the next Blue-Book-Page