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of 2010
Continuation of 1984- "Right Use as a Healing Power"
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& grandma walk my path - 3.50 km - back from the Alpaca-farm. Ilan and Na'ama Dvir, the creators and "owners" of this unique place fenced in 500 square meters , which is a grave violation of Desert Law. Ilan made a gate for us, when we connected the Succah to the farm. 7 years later the path is intact, but the fence is gone, as Jonathan proves. ![]() |
40 ["Right Use as a Healing Power"] The way to protect yourself and the Earth does not require doing anything you do not want to do either. You need only express the feelings you have about what is happening on Earth to Me and to the people with whom you have a feeling of trust. If this is what you feel you can do, this is fine and will be effective. Do not underestimate the power of this expression either. The alignment you have when you express yourself determines the power your expression will have. To be able to ask Me for something and be in alignment, you need to know what all of you wants (sic). If, from a space of partial alignment you ask Me, for example, to heal the Earth, I will respond to that request anyway because it is for the highest good of the Earth. You need to realize that I must do this at the right time and in the way which I need to do it. And if you ask Me, for example, to heal you and the Earth right now, I must also do this at the right time and in the way in which it needs to be done. It may appear that I am not answering these requests if there is a time lag, but if you have denial of part of yourself, you are not in touch with what could be holding back the immediate response and instantaneous healing. I must heal you in the way that is appropriate for you. The denial in many people is sufficient to magnetically repell from the self the very things the conscious part wants to draw. What is denied is not accepted by the conscous self and is pushed away from the consciousness. This denied part still has attractive power and you need to know what it is doing. To heal yourself and the Earth, an end to denial is needed so that you have an alignment about what healing is for you and the Earth. If part of you wants Me to heal you and the Earth and you hold in denial a part that is furious at Me for not doing this already, for example, this denied part cannot accept My help because it does not believe I am giving it. I cannot heal part of you if it means lifting you away from your denial. Then you are not healed. I cannot lift you away from a part of yourself because you must take responsibility for all of yourself. When you have denial present I heal you in the way I can heal you, which is to bring experiences to help you recognize your own denial. Understand that to heal the Earth you need to heal yourself first. In ending your own denial you can tell Me everything you like and don't like about the reality you live in and also how you |
41 ["Right Use as a Healing Power"] want your reality
to be. Then you have alignment with your right place and can attract
it to you. When you have denial that does not want the same
thing you do, I cannot answer one part of you without seeming to deny
the other part of you. Since I will not deny anything, I
have solved this problem by giving everyone what is needed. Many
people have then thought that they could not have what they wanted
but only what they needed. The fact of the matter is that what you
want and what you need are the same thing when you have alignment
initially with your own intent to heal and then with all of yourself.
42a ["Right Use as a Healing Power"] |
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28, 2012: while opening this page in order to continue to copy the Purple
Book p.122, my eyes caught the sentence put in bold above, nothing in your energy field is in contradiction and your desire is attracting it to you and I hurry to juxtapose - the daily quote which reached me from "Abraham"
is already appears next to "My Desire Today" on October 14-15, 2009 |
And yet - there is so much information missing
in "Abraham", that it causes us to fear, that Ya'acov and I are
heading in opposite directions.
Ya'acov claims, that if I want "to heal into wholeness", I'm focusing
on what is not healed, i.e. on the disease, and then attract more of this.
therefore ardently desire, ardently implore you, ardently beseech you,
the beings who talk to Earth through Esther Hicks in the name of "Abraham":
Please! ! !give this information to your millions
of followers:
If I don't heal all of me, if I don't heal myself into wholeness,
if I do not move and womb what has been left behind in my past,
if I don't redeem what - in my present - is shoved under the carpet ,
all this will resist my desire and therefore attract what I don't desire!
the 2010 version this chapter appears on p. 54 after "FREE WILL BETWEEN
1984-page 42 ["The Influence away from Free Will"] Long
ago, before there was any experience on earth, the Will was denied
in the Heavens by Spirits that did not understand themselves
well enough to accept the Will. These Spirits saw the Will as holding
them back. They wanted to have more expansive experiences and their
Wills were expressing emotion in resistance to this. Overpowering
of the Will took place in all the possible ways it could take place
including the eventual disconnect from the Spirit and has been reenacted
ever since. |
43 ["The Influence away from Free Will"] Recovery is not absolutely necessary right now, but it is not something to put off because it seems too hard either. Recovery needs to take place at the right time for you. The failure so far to entirely recover lost Will should not be judged as evidence that this cannot be done or should not be done because Free Will does not work. Free Will needs complete acceptance and not conditional acceptance so that it can show the Spirit what its full contribution is. Any Spirit that holds any part of itself in denial loses Spiritual presence. Many Spirits have tried to deny the validity of Free Will by saying that it is unwise to grant freedom in advance of wisdom. These Spirits have promoted rules, regulations, procedures and the form of learning from teachers and progressing through this form in accordance with approval granted by the ones controlling the form. Freedom, which often boiled down to privilege, was supposed to be granted in accordance with the candidates' ability to accept it wisely. One of the problems with this approach is that someone has to set himself up as a judge of what is wisdom and what is the appropriate learning procedure for another. This is another attempt to deny Me and to deny My own Mother Principle, the Will. These Spirits even claimed authority from Me to undermine Free Will and denied Me further in this way. The destiny Path of Earth has also been seriously denied by these teachings. Wisdom for one may or may not be wisdom for another. Limits for one may or may not be limits of another. The path of one may or may not be the path of another. I have given everyone what they need to evolve and fulfill themselves if they accept it. Many that have accepted the influence away from Free Will have also said that doing what you want to do is selfish and even dangerous. This is ridiculous if you really think about it. A judgment that is held here is that telling others what to do is not selfish but is instead appropriate. Since not being selfish in this case means doing what another wants, who is being selfish? The only person that could appropriately tell another what to do is a person that hears Me unconditionally and that person would only give the advice I wanted given to a person that was not able to hear Me on the subject at that time. What feels the best all around is to do for others what you really want to do and nothing more. |
- pages 44-49a - DENIALS SHARED BY MANY
In the 2010 version
this chapter appears on p. 55 after "The Influence away from Free Will"
44 - ["Denials shared by Many"] All of manifested experience so far has been in search of self-acceptance. Attuning the Will is not something that can be left out here, and another misunderstanding needs to be straightened out as well. Returning to essence is not the goal of self-acceptance. Self-acceptance must include acceptance that individual consciousness has emerged to evolve essence. While many have believed emergence was a denial of and a separation from Spirit, the opposite is actually true. Denial of emergence is denial of the Spirit's opportunity to increase its own Light through evolvement. Emergence into individual consciousness is not completed when you accept that you have emerged. Every Spirit emerged to fulfill its Destiny Path. Self-acceptance must come first so that you can do what you came forth to do. I am much more complex than almost anyone on Earth has yet realized. Some Spirits have had so much fear of these realizations and the responsibilities involved that they have tried to avoid them by denying manifestation and form. Others have tried to cope by slowing themselves down and experiencing at a slower speed. Many of these Spirits came to Earth long ago. Many of the ones trying to cope by slowing down took the forms of animals for reasons of their own. Some did this with complete self-acceptance and it was no problem. Others did this with a lack of complete self-acceptance that soon led to confusion between themselves and the forms they had taken on. Confusion trapped many in these forms and this entrapment resulted in the loss of a lot of consciousness. The myths about centaurs, satyrs, Minoans and all other stories about part-man, part-animal forms, including animals turning into men and vice versa are stories about these experiences. When other more experienced Spirits saw this happening, some tried to help. Reclaiming the conscousness lost here has been a long process during which most of the ones that came to help have become entrapped on Earth also. The reasons for the entrapment were many and differed with individual Spirits. Many Spirits trapped themselves in animal |
45 ["Denials
shared by Many"] forms because they wanted to reduce their conscousness and escape from Me. Others did it because of confusion about limits. Others did it because of fear that they could not accept the form they had. Still others did this because they had to try to find out what the trapped Spirits were experiencing. Some did this to be like their friends. There are many reasons this experience took place and only some of the major ones are mentioned here. Many judgments were made around these experiences. Many Spirits that did not get trapped judged themselves to be superior to the ones that did get trapped. The ones trapped judged themselves, the other Spirits trapped and the Spirits that were not trapped. The problem here was that the judgments did not see each particular situation for what it was. The Spirits judging made assumptions that what they comprehended when the judgment was made applied to every experience that contained any similarity. These misunderstandings compounded the problem and made escape from the limitations of these forms much more difficult than would otherwise have been the case. This experience was very painful for the ones that did not enjoy the limitations of the forms they became trapped in. Many judged that those Spirits entrapped in animal forms had base and insatiable appetites that drew them to become so animalistic. This was only true for some, but these judgments have affected everyone involved. The understandings need to come in place of the judgments. Some Spirits do not want life in human form and need to be allowed this freedom. Others have lost consciousness from this experience that they really want to recover. You need to remember your own past and find out what happened to you. Everyone on Earth has involvment in some way whether they were directly trapped or not. The Spirits that lost consciousness without meaning to have a highly emotional charge around this experience that includes overwhelming panic and anger.[sic] This charge has not been released yet because even when I taught some Spirits on Earth how to liberate the trapped ones, they had varying degrees of success in liberating the entire consciousness of the Spirits involved. The Spirits involved often resorted to denial of the part of themselves that was so overwhelmed and released the rest of themselves from the trap. In |
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46 ["Denials
shared by Many"] fact, most people on Earth now do not have their full self present with them. Magical powers that existed in the past have been largely lost because of the reduction in presence that denial has caused. The Spirits liberated from animal forms at that time were given human forms in which to evolve back to their full consciousness. All the Spirits involved were given human forms whether they were human types of Spirits or not. The main reason for this was that most of the Spirits involved believed their lack of self-acceptance and acceptance of one another was largely due to how different they were from one another. I gave the human form and a period of time in which to inhabit it so that the necessary experience could be gained to learn otherwise. Many Spirits that embraced expansive consciousness have held a judgment for a long time that everyone should and must love this sort of consciousness the way they do. An understanding is needed here and this understanding is one of the main points of denial responsible for undermining the recovery of lost Will. Some of My Spirits seek reduction in consciousness, compression and death and they must be allowed to have it. Life is just as painful to them as the opposite is to the Spirits that embrace life. In holding a judgment, the Spirits that embrace life have been unable to see and accept these Spirits for what they are. These Spirits have been creating death all around then and expansive Spirits have been denying this and trying to take them off their Destiny Path in My name and in the name of My Love . This is not accepting these Spirits for what they are and what they need. The judgment that everything is similar in essence no matter what its form was an attempt to simplify Me and fit Me into the limits of the ones judging Me. It was also a denial of true feelings. The Will is meant to guide you to your right place and will do it if allowed to. This is the way you can have freedom to seek experience without destroying yourself. This was also a denial of the alignment of form and essence. The only real problem has been that these two realities, that of Loving Essence which seeks expansion of Light and life and that which denies Loving Essence and seeks compression and death, should not mix together and right place is not going to |
47 ["Denials
shared by Many"] allow it any more. The experience necessary to be able to accept this from Me has taken place on Earth. Death is unconditional denial of Me. It belongs outside of Me. [I, Rachel , did not understand this and the next sentences , when I read it in 1987 and do not understand it in 2012!] This has a place in My Creation that has to be understood as you are able to. An understanding of unconditional acceptance is needed here. You need only accept this reality's right to be. This does not mean that you are to accept this reality into yourself and embrace death and denial in any form unless it truly feels good to you. The recovery of Free Will on Earth has been stopped each time by denial. The Spirits of Loving Essence have in the past been unable to let go of the Spirits that are not of Loving Essence and were unable to accept them for what they are. These denial Spirits have even tried to kill Loving Essence because they have to get away from it somehow and Loving Essence was not letting them go. Denial cannot let go on its own. The understanding needed here is that the difference between Loving Essence that has been denied and the denial of Loving Essence is that the one seeks Love and has been mistakenly denied and the other seeks to escape Love and has been mistakenly pressured to accept Love. This has been further confused by the fact that unconditional denial denies everything including the fact that it does not want Love. Denial that does not have or want Loving Essence can be felt by the Will. The Will needs to be allowed to tell you the difference here. The recovery of lost Will is going to tell you this because the original undermining of the Will was involved with this conclusion [confusion?]. The Will had the answer immediately concerning the Spirits of unloving essence and Spirit would not accept this understanding from the Will. In all the recovery attempts so far, recovery of the Will has progressed to this point and failed to succeed because the Spirit still would not accept the Will's feelings here. This teaching has to be accepted from the Will before the old charge accumulated in experiences with these denial Spirits can be fully released. In other words, this situation cannot change for you until you accept it for what it is. Denial must be seen for what it is on Earth. Loving Spirits must let go of unloving Spirits and personal denial of Loving Essence must be ended. Most of the personal denial took place in an effort to prove to Me and to |
February 5,
2012 - These pages were overwhelming for me, when I first read them 25 years
What I understand now, is , that the book here does not talk about "persons",
despite the word "personal" denial,
but about "Denial Energy", or even "Embedded Denial",
a term used in later messages of Godchannel.
Two days ago I supported two young men here in Arad, Boris and Dafna, concerning
Daniel's friend M.
Since M., infected by severe alcoholism, is very sick, Daniel invited him
to live with him for a time.
Yet Daniel and Boris are powerless, when M. gets attacks of psychosis and
even acts as if he wants to kill himself.
Since D. and B. believed they had to help him, no matter by what costs, they
got themselves into severe troubles,
and, of course, didn't help M. at all.
Since I'm very "familiar" with my own former "helper-syndrome",
I could win them over to see,
that they were acting as "enablers",
and reminded them of the saying, about which I had to write an essay at school
55 years ago:
"Die Welt geht zugrunde nicht an der Staerke der
Boesen sondern an der Schwaeche der Guten!"
"The World doesn't go down the drain because of the power of the bad
but because of the weakness of the good guys"
48 ["Denials shared by Many"] yourselves that the Will was not right here and that everyone really did have a Loving Essence. The judgments made here were many. You need to find the ones you are holding yourself, but I will point out some of them. Everyone judged that their kind of consciousness was the best and many judged their kind of consciousness was the best and many judged their kind of consciousness was best for everybody. Many Spirits judged that if they were loving enough themselves, they could teach others to be loving like they were. Many Spirits judged that I was not unconditionally loving when I told them they were making a mistake here. Undercurrent here was a judgment that they were more loving than Me. Another judgment many Spirits made was that in time these unloving Spirits would come around, that they were just slow. Another judgment made here was that every Spirit was supposed to return to Me and so the ones heading away from Me were going in the wrong direction.. The only other judgment I want to bring forward now as a general judgment that was made by the Spirits involved here is that all of you judged against the Will for feeling like it wanted these death-creating Spirits outside of My Creation. Reality is that this is what they seek, want and need. Death does not feel at all good to the Spirits that seek life and yet you have all embraced it and tried to make yourselves accept it. The understanding you now need is that all denial that is not seeking life must go outside of Me. You must separate this reality back out of yourself and let it find its right place. This means letting go of everything that creates death. This means unconditionally letting go of everything involved with death be it ever so slight an involvement. You need to do this in the way that denies nothing at all in yourself. You must do this at the time that is right for you and in the way that is right for you. In other words, this letting go needs to feel good and not like more self-denial. February 5, 2012 - But "not helping" , like in the case of B. and D., wouldn't this be terrible self-denial? I don't get it! Even if these understandings seem overwhelming to you at first, they will become clear in time. If you have intent to heal, you need to release all the judgments you can find in yourself and let understandings come in their place. Release of these deep denials is not an easy thing to do and yet it must be done. The reality needed to show these denials for what they are is in- |
49 ["Denials shared by Many"] tensifying its presence on Earth now and it will help you clear your denials if you let it. Death is not meant to prevail in My Creation. And yes I am every place, but I am able to experience in a way that you may not yet be ready for nor really desirous of. Originally, many of My created Spirits tried to force themselves to experience every place because I did, and did not have self-acceptance for their own Wills. Originally you tried to force yourselves to experience this because I did. Although the reality of the denial Spirits felt terrible to the Spirits of Loving Essence and they had to use force on themselves to make themselves experience it, they judged against their own Wills and said that it was not the reality of the denial Spirits that was terrible for them, but that their own Wills were terrible for feeling this way. Many even judged their own Wills were creating the death that they were actually just taking in from the denial Spirits and making their Wills hold because they wouldn't accept the expression involved in releasing it. The Will of a Loving Essence does not create death. If it is experiencing death, it has taken this in by accepting denial in some form or another and must reverse this in itself to escape death. The release of denial is going to allow you to find that your right place has no denial present any more and will facilitate the process of letting denial find its right place. Many Spirits that thought the Will was in opposition to Spirit thought that the Will itself was this denial when the Will was only trying to point out the presence of these denials. |
1984 - p.49 and
2010- p. 41b ~~~ THE FEMININE
is the quality that is correlated with the Will. Female is given the property of the negative charge just as the Will is and just as darkness has been. Feelings are equated with female and action with male. Women then, have been equated with the term negative and negative has been equated with undesirable. In truth, negative is not darkness. Negative is the energy which vibrates the darknes 1984- p.50a ["The feminine Principle] so that it has movement. |
Female is the quality associated with
the Will, as male is with the Spirit. |
May-June, 2012
November 1, 2011, I felt,
that I should re-read and copy the second and third
RUOW book, as much as linear "TIME" will allow, and juxtapose
them to the first, the BLUE BOOK.
Below I "managed" to insert (max space:
1300 kb!) the pages 120-159 of
each of the two books. In time I'll add links to the content titles.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
CREATION ......1 |
Continuation from Violet and Purple Book, pages 106-120 at the bottom of the page
June 14, 2012
- I've finished copying the two books already a week ago,
but correcting and emphasizing takes more time than copying.
Since I'm very keen on also copying - and thus re-learning - the Green Book
and the Yellow Book -
and since the story exemplifies DENIAL in ever so many situations,
so that I really have a chance "to get it" and discern DENIAL in
my own life,
I decided to save time by emphasize only the most outstanding phrasings.
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`120 The Mother was getting impatient with these spirits now also. She did not understand why these spirits now did not accept or appreciate the lessons they were being given and wanted to deny the validity of what We had to offer. I felt She had too much anger and impatience with them. I did not realize Her excessive anger was because She had never moved Her original anger that they had emerged with too little Will. She had felt rejected by them from the beginning, and the more they denied what Will they did have, the more rejeted She felt. I know now that the Will reflects whatever the Will rceives, and that the Mother could only respond to spirits with whatever they gave Her. Then, I wondered why She seemed to have so little ability to love so many of the spirits that had emerged. I had not realized it was because she reflected the feelings the spirits had for HER!
Then, I felt that Her anger was out of proportion to the situation at hand, and that She was even mad at spirits for things She felt they were going to do but had not done yet. I had anger at Her for the way She felt here and I wanted Her to hold these feelings back. Then later, when she did not respond to Me by opening to receive My love, I did not understand why. I now know that the Will cannot hold some things back without having everything affected. I have understanding on the Will now that I did not have then. At that time, I still did not know whether the Will was causal or simply responsive. At that time, I had an unconscious image of Myself that said I had to be perfect from the beginning, and perfect meant that I had to know everything already.This image was fed to Me by My guilts and fears about whether I was really supposed to be p.121 God or not. I have since come to peace with My role as God and realized that God also has process or I would not be an evolving God, and that this evolution has a perfection to it that is an evolving perfecton. The experience I have had since then has allowed Me to understand the Mother in ways I did not understand Her then. I have these understandings to give you now if you would like to have them. I have learned what I am sharing with you now by undersatnding My own reflection and by healing the results of My own denials as they have become ready to heal. I have gotten these understandings by understanding the reflection the Manifested Spirits had to give. Each spirit manifests a part of Me. None of the Manifeted Spirits have total understanding of Me, but each has a part of the picture. Being able to see all the parts, I have been able to learn from My own reflection. I am now sure that I have the understandings that will bring the healing needed, because I have finally been able to assimilate all the pieces in a way that both makes sense and feels right. I have desire to help the Manifested Spirits to now enlarge the pictures they are holding as much as possible. Many of the spirits have old pictures they have held since Original Cause. Guilt held the Will back from expressing Herself because it was not understood why this expression was necessary. With the outward flow shut down, the Will became overloaded. Once the receptive centers were full, no more could be taken in. Emotional expression allows expansion in the capacity to receive. [2013-01-02: It came down on me like a lightening and a thunderbolt together, that the filled-up, the crammed, the congested receptive centers are also the reason for what has troubled me for so long: the imbalance between what people in this world wnat to create and to give, and what these same people can receive and take in - the metaphor of Kayin - see, what I try to sculpt on K.is.s.log The problem with not allowing the Will to move has been that even the spirits who had Will presence reached a point where they could not receive anything more from Me. At this point, most spirits looked away from Me, and in doing so, have received no new information. IN looking away from Me, frozen images of “what God is” have remained and have not been able to move because the Will has not moved. These images are not complete enough to give the spirits what they need to evolve. At first, I thought that time would help.I thought that time would allow the emotions to calm down and then more understandings could be given. I have found that this is not true. If anything, time has layered the conditioning in even more deeply. I now know that the conditioning in the Will must move or there is no possibility of new understandings penetrating the parts of the Will that are already filled with as much as can beheld. Moving what the Will has been holding so that it is open to
p.120 "Surely You don't expect
Us to come down here and try to balance things between Us in the middle
of all this muck!" He screamed. DENIED WILL MAKES
A BRIEF APPEARANCE IN THE GODHEAD p.121 When The Father of Manifestation reached Me, He threw the Mother at My feet. I couldn't stand the smell of Her and didn't really want Her to touch Me. I stood there as though I had expectation of an apology from Her. She was frozen in fear, and yet, She was dripping as though she were hot. I hated Her for a moment for always giving Me emotional turmoil and pushed it aside in favor of trying to be the God I expected Myself to be here. I felt as though the entire Heavens were looking on in shocked fascination. "Whatever is going to
happen," I told Myself, "You're going to be on stage for
it." I thought the Mother did not want Me and that She had gone out of Her way to make herself unpleasant to Me. I wondered who She could please in the state She was in and I had fears that She might have a lover in the darkness who liked this sort of thing. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`122 Lack of understanding is the ignorance which has bred the fear. Fear has not been considered a pleasant emotion and has even been labeled a “breech of faith in God”. Fear has been denied in so many ways that it is impossible to describe them all, but I will give a few. There is fear hidden in most of the actions of people on Earth, but you are gong to have feel when it is fear and when it is intent to get rid of the Will instead. The eating habits of many people who have enough food are to help them avoid fear. When laws are made to do something about a problem, fear of powerlessness is often involved. Most behavior that is meant to show lack of fear is an act to draw attention away from fear that is hidden but, nonethelss, present. Anger is often used to hide fear that lies underneath it. There are other emotions that are hidden in actions also, so you are really going to have to feel this to know what I mean. The Will has received
this avoidance and denial and has interpreted it as an unlovingness
toward the Will. The Will has not felt accepted and no wonder.
Guilt then took over the Will,
because the Will feared it was somehow at fault for having feelings
the spirits did not want to accept. When the Will could no longer bear
to hold the feelings it was not allowed to move, it fragmented. Guilt
in the Will, especially in the fragments that are almost consumed by
it, is what draws the punishment that the Will fears if it tries to
move what it has been holding.
p.123 Part of My Process has been to face the reflection of My own guilt which said to Me that if I were really fit to be God,I should not need process, I should already know, and if I didn't already know, then I had no business emerging a Creation which I could not guide properly. Guilt will always tell you you should be doing better than you already are. I had enough understanding
to bring forth the Creation or it would not have happened. There was
no way to know in advance of the experience what the experience had
to teach Us. Just as I had learned enough to manifest the Creation when
the Creation came forth, I have now learned enough to heal the imbalances
manifested then. I still have to learn what the manifesting of this
healing has to teach Me. I will keep you informed if you open
to receive Me. You have to understand that you will never get ahead
of Me because the Godhead vibrates faster than anything else. I have gone through a long process with spirits who have not wanted to accept their emergence. What I have been facing here has been a reflection of My own guilt. I had to face the guilt I had over feeling responsible for everything, and the blame I felt toward others when I did not want to have to feel that I was responsible for everything. You are going to have to face the same things in yourselves. |
p.122 "See," guilt told
Her, "They wanted to be rid of You because You never let anyone
be happy and now the first thing You want to do when You return is
make unhappiness center stage again." p.123 I was too busy holding back My own feelings to be able to allow Hers. In spite of the control We were all exerting here, the Mother was still being given the beating I had intended for Her, but by guilt instead of Me. The Mother wanted to be accepted
and loved for what She was instead of feeling that She had to be what
We wanted Her to be. Even as She was standing before Me in the misery
of a broken heart, She felt compelled to try to present an image of
not caring how others felt about Her. She hated Our callousness while
We thought We were being extremely tolerant of Her obstinance. She
experienced Us as callous because We were not open to receive Her.
We thought We were loving and that it was She who was not. |
Immanuel and three other El-Al
pilots |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.124 p.125 |
p.124 Because I was enraged over
this, I continued denouncing Her. My use of intimidation increased
the presence of Lost Will and pressured the Mother to try to present
Me with a false Will pressence as best She could. In spite of this,
I still gave Her the impression that it wasn't good enough. I was avoiding the issue. I told Her that Mothering was what I wanted Her to do and that She had not been doing it. I told Her that the Angels had been doing more of the Mothering than She had and I implied that they were doing a better job. I told Her I had wanted Her help and instead She had given Me more problems. I told Her that I had repeatedly asked Her to give Me some peace so that I could think clearly enough to find solutions to Our problems and that not only had She not really given Me any peace, She had gone ahead compounding the problems even after I had asked Her not to. The Mother felt then that
Her imput was not valued by Me as necessary to understanding Our problems.
In the beginning, She hadn't felt that I had valued Her input and
She felt that I valued it even less now. She feared that Her input
had proved itself to be useless in My eyes. In Her rage, She had believed
that I couldn't make Creation right without Her help and that time
would make this apparent to Me. Now fear had the upperhand with Her
again because it didn't seem to be becoming at all apparent that I
needed Her. p.125 The Mother felt like She could not lift Her eyes to Me or say something at all. She felt like She had been displaced as Mother without ever having received full recognition of having been the Mother. She felt that She couldn't face Me or anyone else because of the Way I was viewing Her. Although I could feel Her literally sinking in front of Me, I held on to Her and continued. I told Her that I hoped She could control Her emotions long enough for Me to solve the problems, and, although I did not say it outloud, the Mother heard Me finish the sentence as, "that you have caused." I told Her I hoped Her self-control would be good enough to include abstinence from love-making until such time as I saw fit to come to Her and that I really hoped She would not compound the problems any more. I thought I had been
telling all of this to the Mother in the most loving way that I could,
given the circumstances, and that I was trying to help Her learn how
to improve Herself. The Mother heard My words, but She also felt My
denied rage and because of this, She was experiencing me here as attacking
Her in a cold and unloving manner. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.126 When I went into the yard and found that some of My dearet little Angel friends had become confused by Lucifer, even though Heart had been present with them, I felt that it was not possible to give either the spirits in the classroom or in the yard the understandings they needed and have them know it was true understanding. I felt overwhelmed and I hated Lucifer for doing this to them. I had hoped that they could all remain near Me and never have to learn anything the hard way by going down difficult and painful paths. I knew that Lucifer was wrong, but I could not prove this to them, because they did not understand how I knew this .Even though I felt Lucifer was not right, it seemed I could not stop him. I had the grief of a parent who realizes He is not going to be able to save His children from the very troubles He wanted to help them avoid. I then gave a look outward into the Heavens and saw that I had trouble there also. I felt that I must go forth to them again in an orderly progression and see what help I could bring. The Mother did not like it. She had been doing Her best to help Me with the children, and She felt that She had already been waiting a long time to have some time with Me. She wanted to p.127 I had to admit that She was right. Guilt was making Me stay with the spirits when I would have liked to have a romp. Guilt also told Me that I would be ignoring their needs if I gave in to My desires. "If you have to decide
between the needs of the Mother and the needs of the children, whose
needs are You going to meet?" the Mother asked Me now. |
p.126 I felt that My words were
not penetrating the Mother in the ways that I wanted them to and so
I let go of Her. As soon as I let go, the Mother started to drift
away from Me. She had no vibrational power to stay in My presence
unless I held on to Her. I did not reach out and the
Mother could not stop Her drift away from Me. The Mother was in such
excruciating pain that She was twisted in knots trying to control
Herself. I thought She had lost the vibratory power to stay present
with Me because of Her emotions and I let Her know this without another
word being spoken between Us. p.127 The Mother had guilt telling
Her that She had only Herself to blame and that She was only seeing
the reflection of what She herself had given out. Guilt told Her She
was only getting what She deserved considering how She had made everyone
else feel.The Mother feared that She had acted like She had not wanted
Her children and now Her children were acting like they did not want
Her. She had tremendous guilt that it was not right to have
any of the feelings that I had found to be negative. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`128 Lost Will holds all the feelings
the Mother had to overcome in Herself to be able to confront Me with
such certainty. She had plenty of guilt and fear that She was not right,
but She also had a strong feeling that She was right. She pulled Me
to Her and asked Me to touch Her. I touched what I could then, but I
did not touch the Mother enough to fully realize how bad She was feeling.
Lost Will is still holding places I did not touch then, but I gave the
Mother as much light as I could. I had not realized how slow My vibration
had been getting until I felt the exhilaration of joining with
the Mother in a feeling of freedom We had not had for a long time. we
shot upwards together and had a flurry of small explosions.
No spirits emerged that We saw, much to Our great relief. I loved Her, but sometimes
I shared Her feelings toward Herself, and sometimes I had great sympathy
for Her. This time, I had sympathy for Her and She found peace in My
arms for a little while. She feared that it was somehow a stolen peace
but, nonetheless, She wished for it to last and She wished for Us not
to have to go back to the problems We had left, or if We did, that they
would somehow all be fixed. She told Me that She did not like Us having
the power to create if We couldn't control how it was going to turn
out. This made the Mother feel even more guilty, but She expressed anger. Her feeling was that all the spirits had been born of orgasm and that if they didn't know how they got here, it was |
She felt too ashamed to look around much, but as She felt Herself passing through the Seraphims and the Cherubims, She felt a reduction in the feelings of rejection and hostility. It felt to the Mother as though they might be letting Her know that they still loved Her. This more friendly feeling allowed Her to slow Her drift a little bit and the Seraphims and the Cherubims took this as an opening to talk to Her. They also wanted to offer opinions on the Mother's behavior that they thought would help Her. the Seraphims and the Cherubims
told the Mother that they believed that We should have done as they
had done and retained the balance of two lovers instead of becoming
a group. p.129 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.130 "I don't know how it could
be possible," She said out loud, once She realized The Father of
Manifestation and I were feeling Her. She felt like She needed to tell
Us something now that She had been feeling and holding back because
She did not understand it. She told Us She had felt there had not been
an opportunity before, but the feeling She had just had made Her feel
like She needed to bring this forward now. The Father of Manifestation
and I both told Her that We had never felt or seen anything like what
She was describing now. The Mother answered that these things were never
there when Our light was. We had to take the Mother at
Her word because We had not experienced this, but She had such a strong
feeling about it that it did not seem that She could have made it up.
Lost will got the fear that She was just imagining things in response
to fear that She already had. Lost Will also got the fear that maybe
it was Us She was receiving here and She did not know how to receive
Us in a way that would not ring Her pain. All the hapless ones that
have met fates in the darkness that others never see or even really
believe, have personified the Lost Will here. p.131
p.130 The Mother left the Seraphims
and the Cherubims then and drifted out through the Rainbow Spirits.
She felt that She might like to go into the edge of the darkness and
hide and She felt that to get there, it was not possible to avoid
the Rainbow Spirits. The Mother feared what the Rainbow Spirits might
reflect to Her and She also had a few moments of thinking that if
she could succeed in helping them, it might redeem Her with Me. p.131 The Mother had mixed feelings
about seeing Him. Her love for Him rose up immediately, but She tried
to push it back because My words thundered in Her ears. Her humiliation
was all over Her and Her shame at being seen like this was more than
She thought She could endure. She hung Her head instead of saying
anything to the Father of Manifestation. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.132 p.133 The Great Arc Angels were next. They had Lucifer in their midst claiming he was one of them. The Great Arc Angels seemed to have grown in light and power since they emerged. I saw then that the Great Arc Angels belonged to Heart. They loved Him and had taken Him in and learned from Him. Light poured forth from them and love was in their hears. Heart was proud of them. The Great Arc Angels had one great problem: They did not feel that Lucifer was one of them. Lucifer never agreed with them, and yet, he would not admit that he was different from them. "He gives us trouble no
matter what we try to do with him," The Arc Angels said. "He
has even told us that he is really God," they added. I had to think then of what
had happened to so many of the Angels, even though Heart had been present
shining love upon them. I feared that Lucifer had some validity to his
statement, even though it did not feel good to Me. The Mother intervened
then and said that it was not Lucifer who was right. She said the problem
was that the Angels had not accepted enough Will to
feel that Heart and Lucifer were not the same. |
p.132 They thought this must be what it was like for so many of the other spirits when I watched them. If They coudln't have My acceptance, They at least wanted privacy to be Themselves without feeling like My disapproving eye was upon Them. Neither One of Them wanted
to mention that They thought I was watching Them in case I wasn't.
They feared that Their desire for Me was wanting to make Them more
important to Me than They actually were. p.133 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.134 Lucifer heard the Mother and began to discredit Her statements. He told Her it was not right to put feelings on some sort of pedestal above reason. He told Her that feelings were not all there was, even though She might think so. The innuendo he threw Her was. that She was so self-centered that She couldn't value anything else. He also told Her that the other spirits had rejected Her presence because they did not like having to feel what She had to offer. "When have You ever been
without fear?" he asked Her. "Fear holds everything back and
does not allow anything to go forward without unpleasantness." Lucifer pointed at Her, "See,
You're afraid right now. Even the truth frightens You. You cannot even
stand the truth." Guilt told Her She could not oppose Lucifer because
She could not be sure he was wrong. p.135 Lucifer got Us to deny Our
feelings in front of him, which made him feel that he was more powerful
than We were and yet, it was not wrong that We did this. We
had this fear also; otherwise, why would We have denied Our feelings?
i now know that it was because We were denying these feelings in OUrselves
already that Lucifer was even able to reflect them to Us in that way.
Already, within Ourselves, part of Us felt Lucifer was wrong, and yet,
in part of Ourselves we feared that what Lucifer was saying was right.
Since We had not moved these feelings in OUrselves we could
not move them in front of him. I had to learn this, though;
I did not know it then. I had to learn this by seeing the Mother later
go ahead and try to move Her feelings in front of Lucifer and see that
He had no acceptance at all for Her. |
p.134 p.135 Since rage was about to be triggered here, Body had been instinctively going for these held emotions. Since They were both afraid to allow this rage to move in Them, The Father of Manifestation allowed the Mother to prevail and slowed down His motions once again. He began rocking the Mother's body. He felt more sensual then and the Mother wasn't sure if She regretted having said anything to Him or not. Her nausea lessened and She felt better able to respond to The Father of Manifestation in more pleasant ways. He began rubbing Her more deeply and the Mother began to moan and groan. The Father of Manifestation noticed that the Mother's body gave Him much more release this way than when She remained quiet. He tried to make Her groan then to see how much She |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.136 Guilt had been telling them that it was not loving to dislike others. Because I had told Lucifer to leave the Great Arc Angels alone, the Lesser Arc Angels were hoping that I would also solve their problems for them by telling these spirits that did not fit in to go away. The Lesser Arc Angels had been letting these spirits hang around because these spirits had been claiming they had no place to go. The Lesser Arc Angels did not want them to be homeless, but they hoped We would take them and find them another home At first, it did not seem that it would be very hard to find these spirits another place, because We had not looked at very many orders of spirits yet. Surely We could find them a home someplace, or make them one. The Lesser Arc Angels were greatly relieved. The Lesser Arc Angels asked
Us some questions that Heart had not answered for them. They wanted
to know if Form was important or not. I told them they had to
see what form a thing took to know what it was. I was wrong, and this
needs to move now. I did not realize that I was trying to give form
more importance in the balance of things than it really has because
I was afraid Lucifer had spoken My secret feelings toward form. Giving
form was only one of the powers of the Father of Manifestation, and
even He did not feel that form needed to have that much importance given
to it. He felt that I was patronizing Him, and yet,
He wanted My acceptance and He wanted harmony between Us, so He did
not contradict Me. The Lesser Arc Angels were more child-like than any spirits We had emerged so far, and it was particularly painful for Me to watch them suffer with this misunderstanding because of their child-like playfulness and innocence. The form and essence con- p.137 "Do unto others
as you would have them do unto you" has been fulfilled more often
in form than it has in essence. Most people do not even allow themselves
to notice the difference here. Most people think that if they
have an understanding, others should take on the same form of implementing
it that they have. As an example here, how often, when you have a desire
to have something, do you give it to someone else as a gift rather than
giving the other person what they would really like to have? Guilt has
further complicated this by telling people it is unloving to give honest
feedback if it means saying they like the gesture, but do not like what
they have been given. There has been a lot of fear that not
loving what someone has done means that you don't love the person. Rather
than feel this way, most people have tried to overlook the form, the
gift for example, and appreciate the essence as a loving gesture. Form
and essence have to align for love to manifest. If you deny one, the
other cannot evolve. |
p.136 The Father of Manifestation
told Himself that He had better turn away from the Mother's mouth
and work on another part of Her body. He turned to Her legs because
everything in between had too much erotic potential for Him to handle
then. He straddled the Mother's belly, telling Himself that this way
He would not even look at Her, and began rubbing Her thighs. He made
deep rubbing squeezes up and down Her thighs and began finding sexual
energy there. The Mother began to wriggle in ways that were very disquieting
to Him. He decided to move to Her knees. The Father of Manifestation
had not worked on the Mother's knees for long before He became aware
that Her knees had a direct connection to Her sexual energy. p.137 The Mother felt that She
had moved out some of the dark pain She had felt because She was starting
to feel better. She had an intensely hungry feeling within Her that
needed light, but She didn't know that this was the reason She grabbed
The Father of Manifestation and pulled Him over onto Her. She wanted
Him to press Her into Him and let Her feel His warmth. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
138 When We got to the Angels,
We discovered that they were not sure anymore what orders they belonged
in. They were even more mixed up than when I had tried to straighten
them out earlier. They had guilt telling them that they had too much
light compared to some of the other spirits I had manifested after them.
They were afraid they had held back light from these spirits in order
to have it for themselves. They had original guilt telling them it was
not even right to separate the light from the darkness at all. They
were afraid they had taken their light at the expense of everything
else that looked darker than they did. p.139 I asked them to feel what parts
seemed to be in their right place so that We could help the other parts
that were not at home to find their own right place. The Angels
said that Lucifer had told them it was wrong to feel, because it led
to having preference for one thing over another. I saw then
that what I perceived as squabbles among them, they wanted Me
to perceive as theoretical arguments. They wouldn't admit to actually
having disagreements because guilt told them that disagreements meant
they had preferences. |
138 The Father of Manifestation
put the Mother's hand on Her own genitals and told Her to do whatever
felt best to Her. He was then able to rub Her back and Her belly and
at the same time thrust into Her. p.139 He ran to get the Mother and bring Her over to share in His joy. The Mother allowed Him to lead Her over to these spirits but she had more fear than anything else. She was afraid I might come down on Them any minute and make a Hell out of Their Heaven. The Mother's fear reflected to these Gold Light Spirits as fear |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`140 p.141 Denial is a problem with the
Angels. They have all wanted to insist that they were more My equal
than anything else, and therefore, they were never really children.
They have a lot to learn now if they are finally ready to accept it.
I have great love for the Angels and they need to understand that it
is not wrong that they have harbored resentment toward Me that needs
to heal now. |
p.140 I'm going to refer to these
spirits as the "Ronaloka" which means location in the spectrum
of light is gold. I have a lot to say about these spirits that they
need to understand as their Original Cause, but first, I want them
to know this: They are the Mother's Godhead and they now need
to be given recognition and acceptance as this. p.141 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.142 When I went on to the Cherubims and the Seraphims, these two orders of spirits seemed to be having little or no trouble. They seemed to have found balance with one another and to have found many powers in this alliance. They already had a highly devel- p.143 |
p.142 In fact, the starburst contained all the orders of spirits complementary to the orders of spirits in My Godhead, but they had too much fear of the lack of acceptance for them to come forth order by order. These spirits had guilt buried in them under their defensive exterior that insisted they had a right to be what they were and where they were. There is no longer any problem
with what they are or where they are, but the defensive anger
and the guilt underneath it need to move or these spirits will continue
to face the reflection of what they are denying in the form of having
their fear brought to them by others who want to deny them so heavily
on Earth. p.143 Instead, some of the Ronalokas
were already fighting with one another before the music even began
and others were noting this as the reasons they were going to have
if the harmony they sought to bring could not be found. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`144 These spirits also had the
guilt of seeming to do better than those around them. Guilt told them
it was wrong to think there was any reason for their good fortune and
that their day would come. They also feared that they could
not keep themselves balanced if those around them were continually imbalancing
themselves. They asked themselves the question "Why are
we doing so much better than the others?" They felt they were dong
well because they had superior understanding on living a manifested
existence. Their unrecognized guilt told them this was foolish pride.
The feeling of doing better than the other spirits around them then
gave the Cherubims and the Seraphims the feeling that they were
riding for a fall, and they got it because they could not shake the
feeling that it was going to happen. They pushed these feelings away
and thought it was a solution, but Lost Will brought its reflection
to them, nonethelss. Fear was not a respected emotion in their orders of spirits and so the fear was denied and the feeling was surfaced as a kind of fatalistic belief system that, in many instances, eventually led them into a sacrificial approach toward the God or Gods they have at different times believed Me to be. The more guilt gained inroads with the Cherubims and the Seraphims, the more they feared that I loved them initially because they had pleased Me and that they had to continue to please Me or I would not love p.145 |
p.144 All of the
emotins need to move now, and it is not wrong to trigger them with
music, but it is not possible to find the healing needed if there
is denial involved n the expression or acceptance of the emotions
triggered. The Ronalokas had great
fear about emerging at all, and from their internalized position they
were listening very closely when the Seraphims told the Mother that
understanding would come later. They took this to mean that the Will
would be given its right place if they just waited for enough time
to pass. What the Ronalokas need to understand now is that it
is not mere passage of time that will bring the healing and balance
they long for. Time, in effect, stands still and repeats
itself unless the movement needed for change is generated in the Will. p.145 As soon as the Mother saw the tolerant and patronizing attitude of these spirits, and saw them drape themselves admiringly around the Father of Manifestation, She wanted to scream, and pretty soon, between the stridency of the music and the provocation of the scene before Her, She did scream. The Mother hoped the music
was loud enough to hide Her screams but the
Ronalokas fell silent. They wondered what had happend and they
were afraid this meant that the Mother did not like their music. It
was not the music the Mother didn't like, it was all of the denied
undercurrents She felt affecting it. The Father of Manifestation
didn't have the issue of lovers on His mind. He thought the Mother
was going to make Him hear about how I wasn't going to like these
spirits. He didn't want to hear this because He had already made up
His mind that He loved these spirits and He was not going to allow
anyone to tell Him that their emergence was not right. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.146 I have now balanced
this in Myself, but initially these spirits received a large amount
of essence from Me that they should not have had, and I have had to
take it back as part of the healing process here. This removal
of essence from the Cherubims and Seraphims has also contributed to
their loss of powers over time. I have also been helping the
Mother of Everything and the Father of Manifestation to reclaim essence
that they gave out wrongly. p.147 The punishment involved pain that they thought they had |
p.146 The Mother had no idea how She was gong to reach Me if I didn't want Her to, but when she turned to look toward Me, it appeared to Her that I was already moving down through the Heavens in Her direction. The Mother began shaking uncontrollably even though She was doing Her best to control Her emotions. The Mother was not sure if I intended to come to Her or not, but She came as far toward Me as She could and then stood shaking in Her rage and fear. She hoped to catch Me before I got to the Ronalokas. She told Herself She had to be strong this time and manage somehow to tell Me everything She felt needed to be said in the hope that some resolution could be reached between Us that would allow the Gold Light Spirits to have my acceptance. Before She could say anything, I gave Her a smack that sent Her flying out into the darkness of unopened space and this was not the kind of darkness that the Mother liked. I had hurled Her into darkness that was not open to My light. Meanwhile I had not realized I had gone forth yet. I had an image of Myself as furious at the Mother and the Father of Manifestation for disregarding My limits, but composed and waiting p.147 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.148 The devastating natural
disasters the Cherubims and Seraphims have experienced have been their
own denied Will essence, sent into the Earth by those who believed that
this was the best place to put it. It has come back on these spirits
because it is their own Will essence and must be accepted and healed.
It cannot be gotten rid of. p.149 We found the Rainbow
Spirits in a state of disarray similar to the Angels. They had mixed
themselves together, but instaed of being mostly white light mixed together
and remaining mostly white light, they had colors which had mixed together
The Rainbow Spirits had made many new colors and some of them looked
good. Most of them looked like an artist's palette after someone has
smooshed all the colors tgether until they have a darkness that does
not allow the recognition of anything. The Rainbow Spirits had been
trying to take in white light from the Angels. They had also been trying
to mix themselves together to get all the colors and make themselves
into White Light Spirits. Their efforts were having the opposite effect;
the more they tried to make white light, the darker they got. We did
not understand why. I have tried everything to straighten this out,
and yet the auras of the Rainbow Spirits have, with few exceptions,
continued to look like they are badly bruised. |
p.148 I tried again to reassure the Ronalokas that I had no intention of hurting them. The words had hardly left My mouth when We were disturbed by a great ruckus from out in the darkness. I hesitated to think what this might mean, but before I really had time to think abut it, spirits began pouring in upon Us from out of nowhere. They were big and rough looking and they were pushing and shoving and running over one another pell mell as though they were in a panic to get away from something terrible. p.149 I could see that some spirits from every order had joined in the fighting. I wondered why and I saw that some were so angry they wanted to fight, but others were being dragged into the fight seemingly just for being too close to it. I could hear the lizard creatures taunting spirits who were not involved in the fighting. I could see the Ronalokas
all clumped together, trying to insulate themselves from the fighting.
They didn't like it at all that fighting had broken out in
the middle of what they had wanted to be a healing. They were being
taunted with accusations designed to make them feel that they were
not brave. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.150 We feared that
We had acted wrongly toward the Rainbow Spirits, and We did not know
it was guilt on Our part that was allowing them to reflect this to Us.
At the time, We thought they were only confirming the uncertainty We
had had around their emergences, and it looked like they might be right. p.151 Heart appeared instantly before
Us all, and said that He was ready to receive any and all spirits who
wanted to come to Him now, and that He would give them the love they
needed so they could receive the light they wanted to have. |
p.150 The Ronalokas tried to give
the impression that they did not care about fighting and that they
knew lots of better ways to have fun. They glowered in anger trying
to make it appear that they were not afraid, but the lizard creatures
were not interested in receiving them here. Everything the Ronalokas
did was food for more taunts and the Ronalokas feared that because
they took after the Mother, they were going to have trouble no matter
what they did. They also feared that these terrible creatures had
come forth and begun fighting because the Ronalokas had emerged. They
were not altogether wrong. IN fact, there is more truth in the fears
of the Ronalokas than they have had understanding with which to know
it, but they have been very superstitious about feelings that they
have. I noticed now that there were two sides to this fight. One side was claiming to be defending Me and the other side was claiming to be defending the Mother. The ones defending the Mother were the snake-like ones whom I shall refer to as the Mother Warriors and the ones claiming to be defending Me were the armoured lizards with the developed arms and legs. They, I now realizeld, had been the second wave of creatures who had run in upon Us
p.151 One of the Second Order Angels flew at Lucifer in response of His taunt, but Lucifer backed Him down by saying, "Surelyl, God, You don't now (sic) have a policy of striking the first blow of violence when You feel threatened, or do You?" |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.152 The Rainbow Spirits have continued to feel that they got shortchanged, and this has caused them to act out in ways that look to others like they have a chip on their shoulder. They also have Lost Will which has wanted to take what they believe they have not been given. The desire to take has gone all the way from making others feel guilty enough to give them more than they want to give them, to conning others, to being shrewd in ways that have made others feel cheated, on into outright thievery and crookedness. The Rainbow Spirits have always had a flair for making others feel guilty. They have so much guilt themselves, it is easy for them to know how guilt works on others. The Rainbow Spirits have many guilts that need to move out now, and I would like to give some of their most prevalent patterns. Many times in the past when I have tried to give the Rainbow Spirits this information, they have feared receiving it, because they thought it meant that I did not love them. The feelings underneath the guilt must move, because the feelings must move the guilt out. Guilt has no conscousness to move out on its own. If feelings that have not been vibrating, because guilt has held them down, begin vibrating because the person now has acceptance for the feelings, the space guilt occupied is then filled by these feelings and guilt has to leave. The guilts that need to move out now are mostly guilts around feelings the Rainbow Spirits have had, so discussing the guilts and the feelings together is the best way to give these understandings. The Rainbow Spirits have felt jealousy of spirits they perceive to be having less trouble than they have had, and yet, they have rarely been able to understand what others have really ex- p.153 The Rainbow Spirits have confusion
in their orders about position and age that also need to be mentioned
now. They had emergence in a progression of colors and they had two
lines of spirits emerge. The first line went down through the rainbow
and had more white light with it than gold light. The second line came
back up through the rainbow and had more gold light than white light.
The reason for this is that the Rainbow Spirits emerged their Spirit
polarity first, and then their Will polarity. They emerged polarized
similarly to the Seraphims and the Cherubims except that the Rainbow
Spirits never accepted their Will polarity as much as the Seraphims
accepted the Cherubims. This is because there was not as much acceptance
for the feelings around their emergences as there had been in earlier
emergences. The Rainbow Spirits had more guilt at emergence than the
other spirits did, and they have suffered with it ever since. |
p.152 p.153 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`154 The Lost Will of the
Rainbow Spirits have (sic) not
yet accepted their right place as the place they would like to be. They
have been wandering ever since they emerged. They have wandered the
inner planes and the outer ones. They have mastered astral travel and
the ones that have not remained on Earth have mastered space travel. p.155 They have always fought among
themselves about who has the best position in relationship to Me. The
Rainbow Spirits have had pride, competition and lack of self-acceptance
standing in their way. They all had bright and beautiful colors
when they emerged, but they did not stay that way for long. Almost immediately
they began to try to look like something other than what they were.
Their lack of self-acceptance created a reality around them that did
not accept them. Spirits face their own reflection, whether they recognize
it or not. Spirits that do not accept themselves will manifest
surroundings that do not accept them either. |
p.154 In fact, they were doing
exactly what I was doing and I realized it was because they
were afraid of Me and wanted to let their emotions move in exactly
the ways I found it acceptable to move Mine. This realization triggered
Me into even more grief than I already had and the Angels took this
to mean that I gave grief more acceptance than the other emotions,
and at the time, I did. The problem was, I did not move anything new. I found relief for a lot of things that had been building up for a long time, but things I had held back for a long time, I was still holding back, p.155 |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.156 p.157 |
p.156 p.157 "They're taking
advantage of You because of that," I heard something say. I told
Myself I was going to have to face what was happening here and find
a way to handle it. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations |
p.`158 It may help to think of the Rainbow Spirits as the chakras of My Body. When Heart gave up on getting the Rainbow Spirits to receive Him and went back to the Angels, the Rainbow Spirits took this to meean that they had a problem taking light in, and that their own Heart was not even good enough to receive the Heart of God. They told their own green heart spirits to move back because they had not had what it took to let the Heart of God remain present with them like He did with the Heart Angels. They also told their heart spirits that they all had to receive Heart through them and so heart of the Rainbow Spirits had let them all down. This was a way for all the other colors to say that p.159 |
p.158 I saw the Mother Warriors who were in the front first. They seemed to be trying to give an impression of celebrating victory. Some of them were dancing and swaying around to music they could hear coming from the Ronalokas, but seemed as interested in boasting and talking tough as they were in any music they heard. Other Mother Warriors
were attempting to make music of their own with what I still regard
as varying degrees of success. This music was even more raucous and
driven than anything the Ronalokas have come up with Yet. There were
many Mother Warriors swaying back and forth in response to this noise
and it seemed to Me as though these Warriors were hypnotizing themselves
or putting themselves into some kind of a trance. p.159 I had a moment of panic that there might be an endless insurgence of spirits from the darkness and that the Mother might have a hidden lover out there who would help Her emerge them whether they had My approval or not. Reason quickly told Me that this was impossible, but Lost Will here is still immense. Meanwhile I hesitated to
speak to the Mother Warriors and decided to allow Myself more time
for observation first. There was still a lot of uproar, even though
there was not much physical fighting. The issue most in contention
was the victory claim of the Mother Warriors. The Mother Warriors
were taunting the other side and I now saw that the Father Warriors
also had many spirits I had not seen before who were taunting the
Mother's side. I had another moment of panic, but it was not as big
as the first one. The Father Warriors were insisting that the Mother Warriors had fought "dirty" and used unfair tactics and that their declaration of victory was unreasonable. The Father Warriors wanted the Mother Warriors to accept their rules of the game including how to determine the victor. |
violet, second RUOW book [channeled
by Ceanne de Rohan in 1986]: ORIGINAL CAUSE, the UNSEEN ROLE of DENIAL Dedicated to the Mother of Everything "If there is a God who has any power, then why is it the way that it is on Earth?" The ways in which people have answered this question have consisted mostly of rationalizations designed to help better accept what their feelings do not want to accept. The Unseen Role of Denial is why it's been the way it's been. When we deny parts of ourselves, these parts can become so lost from us that they find other ways to express, even expressing through other people. This book begins the story of our ancient beginnings and the misunderstandings born from lack of experience". |
purple, third RUOW book [channeled by Ceanne de Rohan in 1987]:
ORIGINAL CAUSE, the REFLECTION LOST WILL HAS to GIVE Dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations When the Will receives judgment instead of love and light, it becomes lost from the light and thus the term, "Lost Will." The definition of love needs to be expanded to include emotions that have been labeled "negative." Much of what we've judged to be negative became lost so long ago no one remembers what happened to it. These lost memories go as far back as our origins. How you really feel is what needs expression and in the most natural way possible. ..., suspend words and emphasize non-verbal sounds. Doing this in private can evolve these emotions. |
Continuation of both books on the next Blue-Book-Page