The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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   InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
interspersed with my questions, observations or experiences


Healing the Inner Child
This is my personal composition of quotes from e-mails which reached me in May 2006 and which I re-studied in May 2007
As usual, I only copy and edit graphically, what is relevant for my own understanding, learning and applying to my living.

May 22-31, 2011: enriched by more nourishment

Healing the Inner Child
By Kate Spreckley
Arrived as e-mail on May 8, 2006, re-studied on May 31, 2007

The concept of the Inner Child is not new and has been a part of our world for a long time.
Carl Jung called it the “Divine Child” which is the essence of who we truly are.

…. we are taught that the mind is our master ...
...that we need to prove ourselves and our worth through external avenues. ..
This has resulted in us being raised in a shame-based, emotionally dishonest, … world. …

Can we blame our parents, our societies and our churches?
Yes, but that is playing the part of the victim,
that is playing the game of separation.
We are all part of this world
and we are all responsible
for its ways, its paths and its separations.

Our parents did not know
how to truly love themselves
or how to be emotionally honest ...

We have lived a life reacting to the wounds of the past
and the dysfunctional programs we have been subjected to
and have now created our dysfunctional culture.

…. When our True Self is not acknowledged or heard
we begin to create situations and relationships that are false
and keep us in a place of unresolved emotional trauma.
This leads to a life of anxiety, fear, …

The Inner Child is our emotional self
and it is the place where our feelings live,

it is our Heart.
When we experience joy, sadness, anger and fear
our Inner Child is coming out.
When we are being spontaneous, creative, intuitive and playful
our True Self is coming out.

It is not our past that affects us;
it is the images and memories of it
By accessing our Inner Child
and reclaiming this wounded child
we begin to uncover
any conscious or unconscious beliefs
of ourselves
and begin to re-evaluate and transform ourselves and our lives.

It is through healing our Inner Child
that we can begin to change our behavioral patterns
and clear up our emotional responses.
Once we begin
loving, honoring and respecting ourselves internally,
we are able to release grief, rage, shame, terror and pain from our hearts
and begin transforming
our life
and our world
with spontaneity, creativity, joy and love.


It is possible to feel feelings without becoming a victim.
It is possible to change the way you think
so that your mind is no longer your worst enemy.
It is possible to become empowered
and to make choices in life that are aligned with your True Self.
We have the power of choice
and we are given the opportunity with our children to begin healing ourselves, …

M a y   2 2 ,   2 0 1 1
"...the young woman gives birth to a child..."

[Isaiah 7:14]
[See My   Song   for Immanuel   my   Son 1963/1993

On Independence Day I heard the noise of the Airforce aeroplanes flight formation and ran out.
My neighbors Albert and Tzacha also watched.
To foster the relationship (Tzacha so far didn't like me),
I walked over, barefoot, as I was, and said:
"Albert, since a week ago we talked about my pilot son:
last year El-Al flew such a formation for the first time,
though only along the shore of the Mediterranean.
My son Immanuel was flying one of the 4 planes!
And you know, what that means for me?
I'm thinking of my father, who fell at the age of 31 -
what would he, a Nazi soldier, say about his grandson?"

[see the contrast between Elah's Holocaust Show and her father's participation in El-Al's flight-show on Independence-Day above Israel]
Tzacha was deeply moved,
she told about a holocaust victim in her close family,
and at some point said (-she manages the local library-):
"I want to find a biographer, who will write your story!
You are a gift to Israel!"

Now she mailed me the address of "Keshet-Publishing House",
asking me - "to sell myself"
[my words], though I had told her
that it was not me, who has to take care of that.
There are 40 biographical pages in Hebrew in my book,
but what I write, is too complex, - I don't reach people.
And this is what I wrote to her about my son and Germany:

another Celestial glyph , recommended for meditation by Jean Hudon today, May 22, 2011,
a crop-circle, which appeared at Wilton Windmill, near Wilton , Wiltshire, in England,
exactly a year ago, on May 22, 2010 -          See videos about other crop-circles!

Another e-mail from the same source, in May 2006
The Death and Rebirth of our Divine Child
By Kate Spreckley

May 23, 2011
That nothing came into Manifestation
unless it was first DESIRED,
is often stated in Godchannel,

e.g. in Interview with the 'Folks' II:

"Activated desire
is the most powerful drawing force
in Creation.
It brings you what you want.
This is the root cause
of manifestation...
desire activated by loving Light manifests what is desired.
The key is in fully feeling and loving your desire just as it is
in the moment, unfulfilled."

declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times things
that are not done saying

my counsel shall stand up
and all My desire
will I do'

Isaiah 46:10

At the end of this night I was shaken and torn by a familiar nightmare,
having to be
in time somewhere, in this case for a flight to my son,
and not finding the things and items that I needed to take with me,
not even the suitcase or backpack in which to put them.
I woke up 3-4 times, trying to pull myself out of the terrible dream.
But it became worse: the panic of realizing, that most things were not with me,
but in my parallel abode, in this case in Heidelberg, where my son was born.
Finally, I recalled - in the dream - what Boris (24)said yesterday several times :
"I want to get rid of more and more things so that all I need fits into one bag."
Since Markus, my German Skype-friend in Texas (30) has the same ambition,
and since I myself lived for 3 months at the SaltSea in 2000 with one bag only,
we said: in the future we'll get whatever we need in a certain moment, by magic.
[I mentioned the passage from Godchannel on May 21, 2011 on the previous Nourishment page]
In the dream, and more so, when I woke up, I was exhilarated by this prospect:
To magically bring to myself whatever I need in a certain moment,
and to let it go just as magically, when and where I won't need it!

But there was another aspect in this dream, which expressed an unfulfilled desire:

Though - in time - there were many people and different locations,
the person, who was closest to me and who was to travel with me,
was Jonathan, my eldest grand s o n, whose sad face troubles me.

[I saw this face often, when I now sculpted the photos of Itamar's Bar-Mitzva]
He was born  on April  15,  1991,  the date  in  1964,
on which I immigrated with my son Immanuel, Jonathan's uncle.
When he was recruited into the army, I created an artful letter.
It never arrived, since his mother gave me the wrong address.
I felt then, that it obviously shouldn't have arrived and saved it.
Now, that he most willingly agreed to a 'grandma-birthday talk',

(20 thanks - he is now 20 - about his past year , and 3 wishes for his new year)
but "could never make it" on the fixed phone-time,
I may send him that letter, written on Dec. 12, 2010.

With the healing of the Divine Child,
our Inner Child,
and the releasing of old wounds
and negative  p a t t e r n s   of emotion,
we are able to connect with our natural emotional sensitivity
and experience compassion and unconditional love for ourselves.
We begin to allow our Inner Child
to show our fears
and to heal these fears
with a heightened level of compassion and love
instead of suppressing them
and thereby denying our Inner Child a voice.

As the Divine Child enters into adulthood
and begins integrating
with the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within,
we are able to explore the ways of our individual power
and to use this energy ...
to make new choices
that determine our future from a place of love rather than fear.

... we find ways
of nurturing and loving our physical bodies and our emotional state.
We begin to understand
that our physical body and our emotions are inextricably linked.
Once we have an understanding
of the link between our physical and emotional bodies
we can recognize that these bodies are linked
to the Earth Mother
and the Waters of our world,
which are both the Ancient Feminine aspects of ourselves.

In releasing old self-destructive tendencies
of our physical body and old emotional wounds
we can find new ways of love and compassion for ourselves
and thereby heal the Mother Earth and her Waters.
that what we feel, our emotional state,
is directly manifested in our physical body
and thereby in the Mother Earth.
How we treat our physical body
... is a direct reflection of
how we love, nurture and care
for our emotional state
and the state of our Mother Earth.

We are at a time of discovering
what our truest, deepest and highest values
are for ourselves and our lives.
In this discovery we find
that we are no longer chained to people and to things
that have to do with lesser values
and we appreciate the beauty and perfection of ourselves
as individual Human Beings.
We are on the threshold of a new world of stability and tradition.
A world were the Ancient Teachings are found
within the individual Feminine self,
our inner world, the Earth Mother.
Here we can discover
that this inner world creates our outer world
and therefore our physical reality
is a direct manifestation
of our inner feelings of self worth.

...Now is a time for us
to embrace our instincts regarding
what is right and wrong for ourselves as individuals
without the fear of judgment from others.

... It is necessary for us
to deal with our fear of success,
the fear of our light,
which was created in our early life
due to the suppression of our creativity
and the lack of positive examples of self expression.

Like a child,
it is essential that we see
that it is the act of creation
that is important,
not the creation itself.


Everything we experience
has a beginning, a middle and an end
and is followed by a new beginning.
Do not draw back from this passage into your darkness,
drive into the depths of your emotions
and find your way through.
Allow yourself to stay present in your issues and fears
so that they may be dissolved,
transcending or denying them
will only bring them back further along your Earth Walk.


to former source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011 to next source of nourishment from others in 2007 and 2011

Arad, May 23, 2011
More Nourishment from "Driving Backward" to 1941, 1983, 2010 - and from some synchronicity with the Present on this very day...

To my birthday letter to Jonathan in April 2010, a letter which also never arrived,
I added the following document:

"The Irony of Destiny"
July 12, 1983,
A poem to my father, a Nazi-soldier, killed in Sicily on August 5, 1943,
10 days before my 5th birthday, - missed for 3 years, till we got the "news".
Next to the poem I had glued a photo made by him on July 4, 1941 in Riga:
"Jews have to clean up!" (after the German bombardment of the town).

Synchronicity in the Present - on Monday, May 23, 2011, 11:30 AM

I wanted to search for "Riga" , to put a link on it, when I saw a news-item:
"An aeroplane of El-Al, on its way to New-York, returned because of a failure in its wheel,
it landed safely!"
I sent an SMS to Efrat, asking if Immanuel was involved in this. She called me:
Yes, yes, he was in that plane, though as a passenger, in order to bring another plane back.
He was supposed to fly already at 6 PM, but because of a failure,
the flight was postponed till midnight, so he went home to take part
in the Lag-ba-Omer bonfire of Mika's kindergarden kids & parents.
At some point Mika threw a stone, which hit her father's forehead,
he felt so dizzy that he almost fell into the bonfire, but recovered .
Before midnight - in the plane - he missed his computer-charger
He called Efrat and she sent a taxi with the charger, and an SMS:
" It's after midnight: A new day has begun, which will be better."

But then, at 7 AM: a phone from Immanuel, and the news on TV!
"We had to return midway, I put on my tag and calmed the 270 passengers.
a F16 [a fighter-plane] flew underneath us and identified the failure of the wheel,
we poured out 91 ton of fuel over the sea, and when we arrived
we saw some hundred ambulances & fire-fighters ready for us!"

He didn't come home this time, but - dead-tired - sat in another plane.
Right now, Monday, he is still on flight, and will return on Wednesday.

Why did Efrat hope for a "better day"? Because of other "hitches" before:
4 days earlier, daughter Elah was supposed to fly to NY for performing in a commercial.
At midnight they were sent home,
"because of a plane-failure", and were "invited" at 6 AM.
After the exit of Shabbat, Immanuel was to fly as a reservist in the Airforce.
On the way there his car said:
stop!! .............. the car had died , unrepairably.

"But no one's life has been hurt!" I say and breathe grate-fully , and so does Efrat.
"Yet why did all this happen?" I asked and she said:
"At least I always tell myself, that you are saying, that none of your actors will die!"
I continued to ask myself why they attracted all this into their drama?

"One incident I understand: Mika's stone on her fathers forehead on Lag-ba-Omer!

You should not participate in this horrid celebration of this criminal Bar-Kochba!"

"I know"
, said my daughter-in-love meekly, but how can Mika understand that?

As to the other incidents, 3 times with aero-planes, once with a car, I don't know.
When rereading this letter, before trying to send it to Jonathan again,
I see, that it is a summary of all my life's DOING in the exterior world,
so dense and so tense, that, no wonder, he was not supposed to get it.
But as the last sentence predicts:
"perhaps at your 20th birthday?"

continued below

When I searched, where I had explained why Lag-ba-Omer is such a horrid feast,
I was led to K.i.s.s.-log 2008 , where the "festival" is mentioned twice, but not explained,

Yet I found two other items on this page - sculpted - what a COINCIDENCE - also on May 23!
a possible answer for Immanuel: "hitches" = "contretemps" = "against time"....
and two photos with a smiling Jonathan on Yael's Bat-Mitzvah on May 20, 2008!
As to Bar-Kochba, Star-Son, or - as the wise rabbis called him - Bar-Koziba: Deceiver-Son
see the chapter in my book, to which I - in 2002- added
a heart-wrenching sculpture in E n g l i s h ,
about what I see as the HOlOCAUST of BETAR, in the year 133 A.D.


Jonathan, on Februar 1, 2011,
at his little brother's Bar-Mitzvah
during the duet with his sister Yael
"the Brave Cedar"

Still on May 23, 2011, 16:20
While swimming, swirling in the pool , I saw myself phrasing a long, pointed letter to my son,
in which I wished to convey
my understanding about the "contretemps" with the aeroplanes and the car.

On my way back I asked on the inside, if such preaching would not put him off,
and I prayed, that "magic" would help me to make him receive  without  words,
that he has to  s l o w down, and that means, to limit his too many occupations.

Now, while trying to take a nap, some commercial on the Internet started to talk of itself.
I had to get up to make it shut up, and it was then, that a very concise phrasing came to me:

From a dialog with Deity in "Word" ~~~~~ Bet Nehemya 2009–02–18
"Am I running away from YOU or am I just too greedy to create on my site?
I first want to thank you for this gift of having stopped me
from rushing with the trend of "more better faster higher" with Healing-K.i.s.s.
and instead showing me the way of how to deepen my experiences in the past
and thus making them the experiences of my present – reshuffled recomposed.
That's what happens in the genes, says Joachim Bauer, and that's what advances evolution"
[see my German-English sculpture about Joachim Bauer in February 2009, at the end of .folksinterview]
....... Again - your yearning for true communication and for true cooperation will be fulfilled –
.... And in those moments when you can feel one with us beyond time and space
you will know how it is already fulfilled and already happening. "
still about the "miraculous landing of that Boing 700" ,
as TV and a video on the Internet called it

in passenger clothes,
but with the pilot tag
on his trousers,
just came down
from the plane,

s a v e d

like 270 passengers
and the crew!


The orthodox women - who had just come out of
Lag-ba_Omer prayed to Rabbi Shimon bar-Yochai

A former football star with a wife and a 3 year old child
tells the media of their frightening experience,
"but the pilots handled it calmly!"

Arad, May 24, 2011, Rotem's 18th Birthday

"Abraham" (1997) e-mail quote on May 24, 2011

"Be easy about this.
Be playful about it.
Don't work so hard at it.

"Walking humbly with your God" [Micah 6:9]

Let your dominant intent be to feel good,
and if you don't feel good,
then let your dominant intent be to feel relief.
Feel your way through it.
If you think your way through it,
you can get off on all kinds of tangents.
If you feel your way through it,
you can come quickly to your Core Energy,

and when you do that only good can then flow to you."

Above the screen
in the center
Rotem's sculpture
for my 70th birthday

A grownup
and a child
on Planet Earth,
or so I see it.

A slow turtle
from the left
a slow turtle
from the right
and nature symbols
to their sides,
but also devices
of "faster, higher"
below them:
the computer,
and to the left:
the Skype-camera,

and behind them
two women in
Succah in the desert
in 1994,
Hamdah and Yael,
between them:
the symbol
of "Partnership"

Israel & Ishmael:
"walking humbly
towards each other"

"to be one who works among others to help them put the pieces together
and not be responsible for the pieces being put together herself, is a lesson. People must be given small steps to turn their lives around
. Things that are within their immediate grasp. She must always give thought to what is their next step as an individual or as a group and help them see the next step, something that can be obtained rather than shooting for the stars. Depression will result from this and falling back into old habits and lack of motivation.
[See this quote, channeled to me in 1988, in "Mika's small creations with Nature"]

[See the quote also- together with my cherished song from the movie: St. Francis of Assisi:
"if you want your dream to be, build it slow and surely, small beginning, greater ends..."
- in the sequence "My Desire", Dec. 1-2, 2009, which is also the end of "Abraham's The Vortex"]

Aren't the sons of the desert, the Bedouins,
the epitome of going slowly, of walking humbly with thy God?
Why did little Immanuel , at the age of 9, draw this picture:
"The Bedouin comes back from the waterfall to the tent, and the child awaits him" ????
Ever since I "settled" at the outskirts of Arad in the Desert
not so far from the waterfalls of Ein-Gedi above the Salt Sea,
I have this silver-tray (inherited from Efrat) on my desk
[See the the tray behind the labtop and "Hagar&Ismael above one of the loudspeakers]:
with a most crucial passage in that 1988 message for me, glued to my son's image,
and enhanced by a prophecy, a second stanza to the known song: Rejoice will the Wilderness!

From my biblical sculpture "Hagar&Ismael"

"There will be no peace here,
until we, the Jews, will become the guests of the Desert People,
and let them connect us to the earth (adamah).
Once we shall be dependent on them, they will feel equal
and then they might forgive us the expulsion of Ismael."

Haggai Lev , Dead Sea, April 13, 2004
[Haggai tried to be my partner in realizing my Desert-Vision]


Arad, May 25, 2011
What about sexual abuse and incest?

It is proven, that I want to celebrate what is right with the world.
But there is still one theme, with which I am incapable of coping,
on both levels:  my personal life  and humanity all over the world:
the " l i n k " between the sexual abuser and the sexually abused.

Dr. Christine Bergmann, former German family-minister, and now Independent Delegate for the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse":
Yesterday, after more than a year, she published her report , based on 15000 notifications of victims.
Of these - 62% cases pertain to incest in families, and the others to cases in the Catholic and Protestant Church and other groupings.
Channel 3SAT dedicated last evening to this issue, by showing a) the excruciating Dogme 95-movie Festen, The Celebration (1998),
and b) the doc "We were not the only ones",  about the horrid hell in "the best boarding-school of Germany",   the Odenwald-Schule.
I forced myself to watch both, since I was left frustrated by my correspondence with the Channelers of Godchannel concerning incest.

Two facts - though not new to me - hit me more than before.
The charismatic director! of that school, and the teacher for music!  (there were 16 other perpetrators in the seventies and eighties),
were both truly humane and kind men, who created a relationship of peers with their pupils, listened to them and empowered them.
Therefore one of the "psychologic" reasons, "lack of zest and fulfilment", mentioned by me in my letter to the Channelers, does not fit.
The other fact: the "collaboration" of the victims was mostly due to their awe and respect and feeling inferior towards their teachers.
My own "collaboration" at the age of 10, of 22, of 40, of 55, was always caused by my terror of men, older in age, greater in fame.
If this terror-trauma was not triggered, I behaved like every "decent" woman behaves, as - by coincidence - I just read about 1986.

I've healed most of my own shame, powerlessness and victimhood, but I cannot heal what happened to ...
And worse: I cannot understand,  what   t i c k s   the perpetrators, except condoning that they are "sick".
But the divine "Folks" say, that I am both the perpetrator and the victim.
"Bring the ancient war home to the only place it can be healed,
inside of you.
You will be pleasantly surprised by the powerful results
of owning and healing the perpetrators within yourself."

And the Channelers are emphasizing what is the overall message of Godchannel,
that all of the gaps in Creation have been the result of unconsciousness
and that healing them within ourselves
is the only way they will heal in the outer world.

In their article which they linked to their letter to me: Loving Life Force Energy
they say:
"Trying to resolve the issue at the level of the story
keeps us in the mind, and away from the actual feeling.
It's only by feeling the energy of the feeling
where it is located in body
that we are able to heal it."

Though I find this helpful, I was put off by another part of their response:
"As to the healing, we're being guided

to continue with the process of first identifying as Body

and then finding the energy of the triggered feeling in the chakra system. "

I'm sorry, but just as I can't meditate, I can't feel any chakra,
though I tried to learn both "methods" for a long time
but the following advice does resonate with me:

"Dropping out of the 'story' in the mind that has triggered the feeling,

j u s t       b r e a t h e    s p a c e    i n    a n d   a r o u n d   t h e   e n e r g y   o f   t he  f e e l i n g
   i n   t h e    p l a c e  i n   B o d y   w h e r e   y o u   f i n d   i t. "

I'll do this today again and again, while "palming" my eyes (see song, story and info),
perhaps "The Folks" will tell me directly, what they have to say to this dire "issue"?

I seem to feel "it" in my throat:
"it" - being the terror of not pleasing someone on whom I deem myself dependent,
be it mother, husband, teacher or a politician who "could help me with my vision.".
In that moment I heard the pigeons from outside, which at this season keep cooing.
The German word "gurren" with the double "r" in the throat, is making this very real.

Later - 13:19
As usual, when I decide to listen to what You have to say to an "issue",
I find ever so many things "to do", so as to escape talking  with  YOU,
like continuing to prepare my veranda for someone who might 'live under my wings'.
But now, 40 minutes before the last chance to go to the pool, I'll write blindly:

I see you smiling, since you see me postponing listening to you for yet another minute!
But you know the reason for this:
I always suspect, that it's not really YOU, whom I'm hearing, but myself.

"But I am You!"

But why then do I have to focus on writing blindly,
instead of simply writing my thoughts?

"If you focus on your desire to hear yourself through ME,
there is a chance, that you hear yourself on a higher frequency!"

So now tell me, how should I cope with the evil of incest.

"First of all, you should express your grate-full-ness again and again
for the fact, that what nobody could talk about in the seventies,
is now coming into the open,
though the law does no longer deal with crimes that old.

"Second, denying sexual abuse,
both on the perpetrator's and on the victim's part,
is the epitome of denial, the ultimative denial,
especially because there is this collaboration between perpetrator and victim,
both in the "act" itself and and the "not talking about it" afterwards,
not even between the victims among themselves."

"So, if this horrid denial of at least five thousand years is now exposed,
you can see in it a most important sign of the maturing of Heaven on Earth."

So far, I am with you, and I am eager to detect and strengthen these signs.
But I simply can't see any way for preventing incest and sexual abuse from happening,
since I don't understand what makes a perpetrator tick.

"But you do understand, what makes a victim collaborate
and you do understand, what makes a victim to deny or "not talk".
And if the victim changes, so will the perpetrator."

But – I scream at you – what about small children?
How can they even understand what's being done to them.
It makes me furious, that you seem to ignore this!

Scream at me and feel all that pain in your throat.
Children are the children of parents.
And you often quote that verse about "unto the third and fourth generation",

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth generation

Exodus 20:4

or that other verse about: the parents who ate sour grapes

In those days they shall say no more:
'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'

Jeremia 31:8

'What mean ye, that ye use this proverb in the land of Israel, saying:
The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?

Ezechiel 18:2

If a parent wouldn’t feel and act as a victim, his or her child would not either."

I don't believe you

"You don't believe me?
But if you feel such immense pain with regard to …
isn't it, because you see the "gene" of victimhood bequeathed from you to ...?"

I bow my head.

Moreover, if we say, that the only place to heal anything in the world,
- and first and foremost this most abhorrent denial called sexual abuse -
both during the collaboration and afterwards through the not talking,
- is in yourself,
then the link parent- child is just a demonstration
of what happens between you and all people,
since you are a hologram of all.
The fact, that you let yourself be abused so often in your life,,
[and above you mentioned only the most severe incidents...],
can be understood from two perspectives:
You perpetuated the perpetration by your personal collaboration.
but also: you,
since you came to heal yourself and by extension all Creation,
staged these humiliating, shaming, disempowering scenes n your life,
in order to understand what "creation" is like – still.
Remember, that at the age of fourteen you said to that priest,
to whom you felt able to confess that "rape" at ten
[for you it was rape, though you could get away before penetration -]
"it happened to me, so I would never judge anybody else".

But all this doesn't explain why there is this raping everywhere,
right now – as if we had not enough shame over our former President -
with the chief of the International Monetary Fund, also a Jew to my shame.

First of all, there was also Clinton, not a Jew, remember?
Second, why are you surprised,
knowing the role of Jews being the yeast in the world's dough?
But let me relate to your mind's pleading for understanding.

The Channelers tried to explain to you [in Godchannel>.pain2],
that all this is a re-enactment of what happened between the parts of Deity.
You said, this doesn't help you in any way.
So let go of your mind's desperate need to understand.
Yesterday (see above : May 24, 2011) I let you see "Abraham's" quote:
Focus on what you feel,
and let yourself feel this in your throat,
palm your eyes and move your Body and sound your voice,
and just feel the pain.
I say pain, not shame, not powerlessness!
For if you let go of your judgments,
there won't be shame,
there will be pain,
there will be grief.
That's what the main participant in "We are not the only ones",
and the only one whose face was disguised through all the program, said,
after he told how the abuse of years "influenced"' his later life:

This is, what I'll help you to do,
if you agree to focusing on it:
To feel the pain, to feel the grief,
to move the pain and the grief again and again,
without the desire, that they may go away.
For as long as you are committed to "descend to the Mother in Hell"",
the pain cannot stop and should not stop.
As long as not all aspects, all fragments have healed into wholeness,
and therefore are masters of their lives,
not victims to anybody, your pain cannot stop
nor do you want it to stop.
Remember your beautiful transformation of a song:
"the tears will become water to irrigate the fields…
Is this too scarce an answer, beloved?

No. I'll at least trie to do that:
palm my eyes with my hands,
breathe and feel and sense the pain in my throat,
whenever an info or a memory trigger the pain.

thank you! Amen =I trust that it will be!
[end of blind written dialog: 14:04]

When, on my way to the pool, I opened my digital recorder for rehearsing songs,
the first song I encountered - [Zecharia 8:4], reminded me of the passage above
"Jews being the yeast in the dough of the World":
"And it shall come to pass that, as ye were a curse among the nations, will I free you and ye shall be a blessing"



Arad, May 26, 2011


from a 20 sec. video,
during which Leah takes a thread
and flosses her teeth
Leah Dieterich,
whose daily
"Thank You Notes"

I often open and enjoy,
is publishing a book
"thx      thx     thx
thank    goodness
for      everything"

She asks her fans - like me,
[see my sequence of Celebrating what's right with the World]
to spread her message

Dear Blood, I just spit into the sink. Thanks for reminding...

I told, with what enthusiasm I learnt about the website:
Khadashot tovot: Good News [see on May 12, 2011].
I translate, what they try to convey about their dream:
"Good News intends to change the habits
of information consumption.
We see a lack of balance
between negative and positve news .
We believe that this lack of balance does not result from an "inevitable reality"
but from a paradigm, which is rooted in our world,
this paradigm creates a dynamic
in which the deliverers of communication
produce a communication which is unbalanced,
and the consumers of communication
demand communication which is not balanced.
This site collects and creates only positive content,
in order to change the existing lack of balance
and to provide its readers with the delight
in the good that happens in our world.

Sagee Na'imi, born 1979, B.A. in economy and administration, studies towards an M.A. in business administration.

El'ad Na'imi, born 1984, sound-engineer, music & media

So far, the team that creates "GoodNews"
exists of only two brothers,
"who believe that it's possible to change
the habit s of information consumption"
but that they are brothers, who co-create,

(not Cain & Abel , not Jacob & Esau, not Josef & his brothers),
this is very, very, very good news in itself!
When linking to Leah's book, I discovered:
Gary Vay*ner*chuk:
The Thank You Economy

a 33-year-old self-trained wine and social media expert who has revolutionized the wine industry -
"we are on the verge of
a thankyou economy"

" The Thank You Economy is much more than saying "thank you.”
The Thank You Economy represents a ...movement... The Humanization of Business or Manners Marketing.

“How long the road is.
But, for all the time the journey has taken,
how I have needed every second of it
in order to learn what the road passes by!”
Dag Hammarskjöld


It was this photographer
Dewitt Jones
from whom -on 2010_01_10- I adopted
the most exact, correct direction
for my living in grate-full-ness.

See my intro of 2007 to
InteGRATion into GRATE-FULL-ness!
See on each day in K.i.s.s.-Log
from Jan. 8 till Dec. 31, 2008,
my double hodayah = thanksgiving !

The info about this prophet of gratitude
came to me from the practioners of
GO GRATITUDE [see how often I quote them]
e.g. "The Wave of Gratitude", since Sept.8, 2010
It is what Masaru Emoto epitomizes
in the chemical formula of water:
H 2 O,
2 parts of gratitude + 1 part of love

Later on this day, May 26, 2011, 5 PM
"Of course", a coincidence was supposed to happen:
Stacey Robins from "Go Gratitude" sent a message,
in which she told about a ceremony, broadcast across the entire planet
"Oprah Winfrey took the stage to say farewell
and wrap up her 25 year tell-a-vision
[television] program.

Not wealth, fame, or accolades.

[see, where I found Oprah on Healing-K.i.s.s.:
in "Heaven-on-Earth or GRATeFULLness" !
open "Firing the Grid" and put "Oprah" in Ctrl/F]
And if this was not enough, at 6 PM my e-mail shows
Qwiki of the Day - May 26 [video]
The last episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" aired yesterday morning
with no guests and no giveaways.
Oprah spent the last hour relating a personal message to her audience
about how much the show has meant to her.
Learn more about the amazing woman who dominated daytime television
for 25 years...
In this and in another related video in Qwiki about Oprah Winfry
I encounter so much truly "awe-some" info about this woman,
who some deem to be "the most influentual woman of the world",
once the richest Afro-American woman,
and the greatest black philanthropist in American History,
that I can only advise you to take in these 2 videos yourselves, remembering all the while,
that "gratitude" is the C A U S E of a joy-filled life, not its effect!

Still on May 26, 2011, 9 PM

I almost never watch the end of the news in the Israeli Channel 2.
But tonight, since I felt complete and whole with my day's work,
I closed my local website and every other program except G-mail
and leaned back on my bed and opened TV > 3SAT? no! >Ch. 2 ?
I see: a report about Oprah Winfrey, and in it this scene:
"Here you see fifty men, each with a photo of himself,
that shows him at the age of having been sexually abused."

I saw the 50 men and I returned to my sculpture of yesterday....
So, for what am I grate-full now?

Arad>Shoham>Arad, May 27-31, 2011
[On Mika's page of May 27-29 at Shoham - see also Rotem's fantastic artwork for her exam]

GoodNews from Israel on May 27, 2011:
A thousand hearing aids for Palestinians: Source of news: Sheba Medical Center at Tel-Hashomer-Hospital

I only now discovered, that there is an American Good News Network, watch the video with the woman who founded it already 14 years ago!

The following sculpture has little to do with "nourishment from others".
Its very creation with all the "past" pages, which I was guided to open,
has the purpose to nourish myself, so I'll find my way and my strength.
The drama began in Oct. 2004 and became more intense in Nov. 2004.
See also
one page about ONE family!

While my heart is squeezed with fear, ever since a new assignment hovers above me:
rescuing my child-angel Hathra from her drowning swamp in the Zealots' valley ["Biq'ah"]
and prepare her for fulfilling her dream since the age of 12, to become a radio moderator,
I am, at least, creating the physical possibility for her to live with me in my one-room flat.
[This is the smallest of all dreads connected with this "idea", but I enjoy the new beauty!]

Years ago my daughter-in-love bequeathed a huge new linen cloth to me.  I now cut it in half and painted on the pieces with gouache-colors.
The mattrasses on my veranda had covers with desert-themes, but they are faded and torn, therefore - towards Hathra... - I made new ones.
See the poor veranda, when I started to "settle" in Dec. 2004.    and     see it with the desert-covers in June 2006
I rearranged my veranda's "furniture",
which includes my wrapped up pyramidal tent still not set up behind Yahia's home in the Zealots' Valley...
I placed the computer-desk next to the electrical socket in the wall, so Hathra will be more protected with computer and hopefully Internet...
[This desk, which my landlord had let rot in the garden, I had brought to the veranda already half a year ago, "in case somebody will want to live with me"]
The chair can be turned around, so that it faces two other seats: the old Berlin knee-stool, neighbor Zwi's chair and a tiny table, retrieved from street-junk.
But, of course, if Hathra's family, or other visitors, should come to visit, there will be plenty of room on the mattrasses
(though they are a bit too soft...)!
[See on July 9, 2011, when the new arrangement did not stand the test of my children!]
Two images [Dec. 2009 and - probably - winter 2004-05] may tell the story, yes the drama, of the Bedouin Cinderella, who is to become the leading star,
not only for her frustrated father, mother, elder brother and younger siblings, and not only for the 17 extended families of the wadi near Masada,




who took
this image
of Hathra,

now drew
my attention
to the fire-tea
next to the ashes.

An iron triangle
with three compartments.

What she sees symbolized
in this
is the partnership
Israeli Jews
and Germans.

The triangle is
of course,
the form of the triangular

[See the invention
of the pyramidal tent in 1992]

"Whosoever surrendereth his purpose to Allah while doing good,
he verily hath grasped the firm hand-hold.
Unto Allah belongeth the sequel [outcome] of all things
Surah 31:22, listen to my song

Hathra now sang it to me on her secret phone,
while crying and pleading with me to help her.
I rediscovered a "Hathor message" with the following quote:

".... when the power of joy, appreciation or gratitude
reaches a certain amplitude or strength,
it can literally cause manifestations of physical reality.
And so even in the darkest moments,
if you hold the ... mastery to transcend fear
and cultivate joy, appreciation and gratitude,
unexpected auspicious moments and situations will present themselves to you"

Quoting from "Bedouin Self-Determination"
- scroll to the end: January 4, 2010:
Em-powering the self-victimizing, conflicting nations in the Holy Land
will begin with the self-empowerment of Ismael, Abraham's firstborn,
i.e.  the indigenous, transnational, Desert People around the Salt Sea:
the Bedouin will teach us peace between adam and adamah ["earth"].

Hagai Lev, Jan. 23, 2004, in Noah's Cave: "There will be no peace here,
until we, the Jews, will become the guests of the Desert People,
and let them connect us to the earth (adamah).
Once we shall be dependent on them, they will feel equal
and then they might forgive us the expulsion of Ismael."

In January 2006 I received the message through my hurting body:
"Cease to manifest anything on the exterior level!
Focus entirely on healing yourself into wholeness!
Only if denials are healed and judgments released,
will an exterior creation be a blessing instead of a curse!"

I promise myself, that throughout the year of 2010
I shall with all my heart-body-mind concentrate on:
'Celebrate, celebrate your self-worth
Celebrate what is right in the World

But now - almost in the middle of 2011 - what must I do now?
On that so relevant Hebrew-English page of 2005 I re-found a cute pun of mine:

And "Noah" "Noakh" rested "nakh" from all his stress
and  learnt  to  be  easygoing 
"noakh" with  himself
and from there also easygoing
"noakh" with others.

I learnt it in the last 5 years, didn't I?
So what now?

 I put "Hathra" in "Search" , and what I discovered - in addition to   the     links   above - I re-studied
while connecting deeply to all my yearning and all my fear concerning this human being.
Here are some links to the more important experiences and notes, in chronological order:

[when you open a page , click Ctrl/F and put "Hathra" in "find"! ]


in Thousands of Pathes in the Desert- 2005
"When Dina, ....... gathered us a second time
to continue the work on the Samira path,
not only Hathra took part ,
but also Atiq (9), though his elbow was cast in plaster,
and Qaasem (6) and even little Heyman (3)
who kept pointing out big stones for heaping up our many "Rujums",
stone-piles, which in desert tradition indicate the direction of a path.
I had no camera to guard this exhilarating sight
of Jewish teenagers and Bedouin children
working together on a path,
without organization, without media,
and with hardly anyone being aware,
that indeed this did occur:
Jewish-Arab Cooperation,
very physical cooperation,
towards the realization of what will become
the biggest common interest
between the peoples in the Middle East:
Desert Economy based on Hosting based on the Desert resource
Space, Purity and Silence (SPS)
and on the Desert People resource: Personal Hospitality.

in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_04_28:

a family in Gaza sat down on the earth around the fire
in their "court" for breakfast,
when the mother and four of her eight children , the youngest 2 months, exploded.
The mother was called "Hathra" the green one,
Hathra is the name of my beloved Bedouin starchild
and future co-creative peer, as I believe

in "Communication with Deity 2005_03_21": Rotem and Hathra

in "The Meaning of Life in 700 words + Bedouin and Jewish Starchildren" Sept. 2007

Read carefully "My Desire Today" on November 25-26, 2009....

in "Noah's Vision">Bedouin Self-Determination II>December 2009

and in Bedouin Self-Determination III>December 2009

In : "How I've been learning to live" on March 2, 2010:
My failure to win over Jibreel to become a  teacher for Hathra

In "Learn&Live 21" on June 7, 2010 -
I pray for Hathra's empowerment and self-love        

in Communication with Deity 2005_03_13,
- after my visit in the Cave of the Womb on 2011_01_01, 11:00

In a supplement to Ararat Heart>The Zealots' Valley and the Cave of the Womb
after my experience on 2011_01_01-11:00   in the "Cave of the Womb"

"When will the time come for a "pregnancy" in the Cave of the Womb?
The pregnancy of my Vision of Peace through Desert Hosting Economy?
And will it be Hathra and Yusuf, with their parents Samira and Yahia,
who will be self-dependent pioneers ~~with no need for me, Maryam?

Cornelia wrote - when, on Dec. 27, she cancelled our meeting in the Cave:
"I have deep trust, that the Bedouins are a blessing for Israel,
and that Hathra will find her way.
The Bedouins carry the entire knowledge of the universe in themselves."

in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_07_12>"Nebo-let-Go", Third Stage>Ararat-Heart>Yusuf
Yusuf (13) and Hathra (12) trained to host friends who came with me.
But without me ~~~ nobody ever came, despite the marked pathes.
The initiative of Yusuf and Hathra is extraordinary in the Zealots' Valley,
but something vital is missing, in all the world and particularly in the Valley:

repeated and continued in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_07_15:
The initiative of Yusuf and Hathra is extraordinary in the Zealots' Valley,
but something vital is missing, in all the world and particularly in the Valley:

The self-esteem
the self-acceptance
the self-love

without these - victimhood is reigning
and there is no strength nor will to self-determination:

one monstrous terror suffocates every initiative as it is born:
the terror of disgrace and shame:
"What~~~will~~~ they~~~ say~~~ in the Valley~~~"?

May 31, 2011: See, how this is connected to the entry of May 31, 2007, above, about "The Inner Child"!

"Abraham" (1997) e-mail quote on May 27, 2011

Every time you say,
"I appreciate that.
I really like that.
I applaud that.
I acknowledge the value in that."

Every time you do that,
you spend some of your Energy,
and it is the spending of the Energy
that creates attraction, so to speak,
that draws more and more [of what you desire].

 Recently Jonathan Jacoby, once my most efficient partner in "Partnership", wrote about new hope for his son's life (his disease:NPC) .
For many years now he has dedicated his life to prolong the life of Joshua [= 'he saves'] and is the chairman of "Partnering-for-Cure"
I wrote him, how strange it is, that both of us, who once worked with such pain - with so many people - for peace in the Middle East,
are now dedicating our lives to one human being, as our Sages said: "Whoever keeps one soul alive, has kept an entire World alive."

Jonathan Jacoby responded:

Continuation of "More Nourishment in 2011" and the drama of "Hathra" in ~~~~~ "Body-Mind-Centering"