InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
Amos Etinger |
tune: Nurit Hirsch |
Chorus: The original song can be heard on
Nurit Hirsch's
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![]() She writes "Mika" on a stone which she picked up from the ground |
![]() A moment later she enjoys a green fig which she plucked from a baby-tree |
Monday, May 10, 2010, morning
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was creating "wind" [ruakh]
with something and I recalled the little song, which she sang so often at the age of two Since now none of us could remember the exact wording, Efrat searched for a video of "ruakh, ruakh" and showed it to us ![]() |
Monday, May 10, 2010, after kindergarden,
Mika with Ronni, her friend and the daughter of Efrat's colleague Talli
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After supper Efrat plays "Pantomime" with the girls
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010, morning
![]() After breakfast she sings along the "funicular", which we had established during my last stay |
A lesson for me:
But I'm not sure, |
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010, after kindergarden
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Perhaps this is the time
to hint at an aspect of Mika's and my Heaven-on-Earth which is meant as yet another stretch of HEALING for MEEE! Healing through letting myself be triggered by Mika, - triggered, where I still have holes in my wholeness that now want to heal... I was supposed to fetch Mika from kindergarden, since Efrat needed to do some work in another town. She first came home and arranged everything for Mika's picnic with me, after I had convinced her, that it wasn't a good idea to first bring her home. But then - I didn't follow my own knowing, but followed Mika's manipulations.... When I met her in kindergarden among the last kids to be fetched, she hardly gave me a look, certainly not a "Shalom", leave alone a hug. Once we were outside, I asked her where she wanted to go for the picnic, She said: "I want to go home!" "But you know Imma is not at home!" She insisted to go home and have the picnic at home. I don't remember the details of what followed now. At one point I became so triggered, that threw the content of the prepared backpack on the floor in a frenzy, raced to my room, slammed the door, and began to cry. I recalled a similar scene, except that there I packed the backpack in a fury. Had I not promised myself, that I would never again stage such a situation? At least, the flashback helped me to hurry and get out of the victim-role! It was hard not to judge myself, for getting ~ once again ~ into that role, and ~~~~ vis-à-vis my~~ 4 1/3 year old ~~~~ tenth ~~ granddaughter! I decided to share my crying with her, i.e. to go on crying in her presence, even if this would be called a manipulation. She lay on the sofa, with a blanket over her, intending to sleep, though she had just heard from her mother (whom I had to call), that she was not to sleep now, but to go out with Savta to the picnic. (this call overwhelmed Efrat with her horrid worrying-pattern, but this part of my story is less relevant to my lesson). I pulled away the blanket, sat next to her and kept crying. I could see, from a corner of my eye, that it, indeed, moved Mika. For she is compassionate, as I told in connection with The Prince of Egypt. Again I don't recall the sequence of events, but she followed me. Once outside the house, I did NOT ask her, where SHE wanted to go. Even, when - at some junction - she cautiously pointed into a direction, I said: "No". Without explanation... And this for about two more times. Then she gently asked: "Where are we going?" By now I was more lenient and said: "I don't know! to a place, that's nice enough for having a picnic there!" When we - from the backside - reached the corner of Sella (rock) Street ("that's where you'll move to in six weeks time, Mika!"} I turned to the dust-road, where I had walked with Tomer 10 days ago. I feared, we wouldn't find a suitable picnic place in the high thorny weeds to the left and to the right, and I was very afraid, that Mika, who hates to walk, would defeat me. But she walked and when she once voiced a weak complaint, I said: "I'll give you an advice, Mika! Whenever you don't like something and want to complain, hurry up and remember something that you can be grateful for! There are always so many things for which we can say "TODA"! See the very fact, that you can walk! Unlike Ya'acov, who can't!" This was , indeed, helpful, and when I pointed to a junction far away: "should we go right or left there?" she inquired, what was right in this case and what left and said: "right". From then on our outing became truly Heaven-on-Earth with so much joy, that no story nor image can convey it. Once, when we were sitting amidst the thorny barley stalks, a truck tarried behind us on the dust-road, and watching us, said: "Eizae Moteq, What a cutie!" I repeated it to Mika and she said: "he thinks I'm sweet!" "Yes!" "Everybody loves me", she said, as if this was the most natural thing. And another "clip": "I wished God would come down and I could see him." "but you can easily imagine him, you know he's here!" So she asked, if God was in the herbs, in the ants, in the backpack, in the thermos of tea, in her eyes, in the crane over there above those houses of Shoham ("the cranes do the work, so that we don't have to be slaves any longer..."), "Yes, and he is also in your voice , and in the air, and in all our five senses (which I taught her there and then), and in the joy and happiness, which you feel and tell me now." And she made up a poem, part of it with rhymes, about the beauty and magic "of this wonderful place"! When we had to leave, I chose an easier way home, but it was still far, and most of it was a slight ascend. Though she urgently needed to shit, she complained NOT! She was GREAT Mika, and I finally was GREAT Rachel! |
Wednesday, May 12, 2010, morning
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hour between waking up and going to kindergarden was filled with both - joy and pain. Efrat: "she truly has a very complex relationship with you." When I heard Mika and Imma passing by and talking outside, I needed some time to get out of bed, out of an extremely deep, long dream. Then I threw my red dress over my body and opened the door. There Mika was, as if she had waited, saying: "I was singing!" "Yes, I heard you singing", awaiting a repetition of her song about the thin lizzard man and the fat lizzard woman, "but I won't sing the continuation (lo ashir aet ha-haemshekh)/ Then she informed me: "In kindergarden we reached the letter Tav", and we talked a while about what they would go on learning, since Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alef-Beth. Then I asked her, what words begin with Tav "tut -strawberry, tappuz-orange, tappuch-apple", and I added: "also Torah". She tried to conjure up an image of "Torah". I said: "It can be a book or a megillah -a scroll." "What book?", and I pulled a big book of Psalms from the shelf. "This is a book of Tehillim, Songs to God, - Tehillim also begins with a Tav, by the way," But then she was sidetracked by the "megillah", which she remembers from Purim, and immediately set out to take a sheet of paper, draw yet another composition of her hearts-butterflies-flowers and roll it into a scroll. |
And so on, a flow of pretty ideas, creations and actions,
but then - in the middle of eating her cereals in the kitchen - her "mood"
turned around.
I tried to take it with humor, as usual, and sang to her the
"song of my opposite aspects",
stressing the lines : "sometimes I'm sweet
and sometimes I'm sour."
She scrutinized my singing for finding words, which - in her view - needed
and then went along with alternating between "sweet and sour" and
it was fine with me.
But then, there occurred a little trigger for me, "little", but
it brought up sighs and tears, even after Mika was gone.
When Imma took Mika by the hand in order to leave the house, enter the car
and drive to kindergarden and work,
Mika pushed the hand away, stood firmly before Imma, telling her in her strong
and charming, manipulative manner,
that Imma should already go out, prepare for driving, and she would follow
after having put together certain items.
Imma: "If you promise me, not to loose them!"
and went out.
Mika ran to her room, then ran to the kitchen, opened a drawer, took out a
small nylon-bag,
ran to the living-room, gathered a lot of small things, which I could not
even identify,
pushed them into the bag and this while I exploded with tension
and fear,
hearing already the motor, hearing Imma calling: "Mika,
Yet Mika just continued to gather her items into the nylon-bag.
I screamed:
"Mika, how is it, that you just don't care, that
you get on Imma's nerves!"
And I felt, how I was shivering, trembling, breathing heavily and almost crying.
Finally she was done with her items and ran out to the car, showing Imma her
Imma wasn't angry, Mika sat in her seat, tied the safety-belt and off they
I returned to the flat, seeing another scene - as clearly as if it had happened
just now:
It was in
1971, after the family, including my stepchildren and our friend Naftali Raz with his girlfriend, had celebrated Immanuel's 8th birthday on January 23. It was decided, that before dawn all of us, in two cars, would set out for the Dead Sea. I worked like hell, as usual, to put house and kitchen in order after the celebration, and after about 4 hours sleep, packed everything for the day, woke up the 3 children, and put the two younger ones in the back of the car, in their pyjamas !!! so they could go on sleeping. My husband, of course, was the driver - the only job I "left" to him, as I would say in hindsight, since for many years to come I still believed, that doing all those superhuman chores was what was demanded from a good wife and house-wife and mother. The sun was preparing for rising, when, after about 5 km, it came to me, that I had forgotten to pack trousers for little Micha, then 5 years old. I panicked, I froze, I couldn't open my mouth, I watched us driving through Petach-Tikva ("Door of Hope") and long past it, just like "Rachel, the mother sheep, that becomes dumbfounded and does not open its mouth" in the Songs of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. But there was no way around, I had to tell my husband, that we needed to turn around. What he yelled, was so horrifying, that I only yearned for one thing, to leave the car and never come back again. But I had three little children, and so I stayed in my seat... When we arrived - through all this yelling - at "home", I ran like hell to get the trousers, for even in more quiet times it was unthinkable, that I let my husband wait in the car for even a second. This time I was so abysmally hurt, that I did not talk for hours. I ruined the togetherness with Joel, Dita, Naftali and his girlfriend, and they felt, that once more something terrible had happened. They were lucky, that according to the program they would part from us anyway at some time. It was not until hours later, when our car drove back from the Dead Sea up the road of Jericho, and we stopped at the ruins of the so-called "Inn of the Good Samaritan" (see the place in 2010!) that I softened and began to talk again, though there was no appeasement from my husband's side. I remember, how we later drove into old Jerusalem and little Micha was aghast by the Golden Dome: "I would like to have my kindergarden next to the Golden Dome!" Back from little Micha in 1971 to little Mika in 2010: Alone in the flat of Shoham I remembered the terror - exemplified in that story - so vividly, that I could breathe and cry and vibrate it but also think in dispair: "why is it, that some things - not only sexual abuse (of which I had my share) - never seem to heal?" Comparing Mika's not-caring and my terror made it strikingly clear to me, how this imprint of terror, when someone seems to have to wait for me, reenacts itself over and over again. And the only thing I can do, is to vibrate this terror and this self-victimization over and over again, and thus heal not only myself, but all of humankind, all of Creation. And then the ruins of the Good Samaritan will have become the Golden Dome in Jerusalem as a symbol of a healed and whole religion and region..
in the
latest channeling ("EGO") says:
"you will find that
non-resourceful ego, "At the personal level
In the afternoon Efrat and Mika came home,
Continuation of Mika's
"Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of April
29 2007 |