The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"

updated on Sept.5, 2013, Rosh Ha-shanah



InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others

November 10-18 , 2011: enriched by more nourishment
continued from "the Meaning of Life in 700 words"


October 2007
Archangel Michael : a new Earth Consciousness
My Interpretation:
the evolution from the duality of "light and dark" to the complementarity of "lightness and joy" ~~~The Energies of October~~~Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

The Awakening of the Planetary Heart

and Ascension to New Earth Consciousness


"...., this is the time of the Great Awakening, ...

... you will feel the ..."lift" in your consciousness
as a Joy and Lightness of Heart and Spirit.


.... Many thousands of years ago,
that which you have termed the "fall" occurred
when you chose, through free will,
to leave the multi-dimensional matrix of your creation

and explore the limitations of the dense structures
known as the Third Dimension.

For indeed, you are adventurous beings of light!

As you allowed this drop into denser energies,
your balance was lost
and you moved away from the perfection
of complementarity or the complementary energies of the Twin Flame,
into the imbalanced and oppositional energies of duality.

But, you agreed to explore duality
as a way of exploring yourself
and Who You Were in this denser energy.

And so, as you moved into density
you created from within this energy of duality and conflict,
and experiences such as "evil" and darkness,
of war and sickness and lack
came into manifestation.
These were all the creations of your imbalances and your duality consciousness.

And then, as the conflicts intensified,
the Masculine and Feminine energies came into conflict,
and they sought domination and control over each other.
Many religions and philosophies were drawn into this conflict,
and ... became vehicles for this conflict,...

And then, a thousand years ago,
this conflict was ended uneasily
when the imbalanced masculine energy achieved "victory" over the feminine energies.
The Feminine Grid
which carried the Feminine frequency of the God Source energy
was "switched off".

We have called this Feminine Grid
the "Magdalena Grid"
in honor of the Feminine Christ Consciousness that was carried by the Magdalene.
But, when the grid was "switched off",
it became heavy and dark and filled with the energies of fear and anxiety and depression,
which were placed there by campaigns of terror and persecution
that were waged against those
who attempted to live the truth of the Feminine Goddess energy in their lives.
It no longer vibrated to the energy of Joy and Creativity that was its original purpose.

And so, this shift was inscribed into your DNA.
You learnt to identify with the distortions of the powerful but controlling masculine energy,
and to fear and despise the weak and vulnerable feminine.
And so, "victim" consciousness became a part of the story of Who You Are,
but it was an illusion based on distortion and contains no truth,


But, dearest ones,
over time there have been many courageous souls ...
who have entered this dense and unstable matrix
with the purpose of holding the.. Truth of Who You Are,
and guiding Humanity back to the Higher Consciousness of the Multi-Dimensional matrix.
But this decision to return to the Higher Fields of Light
had to be made as a Choice of Free Will,
just as the choice to leave had been such a choice


And so, in the last cycle of time,
Human Consciousness as a Collective
made that decision to return together,
and so a process of healing and ... re-balancing was under way.

The Feminine, or Magdalena grid, is now re-activated and running on "full power" once again,
and so the Sacred Heart of the Planet awakens
and the Twin Flame energy or Consciousness
is once again fully present for those who choose to awaken at this time.

Humanity is ready to release
the products and creations of density and duality, darkness and evil and greed and exploitation.
These things will fade from your consciousness
as you enter your consciousness fully
into the radiant Diamond Matrix of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

November 21, 2011:
Why doesn't this message point out the reason for all the "evil" on earth?
The Denial of the Will, of the Magnetic Essence, of "God" - in his/her very beginning,
when they, like children, had too little consciousness to understand themselves?
[See "Spirit's" accounts in the Violet and in the Purple RUOW Books]

Dearest ones,
you will feel these changes in your physical body,
for your body is a microcosm of the Earth itself.

You will feel old energies of fear and sadness being released
and new energies of Lightness and Joy coming in to replace them.


The Journey and Adventure of Exploration continues,
but with a "New Earth" and a New Consciousness.


You will know times, perhaps,
when the habits and addictions and memories of the Old Grid with its distortions
will claim you for a while,
and perhaps you will feel anxiety and depression and fear.

[November 21, 2011:

Why don't you mention what in my experience of humanity is the greatest feeling-problem:
BOREDOM, i.e. lack of zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment, and therefore lack of self-worth?

But you will also increasingly know
the Bliss and Joy and Heart Song of the New Grids
as you feel what was originally intended
- the Joyous Adventure of Creativity
that is called Life on Planet Earth.


And gradually, you will feel safe once again
to fully use the Divine Feminine energy grids, the Magdalena-Christ Consciousness.
You will explore your lightness of heart and soul
and you will learn to manifest
from the deep desires of your pure and loving heart.


For indeed, dearest ones, it is the time of
the Awakening of the Planetary Heart
and the Awakening of your own deep Heart energies

as the point where
the Personal and Planetary energies integrate and converge.


As you awaken to the Twin Flame within you,
so the planet awakens to the pure consciousness
of the Christ/Divine Masculine and the Magdalene/Divine Feminine.
And so, it is achieved.
Your work is to allow the shift and to trust that all is well.
You will increasingly feel
a lightness
and an ease
and a joy
that you have not felt for a long time,
perhaps for many lifetimes
and for many thousands of years.

Balance will be achieved
and you will gradually begin to see this new light [lightness?]
manifesting into form on the planet."


Celia at Mont St Michel in France,
September 2007.
A chilly and wet autumn day.
Mont St Michel
is one of the etheric sanctuaries
of Archangel Michael on Planet Earth.

"It is learning to be in your bodies,
and to celebrate your physical existence
on this beautiful planet."

"Paradise on Earth"

"A New Pattern of Manifestation on Earth"

"Ascension is Descension into Body"

It's only through your Creations
that you'll know yourself

I have difficulty with the usage of the word "light" ,
for "light" is a metaphor for "spirit",
the electric, outgoing energy of Deity
which cannot function without the magnetic indrawing energy of Deity,
called "Will", "Desire", or "The Mother".
The Archangel's message emphasizes

"you will feel safe once again
to fully use the Divine Feminine energy grids,
the Magdalena-Christ Consciousness
It means, if I understand it well,
to feel what I feel,
to move what I feel
to evolve what I feel
and let Spirit heal what I feel,
and then let Feeling and Consciousness together
create my life.

But as long as the usage of "light" is misleading,
I omit the term wherever that is possible

Throughout the channeling
a new term appears:

"The energies of lightness and joy"
This double meaning of the English "light"
points towards an evolution,
which might well cause a revolution!

see my song :
I am light and I am light
Leicht bin ich und ich bin Licht

Since the October 2007 channeling is so stunning,
I for the first time inquired about Celia Fenn
-here are some excerpts.

a pity that her website does not allow to link to specific pages.

About Celia Fenn
is a... Spiritual Facilitator and Channel.
She works primarily with the Archangel Michael energy
to bring information about the transformation ... of the planet, and
the work of the Indigo and Crystal beings
at this time.
She holds MA and PhD degrees in English Literature,
and has also studied Art and Music.
She lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

She worked for 12 years as a University academic
before switching to a career in Healing and Therapy.
For ten years she helped many people
to find their own personal healing path
to wholeness and inner peace.
She then became a channel for Archangel Michael,
and developed the Starchild Global website.

She is the author of
A Guide to Complementary Therapies in South Africa
and the e-book, The Indigo Crystal Adventure.

She has worked intensively
with Indigo adults and teen-agers, as well as children,
and has developed specific programmes
to asssist these special beings
to find their path in life in peace and balance,
Celia has been a pioneer
in working with the Ascension symptoms
of the Transition from Indigo to Crystal Consciousness.

She is also passionate about Cetaceans,
especially the Southern Right Whales
that are found in the coastal waters of her homeland.
In this work she calls together
the Angelic Soul Clan
of the Ocean Keepers and the Earth Keepers.
She believes
that the Dolphins and the Whales have a special role
in creating the New Earth,
and she also facilitates Cetacean workshops
and "experiences".

2013-09-04 group-e-mail From "Veronica's Whispers" - about multi-dimensionality

"All incarnates are taking a journey through physical experience. Often in the dense reality intense focus determines our definition of what we experience.

While indeed focus is necessary, there should also be a broader perspective available to know truly the wholeness of the experience.

Defining yourself with limited personal perspective may hinder the ability to have a sense of truth regarding what is created.

A greater look at the totality can lighten the load, so to speak, when considering your choices.

We realize that most will be immediately wanting to know the true definition of the bigger picture as spirit sees it.

So here it is:

Physical experience is a multi-dimensional experience encompassing many levels of creation. The life you perceive is not the total package. Each life contains parallel manifestations that complement the singular experience you are aware of in this now.

By stepping back and considering this, it allows you to understand the real totality of what occurs every day. Knowing and accepting this multiplicity may give you the clarity to know whatever the experience you are currently experiencing... can still resolve itself due to the nature of parallel experience (lives).

By starting to contemplate this nature of reality, one can begin to resolve issues in the current life... by accessing the parallel.

There is much more occurring than just this life. Consider it, then use it to adjust your perspective.

After all, your perspective, if expansive enough, is unstoppable in achievement. That is the way it was designed.

Think about it."

In "The Energies of October" on the same page in Celia's website,
there is a passage, which better explains the term "Twin Flames":

..... May you be a joyous guest at your own inner Sacred Marriage of the Twin Flames
- the Divine Masculine and Feminine that connect within you Heart.


May you "Come Home" to Who You Are
and fully experience
the Creative Power and Joy of Heaven on Earth.

For in Heaven,
the Twin Flames are "One",
and here on Earth,
the Twin Flames are One within your Heart as you enter into the New Earth Matrix.

And so Heaven on Earth is created within YOU - and on the Earth.

June 14, 2009 - another relevant message from Celia Fenn/Archangel Michael
re-studied on January 20, 2011

"…as you enter this month of June 2009,
you are experiencing ... Cosmic energies
that are assisting in lifting your Planet into the Higher Frequencies of Light.

" You are being assisted in this process of Awakening and Transformation
by so many Beings of Light, Angelic Beings, Elemental Beings, Galactic Beings,
and your Beloved Cetacean families
[whales and dolphins].

" It is not an easy time to be incarnated in a physical body,
for there is so much that is happening in the Realms of Light
that must be integrated and incarnated by you,

that you may, at times, feel confused and lost and disconnected.
Beloved Ones, at this time, it is so important
that you remain grounded within your physical being
and that you hold your energy and light in your heart and in your center.
That is the most important ... work that you can do right now,
as you ground the Cosmic light into your bodies and into Planet Earth.

" At this time, the energy of Awakening
will activate in the lives of many people around the Planet,
as more and more souls awaken
to the reality of their Cosmic Being and Existence.

You are all Starchildren, beings of Light and Spirit in Human incarnation,
and you are awakening to your Cosmic nature and essence.
But… it is so important that you be Grounded and Present,
and that you remember that you chose to be here on Planet Earth
in order to co-create the New Earth Reality.

You are here, Beloved Ones, to ground Heaven on Earth,
and to be the manifestation of that energy.

So… at this time of great soul awakening,
it will be useful for you to focus your energy into
Grounding, Connection and being Present

Be fully grounded in your physical body
and enjoy each day of your life as a gift from Spirit.
Be grateful and thankful for each day and its blessings and learnings.

Remember to give thanks at the end of each day for all that has been given.

The essence of Higher Dimensional life is
Connection and Inter-connection.

Even if the chaos of dimensional flux
makes you feel disconnected on the outer levels of existence,
[November 21, 2011:
I don't "feel" disconnected, I   a m   disconnected at present,
even from my family and my best friends, and I've a part in that this has to be so at present,
the only friends in my life now are 5 of my 6 starchildren, all some 50 years younger than I...]

go within, into your beautiful Diamond Heart Center,
and feel the deep inner connection to All That Is and to all other Beings.

that "disconnection" and "aloneness" are essentially third-dimensional experiences,
[November 21, 2011:
My problem is not "aloneness", but the doubt, if I'm right in my part of the disconnection,
or if "I'm wrong after all" ....
and that when you enter into the awareness of the soul state of multi-dimensional inter-connectivity,
then you are always supported in the flow of Abundant Love at all times

[Listen to John Denver's song: ".... we are never alone, even though we try to be...."

… the most effective way to experience the blessings of Grounding and Connection
is through the experience of Presence.
This is the way
in which you center your energy clearly into your present material reality,
that you have created,
and open yourself to receiving the blessings that exist within that Reality Creation.

To be "present" in your own life
means to take the time
to experience each moment and each action
as a miracle and as a blessing of love.
To be Present means
to value and deeply bless all that is in your life as a gift from the Creative Source.

[Listen to my recent song: "The time you take to just be with your creations , is the time you spend - in the eternal love of Source]

Beloved Ones, in this time of accelerated light energy,
many of you are trying to live your material lives at the "speed of light"
that is comfortable for your souls,
but remember that the Sacred Union is a relationship between the Body and the Soul,
and that the Body must feel equally as happy within the Union.
The pace of the Body is slower.
The Body needs time
to experience,
discern and discriminate,
in order to be comfortable.

When your soul and spirit energies are aligned with your physical energies,
then you will indeed   feel   the   infinite   expansion  of   Cosmic  awareness,
but you will also feel rested, relaxed and at ease within your physical being.

If, at this time, you feel tense and anxious, or depressed,
or if you have other physical symptoms of distress,
or even if you feel ungrounded,
then you will need to slow things down,
until your body regains its sense of comfort and well-being.

[January 20, 2011 - All this I've done and am going on doing. How wondrous!]

to former source of "Nourishment from Others", 2007 and 2011  to next source of "Nourishment from Others" 2007 and 2011




Arad, Thursday, November 10, 2011
(1) In Jerusalem with my camera, but no zest to take photos and no zest today to sculpt my experiences
neither with the crowded city , nor with my deep encounters with Rotem and with Lior [+boyfriend Avi'ad ]
nor, at home on the same day, with Internet and Computer problems and the technicians Misha and Ofir Mor.
I feel, that I'm "done with" documenting my life.
But, of course, I had that feeling before and can only smile at my "decisions" time and again.
(2) I do want to mention the new song: ki hirveti nefesh ayefah
[inserted below on 11-11-11 and in SongGame]
(3) I do want to quote the message of Yehoyada given through Na'omi Hefetz yesterday.
(4) I also want to mention my ongoing work on copying and coping with the RUOW books
(5) Since Renata can't help me with the Spanish texts of the Tuareg interview and the "United" song,
I want to at least complete translating the words of Moussa myself, however incompletely...
[November 21: I succeeded with the translation of "Tuareg" and I got help for the Unity-song]

Concerning my life-long predicament with how to support people, without overwhelming them,
(see the two songs "The Cranes" and "Walking Humbly")
I read a frapping sentence today about one of "God's" first feelings:

"I had to hold back in order to be loving and careful of others.
I actually feared I could hurt others with My light
and I have much Lost Will that believes it cannot receive Me fully
because I will be too intense for it."

[This is an expression of an overwhelming feeling of 'God' right in "the beginning",
see the Purple Book "Original Cause: The Reflection Lost Will has to give", p. 2]


I had not asked for a channeling, when I called Naomi Hefetz.
[Her last phone-channeling for me in 2004 is mentioned in ]
I only wanted to get her book, of which she had informed me.
But then suddenly I was with her in her flat -- for 45 minutes,
and it was Naomi Hefetz, who suggested to ask    "Yehoyada"
concerning my doubts, if my "walking humbly with people",
wasn't -after all- a denial of myself, as during most of my life.

"and walking humbly with your God"
Micah 6:8 ~~~~~ See my tune to this verse

When I put "walking humbly" in my "Search", it showed 114 results.
I don't know, where I explained the beginning of the influence of this verse:
As a student at Tuebingen I heard a minister's short sermon about this verse:
"If I want my 3 year old son to walk with me,
I have to adapt to the speed of his little legs.
That's how God adapts to the speed of the World,
and if we want to walk with God,
we have to walk humbly with the World.

For many years I have been applying this message
to the way I try to BE in the presence of people
and to the way I try to communicate with them
[see a deeper understanding at the end of "lekhi-lakh>khugi-lakh/hug&lach"]

For Rachel Bat-Adam
your being an adam
touches the heart always

Naomi Hefetz
[She noted: "Nov. 8, 2011",
Tomer's 17th birthday,
though it was Nov. 9, 2011
the first Nazi pogrom, in 1938,
and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989].


Naomi Hefetz

[a sample:]

is not a Hebrew word.
In Hebrew it's
and means

the full
in every dimension"


It is rare nowadays, that teachings - be they given by humans or by "entities" - touch me, accept some aspects from "Abraham".
Nothing seems to reach the level of understandings I've been receiving for 25 years from the Source of RUOW and Godchannel.
But during the intense dialog with Naomi I listened to some Hebrew expressions, which could not appear in English channelings.

How do intentions manifest? See below: "How the Internet works"

Click and listen to
a section from the dialog between Yehoyada and me
via Naomi Hefetz

Transcription of my recording of Yehoyada, channeled through Naomi Hefetz, about me
"Walking humbly by Being a Sanctuary"
"Put your heart to it, that whoever comes,
knows to whom he comes
Rachel (cynically): "Really?"
"Therefore you have no need for proving.
You are present and approachable."
"Yes, I'm calling this 'to be available',
'not to initiate but to be available;!"

"Therefore, I am saying,
since it will be your intention to be approachable
from the word "approach"
and together with this,
if your feeling requests to stress
belonging in every meaning,
you'll find serenity in yourself.
Be blessed."

Rachel: "This is clear, but it doesn't solve the problem
as to HOW I'm meant to do the
"Walking humbly"
Naomi: "By saying: I'm a sanctuary and I invite
whoever wants to be supported, to come, to talk..
you are at the place of
"Walking humbly with YHWH"
Rachel: "And not all the time to be cautious, fearing,
that my words could trigger the other person..."

"Good Morning, Rachel, here is Yehoyada.
It seems that being a sanctuary to yourself,
is the way of inviting those who turn to you,
who request, who look for the way,
you wish to create communication
in order to sense that you are connected
at this time
not only to the upper forces
but also to planet Earth.
I wish to say for your sake,
that you are connected to both ends
and from there that you have no need
to prove something in any way.
Are my words clear to you?"

"not quite - with regard to proving"
Naomi: You don't have to prove, that you are there and that you are on the ground.
You already created this connection,
but .... you still try to prove guarding the connection by helping and supporting .
He says, that when you let go of that need, they will come to you as to a sanctuary,
a sanctuary is not going out to others.
Naomi: "Fine!
if you'll listen to this:
there you have
there you have
there you have
there you have the saying:
'you are a sanctuary'!
Be in that sanctuary,
allow yourself, do not convince, don't...
"walking humbly" this is your intention:
'I want to be in
"walking humbly"!'
You do not need to know, how,
"I don't need to know how"
Naomi: "Truly not!"

"therefore I'm saying
for your sake:
Do your will for yourself,
for the satisfaction of your spirit,
from knowing that your intention is to be
"walking humbly",
this will be your path.
Are my words clear?"

"Be blessed.
Here is Yehoyada."

Rachel jumps into this closure sentence and screams:
"But with this I have no problem! I've no problem with this-
to belong or not to belong!
My problem is if I accomplish my task, right?
This is the big problem, and if I fulfill it correctly
if - by my sheer endeavor
"to walk humbly"
I am no longer ~~~~ really ~~~~with what I want"

"And that's the only thing you have to do-
to be with what you want.
Read the passage about the "Ego", in the book,
he explains its very well there.
On November 23, 2011, I came across my question, phrased during a dire lesson, on December 19, 2010, in Learn&Live 12:
"Am I adding evil to this world by being too available, just like I added evil to this world by victimizing myself?"
Copied in 2006 [!!!] from
An analogy: How Web Servers and the Internet work:
Your browser formed a connection to a Web server, requested a page and received it. If you want to get into a bit more detail, here are the basic steps that occurred behind the scenes:
• The browser broke the URL into 3 parts:
1. The protocol ("http")
2. The server name ("")
3. The file name ("web-server.htm")
• The browser communicated with a name server to translate the server name "" into an IP Address, which it uses to connect to the server machine.
• The browser then formed a connection to the server at that IP address on port 80. (We'll discuss ports later in this article.)
• Following the HTTP protocol, the browser sent a GET request to the server, asking for the file "". [Note that cookies may be sent from browser to server with the GET request -- see How Cookies Work for details.]
• The server then sent the HTML text for the Web page to the browser. [Note that cookies may also be sent from server to browser, in the header for the page -- see How Cookies Work for details.]
• The browser read the HTML tags and formatted the page onto your screen.
If you've never explored this process before, that's a lot of new vocabulary. To understand this whole process in detail, you need to learn about IP addresses, ports, protocols, etc. The following articles will lead you through a complete explanation.

How the Internet Works
So what is "The Internet"? The Internet is a gigantic collection of millions of computers, all linked together on a computer network. The network allows all of the computers to communicate with one another. A home computer is usually linked to the Internet using a normal phone line and a modem that talks to an Internet Service Provider (ISP). A computer in a business or university has a Network Interface Card (NIC) that directly connects it to a Local Area Network (LAN) inside the business. The business then connects its LAN to an ISP using a high speed phone line like a T1 line. A T1 line can handle approximately 1.5 million bits per second, while a normal phone line using a modem can usually handle 30,000 to 50,000 bits per second.
ISPs then connect to larger ISPs, and the largest ISPs maintain fiber-optic "backbones" for an entire nation or region. Backbones around the world are connected through fiber-optic lines, undersea cables or satellite links (see this page for a nice backbone and connection diagram). In this way, every computer on the Internet is connected to every other computer on the Internet

There is much, much, much, much more,
but to serve as a metaphor for
"how my desire and intent become manifest,"

what I've quoted, is enough.

Still on November 10, 2011
[See about my crazy idea to donate the salary I got for a seminary to Wikipedia: Learn&Live 12, December 12-24, 2010]

Once again I celebrate
what is right with the world!
tells about
a cooperation :
students at Haifa University

will write some 300 articles
for the Hebrew Wikipedia
-as an assignment within
their study-courses.
They will thus not only enrich the realm of information,
from which the entire world
benefits so much,
but "they will empower themselves and feel worthy"
[On Dec.3, 2011 - 7th anniversary of my settling in Arad - while still in bed, and thinking of Helen Keller (1880-1968)
and how she, deaf-blind and before the computer&Internet age, could live a zest-full and full-filling life till the age of 86,
I wanted to read about her. And as I open the Wikipedia article, I felt driven to- this time- open the present fundraising:

Since Boris , on Dec.1, 2011, proposed that I use his credit-card, when there was no other way to pay, I'll do so for the first time - by donating 100 NIS to Wikipedia.
"Ever wonder how Wikipedia can cover so many topics so well?

Ever since I was a girl, I’ve been a total nerd about seashells and snails. I’d bring home all sorts of creatures. My mother wasn’t too thrilled. I’ve contributed to hundreds of articles about gastropods. Now multiply that by 100,000 editors. That's how we got to 15 million articles.

For this to keep working, we volunteers need a stable infrastructure on which to work: servers, tech staff, a legal team to protect our independence and more.

Wikipedia is the #5 website in the world, but its infrastructure is maintained by a small non-profit -- all paid for by donations, just individuals giving $5, $20 or $50. Please pitch in.

Wikipedia works because there’s this unspoken light inside all of us that comes from the desire to help educate, to help share knowledge. And that’s what makes Wikipedia so magical.

If you stop and think for even a second, you’ll realize how fabulous it is to get this information without a paywall, and to not have to read ads. It’s like a voice of sanity in a crazy, consumerist world.

If you benefit from Wikipedia, please consider kicking in at least a small amount of cash to support it if you can.

Thanks, Susan Hewitt
Wikipedia Author [author of 549 Wikipedia

Why your donation is needed:

Wikipedia is non-profit, but it's the #5 website in the world -- serving 470 million people every month with billions of page views.

We work hard to keep our operation lean. Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 679 servers and 95 staff.

We will never run ads. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong in Wikipedia.

If everyone reading this made a small donation, we would only have to fundraise for a few hours. Not everyone can or will donate, but each year just enough people decide to give.
We only raise what we need. When we've raised our budget, we stop fundraising for the year.

This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $20, $50 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia.
"I feel like I’m living the first line of my obituary.

I don’t think there will be anything else that I do in my life as important as what I do now for Wikipedia. We’re not just building an encyclopedia, we’re working to make people free. When we have access to free knowledge, we are better people. We understand the world is bigger than us, and we become infected with tolerance and understanding.

Wikipedia is the 5th most visited website in the world. I work at the small non-profit that keeps it on the web. We don’t run ads because doing so would sacrifice our independence. The site is not and should never be a propaganda tool.

Our work is possible because of donations from our readers. Will you help protect Wikipedia by donating ?25, ?50, ?100 or whatever you can afford?

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See also other Wikipedia volunteers: Alan Sohn, 2463 articles


Also in "GoodNews" on Nov.10
about the research of Steven Pinker:
The Better Angels of Our Nature:
Why Violence Has Declined

see there a video with Hebrew subtitles about Pinker's appearance
in TED [="Ideas Worth Spreading"]

I've guessed this all along,
"Violence is on the Decline".
If I would read the book, I may not agree
to Pinker's explaining the reasons for this,
after all, I'm just re-studying two of the RUOW books,

and the information there
(as in the other RUOWbooks as well as in "Godchannel" )

concerning both: the causes of evil and the ways of healing
has been resonating in me since 25 years

"Original Cause I : the Unseen Role of Denial"
"Original Cause II: The Reflections Lost Will has to give."

But Pinker's intent, too, is,
to celebrate what is right in the world:

"We should ask not only why is there war,
but also why is there peace,
not only : what are we doing wrong,
but what have we been doing right!
For, we HAVE been doing something right!
And it would sure be good to find out what it is!"

"Faced with the ceaseless stream of news about war, crime, and terrorism, one could easily think we live in the most violent age ever seen. Yet as New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows in this startling and engaging new work, just the opposite is true: violence has been diminishing for millennia and we may be living in the most peaceful time in our species's existence. For most of history, war, slavery, infanticide, child abuse, assassinations, pogroms, gruesome punishments, deadly quarrels, and genocide were ordinary features of life. But today, Pinker shows (with the help of more than a hundred graphs and maps) all these forms of violence have dwindled and are widely condemned. How has this happened? .

....The key, Pinker explains, is to understand our intrinsic motives- the inner demons that incline us toward violence and the better angels that steer us away - and how changing circumstances have allowed our better angels to prevail. Exploding fatalist myths about humankind's inherent violence and the curse of modernity, this ambitious and provocative book is sure to be hotly debated in living rooms and the Pentagon alike, and will challenge and change the way we think about our society.

I only now discovered Lektionen der Liebe, Lessons of Love, July-August 2011the second part of what I inserted in Nourishment June 1, 2007-Mind-Body Centering,
intertwined there with passages from "The Body's Systems"

"Es gibt jene unter euch, die jahrelang damit beschäftigt waren, Oasen der Ruhe und des Friedens zu werden. Lebendige Herzen, Leuchtfeuer für den Frieden und die Liebe. Zu ihnen gelangen die Schöpfungen des Kollektivs und sie erlösen diese Schöpfungen in ihren Herzen. Sie sind wie Säulen des Lichts auf eurer Welt und leisten eine großen und mitunter einen für sie sehr erschöpfenden Dienst für die gesamte Menschheit.
Solltest du dich hiervon angesprochen fühlen, geliebte Seele, so wisse, du wirst unendlich geehrt
[????] für deine Unnachgiebigkeit. Für die Kraft in diesem Sturm zu stehen und nicht zu wanken. Auch wenn dies in der Welt keinen Dank oder keine Belohnung mit sich zu bringen scheint, wisse: die Ruhe und die Freiheit in deinem Inneren sind der Motor für die Freiheit der vielen. Deine Liebe der Fluss, der viele trägt, ohne dass sie sich dessen bewusst sind."





For so many years I asked - out of my own predicament - , if there is no  BOREDOM  in "Heaven".
[See "boredom" in my "search"],
There was even a question in the first years of Godchannel, when 'God' still responded to e-mails
about "loneliness and boredom" in the "time" of Oneness.
'God' related to "loneliness", as he did in other messages, but ignored "boredom".
[see my quoting of the dialog "Becoming New Heart" in pp21, Oneness and Duality]
Now, suddenly, when copying the second RUOW book, 25 years after its appearance,
I'm reading this sentence
(in the "Violet Book" called "Original Cause: The Unseen Role of Denial"
{which I began to copy and add to the pages of the edited Blue Book}
on page 3, where 'God' shares with us his/our origins, he says:
I had a dilemma. Even though I had questions, I did not know   
how   to    e n t e r t a i n   Myself

if I could not sleep all the time.
At the same time, My great excitement over realizing that I was
- was interfering with My sleep."

It was during the huge "I Am" workshop in 1988 in Tel-Aviv,
when the 120 participants were asked , what the biggest jam was,
with which they came to earth this time.
To my regret I don't remember, what the specific slang-term was,
and it also seems strange to me, that "coming to earth this time"
could have been the language, which we talked 23 years ago,
but I remember only too well, how shocked I was by the inner scene I saw:
"My greatest predicament is shi'amum".
All my life I had used the term:
"my need for satisfaction" or "full-fill-ment",
but never ever the negative term "boredom".
I believed , that "boredom" was totally unknown to me, unexperienced by me.
My strife, my aim, my goal, was to fulfill my vocation,
even when I doubted that I knew its content.

In the years of doubt and almost constant deep depression, of wanting to die,
I told myself, that this was part of my process: not knowing my vocation.

It's been 22 years now, that I have no doubts.
Even when my manifestations on the exterior level - my Desert vision- stopped,
I was not left without the clear knowing of what my vocation was:
"Healing myself into wholeness and - by extension - all of Creation".
I saw and see clearly that this will be the basis, the condition
for the success of any exterior manifestation of my grand Vision.

And yet - I had to come a long, long way, till I could phrase
what I call the three conditions for Heaven-on-Earth:
Grate-Full-ness~~~ Zest-Full-ness~~~ Full-Fill-ment.

"ki hirveti nefesh ayefah"

My new
"Full-Fill-ment song"

I have satiated
every pining
have I
[or: ]

Jeremiah 31:24
So, yes, I now know
how  to   e n t e r t a i n   Myself
I even stopped rationalizing, i.e. believing in the illusion,
that "I'm using my time and life" to full-fill my vocation.

No! I'm just "entertaining myself!"
"Using my time", is not telling, how disciplined I work.
I think , I've never met a person with such discipline.
But my fear, that Internet & Computer may disappear,
shows that something is missing in my "entertainment"!

[interrupted by Lior Oren: her frustration with her 12 hrs. studies in Judaism]
I now listened to Archangel Michael, 2007 [see above]:
"the Bliss and Joy and Heart Song ...
as you feel what was originally intended
- the Joyous Adventure of Creativity
that is called Life on Planet Earth."

Life on Planet Earth means Adventure of Creativity.
I truly live just that, this adventure, this creativity!
Please let me trust, that - in case of the disappearance
of the technology on which I make myself so dependent-

I'll find other ways of adventuring in creativity

11-11-11 : FlashMob Peace Meditation

from the Spirit-of Ma'at website - "online community and Webzine presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek" -[whose prophecies for the nineties, which I read then, did NOT come true!]

A truly moving video of such an event:

WE   ARE    THE    100   %:
Thoughts on the rEvolution

"Earlier this year, I found out about these things called "meditation flash mobs." Excited at the prospect of being in my heart with others in some of the busiest places in New York City, I became a meditation flash mob junkie. The experience consists of picking a busy, public place and then gathering to meditate together for an hour. Following the meditation we usually chant and do a little dancing. The crowd consists of indigo and crystal kids all grown up, actualizing their mission, and then others flock around them. These flash mobs have been happening all over the world, from Sedona, AZ to Moscow, Russia. The intention is to bring light and love to that area......... "

"The revolution will not be televised, but it will be between you and me, face to face, soul to soul. And I think we did it. ...People want a world that .. reflects their hearts, and are tired of letting corruption go by unchecked. We will .. shout it out until our energy and hearts are fully woven into the new system. The new system is global, conscious and requires everyone to bring their full selves in to participate. ... This new system exists within a dif-ferent experience of time than we have known, it is born from our hearts, and not from our minds trying to fix something broken. As a healer, I know that if I ap-proach a client like they are a problem needing to be fixed, no healing happens. Healing happens when we know and see the true source within, when we tap into the body and soul's natural way of being, which is health and harmony. "

Occupy Wall Street
Flash Mob Meditation

in the rain
on Oct. 19, 2011
The Med Mob Mumbai Movie ~
the first in South Asia
"Social Awareness"
"True Individual Evolution"
Another Occupy Wall Street Mob Meditation
one month ago.
What meditation really is
Think with your Heart
Source Code Activation
October 27, 2011

Much info. Becoming multidimensional.
Also about Melchizedek
Think with your Heart
Transference the reBirth
also posted by Lauren,
November 8, 1011
Since ancient times… great masters have tried to explain their experience of ONENESS.
Merging with grass and trees. Visions of stars and galaxies filled their consciousness.
We are a part of something so much bigger than Earthly life. You already know it. "

"A Physical Experience of oneness is possible, but not from reading books.
Mentally knowing about oneness is not going to save humanity from destroying itself.
When the whole world EXPERIENCES THEIR ONENESS — we think it is possible for World Peace to ensue.

Rachel's Comment:
Though I'm sceptical concerning all these "techniques", at least there are these three expressions of Body: breathing, moving, sounding,
and there is immense Good Will and an Intensity of Intention, which touches me and tempts me to just move in and swirl with everyone.
I tried to learn the 9 Breath method - I did not succeed.... Also: the Live Broadcast - Israel Time - will take place past midnight at 2:30 AM.
I think, I'll go on blessing all those people and all their Oneness-activities, but I'll stick to my own task.
This task is healing the Lost Will in Creation, which is the reason for all that prevents Heaven-on-Earth.
I'm once more so deeply moved by 'God's' story about how he, when becoming conscious of his existence,
did NOT discern his magnetic essence, the WILL,  the feelings, leave alone understand it and relate with it,
and therefore caused Lost Will to prevail until now. [see "Original Cause", both I and II, from the first page]
I cannot meditate-away the Lost Will!
I can only receive it in my womb, breathe, sound and move it, whenever I meet it inside and outside myself.

(from Getting into the Vortex Meditation) e-mail today: 11-11-11

If you make your relationship with your Inner Being your top priority, and you deliberately choose thoughts that allow your alignment,
you will consistently offer the greatest advantage
to the others with whom you interact.
Only when you are aligned with your Source
do you have anything to offer another.

If your behavior is influenced by your desire
to keep another person happy,

you will lose your Connection to your Source.
And it is not possible for you to be happy
unless you are in alignment with your Source.
Without that alignment, you have nothing to offer another.
Rather than attempting the impossible task
of trying to behave in ways that please others,

See Violet Book p. 23!!!!!!!
show them the ease of finding your consistent alignment.
You will always find happiness inside your Vortex.
And the happiness that they are seeking is inside their Vortex.

Arad, Shabbat, November 12, 2011

GoodNews tells about "www.DOasONE", that till 12-12-12 one billion people will breathe together
doasone ~~~~~ doasone-one breath~~~~elevate unity-breathing together with unified intention

Highlights of the Global 11-11-11 Communion of Souls
Jean Hudon, in contrast to the long compilation from which I chose to learn - quote - insert links yesterday,
today simply sends a link with titles and images from
Though I have reservations regarding the "spirituality-without-emotionality" in these images,
I VERY much agree to the first title:
though the author seems to be ignorant of what 'God' himself tells about what this original Wound was:
the   Lost   Will   which   ensued   from   Spirit's   incapability   to   accept   all   his   feelings,
nor does this author as so many others know,
that "Oneness" , "Unity" doesn't mean , that we'll return to Oneness.
What Original Heart, when it split itself apart, intended was,
to be differentiated, distinguished, separated - but with true PEERS.

Oneness can only mean Unity between Uniquenesses,
a poor English translation of the Hebrew "Yakhad ben Yekhidim"

It's the morning after 11-11-11
and I feel vexed by the recurring understanding,

that "learning to be One" - as the Unity Song stresses over and over again,
means also to be One with the 3 most diabolical "humans" in my life:
with the perpetrator of the Holocaust in Germany on the one hand
and on the other hand with two Israelis:
the murderer of Israel's Prime-Minister, in 1995
and the rapist, His Honor the President, in 2011.

How come, that also yesterday, on 11-11-11, I came - not once, but twice
across a sentence in the story of "Josef and his brothers",
which I found underlined in my Bible, but which was not in my memory-bank:

Genesis 37, 15-16 , traditional translation
And a certain man found him, and, behold,
he was wandering in the field.
And the man asked him, saying:
'What seekest thou?'
And he said:
'I seek my brethren.

Tell me, I pray thee,
where they are feeding the flock.'
Genesis 37, 15-16 ,translation of Everett Fox
15 And a man came upon him-
here, he was roaming in the field
The man asked him, saying:
What do you seek?
He said:
I seek my brothers,
pray tell me
where they are tending sheep
Buber-Rosenzweig's translation:
Ein Mann fand in, da er auf dem Feld umirrte,
und der Mann fragte ihn, sprechend:
Was suchst du?
Er sprach:
Meine Brueder suche ich,

melde mir doch, wo hier sie weiden
Rachel's comment:
The episode with "the man" seems to be inserted in this so exactly sculpted story, only in order
to give Josef the opportunity to express this quest.
The verb, translated as "seeking", means also "to ask for", "to request" .
The translators were not able to make a difference between the verb-form
"ma tevaqesh", what do you seek, [instead of "ma atah mevaqesh"] and
"anochi mevaqesh". The latter form is much rarer: it is stressing the Present,
and it's stressing the "I". i.e.
"it's me, who is seeking my brothers"

I seek

Searching "Google"
for an image of this scene,
the encounter with "the man",
I couldn't find even one.

What came up,
in the German search,
was this scene from a play,
performed at Oberammergau
according to Thomas Mann's novel:
"Josef and his brothers".
Yet, the scene shows Josef
dreaming about his   b r o t h e r s,
the dream that would become reality,
but which, by Josef's naive or egocentric sharing it
with his   b r o t h e r s,
made them so triggered in their inner "Cain",
that they would have killed him,
if not for the intervention of   b r o t h e r  Re'uven,
who suggested to throw him into a cistern.
The scene does NOT show Josef erring on the field,
"in order to" be found by a man who asks him,
what do you seek?
thus giving him a chance to voice his ultimate vocation!

Genesis chapter 37-50,
Introduction by Everett Fox
to his Buber-Rosenzweig-inspired translation

"The stories about the last patriarch form a coherent whole, leading some to dub it a "novella." It stands well on its own, although it has been consciously and artfully woven together into both the Yaakov cycle and the entire book.

Initially the tale is one of family emotions, and it is in fact extreme emotions which give it a distinctive flavor. All the major characters are painfully expressive of their feelings, from the doting father to the spoiled son, from the malicious brothers to the lustful wife of Potifar, from the nostalgic adult Yosef to the grief-stricken old Yaakov. It is only through the subconscious medium of dreams, in three sets, that we are made to realize that a higher plan is at work which will supersede the destructive force of these emotions. [Rachel: This might be a model of how my own family-life works, and of how the entire creation works, despite the havoc caused by God's and our Lost Will, as I'm just now learning more deeply in the violet and in the purple RUOW book].      For this is a story of how "ill" - with all its connotations of fate, evil, and disaster - is changed to good. Despite the constant threat of death to Yosef, to the Egyptians, and to Binyamin, the hidden, optimistic thrust of the story is "life," a word that appears in various guises throughout. Even "face," the key word of the Yaakov cycle which often meant something negative, is here given a kinder meaning, as the resolution to Yaakov's life. A major subtheme of the plot is the struggle for power between Re'uven and Yehuda. Its resolution has implications that are as much tribal as personal, for the tribe of Yehuda later became the historical force in ancient Israel as the seat of the monarchy (Rachel: and ultimately the name "Yehudim"=Jews)
Although many details of the narrative confirm Egyptian practices, those practices actually reflect an Egypt considerably later than the period of the Patriarchs (Redford). Of interest also is the prominence of the number five in the story, a detail that is unexplained but that gives some unity to the various sections of text.

In many ways the Yosef material repeats elements in the Yaakov traidtions. A long list could be compiled, but let us at least mention here sibling hatred, exile of the hero, foreign names, love and hate, dreams, and deception - even so detailed as to duplicate the use of a goat-kid. But its focusing on a classic rags-to-riches plot, with the addition of a moralistic theme, make the Yosef story a distinctive and always popular tale, accessible in a way that the more difficult stories of the first three parts of Genesis are not.

Young Yosef: Love and Hate (ch. 37):
As has been the pattern with the Avraham and Yaakov cycles, the opening chapter here introduces the key themes of the entire story. These include the father's love, the power of words, dreams, "ill" as a key word (here denoting evil intent but eventually encompassing misfortune, among other concepts), and of course, the brothers' hatred, which at first glance is the motivating force behind the action.

But the initial blame for what happens clearly lies with the father (vv.3-4), and is made unbearable by Yosef's own behavior. In point of fact he is largely responsible for his own downfall, bearing tales about his brothers (v.2) even before Yaakov's preference for him is noted. His insistence on telling his dreams to his brothers must be galling, particularly the second time (v.9), coming as it does after the report that "they hated him still more for his dreams" (v.8).
The key word of the chapter, not surprisingly, is "brother," culminating in Yehuda's ironic words (v.27): "Let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother..." Shortly afterward Yosef, their "(own) flesh", is sold into slavery and probable death.

Notes underneath the translation:

2 begettings: In the sense of "family history". As noted above, the Yosef story is a continuation of the Yaakov saga.
seventeen: Together with 47:28, this provides another example of numerical balance in these stories (see the Commentary on "The Patriarchal Narratives", p. 51) Yosef lives with Yaakov for the first seventeen years of his life and for the last seventeen of his father's along with his brothers: A hint that he would one day "shepherd" (rule) his brothers? The Hebrew is open to that interpretation (Redford). brought a report: Or "gossip." Although the doting father's love is crucial, it seems really to be Yosef's own behavior (which precedes the information about his coat) that causes his abuse by the brothers.
ornamented: Hebrew obscure: Buber-Rosenzweig uses "ankle-length"
hated: Such a violent emotion nevertheless has once before (with Lea in 29:31) led not to disaster but to the fulfillment of the divine plan (there, the hatred results in the competition to have children).
in peace; Or "civilly" - again the key Yaakov word, "peace."
hear; Which can also mean "understand' in biblical Hebrew.
8 king, yes, king... rule, yes, rule: The doubling might reflect the brothers' astonishment and bitterness. See also v. 10.
your mother: the fact that she had died in Chap. 35 does not detract from the symbol of the dream.
remembered: Or "Kept in mind."
Shekhem: In our text this city's name (three times here) reminds the reader of the disastrous events of Chapt. 34.
Come; Repeated in vv.20 and 27; it is ironically Yaakov's decision to send Yosef to his brothers that sets this part of the plot into action.
well-being; Heb. shalom, translated as "peace" in v.4 and elsewhere.
a man: Possibly another divine messenger (like the 'man" in 32:25). See also the note to "roaming' in 20:13, [roam: A word which in Genesis suggests a wandering that is nevertheless directed by God. See 21:14 and 37:15 for other examples. ]
ill-tempered: Others, "wild"
take his life: Lit. "strike him mortally"
bread: Or "food."
rent his garments: The tearing of clothing was a customary sign of mourning
And I...: Hebrew va-ani, ana ani va. The sound expresses the emotions. where am I to go: I.e., what will become of me?
"pray recognize:" See 27:23, where Yitzhak did not "recognize" Yaakov. Yaakov's youth returns to haunt him, in a sense.
My son's coat: With the omission of "It is," the shock is conveyed more dramatically. Some ancient versions, however, include the phrase.
An ill-tempered beast... torn-to-pieces: The Hebrew breaks into verse structure, with three word-beats per line: haya ra'a akhalat'hu/ tarof toraf Yosef (Alter 1981)
many days: Possibly "years"; at any rate, longer than a normal mourning period (in the Bible, thirty or seventy days) (B.Jacob)
Sheol: The biblical underworld; others (and Buber-Rosenzweig) use "the grave".
Midyanites: The Hebrew has "Medanites". Court-official: Lit . "eunuch", a common ancient Near Eastern title for such a position. Originally the term was applied literally, although later on the person was not necessarily a eunuch.

37:1 Yaakov settled in the land of his father's sojournings,
   in the land of Canaan.
2 These are the begettings of Yaakov [=his family history]

   Yosef, seventeen years old, used to tend the sheep along with his       brothers,
   for he was serving-lad with the sons of Bilha and the sons of Zilpa, his       father's wives.
   And Yosef brought a report of them, an ill one, to their father.
3 Now Yisrael loved Yosef above all his sons,
   for he was a son of old age to him, [and the desperately desired son of his true      love, Rachel, who had died during the delivery of her second son, Benjamin]
   so he made him an ornamented coat.
4 When his brothes saw that it was he whom their father loved above all        his brothers,
   they hated him,
   and could not speak to him in peace.

5 Yosef dreamt a dream, and told it to his brothers
   - from then on they hated him still more-,
6 he said to them:
   Pray hear this dream that I have dreamt:
7 Here,
   we were binding sheaf-bundles out in the field,
   and here, my sheaf arose, it was standing upright,
   and here, your sheaves were circling round and bowing down to my sheaf

8 His brothers said to him:
   Would you be king, yes, king over us?
   Or would you really rule, yes, rule us?
   From then on they hated him still more - for his dreams, for his words.
9 But he dreamt still another dream, and recounted it to his brothers,
   he said:
   Here, I have dreamt still (another) dream:
   the sun and the moon and eleven tars were bowing down to me!
10 When he recounted it to his father and his brothers,
   his father rebuked him and said to him:
   What kind of dream is this that you have dreamt!
   Shall we come, yes, come, I, your mother and your brothers,
   to bow down to you to the ground?
11 His brothers envied him,
   while his father kept the matter in mind.

12 His brothers went to tend their father's sheep in Shekhem.
13 Yisrael said to Yosef:
    Are not your brothers tending sheep in Shekhem?
    Come, I will send you to them!
    He said to him:
    Here I am.
14 And he said to him:
    Come, pray, look into the well-being of your brothers and into the        well-being of the sheep,
    and bring me back word.
    So he sent him out from the valley of Hevron, and he came to Shekhem.
15 And a man came upon him-
     here, he was roaming in the field
     The man asked him, saying:
     What do you seek?
16  He said:
   I seek my brothers,
     pray tell me
     where they are tending sheep?

17 The man said:
    They have moved on from here,
    indeed, I heard them say: Let us go to Dotan.
    Yosef went after his brothers and came upon them in Dotan.
18 They saw him from afar,
     and before he had gotten near them, they plotted-cunningly against him         to cause his death.
19 They said each man to his brother:
     Here comes that dreamer!
20 So-now, come, let us kill him and cast him into one of these pits and say:     An ill-tempered beast has devoured him!
    Then we will see what becomes of his dreams!
21 When Re'uven heard it he tried to rescue him from their hand, he said:
     Let us not take his life!
22 And Re'uven said to them:
     Do not shed blood!
     Cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness,
     but do not lay a hand upon him!
     - in order that he might save him from their hand, to return him to his         father.

23 So it was, when Yosef came to his brothers,
     that they stripped Yosef of his coat,
     the ornamented coat that he had on,
24 and took him and cast him into the pit.
    Now the pit was empty no water in it.
25 And they sat down to eat bread.

     They lifted up their eyes and saw:
     there was a caravan of Yishmaelites coming from Gil'ad,
     their camels carrying balm, balsam and ladanum,
     traveling to take them down to Egypt.
26 Yehuda said to his brothers:
     What gain is there
     if we kill our brother and cover up his blood?
27 Come, let us sell him to the Yishmaelites --
     but let not our hand be upon him,
     for he is our brother, our flesh!
     And his brothers listened to him.

28 Meanwhile, some Midyanite men, merchants, passed by;
     they hauled up Yosef from the pit
     and sold Yosef to the Yishmaelites, for twenty pieces-of-silver.
     They brought Yosef to Egypt.

29 When Re'uven returned to the pit:
     here, Yosef was no more in the pit!
     He rent his garments
30 and returned to his brothers and said:
     The child is no more!
     And I -- Where am I to go?

31 But they took Yosef's coat,
     they slew a hairy goat
     and dipped the coat in the blood.
32 They had the ornamented coat sent out
     and had it brought to their father and said:
     We found this;
     pray recognize
     whether it is your son's coat or not!
33 He recognized it
     and said:
     My son's coat!
     An ill-tempered beast has devoured him!
     Yosef is torn, torn-to-pieces!
34 Yaakov rent his clothes,
     he put sackcloth on his loins
     and mourned his son for many days.
35 All his sons and daughters arose to comfort him,
     but he refused to be comforted
     He said:
     I will go down to my son
     in mourning, to Sheol!
     Thus his father wept for him.
36 Meanwhile, the Midyanites had sold him into Egypt
     to Potifar, Pharaoh's court-official,
     Chief of the (palace) Guard.

It's two weeks now, that I haven't seen Mika, nor does there seem to be a chance to be with her at any time in the near future..
I'll comfort myself with a triptych of the chrysanthemons in "my" garden, which opened their buds under my "Arc de Ttriomphe" .
See photos I took on November 20, 2006 (!!!) intertwined with "Celia Fenn's Earth-Log"



Arad, Monday, November 14, 2011

This time Jean Hudon sent a compilation,
"with lots of compelling evidence of what is happening":

feel the pulse
of jubilant changes

now reaching
across the Earth

and deep into every soul

and into all sentient life forms
now alive on this gem planet
we so dearly love,
as One
with All That Is...

"The level of public awareness of the crass, outrageous corporate cronyism that completely dominates American politics - and much of the world! - and has a total stranglehold over all politicians is now reaching historic levels. It would take just a tiny spark now for the onset of a people's revolution in the U.S. on a par with what is happening in many countries.
Except it won't be a violent revolution.
It will be a massive awakening supporting a gradual, unstoppable expulsion of the bad apples that contaminates this planet.
And it will be done with such Love and unconditional soul level forgiveness that no last ditch effort to continue their old game will be seen as necessary.
Even "them" will be won over to the new Reality as they will realize
they can be, and are, as much part of the Solution as they were part of the Problem.
The victory of Love over Fear will be a perfect template for
and example of the new Oneness consciousness that will soon pervade this entire planet
as an unprecedented Golden Age is now taking hold and growing by leaps and bounds.

"A New World is dawning. The Immortal Child is being born...

"We are not alone, we have never been alone. Our planet was seeded by many, many races from across the cosmos. This universe and its galaxies are teaming with sentient, intelligent life, societies and cultures. We are part of this glorious expanse... of sentient intelligent life. And as sentient intelligent life, we, the people of Earth, as free souls, have a right to be free, to live lives of free choice & free will, to evolve, and to function as spiritually alive, awake, aware and responsible sovereign human beings.

The next evening we are told, that the "Occupy Wallstreet" tents and people were evicted from the park, and that 70 people were arrested.
4 days later violence erupts in Egypt - 20 people are killed - leave alone the violence that keeps happening in Syria, with thousands of deads.
And yet --- "this too will pass" and then the vision of Jean Hudon's and so many other people will manifest and prevail!!!

Arad, Tuesday, November 15, 2011, updated on November 22

Suddenly I became frustrated with all this talking, even singing, about ONEness
Only when a "critical mass" of people will have healed their denials and Lost Will inside of them,
and only if this expresses in "grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment" in their own lives,
will the quantum leap in evolution occur:
the coalescence of "Uniques" into "Unity",
the encounter of "Uniques" within Oneness!

TV Channel 3SAT presents the annual competition between the 12 best German movies, 2 movies every night.

As an intro they showed the movie, which won last year and which is the kind of movies I yearn for:
movies about the empowerment of people and the co-creation between them,
in this case people in an old-age home, who learn to get out of their victimhood
not only on an exterior level - towards the directress of their institution
but most and first of all:
towards the judgments about what an old person can or can not "do".
They create a musical band and they win a competition.

Unlike this movie, the first 6 movies this year bring me pain.
3 of them I didn't see from the start, since they were thrillers,
and though they addressed important "themes" [like incest],
I could not face them.

From the three I did see, one was about a midwife in Austria in the early 19th century.
The message of the movie will be clear, if I quote one of the "delivery-scientists" saying:
"A pity we can no longer burn this midwife as a witch on the stake".
The other movie I forced myself to see, though it was a thriller!
the treatment of refugees from Africa, when they reach - if they don't drown on the way -
what they believe to be a land, where they don't have to die of hunger .
I understand, that without enwrapping such a violent theme in the genre of a thriller,
people would not become aware of what is happening in the first decade of the third millenium,
I felt my heart wrenched throughout the night and the morning and the day after that.

And yet! the real theme does not get addressed ,
neither in movies nor on any other platform of thinkers and creators.
This produced a terrible outcry in my throat after I had seen the movie I chose to see yesterday:
The theme - "a soldier in the NATO ARMY" - was extraordinary, especially for me, an Israeli,
who is exposed to the omnipresence of "The Army",
and whose 3 children "were ba-tzavaa - in The Army",
just as much as now already two of her 10 grandchildren "are ba-tzavaa".
In Israel it is an honor to be a soldier, and an abominable shame to refuse.
Is it a comfort, that the German NATO army is called "BUND" , i.e. "ALLIANCE"?
[Since August 15, 2011 "Conscription" is no longer active.
On this backgroud see in 2007: "More Jews opt to serve in the German Army"]

Already 30 years ago - not today! - the NATO army was put to shame, at least in this movie.
It was a dishonor to NOT refuse service in the "Bund",
while in Israel someone who finds an excuse and a way "to not go to the Tzavaa"
is punished not only on the market
(no grants from the government, much greater difficulty to get a job),
but ostracized by society - an outcast.
That German movie shows, how absurd "Army-Service" is even with regard to "National Security",
and how absurd it is in a society, where people believe in freedom , democracy and human dignity.

And this 30 years ago.

So far so good -

But what is the alternative to army-service?
Frank Lehmann, the protagonist, finds himself - when on leave -
(and "of course" he has a car to reach home and army easily,
not like Israeli soldiers, who nowadays are not even allowed to hitchhike any longer
because some terrorist might kidnap them, but have to rely on public transport)

in a veritable chaos of young men & women, who engage in "revolution",
but   w h o   a r e    i n c a p a b l e    t o    l i v e    w i t h o u t    v i o l e nce
- not only against the army-troup, which is sent out to avoid political riots -
but in their own "W.G. - Wohngemeinschaft" - Joint residency,
where they fight against each other and not only verbally.
I was bearly able to watch the movie all along till the end,
hoping, there would be shown an alternative way of living,
but no, in the end - after a faked suicide -
Frank Lehmann is dismissed from the army
and is seen driving away happily in his car
- but to where? - to what? - to whom?
[Nov.22, 2011: I just came across the story I mention in "Conditions for Heaven-on-Earth I":
2 boys who tortured one of their parents to death because of lack of zest and full-fill-ment...]

What's the talk about Oneness, if there is no "unique-ness"?
And how will a human being learn, what makes him or her "unique"?

In one of the quotes of "FlashMob Peace Meditation", see above on 11-11-11, I read:
The new system is global, conscious and requires everyone
to bring their full selves in to participate.

But who among the  7 000 000 000  knows, what "his/her full self" is?
That German movie - unawarely - only showed totally "empty selves"

In an interview 2 days ago
an economic philosopher was asked
about an alternative to capitalism and socialism,
since both ideologies have by now gone down the drain.
I yearned for at least a hint to the answer which I found already 17 years ago,
and which I tried to apply through my vision of "a Desert-Hosting-Economy",
yod-yod-yod - yekhidim yotzrim yakhad.
Only in Hebrew the words "yakhid=unique" and "yakhad=together" have a common source.
[I talked about yod-yod-yod for instance in "The pathetic Partneror" and in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008_06_14 >Nebo-Let-Go VI]

I'm constantly repeating the Chorus of the Unity-Song -
(while still editing and rehearsing the 4 non-English verses)
"we have to bring the World together and learn to live as One".

But who are the "We"????
Only if each of the We accepts his/her uniqueness,
like each and every snowflake is special and unique,
can there be a togetherness that works.

The teaching of Godchannel and so many other sources nowadays
about "healing into wholeness" , i.e. healing into self-acceptance,
and this is truly a gigantic progress in the World along the 73 years of my life)

I cannot love myself, if myself is not myself!
And myself can be myself
not only after I've gotten rid of all the 'things' that are NOT myself:
not only after the release of judgments and beliefs about how I 'should' be,
nor after the healing of denial and what is so denied, that it has become Lost Will.

After all this release and healing the time has come to grasp my true uniqueness
as a color of the One Light, as a wave of the One Ocean, as my "Creator-Self":
I came into this physical "linear" dimension as "an adventurous being",
I came to explore what already exists and to then create and expand it,
thus enJOYing Grate-full-ness, Zest-full-ness, Full-fill-ment "personally"
and manifesting YHWH - what happened, happens, will happen - in Body on Earth!

Perhaps I am wrong!
Perhaps there is still my pattern of
needing to "do", needing to "accomplish" things , yes needing to complicate matters.
But why then do I have this pattern,
why did I let myself be born into a family, where both father and mother had this "pattern"
of investing superhuman endeavor in accomplishing what they believed needed accomplishing?

I recall what I sculpted on Nov. 2 - in the context of the dialog with the Tuareg student.
I phrased: There seem to be 3 impulses inherent in my human nature:
I am "Cain" - I need to feel my self-worth , I need to justify my existence~~~
I need to create, to make a difference, to leave a mark of my existence ~~~~
I need -
beyond the love between mother-child, siblings, friends -'romantic' love~~~~

I must make the connection between these three "impulses" clearer,
For following these impulses consciously, awarely, may bring about the three conditions of Heaven-on-Earth,
and "Oneness" then, will be a natural result of "Uniqueness".
After all, if "Original Heart" had wanted Oneness, there would not have been this conscious split into duality.
The split was intended, so that in the end there would be One heart, but distinguished from another One heart:

"Heart knew that sometime much later ~
multiple forms
would each reconstitute themselves ~
and find Heart again.
And this time
there would be more than one whole being.
This time Heart would be completely whole ~
there would be others
with whom Love could be wholly shared.
Healing Class IV: Body

Grandfather Remembers Original Heart

"Here, very soon, and for the first time ever ~
Form is to become the container of New Heart ~
Spirit and Will in wholly complete union,
without guilt, blame or denial.
Original Heart is beginning to re-member itself again ~
as New Heart, now in Body ~
and looking out through human eyes,
moist with Original Love.
"And yes, beginning now to see ~
that there is indeed ~ another."

I go on quoting from November 2, 2011

"At peace with all the universe
Yet filled with zestful fire,
Serene with past achievements,
Alive with new desire,
Aware of distant galaxies
A pebble I admire."

But what is behind the "peace" of my holy al-one-ness?
This is the real issue, and it is not addressed by Mussa!
Peace includes stimulations by challenges and desires,
as hinted at in this song:

The conditions for "Heaven-on-Earth"
for "Peace and Serenity",
I wish to be – whole and shalem
and cocreate a life full of love
free of stress and pettiness
with all my joy and happiness
with all mistakes and imperfectness


"grate-full-ness , zest-full-ness and full-fillment"
as I've found out and pointed out after a long life of "frustration".

Many "spiritual" e-mails nowadays emphasize "gratitude"
as the basis of all other "spiritual achievements"
(and indeed, The Land of Pan with all its Abundance",
where every wish came true when you just voiced it,
started to go down the drain,
when people began to take this "Pan" for granted'
as I read again in "Right Use of Will", p. 75)

But who talks about "zest" and "full-fill-ment"?
If there's no zest, there can never be fufillment.
If there's no fulfillment, the zest fades and dies.

Why is this so?

There seem to be 3 impulses inherent in my human nature:
I am "Cain" - I need to feel my self-worth , I need to justify my existence~~~
I need to create, to make a difference, to leave a mark of my existence~~~~
I need - beyond the love between mother - child, siblings, friends -'romantic' love~~~~

I just read again, what "the Mother's Dream " is,
after and because all will be healed into wholeness:

"The Mother's dream is
that all beings in Creation
their true grandeur and greatness.
And in their greatness,
do whatever they desire.

"The Mother's deepest desire is
that you and everyone else in Our Creation
be completely
and empowered
to do whatever you want,
go wherever you wish
and be with whomever you choose."

But in order for this to happen, I first must "want" and "wish" and "desire to choose",
which brings me back to first healing and releasing what is hindering my uniqueness.

each snowflake is different in size, structure and mass



Another human effort to change the World for "the good":
GoodNews on this day tells about "The Good Men Project":

During a break in the workshop at Hofgeismar, in which I gave a seminary about Cain & Abel (in 1986?),
I had a deep talk with the facilitator. I don't know the context of his sentence, but its content touched me:
"You advanced women at least know, what a woman is. But what is a man? I have no idea!"

25 years later it's something "to celebrate what is right with the world",
that these young men took up the challenge to explore this subject publicly.
I say this, though I consider the word "good" as dangerous and outdated.
How often have I said on "Healing-K.i.s.s.", what I learnt 42 years ago:
"Good" has as its other pole "Evil",
If I strive for "good", as I did with such fervor as a child until the age of 31,
I necessarily deny the shadow of my goodness, or worse: project it on others,
and then, as Erich Neumann ["Depth Psychology and a new Ethic"] wrote in 1945 (!),
"the past holocaust may be nothing compared to the holocausts to come"

But in "walking humbly with God's walking with the World" I'm glad for this project!

(1998) e-mail quote on November 6, 2011

We do not ask you to look at something
that is black and call it white.
We do not ask you to see something
that is not as you want it to be and pretend that it is.
What we ask you to do is practice moving your gaze.
Practice changing your perspective.
Practice talking to different people.
Practice going to new places.
Practice sifting through the data
for the things that feel like you want to feel
and using those things to cause you to feel a familiar place.
In other words, we want you to feel familiar in your joy.
Familiar in your positive expectation



Arad, Thursday, November 17, 2011

....evolution from the duality "light and dark" towards the complementarity of
"lightness and joy"

This is the "title" of this page as I set it up in October 2007.
And this happened to me within one evening,
by watching two very good, yet totally contrasting movies
within the annual competition of the 12 best German movies.
[see about this competition in 2001 already in my first puzzle-piece>2001_11_30]




The theme - so heavy, that it again was clad in a thriller,
though no murder was involved, "only" subhuman torture,
and therefore the victim herself could "play" the detective,
- is correctly called:
"Es ist nicht vorbei", "it's not over",
for it shows the result in present time
of denied, yes repressed trauma on the victim side
and camouflaged, denied guilt on the perpetrator's side,
a physician, in the present even a famous professor,
who cooperated with the STASI of the DDR 25 years ago,
and was responsible for torture with psychopharmaca,
who also led to the victim's infertility.

The timing of "everything coming to light" is
- as if metaphysically "staged" -
9 weeks before the birth of their to-be-adopted child

Often yesterday and - to rest my eyes and adrenalin -
also during the 40 min. in-between the two movies -

I had labored on copying and graphically editing
two "stages" in the "saga" about "OUR BEGINNINGS",
the process of "Spirit" and "Will" from NOT KNOWING
through experiencing>denying>understanding
in the Violet RUOW Book and - parallel to it - in the Purple RUOW Book.
The denials of "God" -"in the beginning" - were subtle,
many of them even "committed" out of "compassion"
in order to 'please" the other, 'not to frighten' the other,
in short : "denials out of love"! "denials for love's sake"!
but denial out of love is a most dangerous contradiction,
how can I love another if I deny = if I don't love myself?

Father, Our Will Be Done
The background of the second movie [in the Swiss dialect!] is so relevant,
that it appears already a second time among the 8 movies I've seen so far:
the need to nurse a person who can no longer take care of himself,
in this case a father, a minister, who -after an accident- lies in coma.
In his testament he demanded to not prolong his life in such a situation,
and his wife and three grownup children are faced with taking a decision.

It's called "a comedy on life and death" [see a video]
But the genre of what perhaps could be called "a family-drama"
reminded me of Salvador Dalì - surrealistic, bizarre, grotesque,
sometimes comic, making me laugh - but it's not a comedy in my eyes.
This drama, too, brings denials to light, but in a way, that is "lightness"
and in the end even "love and joy".
Yes, this is the kind of movie for which I yearn at this time of transition:
self-victimization, powerlessness, bitterness, lack of self-worth
and out of all this sarcastic hatred of every other family member,

transforming - subtly, slowly, almost unnoticeably - into behavior
of self-empowerment and being masters of their lives and loves,
and this - even without having to take the decision over life and death.
Not by chance the title of the movie dares to turn the "Our Father" around:
"Vater, UNSER Wille geschehe", not "thy will be done" but Our Will be done.
I've tears in my eyes now!
the God who is "my" God, the God who is Me, smiles with tears!
The time has come!


Suddenly mother, sons and daughter are faced with a young woman and her daughter,
who have been since 8 years the father's "second family", of which they had no idea.

But this becomes the biggest chance to turn the frightful into the fruitful!


Another Theme which indicates "lack of full-fill-ment":

of almost half of the population of Israel, and out of these every 8th person is in danger.
As to the danger, what is pointed out , are "only" the problems for health,
which in turn is weighing heavily on Israel's health-budget.
Not once have I heard - whenever this problem of the entire Western World is discussed-
that the result of real or imagined obesity is a danger to people's feeling of self-worth.
And like with any addiction: the less worth a person feels, the more s/he eats etc. etc.
And what is the danger of self-hatred????? Why don't you ask that, for Heaven's sake?
Isn't it "Cain"???
And if you would understand this most horrid, desperate predicament of humans: "Cain",
then you would ask - yes on a national level!! - what helps humans to love themselves?
And you would know, that at least one double condition: zest and full-fill-ment in WORK
could be enhanced by you on the national level!

Of course, I'm celebrating the tiniest steps
in people's understanding
and even more,
if they try to turn understanding into action.
So I do celebrate the agreement
between these 3 so different Israeli ministers,
a woman, a "normal"man, and a fundamentalist!
GoodNews today quotes
the details of the AGREEMENT
between the Ministry of Health,
the Ministry of Education
and the Ministry of Culture and Sports
of a HEALTHY and ACTIVE Life-Style.

One tiny example from this promotion:
- to minimize food commercials
during TV shows watched by kids



Still on November 17, 2011,

The time is 22:50, I'm trembling and breathing like a dog,
as I've done throughout this horrid, realistic, relevant 11th movie:
Homevideo a cyber mobbing drama: SHAME

Sexual shame, sexual denial, sexual murder.
No, no, not murder in the literal sense - no physical violence...
Nowadays we don't need physical violence,
we have the Internet now, haven't we? And cellular phones to show around,
how a 15 year old - in love with a girl - expresses this love in front of his video camera,
and goes on filming himself while masturbating, in sound and image.

It was clear to me throughout the movie, that he had no choice but killing himself.
His parents - who , by the way, proved denials and the results of those themselves -
succeeded to make Jakob be accepted in another school.
How naive! there, too, Jakob, would immediately be recognized .
Scornful looks , pointing fingers...
And if all this wasn't enough - this Hanna, 13 year only, does,
what so many young girls do:
she comes "may I stay with you tonight - even if my father will fetch the police?"
lets him fondle her, and then suddenly feels guilty, jumps out of the bed, rans away
while giving him the most blaming flashes of eyes and gestures, as if he had raped her..
On the river a ship passes by, while Jakob - on the beach - shoots himself into the mouth.
That is the end of the movie - no solution, no consolation.
And , indeed, there is none.
"Every boy masturbates", says his father, "once your grandma caught me..."
"There's a difference between what your mother saw", says his almost-ex-wife,
"and what the entire world can see on the Internet."
All these boys masturbate, but projected guilt and denial tempt them
to murder another boy with the "help" of SHAME.
How can this ever heal?????

This is what I copied last night from the Purple Book page 25,
but it has been said there and in the Violet Book before.

"Sexual imbalance

is really the underlying cause
of everything that needs healing now
on Earth.
Even though sexual denials
have reached into every area of life
and manifested in many patterns
that may not appear
to be sexual anymore,
the denials involved in these imbalances
can all be traced to be
original sexual imbalances
I had
when Creation emerged."

See my song [2013 songs, May Nr. 1]:
Come and redeem us from sexual shame and pains

2013-09-05 Rosh-Hashanah , right after I came across the composition above,
I read - in the book, the turn of which it was to be grabbed from my shelf today,
"Die Lehrer der Mischnah" von Dr.M. Braunschweiger, 1889 (!!) and 1902 (!!),
that Rabbi , or R. Yehuda Ha-nasie, the editor of the Mishnah,
was called "Qadosh", i.e. "Holy", because he never masturbated!

Even my beloved Rabbi Yehuda
[s. "Rabbi" in the chapter of my book: The Guarantorship of the Emissaries]

denied sexual desire??

See the coincidence later on this day:
the symbol "Onan" in what I call the Megilat-Tamar

Both Jury and the Public chose "Homevideo" - about the terror and torture of SHAME as the best among the 12 German movies

See what I sculpted in July 2004

.... Tamar   Efrat    Rut .... all three transform
"the SHAME
of David-Bat-Sheva",
and as such are the jewels in what I discovered as:


with its first conspicuous link : Rachel's burial
"on the way to Efrat which is Bethlehem"
(Genesis 35, 16-19; Genesis 48:7)



Friday, November 18, 2011

The last of the 12 best German movies and the last of the eight which I chose to watch,
was as terrible as the other six .
Except for "Father, Our Will be done", there was nothing to enjoy for me,
and if these horridly realistic movies had been dispersed over the weekly programs,
I would not have seen then from the beginning, despite their exquisite quality.
But I now feel even more, that once in a while
I have to take a break in "Celebrating what is right with the World"
and expose myself to such a "distilled" experience.
"Der Verlorene Sohn", "The Prodigal Son", it was called,
again a persiflage of a New Testament wording, but not a comical one this time.

This "distillation" of humankind's horrific experiences came into my life,
while I focused on "Our Beginnings" of becoming conscious of our existence,
but unable to cope with our feelings --- ignoring, denying, overriding them,
and turning what should have been   u n d e r s t o o d
- into beliefs and judgments, which constrict living and loving.
And this is not all:
The Purple Book "Original Cause: The Reflection Lost Will has to Give"
is "dedicated to Red in all its Manifestations ",
i.e. to the Spirits that emerged in the red color of the divine spectrum.
The red color characterizes the "survival- chakra" with its sexuality and passion,
and the people on Earth, who foremost represent "Red" are ...... Arabs [Purple Book p. 11]...
The Denial of the feelings which "God" had against "too much" sexuality and passion in the beginning
are now played out on Earth more and more.

The "Lost Son" is a German who converted to Islam and worked for the Jihaad, the Islamic terror organization.
After he was released from an Israeli prison before his time because of good behavior, and sent back to Germany,

his mother - so happy to embrace her son - believes, that Rainer, though he insists to be called "Omar" by her,
has parted from his fundamentalistic belief in self-sacrifice for the sake of fighting the infidels.
"Bist du immer noch auf dem Trip mit deinem Dschihad-Scheiß?", fragt Markus seinen großen Bruder Rainer
The drama of how the mother has to grasp that she deluded herself
and how -in order to save the travelers in an underground train,
she participates in shooting her son just before the explosion of his bomb,
is heart-wrenching.

Of course the movie asks for the deeper motives of the terrorist:
"Your lives are empty , degenerated", he attacks his mother.
„Schlafen, Fressen, Freizeitstress“
Ihr belügt euch und zwar so lange, bis ihr selbst glaubt, das richtige Leben zu leben. Euer Leben ist hohl und verdorben.“ . Nothing can be seen of his own endeavor to reach full-fill-ment
except of sacrificing himself.
It is again and again the same reason for evil :

lack of zest-full-ness/full-fill-ment, and therefore lack of self-worth

By the way...In these two last movies there were naive, kind mothers involved in horrifying scenarios,
it was the mother of Jakob, who had carelessly given in to the sly quest of Jakob's class-mate to lend him Jakob's video-camera,
and it was the mother of Rainer-Omar,
who with all her love could not prevent her son from becoming a terrorist and potential murderer and finally her victim.

I watched the spies of the "Verfassungsschutz" (Federal Intelligence Agency),
recalling the present scandal in Germany which came to my ears faintly, about a series of 10 murders, committed by NeoNazi groups,
and the negligence, perhaps even active involvment of that "Verfassungsschutz", if I understood correctly,
and associating a small part of a doc, into which I had zapped by accident, called "Exploding",
where an expert succeeded to enter all the main atomic bomb places, Pakistan, Russia, USA,
and how - in the USA - there are 4000 people, who for 50 ( fifty! ) years have done nothing,
but training and being prepared for "THE" moment of the end of the world.,

When I see all this, I fell like giving up, - like loathing Creation so much,
that if there would be a chance of NOT-EXISTING, I would choose this,
as I had wanted to choose this so often in my life.
But the only thing that does NOT exist, is Non-Existence.
From Light and Dark to Lightness and Joy...
Nothing could be farer away from me today!



On the background of the wadi,
officially called "Nakhal Khaesed",
Wadi of Grace or Compassion,
and beyond the most northern houses of Arad the Judaean Mountains are seen
in what will be the State of Palestine.
Daily I'm walking
from my "Almond-Neighborhood"
down and up the little wadi,
which I called "Nakhal Khaemlah",
another word for Compassion
The "Grave of Compassion"
was once probably a "device" of the Army.
At first I filled it daily with the little stones,
that fell into the path through the wadi,
a path which I had made passable for me,
and which I keep maintaining.
Some days ago,
just when I was thinking of HEART
[see "Heart's Emergence", Violet Book p. 25-27]

I saw this black heart-stone
in the middle of the path,
on my way from the pool
down the Wadi of Compassion
and up to my "Almond Neighborhood".
I'd never seen it before in all those 7 years.
Today, when pruning the once so small
but now overgrowing two Passiflora plants,
a ripe fruit won over my heart.
From "Compassion" to "Heart" to Passionfruit against the cloudy evening sky...

At one time I decided to put on the grave,
what remained from almost daily pruning
of the plants in "my garden" ,
[after my attempt to turn them into compost,
had not really succeed through all these 7 years]
This desert stone on the "Grave of Compassion"
was only recently painted by me with the words:
"Nakhal Khaemlah" - "Wadi of Compassion"

The Awakening of the Planetary Heart
is the entry to this page of 2007,
is the latest passage which I copied from the Violet Book. p. 25

Arad,November 19-23, 2011

Three weeks ago I came to my Shoham family for the last time.
The last week there was not even a phone-call from my son,
nor did his sister, my daughter, renew contact with me.

Other people in my life have receded, too...
Except for working with Ofir Mor, on installing a new Mobile Drive,
and while waiting for the material on my old drive to be transferred to it,
talking into depth - and as to me, being triggered by him several times,
I've not talked to anyone this week, neither face to face, nor on the phone,
and even my e-mail box is empty of personal letters,
except for the correspondence with my brother-in-law
whom I asked to get my cousin Gretel-Elisabeth
to help me with the Spanish verse in the "Unity-song".

I haven't even seen my landlords or their children, or my neighbors ,
except for neighbor Albert in the Jacuzzi.

As to Gal's father, Ofir Mor, the last time, on Nov. 20, he parted from me:
"I'll be nothing but your computer expert!"
I, from the beginning, hadn't wanted anything else, but he had asked;
"When shall we take a walk into the desert?"
The final disruption occurred after the following scene:
We talked about "Zman Midbar" and the couple of its founders who don't like me.
I said: "But I love E, though I don't like that she teaches "A Course in Miracles"."
Ofir: "I pity the people who are addicted to the "Course in Miracles".
"why?" "this I won't share with you".

After several stories of mine I said:
"I feel uncomfortable, like I'm sharing with you, while you're not sharing with me.
This is lack of equality".

"What do you want to know!" he blurted,
"Like what you said about the Course of Miracles!"
"I was a co-editor of the Course of Miracles," "What?? you were not even born then."
"I was born before you and will stay after you, and you don't understand anything."
"But I want to understand, you could at least tell me, what it is I don't understand."
"No, you don't understand . It will take time, till you do".
"You said, how much "love" means to you,
but the way you handle me now, shows definitely a lack of love."
(It was only on Nov. 23, 2011, that my son called me - to hear if I was alright and to tell,
that they were doing "work" on their relationship, and that things were "not as usual, but good".
Except that my daughter-in-love was still furious at me,
expecting from me "to relate to all that has been written between us" 3 weeks ago.

I did not ask, how this expectation went together with her : "You are removed from my life",
nor did I say, that there probably was a lot of guilt on her side, which she turned into blame,
but I did share with him my ever growing insight, that the old law got played out again:

If we do not part
"be-itto", "at the right time"
(best expressed in the composition of 3 biblical verses,
which I put into one song and tune)
then a terrible blow comes down on us and forces us to part

That's what happened to Israel, when it got too attached to
3 times, from 721 B.C. till 70 -133 A.D.m Israel was conquered, destroyed and driven into exile,
and that's what happens
when people do not part from partners or from a workplace when it's.time for parting.

I reminded him, that already around their daughter's 4th birthday such a blow came down... ,
and it was only after 3 months (during which she wanted me to come as usual,"but not talk"),
that she confessed: "I've come to the understanding, that not only Mika, but I, too, need you"!

and then again in Dec 12+Dec. 20, 2010 till Jan. 6, 2011,
an occurrence "happened", which his wife herself called
"a historic [mekhonen] event". [See Learn&Live 11 , Learn&Live 12)

Then it was decided, that I - when Immanuel was on flight - would come only on weekends.
But this decision, too, became more and more eroded towards and since the summer-holidays.

I now said,"I must not give in to her expectations and not interfere with her process of parting,
this is what I keep reminding myself of, when "feelings come up" despite my insight".

I felt, that his own understanding was not far from mine.

I am totally at peace with this al-one-ness, and glad, that people with whom the "az nidberu" can not occur at this time,
are dropping away from me.
and when a feeling comes up - of pain (longing for Mika) or of doubt ("perhaps I've been wrong after all"),
then I move-sound-breathe it and trust, that the actors and actresses in my drama need once more a break from me,
and this time, in order to really set out on a path which will bring them grate-full-ness, zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment.

I think and think and think of the purpose of working on my website 8-10 hours per day.
and it seems to me, that especially by integrating "new" material with past material,
which in itself is already an integration of far-away past, less-far away past and present,
I am training in "holographic/spherical time/experience",
just as the fact, that I don't want to travel in the world,
because traveling with the help of TV is so much richer,
or like watching a distillation of 8 movies is much more for me today,
than seeing one good movie 2 or 3 times, as I used to do 5 years ago....


Continuation of Healing-Exploring-Creating in FULL-FILL-ment in Godchannel's Message