E-volving, Un-folding the "SPS" resources
of the Desert 2)
Since 1974, my peace-work[started in 1958] has been based on: |
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Positive dependency or" Partnership" is based on 3 conditions: 4)
After 40 years of having PRACTICALLY tested this theory , |
BIR'AM 1976 See also The Bir'am model is still very relevant
for Israel and for the world.
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A moment of triumph in Nazareth - June 1976: Soon it became clear, that we had just been naive. |
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A Diary Entry, written in Succah in the Desert 1992 After many years of frustrating "peace-work"
in frameworks created by others, The goal, strategy and tactics, which I was putting
to a test in those years,
But the summer-camp,
planned in the ruins of Bir'am,
Bir'am Project Revised text 20/9/76 |
Description of the Project
as delivered - in Hebrew - by my own hands to every single Ministry of the Goverment of Israel |
The material exhibited below
a) the sitemap in Hebrew + two from the many specific maps concerning building specifications, transportation, building stages, all detailed by Heide Fuessler and adapted to Israeli regulations by the Jewish and the Arab architect, b) the verbal description - badly translated by a professional in 1976 - is not meant to be applicable in this form. But it demonstrates how this "peace-work" was real WORK, real LABOR, down to the last detail of how to solve a conflict of interest over land towards the greater goal: creating the conditions of positive dependency/ partnership - common interest, mutual trust and equality in self-esteem between Arabs and Jews of a specific, concrete community. |
Background: In our talks with ministers and high Goverment
officials we have constantly stressed that our aim is to come to grips
with one of the problems of the Israeli Arab conflict and and to solve
it in such a way as not to cause a new problem. We maintain that each
problem has to be solved per se, According to its special circumstances.
{Up to this day the Government claims,
solving the problem of Bir'am would be a precedent for many other destroyed
villages} The problem of Ikrit and Bir'am
is not just a legal one, but a practical one as well. The main thing
is not the repairing of past wrongs, but the training of the people
of Israel for living together in the future. 1) To create an atmosphere of trust between the returning villagers and their Jewish neighbours in the Kibbutzim and Moshavim of the district. 2) To lessen the conflict of interests about the lands by creating a challenge which is bigger than the hunger for land, both economicly and in status. This challenge, we hope, will compensate the returning displaced people for the loss of those of their lands which are now cultivated by the Jewish settlers. 3) To create a common interest among the settlers of the region.
3) A volunteer center which will Accomodate young volunteers from abroad, who will come to work in the settlements and in landscaping projects in the region. A center of development for Ikrit could be the establishment
of a technical Training Center which will be connected with the industry
in the area and supply it with well-trained manpower. This center could
also supply the industrial Center of Moshav Goren, which is in need
of development and better standards of trained manpower. As the problem
of Ikrit is more difficult than that of Bir'am [, and as the people
of Ikrit have decided to await government decision before making any
move, we have decided to go on with our plans together with the people
of Bir'am. The following details are therefore related to the "Project
of Bir'am".
The Aims of the Proposals 1. Arab family Tourism: 2. A Culture & Study Convention Center. a. To bring about an encounter between people who are ideologically, sociologically, religiously, or nationally opposed to each other. b) To cause people to cope with personal or social problems, from a discussion about the problems of aging in modern society to the problems of the "underprivileged' or the Arab Israeli conflict. To ensure that the center would become in time self-supporting, we propose that its facilities will be made available to seminaries and conventions including refresher courses initiated by the ministries of Education and Labour, and also by private industries. We also propose to have there conventions initiated by religious establishments, national and international. We'd like to stress the important fact that the
manpower needed to run, supervise and instruct this activity, is already
available among the people of Bir'am. They aim to form a professional
managing team, aided by a volunteer work team consisting of Arab and
Jewish experts, who will prepare the activities in any actual subject
which may arise. Volunteer Center: Last year some 8000 young people came as volunteers from abroad. Among them some 6000 non-Jews. These volunteers came to the Kibbutzim both to work and to learn about the country and its inhabitants. Outside the Kibbutz it is next to impossible to find lodgings and work of this type. There's a paradox here. Most Kibbutzim are in a better financial situation than many other citizens in the country, and yet they are the ones who get cheap labour. The other point is, that after a while the Kibbutz members are unable to receive the young volunteers into the "bosom of the family", so to speak. This is understandable, as it is very difficult for a kibbutz member to be constantly open and ready for new encounters with so many young people year in year out. That is why one of the main goals, that of bringing people from various background together is being missed, and a lot of good will lost. At Bir'am we propose to establish, for the first time
in Israel, a special center for volunteers. During the first years they
will help in the restoration of Bir'am and the building of the Convention
Center. This help is not only an essential contribution to the project,
but will also give the volunteers the feeling that they are fulfilling
an important task. Many young people from abroad say that they would
come to Israel if they knew that their work would serve both Jews and
Arabs alike. Later these volunteers will work in the Moshavim and in
landscaping projects in the area. In the evenings they will have lectures
about the country and its inhabitants, and will participate in the cultural,
sporting and recreation activities, together with the other guests of
the resort Village. The main thing, though, is that the variety of the
guests in the triple Center, will enable them to meet all sorts of different
peole, most of whom being on holiday will be relaxed and open to new
encounters. Occupations of the People of Bir'am. According to our research at least 150 families from
among the displaced peole of Bir'am wish to resettle in the village.
The Culture & Study Convention Center, will need both educated and
unskilled manpower. This will be one source of income. As for further
sources, we propose the following: The large number or artisans among the people of Bir'am will enable them to develop a workshop-center, which will serve the whole area. We hope that some entrepreneurs will start industries, and that they will get the necessary permission to do so, in the Industrial Center - Meron-Junction. The rest of the settlers will have to go on working outsides the village until work will be found for them within it. Financing At this stage there are only two remarks to be made. |
A Note about Iqrit in 2002: Later one of the men even apologized
to me:
The old village which will be, according
to our proposals, partly reconstructed 1 = Synagogue / 2 = Church
/ 3 = a space for various purposes / 4 = Center for volunteers / 5 =
The properity, status, and satisfaction
Who knows, perhaps the people of Bir'am will in future be the pioneers of Arab society. The second aim, that of creating common
interest, will also be attained. |
"Naftali was - on and off
- my main Jewish partner in "Partnership""
May 16, 2014: I just skipped through his
"On the left side"
and find this irritating info by Amos Gwirtz,
also a member of "Partnership" in the
April 2010
I finally have the emotional strength and the time to
"drive backward into the future"
and re-read the 120 pages from among the 167 pages of my "Political Diary"
from November 1976 till November 1977.
It was - in Israel - the time between the government of the Labor
and the
government of the Liqud, with Menachem Begin at its head.
It was - for me - the time between working alone - though with many helpers
- on my Bir'am Model
(the people of Bir'am after Begin came to power:
"Rachel, let go of your model, we don't need it any longer, for Begin
will give us our village on a silver-plate..."
and the move towards an organization and all the waste of time connected with
keeping it up.
I don't know, where the first 47 pages have gone.
At that time I always made 7 copies of each page,
sent the original to Nimr
Ismair and five more to other "partners"
and left the worst copy for myself.
It's hard to believe, that I not only did all the things,
which are listed and described in the Diary,
but that I found the time to document them in type-writing.
It is still extremely painful to read all that,
not so much because in the end all my superhuman endeavors seem to have failed,
but because of the price I paid by denying so much of my needs for freedom
and joy,
and because of the price my children, especially my daughter, had to pay.
Though she said to Mona, my friend, during the months of "divorce"
- Sept. 1980-April 1981,
that "I have no complaints against my mother, she
was always there for us!"
she would not say that today, after she became aware of the terrible things
she had denied.
The divorce, by the way, I initiated much, much too late, having believed
so pathetically,
that I couldn't create the conditions
for "partnership" between Arabs and Jews,
if I couldn't create the third and crucial condition between me and my husband:
"E Q U A L I T Y I N S E L F - R E S P E
C T ".
Most of those 120 pages will now go to the garbage-bin.
I have learnt my lessons through all those endeavors and sufferings.
And I know that nothing can be done on the exterior level,
or - worse - if anything would be done - it would soon lead to a regression,
as long as all involved actors are not whole,
are not taking total responsibility for whatever happens ,
be it on the planet,
be it between Jews and Palestinians,
be it between Governments and citizens,
be it between so-called peace-workers ,
be it between the members of families,
be it between me and myself.
I'm going to spare a few pages from destruction ~~ to exemplify,
that if ever anybody has given all his heart and mind to CHANGE,
then it was that Rachel Rosenzweig, today Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam.
The first page inserted here (but I'm not continuing with commenting...)
talks about a meeting with "Gush
then the organization with the ideology most opposed to my own.
I'm surprised to read the word "computer" at such an early time.
"Gush Emunim will have a computer for processing
and categorizing data and names"....
I say, that claiming "they have money and we don't" , will not excuse
And I quote the title of an essay, which I once had to write at school:
"The World shall not go down the drain
because of the strength of the wicked,
but because of the weakness of the good."
During the last weeks of December 1976 till January 10, 1977,
I also was over-burdened
with finishing the edition of the
German version of my book:
"All Israel are guarantors for each other".
I told everyone, that I would be "out" during these weeks,
but see, how this "out" looked like.....