The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Back to Overview of all sculptures in the fourfold library of "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness"

InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness

Fine-tuning to my Presence



[I came across this on March 15, 2010 and linked it to Mika's Heaven on Earth March 13, 2010

Mika's small creations with Nature


[see Overview of Mika pages until October 13]

Watching and interacting with Mika, my little granddaughter (21 months old),
who still knows, how to create Heaven-on-Earth in each moment of her life.


Nichts ist mir zu klein, und ich lieb es trotzdem
und mal' es auf Goldgrund und groß
und halte es hoch, und ich weiß nicht wem
loest es die Seele los....

Nothing is too small for me, and I still love it,
and paint it on gold and huge
and lift it high up, and I don't know whom
will it untie the soul



On the first day of October,
the first flower sprung up in the summer-dry desert,
at the deepest spot of my Wadi of Compassion
"Nothing is too small for me and I still love it",
I sang with my beloved poet Rainer Maria Rilke,
just as I use to sing, when I'm outside with Mika.

Yesterday: the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Sputnik,
which was the beginning of Man's expansion into Space.

The European, German speaking Channel 3SAT,
presented a critical note among an entire day of "Welt-All",
which is in line with my own experience and understanding,
hammered into my life and understanding for so many years:

If I skip what is close, if I ignore what is small,
I'll either not Accomplish anything,
or if I do reach the stars, there will be "reversals"
[a term often used by "Godchannel" in order to warn
of proceeding too fast in healing ourselves and Creation,
for instance in the discussion with a "fan": "Beware of Reversals"],

[ - choosing some of the biggest examples -]
like the victory of the Church under the Roman Emperor Constantin
and ~~~~~ the later "Christian" Inquisition,
or like the French Revolution against the "Kingdoms"
and ~~~~ the later Wars of the "Emperor" Napoleon
or like the compassion of Karl Marx for the enslaved laborers
and the later "Communist" Inferno of Stalin.

I don't know, where and how often I've quoted on "Healing-K.i.s.s.",
what was said to me - via a channel - in October 1988:

"to be one who works among others

to help them put the pieces together

and not be responsible for the pieces being put together herself,

is a lesson.

People must be given small steps to turn their lives around.

Things that are within their immediate grasp.

She must always give thought to what is their next step

as an individual or as a group

and help them see the next step,

something that can be obtained

rather than shooting for the stars.

Depression will result from this

and falling back into old habits and lack of motivation. "


And how often shall I quote my friend, Annemarie Mayer's, warning,
written to me in Israel in 1966, after she - 16 years my senior -
had watched my "shooting for the moon" for 9 years:

"A small full-fill-ment
is better than a big dispersion.

If you fill a little circle to the end,
it will expand by itself."

Mika, too, sees the moon - yareakh -
it was me who first drew her attention to it.
Since then she excitedly exlaims: "
whenever she spots it,
and when it cannot be seen, neither by day nor by night,
she is disappointed.
But the excitement is over after less than a minute,
just like the excitement of those who stepped on the moon
did not last long.

Full-fill-ment comes from
grate-fully exploring, experimenting, and expressing
with the close things and with the close people.

"You are adventurous beings", says Archangel Michael,

"The Journey and Adventure of Exploration continues,
but with a "New Earth" and a New Consciousness."

"But you will also increasingly know
the Bliss and Joy and Heart Song of the New Grids
as you feel what was originally intended
- the Joyous Adventure of Creativity
that is called Life on Planet Earth." / [2007_10_03]
Abenteuer im Weltraum

Nur eine Welt im Angebot

Warum die Erde neue Utopien braucht

Haben wir uns vor 50 Jahren gefreut, als es den Sowjets, den Befreiern vom Faschismus, als ersten gelang, einen Sputnik ins All zu schießen? Es war uns egal. Es war der Flug, der uns faszinierte. Abheben zu können, alles hinter sich zu lassen - und hinaufzufahren. Fast körperlos zu sein, frei schwebend wie im Traum.

Die Amerikaner waren eleganter, die Russen rustikaler. Beide hatten was. Mit der Mondlandung, die sie uns lässig vorführten, gelang den Amerikanern der Vorstoß ins Unvorstellbare: woanders wirklichen Grund und Boden unter den Füßen zu haben. Doch das war es auch schon. Der nächste Stern außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems ist rund 150 Millionen Kilometer, mehr als vier Lichtjahre entfernt. Selbst wenn es dort irgendwo einen bewohnbaren Planeten gäbe: Für die Überwindung derartiger Strecken müsste man einen gänzlich neuen Menschentyp züchten. Was bleibt uns also vom All? Eine bessere Wettervorhersage, weltweit billiges Telefonieren und die exakte Navigation, wenn wir auf Reisen sind. Doch was ist mit der unkontrollierbaren Bilderflut oder der totalen Kontrolle des Erdraumes durch die Behörden? Am Ende hat das Militär am meisten von der Raketentechnik profitiert. Der Kalte Krieg war da erst der Anfang.

Raketenstarts sind nicht nur schön, sondern sie schüchtern ein und demonstrieren Potenz. Wenn Raketen außer Kontrolle geraten, wird überdeutlich, welche Zerstörungskraft in ihnen steckt, welche Energieverschwendung. Raketen töten über große Distanz. Die Ohnmacht ihnen gegenüber hat eine neuartige Kriegstechnik ins Leben gerufen, die die Marschrichtung für das 21. Jahrhundert vorgibt. Der Mensch übernimmt sich, wenn er glaubt, alle von ihm entwickelten Kräfte zähmen und sinnvoll nutzen zu können. 300.000 Jahre Halbwertszeit haben allein die Gifte, die in Tschernobyl freigesetzt wurden. Vergessen waren sie schon nach wenigen Jahren. Dabei hat die Zeitbombe längst zu ticken begonnen

Die Erde - ein zerbrechlicher Planet
Der Blick aus dem All hat uns gezeigt, dass wir nur eine Welt im Angebot haben. Doch statt zu beherzigen, dass die Erde ein kleiner zerbrechlicher Planet ist, wird alles getan, damit sie unbewohnbar wird wie der Mond. Selbst am Ort der Katastrophe setzt man noch sein Fähnchen, um den Besitz zu sichern. Manche zünden sogar ganze Länder an für den Profit. Doch es gibt auch die andere Seite unserer Vernunft, die nicht der Hybris verfallen ist. Mit ihr können wir eine Frontlinie aufbauen, quer zur unkontrollierten Naturbeherrschung, zu Wachstumswahn und Fortschrittsvergötzung. Sie nimmt die Erde als Ganzes in den Blick. Sie gedenkt der Heiterkeit der Natur, des langsamen Wachstums, das sich nicht verbraucht, sondern das Verbrauchte selbst wieder aufbaut, regeneriert. Sie gedenkt der reichen Stille, der bunten Vielfalt, der schöpferischen Fantasie.

Wenn Utopie einmal hieß, neue, ferne Welten zu entdecken,
um dort sein Glück zu suchen,
muss das nicht heute heißen,
im Hier und Jetzt zu verweilen,
die Langsamkeit zu suchen,
das Glück im Stillen,
das Glück auf der Erde.
Will man überhaupt noch alle Geheimnisse lüften,
alles verwirklichen?
Muss es denn immer gleich so groß, so unendlich sein
wie das All?
Oder sollten wir uns nicht besser anfreunden
mit einer Welt, die begrenzt ist,
mit begrenzten Möglichkeiten
. [Mika!]
Ist die neue Utopie vielleicht zum Greifen nah,
etwas von dem sich viel, sehr viel träumen lässt?...

The adventure

of slowing down time,

of looking closely at small things,

not skipping what is next and who is next,

this is, what the author of the 3SAT message advices,

just as "God" advices to go slow and
"beware of reversals",

or as the song in the movie about Franciscus of Assissi sings:



"If you want your dream to be".....
Build it slow and surely.
Do few things but do them well
Heartfelt work grows purely.

Day by day,
Stone by stone,
Build your secret slowly.
Day by day,
You'll grow too,
Simple joys are holy.

If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly.





August 21, 2007

We pass by a small square of lawn, some sculpture in the center,
a low wall separating the lawn from the sidewalk and the street,
and some bushes and flowers separating it from the houses.

A low wall! That is always a challenge.
Mika asks to get off the stroller,
climbs the wall, walks on the wall, taking my hand.
I see an empty plastic bottle on the lawn.

Junk? Of course.
But I show her, how to put stones and leaves inside.
She gets excited, wholly focused, concentrated,
always looking for fitting stones, varying leaves.

She is not allowed to tear off living twigs, leaves and flowers.
So I help her to find withered leaves.
I even bring her such, again and again,
from a tree outside the wall to which she points:
"alim! - leaves!"

Inside the bottle an interesting
three-dimensional tapestry forms.

Who needs playgrounds?
Who needs to land on Mars?

Slow Motion of experiencing Creation


Standing behind the low wall










This stone doesn't want to enter the bottle!





Sitting between the wall and the flowers



























Sitting above the Wall - the bottle is almost full




August 29, 2007







September 2

Why did Nature invent billions of different ways to produce billions of different forms of fruits?
For Mika the purpose is clear: to grant her billions of challenges and ways of FULL-FILL-ment!

What a challenge to first gather the pods
then to pull the beans out of them,
then to stick them on your skin,
to hold them in your hands,
ever new combinations...



September 3





September 26, Eve of the Succot Festival, at Arad

Adventures and challenges are not only in the new town Shoham, in the center of Israel, near the airport,
but also in the far South-East, in the desert-town Arad, 600 m above the Mediterrenean, 1000 m above the Dead Sea.








They came late, at seven o'clock,
on the Eve of the Succot-Festival.
Immanuel had landed only at 4:30 PM.

But the next early morning
Mika explores new territory.
When she was in Arad last time,
in November 2006,
she could not yet walk.

Her morning-bottle,
half-drunk, in one hand,
and a silver Shabbat wine-cup
with thin green leaves in the other.


We move rightaway to a proper place in my little garden to explore and to experiment


When she was called to come inside, she obeyed,
only to come back in the afternoon
and go on cooking with leaves.

Creation is not just things to touch and to move and to work with,
Creation is also sound!
It it weren't for the neighbours,
Mika could make the whole world sound with Grandma's Tibetian bowls...


to former sculpture of my Present     to next sculpture of my Present