The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart








My new Midrash and song in 5 languages
about the prophecy of Malachi 3, 16
["YHWH" is named "HA-SHEM"= The Name]


















Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other,
and he listens      and he hears

yatakaalamuna     allathina     yarau'na-hu ,
va-yusri        va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander,
und er lauscht      und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre
il entends,        il ecoute


Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


August 17/ Av 16, Sunday, 3rd day of "Death of my Righteousness" -between Bet Nehemya and Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on September 10

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to be sharply aware if and what should change in my life now.
I desire my children who have given me so much, with such attunement to who I am,
to grow towards fulfilling also my greatest birthday day in the near future...
and that Maleachi's prophecy, which now enwraps me as my blanket, will come true soon.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

I give thanks for having again come across this message in puzzle piece 33

" Your true identity is the healer of the pain,
not the victim of it.
You are the one who brings the help.
It may seem incredible
that as a human being you are being called upon
to heal the oldest, deepest,
and most painful wounds in Creation.
And yet who else could do this work?


"The roots of these wounds are cosmic.
The original traumas
that first created the imprints you are now experiencing
occurred long before there were humans,
and many even before the formation of the Earth.
And yet as a human, like it or not,
this is your right place~
you are the healer of Creation.
It cannot be overstated,
the greatness of fully awake humans,
aware of both - the depth of their Will [=feeling]essence
and the healing power of love.


Before I'll explain all these gifts (on Aug. 20 and 21),
I first want to enjoy them as one composition,
as I staged it this early morning,
after the great celebration of my 70th birthday last evening,
and before I left Bet Nehemya and returned to Arad.


The quilt with the images of the 10 grandchildren and the biblical verse which expresses my yearning
was the idea and design of Efrat and the gift of all three families

az nidberu yir'ee YHWH ish el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma'

Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other, and he listens and he hears

yatakaalamuna allathina yarau'na-hu , va-yusri va-yasma'

Dann die IHN schauen, werden reden miteinander, und er lauscht und er hoert

Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre - il entends, il ecoute

See and hear the recording of my singing on June 15

My new Midrash about Maleachi 3, 16:
The line seems to be written in the past,
but since in biblical grammar there is no clear division
between past, present and future
(YHWH, for instance, is a verb and means:
he happened, he happens, he will happen,
the only appropriate way to name YHWH is by "The Name",
scroll to the bottom song of all AUschwitz-BirkenAU-pages)
this talking among each other is happening right now,
and so is the listening and the hearing (in this order!).
So far the pshat.
The drash, or remez, is in the letters yod-resh-alef
and suggests,
that what in the past was understood as "fearing YHWH" should now be understood as "seeing YHWH".
Seeing - resh-yod-hê - can, in some of the verb-forms
be confused with yod-resh-alef-fearing,




The composition shows Ra'ayah's bag, the only material gift I had asked for,
and the ten symbols of "what Grandma means for me" from the ten grandchildren

Yael (12): "I made you a tent" (and this, of course, needed no explanation)




Rotem (15) :" I made you a sculpture, so you won't be sad any longer about the sculpture that got lost "



Arnon Ayelet Tomer






Elah Itamar Mika










Dear Wayne Cristaud,

I asked you if you knew German! But I got the answer from the Internet.

".....that together they are worth more than either one", - definitely!
Rosenzweig to Rosenstock a few weeks before his death:
"Ich lerne von niemandem so natürlich, oder eigentlich so zwangsläufig,
so ohne Zusatz von eigenem Lernwillen, wie von Dir."

My question if you are Christian, meant your"technical" identity.
But I'm glad it caused you to give the deep answer.

In the meanwhile I saw my pilot-son, and yes, he wants to meet you,
but it's only at the end of each month,
that he receives the flight schedule for the next month.
And it's not every month that Hongkong is included.
So please, remember us, even if you should not hear from him or us soon.

I now read again the intro to the argobooks site and discerned:
"they ... ADDED to the transcriptions of Ulrike von Moltke".
From this I assume, that maybe Mayer- Ruehlen did not have access
to the few, but crucial letters which I discovered only in the online edition.
I'm ashamed, that I judged them!

By the way, is there truly no online edition of the
Buber-Rosenzweig "Verdeutschung der Schrift"?
Isn't this outrageous
considering for instance the huge library of translations in


2008/8/12, <>:
Dear Christa-Rachel,

I wrote a couple of days ago in reply but right when I concluded the email the
monsters of cyberspaceswallowed it up and Ican't even find the email you sent
me. So forgive me if I don't answer all your questions. I do recall you
asking me if I am a Christian and I always find myself answering that indifferent
ways. I do not attend any church and I agree with both Rosenstock and
Rosenzweig about Christianity being the universalising of the truth lived by
the Jewish people and announced by the god of the living and the dead. A
Johannine is probably the right answer - I can see myself in the same team as
Goethe without feeling funy about it.

Yes I would love to talk about the two Roses with you one day - one thing I know
is that up until his death Rosenstock always loved what Rosenzweig had done for
him - both changed each other's lives completely. Mayer might have done many
good things, but to be partisan about their friendship and opposition is really
silly and then some other things that are said about Rosenstock are as ignorant
as they are shrill and stupid. Rosenstock led me to a love of Rosenzweig - and
I have no difficulty in seeing that together they are worth more than either
one, which is to say there really is something new about the new thinking.
If you and your family would like to catch up with me in Hong Kong I would b e
On my name.... I think it might have originally ben French, but apart from that
and what I said I remain in ignorance.
Take care. Wayne

When searching for Gritli Rosenstock-Huessy,
I came across an article:

Wayne Cristaudo: ‘Love is as Strong as Death’:
The Triadic Love of Franz Rosenzweig,

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Gritli Rosenstock-Huessy.
and in it a link to an online edition of these letters, which didn't work,
but he sent me a link to the Rosenstock Huessy Fund site, which did!

I now read again the intro:

"The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund commissioned the preparation
of Franz Rosenzweig's correspondence with Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy.
This is the only source
of the complete surviving correspondence in unabridged form,
drawn directly from the original manuscripts.
There are more than 1200 letters.

Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) wrote these letters
between 1917 and 1929 to Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy (1893 -1959)
and his friend Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973.)
The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund believes
that these letters offer an important insight
into the complex relationships between these three people,
and that at a time that was centrally important for their lives and work.

The correspondence was transcribed by Ulrike von Moltke
between 1985 and 1990.
Michael Gormann-Thelen und Dr. Elfriede Büchsel
have proof-read, corrected and added to these transcriptions.
The correspondence is in German.

I informed myself about Dr Wayne Cristaudo, University of Hongkong:

Before coming to Hong Kong,
Dr Cristaudo was Director of the European Studies Programme
at the University of Adelaide.
He teaches courses on European national identities, European ideas, literature, and philosophy, as well as European cultural traits.
His research areas are
European philosophy, intellectual history, and theology.
His latest research focuses
on the writings of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig.
Dr Cristaudo speaks German.

I looked into his approach to the theme of "Evil".
Since it is so far from being based on the information of Godchannel,
see for instance
which totally resonates with me and enables me to live .....
I felt, that I should not intensify the communication, at least not in writing.
and eliminated any sentence which could have provoked an answer.
My criterion for keeping up any old relationship
or for entering any new interaction,
is a chance for the realization of Maleakhi's prophecy...


song of the day

Now the time has ended
for the game "small head",

Ended has also forever
the game of the victim

From now on the game is
the saving of the world

the game is entirely
the redemption of Wo/Man

[lyrics: in detention
at El-Arish, Egypt 1995

tune: between Arad
and the desert,
Israel 2006]


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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8