Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
2001_05_25; updates added and
re-studied on July 27, 2010;
and again in 2011 - when I inserted (see below) a correspondence
with the Channelers about "Sexual Abuse"
Only, when I came across this page again on March 1, 2011
[when searching for "sexual abuse" on Godchannel],
did I understand the "message" about
damaged boundaries
I had no boundaries at birth,
guilt made me a feather in the wind, a wishywashy person,
easy prey to both guru and dominating lover."
Pages Index
The Mother's House of Pain
"This is Mother. Spirit, in my
House of Pain -
you will feel every blow you ever delivered to the Mother.
You know it must be this way. There is no other.
The Mother has demonstrated unequivocal courage
in opening her door to you.
Can you demonstrate the same
by accepting my invitation to enter my house of pain?
Are you as strong as the Mother?
Can you in fact withstand the pain
you asked me to endure in the course of your 'adolescent years'?
and pp45
the Mother is ready to open each door
you will enter and sit face to face with the fragment you created.
You will not speak. You will only listen.
You will listen to her story.
She must
speak to be removed from victimhood.
You must listen to validate her pain."
Stop Eating
"I am small, I am so tiny, I am
almost non-existent.
Will you hear me, will you see me?
Heart pounding, trying to ignore the
voices of self-hate
that tell me I'm a fool, twice a fool to try this again.
"I try to talk to you directly. I try and try.
I can't hear you, and I fear there's something
wrong with me,
I'm too small, too stupid, too blocked, to hear your voice
when all these others claim to hear you and know you.
"I will tell you what I do hear, what I do know.
I know a vast sea of tiny beings like me,
sisters, some bigger, some smaller,
all terrified though some pretend not to be.
We tread water together.
I hear their cries, I hear their longing and broken hearts.
I hear their death dirge
when they finally give up trying to tread water
and sink under to drown.
"Despair and trying to die are bad enough, God.
But now, as I begin to swim,
now as I feel life returning to my limbs
and begin to hope that I might live,
I see the sharks beneath the water.
"They have been there all along~
sharks swimming circles around us, greedy, hungry sharks.
We didn't see them, we didn't know they were there!
Some of them wear your badge,
some of them even claim to be devoted to the Will and
Are these the Knights and Emissaries and Missionaries
that YOU sent here?
I am so enraged,
now that I have become awake enough to see
what prey we are!!
"They guru,
they power over,
they claim to know what is best for us.
They seduce us with lures of love.
And what is worse, God, is
they believe they are still doing your will.
What they are doing is collecting us.
Eating us.
Collecting and eating bits of Will,
bits of fragments of the Mother.
"I want these sharks gone.
I want them off the planet!
How can we heal when we are being eaten?!?
"I dreamed the other night,
I dreamed I stood on the rim of the world
and watched as souls were born into bodies.
At the gateway stood guards.
I watched as my sisters approached the gate
and as they passed through,
the guards whispered in their ears
and pressed down on them
and shamed them
and made them feel guilty.
Stay open, was the guilty message they gave.
It is unloving to be closed, stay open.
"Do you see?
We are being born
without boundaries.
We accepted guilt's whisperings,
we have great gaping holes
in our sense of self,
in our knowing of who we are
and what we feel
and our ability
to resist the influence of others.
We remain open and vulnerable to unloving light,
and we have almost no ability to discern
what is loving or unloving light.
We are easy prey.
"You say
we must be careful
not to open and let in unloving light,
be cautious.
HA. I am telling you,
guilt keeps us open from day one,
and we cannot be cautious,
we cannot discern,
we cannot protect ourselves.
"I was born like this,
I came into this world in this life
damaged boundaries.
I wanted to say
it was because of the sexual abuse
I suffered at the age of two,
or the alcoholic storms in our house,
or the violence.
But the truth is,
I had no boundaries at birth,
guilt made me a feather in the wind,
a wishywashy person,
easy prey to both guru and dominating lover.
"I have fought long and hard to
find my sense of self.
I have cried oceans and oceans of tears.
that my sisters all around me lose these battles every
Every day I see more fall under the spells of these guru-types,
with their seductive ways
and their promise of love and enlightenment.
"I am so afraid you won't hear me.
I am so afraid you will say that it is all our own responsibility.
That we must own being both eater and the eaten.
I don't know why I'm trying this, one more time,
I feel compelled by grief and longing and terror. And
"I want the sharks gone.
I want the Guilt Guards removed from
the birth gateways.
I want these so-called missionaries to go "save"
somebody else.
I want all my sisters to get rip roaring PISSED.
What will it take to kick these rat bastards OFF the planet?
Channelers' note:
This page is a continuation of the Mother & Spirit
in Dialog.
"Stop Eating Us" is the second in a series of
expressions by the Mother's most tortured fragments,
the lost Will of Creation.
All will be speaking here
with the protection and guidance of parental Mother,
and many for the first time in the presence of loving
Next: House of Pain ~ The
Mother in Draco
Previous: House of Pain ~ Charcoal
Dialog Page I: God and the Mother's
Dialog Page II: The Mother Responds
to God's Apology
Dialog Page III: God Responds to
the Mother's Invitation
Dialog Page IV: Cinderella &
the Dark Wizard
Mother Pages Index | Mother
Pages Introduction
1, 2011,
since this is the only other page on Godchannel (according
to "Search"),
where "sexual abuse" is mentioned,
I'm inserting here the answer of the Channelers on Febr.
23, 2011
though I don't find this answer to my pleading
in .pain 1],
except for the advice to let go of "the
story" and focus on the feelings,
the problem of abuse I asked about is not so much about
I want to know the source for any kind of distortion
of the sexual drive,
the perpetrator-victim behavior, which in itself has nothing
to do with sex!
I do know the reasons
for behavior against our self-interest ,
both as perpetrators and as victims:
self-hatred, feeling unworthy in general
and- in the case of the perpetrator- also lack of zest-full-ness
and full-fill-ment .
I do know, why a terrorist murders father, mother + 3 children
in their sleep (March 12, 2011).
I do know, why American soldiers run to war and let themselves
be killed in Afghanistan.
But I do not know, why a father would ask his daughter to
fondle his penis, etc. etc. etc..
Thank you for writing,
it's good to hear from you again. Sorry to be so long
in responding. - Sexual abuse, adult to child and incest,
as you've indicated, have been 'closet' issue in humanity
for ages. We agree of course that it's good to have this
coming more out into the open now.
We're sorry to hear that ... has decided to make the abuse
by .... a personal issue with you. Psychotherapy has not
had an understanding about fundamental innocence, and
often therapists find it useful to have their clients
blame someone else for whatever is hurting or limiting
We're sorry if this is what has happened here, it's unjust
of course.
From what you have said,
it seems that you yourself have healed
whatever sexual abuse you'd encountered in your life.
The answer we received
when we asked about sexual abuse, and especially incest
that these incidents among humans
are reenactments of the victim-perpetrator
that began long ago at the universal layer of identity.
event during WWII that so awakened Spirit
[See .Interview3
/ .Grandfather and
puzzle-piece 42
Also put "victim-perpetrator" in Godchannel's
Search, to learn more about this theme]
was a reenactment
of the imprint with sexual perpetration at its core.
We were also reminded of the tortures
of the oracle
as another example of the acting out of this imprint.
[in the Green Book and
a different version in the Indigo Book,
see what the
channeler of RUOW says - to the book "INDIGO",
about the difference between these versions.
See also "Eileen's"
post to the Forum.]
to the healing, we're being guided
to continue with the process of first identifying as Body
and then finding the energy of the triggered feeling in
the chakra system.
out of the 'story' in the mind that has triggered
the feeling,
j u s t b r e a t h e
s p a c e
i n a n d a r o u n d t
h e e n e r g y o f t he
f e e l i n g
i n t h e p l a c e i
n B o d y w h e r e y
o u f i n d i t.
You may want to pay special attention
to the energy in the first chakra,
this is often the cause of our attention going back into
the mind and the story.
Of course there is great
denial energy in and around the part affected by this
so releasing it may likely be necessary before going farther
into the imprint.
Eventually you will be able to love the energy
of the feeling
as your own life force energy.
Here's a practice we use for doing this:
We would suggest beginning
with the feeling(s) around ... rejection of you ( likely
a separate but related imprint), and progress from there
into whatever you can find of the energy of the imprint
itself in your Body. Hope this helps...
Life Force Energy
Love is the true medicine of healing.
It's our love for the
feeling parts of ourselves
that enables us to find and heal them.
As children we learned to suppress or repress feelings
as a way of coping.
That sent those parts into the shadow where they've remained
until they're triggered by a present circumstance.
The triggering is useful,
because now there is an opportunity
to become reacquainted with the parts of us
that are still feeling what was suppressed.
The most direct (and perhaps easiest)
to heal and integrate these lost parts
is to love the energy of the feeling
in the body.
However, an old coping strategy
usually kicks in;
a story starts up whenever we feel hurt, scared or angry.
The story however is just a series
of thoughts about the feeling,
not the feeling itself.
Trying to resolve
the issue at the level of the story
keeps us in the mind, and away from the actual feeling.
It's only by feeling the energy of the feeling
where it is located in body
that we are able to heal it.
Feeling the energy
of an emotion in the body
enables us to experience the feeling directly, on its
own terms,
without having to refer to the story in the mind
about the event that triggered the feeling.
By dropping out of the story and its conditioning in the
we are able to directly meet the real issue,
the energy of the feeling itself.
Then we can bring back to ourselves this previously lost
and denied part of self.
Interestingly, the
unconditioned mind can help us to feel the energy
of the feeling.
All you need do is to inquire about the energy in feeling
The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself
questions about the location and
sensations of the energy.
"Where am I feeling this in my body?" is the
first question.
When you find the location of the energy,
b r e a t h e s o m e
s p a c e into and around the feeling
so it has enough room to be there and move
as it will.
This will also help you be more comfortable with it being
Next you can ask about the sensations,
"Is this energy more tight
or loose?"
"Warm or cool?" "Hard or soft?" "Sharp
or dull?"
"Is it still or moving?" etc.
... The story is not the actual experience;
it's only a model of the experience in the mind.
The experience of the feeling's energy in the body is
what is real.
There is no victim or perpetrator in this direct approach;
there are no judgments.
There is only the energy that's been triggered
and the feeling of its sensations in your body.
Once you have
explored the sensations of the energy,
you can begin to make friends with it.
If a judgment release or deep denial release seems like
it would help, go for it.
[See "Healing
from Guilt" [see today's synchronicity in Learn&Live15>Healing
from Guilt]
and "Releasing
Denial Energy" on the
Channelers' website "processcoaching"
Or you can simply find something
about this energy that is lovable,
and begin by loving that.
Your love will expand as you welcome the energy
and find appreciation for it being here in you.
And this is the easiest way to help it feel your love.
You'll know you're on the right track when you
can feel into the feeling
and say something like this to it: "Ah, my most excellent
life-force energy!
[I think, for me it's easier
to say: "my Mother"!]
Thank you for being here, I love you.
I want to be with you. I want you to be with me~~~ always."
... Very often deep emotional movement arises
and new information comes spontaneously
with this movement.
The energy of the emotion is now free to move in you,
as it will.
... Healing happens
whenever real love shows up for a place where it hasn't
been before.
And wholeness happens
whenever a feeling part of ourselves receives and accepts
our love.
March 14, 2011
12, 2011!).
March 23,2011
Dear Christa-Rachel,
Our understandings of parent-child incest
go back to the imprints
formed in the relationship of denied Spirit and Heart
and the relationship of the Mother and Heart Son
as described in the RUOW
books, especially 'Imprints' and 'Heart Song.'
In both cases there was an alignment
between the parental part and Heart against the other
parental part.
And many distortions of sexuality seem to arise from these
gaps beyond incest...
The important thing for us has been
to remember
that all of the gaps in Creation have been the result
of unconsciousness
and that healing them within ourselves
is the only way they will heal in the outer world.
Taking responsibility
(as is being willing and able to respond),
and not assigning blame or taking on guilt
has been what works for us by way of healing.
Anyway, this is what we're getting.
Have the Folks themselves had anything to say to you on
March 25, 2011
So far - May 25, 2011 - there is no response from the
but see in Puzzle
Piece 52, what I understood on October 31, 2011]
July 3, 2010, Kilcrohane at Ann's
I had known about the "Famine"
in Ireland from 1845-1849.
I had not known, how the ghost of this famine was roaming around
See the sculptures
in Dublin - on the last page of this sequence
 |

(One evening the person who brought the milk,
saw that the jug of the evening before had been untouched.
When he entered the house, he found all the family dead...) |
The Famine and the Sheep's Head Way were
the two issues which occupied my mind, soul and body
On the first morning alone , I again tried to get to the sea.
I was shown the Sheep's Head Way through walled-in fields.
I was delighted by the device of clever ladders for the hikers.
But I was frustrated, when I was stopped by overgrown hedges.
"The farmers get paid for cutting",
I was told by Ann later.
"I'll tell the responsible people
to make this farmer do his duty."
ladder from the north towards the sea
ladder from the south towards the road to the village
I needed to go back to the road,
and discover another clever device,
as I would often during the coming days:
a ladder of stones
piled up before and after a wall,
so that the gate must not be opened.
Looking towards the village,
I see the pretty sight of trees and mountains,
but I know,
that between both there is the sea.
still want
to reach the sea.
So - back on the narrow road -
I turn East,
passing by this open gate
to the open sea,
with its pretty - open!- pretty wall in front |
 |
reach the beach
east of Kilcrohane,
there is much to enjoy
in addition to the sea
for instance,
the so-called "Lake",
which is like
an appendix,
which exits
from the bay in the bay.
There'll be more pictures later
See the trees to the left
in the background
and the wild vines
on the ancient-looking
walls |

I should be able to walk west , to the
point, where that bramble-blocked path would have let me enter the
But here too, the path is blocked.
Instead I discover the beautiful house and garden, that belong to
the Plant Nursery, which was advertised already at the turn of the
road down.

Pure Paradise - with an open gate to
the sea...
