The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates

January 8 / Sh'vat 1, Tuesday, still 221 days - between Arad and Shoham

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


image of the day
1961- a little wind-swept Bedouin girl in the Negev Desert
A photo taken with the simpliest "box", which was on the market in my youth,
from a little album about "Children in Israel",
composed after I came back from my scholarship year
at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

I give thanks to you,
my woundrously healthy Body,
my Partner,
for enabling us
to live this day
in manifesting
the One



I give thanks
to all the people
who are working
right now
to provide me
with electricity
for this computer

On many days of my long life the only happy moment was,
when I "could" go to sleep and forget all my pressures for the night.
Now I go to bed with joy, awaiting another day to create,
and I wake up - not into a day-mare - but into joyful creativity.

Some reminiscences - to be sculpted here - flushed me already,
while establishing this new page.
But then one idea pushed itself into the foreground:

"Like in my Hebrew Diary on "WORD" through all the 365 days of 2007,
I want to let come to me ~~~ "the image of the day"
and remember and feel, all there is to remember and to feel."

But that was not all:
"I also want to express my thanks to Body - as I did in 2007,
but not in the form of a template, which soon becomes routine,
but as a sentence which I'll phrase and write anew every day."

See the template of the last day of 2007, with the yellow "Thank you, my Body"

This was still not all, for when thinking of thanking,
always so many things, people, circumstances rush to my mind.
"I'll do what I taught the "Quartet": how to bless before any meal:
I'll choose just one item, or process, or circumstance,
or one person, interaction or history,
and give thanks for it!"


As to reminiscences from yesterday's "Nano-Science" documentaries:
An artist in making glass-eyes was shown at work.
The intricacy of this handicraft and art made me feel at awe.
Looking into the eyes of a girl, a woman, a man - in Africa -
was like looking into the eyes of Gavriel, Tamar and Jotam!.
Except that the eyes of these were blue, not brown or black.
and this is the point of my report:
"A glass-eye lasts for one year only!
By then it has become "stumpf" (blunt?) because of tears,
and has to be exchanged."

A living eye becomes more lively
after it has been washed by tears.
A glass-eye becomes blunt......
[2013-01-08: a minute ago I came across my sculpture of "The Camel's Tears" ...]

And another report, which touched me, from "Kultur-Magazin":
"The town Detroit, once 2 million inhabitants, now 800000, is dying,"
Usually I'm not so interested in news about America.
Despite the many good things that came to me from that country,
especially "Co-counseling" and "Godchannel",
my prejudices and even aversion are growing by the years.
At least I am aware and laugh about myself .
Anyway - it was Detroit,
where Henry Ford in 1913 opened the first conveyor belt,
for producing cars in an "industrial way" (my term...).
The scenes of slaves at theses conveyor belts are imprinted in my soul.
I hope to talk about this huge theme in my life and vision another time:
"Work and World".

Now, we are done with big cars.
Soon a car which costs 2500$ only, will conquer the market.
So Detroit's streets - at rush-hour - are empty,
pretty villas falling apart.
But there is also a good side to the story.
Nature is coming back.
People - 80% are black - make gardens, grow vegetables,
in short - transform the frightful into the fruitful...


10:15. My holy routine:
Coming back from the morning-pool,
I prepare my breakfast,
today the last two Mazzes from Pesach 2007
(inherited from my family and my landlords)
with raw Tehina and my own jam,
made of "Chinese Oranges",
which grow on decorative trees all over Shoham.

While thanking and eating, I open my e-mail.

I don't know, who sent the info about this site:
I translate:

"Center for the development
of basic skills and mathematic thinking
for small children".

I'm going to see Mika today,
and I once more feel the dilemma:
Would it be right to develop
her skills of mind and body
even more?
She is so gifted by nature,
she is being furthered by her mother
more than any other child I know.
What about
the really necessary skills for this life?
Knowing how to feel,
how to cope with feelings,
how to heal feelings, how to evolve feelings?

Nourishment from Others.
group e-mail from Jean Hudon

Though similar info from ""
[see for instance about "Original Heart"]
is so much more comprehensive and exact,
I'm thankful for every trickle elsewhere.
In my excerpts I couldn't always avoid the term "ascension",
so I put it in the smallest font possible.
What is needed now, is not "ascension",
but "descension",
See puzzle piece 54 Ligh'ts Way to Dwell in Hell!!!!

A long, long time ago, something amazing took place.
Out of nowhere a whole universe manifested and gradually evolved to become what we see today.
But this was only
the external stage for a much more marvelous thing.
Unseen to the eyes of flesh, individual spiritual beings emanating from the Original Source
gradually descended into this new realm

to experience duality and the countless opportunities for learning it offers.
Subdividing into ever more Sparks of the Omniversal Flame,

countless souls soon occupied every nook and cranny of this vast multidimensional universe.
The unfolding script of what became an intricately woven plot ...
[in] which we all participate as co-creators and co-manifesters. ...
Today on Earth, there is a re-emergence of such beings
whose mission is vital at this historical crossroad and nexus of evolutionary progress.

They work mostly in a very low-key manner
that is ever so respectful of each soul's freewill. ...

At this juncture in our evolutionary progress,
we are being called upon to assist these Higher Beings of Love
in their sacred mission of redemption.
In so doing we are also being exposed to what we need to learn
to be able one day to, in turn, assist other souls
in their own quest for full remembrance of their Divine Origin.
In the infinitely vast Circle of Life,
we each occupy every possible role
until we have been through the whole gamut of experiences

necessary to integrate all the elements leading to .... Oneness with All That Is.
This never-ending Journey from Omniversal GodSelf to near spiritual oblivion and back
is the role-playing we have all consented to experience
as part of our common drive for Self-discovery.
In a sense, the Journey is the Goal of it all.

Accruing ever more sensory input and ever higher understanding of What Is
is the means
through which our collective experience ultimately makes sense.


and let your soul show to your consciousness
the more specific roles you are being called to play
to fulfill the tasks you have chosen to Accomplish
before , once again, taking up embodiment.
Let us all reawaken to our sacred mission and actively follow the inner urgings of our soul,
so as to help bring about the unfolding transdimensional shift
into a New Era of Peace, Love and Harmony, for The Highest Good of all.

This whole Meditation Focus has been archived at


* * *

"The Brotherhood of Light and Sisterhood of the Rays and Roses.... sit within the higher dimensions of Shambhala
and are cosmic beings of light that encompass galaxies of portals and vortexes of light.
Their frequencies are of a much higher nature than those of the Earth realms
and they move freely through the dimensions of light.
You may feel more aligned to work with certain Ascended Masters
because they may be aligned with your soul group,
.....When you connect with an Ascended Master
you will experience their divine vibrational energy
and your energy will be expanded simply by being in their presence.

No matter whether you have ascended in other realms and other planets
or have already achieved ascension here on Earth,
you are here to assist Mother Gaia and all beings to ascend through the physical plane."

- Taken from


* * *

"The Light continues to flood the Earth,
and is your promise of changes
that will uplift every life form that is capable of taking its place in the higher vibrations.
Absolutely everything will be subject to change in one way or another,
and that which is unable to lift up will continue to evolve
as it takes a different pathway to suit its own needs.
Nothing is permanently destroyed in the process of change,
and the Laws of Attraction ensure that all finds its correct place in the Universe.

We are overjoyed at the awakening that is taking place on Earth, ...
. These are times of transmutation,
and the changes are occurring so fast that more and more people are becoming aware of them.

- Taken from "Tree of the Golden Light" - Diane - 2 January 2008


* * *

"…. We acknowledge your God selves
and see your potential to rise up out of duality,
and we are here to help you ...
Once your material needs are covered
there will be more opportunity to consider your ... life,
The truth of your past history and your destiny will be clearly explained,
so that each of you has an equal opportunity to make a clear choice as to what you wish to do.

As we have often made known to you,
there is no pressure on you to choose one way more than another.
You create your own reality,
and we shall always honour your choice.

The year ahead promises so much and will be the turning point in your lives.
The cycle must end within a few years,
and you have a most informative period ahead of you. "

Taken from "Tree of the Golden Light"- Atmos 31 December 2007

* * *

The following is provided as a complement
to further the process of inspirational understanding
of what, in truth, cannot be grasped from a purely intellectual perspective,
for the True Key to unlock the vault of your ... knowledge lies with you... and nowhere else.


1. The Order of Melchizedek
2. Message from St. Germain -- 4 January 2008

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>


From: The Order of Melchizedek


All life-forms, all bodies, all planetary forms, and everything even beyond that,
all came out of a simple little round ball.
Once we created this external universe,
which in actual fact was an experiment for us,
we then decided to get into it. ...
God actually divided himself/herself.
Part of himself/herself, beyond sex, remained outside of the experiment
and part of God moved into the experiment.
[See the Godchannel info, which I already emphasized: Original Heart]


From: St. Germain -- 4 January 2008

"As you have so often been told,
God is the energy and power within your Universe without which it would not exist.
God is you, and you are God inseparable and bound by Love and Light.
There is no one else apart from the Creator
[but God is not only "Light and Love"! See puzzle piece 39 Deity and Manifestation]
who in turn holds All That Is within his/her energy.
There is but one energy that is filtered down to you through your Solar Sun,
and appropriate According to the level that you can accept.
Too much energy of a high vibration would be overpowering and uncomfortable for you,
and that is why the Law of Attraction is in place.

It ensures that you move in levels that resonate with you, ...

"Be aware
that God allows all that you choose to experience
and neither endorses it or denies it,
as it is your freedom of choice as to how you do so.
It is the whole object of you being in duality,
and you have stood on both sides for the completion of your experiences.
One without the other would not further your evolution ...
Now try to see what is happening in your world in a different way.

Realise that those who now play the part of the dark are themselves nevertheless on the upward path.
It may take longer than those who have already turned to the Light,
but at some stage they will see through the darkness they have created.
They are not disowned or cast aside, as every soul is precious and loved by God.
[The last 4 lines are not exact,

the complexity of evil in Manifestation and Creation
must not be denied!!!!!!!
See for instance
pp24 Lucifer and Ahriman
and pp25 Denial Spirits and Asuras
and most shattering:
pp23 Loving Hearts' Denials

"On Earth it is understandable that you grieve for those who pass on,
particularly where you consider that their death is premature.
However, remember that nothing is by chance,
and the soul involved is not affected in the same way that you are.
Immediately they arrive in the higher dimensions
they find themselves surrounded by love through energies and souls who tend their needs.
There is little trauma and even that is soon overcome after a short period of recovery.
The circumstances of your passing are explained,
and once they understand that it has been part of their pre-life contract

they become at ease.
Life does not stop,
and is one continual experience that links all other lives together.
The result is that there is always some gain from the experiences of any one life,
and it can be used in subsequent ones.

[This, too, is not exact,
for it may happen, that in order to learn a certain lesson,
I'll go into a life, in which I'm much less evolved,
and my eyes are blinded to certain lessons I already had in former lives.
If and once I come around to quoting what is relevant for me in a channeled book,
called "The System" or "Andarean Theory",
this info will be absolutely logical]

Your present period of life is one of the most important that you are experiencing,
as many ... will not leave the Earth through death of the physical body.
Instead, they will rise up in it, ...
. It will have been renewed and able to house a soul of super-consciousness with a fully developed DNA. ….
Your powers of creation will have increased so that you will be able to manifest whatever you need.
With it comes responsibility,
but you will have no difficulty in handling it,
as you will have become One with your Higher Self and God.

…Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey [who channels St. Germain]



My new "Lekh Lekha" on January 1, 2009, included
that I would cease to create new pages on Healing-K.i.s.s. as well as new sculptures in words.
But I am "allowed" to insert new images in old pages, be it by accident or be it by association
Since I delighted in this last part of yesterday's experimental hike,
and since from there I can reach my children's home in 13 minutes,
I decided to make a second experiment the next day, on January 8, 2009, a rainy day: a hike of just 40 minutes:










I walked up the riverbed only for about 100 meter,
when I decided to return:
the shootings of the army's exercises were even closer and more stringent than yesterday.
But something consoled me:
a King's Candle,
as I have photographed over and over again!
See, for instance, in "Song of Songs"!
Except that this cherished wild flower
usually blossoms in June, not in January,
unlike the little white flowers below,
which characterize this season!

After a few more steps I reach this junction, beyond which my path to the tunnel underneath the highway can be seen






back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8



2013-01-08 Driving Backward to 2003-06-11,
see "History of Noah's Shore"

link to "bio-testimony"

Letters to Immanuel and Efrat at Detroit, USA, which preceded the "New Assignment", mainly connected to Tomer, the assignment with this foster-grandchild, which had ended in April




2012-12-20 Mika's seventh birthday,
celebrated only with her siblings, Elah's boyfriend and with me
This is a compensation for the missing of the three children on my own birthday , August 2012

Elah with her German boyfriend Nikolas

Mika and Grandma






Mika and her sister Elah







Mika and her brother Tomer

see more on next page

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