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into GRATeFULLness"
InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others
interspersed with my questions, observations or experiences
since April 10-13, 2011 enriched by more nourishment- see below -
Body's Subtle Energy
on 2009_01_06, when I re-read
this page - while transferring to it images from "Grandma
of Ten"
I decided to "shove" my desire to learn about Body's Subtle Energy
into "the list of things-to-learn",
which I let go of, according to my understanding of my lekh-kekhâ
on January
1, 2009
[see now - on Jan. 20, 2011, the insert of my Communication
with Deity on January 5, 2009 in
June 2003]
The secrets of the healing are
held by Body's Will
Energy Discussion" adapted
to what I feel capable of learning NOW
[quotes are in red]
is crucial to the healing work,
and well worth the effort to develop
Does what I think or do or say right now "the easiest way to begin
sensing first chakra energy "The practice here would be "The next step is to 'run' the energy
Does what I think or do or say
right now
Grandma and Mika (16
months) - |
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May 26, 2006 to the Channelers of Godchannel.com: I have become even more
aware of body sensations , "You have probably already been
sensing subtle energy,
"Next, feel into the feeling |
This is so much
like Miriam Goldberg's
"Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie" "See how the paining spot changes" "and locate the center of the feeling in your body, first through the fifth chakra. I can only go directly to the location in the body I don't sense any "chakra" energy "When you feel into those qualities of the feeling, you are feeling the energy of the feeling. That is sensing the subtle energy that underlies emotion. In other words, you are feeling the etheric body through the emotional body. "
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approach is to shake one hand vigorously for a moment, look at the hand, and then close your eyes. With your eyes closed, you can still tell that your hand is there, even though you can't see it. That's because you are sensing the subtle energy that underlies the physical body, feeling the etheric body through the physical body. You stimulated it by shaking your hand. Now do the same with the other hand, but without shaking it first. "It may be more difficult to discern, but with patience you'll feel the energy there. "It's called 'subtle' energy because it's not immediately obvious, like emotional or physical energy. It can, however, be found under these energies. "And of course, practicing feeling subtle energy makes it more vivid to perception, and easier to experience at any time. |
As I said in the beginning , I now - January 2009 - let go of this desire and I still leave it alone - on April 12, 2011 Yet I still desire and even pray: let me sense barakah and charisma and the difference between them and their merging in my heart |
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ARAD, 2011_04_10-13
Nourishment from Others, Driving Backward to my Past, Finetuning
to my Present
of my present thread
Letters and Dreams in 1981
While preparing for the "passage" on my present
towards what I call -Merging linear and non-linear "time",
I entered an outstanding year in my life - the year 1981 - the year of my
I wondered, where I should insert the composition of relevant documents:
In "Closeup of My Past"?
or - as a continuation of the present thread in "Nourishment"?
I'm still not sure, if it's true, that "Driving
Backward" is the most efficient "Nourishment"!
It seems to me,
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Your comments on Uli's article regarding
the war in Bangladesh are helpful – I will share them with others
on staff [
On April 10 - "IFOR" still exists!]. This is
a side of things we seldom give thought to, and needs more reflection.
I wonder if now it might be possible for you and Elias [see my relation with Father Elias Shakur or Shaqour from Ibellin] to work more closely together. The proposed nonviolence center that he and I were meeting about a few months ago is something very much needed, in some ways as much by people within peace groups that now exist as in the country at large. We are ourselves in so many ways participating in the causes of the violence and the hidden roots of violence: ... deep hurt and rage, needs to be taken seriously... Peacemaking is to so great an extent a process hidden within the w a y of our lives. |
They are confiscating more land in the neighborhood of Ibillin. What a good thing it would be if, however small, both Jews and Arabs found some way to stand in the way of this theft. Elias has been deeply discouraged by this event, expected though it was. At least such an action might help him in finding his way through still more seeming defeats. My own circumstances: No, we are still apart. I am back in the apartment where we used to live together, sharing it with two others. There is room for a quest. Hence my invitation. The children are with me weekends and much of Wednesday afternoons. I expect them here in a few minutes. There is an IFOR Council meeting coming up in India that I hope Elias can take part in, and I wonder whether you might too. A number of observers are invited. The big problem is, of course, travel costs… It would be very good to have you there, and I think you might find in it some encouragement. As the kids are about due, I must stop.
Much Love, Jim |
of February 1981: a letter from Dita , my stepdaughter, and my answer, after she had succeeded in the incredible assignment of mediating between me and my husband, her father, in reaching an agreement without the Court-of-Law
Harvey Jackins, Re-Evaluation
Counseling, February 20, 1981 ...these are pretexts for informing you about the change - or more exactly - the transformation of my life: Five months ago I separated from my husband. That I was able to do it, was partly due to a change in my "cognitive concepts', meaning the insight, that the greatest effort of my past life - "to ease suffering and not to cause it myself" was not only futile, but right-out backfiring, achieving the opposite. Still, I wanted to minimize suffering - naively - that's why I "left' the children to my husband, and all the possessions too. But the process which I started developed its own dynamics, months full of dramatic events followed, including my being knocked down and landing in a hospital with brain-concussion. The end, though, is "happy": I've rented a little, but beautiful flat in town, all the children moved in with me, one after the other, the old house was sold and I got half its value, which enables me to take my time in building up my own "business", so as to make a living, but also contributing to the environment what I have to contribute. At one time I fled to the Lake of Tiberias, without leaving any message
to anyone and spent five absolutely solitary days at the beach in
a sleeping-bag.
It is because of my work for Partnership,
that I invested most of my energy in keeping my marriage going. But
then I realized - in the States last year
(when I also visited Hans , and at another place: Freya, in Vermont)
- while talking
with Rushdi a hundred times to people - that partnership
is not my highest value, but freedom of choice is. Consequently if
you can't get out of a dependency (like Jews and Palestinians), the
choice I have is, to turn the negative dependency into a positive
one. This is painful and costly, but worth-while since the other choice
is killing and being killed. But if you c a n
get out of a destructive dependency, then for heavens sake get out. The other cognitive concept was, that I don't want to cause suffering
, on the contrary, I intended to dedicate my life to the alleviation
of suffering. A very dramatic time followed. I even got hospitalized and delivered
a com-plaint to the police for physical violence. Because of that
and because of his daughter Dita's diplomatic efforts ... we finally
reached an agreement, according to which I would get half the value
of the house.
March 9th, 1981 I visited friends and saw The Holistic Health Book on their table. How they were ready to lend it to me, I can't understand, because for me now it's very hard to separate from it even for a week. Luckily they still leave it with me, but please send me a copy immediately. By air-mail! If it's possible to "love" a book, I do love this book.
It came at the right time in my life, with regard to exterior events
as well as to my thinking. In fact, this year's courses at my Academic
Teachers' Institute in Jewish Thought are dedicated to the "concept"
(reality!) of Wholeness, "Shalom" in Hebrew. I was and am so fascinated by the content of the book as well as by the "application" of its message in the way, your editors collected, presented and commented it, that I am thinking or translating it into a Hebrew … Would you be ready to deliver me the rights for a Hebrew edition? This is a contingent question, because I am still not sure, that I want to change my preferences in order to find time for the translation. Or do you yourselves know anybody who would translate it into Hebrew? This is a time in my life during which I want to retreat from an
over-active life (last
year I was in Berkeley with an Arab partner to confront your people
with a new (holistic) approach to cope with the Palestinian-Jewish
conflict, an approach that we had been putting in practise for six
years by then, in an organisation called "Partnership".
What a pity that I did not know about you then), and train myself
in a more comtemplative way of living, before plunging into activity
again. Yesterday I got my divorce and – while building a new
life with my three children (14, 16,18) – I try to fulfil what
I see as the task of the first half of my life, - learning to take
responsibility for myself and for all my dependencies on others. The
second half of my life will be centered around the "thou
shalst be whole", and one of the ways of exercising this,
is – to focus on
improving my eye-sight. There is another quest: …. It is very difficult to get any
of the books here. The catalogue of Tel-Aviv University does not even
contain the term holistic or wholeness. As a start I would be grateful,
if you could send me the following books (if you can lend them, I
promise to send them back within a month, if not, I'll pay for them)
Dear Don [Don
Stone, see in "The Heart is Awake"] March 3, 1981 There, too, a transformation has taken place: "I know now, that
I can not handle and control everything. I can sow and harvest, but
it grows by itself." Externally – I am living with my three children in a small,
but beautiful rented flat in town. I got half of the sold house, so
that I can take my time until I shall have to earn our living (salary
and aliments don't cover expenses!). Mona,
my soul-mate , is – and has been for two years now –
a wonderful young woman, born in Iraque, from where her family fled
10 years ago; she finishes her M.A. in psychology and paints.
Having just finished a letter to the Berkeley Holistic Health Center, I feel like sending another letter to the same area, to you. It is late at night, but having led such a permissive life today, just reading, thinking, meditating, doing Yoga and eye-exercises, watching some birds on my balcony, playing piano, talking to each of the children, whenever one came home, nourishing and being nourished by Mona for half an hour, and enjoying to write some letters on this IBM bilingual type-writer, which I got today – I am still very much awake. You already understand, that I have finally settled down. The "Get" was handed to me the day before yesterday, and simultaneously, though not in connection with it, all the problems, which can be solved, were solved. I even stopped the "chalturot" [not really serious work] , trying to enlarge my salary by giving lectures in colleges for the aged . It was not worthwhile concerning the money and only prevented me from creating the space which I need, in order to finish the business of the past and to let the business of the future (verbally!) prepare itself. There is only one lesson a week, which I continue to give, because it's 15 minutes from here and the audience is terrific. I also continue with the lectures in my institute of course. I assume, you got all the important news from Steve. You know then,
that everything has worked out miraculously. I am enjoying every minute
of my life – with the children, with Mona, with my beautiful
little flat and with the contemplative life-style I've chosen for
this period of my life. There is no telephone to disturb my solitude,
the car we bought is to spoil Manuel – (after the most hideous
time he went through and before his army-service in July) and I try
not to use it, since for me it's another stress-factor, and I dedicate
time to get rid of my time-pressure and money-pressure-pattern and
the "physical armouring" (Wilhelm
Reich), like constantly holding my breath and never relaxing my
eye-muscles. As to activities – I want to finish writing things
I started or things that are on my mind all the time. Right now I
am preparing a lecture for the Intern. Congress of Medicine in the
Bible in Jerusalem by the end of August on "Thou
shalst be whole" [Genesis 17:1]
and Modern Holistic Health Approaches. At Benjamin's I found that
fascinating "Holistic Health Hand-Book", which was the reason
for writing to the center in Berkeley. A pity I did not know about
this last year.
To Moshe Granot, March 3, 1981
A Conversation with my son Micha - on March 27, 1981
A month after the official divorce I decided to afford
some psychotherapy,
which would help me to heal my past, especially my past with my husband.
I chose Julia
Neumann, who was the widow of my adored Erich
and at one time had done a very good chiro-graphologic reading of my hand.
She encouraged me to remember and write down my dreams
12.4.81 A dream 14.4.81, A dream
17.5.81 A dream |
F A C E"
[see how Rilke dreamed of loving "face en face",
in a letter to his wife in
Sept. 1908, but not with concern to his wife...]
The "reality" behind the dream
as I noted it on July 16, 1981:
Immanuel has to join the army tomorrow. He has been accepted as candiate for a pilot-course (but very few finish the course). 6 years ago I started working for a solution of the conflict beween the two peoples, so that Immanuel would not have to go to the army. What a grand failure – like everyting else in my life. Since I just cannot believe in my son's survival [until Mona screamed at me: "With your constant worrying about your son, you'll attract what you fear!" At that time nobody understood or taught, what "Abraham" and many others teach nowadays! But I listened to Mona, stopped to give energy to my worry and instead focused on his living and life!], I have given all my heart to his presence here and now for all these years and especially for the last months and for the last week, without ever intruding into his life or personality unwanted. Maybe this is the only traceable success of my life – the relatonship with my sons. By this I mean that I was able to avoid the pitfalls of being a good mother. A motherly friend said to me, when I was in the fifth month pregnant with Immanuel: "Take care of cutting the navel-cord already n o w !" And this I did, time and again. Ronnit is in Europe. If not for your husband , she would have asked you to let her stay with you for some days. But she'll at least call you. Yes, your hunch was right! I gave up "this particular kind of partnership" too, already in January. The organization is still surviving, but ever since I stopped feeling responsible for it, not one single new member has joined and almost all those whom I had gathered, dropped out. It will die eventually – unless things in the Middle East will speed up even further and the explosion of the entire area will spare us seeing "Partnership's" disgraceful death. Some weeks ago Mona and I went to see the film "The Sea and Its waves". [I now, on April 12, 2011, find this movie mentioned only in "Women's Cinema in Germany" - put "politi" in Ctrl/F) It was then that I wanted to write to you. But the pull of my chosen desert-life (= without "tasks", without friends, without obligations or stimulations) is so strong, that I would not have written unless your second letter had pushed me to. Edna Politi, who made the film, left Lebanon 15 years ago and Israel 10 years ago. So far the film is autobiographic. The Jewish, Israeli Lebanese Eva in the film meets Samia, the Muslim Lebanese in Paris, and together they cope with the conflict. No sentimentalities and no dispair. One of your TVs wants to acquire the film, so I hope you'll have a chance to see it. Edna conducted a talk with the audience and I – being deeply impressed by her artistic and human qualities - introduced myself and we had coffee together at midnight, and then she visited us here. The visit was less successful, because – though being tolerant by nature – she could not help attacking Mona for working as a workshop-leader in the army.
You once mentioned the term "spiritual journey".
What did you mean? I seem to be on such a journey too, though still
in the desert-part. But I am deeply content and confident. And it
is in the light of this contentment and confidence that you have to
read the seemingly harsh expressions above. I : I said to my pupils, that
YOU are not our projections, but if you are ALL, you are also our
projections. |
A few letters to my eighty year old,
friend, Abraham Lisod,
hand-written and obviously collected by him and later given back to me.
He died in 1991
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It was because of Abraham
Lisod's incredible pressure and heart-breaking sacrifice,
that my book "All Israel are Vouchsafing for Each Other" appeared
in a printed version.
He would be outrageously happy,
if he could see the
Hebrew and the German edition side by side on the Internet!
There is one other preserved letter, written in
September 1981.
The "problem", that there was no space on this page anymore,
led to the idea to insert "Meir Weiss" in a most relevant context:
in the Bible and Holistic Health
2002_11_05 - the letter to Meir Weiss:
re-discovered and inserted on April 10, 2011