The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




and Paula's Keys to Body

This Page is dedicated to God's Body
and to Paula Garbourg, who opened the path for me
to feel and accept,
heal and evolve,
and constantly enjoy
my closest partner.

(see also pp9 and pp50)

And see the amazing "Angelic Message" about "Using Eye Movement", which reached me seven days later

2003_06_15-18; last update: 2005_12_14

K.i.s.s.- L o g 2008_10_31: See the insert of my summary of the private week-long workshop with Aya Goldhammer in March 2006

As I said in puzzle piece 17 about
"How I Learnt Moving Emotions Techniques",
"Paula" has been incredibly beneficial for me
and is totally integrated into my every day mundane activities.

As to the Ring Muscles "Exercises", I prefer to call them "Keys",
for that's what they are:
Keys to Body,
Keys to stimulate Body to do what Body knows -
what to do, how to do, when to do, how strong, how long.


The word Sphincter Muscle "Gymnastics" is justified in the beginning.
Even I, a very disciplined person, needed to be trained for quite some time.
At first I took only some 5 or 6 lessons, absolutely sure, I could now do it myself.
When I saw, that I kept "forgetting", I found the money for a much longer training.

I also asked one of my two teachers, whom "Paula" had healed from paralyzing arthritis,
to let me watch her daily one hour practicing.
This experience has deeply influenced me,
though I myself only in times of acute pain or discomfort take "time-out" for "Paula".
Usually I just "do it", or better: my Body just "does it"
when I lie, get up, sit, stand, walk, dance, swim, talk, suffer, sing,
and particularly when I kneel at my computer bench and work.
[When Aya Goldhammer trained me in March 2006, she strongly opposed this kneeling
and I found a suitable chair as well as the suitable height of the computer table!]


On Dec. 14, 2005 I discovered a page with info about a Paula Garbourg blog, set up on Dec. 4! [the blog itself is both in Hebrew and in English]

Some random links, stories and quotes:
From this Hebrew article I learnt, that Paula Garbourg died in 2004 - she was 97 then!
I hadn't known that Paula Garbourg was born in Hamburg and not in Berlin,
but she grew up there, in a Zionist family.
Her pupil Reuma Harpaz tells, how Paula kept telling her - in her German accent :
"Listen to what your Body is telling you!"
I also learnt from this article, that Aya Goldhammer, one of Paula's first pupils,
and in 1984 "commanded" by Paula herself to be my teacher,
has published a little book on the Paula method.
Naomi Shemer, the famous poet of so many Israeli songs, said: "In my house one does Paula".
She even wrote an article in Yediot Acharonot , quoted in the blog above:
"Flowers to Paula Garbourg, the Body Singer".

In an article in the "Jerusalem Post" someone told, that Paula asked her,
if she was content with her high-pitched voice. She wasn't.
"She had me sit on the edge of a chair with my knees together
and recite a children's nursery rhyme,
while contracting the urogenital sphincter once with every syllable.
After a few minutes, a rich, alto voice rang out free and resonant.
It was an astonishing experience."

I'm going to quote "Paula" from the English translation,
though the original Hebrew book was on the market already in "my" times, i.e. 20 years ago.

Since then multiple more "exercises" have been invented,
not only by Paula, but by her numerous pupils in Israel
and any serious practitioner will always invent his/her own.

One of them, Motti Reshef, who has also published a very beneficial manual (not edited as book)
gave me another big push in 1993,
when he and my pupil in "Right Use of Will" in 1987-8, Wardit Bar-Ilan
[now, 2005, "Dvorah Bar-Ilan"]
came to Succah in the Desert
to replace me for a week,
while the whole team went out into the desert with Nir Gur for a Survival Training.
That Survival Training is also mentioned in "Daniela Manne" Christa-Rachel'sLIST.htm

In the morning before we left,
all of us dreading the hardships we would encounter (and rightly so...),
Motti Reshef gave us some specific "Keys for Body"
(Motti has another term, like "entrances to echoes"),
in addition to his advice to put a stone under the tongue to make the mouth produce saliva/

He instructed us to walk with hand(s) open,
the fingers stretched out as tensely as possible,

and - just as vital for our survival:

to contract the bladder ring muscle , when descending a hideous slope
while contracting the anus ring muscle when ascending a slope,
or when lifting our heavy backpacks on our shoulders.


Chapter 7 : Eye ... Exercises

Often, it is impossible or inadvisable to begin exercising a weak sphincter (like the bladder) directly. ...(since) all the sphincters work simultaneously, it is possible to strengthen a weak sphincter by activating a stronger one. ... most people are able to activate the sphincter muscles that control the eyelids...
STRONG CONTRACTION OF THE EYELIDS is a reflexive reaction to pain. ...if you stub your toe or catch your finger in a door, you will actually feel your eyelids contract strongly,
and with them your entire body, if all the SM are working normally.
p 90 ...In contrast with sudden pain, a sudden shock makes the mouth gape and the eyes open wide. Contracting the eyelids... makes the SM contract and go back to normal functioning..
..additional benefits... It can help a rigid spine to move and recover its flexibility. It also leaves behind a pleasant feeling of release. If you have ever had the feeling that your body is a single, whole entity, this exercise should confirm that feeling.

..lie on your back with your knees drawn up to your chest and your fingers interlaced, clasping your knees. Squeeze your eyes shut .. as though reacting to some extremely bright light. The area all around your eyes should scrunch up, and the feeling around your mouth and nose may be affected as well. Hold this position for as long as you can, then relax. When you feel you can, contract your eyelids again. Repeat... until the muscles "tell" you to stop. Do not open your eyes during the exercise, even when you relax your eyelids.
After you've repeated the exercise several times,

Note: If you contract your eyelids properly, it should not hurt. If it does, stop... and cover your eyes with your palms. After the pain passes, ...resume if you wish.


[2010_11_28:See my song: Hands on Eyes,
dedicated to Paula,
and my study of "Vision Acuity" on the same page]


This exercise is a very good point of departure for normalizing the entire body. The motion is delicate and continuous, like the eyelid movement that occurs during sleep.

... soothing effect ... at bedtime... easier to fall asleep. However, if you do it for ...30 minutes or more as part of a workout, it will arouse your whole system into action. .. increased energy and a feeling of well-being, like that after a good night's sleep. ..asthma, sinusitis, insomnia, urinary incontinence, prolapse, hyperactivity, backaches ... relief or even total healing...

... Close your eyelids and do a very gently, rhythmic squeezing motion. As with all the SM exercises, you should do it for as long as you can without experiencing fatigue or discomfort. 15 minutes is a good starting point
[Rachel: even 15 seconds are good!]


affects the spine, ... helps to restore the body's overall equilibrium... benefits digestion, . .. squeeze your eyes shut strongly, as you do when reacting to pain. Hold this position for several seconds, then open your eyes very wide.. repeat... often difficult for old people, ...

[Titles of some more eye and ear exercises:]



A few excerpts -
mainly from the exercises

from Paula Garbourg's English book:

[I'll allow myself to consistently replace
the term "exercises" with the term "keys",
so as to never forget,
that the sole purpose of "Paula" is -
to make Body remember to do its job
or to just let Body do its job
in each and every situation all day long,
yes even during sleep]

From Preface p. xiii
...Singing and classical ballet lessons gave me my initial push ... standing on tiptoe made my breathing stronger and surer...
The second impetus ... bad health ... age 35 threat of wheelchair...
remembering what happened when I sang standing on tiptoe, I began practicing movements I had not performed before.
...there must be some force in the human body that can restore order once it has been disrupted
... I was able to walk again....
a patient with a severe attack of lumbago. The doctor called me in to try my exercises. The patient... got up by himself, and dressed without help.

Introduction 1
There is in the human body a system of muscles that is the source of life's fundamental processes. ... the ring muscles. ... in various parts of the body, both internally and externally. It is their coordinated and harmonious contraction and relaxation that initiates breathing, digestion, circulation, elimination, and all muscular motion.
Western civilization ...looks at the human body as a collection of separate parts, rather than as an integrated whole in which each part affects all the others. As a result, we look at illness as a problem of a malfunctioning part, rather than as a failure of coordination and proper action of the body as a whole...

In a healthy body, all of the ring muscles contract and relax simultaneously. If they do not work together, something goes wrong in the body....If we work at getting in touch with our bodies, we can strengthen and learn to control these muscles and, through this, improve our physical and mental health.

Part One : How the Ring Muscles Affect Your Health
1. The sphincters and Their Actions, 7
2. The Appearance of Good Health, 21
3. The Ring Muscles and Everyday Activities, 37
4. Conditions That Benefit From Sphincter Gymnastics, 55
Part Two: The Keys
5. About the Sphincter Gymnastics Program 73
6. Lower Sphincter Keys, 77
7. Eye and Ear Keys, 89
8. Mouth and Tongue Keys, 99
9. Hand Keys, 113
10. Keys for Asymmetry, 121
11. Everyday Activities as Sphincter Gymnastic Keys, 127
12. Spincter-Activating Massage, 131

Paula dedicated her book to the memory of Dr. Fritz Pulvermacher.
a physician in Israel, who believed in her miraculous discovery and encouraged her explorations - 60 years ago, when medicine was even farer away from seeing the Body as a Whole than it is today.

In Hebrew I prefer to quote from
Motti Reshef's unprinted manual,
since his explanations are short ,
and he lists much more exercises
or "keys to Body", as I call them



"Paula" has to be integrated into life just as Bread!
I baked these 3 loafs and exhibited them to myself on the washing-mashine
under the fruits of the passiflora which climbs up to the washing mashine veranda
from my neighbors' garden downstairs. [2002_07_12]

"Life begins with the first opening and closing of the mouth - with the first cry.

Life ends with the last breath. The mouth opens - and does not close again.

Life is based on an unbroken chain of openings and closings, contracting and relaxing;

Our eyes open and close - to see.

Our nostrils open and close - to breathe.

Our mouth opens and closes - to eat and drink.

Our muscles contract and relax - to move.

Our hands open and close - to grasp or let go.

Our heart contracts and relaxes - to circulate the blood.

The stomach and intestines contract and relax - to digest nutrients.

If we look around us, we see the same thing in plants and animals,
and in the alternations of high and low tides, light and darkness, energy and apathy.
Nothing happens without opening and closing, contracting and relaxing.
Opening and closing is the function of the sphincters.

What are the Sphincters?
Sphincters are ring-shaped muscles that surround the various orifices of the body, both internal and external.
... the muscles around the eyes, the nostrils, the mouth, the anus, the urethra, and the genitals.
In a healthy body, all the sphincters work together, contracting and relaxing simultaneously.
As they do so, they activate the respiratory system,
the gastrointestinal system,
the circulatory system,
the lymphatic system,
the musculoskeletal system,
and the urogenital system.

In fact, the ring muscles are ultimately responsible for putting all the other muscles and all the organs of the body to work..

To get an idea of the harmonious action of the sphincters, look at a suckling infant. With every suckling action:

* The mouth contracts
*The eyelids contract
*The hands contract into fists
*The feet contract
*The digestive tract works
*The anus contracts
*The urinary tract contracts.

A baby's muscle movements are mainly involuntary,
and thus reflect the natural simultaneous actions of the SMs.
As we grow up, ... we can ... lose our sense of the natural connections within our bodies.
Yet it is still possible to see some traces of the body's more primitive, reflexive activity during sleep.
During sleep, our eyelids move in rhythm with our breathing -
as we exhale, our eyelids contract slightly;
when we inhale, they relax and expand slightly.
This never-ending chain of contractions and relaxations is very slight,
but it is a movement.
And this slight movement goes through the entire body and all the limbs and organs..

My "illegitimate" son suckles
from his student mother
Heidelberg, February 1963


Waking up: Clinging Fists & Eyes

Self-timer photos for MEEM in July 2002

While working at the computer

A break at the computer: Clinging Throat


Chapter 8 Mouth and Tongue Keys

Mouth and tongue keys ... strengthen the oral SM, and thereby the other SM. ... IF you wish to quit smoking, for example, working the oral SM is necessary to restore muscle tone so that you will no longer crave the feeling of a cigarette between your lips. Other disorders: flat feet, back pain, and prolapses of the internal organs. ... beneficial for increasing concentration and mental performance.

The Upper Lip to Nose key makes the respiratory and abdominal muscles work, and with them the long muscles of the back, the rear and front sphincters, and ultimately the entire body.

...push your upper lip toward your nose, using both your lower lip and your chin, and without making your lower jaw jut forward in the process. Your chin is the prop that pushes your lower lip up. Your lower lip in turn pushes your upper lip, which curls upward toward your nose. Your upper lip should be spread widely as it curls broadly upward. This has a relaxing effect, because it activates the front SM. Be sure that the upper lip is not contracted when it folds upward; this has the opposite effect, making one nervous and even aggressive, because it causes the rear SM to contract.

When you lift a heavy object or push something heavy, your mouth instinctively assumes the Upper Lip to Nose position, as it makes strenuous activity easier. You can take advantage of this effect when doing heavy or tiring work by placing a toothpick between your upper lip and your nose and holding it there for as long as the work is in progress. Using a toothpick helps to assure that the key is working continually, without interruption, for as long as necessary; otherwise, the muscles of your upper lip are likely to slacken again, ...

If done while reading, writing... it enhances your powers of concentration. It also has beneficial effect on the strength and agility of the fingers - playing the piano... good for digestion and certain types of headaches, where the effect can even be very speedy. ...

... when the chin pushes the lower lip against the upper, and the upper lip is pushed toward the nose by the lower lip, the depth of the spinal curve at the neck decreases. Through the back muscles, this in turn affects the spinal curve at the small of the back; the pelvis straightens and its contents slowly return to their normal position, and with the pelvis again in a normal position, the curve at the small of the back straightens. .. the bladder functions more vigorously, and urinatinb becomes easier.

... helpful for lower-back pain. Upper lip to Nose ...reduces pulling at the small of the back and pressure on the spine. ... also the walk changes and becomes lighter.
... effect : rib cage lifts. As a result, the neck, throat, and windpipe relax, and breathing becomes both deeper and easier. The nose opens, and coughing ceases.
Note: asthma ... first spend some time practicing eyelid keys (ch.7) and the Fingers-to_Palms key (ch.9) before doing "Upper Lip to Nose".

As to this posture of lying down, it's similar to the way I've been sleeping since my youth,
and was glad to see it recommended by Paula:
I only added her advice to sleep without or with the thinnest of cusions:

Lying down
correctly not only serves to restore balance,
but also makes it easier to fall without a pillow under your head.
...You should always lie on your dominant side.
Keep the leg on that side as straight as possible, without force,
and keep the other leg bent as much as possible.
Your arms should be straight.
This position helps to counteract the contraction of the dominant side of the body
and promote balance in the body as a whole, particularly in the pelvis.
Its effects are similar to those achieved by the Assymetry Key (p. 123).
Lying on your back or stomack is not recommended.

Stand with your legs straight and your heels, big toes, and the insides of your calves, knees, and thighs drawn together. Your feet should be touching each other.
This contracts the lower MSs and allows them to influence posture.
All the parts of the body will naturally assume good posture if you stand this way

Sitting down and Standing up
are the lower MS's jobs.
In sitting down, the front SM operates - that is, it contracts and relaxes.
To sit down correctly , make sure your legs are ...parallel to each other,
your feet turned slightly inward, and your knees bent.
Slowly drop straight down into the chair,
without your buttocks lifting or protruding,
and without the curvature at the small of your back increasing.

In standing up
, the rear SM operates.
To stand up correctly from a sitting position,
turn your feet slightly outward, with your heels together.
Rise straight up to a standing posture, bending forward as little as possible,
and without leaning your hands on your thighs, pushing yourself out of the chair, or thrusting your buttocks up and out.

There are also recommendations for
correct sitting on a chair
like: "Your heels and big toes should be together,
as should the insides of your calves, knees and thighs.
but I myself hate sitting on a chair
and prefer all kinds of postures when sitting on the ground.
Paula strictly opposed the Buddha sitting posture:
"See how his belly falls forward!"



A general asymmetry in the body is very common, and can be the result of unbalanced functioning of the front and rear SM, especially overactivity of the rear SM and weakness of the front SM. Because this results in the back muscles being overworked, it is associated with problems such as lumbago and herniated disc, which also can cause a loss of sensation around the genitals, loss of bladder control, and sexual problems.
... Often it is a result of the dominant use of one hand. The dominant hand usually stays half-closed - that is, contracted - as does the eye on that side. In fact, the entire dominant side of the body is usually more contracted than the other side. This can lead to a poor sense of equilibrium, back and shoulder pains, and other woes.

... If you are right-handed, spread the four fingers of your right hand as widely as you can. Your thumb will do what it needs to do without your assistance. If you are left-handed, do the same thing with the fingers of your left hand. Hold this position for some time. One to two minutes or more. Doing this exercise may hurt, but if it does, that is a sign that it is, in fact, needed.
After five to ten minutes, you should begin to feel your body straightening out. This initiates from the lower SM. Your abdomen will lift. If your right hand is dominant, you will feel your lower jaw move toward the right, your contracted right eye will open wider, and your right eyebrow - which is likely to be lower than your left - will return to its proper level..

Many people who suffer from shoulder and arm pains have reported finding relief. The effect radiates all over the dominant half of the body, from head to toe. That side of the body straightens first, and the other straightens afterward


This key ... can help with severe backaches. ..
Lie on your back ... If your right side is dominant, bend your left leg, pull it up to your chest, and clasp it to your abdomen by your left elbow. Keep your right leg straight and stretched out as much as possible. Then raise your right arm above your head until the back of your right hand rests on the mattress,

and turn your head upward and to the right until you can see the palm of your right hand. If your left hand is dominant, do the same with your right leg bent, your left leg extended, your left arm raised, and your face turned to the left.
At first, you may experience some discomfort when doing it. Many people soon begin to feel their bodies heating up ....
Maintain this position, taking short breaks if necessary...



The hands themselves are not SMs, but certain keys for the hands can affect the SMs and prod them into action. ... there is no part of the body that is not ultimately connected to the action of the ring muscles. Moreover, the hands and fingers are strongly connected to the spine, whose condition affects and is affected by the condition of the entire body.

... hold your hands in front of you and bring the tips of all four fingers lightly to the tip of the thumb of the same hand, and hold that position for as long as you can, then release. Repeat .. Your arms will press against your body, your legs will press against one another, and your entire body will straighten, as all of the SMs are mobilized into action. If you hold this position long enough, you may feel your fingertips moving against your thumb in rhythm with your breathing, in light contracting and relaxing movements.
This is not an easy exercise and may be uncomfortable at first. Some people succeed only after a long time and diligent exercising.

... hold your hands in front of you and press each finger individually, starting with the little finger, lightly against the thumb. Then release. Repeat...
* Move your thumb to your ring finger with the back of your hand facing upward. This causes the front SM to work. The body straightens and stands erect, and the big toes move together slightly.

* Move your thumb to the little finger of the same hand with your palm facing upward. This causes the rear SM to work. The heels move toward one another.


* Move your thumb to the index finger of the same hand with the back of your hand facing upward. This moves the hands forward; they lift up, and from there go down to the sides of the body. This cyclic lifting and lowering repeats for as long as the hand position is held.

* Press the tips of your thumb and index finger together, with your palm facing upward. This moves the hands to your sides and up, then down again.

A properly functioning front Spincter:

*Enables the spine to bend forward

* Assists in sitting up
from a reclining position and vice versa.

* Makes it possible
to turn to the right and to the left

* Makes the toes and feet move (bend up)
toward the shin (dorsal flexion).

* Spreads the fingers and raises the hands.

* Enables the eyes
to turn to the right and to the left.

* Makes it possible to move the scalp
above the forehead.

The Lower Sphincters
While there are many SMs in the body,
the two most prominent are the SMs of the urethra (front SM) and the anus (rear SM)....

At first I could not differentiate
between my bladder SM and my anus SM.
My bladder SM was all the time over-contracted.
During one of its terrible infections, 10 years earlier,
a physician, who watched my x-ray, said:
"You seem to never empty your bladder completely."
When I was one year old,
the diary of my mother notes:
"there had to be tears again" (i.e. she hit me),
"because she still wets her diapers."


Together, both lower Sphincter Muscles:

* Enable the spine to straighten.

* Activate the feet
in walking, dancing, running, and jumping.

* Allow the head to turn from side to side.

* Make it possible to open and close the eyelids.

* Make it possible to open and close the nostrils

* Make it possible to open and close the mouth
and contract and relax the lips.

*Govern voice production [!!!]

A properly functioning rear Sprincter:

* Enables the spine to bend backward.

* Makes it possible
to bend to the right and to the left.

* Makes it possible
to pin the toes and feet in line with the leg
(plantar flexion).

* Enables the fists to clench
and the elbows to bend.

* Makes it possible to move the scalp
at the crown of the head.

One last important connection:

In a healthy body, the action of the diaphragms is simultaneous with the functioning of SMs.
For example, the diaphragm that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity
contracts with the contraction of the ring muscles around the eyes that occurs every time we exhale.

All of the diaphragms should work in unison with the opening and closing movements of the SMs.

[With me they worked reversely, when I came to Paula in 1983...]

"Paula" inspires me with awe towards all those Body functions I never thought of.
The backgrounds above are the skin of my thumb and of my throat - enlarged....




... cause the body to become erect and make the feet arch. ...

bring the four fingertips (excluding the thumb) of each hand to touch the middle of the palm of the opposite hand.
If you are right-handed, your left hand should be on top and your right hand underneath... maintain... repeat... discomfort ...
will pass.
This can easily be performed almost anywhere, since it is quite imperceptible. Children can even do it in school.
It enhances concentration and is good for flat feet.



Bladder & Anus SMs fit nicely into this year's last rain on April 29.







(Paula calls this "a very important exercise",
and later "Body's Self-Help".
In my experience it's the main key to Body)

As with the other keys, this came to me of its own accord. your hands in front of your eyes, without pressure and in a manner that is comfortable. Your eyes may be open or closed, and your hands should not actually touch your eyes. Your palms should be directly in front of your eyes. Your hands will probably change position on their own find the position that is most suitable for you. .. think of pleasant things..

It is usually performed lying down ...
(but for older people a method of doing it while sitting is described)
your eyelids will begin to contract and relax and, with them all SMs.
If you keep your hands in front of your eyes for at least ten to fifteen minutes, your body should begin to function freely, with contracting and relaxing movements generally occurring in painful or problematic spots. These may be movements of limbs or organs in which painful processes began even many years earlier. Your body may begin with almost imperceptible movements or with very strong ones. You may feel cramps being released, and slack and painful muscles gradually relaxing and growing stronger. This is the body's self-help.
... light eyelid-contracting prior to "hands on eyes" will make it much easier to cover the eyes and be aware of what is going on with the muscles in the rest of your body.




... Close your eyes lightly and imagine them fallng freely and easily into your head - as though through empty space - and then coming back, freely and easily through that empty space, to where they belong. Like a yo-yo motion. In the beginning it will be more like a mental than a physical activity, but with practice, you will feel it physically.


This key has a highly relaxing effect, sometimes even inducing sleep... With your eyes open, place your index fingers lightly
on the tragus of your right and the tragus of your left ear.
Try to look, without straining, from one ear to the other.

Of course, you cannot see your own ears, but you should move your eyes as if attempting to do so, Keep your head immobile; it should not follow the movement of your eyes. The fingers on yur ears are there only to provide direction. Later you may do this without your fingers on your ears and with your eyes closed.
Note: If you experience discomfort or mild pain in your eyes, stop. Place your hands on your closed eyes and rest briefly.


This key causes the front SM to contract and relax. There are two versions , suitable also for children.
* Place the palms of both hands over your ears. Press on your ears lightly for a second or so, then relax the pressure .. Keep alternating between pressing and relaxing.
... press lightly with the tips of your index fingers on the tragi of both ears simultaneously for a second or so, then relax the pressure, - 15 to 20 minutes. "Hand to Ear" is very relaxing , and at the same time fully activating all the SMs of the body.



This key requires considerable exertion It activates the shoulders, arms, hands, spine, pelvis, and legs. It is felt from head to toe. ... move the tip of yur tongue in a circle between your teeth and your lips. Push your tongue past your upper incisors and insert it n the place where the lips and gums meet. From there, lead the tip of your tongue, slowly and with light pressure, along the line joining the lips and the gums - from the middle of the upper lip to the right, and full circle around your front teeth back to the starting point. Repeat the process in the opposite direction. Then do the same with the middle of the lower lip as the starting point, once to the right and once to the left. There are four circles in all. Do it slowly...


.. touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your back left upper tooth. From there. move your tongue in a straight line to the back of your back right upper tooth, and then continue to move it back and forth... the corner of the eye on the side at which the tip of the tongue is located will begin to close and contract. Your entire body will lean from side to side, following the movement of your tongue.

There are several furrows and ridges at the front of the palate ( the roof of the mouth). Simply pass your tongue lightly from one end to the other of these furrows and ridges. ... your whole body will tend to shift in the direction of the tongue's movement. Your legs will rock from side to side.








"Paula" means to free Body, so that Body can fulfil Body's task.
Nowhere does Body express this freedom as wholly as in Water.
But it's only in these last weeks [2003_06_18] that I understood:
Swimming styles were good for making me familiar with WATER.
But now I stopped constricting Body and curbing its Freedom.
I now - finally - let Body play as it wants to play,
like coiling, spiralling, spinning, both, left and right,
thus returning to its former dolphin and whale nature.


Unintended,(camera backwards), are many of the Keys' effects,


From a Godchannel file:
" Sexual energy is probably the most intense
and therefore most obvious form of human energy.
It's not exactly 'emotional', and it's not exactly 'physical' either.
Yet it is energy almost everyone is aware of,
and therefore can be used as a standard
for sensing subtle energy in the other chakras.
Sexual energy is of course primarily experienced or sensed
in the lower part of the second chakra.

"Just below this center is the first chakra.
Without it being triggered by an event,
the easiest way to begin sensing first chakra energy
is to flex the sphincter muscle around the anus.
When you release the muscle,
a slight tingling sensation is left.
This mild sensation can be used
as a perceptual doorway into deeper layers of sensation
in the energy of your first chakra.

"The practice here would be to feel into the tingling
and allow your awareness to stay focused,
and then follow the sensations
as they radiate away from the area of the muscle.
This can bring your awareness to the next,
even more 'subtle' layer of first chakra energy,
and as your awareness continues to follow the energy,
notice how it changes.

"The next step is to 'run' the energy
by consciously intending to move it with your awareness and your breath.
As you inhale, use your intention to draw the energy up to the next chakra,
and bring your attention along with it, bathing the area with awareness.
You can continue drawing the magnetic energy up the chakras in this manner.

"The main difference between seeing and feeling the energy is
that in seeing it,
you are getting it to follow your lead through visualization.
In feeling or sensing the energy
you are using your awareness to follow along with it,
and then your intention to move it.
The truth is that it's moving already,
but your loving attention and focused awareness on its movement
increases its quantity and improves its quality.
It also brings your energy under your conscious domain
and allows you to be parental to it."