The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.i.s.s.
as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential PEERS
to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - as holograms - all of Creation!
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


Click! and click again to stop! And if you want to do yourself a favor, join in! Sing!
May my throat's overtone singing today - unite all my denied parts and lost fragments with me - today!

{19 - 2005_09_10}
"Learning to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"


First I want to remember:

"... eternally safe to be and to play..."
"Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and doing are fun..."

From Interview with 'the Folks', Part Two , the latest channeling in:

G r a t i t u d e & L o v e are like H 2 O

I shall now finally dedicate a page to
Masaru Emoto's MESSAGE of WATER!

[See also "InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness">Nourishment from Others>2007_04_30-The Hidden Message of Water]


I met Emotu on the International Day of WATER, July 25, 2003, at the Lake of Tiberias.
This was 3 weeks after I had started again with realizing my vision in the exterior world:

A Vision about Peace between the Desert Nations and between Wo/Man & the Desert Earth

after I was pushed to pause for two years , be a grandmother, even a foster grandmother,
and do mainly the work of "Driving Backward into the Future", assisted by this website.

Since this new stage of realizing my vision had to do with WATER,
I was greatly encouraged by this "coincidence" with the WATER Day.


I started with "Noah's Ark",
which was supposed to function inside the salty (33%) WATER of the Dead Sea ,
where the sweet, though now polluted and depleted fresh WATER of the river Jordan joins in.

When I had to freeze this stage of my Peace-through-Desert-Hosting-Economy because of the Intifaada,
I continued further south of the Dead Sea, on a no-man's land between the 1967 Jordan/Israel borders,
with "Noah's Shore",
supposed to function on a semi-peninsula amidst the WATER of the Dead Sea,
next to a - not sweet, but much less salty - hot sulphor spring.
When - after 150 days
(which, "by chance", was as long as it rained on the planet during the Great Flood,
so that only the seven people and a couple of each kind of animal survived in Noah's Ark!
- Bible, Genesis 7:24)
it became too hot,
and since my ideas of water-electricity-cooling were not yet realized,
I had to "freeze" this project too.

I was then compelled to continue with "ARARAT HeART",
some 15 km west of the Sea, but much further up in the Desert of Arad,
or more exactly in the Biq'at Qanna'im, the Zealots Valley.
For the last 2 months I've been working on digging out a comfortable cave ,
at the foot of a mountain, next to the beginning of the river Rakhaf,
waiting for the rain to fill its dry winding bed with rain WATER,
hoping even, that the "Cave of the Womb", as I came to call it
-which has to be freed from the soil of animal manure and shepherds' fire ashes -
might hide a spring of fresh WATER...

Two last remarks before learning from Masaru Emoto's message:

"WATER" represents for me the element of EMOTIONS and FEELINGS.
The SALT SEA (for it's not really "dead", as biologists found out) represents for me
the concentration of all unwept tears of humankind.
See also my "library" called "DESERT WATER"
which tries to capture how I followed my vision along the WATER of the Syrian-African Rift


Gratitude & Love are like H2O



Love & Gratitude
in Hebrew:
ahavah & hodayah

Water Crystal              Water Crystal of September 2005          

Love&Gratitude Crystal

From an interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto


REIKO: Have you come across a particular word or phrase in your research that you have found to be most helpful in cleaning up the natural waters of the world?

DR. EMOTO: Yes. There is a special combination that seems to be perfect for this, which is love plus the combination of thanks and appreciation reflected in the English word gratitude. Just one of these is not enough. Love needs to be based in gratitude, and gratitude needs to be based in love. These two words together create the most important vibration. And it is even more important that we understand the value of these words. For example, we know that water is described as H2O. If we were to look at love and gratitude as a pair, gratitude is the H and love is the O. Water is the basis that not only supports but also allows the existence of life. In my understanding of the concept of yin and yang, in the same way that there is one O and two Hs, we also need one part yang/love to two parts yin/gratitude, in order to come to a place of balance in the equation.


In Right Use of Will on page 75 it is said,
how freedom, abundance and magic in the "Land of Pan"
started to become spoiled:

"Some Spirits began taking this freedom and this abundance for granted.
They received
without feeling gratitude......."

From the English book
"Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages of Water"


[Rachel: "empfangen ist seliger denn geben!"
IN my Christian upbringing Jesus was constantly quoted as having said:
"To give is more blessed than to receive",
as if there would be even a possibility to   g i v e ,
if there wouldn't be anyone to    r e c e i ve.

This is what brought the Cain Syndrom to the world:
Cain wanted to give, what he had created, but there was nobody to receive it...

I'm therefore turning the quote around :
"To (know how to) receive is more blessed than to give." ]

I had just edited the above composition,
when a link reached me via http://www.planetawake, on behalf of Maggie Erotokritou []

I'm quoting from it what is most important to me.

2005-09-04 Urgent Message from Masaru Emoto

A message for all the ‘WATER friends’ in the world

My thoughts in regards to the Hurricane ‘Katrina’:
We must learn more about WATER.

As I write this message on this day, September 4, 2005 (Japan Time), the aftermath of Hurricane ‘Katrina’ has worsened and is now predicted that ‘Katrina’ may have taken about 10,000 lives - my thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected. ...

The tsunami that attacked the coast along the Indian Ocean late last year following the major earthquake that hit Indonesia was an unpredictable catastrophe. For the people in the developed world, the news about this crisis was a sad occurrence in a far away developing country.

However, Hurricane Katrina was something that was predicted and still ended up as a huge catastrophe - in the 21st century, where all technological advancement seemed to have reached its peak, and in a developed country such as the United States.

The above two major natural disasters occurred in a developed and developing country: at the different ends of the spectrum, and under predicted and unpredicted circumstances. However, the reason for all the death that occurred in these two instances was the same: WATER. What can be said I believe, is that whether it’s a developed or developing country or whether it was predictable or not, we, as a whole, are terribly ill equipped to handle this type of an emergency situation. I have researched as to why this has happened, and how we can prevent the reoccurrence of such tragedies and would like to share those thoughts with you here.

In the Japanese newspaper, ‘Yomiuri Shinbun’ (a daily newspaper which has a circulation of over 10 million and is the biggest in the world), the following article was reported on the 30th of December 2004...

To my surprise, in the aerial picture of the tsunami that attacked the coast of Sri Lanka that accompanied this article, when looked closely,
a figure that clearly resembles a dragon can be seen amongst the waves.

The title of the article: ‘The Rampage of the Dragon God”.
In Japan, dragons have long been worshipped as the god for WATER. ...

However, as a researcher of WATER, I felt that this expression was completely justified.
What I mean by this is that WATER is essential for the sustenance of life;
however, for how long have us humans been ignorant about WATER?
Answer: Forever, and do not know anything about WATER.
I don't think that it is an exaggeration when I say that people are really, ‘ignorant’ when it comes to WATER.

For instance, some of the questions are such things as:
why can’t we survive even for a single day if we were denied of WATER;
why do [does?] ice float in WATER (with [while?} other substances,
the [whose?] solid weight is heavier than its liquid form will always sink to the bottom);
why are there things such as surface tension (theory) and capillary phenomenon;
why is WATER its heaviest when the temperature is at 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit;
how can WATER dissolve anything;
how can WATER change its state interchangeably from its solid, liquid and gas form?
Although these questions can be answered scientifically,
the root of the mystery has not been uncovered in an adequate fashion.

[I remember to have learnt in 1998,
when I worked on the RedSeaPartnerSHIP,
that while so much effort and money is put in trying to reach other planets,
90% of the oceans of our own planet have not yet been researched!!!]


Speaking of humans, we are all composed of mostly WATER.
When we are just a tiny fertilized egg, the WATER content is at 96 percent.
A newborn has about 80 percent,
and at the adult stage, we are composed of about 70 percent WATER.
Therefore, it can be said that physically speaking, we are mostly WATER.

Despite these facts, we still do not know anything about water;
thus meaning that we really do not understand who we really are.
Although we no longer protest the fact that, ‘water is the source for all things’
(which was taught by the Greek philosopher, Thales, about 4000 years ago),
[only 2500 years ago: Thales of Miletus (634-546 BC) considered water to be the "first principle" ("arche") of nature. ]
and understand the importance of water,
we really do not understand the essence of it.



There was another pertinent information in the newspaper article that announced this finding by NASA.
That is: “The ice comets are about 100 tons and about 10 million of them hit the earth every year.
It can be predicted that this will continue for a long time as it has in the past since the birth of the planet Earth.”

If this is true, it is a major finding.
In the distant future, this planet will be full of water and no land will remain.
In that instance, many more water related disasters will occur around the globe.
At the same time that this hurricane attacked the U.S.,
flooding started to occur in some of the European countries that were close to the Danube River.
What’s more, due to the steady increase in global warming, the ice glaciers are melting on both ‘poles’,
and is swallowing not only the uninhabited small islands
but are starting to consume some of the islands where people already reside.
What I can theorize is that this Earth is now acting like a ‘full’ sponge
and can no longer absorb enough water to prevent flooding and other water related disasters from occurring.
Furthermore, I am seriously worried that a part of this Earth will really be consumed by water and disappear,
just like in the case of the continents, Mu and Atlantis.

There is a saying in Japanese: “Water is a reflection of your heart and soul.”
In the past 11 years, I have been taking countless photographs –
and the technique that is utilized to take these photographs
was developed in a small family owned business without all the most up-to-date equipments.
Therefore, in the beginning, it was truly a challenge to create a space that was conducive to taking crystal photos.
However, it lead to the researchers understanding the importance of the photographer’s emotional state
and the surrounding environment when the crystal pictures are taken.
This means that the saying I have introduced to you in the beginning of this paragraph is true.

For example, the beauty of these crystals is vastly different
when they are taken by either a photographer that is at peace or by someone that was aggravated.
Yes, when the feeling of Love and Thanks’ was sent to the water, the crystal formation was at its best.
On the other hand, ugly crystals formed when the feelings of, ‘You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You.’ was sent towards the water.

Water crytal of water that was exposed
to a label 'Love & Thanks'

Water crytal of water that was exposed
to a label 'You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You'



If we do not come together and lead a life full of ‘Love and Thanks’ energy,
the water will retaliate furthermore and create water related havoc on this planet ...

... there are several things we can do.
These are: to send ‘Love and Thanks’ to your nearby water;
to think about what water means to you;
realize that you are water;
to feel that water is not only your parents but your siblings;
and approach water with much more respect.

... I believe that the ‘m’ in the energy equation of the late Einstein, ‘E = mc2’ is the number of people
and the ‘c’, equals consciousness.

“Water, We Love You.”
“Water, We Thank You.”
“Water, We Respect You.”

September 4, 2005 Masaru Emoto
Christa-Rachel - September 10, 2005:
Of Course, this will work only,
if we redeem our feeling aspect,
and heal our emotions,
which are reflected in our water.


2013-06-18 [not yet studied]

You, Water, Consciousness & Our World

Have you noticed that more inventions are showing up that appear to break the known laws of the scientific community?
Or is it that scientists are venturing out beyond their labs to research and document them?

Either way, these discoveries and inventions are changing our world as we know it. Some of the more interesting ones are: engines that appear to create more energy than they use, the effects of sound on our bodies and healing, power generators that run on water. Many of them are not explainable by our current knowledge of how the world works scientifically.

I've always been fascinated with the "unexplainable". When they first started talking about quantum physics, I knew it would begin to unravel what science thought they knew about how the universe works. Just last week I read an article from a prominent scientist who has proven that some of the laws of physics are changing. They aren't as fixed as they thought! How fun is it to hear scientists admit that many events in the world cannot be explained using their existing fixed and limited laws.

About ten years ago, I first heard about Dr. Masaru Emoto and his experiments on water. I was mesmerized. I was thrilled. I knew that what we thought has an impact on the world. But there it was, on film. This quiet Japanese scientist had shared with the world how thoughts can change how water crystallizes when frozen.

(Here's a link to a great video on Dr. Masaru Emoto's work.)

In 1988, a scientist by the name of Jacques Benveniste took it a step further when he announced that water has memory.
His research was discredited at the time. Here's a clip of his work...
But now, years later, scientists are proving in experiments all over the world that water does "remember" everything that it comes in contact with.

Here's a great documentary on the memory of water that has just been released: [time 1:25!]

In the last ten years, the sheer volume of water and water memory experiments around the world is astounding. There have now been multiple experiments on water imprinted by events, water imprinted by sounds, and water imprinted by energy - most of which can't be explained by the current laws of science.

Given that we are made up of over 60% water, and the idea that many of us drink water that has been exposed to many, many events, sounds and energies, I've been curious about how these memories can effect us. This article is the first of a three part written series called You, Water, Consciousness & Our World to share what I've found. At the end of this series, I've invited a special guest who has traveled the world studying water over the past 40 years to share what he knows about water .

Clayton NolteMy guest will be Clayton Nolte, inventor of structured water units. We will be discussing the effects of water memories on our bodies, how his invention clears the memories and restores water to its naturally energized state, and how structured water has been proven to naturally improve plant nutritional value, resistance to disease, resistance to rotting and more. The interview will be broadcast on Tuesday June 18th at 4pm Pacific.

Over the next two emails, I'll be including resources and videos to watch about the topic of how our water effects the consciousness of the planet. If you'd like to submit questions for my interview with Clayton Nolte, please send them to me directly at

"Structured water is water in nature. If you take a gallon or ten gallons of water and pour it in a mountain stream at the top of the mountain and then collect it at the bottom, the water is structured. Structured water is free of memory. It has a balanced pH. The main contingent of structured water is life force energy, and that life force energy comes down to the water molecule itself. The water molecule has the power, the individual mandate to protect life, and that is to protect it from the things that are adverse to life and to generously provide the things that are good for life." - Clayton Nolte

You, Water, Consciousness & Our World - Part 2
Can Changing Your Water Change YOU?

A really funny thing happened this week. I found out that my dog knows the difference between tap water and tap water that has been structured. (If you missed last week's email about structured water, click here to view it). In preparing for my upcoming interview with inventor and scientist Clayton Nolte, I decided to try a little experiment. I filled one water bowl with water from the tap, and in the other bowl I added the same tap water that had been run through Clayton's Nolte's invention, a structured water unit. In all honesty, I didn't think there would be a proven difference.

Here's what happened...

My dog didn't touch the bowl of regular tap water! He even went outside to the experiment area instead of drinking from the bowl of tap water right next to his food bowl inside the house. It shocked me so much I broke out the video camera and started recording it. (I'll include the video in next week's email.) Even more interesting is the increased energy he seems to have since drinking it. He's been chasing and playing with his sister most of the day today - and that's just not something I've ever seen him do!

I've also tried the water myself and quite frankly have asked my friends try it too. Everyone so far has told me that it tastes different. It's softer, smoother. One friend even had a bottle of bottled water in her hand when I asked her if she wanted to try the structured water. After tasting the structured water, then re-tasting her bottled water, she said that the bottled water tasted "harsher"!

Now, I'm really fascinated. I've seen all the reports on what this structured water can do for plants, but now I'm experiencing the difference for myself and it's pretty amazing.

Okay, I've got two more great videos on a handful of the recent discoveries that scientists are documenting about water:
The Memory of Water - Part 1
(This one explains why my dog prefers structured water.)

and The Memory of Water - Part 2
(This one even shows the impact of structured water on our blood).
Scientists are proving that the impact of structured water on our body is just as significant of what they've proven with plants.

I invite you to join me for my interview with Clayton Nolte, inventor of the original structured water unit. His invention is spurning a revolution in the vegetable and fruit growing industry, and that's just a small portion of the impact this invention can have on the world and consciousness.

Clayton NolteMy interview will be broadcast on Tuesday June 18th at 4pm Pacific. Here's a link to the upcoming show. Clayton and I will be discussing how his invention clears the water of memories and restores water to its naturally energized state, how structured water has been proven to naturally improve our health and plant nutritional value, and how structured water could be one of the most significant inventions of our time.

If you'd like to submit questions for my interview with Clayton Nolte, please send them to me directly at

You, Water, Consciousness & Our World - Part 3
Change Your Water, Change Your Life?
What a wonderful three weeks I've had researching water! I had no idea that there were so many experiments going on with the water. It was also a surprise that scientists are still unable to explain WHY water has the characteristics is has. Did you know: Water is the only molecular structure that can exist as a liquid, a solid AND a gas, that unlike other substances water weighs less in it's solid form, (That's why ice floats), and that water is indestructible, (we have the same amount of water on the planet that we had a million years ago)? Recently, scientists are even reporting that water has over 440,000 information cells which can record and store information.

But quite frankly, I'm less interested in the scientific properties of water than I am on how water effects us. Here's one of the most interesting tests that have been done on structured water and our blood:

According to Dr. Perl Laperla, an American immunologist based in Nevada, when red blood cells lose their electrical charge, they clump together and can lead to the creation of heart disease, lung disease, and illness. Twelve minutes after having a patient drink Structured Water, the blood cells regained their electric charge, stopped clumping together and returned to normal shape and size. It also changed the ph of the blood to be more conducive to optimum health.

Structured water has been proven to dramatically increase the photonic energy of water. It's been proven to have a thousand times the energy of bottled water. In comparison to structured or photonic water, the bottled water we receive in the store is practically devoid of energy. Is it any wonder that our bodies are even more thirsty after drinking it if our bodies are seeking the energy that water contains?

After using the Structured Water Unit for about three weeks now, I can report that my body is already responding to the effects of structured water. I'm more awake and alert. I've naturally shifted my day by getting up about two hours earlier than I normally do, and going to bed almost two hours later. I'm also not tired from "missing" that 4 hours of sleep. But the real benefit is that I have more energy - a lot more energy. I've stopped working in the middle of the day to go stick my toes in the river. I've spent more time in the garden. I've visited with friends more. It's been amazing to feel the difference that getting enough hydration really means to my body and living.

I've received a lot of inquiries from listeners about how to purchase the structured water units. We have received special member deals from Clayton's company and have posted them on this page: The special offers are available to One World Puja members only. So you have to log in to view our special offers.

Clayton NolteIf any of this sounds interesting to you, please join me for my interview with Clayton Nolte, inventor of the original structured water unit. His invention is spurning a revolution in the vegetable and fruit growing industry, and that's just a small portion of the impact this invention can have on the world and consciousness. My interview will be broadcast on Tuesday June 18th at 4pm Pacific. Here's a link to the upcoming show. Clayton and I will be discussing how his invention clears the water of memories and restores water to its naturally energized state, how structured water has been proven to naturally improve our health and plant nutritional value, and how structured water could be one of the most significant inventions of our time.