I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
Scroll down to 2010
to see how I learn
and how I now want to celebrate
February 4 - 18
- Studied again
: 2006_02_11-12 2010_02_05: checked again and studied
Thank you for this wonderful material.
This material is necessary for deeper understanding of original
It almost seems pre-planned and even necessary
that this information is being presented to us at this time,
more than a decade after the Right Use of Will
Original Cause I and II.
I still have some conceptual difficulties
with the concept of oneness, heart or the pre-manifest.
From what I could gather from this material,
space and time are inherent in oneness.
Is this correct understanding?
I was always under the impression
that space-time is inherent only in form.
"This is Grandfather.
Your impression has been correct.
Space and time as you know them
are features of manifestation,
and do not exist outside of Form.
However, the impetus or desire
for space, time and energy/matter
were inherent in the oneness of Original Heart.
When Heart played
the original game of 'hide and seek',
it was like an imaginative experience.
A part of Heart was always aware of itself as the whole.
The radical separation of Self that Form has enabled ~~~
permits true forgetfulness of this awareness."
I had always suspected that boredom and loneliness was possible in oneness,
but this possibility was always denied in traditional Eastern teachings.
I'm happy to have resolved this doubt.
and true wholeness has not yet been experienced in Form.
Those who have achieved a high degree of 'oneness'
have done so
without the benefit of knowing all of the Mother's
She has been 'transcended'
along with Form itself
in most spiritual practices on Earth,
and not only Eastern practices.
There are many denials inherent in any transcendental approach to
"The way back to
Original Heart
is not in transcending the Mother or Form.
All of it, everything ~~~ must be found, owned and realized
as essential to New Heart.
All of the lost essence must be brought back home,
and definitely not transcended."
So boredom and loneliness
was the original impetus for Form!
"Yes. Form's purpose
has been
to find the healing for that profound loneliness."
I've always been frustrated at this point of studying this
otherwise so excellent dialog,
because the response to this question - here asked a second
leaves out the issue of "boredom"
and addresses only the issue of "loneliness"!
But "boredom" is - according to my experience with
the reason for terrible feelings and may - if not dealt with
become the reason for disruptive behavior and even violence
and terror.
In a 3SAT doc about wild cats kept in a paddock for the sake
of research ,
where they get dead mice for food and don't "have to"
hunt them in nature
are "under-challenged" and
therefore develop "disruptive behavior".
Did Heart not foresee the difficulties
that Form was to later experience?
Did Heart care at that point?
"Heart cared very deeply.
It was the last thing to do, after doing everything else,
including, as I mentioned ~~~
exploring all of the possibilities of imaginative, virtual form.
"yes, Heart foresaw
the difficulties ~~~
and hated them.
pp5 Heart also foresaw the devastation
that would be caused to the feeling parts of Self, and knew that devastation would reverberate
throughout all Form,
and would eventually have to be healed ~~~all of it. [2006_02_11 - Why
could Heart forsee this?
Why couldn't Spirit have been aware of Will from the beginning?]
"And Heart knew
that there would be only fragments
to do that healing work in the beginning.
"Heart felt deeply
into this and realized
that many, many times there would be a strong wish
that manifestation had never happened.
And Heart also knew
that the desire for companions,
for another ~~~ to share love ~~~
made this sacrifice of Self necessary, even demanded it."
Is there a similarity between the
desire for Heart to fragment
and the desire for some spirits on earth for suicide?
Was there another possibility for Heart to resolve His/Her loneliness
at the time?
and pp5 and pp21 "Heart did not desire to fragment.
That was the problem
Heart desired to remain whole
and have other beings like Heart present too. But without form, without duality, that
was impossible.
So Heart had two conflicting desires ~~~
wholeness and peer level companionship.
Duality began here.
"After all the possibilities of wholeness
were explored and known and appreciated,
Heart's desire for companionship
exceeded its desire for wholeness
~~~ as the one and only being
"And yes, suicide is a reenactment
of Heart's original sacrifice.
But desire for suicide is not limited to Earth.
Heart's self-inflicted wound set all of the imprints,
in every Creation ~~~
for reaching out to the Void, and for opening to death.
And to also mention ~~~
all of the imprints for aggression and bad intent. {????}
"Unlike almost all other suicides, however,
Original Heart's attitude in harming itself
was one of supreme hope, and not despair,
And no, Heart knew of no other possibility.
had already begun once Self was complete. {????} But Heart also knew
that the gaps of the Void {????}
would eventually be overcome and healed,
and that death and entropy
would eventually be pushed back and reversed.
There are many judgments against suicide
that still need to be released ~~~ {????}
along with all of the judgments
that say entropy and death are inevitable.
So, if I understand this correctly,
the Void is absence of Love,
and the Void is part and parcel of Form.
"Yes, in
that Love is all.
The Void is the absence of anything and everything,
and the presence of annihilation.
On the other side it is the fount of Creation,
it is what is just prior to Spirit and Will in manifestation. The Void is not exactly a part of Form,
but necessary for Form, to existence itself - as
the antithesis of manifestation. It is the essential counter-balance
to existence,
and it's presence is fed by its denial, just as manifestation's presence is enhanced
by its acceptance. {????}
The Void is preventing the fragments
from coming together and reuniting as planned.
"This depends upon whose plan you're
referring to.
As the Spirit of Original Heart, my plan has always accounted for the
and for its function of separation.
"But the Void is more than mere
It is the source of all the gaps in Creation ~~~ {????}
which have caused all the Mother's pain ~~~ {????}
and the source of most of Spirit's frustration. {????}
There is great terror on either side of the Gap,
as one draws near the Void.
Because in the Void,
or rather from out of it~
comes the annihilation of Creation,
the antithesis of existence.
This makes bridging and healing gaps feel very risky, {????}
and in that way you can say
that it is preventing fragments from coming together.
Is it still possible for this
reunion to happen on a global level? How soon?
"Yes, the reunion will be happening
and it will be global ~~~
and it will eventually include all Creations,
not only this one.
'Soon' is a very relative measure of time,
which is itself completely subjective
and dependent upon the point of reference.
It will certainly be sooner than later,
but in the beginning it will be relevant,
even noticeable ~~~
only to those who are directly involved."
I can't wait
any longer to feel New Heart.
I think I feel it sometimes
when I do the running energy exercise
but I'm not sure .
Is there any other way to reunite?
How can I
know that what I'm feeling is New Heart?
New Heart is the first step to becoming New Heart.
And knowing that there is such a thing as
New Heart
is very helpful in beginning to feel it.
and pp30 "Love, real love ~~~
is much different than you have believed.
Real love
has no shame, no guilt, blame or denial with
it ~~~
it's balanced and pure,
unconditional love of both Spirit and Will in union as Self.
This is the most
important understanding,
and so far the least understood element
regarding wholeness of being.
Heart, like Original Heart ~ knows
that ultimately there is no other to love,
there is only Self. Real Love is unconditional,
full and complete love of Self ~
with no need for reference to another.
And when there is reference to another,
Real Love is given without need,
or expectation of anything in return.
Real Heart is present
when the Mother draws my Light
through your own spirit
and through the Spirit of this Creation,
the one you call God.
"The Mother's
draw unites your spirit with God
and brings the two levels of spirit into alignment.
God is now aligned with me,
unlike in previous attempts at full recovery in this Creation -
so the Mother in you finds Loving Light
whose source goes all the way back to me, Grandfather -
the Spirit of Original Heart.
Our Light is then recognizable to the Mother,
and she remembers me and our Original Love.
"You can know you are experiencing
Real Heart
if you feel within yourself the connection
between the Mother and Grandfather.
This is the experience of Original Heart.
"Our connection within you
re-members the Original Union of Spirit and Will,
before our separation out of Original Heart.
There is no guilt, no blame, no denial of pain.
But there is the clear Loving Light
of deep compassion and understanding,
and the nearly overwhelming movement
of a very great and very deep grief.
"Yes, the
running energy exercise is a very likely place
to first discover New Heart.
And your practices with energy will gradually change
as New Heart begins to take over the channeling of your energy {????}
"It is very good to allow yourself to be taught
by this new presence of Love.
You'll know it is right
because it is without shame or guilt, blame or denial
because it is a kind of Love that includes all, accepts all.
pp21 "Original Heart knew
that it would find itself again ~
but this time in manifestation.
and pp21
"And Heart knew that now in the multiplicity
of Form,
there would surely be others like Heart ~
other whole and complete beings
with whom to share manifestation.
"And Original Heart
that when it finally found itself again ~
there would be others too,
with whom Heart could explore
and heal all of the gaps in manifestation,
and all of the pain they have caused ~
others with whom to explore
all of the pleasures
that sharing manifestation
with another like Self
can bring.
"Your practice of finding New Heart
within yourself,
finding yourself to be New Heart ~
is the first step in Original Heart's rediscovery
of Self.
The next step comes
when you realize
there are others who are doing the same,
and they join with you as peers
and cooperate with each other
in the healing
of the so far unhealable gaps
that are causing the Mother's pain.
Why is it, that after 24 years of studying Right Use of Will
and 12 years of studying all the 200 Godchannel.com files
I still have not found one single "COMPANION" or
"PEER" ,
with whom I could learn, heal, create and love together?
The correspondence with Talila Hendel,
who once translated
RUOW into Hebrew, (see a few hints to that "drama"
: below - right frame - on February 8 and 9, 2010-)
turned her back on RUOW, and never even "tried out"
"We do not have to make an effort!
We are already there!"
So where are my peers? Why am I staging "being deserted"?
"If you find yourself facing intimidating forms,
in competition with others,
or find others in competition with you,
you will know
you have not yet completed the first step.
But please go easy on yourself here,
no one has done this yet ~
no one has completely re-membered Original Heart in Form.
you will be the first.
If so, you will very quietly become very powerful,
and you will have gained all that power and greatness
because you have had Original Heart's desire
for others just as powerful as you.
you will have remembered
all the pain, suffering and death
that has brought us here, and you'll find both magically
and miraculously
that you and all your kind
live and love cooperatively and harmoniously
together in complete freedom.
Original Heart's intent
and the very nature of manifestation
have made this inevitable."
Thank you all.
"You are welcome.
And thanking 'all' is a very good way to thank.
This healing will happen only within you,
and only with the help of others.
The work is a very large, common effort among many
~ at all levels of being.
And in the end, it is all you.
You are one whole being,
and yet you are not alone.
And this is the greatest
of all the hard-won blessings of manifestation."
4 , 2010, Thursday,
in my sanctuary at Arad,
Gal Mor, one of my Arad starchildren, and Nurija, her
German friend, suddenly visit me
Today I want to modify my intention of sculpting on "old"
Godchannel pages:
concerning "celebrating what is right" and "seeking
nourishment from others".
As to sculpting something in the World which deserves
to be CeLeBrated,
I again became enslaved in my pattern of perfection and
chasing after time!
I now desire and decide to dedicate my creativity to celebrating
the world,
when my zest lets me work without time pressure! and not
on a daily basis!
Today I want to celebrate this magnificent gift to the
World since 1986:
'God's' Spirit urges us to acknowledge, accept, heal,
evolve 'God's' Will
and thus to create energy between the "electro"
and the "magnetic field",
"electricity" between the two poles, without
which nothing happens at all.
definite lag exists on Earth
between the evolvement of the Spirit
and the evolvement of the individual Will.
It is now time for each Spirit
to recognize, accept and evolve this other part of itself.
Each Spirit is part of the Divine Consciousness
and each individual Will is part of the Divine Will.
Each person must take responsibility for his complete
and not for only a part of it.
...The Individual Will expresses itself as feelings.
When the Individual Will feels
the loving acceptance of its own Spirit,
it cannot fail to come into alignment with the Divine
God has given each individual
part of His Consciousness with which to be aware of himself,
and part of His Will with which to experience himself.
How did the symbol of 'Right
Use of Will' come to ornament my neck?
A week after the beginning of "The
Walk about Love 2009"- at Shittin,
I came to sit next to a girl, who did not take part in
the Walk: Tamah !
She connected me to the one from whom her teacher, Dvora
had once-1987- learnt about Right Use of Will, which changed
her life.
"While in India ~I asked a
silversmith to create the symbol of RUOW! But
now I feel, you, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam should have it!" Tamah[=the whole one]took
the chain off her neck and hang it around mine.
2007: Tomer jumps into the waves
In addition to what I hinted at
in the left frame, I'm stating another intention :
following 2 triggers
in 2 e-mails which call for 'healing holes into wholeness',
I'll exemplify - if "Time allows"... - how I
apply "God's" teachings in my life.
But now, 9 years later, I'll not categorize the teachings
into "major themes",
but follow the teachings systematically
from the Blue Book (1986)
I excerpt not only what I still haven't integrated and
applied enough myself,
but also what -I believe- should be integrated and applied
by other humans.
Continuationof Introduction
to "Right Use of Will" in Hebrew
I started
to read the dialogue "Becoming new Heart" on
this page above
and clicked on the link "pp21">2002,
where part of the dialog is quoted.
From there I was led to
my talk - on 2002/01/25 -
with'Mother-Spirit-in my Heart and Body'
I had asked -like
the questioner above- how Polarity relates to
Oneness- Wholeness
When I read
the response, interspersed with the same animation,
which I had just inserted above - the infinity symbol
of Spirit~Will,
I felt free: I no longer needed to work on those 2 triggers.
Whatever frustration there was, had simply melted away:
"Pure feeling is experiencing life.
" You can enjoy
the "minor" mood,
not b e ca u s e it leads to "major",
but in itself.
It is similar to the interaction of the loops in the infinity
One alone cannot exist.
"... the use
of the word goodness, or pain.
When people in your world talk about pain,
they mean extreme situations and experiences.
"But once you
have come a far way in undenying,
you don't need terrible experiences to trigger you,
nor do you need strong adrenalin to excite you.
"And it's not
that life becomes a boring plain,
with only soft ups and downs.
It's like the waves on the shore,
as that old Bedouin observed: "il-ga'i'aat akthar min il-ra'i'haat"
"The incoming waves are more than the outgoing waves."
4 , 2010, Thursday,
in my sanctuary at Arad,
Gal Mor, one of my Arad starchildren, and Nurija, her
German friend, suddenly visit me
Within two hours today I encountered
two Israeli Jews and their histories.
The dark part in Yossi's story made me aware
what there is to celebrate!
The Biblical prophecies about
Israel's physical redemption are fulfilled!
It took 2500 years, until
vision started - slowly to manifest.
I will bring them from the north country,
and gather them from the ends of the earth,
among them the blind and the lame,
the pregant and the laboring together
a great community shall return here.
There is
much to learn from the part Jewish pioneers played in
this evolution.
But today I'll celebrate that 2 people could come home
to a Jewish homeland:
Eli, 92, the father of Yossi, owner of a plant
nursery in Arad, born in Israel 1951, married (for the first time) to a Philippinian
woman, father of 2 children. Ilga, 74, who immigrated
from Moscov 7 weeks ago to join her daughter in Arad.
Standing between
the plants I had chosen, after Yossi had followed my call,
a figtree, 2 grape-vines, 4 passifloras, 2 pitangas, Chinese
Orange(tiny fruits), he told about his father,
from whom he had learnt his craft and
who was so skilled,
that he - for the fun of his little son - once grafted
3 different species of roses on one bush.
Zwi was born 1917 in Braunschweig, Germany, but his parents
came from Poland.
When, 1933, he had to sit apart from his classmates, he
informed the director, that he would leave school. "The
director apologized that he couldn't disobey orders...
one of my classmates, not a Jew, did not appear in uniform...his
father was ripped off his family...." Eli began to
learn at a drugstore". When the Nazis came and demanded
from his boss to fire him, he did so, but gave him his
salary for 3 months in advance. Still the Nazis thought,
they had spotted him in the shop. It was another employee
who looked like a Jew, while he, Eli, was blond, blue-eyed.
They stabbed that poor guy to death, he was the only son
of a widow...That night Eli's former boss came to him
and urged him to flee immediately, in his pyjamas. - Somehow
he reached the "Hachsharah",
the training camp of the Shomer
Hatza'ir, but when his religious father heard that
the food wasn't kosher, Eli found his way to the training
camp of the religious Po'el Mizrachi'. [See
a site about the agricultural training of Jewish
youth for Palestine - in Germany]
There his industriousness was so valued, that he was chosen
for receiving one of the so precious, so rare "certificates"
for immigrating into British
Mandatory Palestine. Though he entered the British
army in 1940, long before the Jewish Brigade was set up
in Palestine, he failed to get the permission to help
his parents. Those had fled Germany and finally reached
Belgium, only to be sent to Auschwitz from there. Yossi
also told the story of his mother, born in Austria, who
had reached Palestine already a year earlier, in 1935.
Her parents, too, were murdered, and so was her brother.
of photo After Yossi had brought my plants
to my garden, I drove with him to town.
There, in the jacuzzi, I couldn't help being addressed
by a woman in English.
I do not want to be noticed by people in the pool, chatting
is not my priority.
But Ilga ("funny
that I have a Norwegian name!") had
sought eye-contact before,
and today I couldn't evade her direct question, if, since
I didn't talk Russian,
she could talk English with me - her English was hesitant,
but educated,
and she - of delicate stature and countenance - won a
place in my heart.
"I sold my flat in Moscov,
since there was nobody left whom I loved.
I'm old, (how
old? -74! -Impossible!-yes!)
and my daughter has two kids.
I thought: perhaps I can help her. But for this I need
to learn Hebrew."
"What about the Ulpan in Arad!" "They closed
it some months ago!"
Strange! A town in Israel without an Ulpan for learning
And a town like Arad, where half of the citizens are from
and another part from Ethipia, Sudan and from all over
the planet?
I inquired, if she knew, how to use the Internet. Yes,
of course!
"Then you ask someone to help
you find a live course in Hebrew!"
I have no other country
Even if my land is aflame
Only a word in Hebrew
pierces my veins and my soul -
With a painful body,
with a hungry heart,
Here is my home.
I will not stay silent
because my country changed her face
I will not give up reminding her
And sing in her ears
until she will open her eyes [Listen
to: Ehud Manor/Corinne Alal]
Dita, my stepdaughter, moves a waterpipe on a field
Since I promised
to exemplify through my own daily life,
how I apply the teachings epitomized in the Intro above When
the Individual WILL [= my feeling] feels
the loving acceptance of its own SPIRIT, .... last
night's "emotional upheaval" may show 'acceptance'!
The rain woke me up, but it was "pressure",
which made me stay awake!
"Pressure" belongs to the vast category of "FEARs"
and is my "favorite" I FEEL it, when I have "to
perform" a task that has to do with other people.
In this case, it was extremely difficult NOT to JUDGE
my feeling pressured
as "utterly ridiculous" and - 'think of "real
problems"!' - "horridly ungrateful"!
It had to do with my self-"inflicted" task of
planting fruit-trees in 'my' garden.
It had to do with where to buy the seedlings, where and
how to plant them,
if and how to continue last Shabbat's
together with my starchildren,
and how to direct Ofir, my landlord, who had offered to
dig out more holes. Even before RUOW I was guided to
learn: "E-motions have to be moved"!
This means, that I have had 33 years of training with
"accepting the WILL".
And yet - last night - I wanted to push away that pressure,
i.e. MY WILL!
Over time I used my skill to "sculpt" lessons
into slogans and made SONGs. Like"I Inhale God and I exhale Love
to the feeling which I feel just now!" Or(in German & Hebrew): O
you, my God, I' yearning to feel into you heartily
Singing such a song, even only in
my mind, begs "Spirit" to support "Will".
It is then, that BODY
takes over and turns around in my bed like "crazy",
assisted by not less "crazy" Breathing and Sounding,
moaning and sighing.
Tonight this took perhaps an hour - stirring up many situations
in the past,
when I felt hellish pressure, but 'didn't take the time'
and love to vibrate it.
When "I was done", as the English expressions
says, I clearly understood:
'You have nothing to fear now! In the morning you'll know
what to decide!'
And I fell asleep and slept like a baby, whole in my soul,
longer than usual.
And then, instead of going straight
to the pool, I turned to a plant nursery.
"3 nurseries in Arad", was listed on the Internet,
Yossi didn't even know it. "But
it's closed!" said Zipi later. "There
was a phone-number!"
I answered,
"and it's right here in Akhvah
(brotherhood) St., and he brought
the plants here!"
of denying your own Will in favor of someone else,
or in favor of what you imagine the Divine Will to be,
it is necessary now to realize
that denial of the individual Will has been a misunderstanding
which has resulted in a split in the consciousness of
individuals on Earth:
The individual Will is not separate from the Divine Will
any more than
the individual Spirit is separate from the Divine Spiritual
You need to realize this thoroughly and profoundly.
wants it to be known
that He is open to and is willing to communicate
directly with
any Spirit on Earth, who will open to receive
You need only to be receptive...
You will need to open to the consciousness of
the Spirit
and the feelings of the Will
to receive Him....
the Spirit inspires, the Will responds
to inspiration,
and together they experience in the Body.
Body is the manifestation of both Spirit and Will.
The Spirit, in fact, has only polarized itself
in order to experience.
The Will is the magnetic polarity of the Spirit.
splits in consciousness that have taken place
on Earth
have created a situation
where the Will is felt to be disconnected from,
and not even a useful part of the Spirit.
However, Will and Spirit are the expanding limits
of a connected whole.
Polarities need to be realized as evolving extensions
of the same thing
Shabbat, February 6, 2010 - 8:40
On Shabbat I'm not sculpting or creating on Healing-K.i.s.s.,
but going with the flow of whatever I feel like "doing"
in the moment.
This morning I started with re-reading the page of February
6 in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008, which is especially (?) pretty in
its composition,
but then I was stunned by a "Nourishment from Others",
which - in its relevance for me - counters my recent frustration
with "spiritual messages".
I re-edited it graphically to emphasize even more, what is dear
to me, and copy it here:
Nourishment from others
Excerpts from an e-mail on 2008_02_02
from Kate
Spreckley February 2008:
R e b i r t h ....
... We release the
need to create specific forms
and open ourselves to manifesting that
which will help us in fulfilling our purpose on Earth.
This right use of power creates
a sense of trust in ourselves
and a feeling of fulfillment and joy in
our creations.
We become an extension of the Divine Universal Force. In aligning our power with
that of the Creator,...
we are able to reject the polarities of mastery and slavery
and become the true leaders of a new world.
We will be guided to resolutions, situations and experiences
that are for the highest good of ourselves and all others.
... we merge and integrate our spiritual, mental, physical
and emotional selves to feel our wholeness.
When we are in a place of no
movement in our lives, it is as if we are experiencing a period of death.
This energy will create a rebirth in a new direction
through which we can explore our lives once again.
It will create profound changes on all levels and throughout
our experiences. Some will experience destruction
as those areas of ones life
... uprooting those creations that no longer serve,
enabling new experiences and new creations to take root.
We are being blessed with a time of great change and growth
where our energy and our lives will be charged
once again.
We shall find ourselves in new and unexpected places,
full of growth, learning, renewal and adventure. The key to this
process of rebirth is acceptance. ... Wonderful synchronicities and opportunities will
as our total energy will now be able
to work in harmony with our Divine purpose.
Our destiny will unfold before us, revealing never before
considered ideas and paths to follow. ... See
my old song: Thousands of pathes
..... The path we must
now follow
comes from the core of our individuality
and will show us our essence and
how to bring that into form.....
from others
Excerpts from an e-mail on 2008_02_03
from Celia Fenn New Codes for Planet Earth :Economic Balance and
Abundance for All
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
...... Dearest Ones, you are entering an
exciting phase in your Planet's ongoing Transformation Process.
At last, you will begin to see the Material Manifestation
of Heaven on Earth, as balance is brought back to the Material
Plane.You are indeed
One, and you will begin to create Abundance within your
Global Community that can be shared by All.
The process has already begun, and ... you are asked to
assist others to understand the Changes and Transformations
that will soon occur on your Planet .... Know that
Each one of You is exactly where you need to be right now.
Some of you are in positions of Leadership, and it will
be your work to assist many people through the changes that
will affect the lives of every person on Earth. Each person on earth now has agreed,
on the Higher Level, the I AM level,
to go through these changes.
However, you as ...fully aware of the power
of the Fifth-dimensional energy with which you work, will
be the Leaders who will be asked to guide people
into a new sense of Community and Co-Operation.
In the Old earth economic structure, a system was set up
so that a few became extremely wealthy, but the majority
were impoverished. Indeed, this was achieved by thought
form manipulation, and by creating an illusion
of lack and scarcity that created economic coercion and
"slavery". On a Global scale, twenty percent of
the Earth's population comsumes eighty percent of the Planet's
resources, creating further imbalances and further illusions
of lack and scarcity that allow for abuses of the Planet
and her Peoples.
In the New Earth energy, gradually this system will be replaced
by another rising system of Global
Co-operation and Communication, where there will be a sharing
of Resources and Skills and Love.
... that you are the Leaders
in this process. ...
who also have the ability to create
structures based on Love, Sharing and Support within their
communities. They will create the models through which the
New Earth will manifest.
Dearest Ones, many of you are already
engaged in such work, and many of you will be called to
work in these projects and to give of yourselves in this
way. But know also, that each one of you
will be asked to serve the Greater Good by
dealing with these energies in your own lives in a
b a l a n c e d and l o v
i n g w a y. ...
10:43 On my way back from the pool, climbing up and down the
of Compassion, rehearsing
a famous German song, "Am Brunnen vor dem Tore"
, put into music by Schubert,
in which a man dreams in the shade of a linden tree.
I remembered my wondrous dream this night,
which seems to connect to the two channelings above, with their
emphasis on "true leaders".
It was on a morning
of "The Walk about Love", when
people gathered towards setting out for today's walking.
Suddenly I found myself pushed in front of the crowd, as if I
was the one who had to lead them. But where to?
I had a faint idea of the first passage up the slope to what looked
like the
top of the Crater above Mitzpe-Ramon,
but I felt strange and insecure the more I led the way with the
people silently and in complete trust behind me.
I looked backward and started to worry: nobody carried a backpack
or even water!
'Where shall I get water for them?'
We reached the top and squeezed into a tiny room, of which 3 walls
were covered with maps:
a map with all continents, a map with the Middle East and a map
of Israel.
I woke up with a voice: "You don't have to worry about water
or food or tents to sleep in!"
I didn't understand, if all these will be provided or if all these
won't be necessary any longer.
my best friend Yanina,
a therapist and Jungian
told me "futuristic" dreams of her.
I said, that I know no such dreams of things that might
be relevant in the future,
My dreams are only reenacting, exacerbating my past, so
I can heal it.
But this dream seems, indeed, to prophesy something in the
And my feeling is: no fear, no pressure, just trust,
following that first passage above: "We release the
need to create specific forms
and open ourselves to manifesting that
which will help us in fulfilling our purpose on Earth.
This right use of power creates
a sense of trust in ourselves
and a feeling of fulfillment and joy in our
to Jung,
dreams are a way of
and acquainting yourself
with the unconscious.
Dreams are not attempts
to conceal your true feelings
from the waking mind,
but rather they are a window to your unconscious.
They serve to guide the waking self
to achieve wholeness
and offer a solution to a problem
you are facing in your waking life."
7 , 2010, Sunday,
in my sanctuary at Arad,
I celebrate the rain, which allows live on this planet,
for all the plants and the animals and for us humans.
Though nations have been suffering from too much rain and snow
the soft rain which my desert was blessed with for 48 hours on
and off,
again reminds me of the Biblical prophecies promising water in
the desert.
These images I took a year ago, on a special desert water hike
into my desert,
but it was what Tsippi
and I delighted in now during our deep talking-walking.
See the series of Febr.10, 2009, from which I chose and edited
these 3 photos
and enjoy the 5 pages in which it appears, starting with a
song on my birthday,
and going on with Nourishment
from others>"Heaven
on Earth in the Hebrew Bible"
Can you see the two kissing camels in the wadi, where rivulets
like these merge?
This is the prettiest picture in the series, inserted in
the most famous "Water-Song"
and also a "Hora",
the first one which I learnt to dance while still in Germany 1959.
The next
day I heard in "Sternstunden der Philosophie" in
3Sat someone, who wrote a book about "The
Hatred towards the West" giving this example: "The
massacre of Israel in the Ghetto of Gaza in January 2009 ...and
the West did nothing."
As contrast I insert an image about "HORA" from
the Hebrew Wikipedia: "Volunteers in the
British Army from among the Jewish settlers in Palestine during
World War II - going out in a Hora dance. "
I wonder, how many thousands of their fellow Jews were murdered
during those 5 minutes , when
Jewish soldiers -not killed- but danced:
"you draw waters from the springs
of freedom"
with Abba for the weekend, baking muffins
Tomer (6) lived with his mother and siblings at Modi'in, while
Immanuel lived in the Galilee
The understanding
you need now
about how to
evolve the Will quickly is, in short:
everything you feel,
and do not stop expressing,...
untill you have really finished.
You must not impose this on others that do not want it,
for just as it is not spiritual balance to deny yourself
in favor of others,
it is not spiritual balance to deny others in favor of
yourself, either.
Then when you have cleared out, truly, all emotional charge
any given situationtriggers in tyou, you will have allowed
release of old emotions
that have accumulated when the free expression of the
Will was denied.
An example of how the
comparison between the 2 versions can be teaching:
Original: "when you have cleared out,
truly, all emotional charge..."
Hebrew: "when you clean yourself, truly,
of all emotional charge..."
This sounds like: "when you become purified of all your
That already the original was misleading, occurred to me only in
the translation: Re-evaluation
Counseling, too, believes, that emotions have to be "discharged". It was only throughthe more evolved Godchannel
files, that I realized in 2002,
that this notion is judging emotions, making them
wrong!see about all this in : puzzle
piece 17e> "Releasing"
Emotions or:
Moving and Healing, Integrating and
Evolving them?
On the other hand, the Hebrew version is
more poignant in pointing out,
that once I complete the breathing-moving-sounding of a present
or a present pressure (see above - on Febr.
5) or any other difficult emotion, I may reach deeper layers of formerly denied, unhealed
and BODY - already in the momentum of breathing, sounding, moving
will do the healing work - a little or even a lot - of past pain
and shame.
Controlling rather
than expressing the Will means you do not have acceptance
for it.
If you do not have acceptance for it, you
are not loving it.
If you are not loving it, you
are denying it.
When you deny, you do
not have all of yourself with you,
because you're not accepting all of yourself.
If you do not have all of yourself present with you in
a loving acceptance, then you do not love yourself
You cannot love anyone else unconditionally
if you do not have all of yourself there to love them. Unconditional
love exists
when all of you is loving
all of that which you love.
Now many people
have thought
they were evolving into unconditional love on Earth,
but they have forgotten that they must accept all of themselves
There is no way around it.
If you do not totally accept yourself first,
you cannot totally open to anything else.
8 , 2010, Monday,
in my sanctuary at Arad,
Celebrating aspects in the Media.....
I want to celebrate, that in the Israeli Channel
2, which I was most disgusted with,
there is a program- 4 times a week
- with 6 interviews about "Making Things Right".
How did I discover this? After 4 hours of hard work in my garden
I needed a rest
and opened TV at an unusual hour: 17:45! Just in that moment!!
the interview was about an issue which touched me very much,
followed by two other interviews about not less moving themes.
I apologize for having judged the Channel, without having informed
myself properly [ to keep up the rating, the program switches
in the middle to Educationial Channel 23! clever!] and I praise my "metaphysical
staff" for guiding me to this format of receiving info!
The first interview was with a woman, a war-widow,
who is one of the founders of the project "Brit Khayim",
connecting all war-bereaved people of Israel
in a Covenant of Life or Covenant for Life.
"Bereaved Families for the Connecting
of Hearts in Israel"
220 teens between 13 and 18, of all sectors are invited for four
day workshops:
Druze, Bedouins, Circassians,
Jews from all backgrounds. "we all have something in common,
but we are not connected."
What is even more,
Mrs. Adi Minz desires that "after
we'll do the work among ourselves first,
we'll radiate its effect on the entire multi-sectoral community
of Israel!"
and a young man, whose father was killed as a soldier in the helicopter
told, how prejudices melted, and how one of the Druze boys became
a real friend. [See also the
article of Febr. 4 "akhim la-skhol", after the workshop
, in the army channel.]
Then, as if responding to the pain I expressed yesterday about "the
massacre in Gaza",
Author and Professor Zeev
Zachor was asked to explain his complaint in a newspaper.
"We should stop covering up facts."
He balanced "Auschwitz and Gaza":
Israel's Prime Minister in the Ceremony
of 60 years of the liberation of Auschwitz
had praised Poland's "Righteous
among the Nations"
but left out, that often Polish antisemitism exceeded that of
the German occupators.
On the other hand,
the way, Israeli politicians+media reported about what happened
in the Gaza War,
covers up, what really occurred there, "for instance, the
use of phosphor bombs".
The interviewer adamantly argued against Zachor, that those were
"smoke bombs".
The professor did not flinch concerning his exact knowledge,
yet stressed cooly: "I'm not talking about the need
for such bombs, maybe they were needed !
I'm saying that to cover up facts is unworthy of ourselves, of
us, Israel!"
The third interview was with two Arab women, a lawyer and a social
following a demonstration of some thousand people, including religious
in Nazareth !!!!
bringing to consciousness the violence against women mainly in
Arab families!
It was like an echo to the work of the Somali Ayaan Hirsi Ali
and her "AHA".
[see my sculpture about "Celebrating what is right with the
World" on Febr. 2]
On the morning after that demonstration a mother of 3 children
was found dead,
the wife of the son of one of the demonstators! the deputy Mayor
of Nazareth!
These two women were radically outspoken in
what is true for the State of Israel:
Since "Israel" "respects" the "cultural
value" of "family honor" of Arabs' and Druze,
the police does next to nothing, when a girl is murdered, said the
social worker, "even when the reason is just, that the
girl talks on the phone
or wants to continue her studies against the will of her family."
As terrible as these situations in the world
- in the case of family violence against women,
-as in the case of war violence against families,
-as in the case of holocaust and Gaza violence,
as much I want to point out, that there is something to celebrate!
Individual humans are taking responsibility for the
This was and is the teaching of
which made me join the community of Israel,
I proved in my book, 5 years work 5 hours
per day:
Since we are all dependent on each other,
the only way to stay FREE (see my new
sculpture on Moses!)
that a person says: it is MY interest that things change!
iT DEPENDS ON ME , that the World will Become Right! [See the
overview of the third part of my book:
Solidarity and Responsibility/Realization of Responsibility]
2003 in a private garden at Kfar Maccabim, Ruth,
the first wife of my son, and Elah watch with us the piano play
of Alon and other piano pupils
quote today -"Abraham"
1998 Be easy about
it. Don't rush into things.
Savor them more.
Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that
you are making,
and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be
to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it.
Let your desire for pleasure, your desire for feeling good,
be your only guiding light.
As you seek those thoughts that feel good,
you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy
that is your Source.
And under those conditions,
only good can come to you,
and only good can come from you.
Use of
WILL see
now the channeler's own list I finally found an
effective format for inserting RUOW quotes in two languages.
Before going on with the intro, I want to add the preface for
the Hebrew edition,
written by Ceanne
de Rohan, on
April 25, 2005, for Talila Hendel's translation.
At "my time", i.e. in the ninetees it was forbidden
to translate the
RUOW books,
as it was forbidden in 2001 to mention RUOW
in "Godchannel" on the Internet .
But the RUOW dialogs
with God are back on "Godchannel", including
my own,
and "the Blue Book" gets translated and evolution goes
towards transparency!
See also Ceanne de Rohan's personal, not-channeled book: "Feelings
I now contacted Talila and since she no longer has the original
of that preface,
she allows me to translate Ceanne's intro back into English.
If you beginn with this
process, be ready to discover
that you build a bridge to your subconscious,
where many old patterns are stuck which need to move.
You may feel in yourself a sense of despair and lack of
"this doesn't help", "this will never end".
Each new layer can bring up the surface an understanding
of what you already moved. Allow this movement,
for what is needed is a lot of integrative work.
The Integration can take much time, but it can also occur
Pay attention to what comes up to the surface and to the judgment
against what comes up .
Don't exhaust yourself emotionally.
Let the triggers come
to yourself naturally.
As fast as possible, and as much as you can, understand,
that what happens outside - happens in yourself.
Follow the charge which moves in yourself,
to the place in your body
from which it derives.
Terror, fear and heartbreak are all denied
but terror and fear are in need of special attention,
since they are the feelings which are most ridiculedl.
If you still don't understand your judging,
use, with intention and with voice , the motto: "I release this to healing
movement and change."
I had come thus far, I went to the pool. Coming back I opened
my e-mail.
I found a Hebrew letter from Talila, written - last night! - as
a response to mine.
There she did quote Ceanne's preface,
as she remembered it from her notes,
which she had taken, when she met Ceanne in 2002.
I had little to correct! But what is utterly shocking,
is that Talila not only wants to get rid of 150 RUOW books
for a reduced price,
but that she says plainly:
"RUOW is old energy, suiting that old
time, but now there is New Energy."
And she links me to the
Crimson Circle and the Hebrew New
Energy Era".
Already the first sentence of the Hebrew site, said in the name
of Angel Michael "are you ready to release the
sticky energies of the past" makes me shudder: spirit-spirituality,
but where is the WILL and "LOST WILL"?
all the emotions, which were judged and therefore pushed away,
denied for ages,
which now explode into our face through terror, crime, Tsunamis,
I cry and sob with pain and - a rare feeling - with loneliness.
Where are the mature people who know the conditions for healing
into wholeness?
Use of
WILL I'm consoling myself by inserting at least
one quote from RUOW
Intro p. IV
understanding needed next is:
when anything is denied and not accepted by the individual
to which it belongs,
then this part of the individual is placed outside of
his love.
in hearing from your Will unconditionally, [Hebrew: when you listen to your will
you have taken the step of accepting it, wherever it is.
You must accept it in order to evolve it.
You cannot beat it into the appropriate shape. It must be accepted as it is and then evolved....
You must accept all of yourself unconditionally, bringing all the parts
of yourself
within loving acceptance
and allowing them to evolve.
9 , 2010, Tuesday,
in my sanctuary at Arad,
Celebrating the Energy of Electricity
Yesterday the electricity in my landlords'
flat and therefore in mine, failed again.
This time it took 20 minutes until Ofir found a solution, enough
to sit in the dark
and express my gratitude for electricity, as I do every morning,
when I get up,
open the computer for communication and creation,
for learning and healing,
plug in the little movable stove with its two spirals, to be
warm wherever I am,
switch on the electic kettle for coffee, use the sewage pump
of this flat's toilet,
and later: cooker, toaster-oven, lights, TV, charging phone-camera-dig. recorder,
and sometimes old casette recorder and keyboard-organ, washing-machine,
only a few eclectrical
devices in my one-room flat:
stove, light, computer, loudspeakers, mic, digital recorder,
I have often thanked for all these gifts on the
365 pages of K.i.s.s.-log
And I have often thought, why was I, a woman not gifted in technical
"chosen" to first be almost
killed by a kaput lamp above the organ in a church
where I practiced at the age of 15, but "got away"
with only 2 disabled fingers,
and then to pioneer for solar energy in my
bus, the Succahs,
my tent,
my cave,
while the Ministry of Energy told me 1986 "Forget
about it, it will never work?"
Light and labtop
and printer and phone-connectin in my
cave: January 2004
Yesterday in "Making things Right" there were even
two items about electricity,
a green car("but
it takes electricity made from coal from the socket, so what's
the benefit ?")
and a huge photovoltaic plant near Ashalim/ Negev, fostered
by people I know.
But it's not the green energy, which I want to celebrate.
I agree with one of the men interviewed about that car:
"It would be harder, but more effective,
if we would change our cultural habits
for instance, instead of driving cars - walk, use a bicycle
or public transport."
It's surprising, how often on my 2 sites "Electricity"
is mentioned,[see
though my Google
Search usually leaves out at least 50% of the terms I look
We even made a
song about an 'Electricity Pole', as requested by little
Recently I heard, that nobody knows what "electricity"
really IS.
Perhaps my Celebration has to do with what "Spirit"
says about:
Light in creation is ultimately my Light.
However, not all Light is presently identified with me
for reasons of fragmentation and differentiation.
"...the word 'light' as it is used here
means any and all outward moving energy.
"It is the substance of consciousness.
It is thoughts, images, ideas and inspiration.
It is the motive force of the subtle energy
that moves in the hidden pathways of the physical and subtle
It also manifests as visible light, electricity,
radio waves, microwaves, etc.
"My Light has been clear and bright,
and is becoming more warm and soft
as I come into more alignment with the Mother [=the magnetic essence of emotions
and intuition - see there on the same page].
Hebrew "electricity" is "khashmal", a
biblical word
which appears only in 3 mystical passages
of the Prophet Ezechiel .
The ancient Greek and Latin translations chose "electron"
= "amber" for it
and it was from there, I assume, that Eliezer Ben Yehuda,
the reviver of the Hebrew language,
chose the term for "electricity".
In Wikipedia>amber
I found: "The Greek name for amber was electron
and was connected to the Sun God, one of
whose titles was Elector or the Awakener."
"The modern term "electron"
… was chosen
because of amber's electrostatic properties.
It was coined in 1891 by the Irish physicist George Stoney
whilst analyzing elementary charges for the first time".
About Stoney
- 1826-1911 -I read:
"most famous for introducing the term electron
as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity".
He had introduced the concept, though not the word, as early
as 1874
and the word came in 1891.
I looked, and, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north,
a great cloud, with a fire flashing up, so that a brightness
was round about it; and out of the midst thereof as the
colour of electrum, out of the midst
of the fire.
And I saw as the colour of electrum,
as the appearance of fire round about enclosing it, from
the appearance of his loins and upward; and from the appearance
of his loins and downward I saw as it were the appearance
of fire, and there was brightness round about him.
Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as
the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins
and downward, fire; and from his loins and upward, as
the appearance of brightness, as the colour of electrum. Ezechiel 1:4, 27 + 8:2
2007, I and Mika and many fathers with kids
in a performance for children with Rinat
Gabbai at Kfar Daniel
I just (7:56 AM)
came across a good example of self-acceptance in my life:
in "Conditions
for Heaven on Earth">2007_07_14
And then I came across another e-mail
from Talila Hendel, claiming,
that "RUOW", leave alone Godchannel, is no longer
relevant for us,
who have already come home, into our own, into the New Energy!
understanding is needed now,
because the Earth has decided
to stop accepting denial of Herself.
If any individual living on Earth is denying self,
it will be denying others, too.
....in saying this a threat is not meant.
Threat is felt to be there only if the person reading
is pressuring himself to continue denying things.
Otherwise, the information is welcomed
as a release from the path of separation and struggle
that has beleaguered Earth ever since the beginning.
need to realize that emotional release is only part
of what is needed.
The rest is that understandingsmust enter in where denial was before;
that acceptance must take
the place of nonacceptance;
that openeness must come where you were closed.
you have open acceptance,
you will receive understandings
without fail.
If you have frustration and feel you cannot get the
understandings you need,
you have not released enough emotionally.
If I would judge myself, I would judge
the fact,
that in most of my "teachings on one leg", as we say
in Hebrew,
I stressed only that "Emotions have to be Moved",
and how to do that,
and left out the two other elements, "releasing judgments"(s.
this later)
and "opening up to insights",
without which "movement" has only a partial effect: Vibrating Emotions
will coalesce with Understandings!
I had already understood from the term "Re-Evaluation
Counseling": "after having discharged
your feelings", I used to teach, you are able to re-evaluate at
least 3 aspects of your drama:
- the other person (if another
person is involved)is not as bad as you thought.
- you yourself are not as powerless as you thought.
- the situation is not as hopeless as you thought "
you take in and do not release back out,
your receptive centers get filled up,
and they can no longer receive clearly,
and finally, not at all.
This is the main reason why most people on Earth
do not hear the Divine Impulses at present.
No one has been
allowed to harm anyone
that did not have a need to experience it to learn what they needed to learn.
One of the empowering factors in these understandings
that you can release yourself intentionally
by allowing free expression.
This, then, eliminates the need
for any harmful situation to come to you from outher
This is an understanding
that is very necessary now on Earth.
People have thought that karma brings a balance of payments.
You need to realize that karma is not that simplistic.
Karma is meant to bring you into balance, this is true;
but not by bringing one experience as payment for another
in the past.
Karma brings balance
by attracting the experiences you need
in order to learn what you do not yet know.
10 , 2010, Wednesday,
in my sanctuary at Arad, at 2 PM traveling to Shoham, being
with Immanuel, Efrat and Mika
The promo of "Invictus",
a movie about a peace leader who was NOT murdered (like Gandhi
1948 , Martin
Luther King 1968 , Saadat
, 1981, and Rabin
showed, how Mandella brought Black and White together through
Rugby Sport.
and built national self-esteem, when the mixed group won the
Rugby World Cup.
the symbolism
in the image above
with Mandella framed by 2 men,
a frontal white & a hidden black
and the image to the left,
where at least part of black
Mandella's face can be seen.
The wounds of "Apartheid"
are still needing much healing.
The group is also brought to Mandella's prison and a white
player is touched: "Imagine ~~~ to spend 27 years~~~
of your life~~~ in this narrow cell~~~
and come out and NOT have hatred against those who did this
to you!!"
I want to be reminded often of the famous words,
written by author Marianne Williamson,
used by Nelson Mandela, Inaugural Speech 1994:
"Our deepest
fear is not that we are inadaquate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
"Your playing
small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightening about shrinking,
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
"We were born
to manifest the glory of God within us.
It's not just in some of us;
it's in everyone.
"And as we let
our light shine,
we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
My deepest fear is not that i am inadequate.
My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure.
It is my light, not my darkness that most frightens me.
I ask myself, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
Actually, who am I not to be?
I am a child
of God .
My playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around me.
I am meant to shine, as children do.
I was born to make manifest the glory of God that is within
It's not just in me; it's in everyone.
And as I let
my own light shine,
I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As I am liberated from my own fear,
My presence automatically
liberates others. (see also my
Will, the Spirit has no selection process.
The Will polarity is your individual magnetic
energy field ["Abraham"
calls this: "your emotional Guidance System"] and
draws the experiences you are going to have.
So, if you hold something in your Will
which is not allowed free movement
or free expression,
but which is denied,
you will then draw a reflection of this to yourself;
even if denied,
it is still there in your magnetic energy field,
disconnected from conscious awareness. ["Abraham"
would say: it is still in your Vibration
and according to "the Law of Attraction"
will attract what you don't want]
need to realize, then, that in triggering yourself
and releasing denial from your own energy field,
you will no longer need to draw to yourself
any unpleasantness.
Unpleasantness is not sent from God
as punishment for misdeeds.
Unpleasantness is only drawn in response
to what has been denied or judged against.
The denial is what gives the experience
its unpleasant qualities. [The problem
with "Abraham" is, that the way to
"releasing denial", "releasing judgments"
and "moving emotions"
is not known to them.
They are not even aware of "denial"!
"Good-Feeling Thoughts" is the only solution
which is suggested,
in order to come in alignment with "Source"
and be "who-you-really-are".
For "Abraham" everything is "thought",
and the "Emotional Guidance System"
only helps us to diagnoze our problem,
while the solution must come from "thought".
I've inserted these reflections on the
morning of December 3, 2009,
and will now sculpt "My Desire Today", and
through that state
the "contrast" between my knowing and that of
need to realize another thing here:
you can still take the path of letting experience come
to you from without and balance yourself in that way.
If you want to, in fact,
you can even call for the karmic experiences necessary
so that you can be triggered to release your own denial.
Pleasant experiences will still happen.
We are just addressing unpleasant ones right now.
You can create even more pleasant experiences and better
when you have lessened or eliminated denial.
But in coming to you, drawn by the denial, the unpleasant experiences have
not come to punish.
They have come to point out
that you have the denial. They are drawn to you
in an attempt to release the energy
that is being held there outside of acceptance.
It is from these sentences, that I phrased
my own definition of "triggers":
"A trigger comes to me in order to point out
that I have a HOLE in my WHOLEness
that now wants to HEAL!"
Since this is a special occasion, I want
to celebrate what is right with the World: MYSELF!
Except for 6 hours today I won't have time to create Celebration
Most of the time until Saturday night will be spent with Mika,
because its for her sake, that my
lekh-lekha will be g ra
d u a l after all.
And on Sunday, Valentine/Love-Day, two extra-ordinary events
are planned
both together with my brother-peer Yaacov
a meeting with Talila about the relevance or irrelevance of
"Right Use of Will",
and the wedding of Tamir
Peleg , who was our partner during almost 2 years
first in the RedSeaPartner-SHIP
, then in the DeadSea
Partnership 1998-1999.
All this together seems to urge me to use my "Healing-K.i.s.s.-
for checking My Life in the light of Deity's teachings in RUOW
and Godchannel.
An old composition:
On the day of my
baptism - Sept. 18, 1938 - Maria, my mother, wrote:
"In these terrible days - a few joyful hours, with a few,
but dear guests".
"Papa Guth in the reserve-service before the
Invasion of Czechoslovakia"
that I know, that I was and am the writer, producer, director
of my movie,
and that it was me who let myself be born into this terrible
time in Nazi Germany,
I want to once again trace my path with "God": It
hath been told thee, O man, what is good,
and what YHWH doth require of thee:
only to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God Micah
- See
now - since April 2010 - a tune to this verse
In re-studying, excerpting and copying
the gift of RUOW, put into my lap 24 years
on the background of the even greater gift of "Godchannel",
awarded to me 12 years ago,
I no longer have a problem with "Greatness
& Grandeur"
concerning my misson in this World.
I am, therefore, an example of "what
is right with the world"
that should be celebrated!
My mother told:
"When Christel was 3 years old and
the door to the Christmas room was opened,
she didn't run to the candles, cookies and gifts, but to the
Crib [Nativity
There she stood in awe, her only interest being: the Holy Child
in the manger.."
When we - who were Protestants - were
evacuated to a catholic village (1944-46)-
I begged my mother to let me, please, participate in the Christmas
Midnight Mass.
I waited outside the little church in the snow, kept waiting
until long after Midnight.
The mass did not take place, and I finally went home to a furious,
punishing mother.
6 months after
my birth on August 15, 1938 Now there was nobody to
take care of her
My parents brought him to an institution,
"Sie kann
sich so unbaendig freuen!"
"She can be so incredibly happy!" my grandmother fell from the stairs > died.
son who was mentally sick (meningitis at 12).
where the
euthanasia policy soon let him die.
I and my two siblings were put to bed
at eight, but I never fell asleep before ten.
This 'gave' me much time for torturing my mind about God, Humans,
the World.
At school I soon learnt a horrid "fact": All unbaptized
humans go to hell forever.
We were told Jesus' bad parable
of the sheep and the goats on the Last Judgment.
In my imagination I saw millions of people lined up in front of
the village church,
the saved ones to the right, the condemned ones, the non-baptized
ones to the left.
What could I do to save the latter? I wrecked my head and heart.
But even if I would find a way ~ to save everyone who was alive,
what about those who already died without having been baptized?
The little girl despaired.
In Dec,1946 the French Occupation Authorities drove us back to
our home-town.
Back in our Protestant church I found "sin" being reinforced
by "unworthiness"!
I won't describe what this did to my soul..., but again tell my
sorrow about MAN.
Soon I learnt the story about the Tower of Babel [Genesis
11:7] and how "God"
"confounded their language that they
may not understand one another's speech!"
I understood, or so I believed, that I had finally discovered
the reason for WAR!
So for months I would wait until my siblings had fallen asleep,
and then kneel,
kneel in my bed, as I had learnt from the Catholics, and intensely
pray to God:
"Please, cancel that curse! Let people
talk one language again so war will stop!"
My friendship with "God" was ongoing, 24 hours a day
and helped me to survive.
I kept wondering about the people whose lives seemed to be "compartmentalized". One compartment was spared for "God for a 1 hr Service
on Sundays!"
March 1941:" Christel is sick with an ear-infection
just before Papa [the officer.....] left for Russia".
At the age of 13, I began writing my first
To my great regret I burnt it, a few months after I had began
my life in Israel, in 1964.
I was ashamed of the intimacy with "Jesus", which
could be guessed from those pages.
My "faith in God" began to crumble for the first time
when I was 15. I was angry.
But then I "staged" that electricity accident at the
organ, where I used to practice.
While the current was racing through my body and cruelly suffocating
my entire being,
I felt that within 3 minutes I would be dead. It was then that
I heard myself screaming:
"If you let me stay alive, I'll believe
in you again!" My hands could let go of the lamp.
I knew right away, why I had "attracted" or "staged"
this, as I would phrase it today:
It was not a punishment for my kicking against "God".
It was a lesson for the girl who so often wanted to die,
and who on that very day - on the long way from school to my
pupil to the church -
had fantasized again, how I would be so sick, that people, my
mother, would care...
I don't know, when and why I betrayed that promise again.
This time it was our choir's singing which brought me back.
During my
3 months at the High School for Church Music,
we made a 2 week tour, singing every night in some church.
4 years later, at the end of my scholarship year in Jerusalem
during the Eichmann trial,
the Christian "form" of my "faith" broke
into pieces, but not my relationship with God.
Martin Buber, who received me for an hour in
1961, was the first to transform the latter.
"God does not need you to work for
his glory! He needs you to work for the World."
Absolutely shattering was a saying of Rafael
in the only secret night we had together: "You
must first become strong yourself,
before you are allowed to take the hand of a stronger one."
Rafael was not only atheist, but anti-theist, - he must have
acted as a channel then!
I grasped how childish my dependency on "God" was
and I began to wean myself!!
It took me half a year till I no longer turned to "God"
with the tiniest of problems!
"And again I start from
the beginning
as one of the smallest in your kingdom,
such a coward. [or:
so self-righteous, so judgmental, so pressured etc.
or - on August
24, 2008:
such a betrayer of my Body!]
"My power, my grace
is strong in the small ones!
Nor does a free man
understand the chained.
Give thanks to your chain!"
1944, evacuated to
a village, my mother with me, the eldest, my sister and brother.
In August I entered school (with 3 other first-graders among 8
classes in one room).
This was a year after my father was killed - during the Allies'
Invasion to Sicily,
but we didn't know it then - we waited for the missed soldier
for 3 years... in vain.
With the occupation of
the village by the French , our radio and camera were confiscated.
It was not until 1950, that we took photos again! When there was
money to develop them!
When we could marry after all (March 1964) and became a family
in Israel,
and in July moved - with our little son - into a small house
in a small village,
Rafael suggested that on Shabbat Eve after dinner we should
study the Bible.
I was happily surprised but already on one of the first nights
a clash occurred.
"You see, Rafael, it is written clearly,
that Isaiah spoke in the name of God!" He exploded: "Isaiah had to claim,
that he spoke in the name of God,
since otherwise the people wouldn't have give a damn for his
I was utterly shocked! It made sense! How
come I had never thought of this?
I then remembered, only then ! -what I had learnt from Dietrich
the theologian, who was imprisoned by the Nazis for 2 years
and murdered: "God created us in a way that we have
to live utsi
Deus non daretur!"
It was then that I took a most difficult decision: to
live as if God did not exist.
Even my
book, which deals with scriptures soaked with "God",
sticks to this...
After 13 years came the message, that I had matured and was
allowed to return "home".
It was during a visit with my Palestinian friend Leila Simes
from London in Nazareth,
when in the cathedrale I heard a German group singing a Protestant
familiar chorale.
I felt touched as if by a lightening, and though I didn't utter
a word, Leila felt it...
That night we visited my friend, one of the
evicted people from Bir'am, Father
Elias Chacour at Ibellin
now the Archbishop of Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic
I asked for his help, but when I wanted to kneel down in his
he pulled me up: "Not like this,
Rachel! You are not going backward!"
I took my time. Soon the year 1980 began and overwhelmed me
with dramatic events.
It was only after my official divorce and the new
beginning with my three children,
that I started to read a new kind of books- in our peaceful
rented flat at Ramat-Gan.
One day I was hit by a sentence in a small book about "Zen":
"Isn't this what is meant in "Shma'
Yisrael"- Hear, o Israel,
YHWH Aekhad?
not "the only one", as it's translated and from where
the "Monotheism" is derived,
but "ONE":
and since YHWH is actually not a noun but a verb, the message
3200 years ago was: whatever happened and happens and will happen
is one! [Deuteronomy 6:4]
From then on the path to
"Feeling into YOU" was no longer bumpy.
The Feelings are best expressed in some of my "LOVE - SONGS"
The Sea's movement is the wave
- I am movement.
Through me you experience what you are.
You fail~suffer,
through me
I want to be what I am.
No, I won't delete the "I", "I"
am your way.
One are your spirit/wind and your flute!
"I" am Cain - who moves your creation,
I'll be good in bearing
- whole with your way.
of July 1984 My Amen/Om Psalm Thousands of pathes
are in the world
One is the destination of all
Walking to and fro with you
in wholeness
every path I'll choose will be life.
[The Hebrew Amen
is like the Sanskrit Om
the sound of sounds,
only the Om closes the lips,
while the Amen opens them again.
'Be walking to and fro in wholeness' is the Biblical
command, not 'be good'! Gn17,1] From
puzzle-piece 35
It was during the Sylvester holiday
of that winter-semester in Germany, that "God" revealed him/herself through Right
Use of Will: "I am an evolving God, if you like it
or not!"
Du bist Meer,
ich nichts denn Welle
Du die Sonne, ich der Strahl
Eine Farbe aus Milliarden
Deines bunten, reichen Spektrums
Eins sind Wir trotz Raum und Zeit
Eins sind Wir trotz Raum und Zeit
Was ich
fuehle, ist Dein Fuehlen
Was ich denke, schaffen Wir
Scham und Schande,
Schuld und Scheitern
zeugen Heilung und Erkennen
Eins sind wir in Lieb und Leid
Eins sind wir in Lieb und Leid.
You are Ocean,
I'm nothing but wave,
you are the Sun, I am the ray,
One color from among a billion
of your colorful, rich spectrum
One are We in Space and Time
One are We in Space and Time
What I feel, is your feeling
What I think, We create
Shame and disgrace, guilt and failure
beget healing and understanding
One are we in love and pain
One are we in love and pain
The alliterations get lost in English,
and there is no word for "Erkennen"...
which is the process of coming to know,
the process of reaching understanding.
of July 15, 1989 You see in
the desert a flame
a flame of the burning bush
burning with fire,
yet not consumed
only radiating on you love
As the hart pants after the water
so pants my soul after you, o God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God:
when shall I come and be seen before God?
are you cast down, my soul,
and disquieted in me?
hope in God: for I shall yet thank him
for the help of H I S countenance,
my God.
My tear has been [my] bread
day and night,
while they say to me all day long:
Where is your God?
are you cast down, my soul,
and disquieted in me?
hope in God: for I shall yet thank him
for the help of M Y countenance, my
I breathe sound, colour and form
with all my feeling, my God,
with my awareness, my God,
I manifest all sensation, all movement
with all my heart,
with all organs of my body.
What I am doing,
that's what you're doing through me,
What you are doing,
that's what I'm doing through you.
I accept what you experience,
You accept what I experience.
All my breathing in, all my breathing
embraces* what I am,
embraces you, my God
What I am doing,
that's what you're doing through me,
What you are doing,
that's what I'm doing through you.
I accept what you experience,
You accept what I experience.
I, I trust you !
Into your hand I commit my spirit!
You have set my feet
in a spacious place!
In your hands are my times 2 Oh how abundant is your
which you have concealed for those who fear you!
You hide them
in the hide of your countenance!
You conceal them in a succah!
3 As for me,
the closeness of God is good for me
I am always with you!
You hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel
Whom do I have in heaven?
And with you
I desire none upon earth.
du, mein Gott,
ich sehne mich
zu fuehlen in dich inniglich,
mit jedem Atem, jedem Blick -
sei eins mit mir,
sei du mein Geschick
Oh you,
my God, I am yearning
to feel into you with all my being
with every breath, every look~~~~
be one with me,
be YOU my destiny
My , my
I am hearting you,
my sister,
you are hearting me, my
There is a psalm, which overwhelms
me ever since I've been a very young girl.
I learnt it by heart in German, and when I knew Hebrew, I learnt
it in Hebrew.
I was inspired by a tune to
a long version and another tune to
a shorter version.
Psalm 139 - Summer 1986
18 When I awake, I am still with
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when
I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You
discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where
can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
13 For
you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I thank you
because I am fearfully wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
and my soul knows that very....
energy locked up in denial
does not want to be held outside of the nourishment of
the Light.
The denial wants to draw something to itself that will
release it.
The intensity needed to trigger you
will exactly equal the intensity of your denial.
You can release what you have held and
by your own volition.
When something comes from outside,
and you did not know it was coming,
it's just because you were disconnected from it.
By shifting the power
from a state of externalized disconnection
to internalized conscious acceptance,
you can always know what is going to happen.
You might not have complete detail
because you might have the kind of Will that likes surprises,
but you will know it will be pleasant.
This can give great peace to everyone.
in doing emotional
sound is very important.
This Creation is based on vibration.
Sound is vibration.
To release something and vibrate it away from you
if you do not want it,
or to get it moving
so it will evolve into something you do
want to have with you, ["here
the language is like the language of "Abraham":
"what I don't want, what I do want"," vibration
- vibrating",
but how strange, that "Abraham" ignores,
that "vibration" is something physical!]
you need to use sound
and even body movement
that will vibrate your physical being. You need to do whatever
the feelings suggest to you.
I need to comment here, that I had a
hard time with the last sentence
My feelings didn't suggest anything!
I often expressed my anger against "God"
for giving so scanty advice as to HOW to MOVE EMOTIONS.
As in other cases when I am frustrated with lack of information,
"God" smiled and
let me know, that it was MY task
to make up for what was lacking.
After all, I am a
color of the One Rainbow,
and a
hologram of ALL that
I, therefore, dedicated years to researching what it means
to "vibrate my feelings physically".
I called it "techniques"
of moving emotions.
But RUOW is right to warn of techniques
and to advise to let the feelings do what they want to do.
Only - it's not really the feelings which know what to do!
What I experienced to the fullest recently, also this night,
that after I've come a long way in "uniting Spirit ~ Will",
i.e. in "inhaling
God and exhaling
Love to
whatever I feel
right now",
then BODY
will take over automatically:
I "cannot sleep", says my mind in the middle of the
night and is angry,
but BODY knows that right now it's more
to integrate new experiences (or memories of old experiences),
and BODY does this by starting to breathe-move-sound naturally. Of course, this is possible only, if
I am alone in bed,
and that's probably one of the reasons, why at this time of
my life
I do desire to be alone, especially when in my bed!
If you have a lot of blockage,
you might need to start by making any
sound you can make and doing anything you can do;
and if you do this enough in each situation,
you will loosen yourself up and reach what is called ignition.
Ignition is the point where the release takes you over
and directs you to do exactly what you need to do.
You need not control it in any way
except to make sure you do not really hurt anyone.
You need also to accept that sometimes injury in a minor
way may take place.
If your body has been really blocked and has received
a lot of physical harm,
it may need the feeling that it's going
to receive harm again
in order to trigger the deeply held and controlled pain.
Let the Will guide this rather than imposing a technique.
Another understanding you
need is that you
might have to start
with judgment release.
so that held energy can start moving.
Follow this with the release of emotions,
and then, understandings will come.
Release, of you reach ignition, will bring understandings.
You need only practice this to find out what it has to
teach you.
You will heal yourself
and the Earth changes will not be difficult for you to
I didn't even grasp, that the term "beliefs" in the
is almost (only almost!) synonymous to "judgment".
But it's in this respect, that I see real "evolution"
on the planet:
Though most people I hear, still don't know about The Will,
more and more do know about "beliefs" and "judgments",
and how they prevent us from being who we really are
and prevent us from truly living and from truly loving.
Still - I have to train to differentiate between feeling emotions,
which need "nothing" but being accepted, moved and evolved,
and feeling emotions, which derive from judgments and beliefs,
and until the judgments and the beliefs will be released,
the emotions - even if moved by Body again and again -
will embitter my life and darken my self-love again and again.....
I again refer
(3) Lass dir alles geschehn, Schoenheit
und Schrecken,
Man muss nur gehn, nur gehn.
Kein Gefuehl ist das fernste. Lass dich von mir nicht,
lass dich von mir nicht trennen.
Let everything happen to you, joy and fright
And go, one must go, just go.
No feeling is the farest,
don't let yourself
be separated from me,
don't be separated from me.
(2) I breathe and enmbrace
every movement in my feelings,
each sensation in my bladder ,
on my skin,
in every-day moments
, as in storms of emotions,
and even when my soul is grey,
when Body feels discomfort,
or Heart aches with pain,
or depression
shoves me down black holes,
S p i r i t , B o d y ,
H e a r t and F e e l i n g s
are m a n i f e s t i n g God,
this with each and every breath
we know.
I am now going to quote, in this introduction,
what I have received directly from God in the first person,
which He has indicated He wants quoted here.
"I have been impelled
to channel Right
Use Of Will
to earth
at this time
because the beings there have not been expressing freely
enough to adequately
vibrate their spaces
and hold it open for themselves. My created beings on Earth
have been experiencing their reality
as seeming to close in on them,
and their power as seeming to be insufficient
to meet the situation facing Earth now.
You need to realize, it's not true;
denial of the Will has made it that way. You must now start reversing the situation.
It is not going to be easy at first,
but it will become easier the longer you work on it.
"You also need to know
that I am now decisive on several points
where I was open to allowing Spirits to transgress earlier.
When I allowed the transgression,
it was because I saw
that these limits could not be accepted at the time I
gave them
without experience to enable the understanding of them.
My limits are only balance points
which provide the most freedom for everyone
without eclipsing anyone.
These balance points maintain Spirits
and the Creation in which they live.
decree I have made is:
I have no further tolerance
for any Spirits giving pain to others
that do not overtly agree to receive it.
has been such a thing as
overriding of Free Will
in the experience of My created Spirits.
I have allowed it only long enough for these Spirits
to see
why the Will is so necessary.
I have discerned that there has been enough experience.
Free Will between people means
that you have the freedom to do whatever you want
but that you no longer have the freedom
to make anyone else function within your own limits.
You only have the power to make them take it away from
or to take yourself away from them.
is no power anymore
to stop anyone from experiencing themselves
the way they want to experience themselves."
See the synchronicity with Today's e-mail Quote from
1996 "Parents can't choose the
mates of their children
or the behavior of their children.
You actually can't choose anything for your children
without disempowering them."
I have only
quoted what I have been directed to include here
Some on Earth have not yet had enough experience to
try them,
so do not force these ideas on anyone.
Just take them in if they are for you.
God is going ot mercifully remove the ones
that need more experiences
before they can accept certain understandings
and place them on planets
that can accept their need for more experience.
need also to realize, in studying this book,
that you have to connect to the spirit of the message,
and not pick over the wording,
and not make judgments on what has been left out.
If there seems to be a gap
that you cannot readily fill in
with your logical sequential thinking,
you need to remain open
and trust that it will be given to you
when you have the readiness to receive it.
I don't remember, by whom and when
it was decided,
that the term "Use" is misleading.
Talila Hendel's choice "Right Connection to the Will"
seems adequate!DF
If there is any dis-ease or aging of the Body,
the Spirit and the Will are at odds in some way.
If there is balance between the Spirit and the Will,
only health, agelessness and vitality are manifested
and the physical plane is no longer experienced
as cut off from any other plane of existence.
The Will in many
people is now seeking alignment.
Many people on Earth can learn the balance of Spirit
and Will
and are, in fact, already moving in this direction.
It could be easily judged, then,
that the teaching of Right
Use of Will isn't essential, that things will just take care of themselves. However, help for the process is actually necessary,
and some people want this help so that they can move
... This teaching is intended to be a
for those who wish to speed up the process
this what Talila Hendel is claiming now?
The Right Use of Will is no longer necessary,
since "things are taking care of themselves"?
But in my own life I can "feel good"
in every moment, in every situation,
only if I follow this "manual"!
Yesterday afternoon I came back to my castle at Arad, together
with starchild Lior.
After the re-gathering of our Ein-Gedi circle (1999) at Tamir's
and Hila's wedding,
I and the two Ein-Gidi sisters - sat on a lawn near the train-and
the bustation of Beersheva,
It was the first time in 10 years, that Lior's older sister,
Nitzan, was ready to meet with me,
and the "work" the three of us did about how to accept
and train in Self-Love was excellent.
Now , in the intimacy of my flat and the desert, there is more
work to do - also on Self-Love.
For myself this is a chance
to accept, move and evolve my feelings of ambivalence:
the ambivalence between wanting to be with a beloved person
and wanting to be alone.
While other people are going through worries and dramas etc.
I'm going through feeling "ungrateful and not deserving"
the love of those who visit me.
In any case, I am clear about my chance to feel, to simply feel...
without judging myself.
Alon & Tomer in a New-York street
A day with Lior in the desert and in the finally rented
one-room flat of starchild Boris
and a threesome simple dinner on my veranda - all was about
training self-love.
This was reinforced by Alon Gal's reality program "Mishpakhah
which was all about helping a wife, mother of 7 and business-woman
to love herself.
"Is it possible that you cannot hug your children, because
you cannot hug yourself?"
While I was watching, Lior and Boris continued our talk without
me on the veranda,
we blessed the unusual warmth of the season - and I joined them
during commercials.
When Boris was gone and I wanted to go to sleep, Lior said so
"I would like to be in your presence a bit longer!"
It was a day of bliss and - there was no need to cope with "ambivalence"
since I opened myself to whatever would come from the outside
or the inside -.
I do desire, that this day, too, will be blessed with "flowing
intensity", with the goal,
that Lior will speed up her growth into her greatness and power
- without really needing ME.
As to me, I want to give helpful responses to the letters from
Tomer and Yael, my grandkids.
others cannot vibrate in your experience,
they cannot affect the outcome of your experience.
They can hold their opinions, butunless their opinion affects
your opinion, their opinion matters not at all.
A million people could be pushing against you,
and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back.
They are affecting what happens in their experience.
They are affecting their point of attraction --
but it does not affect you unless you push against them.
2001, my 9 grandkids (Mika was not yet born)
on a Good-Bye celebration at "Alladin" in Modi'in
towards my
pilgrimage in the Pyrenees
Lior is still sleeping on the veranda, but will leave in the
We had another full-filling day, together (at night again with
Boris, watching "Big Brother"
and how this show can be "celebrated as something that's
becoming right with the world")
and separately: she walked in the desert alone and came back
with decisions; she spent
some hours with Boris and a friend and felt that her relationship
with Boris had truly healed,
and she went -alone - to a man whom we found by coincidence!
who showed her caravans
and came back with determination and enthusiasm, that this was
, indeed,
the kind of home that would fit her during her 4 1/2 years of
studying Cinema.
- As to the money: it has to be desired into manifestation
and SHARING with everyone what she desires will - in itself
- be an important "skill" to acquire!
If you want, you can continue
to the next period of my verbal sculpting:
How I've been Learning to Live, juxtaposed with sequential excerpts
from "Right Use of Will"
Since August 2010, I sing 3 lines to the same tune: "Celebrate what is right with the world!
Celebrate, celebrate your self-worth!
Celebrate, that your joy has been birthed!"