The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


"to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 15/ Sivan 12, Sunday, still 62 days -
between Arad and Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on June 20

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future



Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
After having been urged to edit the sculpture below before doing anything else this morning,
I express my desire - the desire of each year, each month, week, day, each moment of my life ,
that visionaries and dreamers, who work and endure so much, will manifest what they desire,
but that they will fulfill the overall-underall condition for a lasting blessed&blessing effect:
self-acceptance ~ self-esteem ~ self-love
on the part of the givers as on the part of the
receivers, so there will be no "reversals".
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to your bones, muscles and joints,
which enable me to sit in front of this computer
and type with 10 fingers and click left mouse and right mouse.

I am grate-full for television, computer and Internet,
which enable me to receive so much input from people and World,
and to create, learn and grow
from integrating this input into my past and present experiences
together with my ongoing feeling and thinking.
I am especially grate-full to the recent input from three men:
the film-director Hans-Juergen Cyberberg and his daily website,
[but see my sad discovery about this discordant "color of the one Light"
Gerhard Knies, the physicist of particles and the coordinator of TREC,
and Lutz Goerner, the creator of 200 programs of "Lyrics for All".
I'm grate-full, that I don't have to live big dramas like Marina Zwetajewa,
nor like Romeo & Julia, a movie I saw, based on Charles Gounod's music
to Shakespeare's drama, so cherished by many, so pathetic in MY eyes.


Noted yesterday: Nourishment from Others
Sounds too good to be true -
solar electricity for the entire planet
- from installations of the size of Austria - in the Sahara.

What most impressed me, was the benefit for Africa:
They would get electricity and also water,
- since the installations along the sea -
can convert seawater into drinkable water
and they would get money for exporting their "industrial product"
to the entire continent of Europe.


A Solar Water&Power Source for Recovery of Gaza
a project for Gaza,
for global climate stability and for regional cooperation for sustainability.
Concept developed by TREC
and presented to Forum2000 in Prague, 9/10 October 2005:

TREC: Dr. Gerhard Knies, Hamburg
Finetuning to my present

Like Hans-Juergen Cyberberg,
whom I discovered as a peer in Driving Backward into the Future,
though he doesn't seem to have my information from Godchannel,

[but see my sad discovery about this discordant "color of the one Light]

I again dedicated an entire day to driving backward into the 23 years of my attempt
to realize my Vision about Peace through Desert Economy .
As I said, when I worked on correcting one of the pages - Febr. 16 -
I was suddenly pushed to come in contact with another great Desert Vision,
which actually complements that part in mine,
for which I always hoped and always tried to win over the relevant people in science and politics
(both as "partneror" and as "petitioner")
that gigantic challenge
which would bridge the gap in self-esteem
between Israel/Europe and Palestine/all Arab desert Countries:
the R&D of a technology
- water, electricity, communication -
which would allow for establishing a hosting economy in the Desert,
based on the Desert Resources SPS = Space, Purity, Silence..

I was exhilarated, when I heard this Dr. Gerhard Knies talk in the 3 SAT program,
not only when I understood the idea itself
and what k-k-k (
koakh-kavod-kesef = power-honor-money) people stand behind it:
"The Club of Rome",
but also when that other aspect of my vision came into view,
about which I rarely talked, in order to not overwhelm people:
Development of SPS- compatible technologies
will not only allow for economy in the desert
and maybe peace among the desert nations,
it will radically change the technology and economy of the entire planet.

BUT, this morning, before editing what I only noted shortly yesterday
(see frame above) ,
I discovered a clearcut phrasing of the conditions for any success
hinted at also in Knies' words,
that the real problem is not the R&D of their technology
("it could be Accomplished within 15 years")
but the ways of politicians as well as greedy entrepreneurs

("if the latter will have their hands in it, it will take 50 years") .
Driving Backward into the Future

The True Meaning of three Desert Songs

which I understand only now - July 27, 2007 - in the context of "Nebo LetGo"

Love in the Desert and Wedding in the Desert and The Desert gives Birth

Translation on June 15, 2008
I now feel like preceding the invitation to "Nebo-Let-Go"
with what is noted in my handwritten song-book:

Three "accidental" songs perhaps prophesy the real goal
of Peace through "a Vision of SPS Economy in the Desert"

(the first Hebrew letters of what I wrote in quotation-marks, add up to the word "Wisdom"
SPS = Space, Purity, Silence, are the desert resources, which allow for a hosting economy:
for people who suffer from Crowdedness, Noise, Pollution in the cities)

Only today - after my experience in the "Zealots Valley"
do I understand the condition for the success of my vision:
Every realization of a dream,
yes every progress in the world,
are sentenced to arousing "anti"
[see enlightened Germany and holocaust!]
If the realization does not base itself on self-acceptance
- of those who realize the dream, the vision, the progress,
as well as of the people, for whom we "realize" the vision.

I, Christa-Rachel Maryam Bat-Adam,
am a pioneer in realizing the assignment of present humankind
self-acceptance ~ self-esteem ~ self-love,
and my prophecy is that the time is near
for the appearance of "the 100th monkey"
i.e. for the quantum-leep in the evolution of self-love.


Marina Zwetajewa
What shall I do, singer and first-born,
in a world where the deepest black is grey,
and inspiration is kept in a thermos?
with all this immensity
in a measured world?

(from 'The Poet', trans. by Elaine Feinstein

Lutz Goerner , Lyric fuer Alle, Folge 131
Die nächsten 10 Minuten handeln von Marina Zwetajewa, die mit 23 Jahren schrieb:
Da ich die Dinge bald verlasse,
Denk ich mit großer Zärtlichkeit:
Wem bleibt mein Wolfspelz überlassen?
Und wem das bunt geblümte Kleid?
Der schlanke Stock mit Windhundzwinge,
Wer hält ihn bald in seiner Hand?
Wen schmücken die türkisen Ringe?
An welchem Arm mein Silberband?
Doch alle Zettel, die Gedichte bleiben!
Ich habs nicht über mich gebracht ...
Jedoch für wen den Endreim schreiben?
Und dann für wen die letzte Nacht?

Die russische Lyrikerin Marina Iwanowna Zwetajewa ist 1892 geboren,
also in dieser Expressionisten-Surrealisten-Futuristen-Zeit.
Ihre Mutter Maria war Konzertpianistin und Malerin,
der Vater Iwan, einundzwanzig Jahre älter als die Mutter, war verwitwet,
brachte zwei Kinder mit in die neue Ehe,
stammte aus einem der ältesten russischen Adelsgeschlechter,
war Professor für Kunstgeschichte und begründete das erste öffentliche
Kunstmuseum in Russland, das heutige Puschkin-Museum in Moskau.
Doch die Mutter stirbt an Tuberkulose als Marina gerade vierzehn ist,
beim Tod des Vaters ist sie einundzwanzig Jahre alt.
So wie der Narr von seinem Buckel spricht,
Geb ich von meiner Einsamkeit Bericht.
Der Fürst hat seine Sippschaft, der Seraph Seraphim.
In beider Rücken Tausende gleich ihm.
Lebend die Wand, an der er schwankend steht.
Mit ihm gehn Tausend, wenn er untergeht.
Es sagt ja der Soldat: mein Bataillon.
Der Dämon spricht: mein Name ist Legion.
Mit seinesgleichen sitzt der Dieb im Knast.
Der Bauer, er trägt seufzend seine Last.
Und wie der Narr von seinem Buckel spricht,
Geb ich von meiner Einsamkeit Bericht.

Marina Zwetajewa ist, wie ihre Eltern, hochbegabt.
Sie spielt Klavier, schreibt als 6-Jährige schon Gedichte, malt,
spricht mehrere Sprachen, verkehrt schon als Jugendliche,
auch durch den berühmten Vater bedingt, in Moskauer Künstlerkreisen,
schmeißt die Schule, verliebt sich,
tut pausenlos Dinge, die man als junge Frau damals überhaupt nicht tut.
Sie schneidet sich die Haare kurz, zieht Schuhe mit hohen Absätzen an,
raucht Zigaretten und heiratet mit neunzehn Jahren
den 17-jährigen Gymnasiasten und beginnenden Dichter Sergej Efron,
der aus einer russisch-jüdischen Revolutionärsfamilie stammt,
und wie so viele damals an TBC leidet.
Die Tochter Ariadna wird im selben Jahr geboren und der Krieg steht vor der Tür.

Weiße Sonne, tiefe, tiefe Wolken,
Vorbei an Gärten, Friedhof hinter weißer Wand,
Und dann aus Stroh unter mannshohen Balken
Ein Schwarm von Vogelscheuchen auf dem Sand.
Und ich, über die Zaunspitzen gelehnt,
Seh: Wege, Bäume, Soldaten ab und an,
Und eine Alte sitzt in ihrer Tür,
Streut Salz auf schwarzes Brot und kaut und kaut daran.
Wodurch brachten dich Russlands Katen so in Zorn,
Mein Gott? Warum so vielen durch die Brust geschossen?
Nein, sterben! Besser nicht geboren werden.
Die Wege sind voll Tod, staubübergossen.

Marina Zwetajewa sympathisiert mit den Menschewiki,
auch ihr Mann, Sergej Efron, schließt sich den Gegnern der Bolschewiki an. Dennoch ist sie 1918 ein halbes Jahr im Volkskommissariat der Bolschewiki angestellt, und zwar unter dem Volkskommissar Stalin.
Ihr Mann lebt mittlerweile in Prag, wohin sie ihm folgt.
Der Sohn Georg wird dort geboren.
Aber sie lebt auch mit anderen Männern zusammen,
sie hat einen Briefwechsel mit Boris Pasternak, dem Schöpfer von Doktor Schiwago, der sie sogar heiraten will, was sie aber nicht will,
denn sie will Rainer Maria Rilke heiraten,
der sie aber wiederum nicht heiraten will.
Hunderte Briefe wechseln die beiden:
»Liebster, ich bin gehorsam.
Wenn Du mir sagst: schreibe nicht, es regt mich auf, ich brauche mich für mich. Alles werd ich verstehn.
Aber Rainer, ich will zu Dir auch der neuen Marina wegen,
der, die nur mit Dir, in Dir entstehen kann.
Und dann, Rainer – sei mir nicht bös, ich bins ja,
ich will mit Dir schlafen – einschlafen und schlafen. Weiter nichts.
Nein, doch: den Kopf in Deine linke Schulter eingegraben,
den Arm um Deine rechte
und bis in den tiefsten Schlaf wissen, dass Dus bist.
Dein Herz hören, und Dein Herz küssen.
Manchmal denk ich: ich muss es ausnutzen, dass wir noch am Leben sind.«

Baut einer kein Haus
Spuckt die Welt vor ihm aus.
Nie wird er wieder zu Erde.
Erst Stroh, dann Asche im Herde.
Ich baute kein Haus
Fünf Monate vor Rilkes Tod hat Marina Zwetajewa das geschrieben.
Sie findet keine Ruhe. Sie geht nach Paris. Dort ist sie aber völlig isoliert.
Sergej Efron kommt auch hinzu.
Mit ihm und den zwei Kindern lebt sie in völliger Armut in einem einzigen Zimmer. 1937 geht die Tochter mit dem Vater zurück in die Sowjetunion.
Zwei Jahre später folgt die Mutter mit dem Sohn,
doch Vater und Tochter sind dort mittlerweile verhaftet.
Die Tochter überlebt, der Vater wird erschossen,
nachdem herauskommt, dass Sergej Efron in politische Morde u. a. an Trotzkis Sohn verwickelt war.
Zu Beginn des Krieges wird ihr Sohn Georg Soldat
und wenige Monate später getötet.
Marina Zwetajewa wird im August 1941 in ein Dorf in der Tatarischen Republik evakuiert, um sie vor den Deutschen zu retten,
doch zehn Tage später erhängt sie sich dort.

O schwarzer Berg, der du das
Licht verdunkelt hast!
Zeit ists, Zeit, dass ich dem Schöpfer
Hinwerf den Pass.
Ich weigre mich, zu leben
Im Tollhaus, unter Vieh.
Ich weigre mich, ich heule
Mit den Wölfen nie.
Ablehn ich, dass ich höre,
Ablehn ich, dass ich seh.
Auf dieser Welt des Irrsinns
Gibt es nur eins: ich geh.

Sergej Jessenin, der Bauer, in der Weite Russlands geboren,
Wladimir Majakowski, der Revolutionär und Marina Zwetajewa, die Tochter aus großbürgerlichem Adelsgeschlecht – sie sind zwar eine Generation,
aber doch ganz unterschiedliche Kinder Puschkins. ...

Lutz Goerner with Marina Zwetajewa and Rainer Maria Rilke,
with whom Marina exchanged 100 letters

"az nidberu yir'ee YHWH ish el re'eehu va-yaqshev YHWH va-yishma' "

"Then those who see Ha-Shem, will talk among each other, and he listens and he hears"

"yatakaalamuna allathina yarau'na-hu , va-yusri va-yasma' "

"Dann die IHN sehen, werden reden miteinander, und er lauscht und er hoert"

"Puis ceux qu'ils voient Ha-Shem, se parlent l'un a l'autre - il entends, il ecoute"

After continuously rehearsing ,
while swirling and swimming in the water,
the new song is now attached to the tetraheder,
a soundbutton,
which in earlier pages
I used to quote a message from Godchannel,
but which recently was re-edited by Immanuel, my son,
so as to make it suitable for attaching songs to it

This I do now for the first time:

"Ha-Shem" means "The Name".
It is the only appropriate naming of YHWH.

In the German Buber-Rosenzweig version
YHWH is expressed as a pronoun



Before I leave Arad for 4 days,
let me insert this fantastic image
of a tree,
not typical for Israel
in its size and grandeur.
It greets me every day
when I turn from the pool!







And then at Shoham,
after the outing with Mika,
when we returned to the house,
and - since she sat on the bicycle -
could not use the stairs as usual,
but waited for the elevator,
I pushed the button
and she said:
"The light and the darkness
are my friends"
My mouth fell open and I repeated:
"The light and the darkness
are my friends."
"No, MY friends",

she corrected me.
"Fine, the light and the darkness
are your friends.
Who taught you this?"

We entered the flat
and I asked Imma.
And Imma explains:
"Since she is so frightened by darkness,
I keep telling her,
that and in what way
the darkness is her friend.
Mika then adds :
"But also the light is my friend!"
but she never combined
light and darkness
in one sentence...



"Look at this house", I said to Mika.
"Can you see the triangular corner? And also the three small triangles below the corner window? for what are they?"
Neither of us had an answer.
Opposite this house the staircase goes up to the "Garden of the 7 species".

"Let's sit here", she suggested - again on that staircase,
which has next to it some small bolders and shrubs of lavender.

"You sit here" - she commanded, i.e. on one of the rocks,
while last time she sat on the rock and I on the stairs.
I showed her the banana shrub,
something I had promised her recently, when she didn't know how bananas grow.
"And look at the lovely pattern of the shades on the white wall".

She saw.
"And the pigeon on the roof!"
When we watched this and other birds flying around, that pigeon suddenly became a couple,
which behaved like the classical "couple of doves", as we way in Hebrew.
Though I once heard that doves and pigeons aren't at all like that metaphor of intimate love,
this couple fitted it in every movement:


Picking leaves from Lavender twigs



"See the almost full moon above all these roofs, Mika!" "Roofs???"
Whe could see, why I was delighting in the sight!

When we came home, there was a surprise:
Abba and Imma had fixed the new book shelf next to her new bed, which had finally been delivered 2 days earlier.












When we "drove" up the path
through the park,
we saw a huge shrub
with ordinary green leaves.
For no reason I could see,
there were red leaves
interspersed in it here and there.
So Mika wanted me to pluck some.
We put them on the backside
of a paper with stickers,
which she had picked up
a few moments earlier.
Thus the red leaves
stuck out like a painting.



When we reached the top,
we looked down a paved path,
which once was a wadi
and still serves the rain-water
in winter.
How idyllic:
the blossoming trees,
the man with his dog
the last rays of the sun...


While entering a "Dutch Street"
(only cars of people who live there are allowed)
we saw this tiny cat in the gutter,
I thought,
Mika would be delighted even more
than when she discerns a cat usually.
But she reacted frightened,
even hysterical,
I withdrew from this street,
and only with some force
could I come back
and at least take a photo.

Was it the sadness
in the little cat's eyes,
which Mika sensed?

How wondrous, that I have these two photos to comfort me now [June18].
2 weeks after I plucked these dwarf pomegranates for her
and 2 days after Mika's rejecting behavior (see hints on June 18),
she said something so sweet, that I want to hold on to it:

Soon after I arrived 3 days ago, I took her out,
- since whe was weak I again agreed to the bicycle.
[she had been brought home from kindergarden at noon,
because of a quite high fever, which since then fell and rose, fell and rose..]

As we waited in front of the elevator on our floor,
she discovered a now dry fruit in the little container of her steering wheel.
She lifted it up to me and with emphasis on "we", she said:
"zae anakhnu hevenu!" , this is what we have brought"!

She had lost balance a third time and fell down with the bike.
All her gathered fruits were now dispersed on the ground.
She wanted me to help her,
but since I had warned her so often to be careful,
I said quietly:
"You get up and pick up everything yourself."
And she Accomplished this task to her own satisfaction
Again - from the perspective of the day of writing this
(June 18),
I am surprised, that such fruitful interaction was possible then.


Now she has really become an expert
in climbing into the bike
while balancing it and herself perfectly.

Here are some delightful stories about Mika,
which occurred between May 28 and May 30.
From my present perspective and pain
(June 18),
I would like to indulge in them
like in the rose, which I photographed,
when we had that experience with the dwarf pomegranates
and with Mika's last fall from the bicycle




song of the day

You my holy lonesomeness, you are so gloriously rich and wide...



back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8